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CONTENTS OF VOLUME 57 Number 1 Graphical Abstracts Protein Biochemistry A serine endopeptidase from the fruits of Melothria japonica (Thunb.) Maxim I UCHIKOBA, §S HOSOYAMADA. M. ONJyvo K. ARIMA H YONEZAWA nd M. KANEDA Metabolism Biosynthesis of the hemi- and monoterpene moieties of isopreny! pheny! ethers \ J. BARLOW H. Becker andK ADAM from the liverwort Trichocolea tomentella Seasonal variation in the content of hydrolysable tannins in leaves of Betula J -P. SALMINEN V. Ossipovy., | Ha pubescens K PIHLAJA rhe biosynthesis of benzoic acid glucosinolate esters in Arahidops G GRASER, N O_puHamM, P. D. BROWN U. Temi J GiERSHENZON Tracer studies with C-labeled carbohydrates in cultured plant Z W. SHEN, | I ISINGER, A. POULEV, W EISENREICH Retrobiosynthetic analysis of chelidonic acid biosynthesis | WERNER, I PI EINER, A. BACHER and M H. ZENK Equilibrium between basic nitrogen compounds in lupin seeds ANISZEWSKI D. CIESIOLKA differentiated alkaloid content Transformation of naturally-occurring 1,9-trans-9.5-cis sweroside to j M M. Horn. § E. Drewes, N. J. BROWN sweroside during acetylation uf sweroside aglycone O Q. MUNRO J. M. Meyer and A. D. M. MATHEKGA Ecological Biochemistry Insecticidal flavaglines and other compounds from Fijian H GREGER, T »>ACHER, B. Brem, M. Bac HER 0 HOFER Chemotaxonomy The essential oil of Origanum vulgare L. ssp. vulgare growing wild in Vilnius D MocKkutTi ty BERNOTIENE and A. Jub ZENTIENI district (Lithuania) Variability of essential oils of Satureja montana L. and Satureja |} V. SLAVKOVSKA R. Jancic. S. Bosovu Wierzb. ex Heuff. from the central part of the Balkan peninsula S. Mitosavisevic and D. Dioxovu Prenylated flavonoids from Deguelia hatschbachii and their systematic \ F. MAGALHAES, A. M.G. A. Tozz1 significance in Deguelia I G. MAGALHAEaSn d \ R % SOUZA MORAES Bioactive Products Effect of (+)-pulegone and other oil components of Mentha~ piperita M Mucciare.cyut, W. Camusso, C. M. Bi RTEA. S. Bossi cucumber respiration al id M. Marri Antifungal activity of the essential oil of flowerheads of garland P P. ALVAREZ -( ASTELLANOS, C. D. Bist PrP and chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum coronarium) against agricultural pathogens M J. PASCUAI VILLALOBOS A sesquiterpene drimane with antinociceptive activity from Drimys winteri bark \. MALHEIROS V.C. Fitno, C. B. Scumi IT A. R.S. SANTOS C. Scueipr, J. B. CALix ro D. Monact it and R. A. YUNES Allelopathic sesquiterpenoids from rhizomes of Petasites japonicus ssp y Goro, Y. Kouma, T. NAKAYAMaAn d M. TERAZAWA giganteus Kitam Chemistry Cuticular waxes on eceriferum mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana \ M. Rasnorre, M. A. Jenks and K.A FELDMANN Melampolides from Enydra anagallis \ BARDON, | CARDONA, E. CARTAGENA ( A. N. CATALAN and J. R. Pepro ent-Pimarane derivatives from Dysoxylum hainanense x -D. Luo, S Wu, Y.-B. Ma and D-( i. Wt Terpenoids and y-pyrone derivatives from Prangos tschimganica Y SHIKISHIMA Y. TaKatsui. G. HONDA M. Iro y TAKEDA, O K. KopZHIMATOV and O ASHURMETOV PIL: $0031-9422(01)00349-1 il Contents Book Reviews Root Methods: A Handbook, edited by A. L. Smit, 143 D. STRACK A. G. Bengough, C. Engels, M. van Noordwijk, S. Pellerin and S. C. van de Geijn ChemOffice Ultra 2000, by CambridgeSoft |44 D. STRACK Number 2 Graphical Abstracts Editorial Comment Phytochemistry in the genomics and post-genomics eras R. A. Dixon Protein Biochemistry Inhibition of polygalacturonase from Verticilliwm dahliae by a 149 J. T. James and |. A. DuBERY polygalacturonase inhibiting protein from cotton Cell-wall proteins from Sitka spruce xylem are selectively insolubilised during G. J. McDOUGALI formation of dehydrogenation polymers of coniferyl alcohol Metabolism Biosynthesis of diaporthin and orthosporin by Aspergillus ochraceus 165 J. P. Harris and P. G. MAntTi Accumulation of 6-deoxocathasterone and 6-deoxocastasterone in Arabidopsis T. Nomura, T. Sato, G. J. BisHop, Y. KAMty A. pea and tomato is suggestive of common rate-limiting steps in brassinosteroid S. TAKATSUTO and T. YOKOTA biosynthesis Metabolism of indole-3-acetic acid by orange (Citrus sinensis) flavedo tissue J. CHAMARRO, A. OsTIN and G. SANDBERG during fruit development The uptake and speciation of various Al species in the Brassica rapa pekinensis T. B. Potak, R. MILacic, B. PIHLAR and B. MITROvI Biotransformation of (R)-( + )- and (S)-(—)-limonene by fungi and the use of J.C. R. DEMYTTENAERE, K. VAN BELLEGHEM and solid phase microextraction for screening N. De Kimpt Ecological Biochemistry Comprehensive chemical profiling of gramineous plant root exudates using 209 T. W-M. FanA,. N. LANE, M SHENKER, J. P BARTLEY high-resolution NMR. and MS D. CROWLEY and R. M. HIGASHI Phytoalexins from Pinus strobus bark infected with pinewood nematode F. HANAWA, T. YAMADanAd T. NAKASHIMA Bursaphelenchus xylophilus Synergism between the potato glycoalkaloids a-chaconine and -solanine in 999 D. B. Smitu, J. G. Roppick and J. L. Jones inhibition of snail feeding Chemotaxonomy 4 chemotaxonomic investigation of volatile constituents in Stachys subsect H. D. SKALTSA, A. MAVROMMATI and Swainsonianeae (Labiatae) IT. CONSTANTINIDIS 245 Essential oils from Azorean Laurus azorica L. G. Pepro, P. A. G. SANTOs. J. A. pa SILVA, A.C. FiGuerrepo, J. G. BARR¢ so, S. G. DEAN Ss. 4. LooMAN and J. J. C. SCHEFFER Bioactive Products Cyclolinopeptides F—I, cyclic peptides from linseed 251 T. Matsumoto, A. SHISHIDO H. Morita, H ITOKAWA and K. TAKEYA Jesterone and hydroxy-jesterone antioomycete cyclohexenone epoxides from the J. Y. Li and G. A. STROBE! endophytic fungus Pestalotiopsis jesteri Chemistry Sesquiterpene lactones and a myoinositol from glandular trichomes of Viguiera O. SPRING, R. Zipper, S. Rees, B. VOGLER and quinqueremis (Heliantheae; Asteraceae) F. B. Da Costa Benzopyran derivatives from Mallotus apelta T. AN, L. Hu, X. CHENG and Z. CHEN Nemorosone, the major constituent of floral resins of Clusia rosea O. Cuesta-Rusio, H. VELEz-C ASTRO, B. A. FRONTANA-URIBE and J CARDENAS Contents il! Minor constituents of Spigelia anthelmia and their cardiac activities 285 H. HOsNeR, W. VierLinc, W. BRaNnpr, M. Rerrer and H. ACHENBACH Flavonoid glucuronides from Helicteres isora 297 K. Kamiya, Y. Sarki, T. HAmMa, Y. Fusimoro H. ENDANG, M. Umar and T. SATAK! Rapid detection of chlorinated bisbibenzyls in Bazzania trilebata using 303 A. Speicuer, K. HOLLEMEYeER and E. Heinzut MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry Pacifigorgianes and tamariscene as constituents of Frullania tamarisci and 307 C. Paut, W. A. KOntG and H. Muuti Valeriana officinalis Book Reviews The Wealth of India, First Supplement, Volume 1, edited by R. Kochhar 315 J. B. HARBORNI African Traditional Medicine, by H.D. Neuwinger 315 M. WINK Corrigendum Pyrrolizidine alkaloids from Cynoglossum creticum {Phytochemistry 42 (1996) 317. A. E_-Suaz_y. T. Sarc. L. Witte and M. Winx 1217-1221] Number 3 Graphical Abstracts Vii Molecules of Interest The latest hype on Hyp-O-glycosylation codes 319 M.J. Kieciszewsk Review Phytoecdysteroids biological aspects 325. ~L. DINAN Protein Biochemistry Enzymatic halogenation of flavanones and flavones 341 =P. Yarpakpee and L. W. ROBERTSON Purification and characterization of isoforms of 349 =~§- C. Li, J-W. Han, K-C. CHEN and C-S. Cue? §-galactosidases in mung bean seedlings Metabolism Biosynthesis of 2-aminobenzaldehyde in flowers of Robinia pseudoacacia and 361 =P. Sprreccer and W. STEGLICH Philadelphus coronarius Ginsenoside production in different phenotypes of Panax ginseng transformed 365 A. MALior, R. M. Cusipo, J. PALAZON, M. BonriLt roots C. Moraes and M. T. PINot Studies on the biosynthesis of 2-hydroxy-1,4-benzoxazin-3-one (HBOA) from 373 =P. Sprreccer, E. GLAWISCHNIG, A. GIleRL and 3-hydroxyindolin-2-one in Zea mays W. STEGLICH Biotransformation of squamulosone by Curvularia lunata ATCC 12017 377 ~D.O. Coiiins, G. O. BUCHANAN, W. F. REYNOLDs and P. B. Reest Ecological Biochemistry Blend effects in the toxicity of the essential oil constituents of Ocimum 385 J. BEKELE and A. HASSANALI kilimandscharicum and Ocimum kenyense (Labiateae) on two post-harvest insect pests Identification and ecdysteroid antagonist activity of three oligostilbenes from 393. Y. Mena. P. C. Bourne, P. WuitinG, V. Sik and the seeds of Carex pendula (Cyperaceae) L. DINAN Ecdysteroids and bufadienolides from Helleborus torquatus (Ranunculaceae) 401 Y.MenG, P. Wuitina, V. Sik, H. H. Rees and L. DINAN Induced emissions of apple fruit volatiles by the codling moth: changing 409 A. HERN and S. Dorn patterns with different time periods after infestation and different larval instars Methyl jasmonate increases reported alkamides and ketoalkene/ynes in 417 S. E. Binns, 1. INPARAJAH, B. R. BAUM and Echinacea pallida (Asteraceae) J. T. ARNASON Bioactive Products Antiplatelet activity of N-methoxycarbonyl aporphines from Rollinia mucosa 421 R-Y. Kuo, F-R. CHane, C.-Y. CHen, C-M. Tenc F. YEN and Y.-C. Wt IV Contents Benzyl! isothiocyanate is the chief or sole anthelmintic in papaya seed extracts 427 R.KerMansualt, B. E. McCarry, J. ROSENFELD P.S. Summers, E. A. WeReETILNYK and G. J. SonGER Lipophyllic antioxidants from /ryanthera juruensis fruits 437 D.H.S. Sirva, F.C. Perera, M. V. B. ZANONI and M. YOSHIDA Chemistry Volatile constituents in mosses (Musci) 443 Y.Saritas. M. M. Sonwa,. H.IZNAGUEN. W. A. KOnkK H. MUHLE and R. Mugs High molecular weight lipids from the trilaminar outer wall (TLS)-containing 459 B. ALLARD and J. TEMPLIER microalgae Chlorella emersonii, Scenedesmus communis and Tetraedron minimun Triterpenoid saponins from the stem bark of Elattostachys apetala 469 C. Lavaup, M-L. Cruscert, I. Pouny, M. LirauDON and T. SEVENET Hydroquinone derivatives and monoterpenoids from the Neotropical liverwort 479 D.S.Rycrort and W. J. Cort Plagiochila rutilans Application of MS and NMR to the structure elucidation of complex sugat 489 A. PLock, G. Beyer, K. HILLer, E. GRONDEMANN moieties of natural products: exemplified by the steroidal saponin from Yucca E. Krause, M. Nimtz and V. Wray filamentosa | Book Reviews Soil Biochemistry Volume 10, edited by J.-M. Bollag and G. Stotzky 497 R.G. BURNS Studies in Natural Products Chemistry, Vol. 21: Bioactive Natural Products 497 K.HOSTETTMANN Part B), edited by Atta-ur-Rahman Number 4 Graphical Abstracts vil Terpenoids Sesquiterpene hydrocarbons with trifarane backbone in the liverwort 499. M. MeKeM Sonwa, W. A. Konic, E. H. LAHLOU and Trocholejeunea sandvicensis Y. ASAKAWA Pregnene derivatives from Solenostemma argel leaves 507 H.A. Hassan, A. 1. HAMED N. A. EL-Emary, I. V. SpRINGUEL, H. MIToME and H. MIYAOKA An eudesmanolide and a carotane from Ferula sinaica 513. A.A. AxnMep, M. H. Appet-Razexk, M. I. Nassar, S. Izumi, S. OnTA and T. Hirata Furanoditerpenoid lactones from the seeds of Caesal/pinia minax Hance 517. R-W. JIANG, P. P. H. But, S-C. Ma and Tr. C. W. MAK Guaianolides from Cichorium intybus and structure revision of Cichorium 523. W. Kuster and K. ZIELINSKA sesquiterpene lactones (S)-12-Hydroxygeranylgeraniol-derived diterpenes from the brown alga 529. G. Cutioit, M. Daoupi Bifurcaria bifurcata A. ORTALO-MAGNE, R. VALLS and L. PiovetTi Diterpenes from the bark and seeds of Colophospermum mopane 537 P. P. MEBE Phenolics Flavonoids from Aconitum napellus subsp. neomontanum 543. G. Fico, A. Braca, N. De Tommasi, F. Tome and 1. MORELLI Quercetin 3,3’,4’-tri-O-B-p-glucopyranosides from leaves of Eruca sativa (Mill.) 547 B. WecKERLE, K. MicuHe., B. BALAzs, P. SCHREIER and G. TOTH Natural and synthetic benzophenones: interaction with the cytosolic binding 553 S. RANcoNn, A. CHABOUD, N. Darsour, G. ComrTe, domain of P-glycoprotein C. Bayet, P-N. Simon, J. RayNAubD, A. Dt Pierro, P. CABALION and D. BARRON Contents \ [wo flavonoids and other compounds from the aerial parts of Centaurea $59 G. FLAMINI, E. ANTOGNOLI and I. MORELLI hracteata trom Italy The flavonoids ol leek, Al/ium porruni S65 I | ATTORUSSO, \ LANZOTI O. TAGLIALATELA-SCAFATIa nd C. CICALA Flavones and phenylpropenoids in the surface exudate of Psiadia punctula 571 +B. F. Juma, A. Yenesew, J.O. Mu P. G. WATERMAN Kaempferol triosides from Reseda muricat S75 N.H. Ex-Sayep. N. M. Omara. A. K. Youses A.M. FarRaAG andT . J. Masry Biflavonforoim dOsch na afz 579 D.E. PeGnyems, R. G. Tin, B. L. SONDENGAM 4. BLOND and B. Bopo Oxanthrone esters from the aerial parts of Cassia kleii 583 S.J. ANu and J. M. Rao Ellagic acid rhamnosides from the stem bark of Eu ptus globulu 587 J.-P. Kim, I-K. Lee, B-S. Yun S.-H. CHUNG, G-S. Suim. H. KosHino d1-D. Yoo Alkaloids Furomegistines | and Ii, two furanopyridine alkaloids from the bark of 593. N. FoKIALAKis, P. MAGIATIS, N. ALIGIAND Sarcomelicope megistophylla S. Mrrakvu. F. TitLeourn and T. Seveni Alkaloids from Haplophyllum tuberculatun 597 A.J. At-Renairy. T. A. AL-Howrriny, M.S. AHMAD M.A. AL-Yauya, F.S. E_-Ferary, C. D. HUrrorpd and A. T. McPHat Methyl chanofruticosinatferosm leaveso f Kopsia fi la Blume 603 K.HusaAIN. lL. JANTAN. N. KAMARUDDIN. |. M. Satp N. Arm and H. TAKAYAMA General Chemistry Polyhalogenated homosesquiterpenic fatty acids from Plocamium cartilagineun 60 T. REZANKA and V. M. DemsiTsky Nostocyclamide M: a cyanobacterial cyclic peptide with alle opathic wlivily 615 I JOTTNER, A. K. Toporova, N. WALCH from Nostoc 31 W. VON PHILIPSBORN Number 5 Graphical Abstracts ix Editorial comment Global phytochemistry: the Brazilian approach 621 M.J. Kato Protein Biochemistry Primary sequence determination of a Kunitz inhibitor isolated from Delo 625 S.C. PANbDo, M.L. V. Ottva, C. A. M. SAMPAIO regia seeds L. Di Crero, J. C. Novetto and S. MARANGONI! Vanadium haloperoxidases from brown algae of the Laminariaceae famil 633 M. Atmerpa, S. Fitipe, M. HUMANgs, M. F. Mata R. Meo, N. Severino, J. A. L. pA SILVA J.J. R. Fraudas SitLvao a nd R. WevER Molecular Genetics and Genomics Endoplasmic oleoyl-PC desaturase references the second double bond 643 J. L. Scowartzpeck, S. JUNG, A. G. ABBort E. Mostey, S. Lewis, G. L. Pries and G. L. Powe Metabolism Main glucosidase conversion products of the gluco-alkaloids dolichantoside 653 V. BRANDT, M. Tits, J. PeNe_Le, M. Frepericu and and palicoside L. ANGENOT Structure of fructans from excised leaves of New Zealand flax 661 I. M. Sims, A. J. Cairns and R. H. FURNEAUX Biotransformation of (+ )- and (—)-camphorquinones by plant cultured cells 669 W.CuHai, H. HAmapa, J. SunARA and C. A. Hortucni Biotransformation of geranyl acetate to geraniol during palmarosa 675 V.S. Dusey and R. LUTHRA (Cymbopogon martinii, Roxb. wats. var. motia) inflorescence development Ecological Biochemistry Seasonal variation of monoterpene emission from Malus domestica and Prunus 681 F. RAPPARINI, R. BARALDI and O. FAcINt avium Botrydial is produced in plant tissues infected by Botrytis cinerea 689 N. DeiGuTon, 1. MUCKENSCHNABEL, A. J. COLMENARES 1. G. COLLADO and B. WILLIAMSON Vi Contents Identification of glucosinolates on the leaf surface of plants from the Cruciferae 693 D. W. GrirritHs, N. DeiGuron, A. N. E. Bircu. and other closely related species B PATRIAN, R. BAuR and E. STADLER Antioxidant enzymes responses to cadmium in radish tissues 701 A. V iroRiA, P. J. LEA a nd R. A. AZEVEDO Chemotaxonomy 3-O-Methyl-b-galactose residues in lycophyte primary cell walls 711 Z.A P OPPER, I. H. SADLE rR and S.C. Fry Dihydroxynortropane alkaloids from calystegine-producing plants 21 N. ASANO. K. YOKOYAMA M. SAKURAI, K. IKEDA H Kizu, A. Kato, M. Aritsawa, D. Hoke, B. DRAG: R \. A. WATSON and R. J. NASH Fatty acid profiles and their chemotaxonomy in planktonic species of Anabaena 727 R Li and M. M. WaATANA BI (Cyanobacteria) with straight trichomes Chemnical variability in the essential oil of Hyptis suaveolens 733 N.R. Azevepo, |. F. P. ¢ AMPOS, H. D. FERREIRA T.A.P ORTES, S.C. SANTO s, J.C. SERAPHIN, J. R. PAULA and P H. Ferri 3’.5 '-Di-C-B-glucopyranosylphloretin, a flavonoid character-istic of the genus 737 K OGAWA, A. KAWASAKI M. Omura, T. YOSHIDA Fortune lla Y IKOMA and M. YANO Bioactive Products Antifungal polysulphides from Petiveria alliacea | 743 P. J. ¢ BENEVIDES, M. (¢ M. YOUNG A. M. GIESBRECHT, N. I RoOQUE and V.S. BOLZANI Chemistry Endogenous gibberellins in immature seeds of Prunus persica L.: identification 749 N 1 NAKAYAMA, M. Kosuioka, H. Matsut, H. OHARA of GAj;s. GA GA GA,>;. GA and GA I N. MaAnper, S. K. Ler CH, B. TWITCHIN P KRAFT-KLAUNZER, R P. PHARIS and T. YOKOTA Occurrence of cadaverine in hairy roots of Brugmansia candida 59 ( ARRIZO, S. 1. Pitt A- ALVAREZ, M. J. KOGAN GIULIETTI and M L. TOMARO The phenolic fraction of maize bran: evidence for lignin-heteroxylan association 165 ( AT IERRE, B. POLLET M.-C. RALeT and L. SAULNIER Iriterpene glycosides from the roots of Sanguisorba officinalis Y. Mimaki, M. FUKUSHIN 1a, A. YOKOSUKA, Y. SASHIDA S FuRUYA and H. SAKAG AMI Investigation of Una De Gato I. 7-Deoxyloganic acid and '"N NMR 781 MUHAMMAD, D.C. DunBAR. R. A. KHAN, spectroscopic studies on pentacyclic oxindole alkaloids from Uncaria tomentosa M GANZERanAd 1. A. K HAN Sterol composition of Aureoumbra lagunensis, the Texas brown tide alga 787 GInerR, X. Lit and G L. BOYER Influence of trans-cis isomerisation of coumaric acid substituents on colour 79) GeEorGE, P. FIGUEIRED oO, K. Toki, F. TATSUZAWA variance and stabilisation in anthocyanins N. Sarto and R. BRouILI ARD Book reviews Bioactive Compounds from Natural Sources: Isolation, Characterisation and 79 R. J. NASH Biological Properties, Edited by C. Tringali Molecular and Supramolecular Chemistry of Natural Products and Their Model 79 S. CUTTING Compounds, Edited by J.-H. Fuhrhop and C. Endisch Corrigendum Corrigendum to “Sesquiterpene coumarins and sesquiterpenes from Ferula 799 A.A. AHMED sinaica”’ [Phytochemistry 50 (1999) 109-112] Erratum Erratum to “7$-Oxygenated limonoids from Trichilia elegans ssp. elegans 801 I R. Garcez, W.S. Garcez. N. F. Rogue. [Phytochemistry 55 (2000) 733-740] E. E. CASTELLANanOd J ZUKERMAN-SCHPECTOR Number 6 Graphical Abstracts Vil Editorial Special Issues Devoted to the Biosynthesis of Woody Plant Biopolymers and 803 N.G. Lewis and G. P. B OLWELI Related Substances Contents Editorial comment The Holy Grail of wood evolution from wood anatomy to tissue-specific G. P. BoLweit, A. M. Parti ind N. G. Lewis gene expression: to what extent do molecular studies of biosynthesis of cell wall biopolymers help the understanding of the evolution of woody species? Structural and Anatomical Aspects Approaches to understanding the functional architecture of the plant cell wall M.C. McCann, M. Busu. D. Mittont. P. Sapo N. J. Stacey, G. CATCHPOLE, M. DEFERNE? N.C. Carpira, H. Horre, P. U_vskov, R. H ind K. ROBERTS Sucrose synthase localizes to cellulose synthesis sites in tracheary elements V. V. SALNIKOV, M. J. Grimson, D. P. DeLMER at C. H. HAIGLER Cell-wall architecture and lignin composition of wheat developed in L. H. Levine, A. G. Hevenca, H. G. Levinti microgravity environment J-W. Cuno, L. B. Davin, A. D. KRIKORIAN and N. G. Lewis Induced compression wood formation in Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) in M. Kwon. D. L. BepGar. W. Priastrucsu. L. B. Day microgravity nd N. G. Lewts Review Lignification and lignin topochemistry an ultrastructural view RSQ | 4. Do DSON Reassessment of qualitative changes in lignification of transgenic tobacco plants K. Ruet. M. CHABANNES. A.-M. Boupet, M and their impact on cell wall assembly and J-P. JOSELEAt Dirigent proteins and dirigent sites in lignifying tissues V. Buri M. Kwon, L. B. Davi N.G Lewis In situ hybridization and immunolocalization of lignan reductases in woody R99 M. Kw L. B. Davin and N. G. Lewis tissues: implications for heartwood formation and other forms of vasculat tissue preservation Biosynthesis and subcellular distribution of hydrolyzable tannins P. GRUNDHOFER, R. Niemerz, G. SCHILLING and Gs. Gs. GROSS Chemistry: Carbohydrates Review Pectins: structure, biosynthesis, and oligogalacturonide-related signaling B. L. Riptey, M. A. O’NeiLt and D. MOHNEN Pectic polysaccharide rhamnogalacturonan II is covalently linked t YOY T. IsHu and T. MATSUNAGA homogalacturonan Chemistry: Phenolics and Lipids Cell wall biosynthesis: glycan containing oligomers in developing cotton fibers A. K. Murray, R. L. Nicwors and cotton fabric, wood and paper G. F. SASSENRATH-COLI Bonding of hydroxycinnamic acids to lignin: ferulic and p-coumaric acids are rl. B. T. Lam, K. Kapoyanad K. IryamMa predominantly linked at the benzyl position of lignin not the {-position, in grass cell walls Elucidation of new structures in lignins of CAD- and COMT-deficient plants by YU 4 J. RacpH, C. Lapierre, J. M. Marita, H. Kim NMR F. Lu, R. D. HatrieSc. pRA,LP H, C. CHAPPLE R. FRANKE, M. R. Hemm, J. VAN DOORSSELAERI R. R. Seperorr. D. M. O'’Ma ttey. J. T. Scort J.J. MacKay, N. Yautaout, A-M. Boupet M. Pean, G. PiLate, L. JOUANIN and W. BOERJAN Acidolysis and hot water extraction provide new insights into the composition 1005 R. R. STANGE Jr., J. RALPH, J. Penc, J. J. Sims of the induced “lignin-like” material from squash fruit S. L. MipLanb and R. E. MCDONALD A heartwood pigment in Dalbergia cell cultures M. Czako and L. MARTON Structure and stereochemistry of triflavanoids containing both ether and L. BENNIE, J. Coprzee, E. MALAN and D. FERREIRA carbon-carbon interflavanyl bonds NMR studies of molecular structure in fruit cuticle polyesters 1035 ANG. F. Qiu. B. YAN, H. WANG. A. J Morr and R. I STARK Vill Contents Number 7 Graphical Abstracts Editorial Special Issues Devoted to the Biosynthesis of Woody Plant Biopolymers and 1043. N.G. Lewts and G. P. Botwett Related Substances Protein Biochemistry and Metabolism: Carbohydrates Insight into multi-site mechanisms of glycosyl transfer in (1—4)f-p-glycan 1045. M.S. BuckeripGe, C. E. VERGARA and N.C. Carpi provided by the cereal mixed-linkage (1—3).(1—4)B-pb-glucan synthase Differential behaviour of four plant polysaccharide synthases in the presence of 1055 M.E. Kerry, A. C. E. Grecory and G. P. BOLWELI organic solvents Oxidative pentose phosphate pathway and pyridine nucleotides n relation to 1061 E. A. MaGer,. C. HILLINGeR, T. WAGNERa nd W. Hi heartwood formation in Robinia pseudoacacia | Protein Biochemistry and Metabolism: Phenolics, Lipids and Terpenoids Review rhe biosynthesiso f monolignols: a “metabolic grid”, or independent pathways 1069 R.A. Dixon, F. Cuen, D. Guo and K. Parvartui to guaiacyl and syringyl units? Coniferyl alcohol metabolism in conifers — I. Glucosidic turnover of cinnamy 1085 V.Steeves, H. Forster, U. PomMer and R. SavipGi aldehydes by UDPG: coniferyl alcohol glucosyltransferase fiT rom pine cambium Coniferyl alcohol metabolism in conifers Il. Coniferyl alcohol and i095 R.A. SavipGe and H. FOrsTER dihydroconifery!l alcohol biosynthesis Oxidation of cinnamyl alcohols and aldehydes by a basic peroxidase from 1105 A. Ros BARCELO and F. POMAR lignifying Zinnia elegans hypocotyls The poly(phenolic) domain of potato suberin: a non-lignin cell Wwaallll bic -polyme! 115 M.A. BerRNARDs and F. A. RAZEM Review Similarities and differences in rubber biochemistry among plant species 1123) K. CORNISH Molecular Genetics and Genomics Re view Structure-function characterization of cellulose synthase: relationship to other 1135 I. M. SAxeNA, R. M. BROWN JR ind T. DANDEKAR glycosyltransferases Transcriptional control of lignin biosynthesis by tobacco LIM protein 1149) A. KAWAOKA and H. Epinuma Antisense and sense expression of cDNA coding for CYP73A15, a class II 1159 K. Bee, J. W. Cuor, A. P. O'CONNELL, S.C. Jupt cinnamate 4-hydroxylase, leads to a delayed and reduced production of lignin in W. Scuucn, N. G. Lewts and G. P. BoLwett tobacco Repression of O-methyltransferase genes in transgenic tobacco affects lignit 1167 G. PiIngon, S. Maury, L. HOFFMANN, P. GEOFFROY synthesis and plant growth C. Lapierre, B. PoLLET and M. LEGRAND Caffeoyl coenzyme A O-methyltransferase and lignin biosynthesis 1177 Z-H. Ye, R. ZHONG W.H. Morrison III and D. S. HIMMELSBACH Iwo cinnamoyl-CoA reductase (CCR) genes from Arabidopsis thaliana are 1187 V.LAUVvEeRGEAT, C. Lacomme, E. LAcomst differentially expressed during development and in response to infection with I LASSERRE, D. Rosy and J. GRiMA-PETTENATI pathogenic bacteria Number 8 Graphical Abstracts Vi Terpenoids Sesquiterpene lactones from Smyrnium olusatrum 1197. A. A. Et-Gamal Monoterpene coumarins from Ferula ferulago 1201 M.H.A. Et-Razex, S. Onta, A. A. AHMED and [. HiRATA Quassinoids from Eurycoma harmandiana 1205 7 KANCHANAPOOM, R. Kasai, P. CHUMSRI and K. YAMASAKI ; Contents IX Three clerodane diterpenoids from Croton eluteria Bennett 1209 C. Vicor. N. Fasre. |. Fourastré and C. Moutis Penicillosides A~C, C-15 oxypregnane glycosides from Caralluma penicillat 1213 E. Apper-SaTrar M. AspuL-Aziz AL-YAHYA, N. NAKAMURA and M. Hatrori A steroidal saponin from the seeds of Allium tuberosun 1219 Z-M. Zou, D-Q. Yu and P-Z. Con Phenolics Acylated apigenin glycosides from alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) var. Artal 223. A. STOCHMAL, A. M. Simonet, F. A. Macias M.A. Oxiverra. J. M. Apreu. R. Nasu and W. OLEszexk Benzopyrans from Hypericum polyanthemum 1227 A.B. F. Ferraz, S. A. L. BorpiGnon, C. STAATS J. SCHRIPSEMA and G. LINO VON Poser Diels—Aldet type adducts from Morus cathavana 1231 R -¢ SHEN and M. LIN Benzophenone O-glucoside, a biogenic precursor of 1,3.7-trioxygenated 123 G. M. Kitanov and P. T. NeEDIALKOV xanthones in Hypericum annulatum Lignan and phenylpropanoid glycosides from Fernandoa adenophylla 1245 T. KANCHANAPOOM, R. Kasai and K. Y. YAMASAKI Flavonoid ketohexosefuranosides from the leaves of Crataegus pinnatifida Bge 1249 P.-C. ZHANG and S-X. Xt var. major N.E.Br Chemical constituents from Dendrobium densiflorun 1255 C. FAN, W. WANG. Y. WANG, G. QIN and W. ZHAO Acylated flavonoid glycosides from Bassia muricata 1259 M.S. Kamer, K. M. Monamep, H. A. HASSANEAN K. OHTANI. R. Kasai and K. YAMASAKI lsoflavonoid glycosides from Dalhergia sissoo 1263 S. F. FaraG, A. S. AnmMep, K. TerasHima, Y. TAKAYA and M. Niwa Alkaloids Pyrrolizidine alkaloids from Ageratum houstonianum Mill 1269 H. WiEDENFELD and A. ANDRADE-CETTO Indole alkaloids from the seedso f Centaurea cyanus (Asteraceae) 273 S.D.Sarker, A. Lairp, L. NAHAR, Y. KUMARASAMY M. JASPARS Haplophytin-A and B: the alkaloidal constituents of Haplophyllum acutifolium 1277 M.S. Aut, M. K. Pervez, M. SALEEM and R. B. TAREEN General Chemistry Minor cytotoxic and antibacterial compounds from the rhizomes of Amomum 1281 J. HEILMANN, R. Brun, S. Mayr, T. RAL and aculeatum O. STICHER An ellagic compound and iridoids from Cornus capitata root cultures 1287 N. TANAKA, T. TANAKA, T. Fusioka, H. Fugu K. MIHASHI, K. SHIMOMURA and K. ISHIMARI

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