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PHYSIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS IN INSECTS PHYSIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS IN INSECTS THIRD EDITION Marc J. Klowden Division of Entomology, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho AMSTERDAM • BOSTON • HEIDELBERG • LONDON NEW YORK • OXFORD • PARIS • SAN DIEGO SAN FRANCISCO • SINGAPORE • SYDNEY • TOKYO Academic Press is an imprint of Elsevier Academic Press is an imprint of Elsevier 32 Jamestown Road, London NW1 7BY, UK 525 B Street, Suite 1800, San Diego, CA 92101-4495, USA First edition 2002 Second edition 2007 Third edition 2013 Copyright © 2013, 2007, 2002 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher. Permissions may be sought directly from Elsevier’s Science & Technology Rights Department in Oxford, UK: phone (+44) (0) 1865 843830; fax (+44) (0) 1865 853333; email: [email protected]. Alternatively, visit the Science and Technology Books website at www.elsevierdirect.com/rights for further information Notice No responsibility is assumed by the publisher for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions or ideas contained in the material herein. Because of rapid advances in the medical sciences, in particular, independent verification of diagnoses and drug dosages should be made. British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress ISBN: 978-0-12-415819-1 For information on all Academic Press publications visit our website at elsevierdirect.com Typeset by MPS Limited, Chennai, India www.adi-mps.com Printed and bound in United States of America 13 14 15 16 17 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Dedicated to the memory of Arden O. Lea, who made me think, and to Alex, Avi, Keira, and Shea, who make me smile. Preface to the Third Edition Sir Vincent Wigglesworth, the presci- the cold war with the policy of mutually ent founder of the field of insect physiol- assured destruction, we knew that insects ogy, introduced his 1934 treatise, Insect were different enough to survive the inevi- Physiology, with the comment, ‘The fun- table nuclear holocaust and repopulate damental processes of vital activity, the the planet without us. The major reason to ordered series of physical and chemical study insects was to find new ways to kill changes which liberate energy and main- them that did not kill us. tain the “immanent movement” of life, In 1948, Wigglesworth presented a well- are probably the same wherever “living documented justification for using insects as matter” exists.’ In the 134 pages that fol- models for studying general animal physi- lowed in this first insect physiology text- ology. However, insects were still largely book, Wigglesworth described what was relegated to the category of pests we aim known about the systems of insects based to tolerate or eradicate. Through five edi- on what he estimated to be 2000 publica- tions of the classic Destructive and Useful tions. Despite his prophetic introduction, Insects, the value of insects to humans was few related comparisons of insect systems summarized in a short chapter, while their followed in the little book, most likely destructive side dominated the remainder. because there were no comparisons to make, Ten examples of how insects were beneficial as few others considered there to be much or useful to humans were discussed, with in common between arthropods and ver- the last being the limited use of insects and tebrates. The experiments by Kopec´ (1922) insect products in medicine. This included demonstrating that the insect brain was a maggot therapy for the treatment of source of hormones were largely ignored wounds, the use of insect venoms for treat- until Wigglesworth rediscovered them. Who ing rheumatism and arthritis, and the use besides another insect physiologist would of insect extracts and products such as royal believe that these simple creatures had hor- jelly as medicines. However, over the last mones, let  alone hormones produced by 15 years there has been an unprecedented an insect brain the size of a poppy seed? explosion of information as molecular tech- The pioneering work by Berta and Ernst niques have yielded information unobtain- Scharrer (1944) made a strong case for neu- able by conventional biochemistry and rosecretion in both insects and vertebrates, physiology alone. Now that the genomes but they too had difficulty with the scien- of humans and many species of insects tific community accepting the concept that can be compared, the similarities are truly nerve cells in any animal could produce remarkable and emphasize the wisdom of hormones. Insects were evolutionarily dis- Wigglesworth’s remarks in 1934. Given that tant from humans, classified in a primitive the arthropod lineage diverged from that phylum, with a strange basic body ground of vertebrates more than 600 million years plan and physiological makeup. During ago, parallels between the physiological ix x PrEfacE To ThE Third EdiTion systems of insects and humans are enough insect nervous system shares numerous to make your respiratory system inspire, similarities with that of humans. Insects give your integument chills, and cause your may not dream, but they certainly sleep. tarsi to twitch. It appears that as many as They meet the criteria established for sleep: 75% of the genes that are associated with a period of quiescence that is associated human genetic diseases have homologies in with a species-specific posture; a reduced Drosophila. These similarities have altered responsiveness to external stimuli; a rapid the focus of insect science, with insects seen reversibility to wakefulness; a homeostasis more as model systems for studying human based on a longer recovery period following physiology, and a better understanding periods of sleep deprivation; and an appro- of them able to be applied to ourselves to priate expression of clock genes. Drosophila advance the pace of human disease research. engage in periods of quiescence that are A reason often given for using insects in characterized by changes in brain activ- research is that they are simple. With few ity and the specific expression of numer- parts, moving or otherwise, an insect system ous genes. Dozing flies undergo sustained can be studied without the complications periods of quiescence during the night, of ancillary and redundant components, but when prevented from sleeping are less and is therefore much easier to dissect and adept at performing their usual tasks. Just manipulate. The Drosophila genome, on its as older humans sometimes have problems four pairs of chromosomes, has been fully sleeping, old flies show disturbances in their identified and encoded by fewer than 14 000 sleep patterns. Although in older Drosophila genes – about half that of humans. The other total amounts of sleep do not decrease, obvious aspects of short lifecycles, little their sleep–wake cycles tend to be more space required for rearing, considerably less fragmented with age. The observation that food needed than if one was working with the roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans also elephants, and the advantage of being com- sleeps indicates that sleep is a basic biologi- pletely off the radar screens of university cal phenomenon common to many living animal care and use committees, are addi- things, and that Drosophila can be an effec- tional points in their favor. Unfortunately, tive model for studying aging and sleep this view of simplicity often tends toward in humans, and even the phenomenon of a pejorative label: insects are small, unso- sleep-related restless leg syndrome. phisticated, and have little in common with Several human neurodegenerative dis- us more complicated vertebrates. However, eases, including Alzheimer’s disease, their size belies their complexity, because Parkinson’s disease, muscular dystro- their incredible success has not been in phy, and Huntington’s disease, lack effec- spite of their simplicity but because of it. To tive treatments and have undetermined downplay this simplicity is also to conclude causes. Given the identification of several that an IBM system 360 computer that once homologous regulatory genes involved in filled an entire air-conditioned room accom- brain development in both humans and panied by a colossal 8 Mb of storage was Drosophila, the use of insects to examine the more complex than a present-day iPhone genetic dissection of the developing brain with 64 Gb of memory that fits in your may expand our knowledge of how gene pocket. mis-expression or loss of function might be Ignoring the possibilities of conscious- countered. The presence of the Drosophila ness and personality, the far less complex homologue of the microtubule-associated xi PrEfacE To ThE Third EdiTion protein that is related to Alzheimer’s dis- controlling cell and organ size, and deter- ease could establish insects as suitable mining overall longevity make insects ideal models for Alzheimer’s. The kynurenine model systems for understanding growth- pathway for the degradation of the amino related processes in vertebrates. The steroid acid tryptophan has been studied in trans- insect hormone 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) genic flies as a model for the treatment of that initiates molting of the exoskeleton may Huntington’s disease. also benefit the vertebrate skeleton as an Because insects do not have vertebrate- anti-osteoporosis drug. Rats fed 20E over 3 type breathing organs and, except for the months showed increases in bone mineral largest insects, appear to be free from hav- density over controls. Rats also benefited ing to take the deep breaths that we do, from increases in the cross-sectional area of Aristotle, without the benefit of today’s sci- muscles after ingesting 20E isolated from entific instrumentation in the ancient Greece plant material. In neither case were any side of 350 BC, can be forgiven for characterizing effects noted. them as animals that did not breathe. It is An immunity to intestinal disease is thus satisfying that the branching morpho- essential, given the widespread exposure genesis of the developing insect tracheal of insects to microbial organisms acquired system is now recognized as a paradigm for while feeding on fermenting substrates. the development of branching in mamma- There are many similarities to the human lian lung and vascular systems. Drosophila intestinal mucosa which involve both has also been proposed as a model system physical and molecular mechanisms that for the study of asthma-susceptibility genes maintain a resident flora and discourage and the innate immune responses of airway pathogenic bacteria. Modeling human intes- epithelial cells – perhaps even more useful tinal disease in Drosophila has been pro- than the traditional mouse model. posed, as many signaling pathways that Given the health concerns about our regulate disease, as well as gut development increasing waistlines, Drosophila metabolism and regeneration, have been conserved in and energy homeostasis may yield insights human and insect systems. into human obesity and the related patholo- It is odd that at the same time as insects gies, such as diabetes. In mammals, insulin are being utilized more and more as model and leptin signaling to centers in the brain systems for what we consider to be higher regulates our metabolism and food intake. organisms, departments of entomology Insulin has been recognized in insects for and the insect-specific courses associ- many years, but it is only recently that the ated with them are being eliminated. As role of insulin signaling has been shown to insects become increasingly used as mod- be phylogenetically conserved. Although els for understanding human ailments, it a natural epidemic of obesity in the insect is essential that we understand more about population has yet to be identified, trans- them. As Barbara McClintock, the winner genic flies with certain blocked neurons of the 1983 Nobel Prize in Physiology or store more fat, and suggest that the insect Medicine, so passionately stated, above all brain apparently measures the level of fat one must have ‘a feeling for the organism’ stores by similar mechanisms as does our with which one is working. There is and own. The physiological roles of insulin for will be an increasing large cadre of scientists both humans and insects in the sensing of who work with insects but do not have the nutritional state and triglyceride storage, opportunity to feel very much about them. xii PrEfacE To ThE Third EdiTion I hope this text will provide a feeling for the DiAngelo JR, Bland ML, Bambina S, Cherry S, beauty and complexity of physiological sys- Birnbaum MJ: The immune response attenu- ates growth and nutrient storage in Drosophila by tems in insects for those scientists, as well as reducing insulin signaling, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA for the traditional entomologists who began 106:20853–20858, 2009. their careers already so inspired. Dow JA, Romero MF: Drosophila provides rapid mod- Rather than this third edition evolving into eling of renal development, function, and disease, a multivolume reference, I chose to main- Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 299:F1237–F1244, 2010. Freeman A, Pranski E, Miller RD, et al: Sleep fragmen- tain it as a textbook that is an introduction to tation and motor restlessness in a Drosophila model physiological systems in insects. To meet the of Restless Legs Syndrome, Curr Biol 22:1142–1148, needs of readers who require more detail, 2012. there is an extensive bibliography at the end Gilbert LI: Drosophila is an inclusive model for human of each chapter to serve as a guide to further diseases, growth and development, Mol Cell Endocrinol 293:25–31, 2008. information from the primary literature. Gohil VM, Offner N, Walker JA, et al: Meclizine is neu- roprotective in models of Huntington’s disease, Bibliography Hum Mol Genet 20:294–300, 2011. Grice SJ, Sleigh JN, Liu JL, Sattelle DB: Invertebrate Abdelsadik A, Roeder T: Chronic activation of the epi- models of spinal muscular atrophy: insights into thelial immune system of the fruit fly’s salivary mechanisms and potential therapeutics, Bioessays glands has a negative effect on organismal growth 33:956–965, 2011. and induces a peculiar set of target genes, BMC Hendricks JC, Finn SM, Panckeri KA, et al: Rest in Genomics 11:265, 2010. Drosophila is a sleep-like state, Neuron 25:129–138, Apidianakis Y, Rahme LG: Drosophila melanogaster as a 2000. model for human intestinal infection and pathology, Hendricks JC, Sehgal A: Why a fly? Using Drosophila to Dis Model Mech 4:21–30, 2011. understand the genetics of circadian rhythms and Al-Anzi B, Sapin V, Waters C, et al: Obesity-blocking sleep, Sleep 27:334–342, 2004. neurons in Drosophila, Neuron 63:329–341, 2009. Hirth F: Drosophila melanogaster in the study of human Bolduc FV, Tully T: Fruit flies and intellectual disability, neurodegeneration, CNS Neurol Disord Drug Targets Fly (Austin) 3:91–104, 2009. 9:504–523, 2010. Bushey D, Hughes KA, Tononi G, Cirelli C: Sleep, Hirth F, Reichert H: Conserved genetic programs in aging, and lifespan in Drosophila, BMC Neurosci insect and mammalian brain development, Bioessays 11:56, 2010. 21:677–684, 1999. Bushey D, Tononi G, Cirelli C: The Drosophila fragile Jumbo-Lucioni P, Ayroles JF, Chambers MM, et  al: X mental retardation gene regulates sleep need, J Systems genetics analysis of body weight and Neurosci 29:1948–1961, 2009. energy metabolism traits in Drosophila melanogaster, Campesan S, Green EW, Breda C, et al: The kynure- BMC Genomics 11:297, 2010. nine pathway modulates neurodegeneration in a Kapur P, Wuttke W, Jarry H, Seidlova-Wuttke D: Drosophila model of Huntington’s disease, Curr Biol Beneficial effects of β-ecdysone on the joint, epiphy- 21:961–966, 2011. seal cartilage tissue and trabecular bone in ovariec- Cirelli C, Bushey D: Sleep and wakefulness in tomized rats, Phytomedicine 17:350–355, 2010. Drosophila melanogaster, Ann NY Acad Sci 1129: Keller EF: A feeling for the organism The life and work 323–329, 2008. of barbara McClintock, San Francisco, 1983, W.H. Chien S, Reiter LT, Bier E, Gribskov M: Homophila: Freeman. human disease gene cognates in Drosophila, Nucleic Koh K, Evans JM, Hendricks JC, Sehgal A: A Drosophila Acids Res 30:149–151, 2002. model for age-associated changes in sleep: wake Cox LS, Clancy DJ, Boubriak I, Saunders RD: Modeling cycles, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 103:13843–13847, werner syndrome in Drosophila melanogaster: hyper- 2006. recombination in flies lacking WRN-like exonucle- Kucherenko MM, Marrone AK, Rishko VM, Magliarelli ase, Ann NY Acad Sci 1119:274–288, 2007. HF, Shcherbata HR: Stress and muscular dystrophy: DiAngelo JR, Birnbaum MJ: Regulation of fat cell mass a genetic screen for Dystroglycan and Dystrophin by insulin in Drosophila melanogaster, Mol Cell Biol interactors in Drosophila identifies cellular stress 29:6341–6352, 2009. response components, Dev Biol 352:228–242, 2011. xiii PrEfacE To ThE Third EdiTion Kuhnlein RP: Energy homeostasis regulation in Roeder T, Isermann K, Kabesch M: Drosophila in asthma Drosophila: a lipocentric perspective, Results Probl research, Am J Respir Crit Care Med 179:979–983, Cell Differ 52:159–173, 2010a. 2009. Kuhnlein RP: Drosophila as a lipotoxicity model organ- Scharrer B, Scharrer E: Neurosecretion. IV. Comparison ism--more than a promise?, Biochim Biophys Acta between the intercerebralis-cardiacum-allatum sys- 1801:215–221, 2010b. tem of the insects and the hypothalamo-hypophy- Kushner RF, Ryan EL, Sefton JM, et al: A Drosophila mel- seal system of the vertebrates, Biol Bull 87:242–251, anogaster model of classic galactosemia, Dis Model 1944. Mech 3:618–627, 2010. Seidlova-Wuttke D, Christel D, Kapur P, et  al: Kopec´ S: Studies on the necessity of the brain for the β-ecdysone has bone protective but no estrogenic inception of insect metamorphosis, Biol Bull 42:323– effects in ovariectomized rats, Phytomedicine 17:884– 342, 1922. 889, 2010. Lloyd TE, Taylor JP: Flightless flies: Drosophila mod- Seugnet L, Galvin JE, Suzuki Y, Gottschalk L, Shaw els of neuromuscular disease, Ann N Y Acad Sci PJ: Persistent short-term memory defects follow- 1184:e1–20, 2011. ing sleep deprivation in a Drosophila model of Loewen CA, Feany MB: The unfolded protein response Parkinson disease, Sleep 32:984–992, 2009. protects from tau neurotoxicity in vivo, PLoS One Seugnet L, Suzuki Y, Donlea JM, Gottschalk L, Shaw PJ: 5:e13084, 2010. Sleep deprivation during early-adult development Lu B, Vogel H: Drosophila models of neurodegenerative results in long-lasting learning deficits in adult diseases, Annu Rev Pathol 4:315–342, 2009. Drosophila, Sleep 34:137–146, 2011. 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Single-celled organisms may have to detect changes in nutrients, temperature, mechan- ical pressure, electromagnetic fields, light, and the metabolic products of other cells of the same or different species, and make appropriate responses. This process becomes more criti- cal for the cells of multicellular organisms, because beginning a few moments after the fer- tilized egg cell first divides, the individual cells must begin communicating with each other to coordinate their activities. As development proceeds, cells not only need to respond to changing conditions but also to exchange information that will determine their specialized identity and the positions they will assume in the mature organism. The information from the outside of the cell must be translated and converted to specific cellular responses in a series of steps referred to as signal transduction pathways. In multicellular organisms these signals are most frequently chemical in nature, emanat- ing from a signaling cell and detected by specific receptor proteins on a target cell. There are hundreds of different signal molecules, but each cell responds selectively depending on its particular function within the organism. Its response, or failure to respond, depends on whether or not it possesses a receptor for that signal. The receptor molecules are virtually always proteins that span the cell membrane. If the correct receptor receives this extracel- lular signal, the target cell converts it to an intracellular signal that affects cell physiology, such as changes in cell shape, metabolism, or gene expression. The external signal is thus internalized, amplified, and distributed to several internal targets (Figure 1.1). The chemi- cal signals may consist of many types of molecules, categorized by their range and speed of activity. After the signal is transduced and arrives inside the cell, its target might be either already-synthesized proteins that become activated by the message, or changes in gene expression, either of which can alter cell physiology and behavior (Figure 1.2). Autocrine signaling is the most private of the signaling modes, with a cell signaling itself by producing a chemical that activates receptors within its own cytoplasm or on its sur- face (Figure 1.3A). An example is the prothoracic gland, which during some developmental stages activates its own production of ecdysteroids. Contact-dependent signaling relies on direct contact between neighboring cells, with signaling molecules embedded in the cell membranes or passed directly through pores (Figure 1.3B). The signaling cell may produce a molecule that binds to a receptor in the Physiological Systems in Insects. 1 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-415819-1.00001-5 Copyright © 2013, 2007, 2002 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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