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I dedicate Las book to may husband, ‘Wiliam O.N. Coales, MA. PLAB: 1000 EXTENDED MATCHING QUESTIONS ey Una F Coales 24 Ho RES (Ea) Res (Ora) Senior House Officer Department of Otolaryngology The Reyal Surrey County Hospital Guildford Surrey, UK © 2001 Ray Sori of Saisine Pas Le [ Wispoi Sree, lomle WG LAL 207 Weare Roa, Lake Poses TL 620°5 USA seperti po nas ay Bie Bsn i eps iresarhs or pia sted, hoe a erie at peed uae the UK Copyright.Desgss ind Breas eR ve pr is gation mie opted sere, ot ‘oie nan fy ay za, wink te poe pasion ‘Nog of he pulser ue Bathe case of epi tesodaesonn Sirntinve ite nt lcears et by the spon Reproncen Cremation nse tke UE, Engines conrernyrpsodcaaa ouse he fer al foe ould Beet She pinnae e UBS ales pinged tae “Thevight of Ln Ces ee inser aor aaa od as been ea iy horn avesedance waded Copstgh Respncand Patent et 188 ih Litery Coen Pulation Dats ‘Acatalogoe econ Ie hs hk able ems de Bes Ear IONE Type ty Phoeie Mhotonc CTaias Bon Divan Cie by Hela Baie Ta, Gage Contents Frew Protace Questions Araswers co { was ssined in the USA and reloated to the UK so protic sy, Eke my frou ler ia wih he tisk of hone to” prepare and 10 sacceed in passing the [rodeedal and Linge Asseasments Board test (better knows, the PLAT exatn to obtain limited repistation wits the Gener Shel Coune 1 pamed under te old format Shc Jal 2000 he PLAB thay boon efrmered. This bool is ces to pspare prospective candidates for this new PLAB Son he fostat of Part T of the PLAB tes coast uf 200 ‘ceadedl matching Questions, To ter Part, the candidate must joss Part 1 Dat! 2 condgig of a Lé-station objective structure UiNal cxainnaion (O60) ad ests yue clini and coma catia sll “he 1000 EMQs offre in his onk cover all areas aesed by the new DLAB ust ad anc offre the Mental frag, esting the four groups of lls eyed 1 pars PLAB Patt 1 This book + soaneapt taddnyalthecsmpannts of the new alaboe for on 1 snmedued by ah Clneral Midical Cowl Ths neces she prinipes set out in thc GMC Pybliention Dini of a Doctor, Pncpks and practice of evidence-based tnalicie ond of elinical Eovcrtnt, qaestons Gover proce of portant dicaex ac UK snk factors and health prsmvion- ‘would Eke to thank Miss Philtops Huchacrstye= FRCS (Oro) for eds the questions in otolaryagology, Me Mak Pal MRCOG for sing the questions obercria and_gyiaccolgy, Dr Dicchth Burrn BSc MRS tor edng the queso in payer, Di Ache Sande NIRCD for eiting tne questions in sletatalngy, ond Dr Tum Sewne: MBPS for cltig thy qusions in pacditrce, ‘Dow’ lose hear ay de BLAS xa Hor npesible tase Blow met show youtour tn achlethe new PLAB sex Una F. Costes eruber 2000 Recommended texts and references _ Surgery ply AG. or at (1993) Apley’s System of Orthopaedics and Fractures, Th edn. Amold, Tondo, lis. et al (1998) Lerture Nutes ex General Surgery, Sth eda, Flackwell Seienefie Publications Oalord. [auiimer CR, etal 11996) Key Topics iu General Surgery, Int ed, TIS Seionttic Publishe:s, Oxford. Ml chic G8, (1990) Os ord Handbon oF Clinical Surgery, Ist el Oslosd Universiy Press, Oxford Unsin 8. etal (1995) Emergency Orthopacilies and Trauma, 1s rwverth-Hinenann, Oxford, Medicine Foci A etal (1997) Harrison's Principles of Tnsersal Medicine, Leh edn McGraw-Hill, New York, Hove R.A. etal (19981 Oxford Handliook of Clinical Medicine, tneda, “Osiord Univessty Press, Orford Xsmae Pet al (1998) Clinical Medicise, Ath edn. 1s. there Tindall, Lous Ritcusin 1 otal (1991 Lecwe Notes on Cliscal Medicine, “acleyell Scientific Publications, Oxford. Obstetrics an! gynaecology herlain G. & Tlamihioc-Haisly b. (1498) Lecmre Notes or Cosivirizn & Comacolagy laclawall Science, Oxford Fasker NI eta Gyvarcoogy, Sed edn Wai. Saunders Company, Pilly ia Tras, Evsentials of Obstetrics and Lissauer Tot 84 Musby, London Behrinan K, et al (1999) Nelson's Wextbook of Pediatrics. WB. Saunders, Philadelphia, sarated Textbook of Paediatrics. Psychiatric Associaiion (2000) Diagnostic and Stavstieut Manual of Mental Disurdirs, 4th edn. American Psychiatrie Associarion, Washingion D.C. Tomb, D-A. 1999) Psyehiary, 6chedu. Lippincor, Willisans and Wikins, Baltimore Otalaryngology Roland Nf stl 11995) Key fopies ix Otolaryngology 1 ed BIOS Scientific Publishers, Oxford Question 1 Theme: Diagnosis of Opts Acite appends J Prcudo-obstructon Diener dre K Acute choleystee ‘Abdominal sorte aneurysm Late diverts Perforated peptic leer Crohns desaso Ulcers cle ‘Acute pancreatitis CChron'e active hepaitis ‘cite ral nepal ees ‘or each praseation blow, choase the SINGLE mos Wkly cagnosis ram ‘ebay lof oftons Each apn ty ba ued once ars than ence, of eal 1A 20-pear-old sents with colicky perivmbilical pain, ‘stich sis so the night ae oss, fever, and Tos of appetite 2. A 4S:yearold man presemts seth severe epigastric pain raiae- ing to the back. He is noted ro nave some bruising in te flanks, 5. 42-year-old woman presents with auoresia, akominel pain, ‘nd ideteasigg jaundice She isysthusatic and takes mcthyicopa loc hypertension. A SO-year‘old wan preseuts with left-sided colicky ili fosea pam, change ivbowel hanits and, rectal bleecing. A thickened Tuas alpen the sion ofthe snail colon His blood count is nosmal A78-yearcold woman with stabloangina prcsenss with massive Abvousinal distension 10) days following a tonal hip replace ‘ment, suis 189g. Theme: Causes of vaginal discharge Options Anetororas vgs J, Candie abicons Garéoercla IK Sopcae ours CChismyaia Gonerthoca ‘Ayesbectou tbersosi HIV Lmphaganuoe vere Treponema paler (Genulem ingle Sea For cach presen below, choose the SINGLE most \kely causave ‘organism from the above staf options Each ation maybe uted ance mace than onc, oF totaal 1.A 2eyerrold woman presents with intensely iricaring yellowish-preen frachy vaginal uisshacge with severe dys ppareunia, The onganism is seen best ander the microscope in a drop of sine 40-year-old pregnant woman presents with a thie, white capil discharge associated with iretation ofthe vulva. 3. A 16-year-old girl who ses tampons presents with cervciis, tureitls, and right knee pan. 4. A 2S-yearold woman presents with acute right upper ‘quadrant abdominal pain and warery vaginal discharge. The ‘eegan.sm is detected by m croimmunofuaresceice: A 23-yearold woman prevents with fishy smelling vaginal ‘odon. Clie cells are found inthe sear Question 3 ‘Theme: Investigation of epilepsy” opsons lod uluret K Toxcology Blood glicose Stall Xray Lumbar puncere Computed comography (CT) sean of head Marron rst Eletro-sneephalogrm Ful Blocd cout (FBC) Cher Xeray Urea and poctraisee Blood akobol love oom For sath prsentaton below choote tho SINGLE most decimating nde fon fram the above let of open, Each option may be wed onc, more ian oe, oF not al L.A Styearold obese man presents with sweating, senor, Gnowsnesy, fits and, agitation. His wile denies any sistory oF alcoholism. 2. A 12ycarold gil is bronghtto the Accident and Emergency Deparement by hee perents complaipiny of a persistent cash Phowophohia, and neck pain, 4. A.35.yearoid mechanic has recurrent epileptiform attacks. He hes no history of rata, 4. An 18yearold student i brought co dhe Acidew and uergency Depastaient by aumbulaace having beon flung of his bicycie in a road traffic accident. Upon artval, he is noted to nave deteriorafion in corse ousness A Styear-old boxer presents with heediche, drowsin Seizes, and 3 rising blond! presse, Question’4 : ie Theme: Causes of vertigo : = Optom ‘A Manieras Ascase 1 Mgaine Benign pestonal vertigo © Acitavectbula neurone Acoustic neucome E Multiple sdleross F_larogenc ergo G Candovescular disse Hi Musculoskeletal disease 1) Hypervendaon For each preseraton Bulow, choose th SINGLE mos ely cus frm the shove scot aptons, Each opton may be wrod once, mare than ence net mal 1. A 42yearold woman preseuts with repeated epsodes of actuating heoring los, vertigo, and innit lasting hours over the past few mont. 2. A Si-yearold man presenty with asymanetrical sensorineural hearing lens, dizziness, nilasral tusks, and facial pain, Hes faking atenclol 3. A 70-year-old woman presents with verigo when colling yer im hed. She also uotiees thar she wets dizay when bending aver ‘or teathiry for the top shel 4. A-Se-year-oid man complains of dizziness ever since he was a ‘passenger a car iavolved {n'a road tealic aiden: His heat= ngs imtact ‘A. 26-year-old anxious woman peeseres with profound vertigo Following an upper respisatory Tract infection Lasting days Question5= Theme: The treatment of testicular swellings opsons "A Surge exploration ofthe J Aspiration of aid serotumn Inguinal horriorraphy B Injections of etaonic porotropin (Sula fon of te testes in thescowim © Orchidectomy alone E Orcidectomy alowed by racotherspy F Orchidectomy folowed by sftetoxe chemotherapy G.Bedrescane ch approprias anabione H1 Surge removal ofthe et 1) Noveestinene is required For exch caus bslow, case the SINGLE most appropriate weatmene rom the above Fst of opin. Each opson ray Be used anes mere han ones OF roteeal 1. A.L4-yearold boy presents with aut acutely swollen ard painfal ‘etis and also pain inthe layer abdinuen, Oa examining, the rests ies high nthe seratorn, year-old man presents with a solid tists ane abdominal lymph nodes. He aas history of undescended testes asa cil A 20-year-old man presents with a solid testis that is markedly tystic in appearance and Iymph node deposits, An 18-year-old man presents with fever, leukocytosis, aad a very painvul swelling: iu the testis, Examine.ioa. of the tine reseals the prescnec of pus eels. 8 60-yearold man presents with a large scrotal swelling chat vets in the way of lis clothes. On exareation, the swelling is ‘Tuctuant, and the resi is palpable separately from the swelling preety sauysis deypiseve waubeSH Say Sass 00 ‘00 sa UL sy seo ve inp SS JOsHR feast RAM Question’ —— Theme: Principles of the duties of a doctor registered with the General Medical Council Options [A Make Ue ure uf our pate your frsteonearn 2 Tres evaty pac polly ane cosidertly Respect yates icy and preney Liste 2 pass ad respect ther ee Give pation innation in way they ear understand F_Respacs igi of pants to Be fly nvalveain decisions 1G Keep your profes knowles and sup to ate Hi Recoghise Ue fini of pau profesional competence Be Ponost are enacwor dy J Respor: a presec cof tl iforvaion aks sre ene your pers lf do ot ph pene ore Let quick r prases pants an rif yeu have good razon to bakeve vit yu or scala ay mot Leo race Bod busing your porcon «down ‘Wark wir ellengues ine ways ha bes serve pate ait For each open alow, choors the SINGLE most appropriate pine far ‘he ix oF opens. Each opie may be wie. once, wore ha ones at al 1, A D2yearoid Talian wowan sexuests a female doctor co perforin a pelvic exaun, 2, A SSyeanokd snan who is being admired for a tual kuee eplacenuent states thach isa Johovab's witness and Userelore eluscs any blood products, 3, A 16-year-old girl informs yous that she maay be programs and het parents are unaware ‘old man is offered che choice ol wherner he would ive interioeon injections for tclaple scleroni 4. A S0eye Tike to 5. A 60-year diabetic sees you fora weuny logical opinion and ‘ses if ou would renew his insulin prescription wa favour & Tiaeeo js a hinch-time teaching session, bur a patient on the ward experiencinu chest pai. Your patient reports feelious of depression. You seek a paychiaerie opiuiou, You ask a patient wo undress co examine the abddouen. You serember 10 cover the patleat’s pro You are asked to exauline a patinul at his bedside, You remember to pull Ge cunain arowal the bed 19 ensure privacy. You soc an overworkel volleague struggle yuth his duties ‘You intarvene-and offer assistance 7 9@8=N i a WAM polonsssa osdop yo sainp sin jo Stina om, sou swe ee) ‘topbegy siaeiaste o's Question 7 Theme: Diagnosis of psychiatric disorders Options Suita ese 1 Aemal abuse ‘smity Dement ani stacks Peet prblers pint ase ‘ Creston Grie reaction IK Schaophrenia For each patient sem, chante tha SINGLE most tkely diagnosis fom he above lic of options Fach option may be used ones. meré thn ence. oF not Pet 1. A. 70-year-old retired ongineer experiences chang:s in person- ality and impsited social sells. This is coxtcbaraced ny his family, wh describe hin 98 forgeeful and not as sharp. There are a0 abjetive feannres of depression 2. A 2eyer-gld man is voted to be withllrawa, solated, and “peculiar. He experiences perseemrory delusions 1nd auditory Nallacinations. 3. A 6)-yearld widoyr is nated ky her fly to be restless, dis organised, crying, nn frequenely expresses her wish (0 jo. Cr deceased pertncr 4. 4.49 sear-old rishinan ceimplains of frequert episodes of chest pains, sweating. palptarions, a sense ni impending doom, and frembling tut losie for minntes ata ime {25-year old nan presents with siess, slurred speech, disor fnlation, and respiratory Cepzession pons A. Mesos J, Preumecocea meninges 3 fuel K Hasmophlusinferzae © Varela zoser glottis D Mumps L._ Streptococcal dose Ente infectossm infecion FInectous mononudectis G Tubereuloe Hi Typhus i est syndrome For exch patent below, eigese the SINGLE most tikely dagni from the shove lof options. Ech aption may be used ance, mare than on L.A LS-yearold giel presents with fever, enagh, conyea, and conjunetiitis 9 case affer expoanre. On examinasion, she kas ‘ue white punctate Jesious on the buccal sauces, 2. A.17 years boy presents with foes srdor, nd shu He ‘Stoted te hedevulg salina. On exaainaron fe Bas palpable ‘el node. Het to sespond toa cours of peril, 5. A 7-year girl presents with a low grade fever anda ‘slapped heck, erythematous eruplion an her ehocks. A 4-year old boy presents with an acute onset of fever and a ‘csicalar eruption, following an incubation period of 12 days The vesicles evalve into pustules and crust o¥er. A Ieyear-old baby boy presents with a Slay history ol lever, Siamrbesry tongue, and erythema of the alms aud soles. He sso hes an enlarged 2 aa fee uode, “aver | sossoumn poouPIYD J0 sfeouBea foul porn) f i 3 e Question == “Theme: Causes of dysphagia Opin 7 Achalasia J Caustic stricture Pharm pach ke Reson oct Dios eeghacel hss args Pleo sero arches she Sasori & Fece erates A elie 1 Samed rg by S 8 5 For each presaretion low, chaoie th SINGLE most aly cause from the hove seo options. Each opion may beused one more than o9ee,eF not cal 1. A. B2-yearold female presents with progressive dysphagia with regurtation of aids, She denies weight Js 2, -A.27-yeareld man with a history of depression presents with ease dysphagia. He has a prior history of repeated suicide Sttempts, There are assoriated burns in his ecopharya 3. A Oyar.old woman presen wth peogestive dysphugia, On Seam the lisa smooth rong, krone, an sues fron iron deficiency anaemia 4. A 6S.yearold man presents with regurgitation of food, dys ‘Phagia, halitosis, and a sencarion of luinp in tre thcoat'- A 7O-yearold man presents with a short history of dvephaia, “oight loss, and has palpahle neck noces on examination. Question 10 == Investigation-of weight loss Options: Stool forests ovaand J, Bleod etures pastes K Pisa ACTH and Ureaand elecvolyes cortisol hese Xray Ful blood coune Serum gucose Usnanalysie “Thyroid freton tens Usraround of abdomen Barkim swallow. Dep mince For each presentation below, choste che SINGLE mos dcriminatn inwes- iaton from che above lst of optons. Eae1 cpion mey be used once, more ‘han one8 oF nota al L.A 60-yea:-old mam recently treated for renal tuberculosis, Presents ita weight loss, diarthora, anorexia, hyporension, and is rote ty heve hyperpiigmented hnceal macnsa andl Rand 2. A Si-ysarcold woman presents with weight loss, increased appecita, sweating, palprations, preference for cold veearher, hho, moist palms, ard remors, 5. A 25-year-old an presents with sreatorrhoca, diarrhoea and ‘weight loss after eating contaminated food A 6$-yearold man presents wich a sackden amsst of diabetes, anorexia, weight loss, epigastric and hack pain 5. A 7ihysarold syoman presents with progressive dysphagia, ‘Welgat loss, and 2 sensation of food sticking in her thet. swssouuse D1 wepesnD sh svt

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