Phytogeography paramo of the vascular Podocarpus of flora National Park, south Ecuador de Fitogeografia paramo vascular Parque flora del la del Nacional Podocarpus, sur Ecuador Pablo Lozano University of Hohenheim, Institute for Botany, 2194 Garbenstr. 70599 GERMANY. 30, Stuttgart, pablo_ [email protected] Antoine M. Cleef IBED, Paleoecology & Landscape ecology. University of Amsterdam, Science Park 904, 1098 HX THE NETHERLANDS, [email protected] , Rainer W. William Brown MO Center, Missouri Botanical Garden RO. Box L. 299, St. Louis, 63166-0299, USA, , [email protected] e-mail: Abstract A plant ecological transect study of the paramos of the Podocarpus massif, southern Ecuador, was carried out between July 2001 and August 2004. Including herbarium records 187 vascular plant genera were found, which were used for the present phytogeographical analysis. Three geographic flora components were identified: tropical (55 %), temperate (38 %) and cosmopolitan (7 %). The neotropical-montane element, which belongs to the tropical component, has the largest number A of genera, with 62 (33 %). wide number of species are endemic to the forest-paramo «ecotone» of Podocarpus National Park (70 spp.). The Andean-alpine element was the least represented, with only eight genera (4 %). The wide temperate element and Austral-Antarctic of the temperate component show almost an equal representation with respectively 25 (13 %) and 26 (14 %) genera; the cosmopolitan component with 14 genera (7 %). Also a limited number of taxa with savanna affinity were found: 15 (8 %) genera. 40 genera (21%) are shared with the Puna. This first attempt to group generic elements is a contribution to the phytogeographic understanding of southern Ecuador. Wet climate and regional isolation seem to be key factors in the present-day phytogeographical distribution of the 187 paramo genera. Key words: paramo; vascular phytogeography; Podocarpus National Park, Ecuador. flora; cion fitogeografica en base de estudios de transectos de la vegetacion de los paramos del macizo Podocarpus Ademas al sur del Ecuador, entre Julio 2001 y Agosto del 2004. se complemento con registros de los herbarios en Loja y Quito. 187 generos de plantas vasculares fueron encontrados. Tres tipos de componentes geograficos floristicos fueron identificados: tropical (55 %), templado (38 %) y cosmopolita (7 %). El elemento neotropical, cual pertenece el componente al tropical, tiene mayor representacion generica con 62 (33 %). donde un amplio niimero de especies son la endemicas para la franja del «ecotono» bosque-paramo en el Parque Nacional Podocarpus (70 spp.). El elemento Andino- alpino es el menos representado con ocho generos (4 %). El elemento austral-antartico y ampliamente templado que pertenecen (8%) generos. ademas se presenta 40 generos en comiin con la puna (21 %). Este primer intento de agrupar la fitogeografia .Among phytogeographic the analyses Ecuador, for & Ulloa J0rgensen woody (1993) deal with genera above 2400 m, Lauer et al, 2001, with the high Andes & East of Quito, and Sklenar Balslev (2007) with an interesting phytogeographic breakdown of vascular genera of dry and humid superparamos. Today we have & (Moscol Ohvera 2009 Cleef, (Ramsay, a, b), 2001), known but paramos snil of South of little is Quito. ^"^^ '^"^^ *^ "^^ & ^^^ P^^^- beginning of ^^^"^"^ Hooghiemstra (1986), Hooghiemstra (1984), Cleef *^ Holocene saw a gradual wanning, reaching annual Tones 1995), (2006) and (Hooghiemstra ( et ai, 2006)). i^^dium temperatures 1-2UC higher than today, especiaUy References to paleoecological studies for Ecuador '^"^^ ^^ Hammen & "^'^^^^ Holocene (van der 1991. include Liu Colinvaux (Bakker (1985), et ai, 2008). Hammen der Bakker (Bush et al, 2003; et al, 2008). Colinvaux I era/., 1990), (1988. 1997),Gnif(l< ^how P^^^^^'^S^^^ "^'^ that during the Pleistocene Hansen (2003), 7a/7(2003X . ''''^'''^ ecosystems were not stable. The high Andes Wille^ra/.(2002)andMoscolOlivera&Hooghiemstm & ^^^"g ^l^^tic changes, which influenced Niemann ^^P^'^^"'^^'^ (2008, in press). Behling (2007, 2008) and P^P^^ *^ ^^^t & Bmnschon line position and the extension "PP^-" Behling (2009) are presently the only Last P^"™" ^^"^ ""^ "" °*' ^P^^^^^ connection and isolation Glacial-Holocene references for the Podocarpus study ^^ "^^en ^^ & which Cleef, 1986). In this way, processes area, part of the Podocarpus is National Park °^ 'P^*^''^" ^''' '"^ P'°^°'"^- ^^'^ P'^^ ^'^ (further quoted as PNP). During ^P^'^^^^ the late Pleistocene ^"^^'^^^ '^*^' Diaz '° ^'^^ ^1969. 1986), Piedrahita the area of El Tiro Pass (2810 m) in the northemraost ^^^^^^ (^^^^>' Alonso Robson (1995), (1987. 1990), sector of Podocamus was ^ n«rnn.n wirh ...n.i & Romeroloux Von 19%), Hagen Kadeieit (2001. 2003); ( oiPlantago and australis ;s P. rigida, { (Jorgensen et al., 1995), outlined a possible d Subparamo r bog. and (high) «°"^^^^^^^"°n°f^eB:uadonan paramo four Andean flora into forest gradually replaced the grass paramo '''i'^'^^^''' ^istrnguished trom one another by glacial during Holocene the early indicating slighdy wanner site ^^^^^^g^^<^^^bamer-effects (Fig. 1). conditions. ThehumidAndeanforest(withf/.^.o.mum, Podocarpaceae, Myrsine and was Ilex) present at El Tiro The main fragmental BP between 8900 and 3300 cal. yrs and conesponds to paramo floras during the r the hypsithennal. El Tiro has been under dense shmb Pleistocene glaciers follows the hiahest crest lines paramo smce 3300 yr BP. Evidence cal. suggests that and mostly mendionally is oriented. In contrast, the interglacial and, some to extent, also glacial follow the lowest dry valleys and bisect ; )rotPNP.Newpaleo-evidenceisnowalso the Cordilleras on the East-West Dissimilanty axis. e from the southernmost pan of the Podocarpus analyses highlight the Giron-Paute which Valley, & a Behling, 2009). North PNT of is the study main area, as a division Phytogeography paramo, Podocarpus N : & line in southern Ecuador (Jorgensen UUoa UUoa, A Emck 1994, et 2006). second major al., barrier paramo-puna species cross from South North and to for plant migration is situated in northern Peru: the Van Hammen & vice versa (Lozano, 2002; der Cleef. Huancabamba depression (Cuatrecasas, 1949; Peria Many et 1986). specific taxa are limited to the area; & ai. 2006; Simpson, 1983; Simpson Todzia, 1990; Richter et al, 2008). These two barriers isolate the Loja province some They form floristic to extent. the Huancabamba. we as Fig. I. Possible barriers for plant migratioa during interglacial and glacial periods in Ecuador, after Jergensen et al. (1995). We the Rio Maraiion (Richter et ai, 2008). Pena et al. flora of PNP. hypothesize that the high presence component most humid (2006) provided a of 252 vascular species of the tropical in the first list (133 genera, 58 families) from low paramos (3000 superparamos of the northern part of Ecuador noted & -3560 m) in northern Peru, North of the Huancabamba by Sklenar Balslev (2007) might perhaps also depression. be demonstrated for the world's wettest paramos PNP (subparamo, grass paramo) found (Bendix in et The ms analyzmg present the at Emck ^^ ^^^g. ^^^^^^^ 2OO8; et al, 2006; Emck, phytogeographici 2009). Lozano Phytogeography paramo, Podocarpus et National al.: F 69 2009 (2): - 85, , Lozano Phytogeography ef al.: paramo, Podocarpus : Study area paramo growth forms, such as cushion and bunch plants among grasses others, are also present (see Fig. 3). P located South Ecuador is in (Fig. 2). It is sit Most prominent, however, low are the evergreen small- aost important (and which treelets), are conspicuously e region, „„.^ „„„. ( present and represent most the important plai PNP Atlantic Ocean. is also part of the low paramo the zone. Espeletioid stem rosettes are absent •ne to the high Peruvian Andes (Richter et al. w ^^ (Cuatrecasas, 1986). ;,M.y^.^^t7„ 1 -ru j The ZUOii) see Fig. 2. altimdes of the range are between PNP and represents the only public protected i South Ecuador. According Becking PNP to e/«/. (2004), physiognomic and floristic features of the Podciarpus mcludessixteentypesofecosystems;fourofthembelong Among range. the charactenstic abiotic factors are to different types of paramo which belongs «Zonal to permanent high humidity and acidic soUs (Richter ./ al.. herbaceous and shrub on metamorphic and intrusive 2008; Bussmann, 2001; Becking et 20Q4). There a al., is rocks paramo in grass and subparamo, as well as azonal nign rate or enaemism; /U endemic vascular species are herbaceous communities on cretaceous sand, volcanic found (Lozano et aL. 2003, see also Fig. almost half of 4), and rocky Bussmann substrates. (2002) described 5 d number total of vascular plants (150 species.) associations of paramo from the northernmost part endemic s in species not only an is attribute of PNP. of The average annual > precipitation is mput from t in the past the surrounding humid tropical mm (Bendix, 2000; Bussmann, 2001; Richter e tane forests, but also results from the high var 2008). Recent data reveal that the eastern slope of the neighbouring They f habitats. range from per-humid Podocarpus range probably c semi-arid in deep valleys and dry lands West ) Andes, ^ because the angle and funnel shape of the PNP of (Young et c chains force the trade winds to release a bulk of ~- 2005). Most of found the species in the forest e ^^ (Richter, 2003; Richter e/ 2008). a/., represented in The paramos Cajanuma of (central/western slope) Brachyotum, Centropogon, and Lysipomia most are rich show annual amounts of rainfall endemic in species (Lozano The et 2003). geographic al., (Richter ^r 2008). a/.. position of Podocarpus range because is crucial the ^ ^^ ^'^^°"^ ^°" P^ ^'^ P^™"° ^^ Hie ^^ ^^ transition paramos of Ecuador cover about 65,000 hectares ^^^° ^^^ ^"^ ^^ °°*^^ ^^ ^^' ^""^'^ ^^ (Becking etaL 2004); of this 14,169 hectares (21,5%) are pima, with related of Peru and However, sdinPNP.Thep its flora, Bolivia. humid paramo-Uke om plant commtmities found are also along North to South; i the humidity exposed upper forest line in Peru and Bolivia .9 hectares of azonal paramo a & Amazon fringing the basin (Beck, 1995; Garcia Beck, 2950 m, and paramo 12,601 .04 hectares of zonal Weberbauer, ^006; 1911, 1945). 2950 m; the highest between 3600 altitude is = m (Fig. ) 2). PNP f the i 04°10'56"S,79°I0'26"E (northern El Tiro) and p^art. ..,. ' met,eorol,ogi-cal, conditions. Podocarpus -,„^^ r ^ 04°26'40"S, 79°80'59"E (southern part, Sabanilla), ^ most other paramos of Ecuador by between Loja and Zamora Chinchipe province ^e) vulcanism. lower and an altitude The ™Pressive development of shrub paramo main zonal paramo bamboo intermingled vegetation type is ^'^ paramo «niiniirees.» which are pan of the canopy of 2-3 (sensu Cleef. 98 Becking al, 2004). the et 1 1 : This paramo mainly dominated by bamboo rn shrub layer. This is the altitudinal zone richest in species t\'pe is ^^ endemism. The extreme ambient species, conditions and either of Neurolepis or of Chusquea. both the with a woody extensive verv- dense shrub and dwarf shnib zone make substantial component. Other typical o Phytogeography paramo, Podocarpus et al.: geobotanical m, e xplorat ion difficu Until no the It. paramo zone of this massif has bet;n poorly su rveyed The paramo vascular plant genera of the PNP (Becking et 2004; Bussmann, 2001; Quishpe geographic elements following al. et , & Cleef (1979, 2005) andCleef Chaverri Data (1992). Representative endemism paramo 3. species of Podocarpus Nat B. Neurolepis 011g.; F. laegaardii L.G.Clark. Especies de Parar Podocarpus National ', I' Phytogeography paramo, Podocarpus N .: during three years (2001-2004) of and floristic-ecological field the Neotropical-montane Andean element. -alpine exploration along the west side of Podocaipus range grow only. genera exclusively in the tropicalpine zone above The was floristic inventor^' based mainly on paramo UFL. general the with some species also occurring outside the Own Loja and n Quito. collections Andes tropical Lachemilla (e.g. Guatemala, Mexico in and California: Wemeria nubigem up Guatemala to and Neotropical-montane genera occur in the upper ibalpine (high Andean) forests grow but also in the tropicalpine zone, even outside the paramo biome. As shown & by Sklenar Balslev (2007), this approach offers more resolution and more is meaningful in phytogeographic The analysis. endemic Podocarpus massif. Presence absence / (including the cover paramo element refers to generic endemicity in equatorial percentage) of the species of herbs, shrubs, epiphytes, hemi- America, where most of paramos the Genera are based. epiphytes. and were tTTselets recorded in each plot Exotic belonging to this flora element have a limited distribution, and introduced wene species not consider^. HeitxDrized paramo and/or i.e. equatorial upper montane. Indeed most was material pressed dried, and identified, preserved in the oftheen< herbarium (LOJA) of the Universidad Nacional de Loja, & under the collection numbers of Lozano Bussmann P. R. and P. I^zano, T. Delgado & B Merino. Finally, from the puna biome we have the Plant first identification . & was phytogeographic mainly based on Harling Andersson study of the vascular flora of the Central (1974-2003); Andes plant names and of Peru (near Morococha and La their were Oroya), found authorities according to & between 3600 and 5200 m Jorgensen Leon-Yanez (1999) and Lute>'n The in the Cordillera Blanca (Gutle (1999). He not identified coUections %) were compared 1992). distinguished Andean (~ neotropical montane, (5 also with Andean puna vouchers at the herbarium of the alpine, endemics). tropical-sublropical(- wide Pontificia Universidad Cat61ica Quito (QCA). tropical), Holarctic, .Austral-Antarctic and cosmopolitan (- wide temperate, (sub-cosmpolitan) genera According to Cleef 979; 98 2005) and Cleef ( 1 1 1 ; & The Chaverri percentages (1992) three main geographic for the different phytogeographic groupings components.) were 'elements have been (i.e., considered to characterize calculated for the PNP the generic paramo ular genera of the paramo. flora: This approach has followed n ii (a) Tropical component, which includes the endemic paramo element, the neotropical -montane Results element, the Andean-alpine element, and the wide Geographical flora elements of the paramos of the Podocarpus massif. 187 genera Holarctic element, of the indigenous the Austral-Antarctic vascular paramo element and flora were found wide the temperate element; in the Podocarpus paramo They (Fig. 5). belong to eight geographic flora elements relevant Cosmopolitan component (c) and element which to this area, and are distributed in three different combines and tropical temperate distribution areas. components, as outlined above. Also subcosmopolitan genera rank here. The a) tropical component includes the & FoUowing & Simpson Todzia (1990) and Sklenar the neotropical-montane, I. the Andean-alpine Balslev(2007),tj and the wide tropical element, and represents with, w Cleef 979) (1 the highest proportion (102 genera. 55 %). . \ytogeography paramo, Podocarpu; Paramo element.- Includes genera 9 %): (5 Ceraiostema Chrysactinium Juss., (Kunth) Wedd.. Dorobaea Cass., Semiramisia Klotzsch. Neurolepis Meisn., Niphidium J.Sm, Oreanthes Benth, & DC. Moritzia ex Meisn., Mimnozia Ruiz Pav., A^a-va Themistociesia Klotzsch, and Tibouchina Aubl. Weigend, Oligactis (Kunth) Oncidium Cass., Sw., Paepalanthus Kunth, Pachyphyllum Kunth, Palicourea also represented 5 & Aubl., Pentacalia Peperomia Cass., Ruiz Pav., ow die paramo. For example: Pilcaimia Puya L'Her., Molina, Siphocampylus Pohl, & Sphyrospermum Poepp. End!., Sr^/w Sw.. Stemodia iramisia (2 spp. In paramo, 3 outside), Niphidium Stenorrhynchos L., Rich, ex Spreng., Symbolanthus G. paramo, 9 outside), Themistociesia 1 (8 spp. in & Don, Thibaudia Ruiz Pav. ex St.-Hil., Tillandsia J. L., TrichosalpinLx Luer., f/gni Turcz. Neotropical-montane element. Includes 62 Andean-alpine element. Includes 8 genera (4 %): genera (33 %): Aethanthus (Eichler) Engl., Ageratina & Distichia Nees Meyen, Lachemilla (Focke) Rydb., Spach, Anthurium & Schotl, Antidaphne Poepp. Loricaria Wedd., Lysipomia Kunth, Niphogeton EndL, & Arcytophyllum Willd. ex Schult. Schult. Schltdl., Oritrophium (Kunth) Cuatrec, VV^em^na Arracacia Bancr., Baccharis f., Bejaria Mutis L.. Kunth, Xenophyllum V. A. Funk. ex Bomarea L., Brachyotum Mirb., (DC.) Triana, Campyloneurum C. Presl, Cavendishia Wide Lindl., element tropical Includes 23 genera (12%): Centropogon C. Presl, Chaptalia Vent., Chusquea Achyrodine DC., (Less.) Bulbostylis Kunth. Clethra Kunth, Cybianthus Dendrophthora Mart., Eichler, L., Conyza Less., Crassula L.,Elaphoglossum Schott Diplostephium Kunth. Disterigma (Klotzsch) Nied., ex Sm., Grammitis Hymenophyllum Sw., J. Sm., //er Elleanthus Epidendrum C. Presl, Eriosorus L., Fee, Gaiadendron G. Don, Geissanthus Hook, Maytenus Melpomene Molina, A.R. Sm., Mikania f., & Gomphichis Lindl., Greigia Regel, Guzmania Ruiz WiUd., Myr^we Paspalum P^r^ea L., L., Passiflora L., Pav., Gynoxys Hesperomeles Cass., Lindl., Huperzia Mill, Phytolacca Piper Sporobolus L., Pi/e-a Lindl., L., & Bemh., Isidrogalvia Ruiz Pav., Jamesonia Hook. R.Br.. S\mplocos Jacq Temstroemia ex L. .Vluti.s f., . & Grev., Lepidoploa Mac/eanuz Tnchomanes (Cass.) Cass., Hook.. L., .V>n.s L. Vascular Par; I. :i 1 i / / / ./ / / / '- of Podocarpus flora National Park i Phytogeography paramo, Podocarpus National Par .: and elements s (3) (38 %); the Holarctic, the Austral-Antarctic, and the wide 102 genera (55 %) belong 3). to the tropical and 72 %) genera (38 belong to 20 genera (11 %): ; Bansia L., Berberis L., Castilleja Mutis ex L.f., ^^^ CUnopodium Draba L.. L., Gentiana L., Genuanella ^^ ^ ^^^^^ j^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ .^ ^ Moench, Halenia Borkh., Hypochaeris Lupinus L., L., question of debate which ^^enera should be included U in the Lysimachia Muhlenbergia ^^ Oenothera Schreb.. p^^^ L.. ^e have accepted a number of ti^ senem Ped^culans L., Pinguicula L., R.bes L., Salvia L., SUene ^ ^^U (such as Escallonia, Ga^adendron. Gyno.rvs, UStachysU VacciniumL. Hesperomeles and Myrsine), which found low are as Austral-Antarctic element Includes 26 genera 14 ^^'^' °^ ^^'^^s in subparamo, or at protected sites in ( ^^"^ %): Acaena Mutis ex L., Acore//a Lam., Calceolaria pockets, or near rock outcrops in grass paramo, L., ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^ We Andean and Andean high Cortaderia Stapf, CotidaL., Dendrophorbium forest. (Cuatrec.) & C. Jeffrey, Desfontainea Ruiz Escdlonia ^^^^ '^^ °"^ ^^^ species such as C/Rsza, Oreopanax, and Pav., Mutis ex The L.f., Fuchsia L., Gaidtheria L., Gleichenia Sm., Gurmera Schefflera. case of Lomatia and Weinmarmia, both Austral-Antarctic Hydrocotyle elements, remains However, L., L., LZ/aea BonpL, Lilaeopsis Greene, doubtful. MuMenbeckia Meisn., Myrteola O. Berg, Nertera Banks W^^'w"^i««/a is represented in quite a number of paramo & Sol. ex Gaerm., Oreobolus ^^^^^^^ (Bussraann, 2002), where high Andean R. forests Orthrosanthus Br., Comm. gradually forms Sweet, Ourisia ex Pemettya transitions to open paramo with a dense Juss., Gaudich., bamboo-shrub Rostkovia vegetation Desv.. Sisyrinchium Sncherus as transitional zone. L., C. Presl, Uncinia Pers. A recent study by Izco et (2007) of the paramos al. Wide temperate element of PNP Includes 25 genera the northernmost outUers of (Nudo de (13 Loja), %): Agrostis L., Calamagrostis Adans., Cardamine direcdy connected PNP to the paramos by mountain Carex m L., L., Equisetum L., Galium Geranium ranges 2000 and 3000 L., L., in elevation, revealed the Gnaphalium Hieracium Hypericum Juncm L., L., L., L., presence of nine additional genera not imported to date Luzula DC., Oxalis Plantago Poa L., L., L., Polystichum from the Podocarpus paramos. They include: Habenaria, Roth, Ranunculus Rubus Rumex L., L., L., Senecio Lo^^//a, Wore/Za (MyncaA L., Oreomyrrhis, Roupala, 5npa Stellaria L., L., Thelypteris Schmidel, V'a/ma^^ 5c/;pus, Stevia, Triniochloa, and rme/um. Taking into ^'''^^ ^- ^•' account UFL the lowering of the during periods glacial & (Niemann The Behling, 2007, Podocarpus paramos cosmopoUtan component 2008), c) without doubt have been repeatedly united with those of CosmopoUtan element. Includes 14 genera %): (7 the northernmost oudiei^ bordering the deep Giron-Paute Asplenium Blechnum L., Eleocharis L., R. Br., Eriocaulon valley system. Species belonging to tl Eryngium L., L., Isoetes L., Isolepis R.Br., Lycopodiella n the Podocarpus p Holub, Lycopodium Ophioglossum L., L., Pteris L. general proportions of the flora elements study wUl in this Rhynchospora Vahl, Selaginella P. Beauv., Solanum L. hardly change, adding three genera to the Neotropical- montane element, one genus to the Holarctic, two genera . iscussion wide ^o the temperate element, two wide genera to the tropical and one genus Main features to the Austral-Antarctic element ^"''^'^ now, we (previously Myrica) has presendy wide Until have a tropical recorded 187 vascular genera '^s^bution (Parra-0, the paramo of the Podocarpus 2002); Myrica remains exclusively National They Park. ^^^ e been assigned to the different phytogeographic