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Place-Names in Wales PDF

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~ T HO S.. SECOND AND REVISED EDITION. SOUTHA‘L L , 1 49, D-oc x, ST REET . PREFACE TO THE REVISE D AND SECOND EDITION. The first edition of this work wa s published in 188 7, a n d wa s sold out in a very short tim e . Orders were c on tinuall y sen t for copies, but n on e could be foun d in the m arket . Even tually , J . E. Southall, Newport , who has taken deep in terest in Welsh literature , Wrote to a sk the author for perm ission to publish a secon d edition of it . Arran gem en ts were m ade to revise the work care fully a n d to brin g it up to date . The om ission of Mon - m ou t hshire Place Nam es is due to the followin g fact : The au thor won a 10 I os. prize in the Newport Nation al £ Eisteddfod , 1897, for A Diction ary of Welsh Nam es of Places a n d Rivers in Monm outhshire a n d it is in ten ded , t o publish a separate edition of this in due course . The a uthor gratefully ackn owledges the service ren dered b y S . J . Eva n s, Esq. , M. A. , Llan gefn i , in revisin g this work. His suggestion s were useful a n d destin ed t o enhan ce the value of the work . In con clusion , the author repeats what he said in the first edition In writin upon a subj ect so full of in t r i g c acies a n d difficulties the author is fa r from satisfied with his etym ological attem pts in m any in stan ces. T. MORGAN. J an uary r oth 1 12 . , , 9 Prefixes a nd Su ffixes - f Ca rn a rv onshire Merion eth - PLAC ENAMES IN W A LES INTRODUCTION. T is surprisin g that a subj ect so deeply in terestin g , a n d o full o f historical value , should n ot have s in duced som e com peten t Welsh scholar to explore every possible field of research, a n d give the results of his etym ological in vestigation s to the public in a perm a n en t form . Welsh n om en clature ha s n ot had the atten tion it deserves. This in terestin g field has b een sadly n eglected. Very few have m ade it the am bition of their life to en ter therein a n d glean every possible in form ation n ecessary , - to throw light upon ou r Welsh place n am es. The ren own ed Lewis Morris wa s deeply en grossed in this bran ch of literature , a n d the publication of his Celti c Rem a i n s would , assuredly, be a n in valuable boon t o ’ Welsh literati. Iago Em lyn s Essay which gain ed the prize at Carm arthen Eisteddfod , Septem ber, 1867, is em in en tly calculated t o be a n adm irable quota ren dered by the Eisteddfod to the elucidation of this subj ect. Most of our Eist eddfod io rodu c t ion s are locked up in p im pen etrable secrecy , but this, fortun ately, has seen the l ight of day. - 2 PLACE NAMES IN W ALES. - With the exception of the above m en tion ed essay our n ationa l in stitution has don e but very little to fill this gap in Welsh literature. Worthy attem pts have been m ade by som e Welsh t o o ra hist s to clear up the p g p - etym ology of a m oiety of our place n am es. Others have en deavoured t o explain their origin a n d m ean in g , but owin g to their im perfect acquain tan ce with the v er n a c u la r , m any of their attem pts have been futil e a n d un satisfactory : as Ca erm a rthen , the coun ty of Merlin , ’ a Welsh en chan ter ; Den b z g k, a dwellin g in the vale ; “ P em b roke , the hill over the brook ; Dou gla s is given to ' - m ean black water ; Pon t ypmdd, bridge of beauty ; Tyr ’ Esco fi, B ishop s tower ; Lla nfa wr , the church of four sain ts &c . &c . We m ight quote a large n um ber of , , sim ilar m isleadin g explan ation s of Welsh words a n d n am es that are foun d in English books written eviden tly fl by other than W elsh et m olo ist s. The attem pts m ade y g by En glishm en a n d others ign oran t of the lan uage of g — dean old Cam bria to explain Celtic n am es are often failures a n d som ethin g more . Alt m a en , high rock, in the Lake district has been tran sform ed in to the Old Ma n of Con iston ; Br yn Hu el or Hu a l, hill of shackles, is n ow spelt Brown Willy, a Corn ish ridge, a n d Pen san t has been design ated Pen zan ce. ’ Tourists Guides to Wales m a be quite safe a n d y trustworthy in their geographical in form ation but the , m aj ority of them are woefully m isleadin g in their et m ological peregrin ation s. Som e of their derivation s y really deserve to be rem itted to the cabin et of philo - PLACE NAMES IN WALES. 3 logica l cu riosities. Out of m an y hun dred place- n am es in Wal es very few of them are explain ed satisfactorily by gazetteers, a n d the m ost abstruse of them are left in tact. It is n eedless to say that Welsh philologists on ly c a n deal satisfactorily with purely Welsh n am es , a n d even the find it n o easy task to in vestigate a n d a scertain y the origin of m an y of them , especiall y those that have un dergon e so m an y processes of corru ption a n d m utation . Man y Welsh appellation s a n d loc a l ” n am es , writes on e em in en t Welsh historian , have been so lon g corrupted that it would be affectation t o attem pt to reform them . We m a y be allowed to give a few in stan ces of n am es that have already been grossly m utilated Llechwedd has been dislocated at Leckwith ; Ll s Fro Nu dd has been cruelly distorted in to y y Lisworne y ; Ca er a u has been pulled down to Carew ; - Mu w r ha s been alm ost ruin ed in Magor ; a o g la s g y has been twisted in to the form of Kn ucklas ; Mer th yr has been brutally m a rtyred at Ma r thre y ; Ta fa m Yspytty (hospi ti u m ) has been lon g con verted in to Spite Tavern ; ' Mein c i a u has been m in ced in to Minke ; Gzeen tllwg has been chan ed in to Wen tlooge Myddfa i has been m u ffled in g Mot hv e Sa rn a u ha s been beaten down in to Sarn ey, y &c ., &c . Co sideri g the rapid strides of English education n n in the Prin cipality, we fear the tim e is not far distan t - he a oiety of our m utilated Welsh place n am es will w n m be n othin g less than a series of en igm at ical problem s, - 4 PLACE NAMES IN W ALES. even to children of Welsh paren tage. Man y of them already seem to them as a m ean in gless a n d un pron oun ce able jum ble of letters . This process of m utilation appears to be gettin g m ore prevalen t . Ou r En glish frien ds n ot on ly do not exhibit a n sign of brin gin g , y forth fruit worthy of repen tan ce but they seem t o , persist in the error of their wa in dealin g with Welsh y n am es. Br ynm a wr , big hill , is pron oun ced with sten torian voice Br ynm or , which sign ifies the hill by the sea. A com plete stran ger to the place , yet con versan t with the Welsh ton ue on hearin g the latter pron un ciation of g , the n am e would n aturally expect he wa s goin g t o , - in hale the salubrious sea air ; whereas , after little ‘ en quiry, he would fin d him self in a t a n t a l ized rn ood d istan tly situated from the sea. A few m iles dist a n t , . a t ’ Na n t yb wc h, the buck s brook, he m ight be pardon ed if he con cluded from the pitiful cries of the railway officia ls - - that there were n on e to b ook at that station . I f he pursued his j ourn ey to Llw ydcoed, grey wood , which is pron oun ced b y the railway m en Lyc od , he would n aturally con clude t hat the place m ust have been som etim e n oted for rats , b ecause Ll d is the Welsh for rats . n In goin g through Loughor, provided his eo g g raphical kn owledge were deficien t, he would im agin e h im self to have reached Lloe g r , which is the Welsh n am e for En glan d. An d a few m iles lower d own he would fin d him self at Lla n ell y, which is pron oun ced by - c ertain parties Lem hea lth y, where he would be in duced t o ca l l his inhalin g powers in to full play positively , - PLACE NAMES 1N W ALES. 5 thin kin g he wa s lan ded in a place fam ous for it s sa l ubriousness. In North Wales he would discover the sam e aptitu de in the art of m ispronun ciation . Am id the din of the fiery horse he m ight hear a n am e - pron oun ced Ab er jeel, the suffix of which would rem in d him at on ce of the Hin dost a n ee for a m ora ss or a , ’ sha ll ow lake ; but a few m in utes talk with a Villager would soon rel ieve him from the n ightm are of this con fusion of ton gu es by furn ishin g him with the right - - - pron un ciation , Ab er gele, a n out a nd out Welsh n am e. ‘ — At Dol gella u , which is pron oun ced Dol jelly, he m ight a lm ost im agin e the n am e to im ply a doll m ade of j elly ; - a nd at qn gollen , pron ou n ced La n jolen , he would, both from a geographical a n d etym ological poin t of view , in dulge him self in little selfe c on r a t u la t ion on bein g g con veyed to a j olly place. Now he has travell ed fa r en ough to be thoroughl y con vi n c ed of the n ecessity of m a king a n effort to save ‘ our loca l n a mes from the relen tless han ds of t he foreign er before they bec om e so distorted as to b e difficu lt of recogn ition even by Welsh et ym ologist s . Pure Welsh n am es should be left in tact—those that have u n dergon e n y chan ges shou ld, if possible, b e a restored to their prim itive form , a n d English equ valen ts i or n am es shou ld be given to each and every one o f them . - In pu rsu ing the study of Welsh plac e n am es, We “ ' were forc ibly rem in ded of Hom e Tooke s observation ,

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