THE WILSON BULLETIN A QUARTERLY JOURNAL OL ORNITHOLOGY Published by the Wilson Ornithological Society VOL. 115, NO. 4 December 2003 PAGES 357-524 Wilson Bull., 115(4), 2003, pp. 357-359 PIRACY AS AN IMPORTANT LORAGING METHOD OL APLOMADO LALCONS IN SOUTHERN TEXAS AND NORTHERN MEXICO JESSI L. BROWN,i2 ANGEL B. MONTOYA,' ERIN J. GOTT,' AND MARTA CURTE — ABSTRACT. Piracy (kleptoparasitism) accounted for 14% of observed foraging attempts on vertebrates (n = 125) by Aplomado Falcons {Falcofemoralis) in southern Texas and northern Mexico, and was over twice as successful as hunting (82% versus 37%). Aplomado Falcons pirated prey cooperatively as well as individually. Eight bird species were targeted for piracy, six ofwhich were as large or larger than the falcons. The majority ofprey items stolen were mammals. Received 10 December 2002, accepted 12 March 2003. Piracy (kleptoparasitism) has been docu- mado Falcons in southern Texas: one near the mented for many birds, particularly those liv- Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge in ing in open landscapes (Paulson 1985) andhas Cameron County (26° 05' N, 97° 21' W) and been reported for 12 of 39 species of falcons the other at Matagorda Island National Wild- (Cade 1982, Brockmann and Barnard 1979, life Refuge (28° 14' N, 96° 37' W). We also Clark et al. 1990, Clark and Schmitt 1993). observed Aplomado Falcons in the Mexican Hector (1985) observed Aplomado Falcons state of Tamaulipas near the city of Matamo- {Falcofemoralis) taking small mammals from ros (25°49' N, 97° 26' W). Most or all indi- American Kestrels {F. sparverius) and White- viduals were derived from captive stock as tailed Kites (Elanus leucurus), and Clark et al. part of a long term release program of The (1990) described piracy by this species on a Peregrine Fund (Mutch et al. 2000). We ob- Little Blue Heron (Egretta caerulea). The ob- served the activities of breeding pairs during jective ofthis study was to determine ifpiracy February to June, 1999 to 2002. These pairs is an important foraging mode for both indi- occurred in open coastal plains, characterized viduals and pairs of Aplomado Falcons in by low herbaceous cover and few, widely southern Texas and northern Mexico. scattered trees and shrubs (Perez et al. 1996). We monitored two populations of Aplo- Here we report only piracy and hunting at- tempts upon vertebrates with known out- comes. Boi'sTeh,eIDPer8e3g7r0i9n,eUFSuAnd., 5668 West Flying Hawk Ln., Of 125 foraging forays for vertebrates, 17 ^Corresponding author; (14%) were attempts at piracy, 14 (82%) of e-mail: [email protected] which were successful. The hunting success FRONTISPIECE. Aplomado Ealcon {Falcofemoralis) in southern Texas. Watercolor on paper, by Barry Kent MacKay. 357 358 THE WILSON BULLETIN • Vol. 115, No. 4, December2003 rate was 38% (41 of 108 attempts). This is a coordinated attack, with the falcons alter- similar to 37% {n = 100) reported by Hector nately stooping at the target bird, the latter (1986) for eastern Mexico. Piracy thus was visibly disoriented, vocalizing, and often more than twice as successful as hunting. dropping its prey. In two piracies on Chihu- Although mammals have been included in ahuan Ravens, the ravens dropped their prey qualitative accounts ofthe Aplomado Falcon’s at the first sign of attack, suggesting routine diet (Bendire 1892, Cherrie 1916, Bent 1938, harassment and habituation to surrender. JLB Wetmore 1965), recent detailed studies ofcap- watched a pairofAplomado Falcons approach tured prey and prey remains show no evidence a flying White-tailed Kite 5 m above the that mammals normally are an important food ground and perform a series of alternating (only 1 of 341 vertebrate prey items; Hector stoops and horizontal attacks. The falcon pair 1985, Jimenez 1993). Only 2 ofthe 108 hunts effectively stopped the kite’s forward move- we observed were for mammals, even though ment, and within 5 s the kite flipped upside we saw Aplomado Falcons consuming mam- down in response to a stoop from the male malian prey of unknown acquisition. Howev- falcon. The male seized the rodent prey still er, the majority of identified pirated items clutched in the kite’s talons, then immediately were mammals (9 of 13 items ofknown class; dropped the prey, which the female falcon see Hector 1985), suggesting that piracy may caught in mid-air. account for this incongruity. Pairs of Aplomado Falcons defending a Eight (73%) of 1 1 observed piracy attempts breeding territory also dominated larger spe- by single falcons were successful, whereas all cies. Aplomado Falcons attacked and success- six attempts by pairs succeeded. These obser- fully expelled much larger raptors, including vations parallel the findings of Hector (1986) Turkey Vultures (Cathartes aura), Harris’ that pairs were more successful at hunting Hawks (Parabuteo uincinctus). White-tailed birds than individuals hunting alone. Our ob- Hawks (Buteo albicaudatus). Red-tailed servations imply that piracy by pairs is a co- Hawks {B. jamaicensis). Crested Caracaras operative act, involving mutual monitoring of (Caracara plancus). Peregrine Falcons, and movements and food sharing (Hector 1981, Great Horned Owls {Bubo virginia?ius; The 1986). Four successful piracies by single fal- Peregrine Fund unpubl. data). In contrast, cons were in the presence of a nearby mate, nonbreeding Aplomado Falcons tended to tol- whose visibility may have increased the de- erate heterospecific intruders. Temeles (1990) gree of intimidation of the target. suggested that such behavior by Northern Aplomado Falcons targeted eight species Harriers increased opportunity for kleptopar- for piracy: the American Kestrel {n = 1), Mer- asitism by not excluding potential future tar- lin (F. columharius\ n = 1), Peregrine Falcon gets. Our observations indicate that Aplomado (F. peregrinus; u = 1), White-tailed Kite (/? Falcons, particularly when paired, may im- = 6), Northern Harrier {Circus cyaneus; n = prove their foraging efficiency and broaden 3), Chihuahuan Raven {Corx’us cryptoleucus; their diet by pirating. n = 2), a gull (most likely Laughing Gull, La?us at?icilla\ n = 1), and other Aplomado ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Falcons {?? = 2). We commonly observed tar- giteatt,sapencdieWshiitne-AtpaliolemdadKioteFsa,lctohen mboresetdifnrgeqhuaebn-t WD.eThMtiuhstacnshkt,uWd.aynAdw.aAsB.usrNuniphcpahomor,ltaeBsd.bfHoyeriTnhrheielcphP,etJrh.ergoP.ruigJnheeonunFtyu,ntdBh..e target for piracy, often nested within sight of study. CommentsbyT.J. Cade,G. Hunt,J. E.Jimenez, Aplomado Falcon nests. Only two of these and an anonymous reviewer significantly improved species, American Kestrels and Merlins, are earlier versions ofthis manuscript. smaller than Aplomado Falcons (approximate- ly 250-400 g), whereas the others are similar LITERATURE CITED in size or larger (Dunning 1984, Hector 1986). Aplomado Falcons relied on both their im- Bendire, C. E. 1892. Life histories ofNorth American birds. U. S. Natl. Mus. Bull. 1:551-558. pressive flying skills and cooperative attacks Bent, A. C. 1938. Falco fusco-coerulescens septen- to compensate for their lack of size. trionalis Todd: Aplomado Falcon. 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