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Planetary Astronomy from the Renaissance to the Rise of Astrophysics, Part A, Tycho Brahe to Newton (General History of Astronomy) PDF

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Preview Planetary Astronomy from the Renaissance to the Rise of Astrophysics, Part A, Tycho Brahe to Newton (General History of Astronomy)

£>D,7®> T W W-. THE GENERAL HISTORY OF ASTRONOMY General editor: Michael Hoskin, University of Cambridge Volume 2 Planetary astronomy from the Renaissance to the rise of astrophysics Part A: Tycho Brahe to Newton EDITED BY RENE TATON Centre Alexandre Koyre. Paris and CURTIS WILSON all manner of books uas granted by Henry VIU in IS34. The University has printed and published continuously since 1334. CAMBRIGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Cambridge New York Port Chester Melbourne Sydney 235330 Published by the Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge The Pitt Building. Trumpington Street, Cambridge CB2 1RP 40 West 20th Street. New York NY 10011, USA 10 Stamford Road. Oakleigh, Melbourne 3166, Australia © Cambridge University Press 1989 First published 1989 Printed in Great Britain at the University Press, Cambridge British Library cataloguing in publication data The General history of astronomy. Vol. 2: Planetary astronomy from the Renaissance to the rise of astrophysics. Pt A: Tycho Brahe to Newton 1. Astronomy to 1950 I. Taton. Rene II. Wilson, Curtis 520'.9 Library of Congress cataloguing in publication data Planetary astronomy from the Renaissance to the rise of astrophysics edited by Rene Taton and Curtis Wilson. P- cm. - (The General history of astronomy; v. 2) Includes bibliographies. Contents: pt A. Tycho Brahe to Newton. ISBN 0 521 24254 1 (pt A) 1. Astronomy - History. 2. Astrophysics - History. I. Taton, Rene. II. Wilson, Curtis. III. Series. QB15.G38 1984 vol. 2 520'.9 s-dc!9 [520'.9'03] 88-25817 ISBN 0 521 24254 1 SE I CONTENTS Preface vii Acknowledgements x I Tycho, Gilbert and Kepler 1 9 The Galilean satellites of Jupiter from Galileo to Cassini, Romer and Bradley 1 Tycho Brahe Suzanne Debarbat, Observatoire de Paris, Victor E. Thoren, Indiana University 3 and Curtis Wilson, St John’s College, Annapolis, Maryland 144 2 The contemporaries of Tycho Brahe Richard A. Jarrell, Atkinson College, North III Planetary, lunar and cometary theories York, Ontario 22 between Kepler and Newton 159 3 The Tychonic and semi-Tychonic world 10 Predictive astronomy in the century after systems Kepler Christine Schofield. Bristol 33 Curtis Wilson, St John’s College, Annapolis, 4 Magnetical philosophy and astronomy, Maryland 161 1600-1650 11 The Cartesian vortex theory Stephen Pumfrey, University of Lancaster 45 Eric J. Alton, Oldham, Lancashire 207 5 Johannes Kepler 12 Magnetical philosophy and astronomy Owen Gingerich, Harvard-Smithsonian from Wilkins to Hooke Center for Astrophysics 54 J. A. Bennett. Whipple Museum of the History of Science, Cambridge University 222 II The impact of the telescope 79 IV The Newtonian achievement in astronomy 231 6 Galileo, telescopic astronomy, and the Copernican system 13 The Newtonian achievement in Albert Van Helden, Rice University, astronomy Houston, Texas 81 Curtis Wilson, St John's College, Annapolis. Maryland 233 7 The telescope and cosmic dimensions Albert Van Helden, Rice University, A glossary of technical terms Houston, Texas 106 Curtis Wilson, St John’s College, Annapolis, 8 Selenography in the seventeenth century Maryland Gi Ewen A. Whitaker, Lunar and Planetary Illustrations: acknowledgements and sources Ai Laboratory, University of Arizona 119 Index li THE CONTENTS OF PART B OF VOLUME 2 ARE: V Early phases in the reception of Newton’s 23 The transits of Venus and the dimensions theory of the solar system 14 Vortex theory in competition with 24 The discovery of Uranus. Bode’s law, and Newtonian celestial dynamics the asteroids 15 The shape of the Earth 25 Gauss and the determination of orbits 16 Clairaut’s derivation of the motion of the 26 The introduction of statistical methods lunar apse into astronomy 17 The precession of the equinoxes from 27 From the method of averages to the Newton to d'Alembert and Euler method of least squares 18 The solar tables of Lacaille and the lunar tables of Mayer VIII The development of theory during the nineteenth century 19 Clairaut and the return of Halley’s comet in 1759 28 The golden age of celestial mechanics: from Laplace to Poincare VI Celestial mechanics during the eighteenth century IX The application of celestial mechanics to the solar system to the end of the 20 Pre-Lagrangian efforts: Maclaurin. nineteenth century Clairaut. Euler, and d'Alembert 29 Numerical integration applied to orbits 21 The work of Lagrange 30 Lunar and planetary ephemerides from 22 Laplace and the Me'canique celeste Picard to Newcomb 31 The development of satellite ephemerides VII Observational astronomy and the during the eighteenth and nineteenth application of theory in the late centuries eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries PREFACE Volume 2 of The General History of Astronomy deals place on 24 August of that year. Tycho’s response, with the history of the descriptive and theoretical over the remaining years of the century, was to astronomy of the solar system, from the late six­ give to the accumulation of accurate astronomical teenth century to the end of the nineteenth observations a priority and importance it had never century. had before. The store of observations he accumu­ In the European tradition from the time of Plato lated in the process became the empirical basis for to the sixteenth century, theoretical astronomy Kepler’s justly titled Astronomia nova (New Astron­ viewed its task as the reduction of the apparent omy), which made possible a new level of accuracy celestial movements to combinations of uniform in the prediction of planetary motions. circular motions. This formulation was still axiom­ Inextricably bound up in Kepler’s theory was a atic for Copernicus; indeed, Ptolemy’s violation of new celestial physics, founded on the Copernican the axiom in his Almagest was an important stimu­ vision of the solar system. It was an attempt to lus leading Copernicus to undertake his renovation account for the observed motions by means of of astronomy. To many astronomers working in hypothesized quasi-magnetic forces and struc­ ■ the later sixteenth century, after the publication of tures. Kepler did not and could not derive his ‘laws’ Copernicus’s De revolutionibus (1543), the major of planetary motion - elliptical orbit and areal rule achievement of this work was that it had freed - from observations alone; on the contrary, his astronomy from such violations of principle; in analysis of Tycho's observations was directed by contrast, the associated rearrangement of circles his own highly conjectural celestial physics. Conse­ that put the Sun at the centre and attributed mo­ quently, his contemporaries and successors could tion to the Earth was, in the view of many, an not but find the hypothetical foundations dubious. absurd error. Copernicus’s work, both in its adher­ Yet the new predicative accuracy that Kepler ence to the long-held axiom of uniform circular achieved was too remarkable to be ignored. As­ motion and in its organization, was thoroughly tronomers were ineluctably faced with a challenge: traditional; and it is thus fitting that Volume 1 of to achieve results as successful as Kepler’s, but with The General History of Astronomy, which is devoted more convincing physical foundations. It is not to the history of ancient and medieval astronomy, easy to imagine what the history would have been should conclude with it. But, as all the world if Kepler's Astronomia nova had never appeared to knows, the Copernican rearrangement contained pose this problem. At least we can say: exceedingly the seeds of a further transformation. different. The story of that transformation begins with the The seventeenth century was a period of com­ work of the Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe, plex transition in thought, belief, and knowledge of which is also the starting-point for Volume 2. In the world; delineation of the aspects of the transi­ 1563 young Tycho, then a student at Leipzig, was tion that bear on astronomy is a major concern in shocked to discover that the accepted astronomical Part A of Volume 2. From 1610 onward, telescopic tables of the day (the Alfonsine based on Ptolemaic observations of the heavens revealed new facts that theory, and the Prutenic based on Copernican had to be incorporated in the system of the world, theory) were, both of them, days out in predicting whether this was conceived to be geocentric or the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn that took heliocentric. Studies of refraction and parallax Preface viii showed the Earth to be some 18 times further from its constituent bodies. By the end of the century the Sun than had previously been believed, and so Simon Newcomb and his collaborators would nearly 6000 times smaller in relation to the volume achieve a precision in their prediction of planetary of the Sun. New studies of motion and force, of motions measured in seconds or fractions of a sec­ falling bodies and the impacts of bodies, were pro­ ond of arc. Yet some inconsistencies remained, posed by Galileo, Descartes, and others, a major among them an anomalous motion of the node of motive being to show that the heliocentric system Venus and an anomalous motion of the perihelion was not incompatible with physical principle. The of Mercury. The first of these was a statistical arti­ Keplerian planetary tables were tested repeatedly, fact; the second would become evidence for a new and continued to prove superior to earlier tables. theory of gravitation, which would supersede that An impressively persuasive replacement for of Newtonian physics. Kepler’s celestial physics was at length provided in The scope of Volume 2 does not include general 1687 by Isaac Newton's Principia. Part A of Vol­ relativity. Nor does it embrace astrophysics, which ume 2 concludes with the story of its emergence, came into being in the 18 50s with the development and a summary of the astronomical results that by Kirchhoff and Bunsen of spectral analysis. Both Newton succeeded in deriving from his principle of topics belong to Volume 4, Astrophysics and Twenti­ universal gravitation. eth-century Astronomy to 1950. Similarly excluded Part B. after a section devoted to the gradual from the scope of Volume 2 are the topics of stellar acceptance of the Newtonian doctrine during the astronomy and cosmology, and astronomical in­ first half of the eighteenth century, takes up the struments, institutions and education, from the history of the efforts, from the 1740s onward, to Renaissance to the beginnings of astrophysics: deduce detailed mathematical consequences from these topics constitute the subject-matter of Vol­ universal gravitation. It is the story of what the ume 3. At certain points the concerns of Volumes 2 eighteenth century called ‘physical astronomy’, and 3 overlap. Tycho’s sighting instruments were but what Laplace in 1799 renamed ‘mecanique highly relevant to his observational achievement; celeste', celestial mechanics. The challenge of de­ and from the 1660s and 1670s onward, the pendu­ ducing the consequences triggered the develop­ lum clock, telescopic sights, and the filar microme­ ment of new forms of mathematics. Of notable ter were similarly relevant to the programmes for importance here were the trigonometric series, first the improvement of lunar and planetary tables that introduced by Euler, but with later contributions were adopted by the newly founded Paris Observa­ from d'Alembert, Clairaut, Lagrange, and Laplace; tory and Greenwich Observatory. Again, Bradley’s a new mechanics of the rotation of rigid bodies, to discoveries of the aberration of light and nutation which d'Alembert and Euler were the chief initial were prerequisites for the attainment of seconds-of- contributors: and the method of variation of the arc accuracy in the prediction of planetary and constants of integration in the solution of differen­ lunar positions. For these and similar topics con­ tial equations, developed by Euler, Lagrange, and cerned with the stars and with observational in­ Laplace. The story also involves the introduction of struments and their institutional context the statistical calculations into astronomy: at first, reader must be referred to Volume 3. with a less than satisfactory outcome, by Euler: Our aim in Volume 2, as in the other volumes of then more successfully by Tobias Mayer, whose the series, has been to throw light on the develop­ example was followed by Laplace. With Laplace ment of astronomy as an inventive human activity. and Gauss the use of statistical procedures in bring­ We have sought to view the questions and prob­ ing multiple data to bear on the determination of lems of the astronomers of a given time in the very astronomical constants became de rigueur. way in which those astronomers saw them, with­ Through the nineteenth century the grand theo­ out regard for what has later come to be accepted as retical questions remained those that Laplace had ‘correct’. We have not attempted an encyclopaedic forcefully posed and prematurely claimed to an­ completeness of coverage: rather, our goal has swer: the question of the stability of the solar sys­ been to provide an intelligible account of the major tem. and the question of the adequacy of universal endeavours through which astronomy has gravitation to account for the observed motions of evolved. Preface ix A word is in order with respect to the division of Finally, I have the grateful duty of acknowledg­ tasks between the two editors of Volume 2. Rene ing the extensive guidance and generous assis­ Taton and myself. Professor Taton resigned his tance provided a neophyte editor by the General editorship in 1983. By this time he had drawn up Editor of the series, Michael Hoskin. He has again the general plan of the volume, and had engaged and again given generously of his time, knowledge, authors to write rather more than half of the sec­ and thought to the solution of the problems and tions envisaged. The engaging of authors for the difficulties, whether major or minor, encountered remaining sections has been my responsibility, and in the assembling and editing of this volume. Our I have also undertaken some reorganization of undertaking has been, in every aspect, a joint materials, reducing the original tripartite scheme endeavour. to a two-part plan, and introducing into Part B a number of new sections which focus on the appli­ cation of theory to observation. Annapolis, Maryland Curtis Wilson ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Albert Van Helden, Chapters 6 and 7, is grateful for abouts of the large la Hire drawing of the Moon. comments received from Owen Gingerich and Olaf S. Debarbat and Curtis Wilson, Chapter 9, are Pedersen. grateful for the contributions and discussions at the Ewen Whitaker, Chapter 8, thanks the following Table Ronde du CNRS held in Paris in June 19 76 on individuals and institutions for kindly supplying, “Roemer et la vitesse de la lumiere”. gratis, negatives of lunar images and maps: 0. Van Curtis Wilson, Chapters 10 and 13, is grateful to de Vyver, SJ, Henri Michel (Societe Beige the Program for History and Philosophy of Science d’Astronomie and the Cabinet des Estampes, Biblio- of the US National Science Foundation for support theque Nationale, Brussels), A. Orte (Observatorio of his research on the history of lunar and plan­ de Marina, San Fernando), the Astronomer Royal etary astronomy in the seventeenth century after for Scotland (Royal Observatory, Edinburgh), and Kepler. An earlier version of the first part of Chapter F. Warren Roberts (Sid W. Richardson History of 13 was published in The Great Mens Today for 1985 Science Collection, Humanities Research Center, (Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1985) under the title University of Texas at Austin). He also thanks the “Newton’s path to the Principia". To D.T. following for placing their collections at his dis­ Whiteside, for extensive and painstaking criticisms posal: the Earl of Egrement and Leconfield, the and suggestions regarding both chapters, his in­ Royal Greenwich Observatory, the Royal Astro­ debtedness is immense. I. Bernard Cohen and R.S. nomical Society, and 1’Observatoire de Paris. Fi­ Westfall read a near-final version of Chapter 13 nally, he thanks Godfrey Sill for translating the and so made possible the elimination of a number of entire text and quotations from Van Langren’s erroneous or misleading formulations. For the in­ map, excerpts from which were used in the text, terpretations finally adopted, however, the author and Micheline van Biesbroeck Wilson for obtaining alone is responsible. data, while visiting Paris, regarding the where­ PART I Tycho, Gilbert and Kepler

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