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PHYTOCHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY BIOCHEMISTRY MOLECULAR BIOLOG) Regional Editors UK, Africa, The Commonwealth & Rest of the World G. P. BOLWELL The Americas & East Asia N. G. LEWIS Continental Europe & Russia D. STRACK Volume 50 Contents, Author Index and Subject Index 1999 PERGAMON PHYTOCHEMISTRY Chemistry Biochemistry Molecular Biology R Ed U.K., Africa, The Comn &R vw G. P. BOLWELL: School of Biological S« ces, R Hx Ur f I I S rW20 0EX, U.K Re kad Ii Ly w&l { N. G. Lewis: In ule Biok il Chen Washin 1 State | Pu WA ) j U.S.A Re ka ( I & Ru D. STRACK: Institut Pflar chen Abt. Sekund offwe W bi D-0¢ ) Ha S G Ho / |. B. HARBOE F.RS EDITORIAL BOARD Y. Asakaw Tokushima, Japat K. Hostettm Do I il Switzerlanc E. A. Bell London, U.K lr. J. Mabry \ U.S.A E. E. Con Davis. U.S.A B. V. Milbort K Au G. Cordell Chicago. U.S.A T. Okuda Ok 1 ( Japa R. Crotea Pullman. U.S.A J. D. Phillips | UK V. De Luca Montrea!, Canada J. E. Poult | i ( U.S.A N. H. Fische Baton Rouge, U.S.A U. Sank | L. Fowdert Harpenden U.K G. H. N. To \ ( B.« Cal ©) R Gottheb Sao Paulo Bra | H W ignel M I (sc J. L. Harwood Cardiff, U.K P. G. Watermat | Aust W. Her Tallahassee, U.S.A M. H. Zenk M Ge \ d m G. P. B S N.G. I P D.S H Au ly \ \ N re | it 1d } An 1d SCOp R mul u d Auth ho 14 { R I f B G. P. B Thi la I rhe P S I | , S An d So int Cel R » lllab m SO Publishing and Advertising Offices: | S I I B I k ) OX GB K Annual Subscription Information: Publish onth I De Annual Institutional Subscription Rates 1999: Europ CIS Jay 0” D G USS As ited Persona Subscriptior ile allat D> GG xclude VAT. Non-VAT n the I yf ( VAT Pri clud Any enqul itingt o subscript The Americas: | S ( S D P.O. B N York, NY, 10010, U.S.A. [1 ( 4ES-INFO. | I Japan: E] er Sc K. K., Custon Supp De ) H \ Mu I ) I 0) I ( ) 5561-5047. | f jp|. Asia Pacific (excluding Japan): | S S Pte | N | ( Avenu Ol Millennia 7 Singap ) I 65) 434 I I Rest of the World: | ier Science, ¢ ver S Dep P.O. 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Review Article Number 136 Pul , n} or el id —— YB Growth and Metabolism Biosynthesis M ' {4 t ia | | } { } i Cell Culture and Biotechnology ropane alk nt IZ R.1 ) toh dD Bioactive Plant Products " \ | i m ¢ rr B M.C_R M M Plant Chemistry s Ic ire ) net 5 } ( Contents A brevifoliol analogue from the Himalyan yew Toxus 131 Ss K. CHATTOI \DHYA \ TRIPATHI, R. P SHARMA \ S. SHAWI B. S. JOSH A triterpenoid saponin from Cucumaria frondo Saikosaponins from roots of Buplet rum scorzonerifoliun I Li, Z. YUYIN¢ I ( SHAOOIN( ind Z. R 6.8'-Bis lioguinone from Diospyros mafien R M. KHAD nd E. RWEKIKA N ULLAH, S Ml H RABNAWAZ and A. MALIk A new gallic acid fructose ester from Sa 1. CHEVALLI A. MARSTON and K. Hostt MANN HPL¢ NMR analysis of phenylphenalenones anda stilbene f1 nd B. SCHNEIDE! avidu Phenylbutenoids from the rhizomes of A/; Addendum Number 2 Review Article Number 137 The metabolites of dietary cl ropl Growth and Metabolism NADPH and _ ferredoxi NADP x1 M quinones and t [he entire metabolite spectrum of the green alga Scer Isolope labelled form HPLC-ESI-MS/MS analvysis of sulf Ecological Biochemistry Phytogrowth-inhibitor iclivitie yf clerodane from | Elicited cell suspension cultureso f apple (Malusdom W bipheny! phytoalexins Biosynthesis Biosynthesis of oat avenanthramide phytoalexin Cytochrome P-450 dependent (+ )-limonene-6-hydro caraway (¢ rum carvi) ‘nhibitiono f juvenile hormone biosyntheisn iGsry //us bimaculatus by G } 9 =#«SILM KI K K.H. I pentaphylla leaf compounds M. W. I Cell Culture and Biotechnology Biochemical evidence for multiple acetoin-formin nzym n cultured G. For M_M Cells| Chemotaxonomy Fu | depside, guisinol, from a marine derived strain of En lu ( N P.H. N ( Flavonoid sulfafrtome tshe Convolvulaceae f P.M B. T ; M. |} E. | Bioactive Plant Products Flavanones from Baeckea fru ! M.M A 7.8-dihyd itu l P. W B a Plant Chemistry Lily l 6 -fatt cid sters of 19) jet} G. } Gc @ " r pyranoside from Jeucr MC. Del | Highly oxygenatec and from A \ V.B K. 1 ; N.M k SoM | SM \ taraxasterol « itl ind phenol ompounds fre H spp MS yw u 1M Caffe d te if phenyletha i ce i ’ } 1.1 B. \ K b HI as 1 Macrocyclic ellagitannin dir I D D | L.-G5. ¢ K ) Oe H innir m Cuply yy 1. Oh r. 7 Purificatior f hemoglobin frot dules ( E.H. M.M M Ri wn M.A.S Alkak ‘ BR. \ R ys i ¢ B.S G. | K. H.C. B \ complex of 5-hydroxyy ; R. § M.S Phytochemical Methods: A Guide to Modern Tech i a. \ <7 Contents Number 3 Graph \bstra Growth and Metabolism Sty k K | vi ( J i r { } »} Oo) { | I r I Vi | | \ \ Ecological Biochemistry H ' | ‘| & ‘ ‘ \ AJ k \ Cell Culture and Biotechnology | ) k Bioactive Plant Products R \ } S ‘ Plant Chemistry A | liter] VM } ‘ 4 r ¥ ‘5 | ‘\ H i j ( 1| || \ ' 7 a Z \ ( B. R.K | Number 4 Growth and Metabolism | ' y rm . K | \ { | \ ( S I ‘ \ } Ecological Biochemistry I 6B ) Biosynthesis H]|-G ve GHB ( B : Chemotaxonomy \ f | " Bioactive Plant Products ( | } } | . ‘ Plant Chemistry l 7 ’ { S ‘ | B v.S t) i ' \ | ' CH W j cA \ ' vl Contents Lignans from Taiwania cryptomerioides Isochroman lignin trimers from DFRC-degraded Pi) nus taeda Acalyphidins M,, M> and D,, ellagitannins from Acalypha hispida Y. AMAKURA, M. MIyYAK#, H. Ito, S. MURAKAk Phenylpropanoid glycosides from Stellera chamaejasm C- and O-Glycosyl-x-hydroxydihydrochalcones from Eysenhardtia pol Phenolics from Maytenus senegaler Four isoflavanones from roots of Sophora tetraptera Number 5 Graphical Abstracts Growth and Metabolism Elicitin 172 from an isolate of Phytophthora nicotianae pathogenic t Diferulate and lignin formation related to biochemical difference f bound peroxidases Purification and characterization of UV-B induced phenylalanine ami lyase from rice seedlings Dalcochinin-&'-O-f-d-glucoside and it slucosidase enzyme from Da ocnhincnhinens Ecological Biochemistry Sesquiterpenes from Laurencia claviform Structure—activity relationships of natural and synthetic » srodar penes from Jeucrium against Colorado potato beetle larvae Effect of apoplastic proteins on Ireezing tolerance Biosynthesis Purification and characterization of acetyl coenzyme A: 10-hydroxytaxan acetyltransferase from cell suspension cultures of Taxus chine? Cell Culture and Biotechnology Effects of chloride ion on acutumine and dechloroacutur producti Menispermum dauricum root culture Coniferaldehyde derivatives from tissue culture of Artemisia annua Tanacetum parthenium Chemotaxonomy Molecular authentication of Panax species Chemotaxonomic value of tocopherols in Brassicaceae Japonenynes, halogenated C,; acetogenins from Laurencia japoner Bioactive Plant Products Steroidal saponins from the aerial parts of Dracaena draco and their cyt activity on HL-60 cells ~ < a Sf I'wo bioactive mono-tetrahydrofuran acetogenins, annoglacins A and B Annona glabra Contents Purpuracenit new cytotoxic adjacent bis-tetrahydrofuran annona | LD. ¢ R.M cetogenin from the seeds of Annor rpur Ph ¢ aporphine-benzy juinoline alkaloids from 7 } L.-Z. | S.-F. Hu, M M. ¢ H. ( Plant Chemistry Clerodanes from Onoser ita : E.E.S M. DEL R. ¢ mr 2 ( Fur mari f peci D rR I so M.-A. D A. i P } nd fucophlorett from t ( 69 B.S K.-W. G Dibenzylbutane lignans from Virola sebifera lea 83 J.C. Mar V..M.LA E. ¢ B { i f } \ 1H VS \ F.-} Din hret l Bu P.L.M | M I ind met 1 i H.D Y.-L. G S.-G.( Ss -X. ¢( k . Book Review UV-B and Biosphe Cc 3 Number 6 Growth and Metabolism Purificati I ind ana ‘ Ol a low del ty memoD!I ne | Lot It pir 4 > } | I M } H seeds of Brassica napu Cytochrome P450 monooxygenases of DIBOA biosynthe pecit ’ d ) E.G HNIG. S. Gi M. I AG Role of wall peroxidases in oat growth inhibition by DIMBOA } L. F. GON d M. ¢ R G eranyl diphosph ith 1 ind tax / G. | KAI C.F. DE J M. J ¢ R.\V Der Hi G. 1 ” R.\ ' An HPLC method for the assay of starch synth 47 RV P_N » Ls Proteolytic activity in relation to seasonal cambial growt nd x } 1. Liev and R.S P han Ecological Biochemistry \ \ i | ) N | M | | HS i ' i ( KB S j ) O ; ( i ¢ Biosy athesis | , . Cell Culture and Biotechnology | Chemotaxonomy | Bioactive Plant Products B { Plant Chemistry ( D \ ¢ ! ; } . pn |

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