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Picturin hildhood Illustrated Childrens Booksfrom University ofCalifornia Collections, 1550-1990 Picturing Childhood MSM^iS^Ags^ Thepublicationofthis LLt-illl Ti^sLQvjtxli/il^WcA^\^ (lt(yrff<jGvu^KiKiwUCc, cataloguewasmade possiblebyagrant fromLloydE. Cotseti Majorsupportforthe exhibitionwasprovidedbythe NationalEndowmentfortheArts, afederalagency;Northern Trust BankofCalifornia;and theGoodWorksFoundation Picturin hildhood Illustrated Childrens Booksfrom University of California Collections, 1550-1990 Grunwald Center for the Graphic Arts Department ofSpecial Collections, University Research Library University ofCalifornia, Los Angeles Thiscataloguewaspublishedinconjunction Editor: KarenJacobson withanexhibitionheldatUCLAat Designer:LiUiColton theArmandHammerMuseumofArtand Photography: RobertWedemeyer,excepttor CulturalCenter,LosAngeles, pp. 1,49,55,byLouMeluso April 16throughJune29,1997. Exhibitiondesign(seephotos,pp.6,8,62): MitchellBrowning PublishedbytheGrunwaldCenterfor Timelinedesign(seephoto,p.60): theGraphicArtsandtheDepartmentof DeborahEdwards SpecialCollectionsattheLIniversityResearch Library,UCLA. Frontcover:WalterCrane,illustrationtor BeautyandtheBeast, 1874(cat.no.326) Copyright(9 1997bytheRegentsofthe Insidefrontcover:GustaveDore,PussinBoots, UniversitvofCalifornia.AHrightsreserved. fromFairyRealm, byTomHood,1865 (cat. ' no. 177) ISBN0-9628162-6-4 Page1:KayNielsen,ScheherazadeTellingthe Tales, from OneThousandandOneNights, 1918-22(cat.no.415) Titlepage:GeorgeCruikshank,illustration from Cinderella, 1854(cat.no. 168);Howard Pyle,illustratedinitialfrom TheWonderClock, 1888(cat.no.392) Backcover:HaroldB.Lentz, ThePop-Up MotherGoose, 1933 (cat.no. 197) ReproductionCredits Fig.26: Reproducedwiththepermissionof Simon&SchusterBooksforYoungReaders, & animprintofSimon SchusterChildren's PublishingDivision. Contents DavidRodes, Gloria Wertier 7 Foreword Cynthia Biirlinghiam 9 Introduction and Acknowledgments Cynthia Barlinghaiii 11 Picturing Childhood: The Evolution ofthe Illustrated Children's Book with a ChecklistoftheExhibition 13 EstablishingTraditions 19 PubUshing for Children 29 Movable and Pop-up Books,Toys, and Games 37 Nineteenth-Century Illustrators 49 The Twentieth Century 63 Selected Bibliography V • J pn f^

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