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MMooddeerrnn PPssyycchhoollooggiiccaall SSttuuddiieess Volume 20 Number 1 Article 4 2014 PPhhyyssiioollooggiiccaall aarroouussaall rreessppoonnssee ttoo ddiiffffeerriinngg mmuussiiccaall ggeennrreess Ericka Kelley Ball State University Gabrielle Andrick Ball State University Fayelin Benzenbower Ball State University Marlene Devia Ball State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholar.utc.edu/mps Part of the Psychology Commons RReeccoommmmeennddeedd CCiittaattiioonn Kelley, Ericka; Andrick, Gabrielle; Benzenbower, Fayelin; and Devia, Marlene (2014) "Physiological arousal response to differing musical genres," Modern Psychological Studies: Vol. 20 : No. 1 , Article 4. Available at: https://scholar.utc.edu/mps/vol20/iss1/4 This articles is brought to you for free and open access by the Journals, Magazines, and Newsletters at UTC Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in Modern Psychological Studies by an authorized editor of UTC Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected]. MPS I Physiological Arousal Response to Differing Musical Genres I Kelley et al. I 25-33 Physiological Arousal Response to Differing Musical Genres Ericka Kelley, Gabrielle Andrick, Fayelin Benzenbower, Marlenne Devia, and Leah Cook Ball State University Abstract Music is a complex medium that has social, psychological, and physiological implications. Music elicits early emotional responses (arousal) in the sympathetic nervous system, that later become consciously recognized emotions. We investigated how music genre effects physiological arousal by measuring participant skin conductance level (SCL). Physiological responses of 19 participants (3 male, mean age 23 years) were recorded by way of the iWorx 214 Psychophysiology Teaching Kit. The stimuli were four different genres of music: classical, Dubstep, Celtic, and big band (swing). Stimuli were presented to participants in one of four counterbalanced blocks. Participants' highest SCL matched their reported genre preference 31.57% of the time. Contrary to our hypothesis, participants did not have a higher SCL for their preferred music, leading us to hypothesize that people habituate to their musical preference. The most significant result was that participants were able to accurately describe their emotional arousal to a musical stimulus. Thus, participants were able to recognize their physiological reaction to musical genres. Key words: music, emotion, sympathetic response, psychophysiology, neuroscience, skin conductance level (SCL) electrodermal activity (EDA) (Dawson, Introduction Schell & Filion, 2007). Autonomic brainstem responses regulate heart rate, Music is a highly regarded art form and blood pressure, skin conductance, pulse, a defining cultural phenomenon that body temperature and muscle tension individuals use to experience, communicate, (Chanda & Levitin, 2013). All of these and express emotional states. Music is also responses are stimulated by music. Due to known to evoke an emotional response that this, measurements of EDA are useful in can be associated with physiological arousal observing autonomic responses. When (Olsen & Stevens, 2013). Based on past and acetylcholine is released by the sympathetic present research, arousal is defined as an nervous system, a rapid fluctuation in sweat early emotional response. The present study gland activity occurs, which allows the seeks to examine physiological arousal in measurement of EDA. Emotions are brief response to differing musical genres through and event related, making EDA an ideal the measurement of skin conductance level study tool (Khalfa, Peretz, Blondin, & (SCL). Specifically, the purpose of the Manon, 2002). If musical genre preferences present study is to determine if musical affect arousal to certain genres, then self- preferences affect the amount of perceived levels of arousal should correlate physiological arousal experienced by a with musical preferences. participant while listening to musical stimuli. SCL relies on passing an electrical Music and Emotion current across the skin. It is through the vascular theory that activity on the sweat According to Damasio (2000), emotions glands was proven to be critical for are complex collections of organized 25 MPS I Physiological Arousal Response to Differing Musical Genres I Kelley et al. 125-35 chemical and neural responses to specific schemas (Coutinho & Cangelosi). Further external or internal stimuli. Potential neural computations are involved when external events of relevance are then extracting features of music; this gives rise signaled to the organism through these to higher order musical dimensions (e.g. emotional responses that lead to key, meter, and harmony), intervals, and circumstances that may be advantageous to regularities within musical structure the organism's survival (Damasip, 2000). (Coutinho & Cangelosi). This higher order Once emotion occurs there are three subsets is part of how patterns form within musical of interrelated responses; subjective feelings structures; these patterns are what allow (conscious feeling of emotion), behavioral participants to recognize and anticipate changes (postures, facial expressions, etc.), acoustics within a song. Additionally, these and physiological responses (changes in the patterns and dimensions are how complexity somatic and autonomic nervous systems, is created within a musical piece. e.g. breathing, heart rate, or perspiration) (Coutinho & Cangelosi, 2011). Besides Physiological Arousal to Music emotional parameters, cognitive and cultural parameters play a role in musical preference Studies that use SCL (i.e., electrical and arousal (Schafer & Sedlmeier, 2010). conductance aided by sweat), have shown When examining cognitive functioning, low level intensity stimuli are needed to music is associated with expressing one's provide a measurable difference in identity and personal values, gaining sympathetic nervous system response. important information, or establishing However, more intense stimuli tend to contact with others (Schafer & Sedlmeier, produce more arousal in the peripheral 2010). Cultural and lifestyle components nervous system (Rickard, 2004; McConnell affect musical arousal as well: an individual & Shore, 2011; Dillmon Carpentier & who listens to music associated with their Potter, 2007). Thus, a musical piece with personal culture or lifestyle is likely to find more intensity should elicit more skin the music more arousing than someone who conductivity. Dean, Bailes, and Schubert does not listen to that type of music (North (2011) found volume and intensity index to & Hargreaves, 2007). Familiarity is key be a stronger indicator of arousal for when dealing with musical arousal and there participants than the musical selection itself. is little in the literature on the topic of This study depended on self-report for exposure to music. If habituation to a arousal level and did not take a musical preference occurs due to physiological measure of arousal. overexposure to the genre, then listening to Participants were continually asked to rate a novel musical selections should provide a piece of music or tone during listening. The more intense physiological reaction. researchers did not control for the tempo, beat, or rhythmic speed of the musical The structure of music is also of selections nor did the goal of their research importance when dealing with arousal encompass taking into account the genre of levels. According to Coutinho and Cangelosi music preferred by the participants. (2011), the most distinct results pertain to basic variables such as loudness, tempo, Rickard (2004) found skin conductance timbre, and pitch. Our brains continuously to be a truer indicator of emotions rather organize dimensions of psychoacoustic than methods such as self-report. features (basic music variables) according to Furthermore, Rickard's data revealed that 26 MPS I Physiological Arousal Response to Differing Musical Genres I Kelley et al. I 25-35 musically induced emotions are just as relaxing music was music the participants strong as any other emotion. The were allowed to choose and bring in for sympathetic nervous system, which themselves.(cid:9) After participants were responds in emotional situations (preparing assigned, they were told that they would for action), is activated during music have to complete a mentally challenging and listening. Therefore, the arousal induced stressful task. Results showed that the from music can be measured like most other music conditions were more arousing than emotional arousal. Rickard also found that the silence.(cid:9) Although music was less likeability of a piece of music does not relaxing than the silence condition, out of all always increase arousal in participants three of the musical selections the personal (2004). Most participants who listened to preference was most relaxing due to soothing music did not experience increase familiarity. in skin conductance nor chills of the skin. So affiliation with a piece of music does not Schafer and Sedlmeier (2010) conducted necessarily elicit a stronger sympathetic a study on 53 students from a German response. However, Labbe' et al. (2007) university. Over half of participants played found self-selected music and classical an instrument while a large portion had sung music to be soothing and mitigated in a choir (Schafer & Sedlmeier, 2010). Six sympathetic responses to stress. In this different items were used to test for musical paradigm, participants were asked to preference and because Schafer and complete a cognitive speed test in which Sedlmeier were interested in the variables of they were instructed to answer as quickly preference, participants were to listen to six and correctly as possible. After the test was different musical genres (Schafer & over, participants could either listen to Sedlmeie, 2010). The six songs were chosen music (self-selected or classical) or silence. based on a survey given to local radio Participants who were able to choose the stations; all songs were well known. music had the most significant decrease in Participants were asked to bring along a anxiety levels. Researchers attribute this favorite musical piece that would then be result to participant's feelings of control added to the experimental collection. after said control was taken from them Participants listened to segments of all seven during the test. songs through headphones (Schafer & Sedlmeier, 2010). The results of the Schafer Burns et al. (2002) also studied genre and Sedlmeier study show that the effect on physiological arousal. In their participants rated their favorite piece of experiment, they also observed tempo's music over the other genres, while rock and effect on arousal. Similar to the studies of pop ranked second and third on the list Dillman Carpentier and Potter (2007), Burns (Schafer & Sedlmeier, 2010). In conclusion, et al. (2002) hypothesized that slower, self-reflection and communication may be relaxed music would elicit lower key in understanding why an individual may physiological arousal and faster, up-tempo develop preference for a song, especially if music would elicit higher physiological the individual assigns a specific meaning to arousal as measured through skin a particular musical piece (Schafer & conductance response and heart rate. The 60 Sedlmeier, 2010; North & Hargreaves, participants were assigned to the classical 2007). group, hard rock group, relaxing music group, or the control group of silence. The 27 MPS I Physiological Arousal Response to Differing Musical Genres I Kelley et al. I 25-35 Though a considerable amount of selected based on how strong the elements research has been done on musical of the drum and bass were and also how preference and arousal response, to the best well those elements came together to create of our knowledge there have been no studies a piece that sounded complex. Additionally, that test SCL on unfamiliar musical stimuli. we knew everyone had most likely been This article is a first step in making an exposed to classical music and that piece empirically sound model to test hypotheses was selected based on the tempo, popularity and gain understanding of arousal response and classical instruments such as violins and to musical stimuli. The present study aims to cellos. In the Schafer and Sedlmeier study, collect data based on physiological arousal participants rated their favorite song higher to differing musical genres. Three of the than the other six songs selected (Schafer & musical genres (Celtic, Swing, and Sedlmeier, 2010). Perhaps participants rated Classical) were chosen for lack of popularity their favorite song higher than the other based on our mean age of participants, while selections due to finding the song Dubstep was chosen to see if more emotionally arousing. Participants in the mainstream music would increase arousal current study may rate certain genres higher response. During a data collection, a than others because it is associated with or manipulation check insured participants reminds them of a favored genre; thus indicated being unfamiliar with the four increasing arousal ratings. While an increase musical pieces. Additionally, each piece was in arousal rating is expected to occur when chosen based on lack of familiarity. It is musical stimuli are associated with a favored anticipated that higher arousal states will be genre, Dub Step should elicit a higher found in participants who regularly listen to arousal rating for the majority of participants Dub step, Celtic, Classical or Swing music, due to perceived level of complexity. An depending on musical preference. All increased arousal rating is also expected due selected stimuli have similar tempos and to participant age as Dub Step is a none of them use verbiage. We selected contemporary form of music to which musical stimuli without verbiage to ensure college students may be regularly exposed. the arousal response was not elicited by the context (verbiage) of the song. To our The view of these authors is based off knowledge, this is the first study examining correlational relationships from other SCL to music that controls for tempo, empirical studies, physiological responses intensity, complexity and lack of verbiage or and musical preferences. In particular, we context. Each song was chosen based on argue that music without verbiage will how well we could control for tempo, evoke an arousal (early onset of emotion) intensity, complexity and lack of verbiage. response when participants favor a particular Songs were also chosen based on how well genre of music. Note that in the current their sound embodied their genre. For study we are not concerned with labeling the example, when we chose our Celtic piece, emotional response, but rather the intensity we screened songs that varied in melody and to which the response occurs. Participants had traditional instruments, such as bag are likely to be most aroused by Dub Step pipes. Big band pieces were screened to be musical stimuli due to familiarity of the sure they had the elements of a traditional genre, as opposed to Classical, Celtic or Jazz ensemble (i.e. saxophones, trumpets, Swing music. piano, electric or acoustic bass guitar and a rhythmic section). The dubstep piece was 28 MPS I Physiological Arousal Response to Differing Musical Genres I Kelley et al. I 25-35 Musical stimuli have been screened and undetectable by participants, is pain free and chosen without bias of popularity. This safe. As a self-report measure, participants study will operate based on musical genre indicated on a 7-point Likert scale the level preference and the arousal response of arousal they experienced for each 30 associated with that preference. Preference, second clip. The scores on these scales were cognitive, emotional and cultural parameters tested for correlations to SCL measures. will be considered when discussing results. Procedure. Participants read and signed Methods the informed consent form. Participants were asked to fill out a short survey about Participants(cid:9) and(cid:9) recruitment. basic musical preference and age and were Nineteen students (3 male; mean age 23 prepared for initial data collection. years) were recruited from an undergraduate Participants were asked to wash their hands Psychology Research Seminar class at a with the same soap and water and dry their large Midwestern University in the Fall hands to ensure proper skin conductance 2013 semester. No participants reported level (SCL) readings. Musical stimuli were being hard of hearing and therefore no presented to participants in a counter- participants were excluded for hearing balanced format (ABCD, BCDA, CDAB, deficits. This research was approved through DABC). Note that each participant heard the the Ball State Institutional Review Board for same four songs but were subject to the the protection of human participants. songs being played in a different order. To establish arousal baselines, participants Stimuli and Apparati. Musical selections focused on a black screen with a grey included, "String Quartet No. 4 C minor crosshair for 5 minutes without any auditory Allegro" - Beethoven (classical selection) stimulation. The same screen stayed present tempo = 138 BPM, "Drop the Bass" - Urban when the musical selections were played. Assault (Dubstep selection) tempo = 140, Each musical clip was presented for 30 "An Irish Party in Third Class" - Gaelic seconds with a 10 second interval between Storm (Celtic selection) tempo = 146 BPM, each. Participants indicated, on a 7-point "This Could Be the Start of Something Big" Likert Scale, their self-perceived level of - Count Basie (Big Band/Swing Selection) physiological arousal during the ten second tempo = 140 BPM (Beethoven, 1801; Ames, silence. After listening to the paradigm, each 2012; Gerston, 1998; Allen, 1956). SCL participant indicated their familiarity of the was recorded using the iWorx 214 song by circling yes or no on the survey. Psychophysiology Teaching Kit (iWorx System). The paradigm was programmed Statistical Analysis. All SCL measures using Windows Live Movie Maker for musical selections were baseline (Microsoft Windows). Participants filled out corrected using SCL response during the a short demographic survey prior to initial five minute silence. LabScribe2 recording. SCL readings were acquired (iWorx Systems, Inc.) software was used to using reusable electrodes that were attached extract baseline measures as well as an to participants' non-dominant middle and average response for each music clip. The index fingers with Velcro collars. A minute average response for each clip was then electrical current was passed between the subtracted from the baseline to gain an two electrodes in order to measure skin overall measure of arousal difference from resistance.(cid:9) The(cid:9) electrical(cid:9) current, baseline for each musical genre. After 29 MPS I Physiological Arousal Response to Differing Musical Genres I Kelley et al. 125-35 baseline correction, preference scores on the higher arousal levels for music in which 7-point Likert Scale were correlated with they normally listened. These findings corresponding musical SCL measures with a suggest the majority of participants (nearly Correlation Coefficient (Pearson-R). A one- 2/3) had habituated to their preferred way ANOVA for musical-genre (Celtic, musical taste, and therefore, are less Classical, Dubstep and Big Band) was then responsive to familiar music. In compliance performed to gauge the effects on SCL. A with our other hypothesis, differing arousal one-way ANOVA for musical genre on levels via SCL were observed in each genre, behavioral reports of perceived arousal to although not significant. Notably, however, the genre was also performed. Dubstep had the highest arousal levels. Results Importantly, analysis and comparison of SCL data and a behavioral survey indicated A one-way ANOVA of genre (Classical, that participants were able to accurately Dubstep, Celtic, Big Band) revealed no main describe their emotional arousal to a musical effects. A one-way analysis of variance of stimulus, which could be the reason behind self-reported arousal levels showed perspiration. Participants were able to marginally significant differences, F(3, recognize their physiological reaction to 2.647) = 19.421, p < .058 in participant's musical genres. In a clinical setting, music perceptual(cid:9) experience(cid:9) of (cid:9) being therapy may help a client recognize their physiologically aroused. Post hoc pairwise stimulation level and provide an example of comparison revealed Big Band and Dubstep heightened arousal states. Training a client were significantly different (p < .05) in the to recognize their state of arousal through an self-report task. Of most interest, enjoyable medium, such as music, may be a examination of the means indicate that self- novel approach to anxiety treatment. reported arousal levels roughly emulated the Additionally, music could be used to train pattern of participant SCL responses (refer clients on how to recognize their to Figures 1 and 2). Self-reported musical physiological arousal to certain situations preference matched participants' highest which may allow clients to learn how to SCL 31.57% of the time. cognitively respond and control their emotional responses. For example, a client Discussion who presents with persistent and seemingly uncontrollable anxiety could be trained to The current study was conducted to test pair a particular musical stimulus and physiological arousal responses to differing grounding techniques, such a breathing, to musical stimuli (Celtic, Classical, Big Band, help control the anxiety. So, when the client and Dubstep). The aim of this research was becomes anxious, they may remember the to observe higher physiological arousal musical stimulus and pattern of breathing states(cid:9) in(cid:9) musical(cid:9) selections(cid:9) in attached to their anxiety and then they can correspondence with participant preference. assess the situation to respond properly. While participant arousal levels were not always indicative of similar musical Strengths and Limitations preference, participants' highest SCL matched their reported genre preference Young adults, particularly college 31.57% of the time. Contrary to our students, dedicate a large amount of time to hypothesis, most participants did not have music. Coutinho and Cangelosi (2011) 30 MPS I Physiological Arousal Response to Differing Musical Genres I Kelley et al. I 25-35 found the most distinct results pertain to have a more holistic encoding process that variables such as loudness, tempo, timbre helps facilitate recognition. Additionally, and pitch. However, the current study is music heightens arousal in patients with unique in that loudness (volume), tempo Alzheimer's disease which could allow for (intensity) and complexity were all better attention and improved memory controlled to ensure that each musical (Simmons-Stern, Budson, & Ally, 2010). stimulus did not yield an increased arousal Due to the findings of the current study, response. The current study also eliminated future research may also focus on providing verbiage from all musical stimuli. It should insight at decreasing arousal levels which also be noted that the current research took could be beneficial to those who suffer from participant preference into consideration anxiety disorders, pain disorders or when when examining the arousal response. dealing with children and the elderly. The results of the current study provide Additionally, future studies may include insight into musical preferences of the repeating the current experiment with an college population but may not be older and more culturally diverse population generalizable to the public, especially an to test whether their arousal responses older generation. Variability in race, sex and mimic those of a younger generation. The age was limited in the participant pool and implications for the physiological response should be accounted for in future research to to music are far reaching. Music therapy has increase generalizability. been included in therapies since the formation of modern psychology and has Future Research been studied in correlation with stimulation and behavior as early as 1926 (Diserens, Implications of the current study are of 1926). Relaxing music has been shown to importance to the psychological community reduce feelings of anxiety and increase in regards to music and memory. Regardless feelings of relaxation (Stoudenmire, 1975). of intensity and likability, music is As Dementia and other age related stimulating, and approximately 70% of our neurological disorders grow rapidly, a sample had a larger SCL response to their greater understanding of the potential for non-preferred musical genre. This suggests music therapy in the elderly is emerging. playing a musical stimulus that a patient Patients with symptoms of Alzheimer's does not regularly listen to may be disease, stroke, and other age related therapeutic in certain contexts. Moreover, diseases often show increased level of the aforementioned and future research anxiety, psychotic episodes, aggressive implications could be beneficial when tendencies, decreased affect, and depression dealing with Alzheimer's patients; would more so than in normal elderly populations introducing a new musical stimulus present (Pocnet et al, 2013; Van der Mussele et al, with more physiological arousal? And would 2013). Yet studies testing the physiological the increased physiological arousal be able response and benefits of different musical to influence memory retrieval? While some genres in elderly populations are limited. might be concerned that arousal is a negative aspect of Alzheimer's, there is research which suggests otherwise. Simmons-Stern, Budson and Ally (2010) found those with Alzheimer's disease may 31 MPS 1Physiological Arousal Response to Differing Musical Genres I Kelley et al. I 25-35 References 181). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Allen, S. (1956). 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Music is a complex medium that has social, psychological, and physiological implications. Music elicits early emotional responses (arousal) in the
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