PHYTOGENIC FEED ADDITIVE FOR AMELIORATING OXIDATIVE STRESS IN RUMINANTS Thesis Submitted to the DEEMED UNIVERSITY Indian Veterinary Research Institute Izatnagar - 243 122 (U.P.), India Ajit Kumar Roll No. 1327 IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF Doctor of Philosophy (Animal Nutrition) February, 2014 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT With stupendous ecstasy, I extend my esteemed sense of gratitude to my Major Advisor, Dr. A.K. Pattanaik, Principal Scientist, Clinical and Pet Nutrition Laboratory, Animal Nutrition Division, IVRI, Izatnagar for his able guidance, indefatigable encouragement from the inception of this project, giving critical comments wherever required, with very worthy discussions, providing fatherly affection and care throughout the study period. Under his able guidance I discovered many of my potential and weaknesses that will guide me on my onward journey in my life and career. I am deeply indebted to Dr. A.K. Verma, Director cum Head, CAFT in Animal Nutrition and Dr. D.N. Kamra, National Professor, Animal Nutrition Division for their continuous encouragement and genuine guidance throughout my research period. I shall forever remain an admirer of their interest in work, their depth of knowledge, approach to the subject, love for students and constant co- operation throughout my entire stay at this research institute. I am grateful to Dr. N. Dutta, Principal Scientist, Division of Animal Nutrition for his moral support and providing necessary laboratory facilities to conduct my research work. It’s my immense pleasure to thank Dr. A.B. Mandal, Head and Principal Scientist, Avian Nutrition, CARI and Dr. B.H.M. Patel, Division of Livestock Production and Management, for their unflinching support, constructive criticism, able guidance and encouragement throughout the study. I express my sincere thanks to other members of my advisory committee, Dr. L. C. Chaudhary and Dr. S. Dandapat for their valuable guidance and help during the hours of need. Words are compendious to express my sincere and whole hearted thanks to faculty of my division Dr(s). R.S. Dass, Putan Singh, S.K. Saha, Asit Das, Praveen Singh, , V.B. Chaturvedi, A. Tyagi and N. Agarwal for their valuable suggestions and help during the entire course of my study period. Very special thanks to Dr. S. E. Jadhav for his valuable suggestion and constructive criticism throughout my research work and helps rendered in writing and improvement of thesis. I feel immense pleasure to express a note of thanks to all the staff of Animal Nutrition Division for their timely and valuable help and support. I find no words to express my indebtness and sense of gratitude to Shalini for her technical and personal guidance whose contribution is innumerable and cannot be expressed in mere words. In a very special way, she was instrumental to the preparation of this dissertation as it stands today. I am greatful to my lab mates Shahnawaz, Shalini Sharma, Sachin and Tony for being very good friends and brilliant collaborators during my research work. I also thank them for their enormous support and make the lab atmosphere congenial for work. It’s my pleasure to thank Dr. S. Kumar (CIF) for extending the lab facility for use of instruments for ELISA and Vitamin estimation. I appreciate and express sincere thanks to V.K. Singh, Morris, Lal Bihari, Satyadev, Shashi bhaiya, Virender and Ravinder for their help in lab and animal shed. I express my sincere love and affection to all my seniors, friends and juniors with whom I shared unforgettable moments. I thank Dr(s). Shaktivel, Prakash, Kuldeep, Shrikant, Ani, Chetan, Bedyuti, Anju, Lipi, Abhishek, Kanahaiya, Fahim, Ojha, Kullu, Anthony, Manzoor, Suraj, Dildeep, Sachin, Chandrashekhar, Subodh, Sanjay, Avinash, Dilip, Sunil, Ankita and Dinesh for being my counselor and morale booster throughout my work as always with their unconditional help. I am very much grateful to Pattanaik mam, Shalini, Mahipal and Ranjan for their time-to-time guidance and unflinching moral support in all matters of my life. I would express my deep sense of gratitude to them. The homely atmosphere and cheerful company which I have enjoyed with Pattanaik mam, Pipi, Lapi, Shalini and K.D. Uncle will be cherished in my mind forever. I feel especially blessed to have had the love, trust and support of my parents specially mummy, who spare no pain to give me the best in life and their silent sacrifices have placed me in a much better position than I have ever deserved. The love, affection and care showered by my family member; Bhaiya, Bhabhi, Bauwa, Vibhu, Gauri and others can never be reciprocated. Thank you all for your continuous encouragement and support in every moment of my life. I acknowledge Director, IVRI, for providing me the necessary facilities for smooth running of the research and Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi for keeping my financial worries at bay in the form of SRF. I also acknowledge Ayurvet India Limited, New Delhi for supplying the phytogenic feed additive on time for my research work. Finally, I express tearful acknowledgement to animals that tolerated pain for the interest of science and research. Besides this, I record my deep felt gratitude to all those who have directly or indirectly helped me in the successful completion of this mammoth endeavour. Date : Place : (Ajit Kumar) ABBREVIATIONS % : Percentage ME : Metabolizable energy A: G : Albumin: globulin ratio ACD : Acid citrate dextrose ad lib : Ad libitum ADF : Acid detergent fibre ADG : Average daily gain ADS : Acid detergent fibre ALT : Alanineaminotransferase AM : Ante meridian ANOVA : Analysis of variance AOAC : Association of Official Analytical Chemists AST : Aspartate aminotransferase BW : Body weight CAT : Catalase CMI : Cell mediated immunity CO : Carbon dioxide 2 CP : Crude protein CRBC : Chicken RBC d : Day DAM : Diacetyl mono-oxime DCP : Digestible crude protein DDM : Digestible dry matter dL : Deci liter DM : Dry matter DMD : Dry matter digestibility DMI : Dry matter intake DNPH : Dinitro phenyl hydrazine DOM : Digestible organic matter DTH : Delayed type hypersensitivity DTNB : 5, 5-dithiobis-(2-nitro-benzoic acid) DTPA : diethylene triamine penta acetic acid EDTA : Ethylene di amine tetra acetic acid EE : Ether extract ELISA : Enzyme linked immuno sorbent assay FAO : Food and Agricultural Organization g : Gram GOD : Glucose oxidase GSH : Reduced glutathione GSH-px : Glutathione peroxidase GST : Glutathione-S-transferase h : Hour HA : Haemagglutinination test H O : Water 2 H O : Hydrogen peroxide 2 2 H SO : Sulphuric acid 2 4 Hb : Hemoglobin HCl : Hydrochloric acid HNO : Nitric acid 3 HRPO : Horseradish peroxidase IgG : Immunoglobulin G KCl : Potassium chloride kg : Kilogram L : Liter LPO : Lipid peroxidation M : Mole Mab : Monoclonal Antibody min : Minute mL /ml : Milliliter mmol : millimole N : Normal (solution strength) n : Nano N : Nitrogen NaCl : Sodium chloride NADPH : Nicotinamideadenine dinucleotide phosphate NaOH : Sodium hydroxide NBT : Nitro blue tetrazolium NDF : Neutral detergent fibre NDS : Neutral detergent solution nmol : nanomole NP : Non protein NP-SH : Non-protein sulphydryl groups NSS : Normal salinesolution oC : Degree Celsius OD : Optical density oF : DegreeFahrenheit OM : Organic matter OPD : Ortho-phenyldiamine PBS : Phosphate buffer saline PB-SH : Protein bound sulphydryl groups PCV : Packed cell volume PFA : Phytochemicalfeed additive PHA-P : Phytohaemagglutinin P ppb : Parts per billion ppm : Parts per million RBC : Red blood cells rpm : Revolution per minute s/c : Sub cutaneous SEM : Standard error of mean SH : Sulfhydryl SOD : Super oxidedismutase TBA : Thiobarbituric acid TCA : Trichloro acetic acid TCHO : Total carbohydrate TDMI : Total dry matter intake TDN : Total digestible nutrient TP : Total protein T-SH : Total sulphydryl groups U : Unit V/V : Volume by volume W/V : Weight by volume W0.75 : Metabolic body size Wt. : Weight α : Alpha μ : Micron μL/μl : Micro litre