7 1 20 ANO 22 - Nº 218 - Jan/Fev 2017 CIRCULAÇÃO LATINO-AMERICANA O R EI R E V E F O/ R EI N A J 8 - 1 2 Nº 2 - 2 O N www.paintshow.com.br A A R U T N PI & T N AI P A T S VI E R Pigmentos Inorgânicos Novas tecnologias destacam produtos com apelo sustentável Inorganic Pigments New Technologies Highlight Products with a Sustainable Appeal A Pigmentos Innorgánicos R O T EDI Nuevas tecnologías destacan productos O L E con llamamiento sustentable N G A Capa 04.indd 1 07/02/2017 16:26:40 Revista PAINT & PINTURA Ano 22, N.º 218 - Janeiro/Fevereiro 2017 CAPA - Talita Correia DIRETOR PRESIDENTE UM COMEÇO DE CRESCIMENTO Agnelo de Barros Neto [email protected] DIRETORA FINANCEIRA E LUCÉLIA MONFARDINI D Samantha Barros [email protected] I Melhor do que imaginávamos. Assim T EDITOR CHEFE O Marcos Mila estão as previsões para os primeiros R [email protected] meses do ano. O primeiro trimestre I EDITORA RESPONSÁVEL A já tem indicativos muito positivos. Lucélia Monfardini (MTb 35.140) L O ministro da Fazenda, Henrique Meirelles, [email protected] EDIÇÃO DE ARTE prevê que o Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) Geraldo de Oliveira crescerá 2% até o último trimestre de 2017. [email protected] Inclusive, ele ainda afirmou: “Quando os DIAGRAMAÇÃO números do primeiro trimestre forem divul- Talita Correia [email protected] gados, já vamos verificar crescimento.” REVISÃO Já as previsões da Confederação Nacional Marcello Bottini da Indústria (CNI) são de que o país sairá TRADUÇÃO ESPANHOL lentamente da recessão e o PIB industrial Maria Lucia de O. Marques TRADUÇÃO INGLÊS em 2017 terá uma expansão de 1,3% frente a Marcio Mendonça 2016. A CNI ainda prevê que a economia bra- EDITOR DE FOTOGRAFIA sileira crescerá 0,5% este ano. Outra projeção Yuri Zoubaref importante é referente aos investimentos, com estimativa de expansão em 2,3% frente ao [email protected] PUBLICIDADE ano passado. A taxa de inflação, segundo a CNI, fechará abaixo de 5% este ano, ou seja, Luciana Melim bem próxima do centro da meta que é de 4,5% para o ano. Patrícia Géa Gradativamente, os principais segmentos da indústria estão apresentando alguma reação Rosana Lima positiva; assim, consequentemente, também aumentam as previsões de crescimento da [email protected] DISTRIBUIÇÃO/ASSINATURAS economia este ano. E tudo indica que o país já sairá da recessão no primeiro trimestre de Fernando Clarindo 2017. [email protected] Nesta edição, a revista Paint & Pintura traz uma matéria sobre o último evento de 2016 da CTP E IMPRESSÃO Associação Brasileira dos Fabricantes de Tintas (Abrafati), no qual o presidente-executivo Gráfica Eskenazi da entidade, Dilson Ferreira, falou sobre suas previsões para 2017: “Quando olhamos para este ano ainda vemos um ano difícil, mas esperamos uma estabilidade econômica para ASSESSORIA JURÍDICA reverter essa queda de desempenho do nosso PIB, e que tenhamos uma retomada de crescimento, mesmo que ainda seja pequena.” P CONSELHO EDITORIAL A AColbniosu Cltaolvrieat eIn Rdoutsttari,a dl;i rLeutiozr M daar Aticnrhoott, a Já Freddy Carrillo, presidente do conselho diretivo da Abrafati, enfatizou, durante o mesmo IN consultor da LAPM Consulting; Luis Manuel T Mota, consultor; Maria Cristina Kobal evento, a importância de trocar experiências e situações muito além da realidade e das & de Carvalho, diretora técnica da Renner P Sdaay Teormlacaks; M Ca&rClo Cs oRnosbueltritnog T;omassini, diretor dificuldades do mercado. “Nosso foco é tentar minimizar e dar uma virada para o cresci- IN T PAINT & PINTURA é uma publicação mensal de mento no ano de 2017. Estamos trabalhando com uma campanha para tentar incentivar U AGNELO EDITORA. Circulação latino-americana. R Dirigida às indústrias de tintas, revestimentos, o consumo das nossas tintas e, obviamente, capitalizar os programas do governo e dos A vernizes, impermeabilizantes e tintas gráficas. Os artigos assinados são de inteira responsabilidade diferentes programas das outras associações que podem nos ajudar a aquecer o mercado | J de seus autores. a n de tintas”, relatou. /F e Confira também nas páginas a seguir as projeções para este ano de importantes mercados v 2 Rua José Tobias dos Santos, 37-A para a indústria de tintas nas matérias “Pigmentos Inorgânicos”, “Resinas Alquídicas” e 0 1 05121-050, São Paulo, SP, Brasil. 7 Tel (5511) 3832-7979 “Equipamentos de Produção: Moinhos, Dosadores e Misturadores”. | 3 [email protected] www.agneloeditora.com.br JAN/FEV 2017 PAINT&PINTURA • Ano 22 • NO 218 O I R ENTREVISTA Á 12 M Chemours investe cada vez mais em iniciativas para reafirmar fortemente sua U marca no mercado global e garantir crescimento nos próximos anos S PIGMENTOS INORGÂNICOS Fabricantes de pigmentos inorgânicos buscam atender as necessidades es- 18 pecíficas de seus clientes, desde tonalidades de cores até exigências como alta performance, fácil dispersão, resistências química e a intempéries e baixa toxicidade EQUIPAMENTOS DE PRODUÇÃO 38 Os equipamentos de produção estão cada vez mais modernos, compactos, com tecnologia avançada e mais econômicos MAIS: 7 1 0 2 28 Sistemas Tintométricos v 03 Editorial 46 Indústria em destaque - Mibita e - Sintequímica F n/ a A | J 06 Clipping 30 Resinas Alquídicas 48 Artigo Técnico - Dow R U 10 Artigo - Rácz, Yamaga & T 35 Eventos - Abrafati 51 Latin America and World News N Associates I P & T 17 Eventos - Cabot 45 Artigo - BASF 56 Guia de Fornecedores N I A P 4| A Abrafati...........................2ª capa ............ Lanxess ..........................4ª capa ............... N U N C I A N Agnelo Editora ................3ª capa ............. Mayercryl ............................25 ................... T E S Aromat ...............................19 .................. Mibita .................................11 ................... Brancotex ...........................43 ................ Mineração Serra Branca ....27 ...................... Carbomix ............................23 ....................... Minérios Ouro Branco ........39 .................. Coim ...................................31 ................... quantiQ ...............................15 .......................... P A I N T & P I Colorpel ..............................33 ....................... Transcor. .............................41 ................... N T U R A | J a n /F e v 2 Fillon Technologies ............21 ................. Vincentz ...............................9 .............................. 0 1 7 |5 INCIPIENT GROWTH G N I Better than we had envisioned. That describes the forecasts P for the first few months of the year. The first quarter is already P displaying really positive indicators. Finance Minister Henrique I Meirelles anticipates that Brazil’s GDP (gross domestic product) L C will grow 2 percent by the end of the last quarter of 2017. In fact, he proceeded to say, “we’re going to see growth as soon as the numbers for the first quarter are announced.” The CNI (National Confederation of Industry), for its part, anti- cipates that Brazil will slowly bounce back from its recession, and that its industrial GDP for 2017 will increase by 1.3 percent over 2018. The CNI also expects the Brazilian economy to grow 0.5 percent this year. One other significant projection refers to investments, which are expected to gain 2.3 percent against last year. The inflation rate, also according to the CNI, will add up to 5 percent by the close of 2017, near the 4.5-percent target FATI Management Board, emphasized the importance of exchanging for the year. information on experiences and situations going far beyond the reality Key industry segments are gradually showing a positive reaction, and difficulties in the marketplace. “We are focused on trying to mini- thus contributing to further improvements in economic growth mize that impact and turn things around for growth in the year 2017. forecasts for this year. By all indications, the country is going to We’re running a campaign aimed at stimulating the consumption of come out of the recession as early as the first quarter of 2017. our paints and coatings, while obviously capitalizing on government This issue of Paint & Pintura brings you an article on the last event programs, as well as programs from other associations that can help held by ABRAFATI (Brazilian Association of Paint Manufacturers) us boost the coatings market,” he said. in 2016, where its executive president Dilson Ferreira talked On the following pages you will also see the projections for this year about his forecasts for 2017 as well. “Looking at 2017, we still concerning products that are critical to the paint and coatings industry, see a difficult year ahead of us, but we expect the economy to such as inorganic pigments, alkyd resins, and production equipment stabilize, at least to some extent, reversing the fall in our GDP (mills, dispensers, and mixers). and resuming growth, even if only modestly.” During that same event, Freddy Carrillo, chairman of the ABRA- Lucélia Monfardini INTERVIEW - NEW CHALLENGES rolling its Suva and Isceon brands into one and naming it “Freon”. Chemours has been investing more and more in initiatives Chemour’s latest development for the paint and coatings industry is designed to significantly strengthen its brand in the world Ti-Pure Select TS-6300, a new titanium dioxide grade that provides market and ensure growth for the next few years. maximum hiding power in flat and low sheen interior and exterior The company started operating worldwide in the second half architectural coatings, in both solvent and water-based formulations. of 2015, following the spinning off of DuPont’s Performance In addition, the company has made a major investment to expand its Al- Chemicals business. Currently, Chemours operates as a sepa- tamira plant, in Mexico, amounting to more than US$ 600 million, which rate entity all over the world, with over 200 years’ experience, has added 200,000 metric tons to Chemours’ titanium dioxide capacity 7 1 0 US$ 6 billion in revenues, and a portfolio comprising titanium for the global market, while favoring the creation of new applications 2 v dioxide, fluorinated products and chemical solutions. and solutions for the industry. e F The Brazilian operation has not seen any significant change. Available in Portuguese only is an interview with the new president of n/ a Chemours has made no change to any of its safety processes, Chemours Brazil, Maurício Xavier, who will play a part in leading the J A | technologies, patents, plants, products or specifications, Brazilian subsidiary’s strategy and expansion, and Claudia Antunes, the and the same goes to the distribution channels and services new manager of the Titanium Technologies business for Brazil. In that R U previously provided by DuPont. interview, the executives comment on their company’s plans, invest- T N Since the closing of the deal which resulted in the spin-off, ments, growth expectations and new technologies, especially for the I P the company has been working at the transition from the titanium dioxide market. & T DuPont to the Chemours brand, which involves investing N to strengthen their power brands, such as Opteon, Teflon, INORGANIC PIGMENTS - VISUAL EFFECT AND HIGH PERFORMANCE I A P Ti-Pure, Krytox, Viton, and Nafion. In addition, in its Fluoro- The inorganic pigment market is always evolving. Manufacturers seek 6| products business, Chemours has simplified its portfolio by to meet all kinds of customer-specific requirements each year, from shades to high performance, to easy dispersion, to chemical strength create new products and marketing solutions for them through and weatherability, and to low toxicity. According to Aromat technical our consultants.” manager Fernando Rosa, this raw material changes every year not radi- In addition, Moinho Pirâmide’s Machado says that the evolution C cally, but gradually as new technologies arise to improve their properties, taking place in the market for varnishes, paints and coatings for L while alternative raw materials having a lesser environmental impact are their target segments are having positive effects. “For customers I P sought at the same time. “We can highlight heavy metal-free products, in markets like silkscreen and other printing inks, automotive such as metal complexes, which feature great heat and weathering refinish coatings and varnishes for metal and paper packaging P resistance, while requiring no grinding, as they can be added directly to materials, we develop standardized productivity systems with I N the production process, thereby optimizing process times.” clearcoats and tinting systems with full support from our senior G Colornet director Marcos Raicher says that the key trend in inorganic consultants and management software. With the equipment we pigments is towards using more and more pigments free of heavy already have installed for vertically integrated industrial applica- metals and any other substances potentially harmful to health and tions, we deliver to our customers a 38 to 52-percent reduction the environment. “One example of innovation is the line of complex of fixed costs, depending on their geographic locations. The inorganic pigments from our represented company Huntsman, which latest innovations added to our process and intelligence is our reflect sunlight on panels, metallic roofs and tiles exposed to the sun, global management system, which monitors all process stages thus lowering temperatures inside the buildings and, as result, reducing and controls end customer inventories, to the point of always energy consumption in air-conditioning equipment. Another example is anticipating the demand from their customers.” the Solaplex line of non-toxic, high-gloss yellow and orange pigments, For 2017, Netzsch business director Giuliano Albiero expects the an alternative to lead chromates.” market for production equipment to experience growth of appro- Agnes Muciacito, technical marketing coordinator at BASF, points out ximately 10 percent over the year 2016. “That growth will be based that even though inorganic pigments, for the most part, feature high especially on applications, as there’s a demand for products that strength and resistance values, they are also subject to certain colo- provide greater added value to enable our customers to compete ristic limitations. “BASF Colors & Effects has been making significant with suppliers of products that are used globally, and there’s also investments in the development of alternative, high-strength pigments a major trend towards adapting industrial facilities to meet the with good coloristic properties which support applications that were requirements of safety regulations.” previously impossible. Today, our Sicopal and Sicotan lines comprise Neuman & Esser also believes the economy will bounce back yellow, orange, blue and green pigments. once things settle down and become clearer in the political and economic arena and, as a result, Brazil regains the confidence PRODUCTION EQUIPMENT: MILLS, DISPENSERS & MIXERS - of investors. “We expect the economy to grow 1 to 2 percent in TECHNOLOGY COMBINED WITH SAFETY AND SUSTAINABILITY 2017 and our company’s business to keep up. The Brazilian paint The various kinds of production equipment are increasingly modern and coatings industry feels the effects of the country’s political and compact, while using cutting-edge technology and becoming and economic crisis because the markets that account for most more economical. of its sales volume have been directly impacted. Technologies The market for production equipment also has its ups and downs, as focused in improving production efficiency and, as a result, it happens with raw materials. The year 2016 was really difficult to the reducing costs are priorities in an economic upturn. In addition, industry, but equipment manufacturers expect 2017 to be a year of new Brazilian regulations require safety levels that were rarely recovery. “The first half should continue a little weak, but we expect met by equipment manufacturers. Meeting such requirements more favorable conditions to arise by the end of the year. We do have in our portfolio is and will increasingly be a point of difference for growth expectations for the region served by Inkmaker Brazil (Central industrial equipment manufacturers,” says sales manager Roque and South Americas), but we are confident that Brazil is going to lead de Moraes Mendes Torres. that growth. In fact, in order to try and boost growth, especially in P A Brazil, where sits Inkmaker’s regional headquarters, we have a few ALKYD RESINS - EVOLUTION WITH NO RETURN I N plans involving not new equipment, but efforts to innovate in existing Constantly evolving, Brazilian alkyd resin manufacturers invests in T & equipment. Under development are certain operating improvements developments involving water-based technology, which is already P I to such equipment, as are attempts at making it easier to import more extensively used in Europe and the United States. N T compact dispensing systems,” says Fernando Sano Itaziki, director, Alkyd resins have always had a large share in the world market. U R Central and South America, Inkmaker. They are traditionally solvent-based raw materials, and according A Expectations for 2017 are also positive at Grupo Moinho Pirâmide, in to Cassia Regina Pereira, sales manager for AkzoNobel’s Iguatu | J spite of dwindling economic indicators, including Brazil’s GDP (gross do- brand, the only evolution in this industry has been a migration from a n mestic product), according to technical director Junior Machado. “We’d non-volatile compound to high solids contents, aiming to decrease /F e expected a growth rate of 8 percent for the year 2016, but we achieved environmental contamination. “There’s some expectation for v 2 only 6 percent. Our market studies spanning 2015 through 2016 turned change to water-based formulations. That kind of resin is already 0 1 our eyes to a new reality, namely, that small and medium-sized deals available on the marketplace, but only a few customers have in- 7 are coming from businesses and independent entrepreneurs engaged troduced it into their product lines on account of cost and drying | 7 in various segments, but having the same target markets, leading us to issues. New technologies like water-based have been taking an important position in technological development and, as a result, enable the company to grow and become the world leader in several changing the composition of commercially available technologies, business segments,” says Lewis. which reflects, for example, in the use of styrene acrylic resins. In G Brazil, however, alkyd resins are still broadly utilized.” EVENTS - ABRAFATI HOLDS YEAR-END DINNER N Coim Brazil’s president José Paulo Victorio points out that the December 07 saw the Brazilian Association of Paint Manufacturers I P industry does use quality raw materials, but without very noble (known for short in Portuguese as Abrafati) hold its year-dinner at P oils. “In the alkyd resin segment, our Glicexter line is a major inno- Clube Atlético Monte Líbano, in São Paulo, bringing together partners, I vation, consisting of metallographic paint resins that previously members and personalities of the coatings industry. L had to be imported, but are now produced exclusively by Coim On the occasion, Abrafati executive president Dilson Ferreira commen- C Brazil in Latin America.” ted on the year 2016: “This has been a tough year, filled with expecta- For conventional alkyd resins using standard low-solids, fatty- tions as to what was going to happen in our politics, including all of the -acids or oil-based technology, today’s economy is putting strong uncertainties that culminated in the impeachment of the president. pressure on prices, even where a perceived recovery in volumes The economy has been impacted by a deep recession, making 2016 the is perceived, according to Paulo Roberto Vieira Junior, PhD, tech- worst year in the history of not the coatings industry in Brazil, but also nology director for Latin America at Allnex Brazil. “And it’s exactly and certainly in those of many other sectors. That was a consequence through unique technologies that you can find a way of adding of the poor administration we had in the preceding years and led to more value in this market segment. Changing chemical platforms, remarkably negative results throughout 2016. As a result, also affected using different oils, having faster, more integrated production were the markets we serve, such as the building and construction, processes in place and increasing solids are approaches to deve- automotive and infrastructure industries, which have displayed such lopment and innovation that improve not only performance, but unfavorable results. And what Abrafati has done during this year was also logistics and process costs. In addition, it’s worth stressing that to try and contribute through our programs, in conjunction with other share of this chemistry in the Latin American market, especially, is industry associations of the manufacturing sector. We’ve fought against ranging 35 to 40 percent.” the difficulties encountered and sought to negotiate with the govern- ment with a view to creating the best possible conditions for mitigating CABOT CELEBRATES 40 YEARS the negative impact.” At Museu da Casa Brasileira, December 06 saw one more edition Ferreira also shared his forecast for this year: “Looking at 2017, we still see of Cabot Plus, this time celebrating the company’s 40 years of a difficult year ahead of us, but we expect the economy to stabilize, at activity. It was an evening full of cultural attractions and fine least to some extent, reversing the fall in our GDP and resuming growth, dining at Restaurante Santinho, led by the chef Morena Leite (at even if only modestly.” Avenida Brigadeiro Faria Lima no. 2705, São Paulo, São Paulo). A Freddy Carrillo, chairman of the Abrafati Management Board, empha- major cultural attraction was a performance by the young tenor sized the importance of exchanging information on experiences and Jean Williams, along with fiddler Rafael Altro and a string quartet. situations going far beyond the reality and difficulties in the marketplace. That group is part of the Mostra de Cordas Dedilhadas program, “We must do something to change the future. We’ve been through a which is sponsored by Cabot. Jean Williams has performed at such tough year, which in fact was the third consecutive year of decline in the lofty concert halls as Teatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro, Sala São paint and coatings industry, which is a major cause for concern because Paulo, Alla Scala, in Milan, and New York’s Carnegie Hall, among that has a strong impact throughout the industry’s supply chain. For this others. For the first part of their performance, the group played reason, the work we’re doing right now is focused on trying to minimize tunes by renowned Brazilian composers like Pixinguinha, Cartola, that impact and turn things around for growth in the year 2017. We’re Sérgio Bitencourt, Chiquinha Gonzaga, and Dilermando Reis. The running a campaign aimed at stimulating the consumption of our paints second part of the concert featured tunes from the international and coatings, while obviously capitalizing on government programs, classics repertoire, such as Nessun Dorma, O Sole Mio, Con te as well as programs from other associations that can help us boost the 7 Partirom and Granada. In charge of producing the event was coatings market.” 1 0 Ampliart Difusão Cultural. During the event, Abrafati also honored Carlos Celso Russo, who 2 v Regional director Guillermo del Castillo welcomed the guests received the title “ABRAFATI Personality” for his relevant role in the e F and talked about the importance of the 40-year milestone, development of the paint and coatings industry. n/ a pointing out that Cabot Corporation is constantly rethinking and Thereupon, Abrafati proceeded to present the 17th Abrafati Coatings J A | innovating with a view to providing products and services that Science Awards to the authors of three studies that stood out for both R add value by enhancing performance in various applications. their high technical level and their concern for sustainability. U Eduardo Cordeiro, executive vice president and president for the Petrobras Distribuidora (also locally known as BR) took the opportunity T N Americas, and Wendy Pryce Lewis, vice president and regional to honor those paint and coatings producers who have adhered to the I P business director, Performance Chemicals Americas, both of Industry-specific Quality Program (PSQ, the initials in Portuguese) for & T whom representing Cabot Corporation, came to Brazil to show Decorative Coatings, reaffirming BR’s support for initiatives that will N I their support for the event. “As the regional director of our strengthen the industry and its commitment to excellence. Altogether, A P Reinforcement Materials business Valdemir Prodócimo said in his 35 companies have subscribed to the program thus far. At the event, 8| speech on the company’s 40th anniversary, it is our people who 23 of them were honored, and 12 are set to follow suit going forward. Untitled-1 1 16/12/2016 15:15:44 O CICLO DE MUDANÇAS NO MERCADO É CONTÍNUO O G I POR FRANCISCO RÁCZ E WASHINGTON YAMAGA, DA RÁCZ, YAMAGA & ASSOCIATES T R A As crises econômicas são capazes de mudar a concor- ção e funcionalidade estética. rência abrindo novos caminhos. Foco nos valores para Os mercados da América do conquistar mercado preservando negócios é prioritário. Sul, particularmente no Brasil, Na crise, estratégias mais precisas são decisivas para deveriam seguir as tendências se ajustar rapidamente à nova situação de mercado e saber das consolidações globais e, quem são seus consumidores com hábitos modificados. Ser ainda mais intensamente pela realista e reconhecer que o mercado mudou rapidamente é exacerbação econômica, onde também fundamental. as empresas globais tomam po- Uma recessão é ruim para qualquer empresa. Concorrentes sições conservadoras e acabam desaparecem e torna-se importante se posicionar para o cedendo mercado, enquanto aumento de vendas na retomada, crescendo não somente empresas médias e locais avan- em produtos mais sofisticados. çam nos nichos de mercado, Entre diversas empresas analisadas pela Rácz, Yamaga & sejam eles tecnológicos ou Associates e que estão tendo sucesso em reposicionar seus simplesmente onde têm forta- Francisco Z. Rácz, da Rácz, negócios durante este período crítico, todas elas inovaram em lezas regionais mercadológicas Yamaga & Associates seus movimentos e controlaram a produtividade esgotando (Figura 1). o repertório de reduções de custos. Mas não perderam a perspectiva estratégica dos negócios, procurando maximizar suas receitas, e continuamente protegem sua capacidade de gerar caixa. Crescer ajustando-se à renda dos consumidores é sempre uma opção mais rápida e interessante do que simplesmente projetar um crescimento orgânico baseado no passado, mesmo porque, na situação atual de mercado, os dados dos últimos três anos no setor de tintas não serão base de projeção dos próximos três anos. O MERCADO MUDOU Figura 1: Evolução de empresas 2010 vs. 2015 no Brasil 7 Tintas estão presentes em uma infinidade de materiais, mas 1 0 2 muitas vezes não é material “core”, mas são participantes de A consolidação global entre as grandes empresas de tintas que v e forma indispensável e fundamental como proteção ou em ocorreu nos últimos cinco/seis anos não se refletiu igualmente no F n/ função estética. A segmentação clássica de tintas e revesti- Brasil. Globalmente, as três maiores empresas de tintas passaram a A | J mentos em arquitetônica & decorativa, repintura automotiva, de menos de 25% para praticamente 30% de participação por aqui- industriais e automotivas reflete esta presença. sições globais entre 2010 e 2016. No Brasil, organicamente, estas R U A indústria de tintas e revestimentos se agrupa em empresas mesmas três empresas globais passaram de 33% do mercado para T N de tintas globais e empresas de nichos. Os globais players em menos de 30% no período. Esse fenômeno, de aquisições globais I P & geral têm presença destacada em quase todos os segmentos. compensarem as perdas regionais “orgânicas”, é um fato que por T N Tintas e revestimentos são considerados um mercado de spe- certo se pode observar em outros mercados e regiões. I A cialty químicos pela capacidade de agregar valor processando As empresas médias no geral têm conquistado mercado, sobretudo P 0| commodities e especialidades químicas e produzindo prote- por meio da preservação de seus valores, investimento na distri- 1