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Picture History of Chess PDF

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A PICTUREH ISTOROYF CHES S by FredWilson TheS anskrwiotr dc haturamngeaa n"sf our-limabneddw ,h"e na ppliteoda boargda me inn orthwIensdti aar ountdh es evenctehn tuArDy,i tr efertroet dh ef oucro mponenotfs thea rmy-infantcrayv,a lrcyh,a rioctlse,p hanCthsa.t uranograc ,h eshsa,s a lways been mae taphforo rw ar,a ndt heg raphsipce ctaicnlhee reinntt h ep reciismea geosf thec hess piaencdec sh eckerbeoda rda,s w elals t hef amilisairg hotf c ompetitors concentraftiienrgc, he alsyb eenp ortraybeyd a rtisptrsi,n teprhso,t ograpahenrds craftsmen thrtohuegg haomuet'f si rmsitl lenn.i Iunmdeecdh esgsr aphsiycm bolasr e inseparafbrloem chheissst orbyu-t while hatv heeb reee ns everparlo shei storoife s chesusn,t inlo wt herhea veb eenn op ictoroinaels . The 29i5l lustraitnti hoinPssi cture-HoifsC thoerysp sr esean pta noramoaft heg ame's mosti mportamnotm entasn dp layeFrrso.m c hesksn ighctasr veodn l2y0 0y earasf ter theg ame'isn ventitoona , m anuscrippotr troaifot n eo ft hee arlicehsets asu thors (Dominicfarni Jaarc obudse C essolciisr,c1 a2 75)t,op hotogra(pmhasn yh eretofore unpublisohfea dl)m osetv erpyr incimpaaslt eorft hel asttw oc enturtiheesc, h esdsr ama isc onveytehdr ouigths sc enes. Cheshsa sb eena f requefnotc uosfd ramao,n a ndo fsft agteh:et itplaeg ef romT homas Middletoanl'lse goAr Cya rnea tC hes(s1e6 24s)h owtsh eK ingsQ,u eensK,n ightasn d Bishopwsh o playe"dn indea yst ogethaetrt "h eG lobet heatrae s;h oto fa 1925 tournameantMt o scowi sr ealals yt ill tfhreRo ums sian coCmheedsFeysu er whicuhs ed actutaolu rnamefnoto tagae p;a intienngt itTlheedD eatohf l uatn heT errisbhleo wtsh e Czarc ollapsaittn hgec hessboaOrfds .p ecinaolt aer et hep ortraaintdps h otograopfh s greaatn dp rominennatm esf romP hiJidtooKr a rpovo,f matcahnedst ournaments fromS tauntvosn.S aint-Am1a8n4t3 t oM ila1n9 75T.h eu nusuaslh otosfM orphy, Steinitz, LNaismkzeorw,i tsRcehs,h evskCya,p ablancAaJ,e khine, Fischer (plus unexpecstpeedc tateo.rgsC.,h eG uevaraan dC astro) coblylc ehcetsesd hisFtroerdi an Wilsopnr oviad uen iqudeo cumentary-goafwlhloe'rwsyh oa ndw ho-was-'Yihnco h ess. Wilsoni'msm ensken owledogfet heg ame'psa setn richtehsec aptioinnsw ,h ichhe situaetaecshp layewri thian b roacdh espse rspectPiivcet.uH ries toorfCy h estsh, eo nly booko fi tksi ndb,r ingtosb otchh esasf icionaanddot sh ec asuoabls ervienrt ,h ef inest reproducttihoepn l,e asuarnedsb eautioefps i ctorcihaeJs psa,s atn dp resent. OriginDaolv er( 1981p)u blicatTieoxnta. n dp ictusreel ectbiyoF nr edW ilson2.9 5 illustr.av tiii+o 1n8s2p.p8 % x 11V. .P aperbound. A DOVERE DITIOND ESIGNEDF OR YEARSO F USE! We havem adee vereyf fotrotm aket hitsh eb esbto okp ossibOluer.p apeirs opaquwei,t mhi nmia ls how-throiutwg ihl;nlo t discorob leocrmo e britwtilteah g e. Pageasr eb oundi ns ignatuirnte hse,m ethod tradituisoenfdao lrtl hyeb esbto oks, andw ilnlo td ropo utB.o oks ofpleanft o era srye ferenTcheeb. i ndiwnigl nlo tc rack ors pliTth.i iss a p ermanebnoto k. ISBN 0-486-23856-3 FreCeo mpletDeo verC hesCsa talaovga ilaubploenr equest. 90000 $12 95 INU SA · (Reprocessed with Scan Tailor by jparra, 2012-06-23) A PICTURE HISTOROYF CHESS by FreWdi lsno DovePurb lications, Inc. NewY ork TO MY WIFEM ARCIA whosleo veen,c ouragepmaetnite,na cnedu, n derstanding madet hibso opko ssible. "Cheslsi,kl eo vlei,km eu sihca,st hpeo wetrom akem enh appy." -Dr.S iegbeTratr rasch Copyri<D g1h9t8b 1y D ovePru bltiicoaInsn,c . Alrli ghrtesse rvuendd ePra nA meriacnadnI nternational CopyriCgohntv entions. PublisihnCe adn adbayG enerPaulb lisChoimnpga ny, Ltd.3,0L esmiRlola dD,o nM ilTlosr,o nOtnot,a rio. Publiisnht ehdUe n itKeidn gdboymC onstaabnldCe o m­ panyL,t d1.0O, r ange StreetW,C 2LH7 oEnGd.o n A Picture HoifsC thesosri yas n eww orkfi,r psutb libsyh ed DovePru blicaItni,cio .nn1 s9,8 1. InternatSitoannadla Brodo kN umber0:- 486-23856-3 LibraorfyC ongesrsC atalCoagr dN umber8:0 -71004 Manufacitnutr heUedn itSetda toesfA merica DovePru blicaItnico.n s, 180V ariSctkr eet NewY orNk., Y1.00 14 Introcdtuion Cheshsa sb eeno neo fm an'sp rincifpoarlm osf m entarle creatfioorn over fhiuvned reyde arsI.th ass ervemdi llioanssa pleasadnitv ersiao n, gratefeuslc apaen da healtchoym petitoiuvtel eFto.ra preciofuesw c,h ess hasb eent hes ourcoefs uchi ncrediibnlsep irataisto onr endeirt dse fini­ tioans a "game"a misnomeTro. t heg reamta stercsh,e sissa na rt. Fromt he methodical Phiwlaisdt ohref, i rwtsohtd o e veloap s cientific chessst ratetgoyt ,h ea mazincgr,e atigveen iuosfB obbyF ischecrh,e shsa s grownf roma n amusemenotf t he aristrionctroaa ctyr uliyn ternational sporTto.d ayc hesiss p racticbeyd h underdso fs eriopurso fessioannadl s, itse normoupso pularhiatsyd onem uch toc reatree spebcett weetnh ose whoa reo therwisseep aratbeydp olitiacnadl cultduirfafle rences. Althougmhu ch hasb eenw ritteonn ches(sn ear4l0y ,0v0o0l umes), therhea sn evebre ena book whiactht emptteodi llusttrheah tiest oorfy "TheR oyaGla me"i na lilt ass pectIsnc. o mpilitnhgi s bIoh oakv es ought them osta rrestpiincgt uroefst hep layertso,u rnamenatnsd i ndividual matchetsh ath avem adet heg amef amousW.h ileo ftene,s peciawliltyh then ineteenth-cemnatsutreyr msy, choicwea sl imiteId h,a ve always trietdou set hem ostr epresentative ilolfum setnr aantdei voennst Mso.s t oft hei llustraatrieos ncsa rcaen dc omef romu nusuaslo urceasn,d m any haven otb eenp revioupsulbyl ished. Chessi so neo ft hosfee wf ielodfsh umane ndeavowrh ereh,o wever temporaroinleyh ,a st hec hancteo a chiepveer fectIifoI nh .a ves ucceeded inc apturionngl ys omeo ft hef ascinatainodgn l amouorf t heh istoarnyd legenodfc hesIsw ,i lble m ostg ratified. F.W. Cretdsi (Refereanrcteeo is l lustrnautmiboenr .) ClevelaPnudb liLci brarJyo,h nG .W hiteC ollecti1o,5n :,6 ,1 3, 1164,, 17-2225,2, 8 -3336,3, 7 4,8 4,9 5,6 -5681,6, 5 -6785,- 7877,,8 89,0 -92, 95, 19083,1, 0 91,41 ,1 71, 01,12 32,1 42,1 2-813114,6 1,5 41,6 01,6 1, 1771,8 61,9 0. BurtH ochber5g0:1, 72 ,1 411,4 21,4 41,4 51,6 31,7 8-1188042,,2 82,3 3, 243, 2492,5 4-225568,- 12,267 7-122,88 92,91 . New YorkP ubliLci brar3y4:, 23356,. Sovfot2o0:3 2,0 -72122,1 -42172,19 -22222,5 -,22 2279-223357,, 295. EdwardL aske1r:52 ,1 401,5 9. BethC assid2y8:7 . DavidL evy6:7 2,6 5. A PICTURE HISTOROYF CHESS 1.M an hcarse ataendde njoysetdr atbeogaircgd a mes troduicnetdo Eubreotpwee7 e0n0a nd9 00 A.D.b yt hMe us­ sintcheed awno fc iviizlat.iT ohniissa bas-rferloime ft hel ism,p robablbyo thb y theM oors Sipna iann db y tombo ft hea ncieEngty ptiqaune eNne fertWaarsit .h e Saracterna deirnIs t alIyts. t eadiinlcyr eaisnpe odp aurlity queepnl ayisnogm ien cipfioremno tfc hess 4o,v00e0y re ars ins piotfes omei nitoipaplo siftrimoo tnh eC hurcwhh,i ch agoW?e don otk now apnrdo banbelvyew ri ll. considcehreeasdg s a mblgianmge ,a ndt heorresefi nful. It hhaosw,e vbeere,en s tablitshhatethd ee a relsiktn own MedievEaulr opecahne swsa sp layed bsya mtrehu el es precurosfo rtm hoed ergna meo fc hesosr iginianIt endd ia asi tMsu slicmo untersphaarttru annttjih lse e cohnadl off int hes ixcthe ntyu A.rD.T hiwsa sc allcehda rtaungaan d, thef itfeenctehn tuTrhye.n c ertaiinnn ovatsiuocnahss accordtion gl egenidn,ev nwtaebdsya nI ndipahinl osophecra stleinnp ga,s saanndti nrceastihnpego weorfs the queen to symbolizeo ptpwoos ianrgm ie(sc hartanugmae ans andb ishwoepr e devtioas cecde letrhaett eem po thofe "fuor-leid,m"bi nr eefrentcoet hefou ra rmosf t hea rym). gameb;y tmhied dloeft he sixteenth bcaesnitcu ry the Durintgh en ex5t0 0y earcsh esssp retahdr oughAosuita , rulefosr p layicnhge sassw ek now tiotd ahya db ecome firsPte rtsoai nadl ater toa nCdJh aipnaaCn h.e swsa si n- standard. THE ORIOGFIC NHSE SS 1

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