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Duke Monographs in Medieval and Renaissance Studies 12 Editorial Committee Arthur B. Ferguson, Edward P. Mahoney, Chairman Lee W. Patterson, David C. Steinmetz, Bruce W. Wardropper, Ronald G. Witt, Caroline Bruzelius,Joan M. Ferrante Published in association with the Institut fUr Europaische Geschichte, Mainz: Veroffentlichungen des Instituts fUr Europaische Geschichte, Abteilung Religionsgeschichte, Band 147 DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS · DURHAM 1992 PILGRAM MARPECK HIS LIFE AND SOCIAL THEOLOGY BY STEPHEN B. BOYD TheFrankS. andElizabethD. BrewerPrize Essay ofthe American Society of Church History DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS · DURHAM 1992 DieDeutscheBibliothek - CIP-Einheitsaufnahme Boyd, Stephen B.: Pilgram Marpeck:His Life and social Theology / von Stephen B. Boyd. Mainz: von Zabern, 1992 (Veroffentlichungendes Institutsfur EuropaischeGeschichteMainz; Bd. 147: AbteilungReligionsgeschichte) ISBN 3-8053-1159-1 NE: Institutfur Europaische Geschichte (Mainz): Veroffentlichungen des Instituts ... Library ofCongress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Boyd, Stephen Blake. Pilgram Marpeck: his life and social theology / by Stephen B. Boyd. Includes bibliographicalreferences and index. ISBN0-8223-1100-3 1. Marbeck, Pilgram, ca. 1495-1556. 2. Anabaptists- Biography. 3. Anabaptists- Doctrines- History- 16thcentury. 4. Sociology, Christian- History- 16thcentury. I.Title. BX4946.M3B69 1992 284'.3-dc20 (B) 90-44076CIP © 1992 by Verlag Philipp von Zabern, Mainz am Rhein ISBN 3-8053-1159-1 AIle Rechte vorbehalten / All rights reserved Printed in Germany byPhilipp von Zabern Printed on acid-free paper 00 Published in the United States by Duke University Press, Durham, North Carolina Tothememoryofthosementionedinthesepages andthoseconnectedtothemwho havebornewitness to the »mysteryofthecross ofChrist.« CONTENTS Acknowledgments IX Abbreviations XI Introduction Chapter 1 Rattenberg: CrisisofLoyalty 5 Chapter2 The»MysteryoftheCross«: Theologies ofSuffering 25 Chapter3 Strassburg: SocialandReligious Radicalism 43 Chapter4 Marpeck's Theologyofthe Cross andtheChristianCommunity 69 Chapter5 InterimYears: Strugglefor UnityandInstitutionalIdentity 97 Chapter6 Augsburg: ConfessionalPluralismandPoliticalConflict 127 Chapter7 GerechtigkeitandMarpeck'sSocialTheology 147 Conclusion 169 Bibliography 173 Index 193 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This book is a revision of a dissertation submitted to the Committee on AdvancedDegrees ofHarvardDivinitySchoolforthe Th.D. degree. Iampleased to express mygratitude to the followingpersons andinstitutionswhichhave not onlymadethisstudypossible, butalsoenrichedit immeasurably. In writing the original manuscript, I received assistance and am grateful to the following professors: Arthur McGill for the influence his mode of thought has had on my approach to this material; Steven Ozment for suggesting a biographical treatment of Marpeck; Margaret Miles for her inspiration and insightful comments; Clarissa Atkinson for her constant encouragement, critical observations, and attempts to bringstyle andclarity to my prose; and George H. Williams, under whose watchful eye and probing questions the topic germinated andgrew, andfor hispersonalandprofessionalcounsel. HarvardDivinitySchoolandHarvard Universityprovidedscholarship aidand a stimulating environment which shaped many of the concerns and methods I brought to this work. I am particularly grateful for a research fellowship (1982 83)from theInstitutfur EuropaischeGeschichteinMainz, under thedirection of ProfessorPeter Manns; to his assistants, Rolf Decot and Rainer Vinke, for their aidin manyscholarly andpractical matters; and to my fellowStipendiatenin the Religionsabteilung, who helped me with modern and Friihneuhochdeutsch, as wellaspaleographyandarchivalresearch. I received many courtesies and much assistance in various archives and libraries: Regensburg Stadtarchiv, Augsburg Stadtarchiv (especially Professor Claus Peter Clasen) and Stadtbibliothek, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Neuburg Staatsarchiv, Wiirttembergische Landesbibliothek, VIm Stadtarchiv, Fiirstliches Waldburgisches Archiv Zeil, Landesregierungsarchiv fUr Tirol (especially Mr. Perktold and Mr. Rupert), Konsistorial Archiv Salzburg, Zentralbibliothek Zurich, Appenzell Stadtarchiv, Strasbourg Archives de Ville, the library of the Institut fur Europaische Geschichte (especiallyPaul Hupka, Frau Resch and Frau Ries), the Andover- Harvard Theological Library, the Z. Smith Reynolds Library of Wake Forest University (especially Mr. Paul Ach), and the Wake Forest University School of Law (especially Rachel Hilbun for her technical assistance). I wish also to thank Michael Birkel, Miriam Chrisman, Joyce Irwin, Andre Seguenny, andJames Stayer for reading parts or all of the manuscript at various stages and for theirsuggestions; GalenJohnson for helping with the index; Neal x Acknowledgments Bloughfor makinghis dissertationavailable to meandfor his criticalresponse to drafts ofthis work; Heinold Fast for his enthusiastic support of this project and his generosityinsharingwithme hiscriticaltext ofDasKunstbuch alongwithhis transcripts ofrelatedarchival material; andRussellSizemoreandJohn Collins for theirsustainingfriendship. Funds for additional research were provided by the German Academic ExchangeService (DAAD), the National Endowmentfor the Humanities (Travel to Collections), and the William C. Archie Fund of Wake Forest University, which also subsidized this publication with a grant from its research and publicationfund. I am grateful also for the generous subvention accompanying the FrankS. and ElizabethD. BrewerPrize awarded by the American society of Church History, whichmadecopublicationpossible. Finally, I am most pleased about the appearance of this book in the series of the Duke University Press and of the Institut fur Europaische Geschichte - an expressionofthebreadthofits ecumenicalcommitmentandvision. ABBREVIAnONS ABT Ottenthal, Emilvon, ando. Redlich,ArchivBerichte aus Tirol Antwon Losenh,Johann, ed.,PilgramMarbecksAntwortauf KasparSchwenckfeldsBeurteilungdesBuchesder Bundesbezeugungvon 1542 ARG ArchivfurReformationsgeschichte Aufdeckung Marpeck,AufdeckungderBabylonischenhum... Bekenntnis Marpeck, BekenntnisanJan vonPernstain CC Klassen,William, CovenantandCommunity CH ChurchHistory CS CorpusSchwenckfeldianorum CV Marpeck, Clareverantwurtung Confession Confession ofFaith, 1532 E Biinderlin,Erklerungdurchvergleichung... KB Maler,Jorg, DasKunstbuch KR,l Krebs, Manfred, andHansGeorgRott, eds., ElsaJ1, partI: StadtStrassburg, 1522-1532 KR,2 Krebs Manfred, andHansGeorgRott, eds.,ElsajS, partII: StadtStrassburg, 1533-1535 KU Marpeck,AinKlarervastnutzlicherunterricht... LRAT TirolerLandesregierungsarchiv ME MennoniteEncyclopedia MGB Mennonitische Geschichtsblatter MQR MennoniteQuarterlyReview MZ Entfelder, Von den manigl'altigenimglauben zerspaltungen... RPA Rattenbergpfarrarchiv SAR RattenbergStadtarchiv R.St-A RegensburgStadtarchiv St-A.A StadtarchivAugsburg S.St-A StrasbourgStadtarchiv TD TheologiaDeutsch, ed. HermannMandel TE Marpeck, Testamenterleutterung WA WeimarAusgabe WPM Klassen,William, andWalterKlaassen, Writingsof PilgramMarpeck

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