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PPPPLLLLAAAANNNN OOOOFFFF AAAACCCCTTTTIIIIOOOONNNN FFFFOOOORRRR OOOOPPPPEEEERRRRAAAATTTTIIIIOOOONNNNAAAALLLLIIIISSSSAAAATTTTIIIIOOOONNNN OOOOFFFF TTTTHHHHEEEE NNNNAAAATTTTIIIIOOOONNNNAAAALLLL PPPPOOOOLLLLIIIICCCCYYYY FFFFOOOORRRR FFFFAAAARRRRMMMMEEEERRRRSSSS,,,, 2222000000007777 S. NPF 2007 Para No. and Policy PLAN OF ACTION No. Provision in brief and the Ministry(s) / Department(s) with primary responsibility or primary Schemes / Programmes / Action already Further action/ steps to be taken and coordination implemented or under implementation Agency for Action and Coordinator 1.. Para 4.1 – Asset Reforms • Various programmes for distribution and providing of • Provision of training of farmers and agricultural and homestead land to rural poor who do not members of farm households under on- The purpose of asset reforms is to have any land or house under land distribution and other going schemes be augmented to impart ensure that every farmer household schemes are being implemented constantly by various market driven skills including enterprises in villages possesses and/or has States. Distribution of ceiling surplus land, Government which can be formally certified / access to productive assets like wastelands and Bhoodan land is an integral part of land recognized to facilitate self-employment of land, livestock, fishpond, homestead reforms policy. 49.65 lakh acres of ceiling surplus land, trained persons. farm, and/or income through an 153.22 lakh acres of Government wasteland and 16.66 (Action: DORD/ MOMSME / DAC) enterprise and/or market driven lakh acres of Bhoodan land was distributed to the eligible skills, so that the household income rural poor. • Self-employment of trained persons is increased substantially on a through Bank loans under on-going sustainable basis. This in turn would • The National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) schemes or through Banks or other wise ensure nutrition and livelihood 2006 implemented with the aims of creating durable assets should be ensured. security and their education and and strengthening the livelihood resource base of the rural (Action: DORD/ MOMSME/ DAC) health requirements. poor and to provide at least 100 days of guaranteed wage employment in every financial year to every household. • Provision for revolving funds with ( DAC, DOLR, DORD, DAHDF) The scheme has been extended to cover all the districts in watershed development committees, pani the country with effect from 1.4.2008. panchayats, panchayats, farmers’ SHGs etc. to provide interim finance to farmers • Government is implementing Indira Awaas Yojana to for self-employment and income provide houses to eligible rural poor. generation, subject to reimbursement by the Banks or repayment by beneficiaries • Training of eligible farmers under several on-going should be made. schemes of State and Central Governments like KVIC / (Action: DOLR/ DAC) REGP/ SGSY/ ATMA etc. • State cooperative banks may be • Bankable schemes to provide assets for self-employment assisted by DAC under RKVY/ Macro to eligible farmers with or without subsidies are being Management or under existing schemes of implemented by the Centre and the States. DAC and/or by NABARD for training and promoting self-employment of trained • PMRY scheme for self-employment of educated youth as farmers under different agri related per eligibility criteria. enterprises through Farmers’ Groups / organizations. • Provision for skill based training and loans under SGSY (Action: DAC/ NABARD) under Department of Rural Development (DORD). 1 S. NPF 2007 Para No. and Policy PLAN OF ACTION No. Provision in brief and the Ministry(s) / Department(s) with primary responsibility or primary Schemes / Programmes / Action already Further action/ steps to be taken and coordination implemented or under implementation Agency for Action and Coordinator • MOF may instruct NABARD, SIDBI • Eleventh Plan for Livestock Sector aims an overall growth and Banks to promote skill development of 6 to 7% per annum with milk group achieving a growth of and self-employment through productive 5% and meat and poultry 10%. This benefits the small and assets for farmer families under on-going marginal farmers and landless labourers who maintain bulk programmes of NABARD, SIDBI and of the livestock in the country. The sector also provides Banks. additional employment opportunities to the rural population (Action: MOF/ DAC) especially the female population who manage the livestock in the household. • SAUs, KVKs, MANAGE and other training institutions may be identified to • Various schemes are under implementation by Department impart training for market driven skills of Animal Husbandry & Dairying (DOAH&D) like which can be certified/ recognized as Dairy/Poultry Venture Capital Fund and Development of Diploma / Certification courses by SAUs. Fresh Water Aquaculture to provide subsidy for asset (Action: DARE) creation in dairy, poultry and fisheries. • ATMA Scheme may be reviewed to • National Programme for Cattle and Buffalo Breeding and take up skill based training more Programmes of Artificial Insemination of Cattle, under vigorously by augmenting provisions for implementation presently, will enhance the wealth of agri-clinics and agri-business schemes livestock as an asset. under DAC, if necessary. (Action: DAC) • To encourage setting up of Fodder Block Making Units, assistance upto 25% of the investment cost is provided in • The skill development under SGSY should respect of bankable projects appraised by NABARD/ be given priority. Nationalised Banks. (Action: DORD) • DOAHD introduced a new CSS i.e. “Strengthening • Convergence between NREGA and Infrastructure for Quality and Clean Milk Production” to Watershed Development Programmes improve the quality of raw milk produced at the village should be prioritized and ensured at the level. field level by associating PRIs. • Motorization of traditional craft, development of fresh water (Action: DORD/DOLR/MOPR) as well as brackish water aquaculture, and several on- going schemes of DOAHD on development of fisheries and • Skill based training for farmers and youth aquaculture provide for asset creation, job opportunities in areas like post-harvest management, and marketing skills for the rural population. improving quality certification for better 2 S. NPF 2007 Para No. and Policy PLAN OF ACTION No. Provision in brief and the Ministry(s) / Department(s) with primary responsibility or primary Schemes / Programmes / Action already Further action/ steps to be taken and coordination implemented or under implementation Agency for Action and Coordinator marketing opportunities, quality service to • In order to boost inland fish production, assistance in the the farmers/managing agro-service form of subsidy is given to the fish farmers for construction centres etc. should be taken up on priority of fish ponds, reclamation/ renovation of ponds and tanks, under RKVY. This activity can be integrated fish farming, running water fish culture, coordinated by District/ Block/ Village establishment of fish seed hatcheries and fish feed meals Panchayats.(Action: DAC/DARE) etc., thereby creating available assets for fishers. • Training of willing elected members of • National Fisheries Development Board established with Panchayats with preference to women and one of the basic objective being generation of substantial members from weaker sections on employment. measures to tackle drought and flood situations and for providing quality advice/ • A new Centrally Sponsored Scheme is proposed for service to farmers (particularly for implementation by D/o AYUSH during Eleventh Plan with a sustainable farm practices, post harvest total outlay of Rs.630 crore to support cultivation, value management and value addition, addition, processing, warehousing and marketing of processing and marketing) should be medicinal plants covering around one lakh hectares of land taken up under RKVY / ATMA in identified clusters which will facilitate better returns to the programmes. farmers. The scheme also provides assistance for capacity (Action: DAC). building, training of farmers and to support Herbal Mandis and Agri Mandis for upgraded marketing infrastructure. • SAUs / KVKs and other competent institutions may be assisted under RKVY • Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MOFPI) proposes to strengthen their training infrastructure. in the Eleventh Plan a Scheme for Infrastructure Action: DAC) Development to set up Mega Food Parks, Integrated Cold Chains, Value Added Centres, and Strategic Distribution • MOEF may prepare an appropriate Centres. The scheme aims to provide a mechanism to support mechanism to promote agro – bring together farmers, processors and retailers and link forestry. agricultural production to the market to ensure maximizing (Action: MOEF) value addition, minimizing wastage, increasing farmers’ income and creating huge employment opportunities in rural sector. • The National Bamboo Mission also promotes marketing of bamboo and bamboo based handicrafts. The Mission is also intended to generate employment opportunities for 3 S. NPF 2007 Para No. and Policy PLAN OF ACTION No. Provision in brief and the Ministry(s) / Department(s) with primary responsibility or primary Schemes / Programmes / Action already Further action/ steps to be taken and coordination implemented or under implementation Agency for Action and Coordinator skilled and unskilled persons, especially unemployed youths. Employment generation of 50.4 million mandays of work by plantation works alone is one benefit to the farmers. • Under National Horticulture Mission programme, farmers will be benefited in terms of establishment of new orchards resulting in increase in farm income. Establishment of infrastructure for pre-harvest and post-harvest management, markets, value addition chains etc. will also help farmers in enhancing production and productivity of horticultural produce, reduce post harvest losses and ensure remunerative prices for their produce. • The scheme for Development / Strengthening of Agricultural Marketing Infrastructure, Grading and Standardization is under operation since October 2004. Under this scheme, financial assistance is provided to the entrepreneurs including farmers to set up marketing infrastructure projects to cater to the post harvest management. Farmers can set up such assets so as to increase their income. • Vocational training with a view to create a world class skilled labour force has been implemented. Training courses are offered to a network of ITIs and ITCs located all over the country. • A Mission on Vocational Education and Skill Development would be launched soon. As a result of which over 1 crore students will receive vocational training which would be a four-fold increase from the current level. 4 S. NPF 2007 Para No. and Policy PLAN OF ACTION No. Provision in brief and the Ministry(s) / Department(s) with primary responsibility or primary Schemes / Programmes / Action already Further action/ steps to be taken and coordination implemented or under implementation Agency for Action and Coordinator 2. Para 4.2 : Asset Reforms - LAND • Land and its development falls within the jurisdiction of the • Systematic plan / strategy for wasteland States and the role of Central Government is of advisory development should be prepared, through • To strengthen implementation of and coordinating in nature. Implementation of land reforms State Governments, dovetailing funds laws relating to land reforms, with programme is reviewed constantly at various forums available under various schemes like particular reference to tenancy including conferences of Revenue Ministers, Secretaries of NREGA, SGRY, RKVY etc. and laws, land leasing, distribution of States etc. organized by MORD. developed wasteland, as far as ceiling surplus land and practicable, be distributed to landless wastelands, providing adequate • State Governments are advised constantly for distribution agricultural labourers preferably organized access to common property and of land to the eligible poor by action plans and by as SHGs, giving preference to women and wasteland resources etc. undertaking special drives. States have also been advised SC/ST farmers for cultivating the • Consequent to conferment of to take effective steps for detecting insecure or informal developed land in a sustainable manner. land rights to women, appropriate tenants so as to bring them on record, for implementation Specific guidelines for this purpose may support services to woman of the legislative provisions for preventing alienation of be issued. (Action: DOLR/DORD) farmers became urgent like Joint tribal lands and their restoration, for providing equal rights pattas for both homestead and of ownership of assets like houses and land to women and • Computerisation of land records and agricultural land essential for for taking up consolidation of holdings. revenue maps should be taken up on women to access credit and priority, particularly in tribal sub-plan other services. • Funds are being provided by DOLR to the States / UTs for areas. • Land Acquisition Act to be computerization of land reforms, digitization of cadastral (Action: DOLR) reviewed with reference to maps etc. assessment of compensation. • National and State Land Use Boards may • Prime farmland must be • A “Committee on State Agrarian Relations and Unfinished be strengthened so as to proactively give conserved for agriculture. Task in Land Reforms” has been constituted under the quality advice to farmers on possible land • Fulfillment of commitments under Chairmanship of Minister of Rural Development, and a uses in a sustainable manner, keeping in existing re-settlement policy in ”National Council for Land Reforms” has been constituted view the weather and other conditions letter and spirit. under the Chairmanship of the Prime Minister. Issues including, trade and marketing issues. • For non-agricultural purposes related to land reforms are to be considered by these Boards should promote sustainable land with low biological potential committees in detail. management of land, keeping watch on shall be earmarked and the diversion of agricultural land for non- States would be advised to • The Land Acquisition Act, 1894, has been reviewed and agricultural purposes and identifying lands allocate lands with low biological the amendments in the Act inter-alia cover the issue of with low biological potential for providing potential for non-agricultural compensation. The Land Acquisition (Amendment) Bill land for non-agricultural purposes, which development activities. 2007 has been introduced in the Lok Sabha and is is essential for non-farm employment in presently under the consideration of the Standing rural areas. (DOLR, DAC) Committee of Parliament on RD. (Action: DAC) 5 S. NPF 2007 Para No. and Policy PLAN OF ACTION No. Provision in brief and the Ministry(s) / Department(s) with primary responsibility or primary Schemes / Programmes / Action already Further action/ steps to be taken and coordination implemented or under implementation Agency for Action and Coordinator • The National Rehabilitation and Resettlement Policy 2007 • The amendments to Land Acquisition Act was also approved by the Government and notified on and National Rehabilitation and 31.10.2007. The policy was circulated to all the States. Resettlement Policy / Act may provide for The policy inter-alia provides for setting up of projects on payment of cost of development of wasteland, degraded land and un-irrigated land. equivalent wastelands to compensate for Acquisition of agricultural land for non-agricultural purpose diversion of agricultural land for non- to be kept to the minimum, multi-cropped land to be agricultural or industrial purposes over and avoided for such purposes and acquisition of irrigated land, above the compensation being paid under if unavoidable, to be kept to the minimum. Further, before the law. (Action: DOLR) land is acquired for a project, the respective government should take into consideration the alternatives that will • A State level Agricultural Land minimize the acquisition of agricultural land for non- Development Fund may be created to agricultural projects. accumulate such compensatory fund to be accrued for development of equivalent • To give legal protection to the policy, the Rehabilitation & wastelands for diversion of agricultural Resettlement Bill 2007 has already been introduced in Lok land for non-agricultural purpose. This Sabha. fund can be used for development of degraded land for productive purpose. • A Centrally Sponsored Programme “State Land Use This will help in taking care of two issues Boards” through Macro-Management of Agriculture is being of arresting fast shrinking agricultural land implemented under which the States have been advised to and also development of degraded/ take appropriate steps for scientific use of land and also to wastelands fast to put it to economic use ensure prevention of diversion of agricultural land for non- to compensate for loss of agricultural land. agricultural purpose. (Action : DOLR/DAC). • SLUBs may monitor effective utilization of • The Sub Committee of the National Development Council this fund to be created by State on Agriculture also recommended that diversion of Governments. Implementation of productive agricultural land should not be allowed for wasteland development projects utilizing industrialization or urbanization. It also recommended this fund as far as practicable should be compensation in case agricultural land is provided for other taken up through Groups of beneficiaries developmental projects i.e. compensation for treatment and to whom the land would be allotted for full development of equivalent degraded or wastelands cultivation after development. (Action: elsewhere. DAC) 6 S. NPF 2007 Para No. and Policy PLAN OF ACTION No. Provision in brief and the Ministry(s) / Department(s) with primary responsibility or primary Schemes / Programmes / Action already Further action/ steps to be taken and coordination implemented or under implementation Agency for Action and Coordinator • DOLR / State Governments may quickly identify wastelands or degraded lands where rural non-farm activities can be promoted. Necessary infrastructure development to facilitate such activities in identified lands should be taken up. States may be advised accordingly. (Action: DOLR) • SLUBs may suitably be alert on issues relating to the diversion of prime agricultural land for non-agriculture purposes. (Action: DAC) • Community based partnership for production and development of low cost, unproductive, heavily grazed, eroded / degraded lands through watershed development approach should be encouraged. (Action: DORD/DAC) • The policy provides for implementation of laws relating to, inter alia, tenancy and land leasing. States may examine ways and means to develop land lease markets under their respective laws. States may be advised accordingly. (Action: DOLR) 7 S. NPF 2007 Para No. and Policy PLAN OF ACTION No. Provision in brief and the Ministry(s) / Department(s) with primary responsibility or primary Schemes / Programmes / Action already Further action/ steps to be taken and coordination implemented or under implementation Agency for Action and Coordinator 3. Para 4.3 - Asset Reforms - WATER • Water being a State subject, water resource projects are • ICAR/ SAUs may review and modify their planned, implemented, funded and managed by the curricula to incorporate the concepts of • Non-availability of timely and respective State Governments as per their priorities. this policy on “Water”, with specific adequate water for irrigation Several measures for development and management of reference to water use efficiency, water becoming a serious constraint, water resources are undertaken by respective State conservation, water quality, groundwater assured irrigation is the need of Governments. Government of India provides technical recharge, rainwater harvesting and the hour. assistance in preparation of the schemes and its maximizing production and income per • Rainwater harvesting, aquifer evaluation. drop of water and take steps for wider recharge and improving the dissemination of the results of research on efficiency of water-use are • Schemes implemented under which Ministry of Water higher water use efficiency, conservation important and accorded priority. Resources (MOWR) provides assistance to States are: (a) of water, water quality and on optimization Necessary legislative measures Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme; (b) Command of income etc. Training of farmers on to regulate and control the Area Development and Water Management; (c) Repair, these aspects may be also organized development and management of Renovation & Restoration of Water Bodies Directly Linked through SAUs/ KVKS. groundwater to be taken up. to Agriculture; (d) “Artificial Recharge of Ground water (Action: DARE) • Water use efficiency can be through Dug Well” (proposed). enhanced by synergy with seed • Policy lays emphasis on skill development, varieties, nutrients and farm • “National Water Policy” has been adopted which provides, awareness / literacy relating issues facing implements. inter alia, for efficiency of utilization in all the diverse uses agriculture and also emphasizes • Concept of maximizing yield of water, fostering awareness of water as a scarce sustainable development process without and income per unit of water to resource; and promotion of water conservation affecting the fertility of soils and be used in all crop production consciousness. environment, preserving / conserving programmes. water resources and bioresources. SAUs, • Water users’ associations to be • MOWR formulated and circulated a Model Bill on KVKs and other field level institutions of encouraged to gain expertise in Participatory Irrigation Management (PIM) to all States and Ministries/ Departments of Water maximizing the benefits from UTs. Resources, Rural Development, Land available water. • Several national and regional conferences and training Resources, Agriculture and Cooperation, • Water quality needs attention, programmes as PIM organized. DARE, Consumer Affairs, Food & Public since it often gets polluted at the Distribution, Fertilisers, Environment & source due to over-exploitation • 13 States have already enacted exclusive legislation or Forests etc. would have to take a and indiscriminate use of amended existing legislation. Four States have taken coordinated action to implement various fertilizers, pesticides and toxic action for enactment. skill oriented training programmes as per chemicals. their capacity and resources. Multi subject • Equity in water distribution to be • So far 68000 water users’ Associations have been formed awareness/training oriented to ensured. Women would be given in the country. substantially improve skill base of farmers 8 S. NPF 2007 Para No. and Policy PLAN OF ACTION No. Provision in brief and the Ministry(s) / Department(s) with primary responsibility or primary Schemes / Programmes / Action already Further action/ steps to be taken and coordination implemented or under implementation Agency for Action and Coordinator significant role as water users, would be desirable. ICAR / SAUs/ KVKs both in access and management. • A sub-Committee was constituted under the chairmanship may be assisted to prepare training • Existing wells and ponds to be of Dr. M.S. Swaminathan to prepare a report on “More modules for such skill development renovated. Crop and Income per Drop of Water”. The Committee training. As far as possible, accreditation • Improved irrigation practices submitted its report which is presently under consideration. as applicable for vocational training / including sprinkler and drip education may be ensured for such irrigation and through pani • Ensuring sustainable development of water resources training programmes. Guidelines for panchayats. either surface or groundwater is main objective of effectively associating private sector in this • Launching of water literacy programmes being implemented. effort may be developed by DAC movement. (Extension Division) in consultation with • Integrated development of • National Water Policy also provides for integrated and DARE / ICAR. surface and groundwater coordinated development of surface and ground water (Action: DAC, DARE, MOWR, DORD, resources and their conjunctive resources and their conjunctive use. DOLR/ MOCAF&PD, DOF, MOEF) use to be envisaged right from the project planning stage. • Action has been initiated in respect of action points in the • Sprinkler and drip irrigation may be taken • Cultivation of high value crops Swaminathan Sub Committee Report on “More Crop and up in a mission mode. like pulses and oilseeds in water Income Per Drop”. One important action taken by MOWR (Action: DAC) scarce areas. is implementation of Farmers’ Participatory Action • Symbiotic interaction and Research Programme through involvement of agricultural • Several programmes and schemes have convergence of efforts through universities / ICAR / WALMIS and engineering colleges etc. already been launched by the Government various initiatives like NRAA, This programme aims to create awareness for water of India. These schemes have to be NHM, TMOP and NREGP to consideration including rain water harvesting and related constantly monitored with reference to promote water use efficiency and issues. targets and outcomes. Programmes like water conservation methods. ground water recharge, rainwater • MOWR initiated several measures on the issue of depletion harvesting and watershed development ( DOWR and DAC) of groundwater table, including, a draft Model Bill for should be augmented and expanded. regulation and management of groundwater. 10 States (Action: MOWR/ DAC/DORD) have already enacted legislation and 19 States initiated action. • A large number of Water Users’ Associations are existing now. These • MOWR has introduced three tier system of monitoring associations should be encouraged to gain major and medium irrigation schemes at the Centre, State expertise in maximizing benefits from and Project level. Monitoring system is aimed at available water and also about water contributing in identification of the inputs required, analysis quality. For their capacity building, steps of the reasons for any short falls/ bottlenecks and suggest may be taken for seed money raised by 9

2006 implemented with the aims of creating durable assets and strengthening the livelihood Provision for skill based training and loans under SGSY.
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