AGENDA The City of Auburn Hills Planning Commission Meeting Wednesday, November 15, 2017 7:00 p.m. LOCATION: City Council Chambers 1827 N. Squirrel Road Auburn Hills MI PHONE: 248-364-6900 Meeting minutes are on file in the City Clerk’s office. 1. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL OF PLANNING COMMISSION 3. PERSONS WISHING TO BE HEARD (regarding items not on the agenda) 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - October 11, 2017 and October 18, 2017 5. PETITIONERS 5a. 3985 Giddings Road – A.J. Damman Company Public Hearing / Motion - Recommendation to City Council for Site Plan and Tree Removal Permit approval to construct a speculative industrial building 5b. 3300 University Drive – Wescast Industries, Inc. Public Hearing / Motion - Recommendation to City Council for Special Land Use approval to allow for a Light Industrial Use within the T&R, Technology and Research District 6. OLD BUSINESS 7. NEW BUSINESS – Request for approval in concept of the 2018 Planning Commission meeting schedule 8. COMMUNICATIONS 9. NEXT SCHEDULED MEETING – Wednesday, December 13, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chamber. 10. ADJOURNMENT NOTE: Anyone planning to attend the meeting who has need of special assistance under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is asked to contact the City Clerk's Office at 248-370-9402 or the City Manager's Office at 248-370-9440 48 hours prior to the meeting. Staff will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements. If you wish to receive the Planning Commission meeting agenda on a regular basis via e-mail please call 248-364-6900 and request to be added to the distribution list. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PETITIONERS Items will be presented to the City Council on November 27, 2017. It will be necessary for you to have a representative present to answer any questions from the City Council. CITY COUNCIL WILL NOT ACT ON YOUR ITEM IF YOU OR YOUR REPRESENTATIVE ARE NOT PRESENT. CITY OF AUBURN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES NOT YET APPROVED October 11, 2017 1. CALL TO ORDER: Planning Commission Chairperson Ouellette called the meeting to order at 7:20 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: Beidoun, Burmeister, Hitchcock, Mendieta, Ochs, Ouellette, Pederson, Pierce, Shearer Also Present: Community Development Director Cohen and Assistant City Planner Keenan Guests: None Location: City Council Chamber, 1827 N. Squirrel Roads, Auburn Hills, MI 48326 3. PERSONS WISHING TO BE HEARD - None 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Mr. Pierce moved to approve the minutes of September 13, 2017. Supported by Ms. Shearer. VOTE: Yes: All No: None Motion Carried (9-0) 5. PETITIONERS - None 6. OLD BUSINESS - None 7. NEW BUSINESS Discussion of Master Land Use Plan Mr. Cohen explained that it would be appropriate to amend the Master Land Use Plan in 2018. He advised the Planning Commission that the current format of the plan was adopted in November 2002 and editorially amended in November 2009. He further explained that the general placement of land uses on the map has remained relatively consistent since the late 1970’s. Mr. Cohen outlined the anticipated amendments to the plan: 1. Editorial Map Changes a. Add changes to land use map relating to the Oakland County Animal Control Shelter Property (2017), Northeast Corner Neighborhood (2015/2016), and West Downtown (2012) master plan amendments b. Add the Riverwalk Master Plan (2009) and Age-Friendly Action Plan (2015) to the list of plans on the document. c. Re-write the general description of the community, update land use calculations, and update list of public officials in the plan brochure. 2. New Changes a. Change OCC’s property from Public to Non-Residential b. Amend the planned housing density for the parcel between Yoursource and Riverside Park, north of Squirrel Court, from 10.0 upa to 15.0 upa to address a future development proposal. Mr. Cohen stated that staff recently had an extensive discussion with the City Council about the Hillfield area and that a neighborhood planning study may occur in the future, separate from this update. The Master Land Use Plan is scheduled to begin in December and take four to six months to complete. Auburn Hills Planning Commission October 11, 2017 Page 2 of 2 8. COMMUNICATIONS Mr. Cohen, Mr. Keenan, and the Planning Commission spent considerable time discussing the status of various development projects and future work priorities based on the 2017 and 2018 goals of the City Council. 9. NEXT SCHEDULED MEETING The next scheduled meeting is on October 18, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. 10. ADJOURNED The meeting was adjourned at 9:43 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Shawn Keenan, AICP Assistant City Planner CITY OF AUBURN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES October 18, 2017 1. CALL TO ORDER: Planning Commission Chairperson Ouellette called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: Beidoun, Ochs, Ouellette, Mendieta, Shearer Absent: Burmeister, Hitchcock, Pierce, Pederson Also Present: Assistant City Planner Keenan Guests: 2 Location: City Council Chamber, 1827 N. Squirrel Roads, Auburn Hills, MI 48326 3. PERSONS WISHING TO BE HEARD - None 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – None Presented 5. PETITIONERS 5a. 3000 University Drive (7:05PM) Public Hearing / Motion - Recommendation to City Council for Site Plan and Tree Removal Permit approval to construct a parking lot expansion. Mr. Keenan introduced the request from GCC 3000 Holdings, LP to construct 544 additional parking spaces at 3000 University Drive to accommodate an anticipated 1,100 additional employees. The four story, 487,797 square foot building, that serves as Brose’s and Delphi’s Customer Technology Center, is being renovated into a multi-tenant building. Mr. Keenan explained once the building renovations are completed Brose and Delphi Automotive will continue to occupy space on the first and second floors of the building. The remaining portions of the building’s third and fourth floors will be leased to two new tenants. Upon completion of the new parking areas the site will provide a total of 1,691 parking spaces to accommodate the estimated 1,500 and 1,600 people who will occupy the building once all the current and future tenants are settled in. Mr. Keenan stated that construction of the parking lot is expected to begin early next year. Total investment in the parking lot addition and building renovation is estimated at $6 million. Mr. Tarik Dinha of 3000 Holdings located at GCC 25900 Greenfield Rd, Suite 410, Oak Park, MI 48237 was present to answer any questions. Mr. Dinha stated that when the addition to the building was built around 1988 there was just enough parking and now with the new tenants being brought into the building there is a need for a larger parking area. He stated that with the potential new tenants the parking is 95% committed. Mr. Dinha stated that one of his potential tenants would require the additional 500 parking spaces adding 600 jobs to the building. The other potential tenant will require the remaining spaces. Ms. Shearer asked if there would be any charging stations installed. Mr. Dinha stated that the initial plans did not call for electrical hook ups but after consulting with Mr. Keenan and the City, he believes that it would be wise to do so and therefore he plans to install one duel charging station. It was brought to the attention of Mr. Dinha that there were no pathways provided along Cross Creek Parkway and High Meadow Circle. The plans now include pathways along Cross Creek Parkway and High Meadow Circle. Chairperson Ouellette asked for clarification regarding the pathway and sidewalk connection. Auburn Hills Planning Commission October 18, 2017 Page 2 of 2 Mr. Keenan explained that one of the conditions of approval is for the developer to install a small section of sidewalk in the boulevard that will connect the proposed pathway along High Meadow Circle to the internal sidewalk running west from the buildings main entrance. It will be determined during engineering review if the existing grade will make it practical. By doing this the development will meet the intent of the City’s Complete Streets initiative. Chairperson Ouellette asked for clarification on Wi-Fi usage within the building since some tenants are technology based. Mr. Dinha stated that there will be a common area where all tenants are free to use the Wi-Fi but each tenant will have its own Wi-Fi so that the specific securities for each tenant would be adhered to. Mr. Ouellette asked if there was a trend starting with space requirements for employees. Mr. Dinha stated that he was interested in bringing good jobs to the area and not just filling a per person space that needed to be filled. His plan is to bring in jobs that are white collar and professional. Mr. Beidoun clarified that the north and west parking areas would be connected. Mr. Dinha stated that yes they would be connected and no new curb cuts are proposed. However the additional parking to the back of the property will not be connected. The Fire Department has reviewed these plans to ensure that the vehicles are able to have access to the property if needed. Mr. Keenan indicated that a curb cut is not provided from the north lot to Cross Creek Parkway due to the grades. Mr. Ouellette opened the meeting up for Public Hearing at 7:17 p.m. Hearing no comments, Mr. Ouellette closed the Public Hearing at 7:17 p.m. Moved by Ms. Shearer to recommend to City Council the approval of the Site Plan and Tree Removal Permit for the parking lot expansion at 3000 University Drive, subject to the conditions of the Administrative Review Team. Supported by Ms. Ochs. VOTE: Yes: Beidoun, Ochs, Ouellette, Mendieta, Shearer No: None Motion Passed (5-0) 6. Old Business - None 7. New Business - None 8. COMMUNICATIONS - None 9. NEXT SCHEDULED MEETING – Wednesday, November 15, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. the City Council Chamber 10. ADJOURNED at 7:20 p.m. Submitted by: Kristine Klassen Transcriptionist City of Auburn Hills Planning Commission Agenda November 15, 2017 Meeting Agenda Item No. 5a To: Chairperson Greg Ouellette and the Planning Commission From: Steven J. Cohen, Director of Community Development and Shawn Keenan, Assistant City Planner Submitted: November 9, 2017 Subject: 3985 Giddings Road – Speculative Industrial Building Public Hearing / Motion - Recommendation to City Council for Site Plan and Tree Removal Permit approval. INTRODUCTION This is a request from A.J. Damman Company to construct a speculative 76,923 square foot industrial building at 3985 Giddings Road, which is located on the west side of Giddings Road between Harmon Road and Summit Drive. The parcel is 5.21 acres in size and zoned I-1, Light Industrial District. The proposed building will have two stories of office space totaling 14,305 square feet with the remaining 62,618 square feet designated for manufacturing. The applicant will be the developer of the project and owner of the building. Once built, they intend to lease the building to a light industrial business compatible with the uses specified in the Zoning Ordinance. I Total investment in the project is estimated at $4.5 million. Construction is expected to begin in spring 2018 and take approximately one-year to complete. Aerial View of the Site Rendering of the proposed building looking northwest from Giddings Road KEY ISSUES 1. Replacement trees The project requires 193 replacement trees. The landscape plan indicates that 79 replacement trees will be planted on the site which is 114 fewer than what is required under the City’s Woodlands Preservation Ordinance. The main reason all the replacement trees cannot be planted on site is attributed to the high number of replacement trees required to be planted. To account for the replacement tree shortfall, the applicant will need to make a payment of $43,320.00 (114 trees x $380 per tree) into the City Tree Fund to account for the remaining 114 required replacement trees that cannot be planted on site. Page 2 Illustrated Site Plan STAFF RECOMMENDATION Please be advised that this project has been reviewed by the City’s Administrative Site Plan Review Team and has received a recommendation for approval. We recommend Conditional Approval of the Site Plan and Tree Removal Permit and offer the following discretionary findings of fact: 1. The Site Plan contains sufficient basic information required by the Zoning Ordinance for a recommendation. 2. The requirements of Section 1815, Items 7A-7E of the Zoning Ordinance can be met as follows: A. All requirements and standards of the Zoning Ordinance, and other City Ordinances, can be met. B. Safe, convenient vehicular and pedestrian ingress/egress has been depicted; primary access will be to Giddings Road. C. Traffic circulation features within the site and the location of parking areas avoid common traffic problems and can promote safety. D. A satisfactory and harmonious relationship will exist between the proposed development and surrounding area. E. The proposed use will not have an unreasonable, detrimental or injurious effect upon the natural characteristics of the subject parcel, or the adjacent area. 3. Based upon the project’s total square footage, 148 parking spaces are required and 150 parking spaces are depicted. 4. The parking layout meets minimum requirements and parking spaces are provided for the handicapped (Five spaces are required and six spaces are provided). One space is van accessible. 5. Building and parking setback requirements will be met. 6. Greenbelts will be provided. 7. Landscape requirements will be met and calculations have been submitted. 8. A note indicates that exterior lighting shall meet the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Pole and wall- mounted lighting shall be shielded and directed downward. Lamp bulbs and lenses shall not extend below the light fixture shield. Light poles are proposed at 22 feet in height from grade. 9. A note indicates that signs shall meet the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. 10. A note indicates that parking spaces shall be double striped. 11. Ground-mounted and roof-mounted mechanical equipment will be screened. 12. A note indicates that there will be no pallet storage, overnight vehicles, or trailer storage. Page 3 STAFF RECOMMENDATION (cont.) 13. An eight foot wide pathway will be constructed along Giddings Road. Complete Streets considerations were made as part of the site design with a sidewalk proposed from the building to the pathway along Giddings Road. 14. A Tree Removal Permit is required – 193 replacement trees are required and 79 replacement trees are proposed to be planted on site. The developer shall make a payment of $43,320.00 into the City Tree Fund to account for the remaining 114 required replacement trees that cannot be planted on site. 15. The developer has agreed to prep the parking lot for four electric vehicle charging stations. They will install electrical stubs at planned station locations and will run conduit from the power source to the stubs at the time of construction to support the future installation of the charging stations, when needed. Conditions: 1. The developer shall make a payment of $43,320.00 into the City Tree Fund, to account for the remaining 114 required replacement trees that cannot be planted on site due to lack of space. Recommended Action: “Move to recommend to City Council approval of the Site Plan and Tree Removal Permit for A.J. Damman Company to construct an industrial building subject to the conditions of the administrative review team.” Planning Commission Public Notice Meeting Date, Time, and Location: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. City of Auburn Hills - City Council Chambers 1827 N. Squirrel Road, Auburn Hills, MI 48326 Project Name: 3985 Giddings Road – Industrial Building General Property Location: 3985 Giddings Road, which is generally located on the west side of Giddings Road between Harmon Road and Summit Drive. Sidwell No. 14-03-100-047 Applicant: Mike Damman, A.J. Damman Company – 248-528-2700 Nature of the Request: Recommendation to City Council for Site Plan and Tree Removal Permit approval to construct an industrial building. City Staff Contact: Shawn Keenan, AICP, Assistant City Planner - 248-364-6926 Notice will be sent via U.S. Mail to properties within 1,000 feet of the site. The proposed application is available for inspection prior to the meeting at the Community Development Department, located in the municipal campus at 1827 N. Squirrel Road, Auburn Hills, MI 48326, during regular City business hours. Persons wishing to express their views may do so in person at the meeting, or in writing addressed to the Planning Commission c/o Shawn Keenan, Assistant City Planner at the above address. Anyone planning to attend the meeting who has need of special assistance under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is asked to contact the City Clerk's Office at 248-370-9402 or the City Manager's Office at 248-370-9440 - 48 hours prior to the meeting. Staff will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements.