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Pierre Gassendi and the Birth of Early Modern Philosophy PDF

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P1:FCW 0521866138pre CUNY466/Lolordo Printer:cupusbw 0521866138 August19,2006 11:52 This page intentionally left blank P1:FCW 0521866138pre CUNY466/Lolordo Printer:cupusbw 0521866138 August19,2006 11:52 PierreGassendiandtheBirthofEarlyModernPhilosophy This book is the first comprehensive treatment in English of the philosophicalsystemoftheseventeenth-centuryphilosopherPierre Gassendi. Gassendi’s importance is widely recognized and is essen- tialforunderstandingearlymodernphilosophersandscientistssuch as Locke, Leibniz, and Newton. Offering a systematic overview of hiscontributions,AntoniaLoLordosituatesGassendi’sviewswithin thecontextofsixteenth-andearlyseventeenth-centurynaturalphi- losophyasrepresentedbyavarietyofintellectualtraditions,includ- ing scholastic Aristotelianism, Renaissance neo-Platonism, and the emergingmechanicalphilosophy.Herworkwillbeessentialreading forhistoriansofearlymodernphilosophyandscience. AntoniaLoLordoisAssistantProfessorintheCorcoranDepartment ofPhilosophyattheUniversityofVirginia. i P1:FCW 0521866138pre CUNY466/Lolordo Printer:cupusbw 0521866138 August19,2006 11:52 ii P1:FCW 0521866138pre CUNY466/Lolordo Printer:cupusbw 0521866138 August19,2006 11:52 Pierre Gassendi and the Birth of Early Modern Philosophy ANTONIA LOLORDO UniversityofVirginia iii CAMBRIDGEUNIVERSITYPRESS Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, São Paulo Cambridge University Press The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB28RU, UK Published in the United States of America by Cambridge University Press, New York www.cambridge.org Information on this title: www.cambridge.org/9780521866132 © Antonia LoLordo 2007 This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provision of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press. First published in print format 2006 ISBN-13 978-0-511-34892-1 eBook (EBL) ISBN-10 0-511-34892-4 eBook (EBL) ISBN-13 978-0-521-86613-2 hardback ISBN-10 0-521-86613-8 hardback Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of urls for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication, and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate. P1:FCW 0521866138pre CUNY466/Lolordo Printer:cupusbw 0521866138 August19,2006 11:52 Contents Preface page vii ReferencestoGassendi’sWorks ix Introduction 1 1 Gassendi’sLifeandTimes 7 TheEpicurusProject 20 GalileoandtheQuestionofCopernicanism 24 2 Gassendi’sPhilosophicalOpponents 34 ScholasticAristotelianism 36 Neo-PlatonismandtheAnimaMundi 44 DescartesandtheMeditations 54 3 Skepticism,Perception,andtheTruthoftheAppearances 60 GassendiandthePyrrhonians 62 ReconstructingEpicureanCanonic 64 TheTheoryofVision 69 TheObjectsofPerception 76 4 Cognition,Knowledge,andtheTheoryofSigns 83 TheOriginofIdeas 84 TheQualityofIdeas 88 SyllogisticReasoning 92 ReasoningandtheTheoryofSigns 94 5 SpaceandTime 100 Space,Place,andVacuum 100 TheOntologyofSpace 106 AbsoluteSpaceandtheExtramundaneVoid 109 TheInterstitialVacuum 112 v P1:FCW 0521866138pre CUNY466/Lolordo Printer:cupusbw 0521866138 August19,2006 11:52 vi Contents TheCoacervateVoid 115 SpaceandGod 119 Time 124 TheWorld 127 6 AtomsandCauses 130 VarietiesofAtomism 133 GassendianAtoms 138 TheWeightofAtomsandTheirCausalPowers 140 ConservationandConcurrence 145 TheConservationof VisMotrixandAtomicMotion 149 7 BodiesandMotion 153 CompositeBodies 154 Texture 157 NaturalandViolentMotion 158 Gravity 160 TheTexturalExplanationofOccultQualities 167 MotioninFreeFall 169 UniformandPerpetualMotion 174 AtomicMotionandtheMotionofCompositeBodies 180 8 Generation,Life,andtheCorporealSoul 183 ThePowersofSouls 184 ThePowersofSeeds 186 TheGenerationofPlants 189 TheGenerationofAnimals 193 DivineCreation,LucretianEvolution,andtheGenerationofSeeds 197 TheProbabilityandSignificanceofSeminalExplanations 199 TheCorporealSoul 202 9 TheMetaphysicsofBody 208 TheRoleofSubstance 210 EssencesorNatures 213 Qualities 217 10 Faith,Reason,andtheImmaterialSoul 227 TheImmaterialSoulintheDisquisitio 228 TheImmaterialSoulintheSyntagma 233 TheImmaterialSoulandtheBody 237 KnowledgeofGod 239 FaithandReason 244 Bibliography 253 Index 273 P1:FCW 0521866138pre CUNY466/Lolordo Printer:cupusbw 0521866138 August19,2006 11:52 Preface A lot of people have helped me with this book. I started working on Gassendi while writing a dissertation on his Objections and Counter- Objections to the Meditations, and I would like to thank my committee – Peter Klein, Tom Lennon, Pierre Pellegrin, and especially Martha Bolton–fortheirhelpandsupport.Iwrotethebulkofthismanuscript whileIwasajointFellowatCalTechandtheHuntingtonLibrary,andI am grateful to both institutions (and the Mellon Foundation) for their generousfinancialsupportandforthelovelyworkingatmospherethey provided. I would especially like to thank Fiona Cowie, Moti Feingold, andRoyRitchie. Portions of this book were presented at Dalhousie University, Simon FraserUniversity,theUniversityofFlorida,theUniversityofNebraskaat Lincoln, the University of Virginia, the University of Pittsburgh, and Virginia Tech; and to the Cartesian Circle at UC Irvine, the History and Philosophy of Science Working Group at Cal Tech, the October 2001 meeting of the Midwest Seminar in the History of Philosophy, a jointmeetingoftheMidwestSeminar,theCentred’E´tudesCartesiennes and the Centro Interdipartimentale di Studi su Descartes, and the OxfordWorkshopinEarlyModernPhilosophy.Iamgratefultoallthese audiences. A number of people have provided helpful comments on the manuscript or portions thereof: Martha Bolton, Jed Buchwald, Andrew Chignell, Fiona Cowie, Jack Davidson, Raffaella De Rosa, Stewart Dun- can,MotiFeingold,DanGarber,GeoffGorham,AlanHajek,ChrisHitch- cock,MichaelJacovides,RichardKroll,MikeLeBoeff,TomLennon,Paul Lodge, Dominic Murphy, Steve Nadler, Alan Nelson, Margaret Osler, vii P1:FCW 0521866138pre CUNY466/Lolordo Printer:cupusbw 0521866138 August19,2006 11:52 viii Preface PierrePellegrin,AndrewPyle,DonRutherford,JorgeSecada,EdSlowik, MartinStone,andtwoanonymousrefereesforthePress.PaulLodge,who hasofferedmoralsupportandanunreservedlysympatheticearthrough- out,deservesspecialthanks.Iwouldalsoliketothankmycolleaguesat theUniversityofVirginia,whoallowedmetwoyears’leaveandwhohave beenunfailinglysupportiveinlesstangiblewaysaswell.Specialthanksare duetoDanDevereux,BrieGertler,PaulHumphreys,andJorgeSecada. Finally,IwouldliketothankKathrynBurns. I am sure I have forgotten someone important. If so, it is not out of lackofgratitude,justlackofmemory. Portions of Chapters 2 and 3 appeared in the British Journal for the HistoryofPhilosophy(as“‘Descartes’sOneRuleofLogic’:Gassendi’sCri- tique of Clear and Distinct Perception”). Portions of Chapters 2 and 6 appearedinOxfordStudiesinEarlyModernPhilosophy(as“TheActivityof Matter in Gassendi’s Physics”). Portions of Chapter 10 appeared in the Archiv fu¨r Geschichte der Philosophie (as “Gassendi on Human Knowledge of the Mind”). I thank the editors and publishers of these journals for permissiontousethatmaterialhere.

This book offers a comprehensive treatment of the philosophical system of the seventeenth-century philosopher Pierre Gassendi. Gassendi's importance is widely recognized and is essential for understanding early modern philosophers and scientists such as Locke, Leibniz and Newton. Offering a systemat
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