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Pirates of the Americas Pirates of the Americas (cid:1) V 1: 1650 1685 OLUME David F. Marley Copyright2010byABC-CLIO,LLC Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproduced, storedinaretrievalsystem,ortransmitted,inanyformorbyany means,electronic,mechanical,photocopying,recording,orotherwise, exceptfortheinclusionofbriefquotationsinareview,withoutprior permissioninwritingfromthepublisher. LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Marley,David,1950- PiratesoftheAmericas/DavidF.Marley. p.cm. Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. ISBN978-1-59884-201-2(hardcopy:alk.paper)—ISBN978-1-59884-202-9(e-book) 1.Pirates—America—History—Encyclopedias.2.America—History,Naval— Encyclopedias.I.Title. E18.M452010 910.405—dc22 2009048318 ISBN: 978-1-59884-201-2 EISBN:978-1-59884-202-9 14 13 12 11 10 1 2 3 4 5 ThisbookisalsoavailableontheWorldWideWebasaneBook. Visitwww.abc-clio.comfordetails. ABC-CLIO,LLC 130CremonaDrive,P.O.Box1911 SantaBarbara,California93116-1911 Thisbookisprintedonacid-freepaper ManufacturedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica Isawnewworldsbeneaththewaterlie, Newpeople;yea,anothersky. —ThomasTraherne(1637(cid:1)1674) Contents Volume1 ListofEntries ix Preface xv Acknowledgments xix ANoteonDates xxi A(cid:1)ZEntries 1 Documents 417 Chronology 437 Glossary 449 Bibliography 455 Index I-1 Volume2 ListofEntries ix Preface xv Acknowledgments xvii ANoteonDates xix A(cid:1)ZEntries 463 Documents 835 Chronology 847 Glossary 851 Bibliography 857 Index I-1 vii List of Entries Abraham’s Cay Avesilla, Alonso de Account Aviso Acosta,Gaspar Mateo de Aylett, John Adam, Captain Azogue Aernouts, Jurriaen Bab-el-Mandeb Alarc(cid:1)on, Juan de Baldridge, Adam Alford,Lewis Bamfield, John Allen,Captain Banda del Norte Allison,Robert Bannister, Joseph Allword,Captain Barca, Esteban dela Almiranta Barco luengoorlongo (cid:1) Alvarez, August´ın Barlovento, Armada de Andrade,AlonsoFelipede Barnes,William Andreis, Bernart Barreda Villegas, Felipe de AndresonorAndrieszoon, Cornelis Barre’s Tavern Andrieszoon,Michiel Basque, Michelle Ansell, John Beare, JohnPhilip Anstis, Thomas Beauregard, Charles Franc¸ois Le Apostles Vasseur de Becquel, Captain Archambaud, Capitaine Beef Island Armadilla Beeston, Sir William Arribada Bellamy, Samuel Artigue, Micheld’,alias ‘‘leBasque’’ Bennett, John Ash,Isleof Bernanos, Jean, Sieurde Ashworth,Leigh Bernard, Antoine Asiento Bernardson, Albert Astorga, Juan De Bigot Auger, John Bilboor bilboes Augersor Augiers, Chevalier de Billiards ix x List of Entries Billop, Christopher Chivers, Dirck Binckes, Jacob Cincuentena Biscayan privateers Clarke, Robert Blackburne, Lancelot Claverie, Charles deLa Blanco,August´ın Clipped moneyor clippings Bl(cid:1)enac, Charles deCourbon, Seigneur ‘‘Clostree,’’Capitaine deRomegoux,Comtede Cobham,Nathaniel Blot,Capitaine Cocket Blue officers Coffin,Captain Blunden,Robert Commissionport Bond,George Cooke,Edmond Bonidel, Capitaine Cooke,John Bonnet,Stede Cooper, Captain Boone,John C(cid:1)ordoba yZ(cid:1)u~niga, LuisBartolom(cid:1)ede BotorBotte,Pierre Corneliszoon, Jan Bourillon,Franc¸ois Corsair Bouton,Jacques Cl(cid:1)ement Corso, Juan Bradish, Joseph Coward, William Bradley, Joseph Coxon,John Brand, Bartel Crab Island Brandenburgprivateers Crane, William Branly,Captain Crijnssen, Abraham Brasiliano,Rok Cusack, George Brauns,Koen de Cussy, Pierre-Paul Tarin, Sieurde Br(cid:1)eha,Pierre Dampier, William Breholt,John Darien Colony Brenningham Daudorus Brigaut,Nicolas Davis, Captain Brimacain, George Davis, Edward Brooks,John Davy,Capitaine Broome, John DeadMan’s Island Browne, James Deane, John Buckingham, Captain Dedenon, Capitaine Bull,John De Graaf,Laurens Cornelis Burke, Thomas Boudewijn Caballero, Andr(cid:1)es Delacourt, Zachariah Cachemar(cid:1)ee Delander, Robert Cagaway Delbourg, Jean Callao Delisle, Capitaine Camposy Espinosa, Alonsode Dempster, Edward Caper Desenne, Jacques Capitana Dessaudrays, Capitaine Careen Devereux, John Carlile, Charles Dew, George Cassava Dey, Dennis Casten, Captain Dockyer, Richard Castro, Pedro de Dogger Charte-partie or‘‘charter party’’ Dotson, Thomas List of Entries xi Doubloon Garc´ıaGal(cid:1)an,Francisco D’Oyley,Edward Gerritszoon, Gerrit,alias ‘‘Rock Drygripes Brasiliano’’ DryTortugas Gobernadorde tercio Ducasse, Jean-Baptiste Gobierno Ducat Goffe, Christopher Duchesne, Capitaine Golden Island Ducking Gonz(cid:1)alez dePerales, Juan Duglas,Jean Goodson,William Duhamel, Capitaine Goody,Captain Dumesnil, Sieur Graham, Captain Earring Grammont, ‘‘Chevalier’’orSieur de Eaton,John Gregge, Thomas Edmunds,John Grenade Elliott,Stephen Griffin,John Enfants perdus Griffin,Thomas Engage(cid:1) Grillo, Diego England,Edward Grogniet, Franc¸ois,alias Essex,Cornelius ‘‘Cachemar(cid:1)ee’’ Estr(cid:1)ees, Jean, Comteandlater Ducd’ Grubing,Nathaniel Evertsende Jongsteor ‘‘the Guardacostas Youngest,’’Cornelis, alias‘‘Kees Guittard, Louis theDevil’’ Guy, Richard Evertsen,Jacob Hadsell, Charles Every,Henry Half-Way Tree Exquemelin,Alexandre-Olivier Hall, Jacob Fackman, Jacob Hamilton, LordArchibald Fenn,John Hamlin, Jean Ferm´ınde Huidobro,Juan HamlynorHamlin, William Fernando, Francis Handley,Thomas Fernando, Luis Hardue orHerdue, Captain FitzGerald, Philip Harismendy, Louis de Flibustier Harmenson, John Flagof truce Harris, Peter (fl.1671(cid:1)1680) Flip Harris, Peter (fl.1684(cid:1)1686) Flota Harris, Thomas Flute Hawkins, Captain FlyingGang Hawkins, Thomas Forban Henley, Thomas Ford,Anthony Hewetson, Thomas Forlorn Hicks, Gaspar Francis,Captain Hispaniola Franco,Capitaine HoarorHore, John Freebooter Hoces, Esteban de Gaines,Hugh Holman, William Galeones Holmes, Sir Robert Galesio, Francisco Hornigold, Benjamin Gallion,Captain Howard,Thomas xii List of Entries Huidobro,Mateo Alonso de LeSage, Franc¸ois Hyne,Captain Lescuyer, Jean Inch ofcandle LeSerf, Jean Indigo Lessone, Capitaine Interloper Let-pass Ireland,John Letter ofmarque Isladel Muerto Letter ofreprisal Jacobs,Captain Lewis, John James, John Lightmoney James, William Lilburne,Robert Janszoon, Pieter Lilly, Thomas Jennings,Henry Lisle orLyle, Captain Johnson,George Logwoodor dyewood Johnson,Peter Lormel, Capitaine JollyRoger Loverell, Captain JudgmentCliff Low, Edward or‘‘Ned’’ Kaper Lucas, Jan Keelhauling Luque, Mateo Kelley, James Lussan, Ravenaude Kidd,William Lynch, Sir Thomas Kilduijvel Machado, Juan Knight,William Madagascar LaBarca, Esteban de Magott, Thomas LaBuze, Louis Maintenon, Charles Franc¸ois LaClaverie, Charles de d’Angennes, Marquisde LaGarde, Pierre Mal deSiam Laars Maldonado deAldana,Antonio Labat,Jean-Baptiste Malherbe, Abraham Laguna deT(cid:1)erminos Mansfield, Edward Langford, Abraham Manso deContreras Rodr´ıguez de Laquesor Jacques,Captain Mendoza, Andr(cid:1)es Larco,Juan de Mar delSur,Armada del Lartigue Markham, John Laurens, Pieter Maroon Layseca y Alvarado,Antonio de, MaroonIslands condede la Lagunade T(cid:1)erminos Martel, James League Martien, David LeBasque, Michel Mart´ın,Alonso Lecat, Jellesde Martin,Christopher LeMoign,Bernard Mart´ınez Freire,Antonio LeMoyne d’Iberville,Pierre Matross Lenham, George Mayes,William L(cid:1)eog^ane Michele, Biagio LePainorPain, Pierre Miguel, Blas Lepene,Jacques Mitchell, Abraham LePicard, Capitaine Modyford, Sir Thomas LeRoux, Anne Moidore (cid:1) Lerouxor LeRoux,Jean MontaubanorMontauband,Etiennede

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