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Contents VOLUME 17, NUMBER 1, MARCH 1992 Published 25 March 1992 MARTIN ALUJA and RONALD J. PROKOPY Host search behaviour by Rhagoletis pomonella flies: inter-tree movement patterns in response to wind-borne fruit volatiles under field conditions L. BARTON BROWNE and A. C. M. VAN GERWEN Volume of protein meals taken by females of the blowfly, Lucilia cuprina: ovarian development-related and direct effects of protein ingestion FRANZ BOGNER Response properties of CO>-sensitive receptors in tsetse flies (Diptera: Glossina palpalis) ANN CLOAREC The influence of feeding on predatory tactics in a water bug C. J. DEN OTTER and W. M. VAN DER GOES VAN NATERS Single cell recordings from tsetse (Glossina m. morsitans) antennae reveal olfatory, mechano- and cold receptors J. B. FREE, A. W. FERGUSON and J. R. SIMPKINS The behaviour of queen honeybees and their attendants V. JAGANNADH and V. S. K. NAIR Azadirachtin-induced effects on larval—pupal transformation of Spodoptera mauritia L. KAISER and R. T. CARDE In-flight orientation to volatiles from the plant-host complex in Cotesia rebecuia (Hym.: Braconidae): increased sensitivity through olfactory experience P. L. MILLER The effect of oxygen lack on egg hatching in an Indian dragonfly, Potamarcha congener ANDREAS STUMPNER and KLAUS-GERHARD HELLER Morphological and physiological differences of the auditory system in three related bushcrickets (Orthoptera: Phaneropteridae, Poecilimon) W. A. TIMMINS and S. E. REYNOLDS Physiological mechanisms underlying the control of meal size in Manduca sexta larvae Louise E. M. Vet and DANIEL R. PAPAS Effects of experience on parasitoid movement in odour plumes JAY A. YODER and DAviD L. DENLINGER Water vapour uptake by diapausing eggs of a tropical walking stick Book REVIEWS VOLUME 17, NUMBER 2, JUNE 1992 Published 12 June 1992 M. BAYLIS and N. E. PIERCE Lack of compensation by final instar larvae of the myrmecophilous lycaenid butterfly, Jalmenus evagoras, for the loss of nutrients to ants 107-114 iv Contents C. S. Burks, L. D. EvANs, Y. KIM and E. S. KRAFSUR Effects of precocene and methoprene application in young adult Musca autumnalis 115-120 COLLEEN A. CANNON and RICHARD D. FELL Cold hardiness of the overwintering black carpenter ant 121-126 DaviD L. DENLINGER and JAN ZDAREK Rhythmic pulses of haemolymph pressure associated with parturition and ovulation in the tsetse fly, Glossina morsitans 127-130 K. E. Focc, D. HyDE and J. H. ANSTEE Assessment of a strontium capture technique for cytochemical localization of potassium-dependent phosphatase in Malpighian tubules of Locusta 131-140 GABRIELLA GIBSON Do tsetse flies ‘see’ zebras? A field study of the visual response of tsetse to striped targets 141-147 GORDANA GRUBOR-LAJSIC, WILLIAM BLOCK and ROGER WORLAND Comparison of the cold hardiness of two larval Lepidoptera (Noctuidae) 148-152 J. HENDRICHS, S. S. COOLEY and R. J. PROKOPY Post-feeding bubbling behaviour in fluid-feeding Diptera: concentration of crop contents by oral evaporation of excess water 152-161 PAUL A. HORNE Respiration rates of two closely related species of carabids in Australia 162-164 M. Hopkova, L. SOMME, R. HANZAL, V. BRUNNHOFER and I. HODEK The effect of allatectomy and photoperiod on the supercooling point in Pyrrhocoris apertus adults 165-168 CAROL I. MILES Temperature compensation in the nervous system of the grasshopper 169-175 M. E. TZANAKIS, R. L. VEENENDAAL and A. VEERMAN Effects of photoperiod and temperature on the termination of diapause in the univoltine seed wasp Eurytoma plotnikovi 176-182 J. L. Topp, K. F. HAYNEs and T. C. BAKER Antennal neurones specific for redundant pheromone components in normal and mutant Trichoplusia ni males 183-192 EDWARD L. VARGO and Luc PASSERA Gyne development in the Argentine ant /ridomyrmex humilis: role of overwintering and queen control 193-201 VOLUME 17, NUMBER 3, SEPTEMBER 1992 Published 10 August 1992 I. HELENA ANDERSSON The effect of sugar meals and body size on fecundity and longevity of female Aedes communis (Diptera: Culicidae) 203-207 ULRICH BASSLER Variability of femoral chordotonal organ reflexes in the locust, Locusta migratoria 208-212 YOSHIHIKO CHIBA, YASUHIRO SHINKAWA, MAKOTO YOSHII, AKIRA MATSUMOTO, KENJI TOMIOKA and SUSUMU Y. TAKAHASHI A comparative study on insemination dependency of circadian activity pattern in mosquitoes 213-218 Contents v E. DONAHAYE Physiological differences between strains of Tribolium castaneum selected for resistance to hypoxia and hypercarbia, and the unselected strain Y. C. Drost and R. T. CARDE Influence of host deprivation on egg load and oviposition behaviour of Brachymeria intermedia, a parasitoid of gypsy moth 230-234 F. J. ELLER, J. H. TUMLINSON and W. J. Lewis Effect of host diet and preflight experience on the flight responses of Microplitis croceipes (Cresson) 235-240 JENS KRAUSE, DAVID BROWN and SARAH A. CORBET Spacing behaviour in resting Culex pipiens (Diptera, Culicidae): a computer modelling approach 241-246 A. LENGA and J. HUIGNARD Effect of changes in the thermoperiod on reproductive diapause in Bruchidius atrolineatus Pic (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) 247-254 CHRISTINE A. NALEPA and DONALD E. MULLINS Initial reproductive investment and parental body size in Cryptocercus punctulatus (Dictyoptera: Cryptocercidae) KENNETH A. PIVNICK, JANY LAVOIE-DORNIK and JEREMY N. MCNEIL The role of the androconia in the mating behaviour of the European skipper, Thymelicus lineola, and evidence for a male sex pheromone 260-268 CHRISTINE YING-SHIN PENG, CHIH-MING YIN and Lucy R. S. YIN Effect of rapid freezing and thawing on cellular integrity of honey bee sperm 269-276 R. V. SESHACHALAM, M. V. V. SUBRAMANYAM and R. V. KRISHNAMOORTHY Glutamine synthetase activity during embryonic and larval development of the silkworm Bombyx mori L. and role of a JH analogue 277-280 R. V. SESHACHALAM, M. V. V. SUBRAMANYAM and R. V. KRISHNAMOORTHY New pathway of utilization of ammonia nitrogen for the synthesis of amino acids through NADH dependent transaminases in Bombyx mori L. 281-287 NICOLETTE W. M. VAN BUREN, ADRIANA G. H. MARIEN, Ros C. H. M. OUDEJANS and Hayo H. W. VELTHUIS Perizin, an acaricide to combat the mite Varroa jacobsoni: its distribution in and influence on the honeybee Apis mellifera 288-296 M. G. V. WICKREMASINGHE and H. F. VAN EMDEN Reactions of adult female parasitoids, particularly Aphidius rhopalosiphi, to volatile chemical cues from the host plants of their aphid prey 297-304 JAN ZDAREK, DAVID DENLINGER and LEONARD H. OTIENO Does the tsetse parturition rhythm have a circadian basis? 305-307 BooK REVIEW 308 VOLUME 17, NUMBER 4, DECEMBER 1992 Published 1 December 1992 PinG-CuHu Cuu, K. J. Giroux and R. E. STINNER A dynamic model of water gain and loss in larval Mexican bean beetle PING-CHU CHU, R. E. STINNER and K. J. GIROUX A dynamic model of larval Mexican bean beetle survival as a function of body water balance vi Contents V. G. DETHIER and E. BOwDAN Effects of alkaloids on feeding by Phormia regina confirm the critical role of sensory inhibition 325-330 J. DEAN and J. SCHMITZ The two groups of sensilla in the ventral coxal hairplate of Carausius morosus have different roles during walking 331-341 P. M. LOsEL, P. M. GUERIN and P. A. DIEHL Feeding electrogram studies on the African cattle brown ear tick Rhipicephalus appendiculatus: evidence for an antifeeding effect of tick resistant serum 342-350 S. J. SIMPSON Mechanoresponsive neurones in the suboesophageal ganglion of the locust 351-369 RADOMIR SOCHA and JAN SULA Voltinism and seasonal changes in haemolymph protein pattern of Pyrrhocoris apterus (Heteroptera: Pyrrhocoridae) in relation to diapause 370-376 M. TAKAHASHI-DEL-BIANCO, A. A. BENEDITO-SILVA, M. J. A. HEBLING, N. MARQUES and M. D. MARQUES Circadian oscillatory patterns of oxygen uptake in individual workers of the ant Camponotus rufipes 377-383 ROBERT K. VANDER MEER, LAURENCE MorEL and CLIFFORD S. LOFGREN A comparison of queen oviposition rates from monogyne and polygyne fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, colonies 384-390 MARLIES VAZ NUNES and JIM HARDIE Photoperiodic induction of winged females in the black bean aphid, Aphis fabae 391-396 DIANA E. WHEELER and NorMAN A. BUCK Protein, lipid and carbohydrate use during metamorphosis in the fire ant, Solenopsis xyloni 397-403

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