October 2012 www.culchethlife.com 1 2 www.culchethlife.com October 2012 Editor’s Comment Editor GarySkentelbery Production PaulWalker ITishardlysurprisingthatobjectorsto homes,withfourorfivebedrooms. Advertising theboroughcouncil'sLocalPlanCore Theywanttobuildhousesonland Freephone StrategyshouldidentifyCulchethasa northeastofthevillageandinGreen 08009555247 key area, functioning as a separate BeltareasadjoiningCulcheth. amendments which the borough will Editorial housingmarket. Theborough'sstrategy,whichwill thenhavetoconsider. 01925623633 obHjeactrodrlsyarseurlpikreislyingtobbeecdaeuvseeloptehres eDveevnetluoaplmlyentrePlpalna,cecurrethnetlysuUgngiteasrtys onOlapnpdosaitidojnointoinghouDsoinegforpdroCpolossaels, Email who see the village as an ideal housing growth should be Culcheth and off Lady Lane, Croft, [email protected] location for upmarket detached concentrated in the inner areas and leaves little doubt that most people thinktherearealreadyenoughhouses that about 10,500 new homes Websites should be built over the next 15 inthearea.Theyhavethebackingof www.culchethlife.com Craft and years. The objectors argue that locWalhceotuhnecrilltohriss.will be enough to www.frodshamlife.co.uk around 17,000 homes would be counter the arguments of the www.lymmlife.co.uk collectors fair moreappropriateandthatareassuch developers remains to be seen - but www.warrington- asCulchethshouldprovidetheland. developersusuallyseemtobeableto worldwide.co.uk THE 5th Craft & Collectors Fair for Who is right? And what do local gettheirownwayintheend,sowe www.warrington.tv 2012 takes place at Newchurch peoplethink? arenothopeful. Parish Hall on Sunday, October 7 An independent inspector, Onethingiscertain.Theborough Address withtwomoreplannedforNovember appointed by the government, will council must adopt a strategy NewMediaCentre andDecember look at the borough's proposals and eventually or it will have less power OldRoad Warrington Approximately 30 stalls with the suggestions put forward by the to influence future development WA41AT crafters and collectors from in and objectors, and can recommend whetherwelikeitornot. around the Warrington area will be selling their unique products. Crafts will include: homemade cupcakes, CulchethLifeispublished differenttypesofhandmadejewellery Financial Problems? monthlybyOrbitNewsLtd. including gemstones, beads and Thecontentsofthismagazine costume,handmadecardsandgifts, CommercialorPersonal arefullyprotectedbycopyright soap and bath products, sock andnothingmaybereprinted monkeys and handknitted items Forbespokesolutionscontactlocalspecialist orreproducedwithoutprior together with handmade vintage RogerWhite,MICM permissionofthepublishers. householditems.Therewillalsobea Thepublishersarenotliablefor selection of stalls selling a variety of ForFREEInitialAdvice anystatementmadeoropinion collectableitemsontheday. StrictlyConfidential expressedbythirdpartiesinthis Thedoorsopenat11amuntil5pm publication. -everyoneiswelcometocomealong 01925 762497 or 07946 820299 PrintedbyTwentyFourSeven andadmissionisfree. Hotandcold refreshments will also be available CampbellCrossley&Davis throughouttheday. LICENSEDINSOLVENCYPRACTITIONERS October 2012 www.culchethlife.com 3 Accountants give beer festival some oompah! CULCHETHCharteredAccoun- event.ThebandfeaturedsomeHunter tantsHunterHealeywereout Healeyclientsaswellasfriends.We in force at Culcheth Beer were well received by the audience Festival. andbeingalocalfirmitwasgreatto Managing Director Nigel Healey beabletosupportthispopularevent andfriendsformedtheoompahband inCulcheth. especiallyfortheevent. "CongratulatiostoTheRotaryclub Nigel said: "After visiting the ofNewton&DistrictJubileewhodid Inaugral Culcheth Beer Festival last anexcellentjoborganisingtheevent yearwethoughtitshouldhavemore onceagainandhopefullyraisedlots ofanOktoberfestfeeltoitsodecided of money to support their charitable to put a band together for the work." WI hears of messages in bottles MESSAGEinabottlewasthetitleofatalkenjoyedbyCulchethWI. CulchethLionsmemberTonyLewisdescribedthemessageasa"bestkeptsecret." Eachmemberwasgivenasmallgreenandwhitebottlecontainingtwostickersand aformtobefilledinwithpersonaldetailsincludingmedication,emergencycontact, doctor'sdetailsetc. Stickerswereforthefrontdoorandfridgedoor.Hetoldmembers thattheLionsschemestartedin1996andoperatedinmanycountries.Policeand ambulanceworkersarefullyawareofthescheme. SecondspeakerAlanDonahuetoldmembershownationalandinternationaltravel •Professional,approachable,affordable forwheelchairusershadimprovedover the years, but that there were still •Accountspreparation&taxreturnsforindividuals& difficulties.Hehadamusingtalestotell companies suchasbeingbannedfromchinashops and seeking assistance from people •Bookkeeping,payroll&vat whowerelisteningtomusic. •Capitalgains&inheritancetaxplanning A vote of thanks was given by MauraApplebyandthiswasfollowed •Businessstartupadvice byteaandbiscuitsservedbyChristine •Firstmeetingfreeofcharge Rankin, Sally Taylor and Kathleen Totham. CallNigelHealeynowon01925767222 Five visitors attended. Marian Simpson was thanked for the table AbacusHouse,450WarringtonRoad,CulchethWA35QX flowers.Futureeventswereannounced includingatheatretripandChristmas www.hunterhealey.co.uk Marketvisit. 4 www.culchethlife.com October 2012 Brownies enjoy day out at zoo CULCHETH Brownies enjoyed a fun special thankyou to each of the filleddayouttoChesterZooaspart parent helpers who assisted the of their work towards their Seasons leadersonthistrip. Badge which the girls have If you would like to add your completingthishalfterm. daughter to the waiting list for The girls have also completed a Rainbows, Brownies or Guides or if range of other activities including you like to volunteer then please makingbirdbathsandatreasurehunt contactSaraIsleson766057orvia at the Linear Park as part of this [email protected] badge. Aguidedtourwasbookedandthe A harvest of talent girlsthoroughlyenjoyedlisteningtoall the interesting facts about the zoo. ANYONE with a skill, ranging from Afteranice-cream,aplayonthepark potterytophotography,cantakepart andalotofwalking,thegroupwere in a Harvest of Talent being held at all tired out and ventured to the gift All Saints Church, Glazebury on shop for lots of presents before Friday October 12, (10.30am to returning home. The leaders of 6th 4pm), Saturday 13 (10am to 4pm) CulchethBrownieswouldliketosaya andSunday14(12.30amto4pm). October 2012 www.culchethlife.com 5 Keith's a ‘double alderman’ VETERAN Culcheth councillor KeithBlandhasbeenmadean Honorary Alderman for a secondtime. The award comes from Warrington Borough Council tomarkhis15years'service- andfollowsonfromanearlier Honorary Alderman award from the old Cheshire County Council, where he served for 13years. Cllr Bland has also been a member of Culcheth and GlazeburyParishCouncilsince 1982 and is currently chairman. He was awarded the MBE in 2010 for services to the community in Cheshire and Warrington. During his time on the borough council, Cllr Bland hasbeendeputyleaderforfive years, leader of the Conservative Group and chairman of the Warrington Partnership. Hehasalsoservedonnumerouscommitteesandoutsidebodies,including WarringtonCollegiate,WarringtonEducationalTrust,CulchethPrimarySchool andtheFosteringandAdoptionPanel. He is also a Trustee of the Culcheth Educational Trust, member of Culcheth AgeConcernandPresidentoftheOver60s. Cllr Bland said: "I really am delighted to receive this award. I have loved nearly every minute of being a councillor and even though I never went into publicservicetoreceiveanyoftheseawardsIamproudanddelightedtoaccept them." Cllr Bland's wife, Sue,is a member of the borough council and a former memberoftheparishcouncil. 6 www.culchethlife.com October 2012 Villagers lose battle over camp VILLAGERS have lost a long-running Lewis'School. department that is content to ride planning battle over proposals to Planning officers recommended roughshodoverCroft. build luxury homes on a historic approval and pointed out that "Thesehousesarenotthekindwe militarycampsiteintheGreenBelt. although the site was in the Green need and will price the sons and Warrington Borough Council's Belt, the houses would replace daughters of local people out of the developmentmanagementcommittee existing campsite buildings, some of village. hasapprovedplansfor25fourand which were higher than the houses “Inept council officers flew in the fivebedroomedhousesontheformer wouldbe. face of local residents' wishes, HMS Gosling site off Lady Lane, Theplanningconsentissubjectto steeredthemeetingfrombeginningto Croft. a number of conditions, including end,andactedasasecondvoicefor More than 400 residents had archaeologicalworkonthesite,land thedeveloper." Cllr Hoyle said: “It was a objected and many packed into the remediation, landscaping and a Cllr Vobe said he would be disappointingdecision.Unfortunately, Town Hall to hear the committee schemeoftree/hedgeprotection. seeking a meeting with the borough recent changes in national planning debatetheissue. After the meeting, Cllr Vobe said: council’s interim chief executive, policyhavemadeitmoredifficultfor But despite strong objections from "This is a shameful decision which asking him to investigate a lack of the council to refuse permission on localcouncillorsLesHoyleandChris once again shows a planning impartialitybyplanningofficials. previouslydevelopedsites.” VobeandfromCroftParishCouncil, the committee granted permission to developersElanRealEstate. . . . but councillors show a united front Councillors - who had visited the site previously - were told the COUNCILLORSareshowingaunited and Sport – unquestionablywrong. developer had offered £30,000 front over proposals for a housing Maria Miller MP “The Secretary of State has the towards the cost of highway development on a former wartime – to intervene. powertoaddsuchsitestoanational improvements near St Lewis' RC campatCroft,Warrington. Hehaswrittento list of Buildings of Special Primary School and £240,000 ConservativecouncillorSueBland hertocallforthe Architectural or Historic Interest. This towards the cost of affordable (pictured) has supported calls by existing wartime would stop the development in its housingelsewhereintheborough. Labour councillor Chris Vobe for the trainingbuildings tracks,andgrantEnglishHeritagethe Thesiteissaidtobethelastofa coalition Government to intervene to be added to powertomaintainandrestorethesite numberofwartimemilitarycampsthat over the future development of the thenationalListof in the long term. I believe, as do onceexistedinthearea. HMSGoslingsite. Buildings of peopleinCroft,thatHMSGoslingfits The parish argued there was no Plannershaveapprovedproposals Special Architectural or Historic these criteria as it remains the only need for more housing in Croft and byElanHomestobuild25fourand Interest, which are overseen by survivingwartimenavaltrainingcamp nosewageorgassuppliestothesite, fivebedroompropertiesonthesite. English Heritage. Cllr Bland has inthisarea.IamaskingtheSecretary which is home to a wide variety of Localresidentsarefuriousoverthe counter-signedthelettertoMrsMiller. ofStatetoexercisethepowershehas wildlife. decision and have slammed the Cllr Vobe said:“There can be no to ensure that the wishes of nearly Theybelievedtherecouldberoad council’s planning department for doubtthatpeopleinCroftareunited 400 Croft residents are placed safety issues arising from an overlookingcrucialdetails,including in their desire to protect the land abovethedeveloper.” unsatisfactory access to the site and aninfrastructureanddrainagesystem againstthisunwelcomedevelopment. ThelettercallsontheSecretaryof that the development could lead to which they believe will not support TownHallofficersshamefullybrushed State to intervene as a matter of increasedfloodinginLadyLane. extrahomes. asidethehistoricnatureoftheformer urgency, since planning permission Additional housing could also Cllr Vobe has called on the HMSGoslingsiteintheirbriefingto fortheadditionalhomeshasalready exacerbate parking problems at St SecretaryofStateforCulture,Media councillors. That decision was beengranted. October 2012 www.culchethlife.com 7 8 www.culchethlife.com October 2012 Anger over footpath widening ANGRY Culcheth residents fear they thatpeoplewanttouseareignored face an increase in anti-social and left in a state that make them behaviour near their homes after a impossibletouse. footpath was widened and "Ihavespokentomanyneighbours tarmacced. whosepropertiesbackontothepath, People living in Severn Road and who have told me there was no ThamesRoadsaytheyalreadysuffer consultation - just a letter to say the problems with unruly youths workwasgoingtobedone. congregating on the path, shouting, "We are sure the path will now swearing, drinking and kicking attract more youths, drinking and fences. littering. Theyclaimtheywerenotconsulted "Neighbours already have to about the footpath improvement endure fences being kicked in, litter beforetheworkwasstarted. thrown off the bridge and youths Oneresident,GillLomas,claimed playing chicken on a ledge on the the work had also had a damaging bridge. impactonwildlife,withanumberof "There is constant swearing, fires hedgehogsdisturbedandonedying. being started, explosions involving The footpath leads from Thames gascanistersandyouthspeeringinto Road to an old railway bridge gardens. nearby. "I can't believe in a democratic Residentshaveraisedtheissuewith society this has been allowed to the borough council, the police and happenwithnoconsiderationtohow localcouncillors. itaffectspeople'severydaylives." Gillsaid:"Iwouldliketoknowwhy A borough council spokeswoman myself and my neighbours were not said: "We consulted households consulted about the widening and backingontothefootpathanddida tarmaccing of the path before the letterdrop. decisionwasmadetodoit. "The footpath leads to a former "Thepathisnowsowideitwould landfill site which is now a nature easily fit the best part of 100 reserveandwithincreasedfootfallwe teenagersonthebridge. are upgrading the footpath to allow "I'malsobemusedastowhyother for greater access to the nature more widely used public footpaths reserve." Fundraiser for historic church AN evening of entertainment with Tony Berry, lead singer of The Houghton Weavers,takesplaceatWinwickLeisureCentreonWednesday,October17 toraisefundsfortherestorationofthehistoricStOswald'sChurch,Winwick. Itisnowsometwoyearssincethediscoveryofdeath-watchbeetleinthenave roofanditisestimatedthecostofrepairscouldbeashighas£350,000. Workhasstarted-infactthefirstphasehasbeencompleted.Butthemain bodyofthechurchremainsoutofuse. AlthoughEnglishHeritagehasagreedtocontributetothecostsofrestorations, thechurchhastoraisemuchofthemoneyitself. Theentertainmentwillincludesongs,storiesandplentyofhumour. Therewillalsobearafflewithmanyprizesandsupper. StOswald'sisoneoftheoldestchurchesintheWarringtonarea.Partofa Saxoncrossinthechurchisbelievedtodatefrom750AD. Thepresentbuildingisthoughttodatefrom1358,althoughtheLeghchapel isolder.Theoldestpartofthechurchproperisthebelltower,whichcontainsa pealofsixbellsdated1711. Moredetailscanbefoundatwww.stoswaldswinwick.com October 2012 www.culchethlife.com 9 Hardwork paying off for village greengrocer HARDworkandlonghoursisstarting thelocaleconomy. to pay off for Glynn's Greens in Produce is competitively priced to Culchethvillage. reflect good quality, freshness and Thevillagegreengrocerslaunched locallysourced wherepossible. by Glynn Andrew after working 28 Allproduceissoldlooseperkiloor years in logistics, has now been per item, so you can buy as little or tradingforfourmonths-andbusiness asmuchasyourequire. isgrowingthankstoaloyalcustomer Glynn is now also offering pre base. Glynn is passionate about ordered fruit and veg boxes for supporting the local community and collection anytime with a local buys direct from local farmers deliveryserviceonFridays. whenever possible, keeping cash in "To start this type of business this year has been very demanding, working 15 hour days 6 days a Speed limit week,"saidGlynn. "It has been a difficult 4 months proposed due to the really bad summer affecting the availability of some vegetablesbutwithcontinuedsupport HIGHWAYS chiefs proposed to fromexistingcustomersandpotential introducea40mphspeedlimitona supportfromnewcustomerthevillage busy route at Croft, following should be able to support a local complaintsfromlocalresidentsabout greengrocerinthelongterm. speedingtraffic. "We really look forward to Sandy Brow Lane and Stone Pit receivingcustomerfeedbackgoodor Lane are currently subject to the badsowecandevelopandimprove national 60mph limit. The proposed thebusinesstosuittherequirementsof 40mphlimitwillbefromthejunction thecustomers." withWinwickLaneandapoint135 Glynn has lived in Culcheth for metreswestofitsjunctionwithKenyon nearly 40 years and has family and Lane.Allrepresentations,insupportor friendswhosaytheyarefedupwith objecting to the proposals, must be supermarketmultipackoffers. made in writing either by post by It'safriendly,familyshop-wifeSue October 4 to Craig McCarthy of and daughter Charlotte help out - Legal Services or delivered by hand which also stocks eggs, jams, to Quattro Building, New Town preserves,honey,oils,dressings,ice House, Buttermarket Street, cream, cheese and pate. Specialist Warrington coffeesandteasareinthepipeline 10 www.culchethlife.com October 2012 Musician stunned by Me A former Culcheth High below)saidhisjazzbandRollerTrio Schoolpupilwas‘stunned’to (right), were at a celebrity bash in hear that his band had been London when the nominations were nominatedfortheprestigious officiallyannounced. MercuryAward. He said: “We were absolutely The awards, hosted by the BBC, stunned. It is amazing. After the willbejudgedonNovember1and announcementeverythingwentcrazy first prize is £20,000. Previous andwewereuplatedoingloadsof nomineeshaveincludedstarssuchas televisionandradiointerviews.” ElbowandAdele. Tenor saxist James has formed the James Mainwaring (pictured group Roller Trio with friends Luke Wynter, guitar and Luke Reddin- Williamsondrums. Thethreesomepickedup the prestigious Peter Whittingham Jazz Award lastyear-anannualaward foremergingmusicians-and theirdebutalbumisontheF- irelabel. James says the band combines contemporary jazz and rock traditions, creating a powerful and accessible blend of conventional and experimentalsounds. He says: "Our original compositions consist of beautiful evocative songs, groovy riffs, thrashy noise andelectronicsoundscapes creating seminal and atmosphericmusic." The band earned praise fromarangeofcriticsearlier this year. The nomination means they will get major exposureinthemusicworld. James said: “For a jazz band to be nominated is amazing. We are really excitedaboutourfuture.” The BBC praised their debutalbum,RollerTrio,for its "taut lines that have a staccato if not stuttering quality, yet unleash a sizeableenergyrushthrough volleysofneedlingfour-,six- andthree-notephrases". M. J. NEEDHAM LANDSCAPES Award Winning with over 15 years experience All aspects of landscaping Specialist in bespoke construction Qualified design service available 01925 764397 07888 730383 www.mjneedhamlandscapes.co.uk