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PHYTOCHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY BIOCHEMISTRY MOLECULAR BIOLOGY Regional Editors U.K., Africa, The Commonwealth & Rest of the World G. P. BOLWELL The Americas & East Asia N. G. LEWIS Continental Europe & Russia D. STRACK Volume 59 Contents, Author Index and Subject Index 2002 = co. Oo 950% OARDC LIBRARY NUV 0 4 200? PHYTOCHEMISTRY Chemistry Biochemistry Molecular Biology Wooster, OH 44691 Regional Editor for: U.K., Africa, The Commonwealth & Rest of the World G. P. BoLWELL: School of Biological Sciences, Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, Surrey TW20 OEX, U.K Regional Editor for: The Americas & East Asia N. G. Lewts: Institute of Biological Chemistry. Washington State University. Pullman, WA 99164-6340, U.S.A Grar Regional Editor for: Continental Europe & Russia D. STRACK: Institut fiir Pllanzenbiochemie, Abt. Sekundarstoffwechsel, Weinberg 3, D-06120 Halle (Saale), Germany Prot Pred EDITORIAL BOARD 2002 Inhit subst Y. Asakawa Tokushima, Japan P. Hedden Bristol, U.K W. Boland Jena, Germany W. Herz Tallahassee, U.S.A Viole A.-M. Boudet Toulouse, France K. Hostettmann Dorigny-Lausanne, Switzerland | lave G. Bringmann Wirzburg, Germany M. J. Kato Sao Paulo, Brazil. Petui G. Cordell Chicago, U.S.A W. A. Konig Hamburg, Germany K. Cornish Albany, U.S.A IT. M. Kutchan Halle, Germany Viet: Tem) R. Croteau Pullman, U.S.A LU. Matern Marburg, Germany H. V. Davies Dundee, U.K B. L. Moller: Copenhagen, Denmark V. De Luca Ontario, Canada M. Rohmer Strasbourg, France Mict R. A. Dixon Ardmore, U.S.A \. R. Slabas Durham, U.K R. Edwards Durham, U.K G. H. N. Towers Vancouver, Canada Bios: W. H. Fenical La Jolla, U.S.A P. G. Waterman: Lismore, Australia Via I D. Ferreira University, U.S.A V. Wray: Braunschweig, Germany J. Gershenzon Jena, Germany M. H. Zenk: Halle, Germany Biot J Harwood Cardiff, U.K ATC Ecol All manuscripts and contributions should be submitted to either G. P. BOLWELL at Surrey, N. G. Lewis at Pullman or D. STRACK at Halle. Authors are Resp requested to consult the ‘Instructions to Authors’ and the ‘Aims and Scope’ of the journal (see inside back cover). The latest Instructions are published littor in Vol. 61, No. |. Copies of these Instructions are also available from the internet http: www.elsevier.com locate Phytochem under “Guide for Authors or from the Regional Editorial offices. Review articles are welcome, but intending Authors should send an outline to the Regional Editor before Bioa preparing their manuscripts. Books for review should be sent to G. P. BOLWEL1 An 1 ambi This journal has been designated an official organ of “The Phytochemical Society of Europe’ and “The Phytochemical Society of North America and Society announcements will appear at regular intervals. Reduced subscription rates are available to members of both Societies (details available from Society offices) Anti Publication information: Phytochemistry (ISSN 0031-9422). For 2002, volumes 59-61 are scheduled for publication. 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Periodical postage rate paid at Jamaica, NY 11431 USA POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Phytochemistry, Publications Expediting Inc., 200 Meacham Ave, Elmont, NY 11003 AIRFREIGHT AND MAILING in the USA by Expediting Inc., 200 Meacham Ave, Elmont, NY 11003 Gray Revi Poly Met: Effes Rhiz PII: ™P h CONTENTS OF VOLUME 59 Number |! Graphical Abstracts Vil Protein Biochemistry Predicting the substrates of cloned plant O-methyl-transferases G. SCHRODER, E. WEHINGER and J. SCHRODER Inhibitors of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase: |-amino-benzylphosphonic acids Y J. ZON. N. AMRHEIN and R. GANCARZ substituted in the benzene ring Molecular Genetics and Genomics Flavonoid gene expression and UV photoprotection in transgenic and mutant 23 K.G. Ryan. E. E. Swinny. K. R. MARKHAM and Petunia leaves C. WINEFIELD Vletabolism lemperature effect on a high stearic acid sunflower mutant 33 V. FERNANDEZ-Moya, E. MARTINEZ-FORCE and R. GARCES Microbial metabolism of partheniol by Mucor circinelloides 39 G. T. MAATOOQ Biosynthesis of anthraquinones in cell cultures of Cinchona ‘Robusta’ proceeds 45 Y -S. HAN, R. VAN DER HEIDEN. A. W. M. LEFEBER. via the methylerythritol 4-phosphate pathway C. ERKELENS and R. VERPOORTI Biotransformation of terpenes from Stemodia maritima by Aspergillus niger 57 \.R.M. CHEN and P. B. REESI ATCC 9142 Ecological Biochemistry Responses of anthocyanin-producing and non-producing cells of Glehnia 63 Y. KITAMURA, M. OutTa, T. IKENAGA and M. WATANABI littoralis to radical generators Bioactive Products An insecticidal mixture of tetramethylcyclohexenedione isomers from Kunzea 69 B. P.S. KHAMBAY. D. G. BeppikE and M. S. J. SIMMONDS ambigua and Kunzea baxterii Antimicrobial constituents from the stem bark of Feronia limonia 73 M. M. RAHMAN and A. I. GRAY Bioactive steroidal alkaloid glycosides from Solanum aculeastrum 79 A.W. Wanyonyi. S. C. CHHABRA, G. Mxkou, U. EILer1 and W. M. Njut Immunosuppressive constituents from Saussurea medusa 85 H. Duan, Y. TAKAISHI,. H. Momota, Y. OHMOTO and T. TAKI Chemistry Tetrahydroisoquinoline-monoterpene glycosides from Cephaelis acuminata 9] A. Irou, Y. BABA. T. TANAHASHI and N. NAGAKURA §b-Methoxy-y-methylene-x,f-unsaturated-y-butyrolactones from Artabotrys 99 H.-F. WonG and G. D. BROWN hexapetalus Constituents of Lepidium mevenii ‘*maca’ 105 I. MUHAMMAD, J. ZHAO, D. C. DUNBAR and I. A. KHAN C,; Acetogenins from the red alga Laurencia obtusa 11] D. IL1iopouLou, C. VAGIAS, C. HARVALA and V. RoussIs Number 2 Graphical Abstracts IX Review Polyphenolics of Sa/via—a review 117 Y. Lu and L. Yeap Foo Metabolism Effects of auxosporulation on distributions of C5; and Cy» isoprenoid alkenes in 14] S. T. Bett. G. Masse, W.G. ALLARD, J-M. ROBERT and Rhizosolenia setigera S. J. ROWLAND PII: S0031-9422(02)00186-3 errer 2? ;! 01-603-00 «.. fF 1] Contents Ecological Biochemistry O-Glucosyltransferase activities toward phenolic natural products and Brazier. D. J. CoLe and R xenobiotics in wheat and herbicide-resistant and herbicide-susceptible black VTAss | {lop curus myosuroides) Nlok Chemotaxonomy Isola Fatty acids of some algae from the Bohai Sea Li, X. FAN, L. HAN and Non-protein amino acids of Bocoa (Leguminosae; Papilionoideae) C. Kire and H. IRELAND Bioactive Products Anti-inflammatory cyclohexeny! chalcone derivatives in Boesenhergia pandu PUCHINDA. V. REUTRAKI PONGPRAYOON. T. SEMATONG CC. TAYLOR Structural features of immunologically active polysacchandes trom Ganoderma -| Bao. X.-S. WANG ) >) oF uciduin Chemistry Characterization and structures of anthocyanin pigments generated in rose Suon. Y. Gopoa. M. Toyvopa \. YANAGIDA cider during vinification KANDA \ macrocyclic ellagitannin trimer, oenotherin T,, from Oenothera species TANIGUCHI. Y. IMAYOSHI HATANO and T. YOSHIDA rhe monoterpenes ol {rfemisia tridentata ssp asevana irfemist GUNAWARDENA. S. B. RIVERA viscidula and Artemisia tridentata ssp. spiciformis Eremophilanolides and other constituents from the Argentine liverwort BARDON. G. B. Mitre. N. KAMIYA Frullania brasiliensis ASAKAWA Cucurbitane. hexanorcucurbitane and octanorcucurbitane glycosides from K ANCHANAPOOM. R. KASAI ind K. YAMASAKI fruits of Trichosanthes tricuspidata Book Reviews Comprehensive Natural Products Chemistry Volume |: Polyketides and Other Secondary Metabolites Including Fatty Acids SLABAS and Their Derivatives Volume 2: Isoprenoids Including Carotenoids and Steroids BRAMLEY Volume 3: Carbohydrates and Their Derivatives Including Tannins, Cellulose and Related Lignins Volume 4: Amino Acids, Peptides, Porphyrins and Alkaloids D. KEL! Volume 5: Enzymes, Enzyme Mechanisms, Proteins and Aspects of NO HALLIWELI Chemistry The Volume 6: Prebiotic Chemistry, Molecular Fossils, Nucleosides and RNA FRANCIS Met Volume 7: DNA and Aspects of Molecular Biology A. BRYAN] usin Boo Volume 8: Miscellaneous Natural Products Including Marine Natural 7) 4 H. BEALI Products, Pheromones, Plant Hormones and Aspects of Ecology Corrigendum Corrigendum to “The chemical diversity and distribution of glucosinolates and W. Fauney. A. T. ZALCMANaNnd P isothiocyanates among plants” [Phytochemistry 56 (2001) 5-51] Erratum Erratum to “3(2H)-Benzofuranones and chromanes from liquid cultures of K. Macuipa, L. S. TRIFONO\ the mycoparasitic fungus Coniothyrium minitans” [Phytochemistry 58 (2001) LAROCHE, H. C. HUANG CHENG and 173-177] L. ZANTINGI Number 3 Graphical Abstracts Protein Biochemistry lransport of |-kestose across the tonoplast of Jerusalem artichoke tubers G. Pontis. P. GONZALEZ and | ETXEBERRIA Contents itl Compar subcellular immunolocationo f polypeptides associated with xylan 249 A.C. E. Grecory. C. Smirn. M. E. Kerry nd callose synthases in French bean ( Phaseolu ) during secondary wal E.R. WHEATLEY and G. P. BOLWELI mat Nlolecular Genetics and Genomics lsolat ind characterization of cDN clon encoding ADP-glucos¢ 61 S.Sincu. S-B. Cuor, M. K. Mop and T. W. OKITA phosphorviase (AG Pase) large and small subu from chickpea (¢ m L.) Vletabolism Incorporatlior C | 1-deoxy-bD-xylulose prenoid ft the erwo! 69 R. Tuer and K.P. ADAM { ss) Ecological Biochemistry | moid 5-glucosides from the cocoon shell of the kworm. Born/ 275 Y.TamURA, K. NAKAJIMA, K. NAGAYASU and ( Tl AKABAYASHI Chemotaxonomy Serine protemase inhibitoirn st he Compositae: distribution, polymorphist i 79 A V. Kownarev. I. N. Antsimova. V. A. GavrRiLOva np l. E. VACHRUSHEVA, G. Y. KONECHNAYA, M. LEWIS and P. R. SHEWRY Chen atk ' tions f irreeu i nD { , d "9 CC. Ziporn. S. SturRM. J. W. Dawson. J. W. VAN KLINK 1 New Zealand Apiaceac H. STUPPNER and N. B. PERRY’ Bioactive Products Essential fatty acids and phenolic acids from extracts and leachates of southert 30S M.T. GALLARDO-WILLIAMS. C. L. GeiGer. J. A. PIDALA ttail (7 vy lominges P.) and D. F. MARTIN P| . d mammalian cvytotoxi crocvclic richothecen 19 H.K. Apras. B. B. Jounson. W. T. Suter. H. TAK C ‘ \/ ecium verru B. B. Jarvis and C. D. BoyerTi Produc yoac riterpenes by Eriohotrva japor call 315 S. Tanicucui. Y. IMayosui. E. KOBAYASHI Y. TAKAMATSU. H. Ivo. T. HATANO. H. SAKAGAMI H. Toxupba. H. Nesuino. D. SuGcita. S. SHIMURA and [. YOSHIDA Natur HIV agents—part |: ( + )-demethoxyepiexcelsi nd verticillato 3295 V.D. Hoana., G. T. Tan. H.-J. ZHANG, P. A. TAMEZ m / N. V. HuNG. N. M. Cuonae. D. D. SOFJARTO H. H.S. FONG and J. M. PezzuTo Chemistry Macrocyclic diterpenes trom Euphorbia nivu 331 V. RAVIKANTH, V. L. NIRANJAN ReEpDpDy, T. PRABHAKAR Rao, P. V. Diwan, S. RAMAKRISHNA and Y. VENKATESWARLI Ihree isoflav-3-enes and a 2-aryilbenzofuran from the root bark of Erythrina 337 \. Yenesew. J. O. Mipiwo,. S. M. Gucnut rit M. HEYDENREICH and M. G. PETER Ihe structure of the major anthocvanin in Arabidopsis thaliana 343 S.J. BLoor and S. ABRAHAMS Metabolic profiling of saponins in Medicag and Medicago truncatula 347 D. V. HUHMAN and L. W. SUMNER using HPLC coupled to an electrospray ion-trap mass spectrometet Book Review / rial Vicrol a Biope Slicides Benef \/ 0) } /} Vem ik 6] J B HARBORNI nd Seed Treatme edited by H. D. Burges Corrigenda Corrigendum to “A flavonol glycoside-lignan ester and accompanying acylated 363 =J.H.Isaza, H. 110 and T. Yosuipa glucosides from Monochaetum multiflorum™ [Phytochemistry 58 (2001) 321-327] Corngendum to “Bacopaside | and II: two pseudojujubogenin glycosides from 365 A. K. CHAKRAVARTY, T. SARKAR, K. MASUDA Bacopa monniera’” |Phytochemistry 58 (2001) 553-556] K. SuH1oyima, T. NAKANE and N. KAWAHARA Number 4 ) The contents are arranged by class of compound within each section, e.g. primary metabolites, terpenoids, phenolics, alkaloids Graphical Abstracts IX lerpenoids Rebaudioside F, a diterpene glycoside from Stevia rebaudiana 36 A. N. STARRATT,. C. W. Kirpy. R. Pocs and \ 1. E. BRANDLI 1\ Contents Vernoguinosterol and vernoguinoside, trypanocidal stigmastane derivatives A. T. Tcuinpba, A. Tsopmo, P. TANg, J. F. AYAFOR, Bio} from Vernonia guineensis (Asteraceae) J. D. CONNOLLY and O. STERNER 4. 1( Structure of a geranyl-x-pyrone from Mimulus aurantiacus leat resin J.D. Hare and D. B. BORCHARD! Eco Effe nor-Oleanene type triterpene glycosides from the leaves of Acanthopanan S-Y. Park. S-Y. CHANG. O-J. On. C.-S. Yook and see japonicus I. NOHARA Che Abietane diterpenoids from suspension cultured cells of Torreva nucifera vat Y. ORIHARA. J-W. YANG. N. Komiya. K. KOGE and Cya radicans .. YOSHIKAWA cy cl pset Volatile oil comparison of cotyledon leaves of chemotypes of Melaleuca 39] 1. A. SOUTHWELL and M. F. RUSSELI alternifolia Bio: Polyprenylated phloroglucinol derivatives from Hypericum erectum 395 r-Y. AN, M-D. SHAN, L-H. Hu, 8-J. Liv and Phe Z-L. CHEN con lwo octanordammarane triterpenes from Commiphora kua 399 A. DekeBo, E. DAGNE, L. K. HANSOE. NR., GAUTUN Ant and A. J. AASEN Furanoterpenoids from Siphonochilus aethiopicus 405 C. W. HOLZAPFEL. W. Marais, P. L. WESSELS and B-E. VAN Wyk Che Gel neo-Clerodane diterpenoids from Teucrium oliverianum and structure revision 409 M.A. AL-YAuHYA, F.S. Et-FeraryD,. C. DUNBAR and of teucrolin | I. MUHAMMAD No Phenolics An isoflavanoid-neoflavonoid and an O-methylated isoflavone from the 415 M. BeKKEeR. E. MALAN. J. A. STEENKAMP and Pol heartwood of Dalbergia nitidula E. V. BRANDT Irid O-Galloyl-C-glycosylflavones from Pelargonium reniforme 419 K.P. Larre. D. Ferrera, M.S. VENKATRAMAaNnd H. KOLODZIEJ Phe 425 Oxanthrone esters from the roots of Cassia kleinii S.J. ANU and J. M. Rao Phe Kavalactones from Piper methysticum, and their ‘°C NMR _ spectroscopic 429 H.R. W. DHARMARATNE, N. P. D. NANAYAKKARaAnd Bla. analyses 1. A. KHAN cult Priflavonoids of Ochna calodendron B. B. MESSANGA., S. F. Kimsu,. B. L. SONDENGAM and B. BoDpo General Chemnistry Hydroxyester disaccharides from fruits of cape gooseberry (P/ysalis peruviana) 439 H. MayorGaca. C. Duour. H. KNapp and P. WINTERHALTER Gri Coumarin glucosides from Cruciata taurica S. De Rosa, M. Mirova, N. HaNpueva and I. CALts Rev The (6S)-Hydroxy-3-oxo-%-ionol glucosides from Capparis spinosa truits I. CaLis, A. KURUUZUM-Uz, P. A. LORENZETTO and acti P. RUEDI Me Antiviral isoflavonoid sulfate and steroidal glycosides from the fruits of 459 D. ARTHAN., J. SVASTI, P. KITTAKOOP. De Solanum torvum D. PITTAYAKHACHONWUT. M. TANTICHAROEN and Per Y. THEBTARANONTH Nigrumin-5-p-coumarate and nigrumin-5-ferulate, two unusual _ nitrile- 465 Y. Lu. L. Year Foo and H. WonG \ C] containing metabolites from black currant (Rihes nigrum) seed acgq The metabolites of the mangrove fungus Verruculina enalia No. 2606 from a salt 469 Y. Lin, X. Wu, Z. DENG, J. WANG, S. ZHOU. Che lake in the Bahamas L. L. P. VrRiIJMOED and E. B. G. JONES ind Syn !O ra- Number 5 Bio Cyl Graphical Abstracts Metabolism Proline metabolism and NAD kinase activity in greenbean plants subjected to J. M. Ruiz. E. SANCHEZ, P. C. GARCIA. Gel cold-shock L. R. Lopez-LeresBre, R. M. Rivero and L. ROMERO Microbial transformation of cadina-4,10(15)-dien-3-one, aromadendr-1(10)-en- 479 D. O. Coins, P. L. D. RUDDOCK. Co Y-one and methyl ursolate by Mucor plumbeus ATCC 4740 J. CHIVERTON DE GRASSE, W. F. REYNOLDS and act P. B. REESI Contents Biotransformation of cadina-4,10(15)-dien-3-one and 3a-hydroxycadina- 489 D. O. COLLINS and P. B. REESE 4.10(15)-diene by Curvularia lunata ATCC 12017 Ecological Biochemistry Effects of Na»SO, on the activities of antioxidant enzymes in geranium 493 M.Y. Let seedlings Chemotaxonomy Cyanohydrin glycosides of Passiflora distribution pattern, a saturated 50] J. W. JAaROoszZEWSKI, E. S. OLAFSDOTTIR. cyclopentane derivative from P guatemalensis, and formation of P. WELLENDORPH, J. CHRISTENSEN, H. FRANZYK. pseudocyanogenic x-hydroxyamides as isolation artefacts B. SOMANADHAN, B. A. BUDNIK., | BOLT JORGENSEN and V. CLAUSEN Bioactive Products Phenolic compounds from Gastrodia rhizome and relaxant effects of related J. Hayasui, T. Sekine, S. DeGucui,Q . Lin, S. Hort. compounds on isolated smooth muscle preparation S. Tsucutya, S. YANO, K. WATANABE and F. IKEGAMI Antifungal amides from Piper arboreum and Piper tuberculatum R. VASQUESD A Sitva, H. M. DeBONSI NAVICKIENE. M.J. Kato, V. DaS. BoLzanti,C . 1. Mepa. M.C.M. YouNG and M. FURLAN Chemistry Germacranolides from Artemisia myriantha and their conformation H.-F. WONG andG . D. Brown 2 and Non-glycosidic iridoids from Cymbaria mongolica J-Q. Dal, Z-L. Liv and L. YANG Polyoxygenated cyclohexene derivatives from E/lipeiopsis cherrevensis A. Kioa, J. Bessa. M. M. M. PINTo. ¢ A NATACHOKE, A. M.S. Sitva, G. EATON and W. Herz Iridoid and phenolic glycosides from Morinda coreia I. KANCHANAPOOM, R. KASAI and K. YAMASAKI nd Phenolic glycosides from Markhamia stipulata I. KANCHANAPOOM, R. KASAI and K. YAMASAKI Phenolic glycosides from Barnettia kerrii I. KANCHANAPOOM, R. KASAI and K. YAMASAKI and Blazeispirols B, C, E and. F, des-A-ergostane-type compounds, from the M. HIROTANI, K. Sat, S. HIROTANI and T. YOSHIKAWA cultured mycelia of the fungus Agaricus blazei nd Number 6 Graphical Abstracts Review The destruxins synthesis, biosynthesis, biotransformation, and _ biological M.S. ¢ Pepras, L. 1. ZAHARIA and D. E. Warp> activity Metabolism De novo production of ( )-aristolochene by sporulated surface cultures of S9 J.C. R. DEMYTTENAERE. A. ADAMS. Penicillium roqueforti K. VAN BELLEGHEM, N. De Kimpe. W. A. KONIG and A. V. TKACHE\ Vepenthes insignis uses a C>-portion of the carbon skeleton of L-alanine 603 H. RisCHER, A. HAMM and G. BRINGMANN acquired via its carnivorous organs, to build up the allelochemical plumbagin Chemical defenses of crucifers: elicitation and metabolism of phytoalexins and M.S. C. Pepras, C. M. NYCHOLAT. S. MONTAUT. Y. Xt indole-3-acetonitrile in brown mustard and turnip and A.Q . KHAN Synthesis and bioactivity of C-2 and C-3 methyl ether derivatives of Tr.G . Back, L. JANZEN. R. P. PHARIS and Z. YAN brassinolide Bioactive Products Cytotoxic withanolides from Acnistus arborescens S. MinGuzzi, L. E.S. BARATA, Y. G. Sun. P. F. Jonas. H-B. Cua, E. J. PARK. J. M. Pezzuto and G. A. CORDELI Gerronemins A-F, cytotoxic biscatechols from a Gerronema species 643 S. SILBERBORTH, A. STUMPF. G. ERKEL. 7 ANKE and RO QO. STERNER Coumarins and y-pyrone derivatives from Prangos pabularia: antibacterial 649 Y. TADA, Y. SHIKISHIMA, Y. TAKAISHI. H. SHIBATA. activity and inhibition of cytokine release T. HiGuti, G. HONDA, M. Ito.Y . TAKEDA. O. K. KopZHIMaToy, O. ASHURMETOV and Y. OHMOTO Vi Contents Chemistry Ses Volatiles from rhizomes of Rhodiola rosea | 655 J. ROHLOF! cpl Benzoic acid glucosinolate esters and other glucosinolates from Arahidop 663 M. Reicuect, P. D. BROWN, B. SCHNEIDER Na N. J. OLDHAM, E. STAUBER, J. TOKUHISA ses DD. J. KLIEBENSTEIN, T. MitcHett-OLpasnd 1. GERSHENZON Sp! the Structure and stereochemistry of dimeric proteracacinidins possessing the rare 673 L. Benniz, J. Corrzer, E. MALAN and D. FERREIRA C-4(C) C-S(D) interflavanvl linkage Iri cal Cnibberellins in shoots and developing capsules of Populus species 679 DD. W. Pearce, O. E. Hutt, S. B. Roop and L. N. MANDER Qu , Bo Number 7 Bo Graphical Abstracts Vil Csu Protein Biochemistry \ fi-glucosidase xylosidase from the phytopathogenic oomycete, Phytophthora 689 EF. BRUNNeR, W. Wirtz, J. K.C. Rose, A. G. DARVILI Iw nfestar F. Govers, D. Scurert and T. NURNBERGER Vlolecular Genetic. s and Genomic° s P>h Alkaloid production in Duhoisia hybrid hairy root cultures overexpressing the 697 E. Moyano. S. FORNALE. J. PALAZON, R. M. Cusipo Ph pmit gene N. BAGNI and M. T. Pinot Vletabolism Co Changes in cell wall polysaccharides of Silene vulgaris callus during culture 03 E.A. GUNTER and Y.S. Ovopoy Monoterpenoid accumulation in Melaleuca alternifolia seedlings 109 =M. RUSSELL and |. SOUTHWELI Iw ani Chemotaxonomy Survey of aliphatic glucosinolates in Sicilian wild and cultivated Brassicaceae 717 ~F. Branca, G. Li, 8. Goya and C. F. Quiros Th Bioactive Products Production of taxoids with biological activity by plants and callus culture from 725) G. Parc, A. CANAGUIER, P. LANDRE, R. HOCQUEMILLER Ch selected 7axus genotypes D. Curigut and M. MEYER Neogrifolin derivatives possessing anti-oxidative activity from the mushroom 731) M.NuKata, T. HAsuimoro, |. YAMAMOTO, N. IWASAKI Ge {/hatrellus ovinu M. TANAKA and Y. ASAKAWA K| Pyrano-isoflavones with erectile-dysfunction activity from Eriosema 739 S. E. Drewes, M. M. Horn, O. Q. Munro. iussianum J.T. B. DHLAMINI, J. J. M. Meyer and N.C. RAKUAMBO \ fla Proanthocyanidin glycosides and related polyphenols from cacao liquor and 49 T. HATANO, H. Mtyatake, M. Natsume, N. OSAKABE, their antioxidant effects l. TAKIZAWA, H. Ito and T. YOSHIDA Ar Chemistry Characterization of betaines using electrospray MS, MS 759 K.V. Woop, C. C. BONHAM, D. MILEs, A. P. ROTHWELL,G . PeeL, B. C. Woop and D. Ruopes Sesquiterpene pyridine alkaloids from Hippocratea excelsa 767 M. FuRUKAWA, M. MAKINO, T. UCHIYAMA, K. ISHIMI, Y. ICHINOHE and Y. FusimotTo Secoiridoid and iridoid glucosides from Svyringa afghanica 779 Y. TAKENAKA, N- OKAZAKI. T. TANAHASHI. N. NAGAKURA and T. NISHI Book Review Chemical Dictionary of Economic Plants edited by J. B. Harborne and H. Baxter 789 R. NASH Number 8 The contents are arranged by class of compound within each section, e.g. primary metabolites, terpenoids, phenolics, alkaloids Graphical Abstracts Vil l erpenoids [riterpenoids from Gentiana scabra 791 R.KaAKuDA, T. lima, Y. Yaorra, K. MACHIDA and M. KIKUCHI | Contents Vil 795 Sesquiterpene constituents in Petasites hybridus Y. SariTas, S. H. VON Reub and W. A. KONIG epi-Cubebanes from Solidago canadensis SOS A.A. KASALI, O. EKUNDAYO, C. PAUL and W. A. KONIG Sesquiterpenoids of Torilis japonica truit S11 J. Kirvagima, N. Suzuki. M. SATOH and M. WATANABI Sphaeropsidins D and E, two other pimarane diterpenes, produced in vitro by A. EVIDENTE. L. SPARAPANO,.G . BRUNO and A. MOTTA the plant pathogenic fungus Sphaeropsis sapinea f. sp. cupressi lriterpenoid saponins and acylated prosapogenins from Harpullia austro- L. VOUTQUENNE. C. KOKOUGAN. C. LAVAUD. I. POoUNY caledonica and M. LITAUDON Quassinoids from Eurycoma longifolia H. H. ANG. Y HITOTSUYANAGI, H. FUKAYA and K. TAKEYA Botryolins A and B, two tetramethylsqualene triethers from the green microalga P. MeTzGer,. M-N. RAGER and C. LARGEAI Botryococcus braunii Guaiane- and aristolane-type sesquiterpenoids of Nardostachys chinensis roots 845 M. TANITSU. Y TAKAYA. M. AKASAKA, M. Niwa and Y. OSHIMA Iwo highly oxygenated eudesmanes and 10 lignans from Achillea holosericea \. A. AuMeb, A. A. MAaumoub., E. T. Att.O . TZAKOort M. Coucapis. T. J. Masry. T. Gatti and G. Toru Phenolics Phenolic glycosides from Phagnalon rupestre L: GONGORA, S. MANEZ. R. M. GINER. M. (¢ RECIO. A. 1. Gray and J.-L. Rios Constituents from the stems of Actinodaphne lancifolia 86] M.-R. Kim. H.-J. JUNG. B-S. Min. S-R. On. ( S. Kim. K.-S. AHN. W.-S. KANG and H--K. LE! [wo benzophenone O-arabinosides and a chromone from Hypericum 867 P. T. NEDIALKOV and G. M. KITANO\ annulatum Three anthrones from Rubus ulmifolius G. FLAMINI. S. CATALANO, C. CAPONI. L. PANIZZ1 and 1. MORELLI ER Chalcones and other constituents of Dorstenia prorepens and Dorstenia zenkeri B. M. ABEGAZ. B. T. NGApbiut, I DONGO,. B. NGAMENI M.N. Ninpi and M. BEZABIH AKI General Chemistry K laivanolide, an antiprotozoal lactone from U varia klaineana RRS B. AKENDENGUE, F. RosBLor. P. M. Lorseau, C. BorIes. E. NGou-MILAMA, A. LAURENS and R. HOCQUEMILLER MBO \ chlorinated monoterpene ketone. acylated (}-sitosterol glycosides and a SAY M. SHaAto ALI. M. SALEEM. W AHMAD. M. PARVEZ and flavanone glycoside from Mentha longifolia (Lamiaceae) R. YAMDAGNI BE. Amides from Piper brachystachyum and Piper retrofractum &97 A. BANERJI,. M. SARKAR. R. Datta, P. SENGUPTA and K. ABRAHAM DES

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