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Pilot's Flight Operating Instructions PDF

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RESTRICTED. 1. 0. NO, 01-751 PILOT’S FLIGHT OPERATING { INSTRUCTIONS | i FOR pe ARMY MODELS P-38D through P-38G Series F-4, F-4A and F-5A Series AIRPLANES + 4 2 eee 1 OCTOBER 1942 \ REVISED 30 SEPTEMBER 1944 esteicTED T.0.No. O1-75F-1 y |__ THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE USED BY PERSONNEL RENDERING SERVICE TO THE UNITED STATES OR ITS ALLIES j Inatrction: Applicat to AAF Personal, ll ggeg on aellnipr ec pom pess SSE er a ese || st OF REVISED PAGES ISSUED i Br rata tn eee earn cena ees * eee eee i S é “ a 1 aay 1965 3s bey 9 oe ee Soe eiclettemeeeetere ee Lon RESTRICTED Revised 30 September 1946 estRicteD 1.0. No. O1-75F-1 CONTENTS SECTION PAGE SECTION PAGE pean 5 Weight and Balance Chart 386 Series... 40 1. Gea! 5 Weight and Batance Chart 2. Fadl, Oil and Coolae 3 Weighc and Bulnce Chart FA... 3. Pilot Protection 5 Weight and Balance Chart—F5A Series... 3 Specific Engine ight Chart V-171027 Ht Poe Operating tnscactions 2 fod VIH029 son a 1. Fight Rosricions 20 specie ngine Might Chase V-1710-9 2. Before Entering Cockpit 20 Naed V-inios3 eee 3. On Favering the Coxkpit. 21 Specie Hagin Mighe Chae V-171031 4 Suing Eogines 2 nod V-I71088 “ 5. Engine Warmup 2 Take of, Climb and Landing Chart 6 Emergency Takeoff 23 P.S8D, PSE and Fe a7 7. Engine and Accessories Ground Tet 23 Takeoff, Climb and Landing Chart, & Tastiog fstructions 24 PISOF and FAA Series “ 9. Takeo! 24 Takeof, Climb and Landing Chart 10, Engine Failure Dating Takeo 2% P-39G and F-5A Series oa 11. Climb 26 Flight Operation losrution Chart PRD, Tae Fight Opeatins 26 PARE & Fel withotdeoppable tk)... 50 15. General Flying Characters Flight Opeetion foeuction Chart P-38D, 28 14, Engine Flare Dusing Fight ee PSE Fe (wth 150 gallon en) 0S 45. Sulls 29. __‘Hlight Operation tostcton Chart P38D, ie ea Ss ASE & F« (with 00 gallon tank) 2 17. Acrobats 29 Tight Operation tostracton ChareP34D, 18. Ding a P.38E & Fo (with one propeller feathered) ...33 19, Night Flying 3 20, Brergeng Ext 3m ot 21. Approach, Landing snd Cros-Wind Landing 31. ‘Fight Operation Inston Chace P-38F za ee Bagi Se BAA Seren (with 150 gallon eank) 2... 38 [Eb oe ab Iovisction Chart P38 Spiers Wide Ps 328 BAA Seren (with 300 gallon tank) 6, Fight Operation fstruction Chart #388 IL Flight Operation Dea 33S FAA Series (with one propele fextered) 57 1. Weight and Balance Comptstions 33. light Operition faseucon Chart P96 Weight and Balance Chart-P.38D a SSA Series (without droppable tank) 58 Weight and Balance Chart—P-38E 1138 Flight Opestion tnseracion Char P.38G Weigh and Balance Chare_P-38F Ge FSA Series (with 180 gallon ta) «59 Weight and Balance Chart—P-38F--L0 37 ight Operation tostrocion Chare PA8G Weight and Bolance Ghat—P-38F510 38 FSA Series (with 300 gallon tank) 0 Weight and Balance Chart— Fight Operation feseution Chart P-39G PAMEISLO, PSSEISLO, PAIGISLO 39 RFSASeriee (with one propeller feathered) 61 es Linea CONTENTS -=(cont.) one. rage serion pee Boing Screen. oe site _—— cee Set : ak ores ib Operation Sf Machine Gain o Operation of Commanication Equipment a ‘©. Operation of 20 MM Cannon oO aan Ge a oenarmens : Ree ae Ce ies ee ens , {ee eae a ee ee is Beal Gaecet erate os Ca enor 2 t ee eee pee re re ei. alae pea ee ue 9 Opera SER es ae) ese Gps aes (Ces pociogreteye 20 DE RSS 5 aa Mager yore, S ps Oponion of Bea AvE@o APPIN | UA sin ae Se es ooee. - ILLUSTRATIONS ee woe es Ree i tnatond Roe rh! Ais ee : es ee ee 3 Fuselage Contents Arrangement - 6 21 Cannon Charger acm : » 4 Instrument Panel Sey as tye ite 92 Acces Ladle, se 5 Cockpit (Right Front) .. 8 oy Sete ee & cea dat toe D- apanes Sens = Dg IO EME Sc GMO ore eS ees cian Geren ee a 9 Cockpit (Lefe Rear) Controls Demand Type Oxygen System 1 Cate ge Apne pe veges a ey oe Cone 9 5 Reise a 11 oa ig ea) bs cee . ieee ee eee | ae es ao POS ee a et “ (5 False pehem wap. ls 2? Gna 0029 le > or : 2 Oy eg te 77 Meta ya Gen _ Pa ple ae te cased Ouse crat a dececuaaee ceaeeae 2 KNOW YOUR AIRPLANE -\ BEFORE TAKING OFF RESTRICTED 1.0. No. 0175°6-1 FIOURE 1-LOCKHEED P-28 FIGHTER AIRPLANE RESTRICTED RESTRICTED 1.0. Ne, ° SECTION 1 1-75-1 masnceari 10.3 SECTION DESCRIPTION 1, GENERAT. This handbook covers the model RP38D, RP.38E, P3SF, PSF, PSE, P3815, P-8F-15, P38G-1, P30G-3, P38, P8610, and PA8G-19 figher nce planes, and the model F-4, F4A, F5A-1, F543, and F5A:10 photographic airplanes These airplanes are rmanufacnised by Lockheed Aircraft Corporation, Buc- Iank, California, under Gootacs A212, W535. ac 13205, W535 a€ 15646, and W538 ac 21217. ‘They ate ricgle geared land monoplanes, powered swith earbo-upercharged, twelve-<ylinder, Alton, model V171027 and 29, V71049 snd -3, 0¢ V.1710°51 aad 55 engines. Each engine drives « Curtin elect, dhreebladed, coo stant speed, fall feathering propeller. Hydeaulially operated Maps, landing get, coolant shuts, cannon charge, and brakes are provided. NOTE: The Hydeusliceanaon charger hasbeeo ‘eleted from sigplancs serial No, 4212567 a0d ‘py and serial No, 43.2038 and vp “The approximate overall dimensions are a follows: Length 37F 9} 1a, Height 9Fe9Y, In. Span SFO. In 2. FUEL. OIL, AND COOLANT. Ped: Specification —-AN-VV-E-781 ‘Octane 100. 4. ow ‘Speciation —AN-VV.O-446A Vicouiy—1120 « COOLANT: Speciation —ANE2 [Name—Ethylene Glycol 3, PILOT PROTECTION. Front and rear armor is provided to protect the {com dicee right angle 30 caliber fe originating with- jn the shaded ares iierated in Fguce Revived 5-15-48 RESTRICTED 1.0. No. O1-756-1 SECTION | 6 MODEL V.1710 ENGINE-RH. ‘TURBO SUPERCHARGER—R, ENGINE OXYGEN CYLIN NDERS (Typical Installation) RECOGNITION RADIO. BAGGAGE COMPARTMENT (Located ia 1H. ‘Boom in Camera Aigplanes) ARMAMENT COMPARTMENT OR CAMERA ‘COMPARTMENT. cocker RADIO EQUIPMENT HYDRAULIC RESERVOIR MAIN WING TANK—LHL [RESERVE WING TANK—LH. [EXTERNAL DROPPABLE FUEL TANK—LHL COOLANT TANK—1.H. ENGINE OIL, RADIATORS—L.H. ENGINE O11. TANK—LH, ENGINE INTERCOOLER—1.H. ENGINE COOLANT RADIATOR—LH, ENGINE BATTERY Locited in Fosclage Nose in ‘Camera Airplanes) FIGURE 3-FUSELAGE CONTENTS ARRANGEMENT RESTRICTED RESTRICTED 1.0, No, O1-75F8-1 SECTION s+. SUCTION GAGE SELECTOR VALVE SUCTION GAGE COMPASS CORRECTION CARD HOLDER ‘TURN INDICATOR FLIGHT INDICATOR FLAP AND LANDING GEAR PLACARD FLIGHT INDICATOR CAGING KNOB COMPASS MANIFOLD PRESSURE GAGE (Right and Lefe Eagioe) FREE AIR TEMPERATURE GAGE cecseses CLOCK RADIO CALL PLATE FUEL PRESSURE WARNING LIGHTS (Righe and Left Engines) HYDRAULIC SYSTEM PRESSURE GAGE FUEL QUANTITY INDICATOR (Froos Tals) FUEL QUANTITY INDICATOR (Rear Tanks) (OIL COOLER FLAPS POSITION INDICATOR (igh and Lefeogines) ALTIMETER AIRSPEED INDICATOR BANK AND TURN INDICATOR RATE OF CLIMB INDICATOR “TACHOMETER (Right and Left Fogines) ‘OIL, PRESSURE GAUGE (Right and Lett Engines) LANDING GEAR AND FLAP POSITION INDICATOR MACHINE GUNS AND CAN! BLINKER LIGHTS COOLANT. TEMPERATURE WARNING TIGHTS (Right and Lefe Fagioes) COOLANT. TEMPERATURE INDICATOR (Right and tele Engines) OIL. TEMPERATURE INDICATOR (Right and Lele Engios) FUEL PRESSURE GAGE (ight and Lefe Engioes) CARBURETOR AIR TEMPERATURE (Right and Lett Eagioes) FIGURE 4—TYPICAL INSTRUMENT PANEL RESTRICTED RESTRICTED OIL DILUTION CONTROL. SWITCHES (ete aed Right SPARE INSTRUMENT LIGHT AIRPLANE MASTER SWITCH. GENERATOR CONTROL SWITCH OIL COOLERS FLAP CONTROL SWITCHES, ITION SWITCHES. (Leteand Righo) ENGINE STARTER CONTROL SWITCHES. (Lettand Rh) [FLUORESCENT INSTRUMENT LIGHT CONTROL SWITCH, POSITION LIGHT SWITCH. LANDING LIGHT CONTROL SWITCH. ‘VOLIMETER AMMETER INVERTER WARNING LIGHT INVERTER SELECTOR SWITCH PITOT HEAD HEATER SWITCH NG BRAKE CONTROL HANDLE PARK 1. ©. No, 01-75F-1 SECTION | FLUORESCENT INSTRUMENT LIGHT ‘DUAL ENGINE PRIMER RUDDER TAB CONTROL CANNON CASE EJECTION DOOR ‘CONTROL KNOB. ARMAMENT MASTER SWITCH. MACHINE GUNS CONTROL SWITCH ‘CANNON CONTROL SWITCH GUN CAMERA CONTROL SWITCH ‘GUN BLINKER CONTROL SWITCH ‘COMPASS LIGHT RHEOSTAT SWITCH GUN SIGHT LIGHT RHEOSTAT SWITCH ‘COCKPIT LIGHTS RHEOSTAT SWITCH. 'FLAP. CONTROL LEVER FLUORESCENT INSTRUMENT LIGHT ‘ARMAMENT SWITCHES INSTRUCTION PLATE [MACHINE GUNS TRIGGER BUTTON AILERON TAB CONTROL PILOTS CONTROL WHEEL (CANNON TRIGGER BUTTON ‘MICROPHONE BUTTON FIGURE 5-COCKPIT (RIGHT FRONT) Revised 5-15-43, RESTRICTED

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