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PHYTOCHEMISTRY THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PLANT BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOG) Editor-in-Chief J. B. HARBORNE F.R:.S. Associate Editor (North America) N. G. LEWIS Executive Editor T. A. SMITH Volume 45 Contents, Author Index and Subject Index 1997 ©)> / PERGAMON PHYTOCHEMISTRY The International Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Editor-in-Chie ). B. HARBORNE F.R.S.: Plant Science Laboratories, The University, Whiteknights, Reading RG6 2 issociate Ediior (North America wis: Institute of Biological Chemistry, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-63¢ Executive Editor 4. SmitH: Long Ashton Research Station, Bristol BS18 9AF, U.K issociate Editors J. GOAD: School of Biological Sciences, Liverpool University, Liverpool L69 7ZB, U.K P. J. HOLLOWAY: Long Ashton Research Station, Bristol BS18 9AF, U.K P. J. Lea (Review Editor): Division of Biological Science, University of Lancaster, Lancaster LA] 4YQ, U.K D. R. THRELFALL: Dept of Biological Sciences, School of Life Sciences, University of Hull, Hull HU6 7RX C. A. WILLIAMs: Plant Science Laboratories, The University, Whiteknights, Reading RG6 2AS, Berks., | EDITORIAL BOARD— 1997 Faculty of Pharmaceutica ’ € I ishima iv niversity, Yameshirc Pharmacology Group, King 2 ur a Roa ondon SW3 6LX, U.K School of Biological Scien lov niverosfi Ltondyon , Eg Biochemistry Group, School « Dept of Biocher ry and Biophysix Program for Co rative Research in the Pharmaceu ! we lege of Pharmacy, | Institute of Biolog Chemistry hington State vv ity t WA 99164-6340 Dept de scienc nolog r utder c olog t Universite de Mor Canada H versity of Britis Louisiana State | ntal Stator Harper Hostett Mabry D-06120 Ha All manuscripts and itions ild be submitted to either J. B 3ORNE at Reading or N. G. Lewis at consultth e latest ‘Instructions ho which are published ir (copiofe thses e instructions are Aims and Scc f the j 7 ¢ side back cover). 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Postmaster: please send address corrections to Phytochemistry, c/o Elsevier Science Regional Sales Office, Customer Support Department, 655 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10010, U.S.A. [Tel: (+1) 212-633-3730 / 1-888 4ES-INFO. Fax: (+1) 212-633-3680. E-mail usinfo-f(@elsevier.com] CONTENTS OF VOLUME 45 Number I Announcement Growth and Metabolism Characterization of a BnD22 drought-induced protein ex Brassica napus \eaves Matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass s rometry of tomato extensin monomers and potato lectin Isolation and characterization of a mung bean lea oxidase {rabidopsis dihydropteroate synthase: general properties and inh bition by reaction product and sulfonamides Occurrence of pinitol in developing soybean seed tissues Ecological Biochemistry Isolation and synthesis of a host-selective toxin produced by naria aiternata Phytotoxins and related metabolites produced by Bip the pathogen of Job’s tears A phytoalexin from roots of Musa acumir Phenols from Fagus sylvatica and their role in defence : ococcus Jagisuga Biosynthesis Biosynthesis of benzylglucosinolate, cyanogenic glucosides and phenylpropanoids in Carica papaya Formation and emission of monohalomethanes from marine a Structure and biosynthesis of trans-polyisoprene from Eu uimoides Cell Culture and Biotechnology Cardenolides of Digitalis obscura: the effect of phospha manganese on growth and productivity of shoot-tip cultures Phenylphenalenones from root cultures of Anigozanthos pre D. HOLSCHER Chemotaxonomy Sterols and volatiles in Cystoseira barbata and Cystoseir ] } T. Mukova,G from the Black Sea S. Diwitrrova-Ko» Chromone and aloin derivatives from Aloe broomii, A. africana and C. W. Houzapre, P. L. Wessecs 1. speciosa B.-E. Van Wyk, W. Marais and M. Portwi Bioactive Plant Products A phloracetophenone glucoside with choleretic activity fr¢ ur- 3. A. SUKSAMRARN, S. E1IAMON« cuma comosa P. PryACHATURAWAT and L. T. BYRNE il Contents Plant Chemistry Sesquiterpenoids from Tanacetum argenteum subsp. canum vat | N. GOREN and E. TAHTASAKAI canum Germacranes and flavonoids from Achillea ageratun L. M. Vierra, A. Kuoa, J. A. PEREIRA T. E. Gepris and W. Herz Diterpenes from the leaf exudate of Psiadia punctulata i J. O. Miprwo, F. A. O. Owuor, B. F. JumMA and P. G. WATERMAN Neo-clerodane diterpenoids from Ajuga australis and A. orientalis M. C. pe LA Torre, B. RODRIGUEZ M. Bruno, F. P10zz1, N. VASSALLO M. L. Bonpi andO . SeRVvETTAZ Triterpenoid saponins from Aster bellidiastrum T. ScHOpKe, C. AL-TAWAHA, V. WRAY M. Nimtz and K. HILLeR Three xanthones from Poeciloneuron pauciflorum and Mammea acu- 2323 H. Tosa, M. linuma, K. Murakami, T. Ito minata T. TANAKA, V. CHELLADURAI and S. RISWAN Terracinolides from Euphorbia terracina J. A. Marco, J. F. SANZ-CERVERA. A. YusTE and J. JAKUPOVI Limonoids from Trichilia elegans ssp. elegans F. R. Garcez, W. S. GARCEZ M. T. Tsutsumi and N. F. Rogout Joannesialactone and other compounds from Joannesia princeps H. ACHENBACH and G. BENIRSCHKE Lignan, phenylpropanoid and iridoid glycosides from Pedicul W. CHANGZENaGnd J. ZHONGHAN forta Seven acylated anthocyanins in blue flowers of Gentiana K. Hosokawa, E. Fuxusui, J. KAWABATA C. Fum, T. Ivo and S. YAMAMURA Acyiated cyanidin glycosides in the red—purple flowers of Phalae- F. TATSUZAWA, N. § H. Sexi, R. HARA nopsis M. Yokoi and T. HONDA Myricetin 5,7 ) 4’,5’-pentamethyl ether and other methylated fla T. KINOSHITA and FIRMAN vonoids from Murraya paniculata rhree flavonoids from Daphne odor M. TANiGuCHI, A. Fusrwara and K. Basa Two prenylated isoflavanones from Mill ( GALEFFI, P. RASOANAIVO G. PALAZzzINo, M. NicoLeTt B. RASOLONDRATOVO Short Reports Iridoid and phenylpropanoid glucosides from Tecoma capensis M. Guiso, C. MARRA, F. Piccioni and M. NICOLETTI (—)-1(10),11-Eremophiladien-9f-ol from the liverwort Marchantia A. Rieck, N. BOLow, C. Fricke, Y. SARITAS polymorpha ssp. aquatica and W. A. KONIG Kaempferol 3-O-(6"-caffeoylglucoside) from Pteridium aquilinum F. IMPERATO and P. MINUTIELLO Quercetagetin 6-O-/-p-glucopyranoside from Tagetes mandonii M. D’AcostTino, F. De Simone, S. PIACENTI C. Pizza and F. SENATORE An unusually lipophilic flavonol glycoside from Ranunculus sardous 203 K. R. MARKHAM,K . A. MITCHELL and pollen M. Campos Contents A pterocarpan from Erythrina orientalis Book Review Announcement Growth and Metabolism meta-Topolin, a highly active aromatic cytokinin from poplar leaves M. STRNAD (Populus x canadensis Moench., cv. robusta) M. Kaminek, J nd D. E. HANKE Thermal isomerization of the neurotoxin f-N-oxalyl-L-x,f-diam BeL_ay. G. MoGes inopropionic acid (5. JOHANSSON Effects of citrate on respiratory gas exchange and metabolism in KaATo- Nox Carrot root tissues A basic peroxidase isoenzyme from vacuoles and cell walls of } nd A. Ros Barct vinifera Role of a cytochrome P450-dependent monooxygenase hydroxylation of 24-epi-brassinolide Quinoprotein amine oxidase from sainfoin seedlings M. SEBELA iAMMER, M Effects of carbon dioxide concentration and temperature on lipid synthesis by young wheat leaves Ecological Biochemistry Epicuticular wax variation in ecotypes o Biosynthesis Th e connv ersion of f 2-cis-['“( C]xantthto xic acid intto Isopenteny! diphosphate isomerase and prenyl transferase act in bottom fraction and C-serum from Hevea latex Rubber formation by fresh bottom fraction of Hevea Structure of in vitro synthesized rubber from fresh bottom fractior of Hevea \atex Cell Culture and Biotechnology Biotransformation of ent-6x-acetoxy- and ent-6-ketomanoy! oxides 4. GARCIA-~GRANADOS with Rhizopus nigricans and Curvularia lunata cultures A. MArTINE; RIvAs and A diterpenoid and triterpenes from tissue cultures of Tripterygium K. NaKaANo, Y. Oose. Y. Masut wilfordii H. KAMADanAd Y. TAKAISHI Oxidized phytosterols increase by ageing in photoautotrophic cell W. Meyer and G. SprreL_er cultures of Chenopodium rubrum iv Contents Chemotaxonomy Octadecapentaenoic acid in a raphidophyte alga, Heterosigma aka- M. V. Bett, J. R. Dick and D. W. Ponp shiwo Variability of essential oils of Thymus caespititius from Portugal L. R. SALGUEIRO, R. ViLa, F. Tomi, A.C. FiGueirepo, J. G . BARROSO. S. CANIGUERAL, J. CASANOVA A. PROENCA DA CUNHA and T. ADZET Dihydroisocoumarins from fungi: isolation, structure elucidation, K. KROHN, R. BAHRAMSARI, U. FLORKE, circular dichroism and biological activity K. Lupewic, C. Kiicue-Spory, A. MICHEL, H.-J. Aust, S. DrRageGer, B. SCHULZ and S. ANTUS Bioactive Plant Products A bioactive triterpene from Lantana camara J. T. BarreB,. F. Bowpen,J. C. Coit, J. RunaD e Jesus, V. E. De LA FUENTE, G. C. JANaAIRO and C. Y. RAGASA Alkaloids and other compounds from seeds of Tabernaemontana H. ACHENBACH, M. BENIRSCHKE and cymosa R. TORRENEGRA Plant Chemistry Tryptamine derived amides from C/ausena indica B. Riemer,O . Horer and H. GREGER Sesquiterpenoids from Eurphorbia wangii J.-G. Sui, Y.-P. Su and Z.-J. Jia The absolute configuration of assufulvenal J. LANGE,G . BENIRSCHKE and H. ACHENBACH Sesqui- and diterpenoids from the Japanese liverwort Jungermannia F. NAGASHIMA, H. TANAKA, S. TAKAOKA and hattoriana Y. ASAKAWA Sesquiterpene lactones from Lactuca tatarica W. Kusie., B. BARSzcz and E. SZNELER Sesquiterpene lactones and glucosices from Urospermum picroides B. A. A. A. BALBouL, A. A. AHMED and H. OTSUKA Guaianolides and other terpenoids from Anthemis aetnensis M. Bruno, M. L. Bonpi, N. VASSALLO. T. E. Gepris and W. HERZ Clerodane diterpenes of Croton hovarum H.C. Kreps and H. RAMIARANTSOA A neo-clerodane diterpenoid from Teucrium asiaticun B. RopDRIGUEZ, M. C. DE LA TORRE M. Bruno, F. Pi0ozz1, N. VASSALLO R. CIRIMINNA and O. SERVETTAZ Parryin, a diterpene with a tricyclic 6-7-S-ring system from Salvia E. M. Guasarbo Toucue, E. G. Lopez parryi A. Reyes P., H. SANCHEZ, F. HONECKEaRn d H. ACHENBACH Cucurbitane triterpenoids from the leaves of Momordica foetida D. A. MULHOLLAND, V. SEWRAM R. OsBoRNE, K. H. PEGEL and J. D. CONNOLLY 13,14-Desepoxyazadirachtin-A, a tetranortriterpenoid from Aza- T. R. GOVINDACHARI and dirachta indica G. GOPALAKRISHNAN Isobiflorin, a chromone C-glucoside from cloves (Eugenia cary- Y. ZHANG and Y. CHEN ophyllata) Extractable and non-extractable proanthocyanidins in barks S. MaTTHEws, I. Mita, A. SCALBERT and D. M. X. DONNELLY Wahlenbergioside, a phenylpropanoid glucoside from Wahlenbergia W.G. Ma,R . X. TAN, N. FuzZZATI, marginata Q. S. Lt, J.-L. WoLFENDEaRn d K. HOSTETTMANN Contents Malvidin-3-O-glucoside-5-O-(6-acetylglucoside) and its colour 7 K.R. Markuas, K. A. MITCHELL! manifestation in ‘Johnson's Blue’ and other ‘blue’ geraniums M. R. Boast Calystegine alkaloids from Duboisia leichhardtii 425 A. Kato. N. ASANO. H. Kizu. K S. Suzuki andM . ARISAWA 8-Benzylberbine and N-oxide alkaloids from Ar Number 3 Review Article Folates and one-carbon metabolism in plants and fungi Growth and Metabolism Soluble lipoxygenase isoforms from tomato fruit 3 J.J. Sm Modulation of poly(A)polymerase by cAMP in Cicer ari 59 S. PRAVEEN, K. Swarup. S. PRAKA T. R. MADAAN and H. (¢ K APOOR Influence of prestorage heat and calcium treatments on lipid metab- 5 B. D. WHITAKER olism in “Golden Delicious’ apples W. S. Conway at Variation of cardenolides with growth in a Digitalis lanata Brazilian 73 BRAGA, W. Kreis, R. A. Re« cultivar Enzymatic condensation of dopamine and secologanin by cell-free W. De-EKNAMK extracts of Alangium lamarckii T. TANAHASHI M. H. ZeNK Ecological Biochemistry Feeding-deterrent bromophenols from Odontr Selective sequestration and metabolism of plant derived pyrro MANN rT EMMKI lizidine alkaloids by chrysomelid leaf beetles i ROWELL-RAHIER and Cell Culture and Biotechnology Triterpenoids from Pisolithus tinctorit isolates ecto 4. BAUMERT, B. Scu mycorrhizas 1 SCHMIDT Chemotaxonomy Carotenoid glucoside mycolic acid esters from the nocardioform actinomycetes, Rhodococcus rhodochrou Bioactive Plant Products Cytotoxic prenylated flavanones from Monot EO L. Sirva, H.-B. Cua CHAGWEDERA. N. R. FARNSWORTI 4. Corbett, J. M. Pezzuto and D. KINGHORN Plant Chemistry Nonprotein amino acids from Cycas revoluta 17 M. Pan, T. J. Masry, J. M. Beat B. M. Mamiya Cyclopepftriomd eth e seedso f Annona squamosa C.-M. Li, N.-H. Tan, Q. Mu, H.-I X.-J. Hao, Y. Wu and J. ZHor Three glucosinolates from seeds of Brassica juncea 5 N. Fasre, M. Bon, C. Moutss, I and E. STANISLAS (+ )-(3S,4S)-3-Butyl-4-vinylcyclopentene in brown algae of the 529 T. Kasrwara, Y. AKAKABE, K. Mats genus Dictyopteris K. Kopama, H. KoGa and T. NAGAKURA Vl Contents Carvotacetone derivatives from the Egyptian plant Sphaeranthus A. A. AHMED and A. A. MAHMOUD suaveolens Oxygenated bisabolanes from Alpinia densibracteata : L.-K. Sy and G. D. Brown Sesquiterpene glycosides from Pittosporum pentandrum 545 C. Y. Racasa, J. A. Ripgeout, D. S. Tierra and J. C. Coit 7-Demethylplastochromenol-2. and 2-demethylplastoquinone-3 B. MUCKENSTURM, F. Dryani, from Seseli farreynii J.-P REDURON and M. HILDENBRAND Guaianolides from Centaurea scoparia : A. M. HELAL, N. NAKAMURA, M. R. Mesecny, A. M. Ex-FisHawy, M. Hattoarnid G. H. MAHRAN Eudesmane-type sesquiterpene lactones from the Japanese liverwort 55 F. NAGASHIMA, H TANAKA, S. TAKAOKA and Frullania densiloba Y. ASAKAWA Diterpeniods from /sodon glutinosus 559 H. HUANG, Y. CHEN, H. ZHANG, Z. LIN, S. ZHAO, M. WANG, T. Fusita and H. Sun Ingenane and lathyrane diterpenes from the latex of Euphorbia J. A. Marco, J. I SANZ-CERVERA and canariensis A. YUSTI Clerodane diterpenoids, long chain esters of coumaric acid and 5 C.-J. Li, A. A. AHMep, A. D. C. Arias and other compounds from Baccharis myrsinites T. 5. MABRY Triterpenoids from Shorea robusta resin 5 L.N. Misra and A. AHMAD Lupane triterpenoid glycosyl esters from leaves of Acanthopanax : K. SHIRASUNA, M. Miyakosui, S. MimoTo, divaricatus S. Isopa, Y. Satou, Y. Hirai, Y. [pa and J SHOJI Three cycloastragenol glucosides from Astragalus verrucosus : L. PisTeL.i, S. PARDoss!, G. FLAMINI, A. BeRTOLI and A. MANUNTA Heartwood constituents of Betula maximowicziana F. HaNawa, M. Suiro and Y. HAYASHI Lignan bis-glucosides from Galium sinaicum 5 A. A. Et GAMAL, K. TAKEYA, H ITOKAWA, A. F. Hatim, M. M. Amer and H.-E. A. SAAD Macromolecular composition of the propagule wall of Nelumbo P. F. VAN BERGEN, P. G. HATCHER, nucifera J. J.B oon, M. E. CoLtinson and J. W. DE LEEUW Lignan and neolignan glycosides from stems of Alangium K. Yuasa, T. Ipe, H. OTsuKA, € OGIMI, premnifolium E HiraATA, A. TAKUSHI and Y. TAKEDA Sesquiterpene alkaloids from Tripterygium hypoglaucum H. Duan, K. KAWAZOE and Y. TAKAISHI Four heptacyclic indoles from Kopsia teoi T.-S. KAM, K. YOGANATHAN and C.-H. CHUAH Number 4 Growth and Metabolism Synthesis of cell-wall glycoproteins and their characterization in oat 627 D. Pacopa, A. MonTeFusco, G Piro and coleoptiles G. DALESSANDRO Procedure for selection of cell wall-associated glycoproteins 33 G. J. McDOoUuGALI Isoprenoid hydrocarbons from the fruit of extant plants 37 M. P. Vetcueva and C. DONCHEV Contents Mid-chain hydroxy long-chain fatty acids in microalgae from the rm K. VOLKMAN genus Nannoc hloropsis NINGHE DamstT Glycolipids from Byrsonima crassifolia 4 STRELI De TOMMA A galactosphingolipid from the lichen, Ramalina celastri Effect of salinity on fatty acid composition of a green microalga from an Antarctic hypersaline lake Activation of nitrate reductase in extracts of water stressed wheat Monophenolase activity of strawberry polyphenol oxidase Antioxidant ability of anthocyanins against ascorbic acid oxidatior 4. D. SARMA R. SHARMA Aluminum-induced organic acids exudation by roots of an alumi R. A. JorGt num-tolerant tropical maize Bioactive flavonoids from Helianthus annuus cultivars Vacuolar uptake of the phytoalexin medicarpin by the glutathione ALFENITO, P. A. Ri conjugate pump rand R. A. Dixon Ecological Biochemistry Phototoxic polyacetylenes from Viguiera annua and adaptations of a chrysomelid beetle, Zygogramma continua, feeding on this plant Antifungal stress compounds from Vicia cracca Sphaeropsidins B and C, phytotoxic pimarane diterpenes from Sphaeropsis sapinea f. sp. cupressi and Diplodia mutila Biosynthesis Special Publication: Biosynthetic origin of oxygen atoms DIMBfroOm Amaiz e: NMR studies with '*O Bioactive Plant Products Bioactive annonaceous acetogenins from Rollinia mucosa Plant Chemistry Alkane diols from flower petals of Carthamus tinctorius T. Akintsa, A. Nozaki, Y. [Nout K. YASUKAWA, Y. KASAHARA S. MOTOHASHI, K. KUMAKI, N TOK! TAKE M. Takipo and T. TAMURA Three cyclohexene oxides from Uvaria grandiflora Y.-H. Liao, L.-Z. Xu, S.-L. YANG, J Da Y.-S. ZHEN, M. Zuu and N.-J. Sun Oligosaccharide polyesters from roots of Polygala fallax D. ZHANG, T. Miyase, M. KUROYANAGI K. UMEHARA and H. NoGucui Iridoid glucosides from Picconia excelsa S. DamtTort, H. FRANZyYK and S. R JENSEN Vili Contents Sesquiterpene lactones from Artemisia inculta J. A. Marco, J. F. SANZ-CERVERA, V. Garcia-Liiso, M. GuARA and J. VALLES-XIRAL Sesquiterpene lactones from Artemisia lucentica J. A. Marco, J. F. SANZ-CERVERA, V. Garcia-Luiansdo N. BATLLI A sesquiterpene lactam from Artractylodes macrocephala Z. Cuen, W. Cao, G. ZHou and M. WIcuTI A guaianolide and four melampolides from Melampodium leu- L. QuUANO, I. S. NUNEz, F. R. FRONCZEaKn d canthum N. H. FiscHER Megastigmane glycosides from Lonicera gracilipes var. glandulosa N. Matsupba,K . Isawa and M. KIKUCHI Neo-clerodane and languidulane diterpenoids from Salvia sousae B. Esquive., J. S.C ALDERON, and S. karwinskii A.-A. SANCHEZ, M. ZARATE and L. SANCHEZ Longirabdolides E, F and G, 6,7-seco-ent-kaurenoids from Rabdosia Y. TAKEDA, Y. FUTATSUISHI, longituba T. Matsumoto, T. MAasubDa, H. TERADA and H. OTSUKA Terpenoids from Tripterygium wilfordii K. Li, H. DUAN, K. KAWAZOE and Y. TAKAISHI 9-epi-Labdane diterpenoids from Nolana rostrata var. rostrata M. C. Cuamy, J. A. GARBARINO, M. Piovano, J. L. LOpez-PéreEz, M. Nico.etti, R. GANDOLFaOn d A. SAN FELICIANO Triterpenes and sesquiterpene lactones from Cyclolepis genistoides C. S. DE HELUANI, M. V. DE BOGGIATO, C. A. N. CATALAN, J. G. Diaz, T. E. GEpris and W. HERZ Structure of nimonol from fresh whole green leaves of Azadirachta G. Suresu, N. S. NARASIMHAN and indica N. PALANI Steroidal saponins from fruits of Tribulus terrestris Y. WANG, K. OnTANI, R. Kasai and K. YAMASAKI Tannins from the leaves of Punica granatum S. A. M. Hussein, H. H. BARAKAT, I. MeRForTan d M. A. M. NAwwar Prenylated flavanones from Derris reticulata C. MAHIDOL, H. Prawart, S. RUCHIRAWAT K. LIHKITWITAYAWUID, L.-Z. Lin and G. A. CORDELI Flavonoids from Artabotrys hexapetalus T.-M. Li, W.-K. Li and J.-G. Yt Three pterocarpans from Erythrina crista-galli H. TANAKA, T. TANAaKndA H. Eton Methoxylated aurones from Cyperus capitatus R. M. Seasra, P. B. ANDRADE, F. FERRERES and M. M. Moreira Cyclic octapeptides from Stellaria dichotoma var. lanceolata H. Morita,K . TAKEaYndA H. ITOKAWA Methoxylated quinolizidine alkaloids from Acosmium panamense N.C. Verrcn, B. L.G oopwin,G . C. Kite and M. S. J. SIMMONDS Alkaloids and coumarins from Ticorea longiflora M. J. U. Toro, A. H. MOLLER, M. S. P. ARRuDa and A. C. ARRUDA Alkaloids of Peruvian Uncaria tomentosa G. Laus, D. BROsSNER and K. KEPLINGER Steroidal alkaloids from Sarcococca saligna ATTA-UR-RAHMAN,M . R. KHAN, M. I. CHoupHary and M. Z. IQBal

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