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physiological and anatomical assessment of synapses at the crayfish neuromuscular junction PDF

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Preview physiological and anatomical assessment of synapses at the crayfish neuromuscular junction

UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff KKeennttuucckkyy UUKKnnoowwlleeddggee University of Kentucky Doctoral Dissertations Graduate School 2006 PPHHYYSSIIOOLLOOGGIICCAALL AANNDD AANNAATTOOMMIICCAALL AASSSSEESSSSMMEENNTT OOFF SSYYNNAAPPSSEESS AATT TTHHEE CCRRAAYYFFIISSHH NNEEUURROOMMUUSSCCUULLAARR JJUUNNCCTTIIOONN Andrew Fredericks Moser Johnstone University of Kentucky, [email protected] RRiigghhtt cclliicckk ttoo ooppeenn aa ffeeeeddbbaacckk ffoorrmm iinn aa nneeww ttaabb ttoo lleett uuss kknnooww hhooww tthhiiss ddooccuummeenntt bbeenneefifittss yyoouu.. RReeccoommmmeennddeedd CCiittaattiioonn Johnstone, Andrew Fredericks Moser, "PHYSIOLOGICAL AND ANATOMICAL ASSESSMENT OF SYNAPSES AT THE CRAYFISH NEUROMUSCULAR JUNCTION" (2006). University of Kentucky Doctoral Dissertations. 274. https://uknowledge.uky.edu/gradschool_diss/274 This Dissertation is brought to you for free and open access by the Graduate School at UKnowledge. It has been accepted for inclusion in University of Kentucky Doctoral Dissertations by an authorized administrator of UKnowledge. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ABSTRACT OF DISSERTATION Andrew Fredericks Moser Johnstone The Graduate School University of Kentucky 2006 PHYSIOLOGICAL AND ANATOMICAL ASSESSMENT OF SYNAPSES AT THE CRAYFISH NEUROMUSCULAR JUNCTION __________________________________________ ABSTRACT OF DISSERTATION _____________________________________ A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Kentucky By Andrew Fredericks Moser Johnstone Lexington, Kentucky Director: Dr. Robin Lewis Cooper, Associate Professor of Biology Lexington, Kentucky 2006 Copyright © Andrew Fredericks Moser Johnstone 2006 ABSTRACT OF DISSERTATION PHYSIOLOGICAL AND ANATOMICAL ASSESMENT OF SYNAPSES AT THE CRAYFISH NEUROMUSCULAR JUNCTION The crayfish, Procambarus clarkii, has a multitude of ideal sites in which synaptic transmission may be studied. Its opener muscle, being innervated by a single excitatory neuron is a good model for studying the structure/function of neuromuscular junctions since the preparation is identifiable from animal to animal and the nerve terminals are visible using a vital dye. This allows ease in finding a suitable site to record from in each preparation and offers the ability to relocate it anatomically. Marking a recorded site and rebuilding it through electron microscopy gives good detail of synaptic struture for assesment. In the first of these studies, low output sites known as stems (which lie between varicosities) were used to reduce n (number of release sites) in order to minimize synaptic complexity so individual quantal events could be analyzed by their unique parameters (area, peak, tau, rise time and latency). This was in attempt to uncover specific quantal signatures that could be traced back to the structure of the area recorded. It was found that even at stem regions synaptic structure is still complex having multiple synapses each of which could harbor a number of AZs. This gives insight as to how quantal analysis should be treated. Even low output synapses n must be treated at the AZ level. Synaptic depression was studied at the crayfish extensor muscle. By depressing the phasic neuron and recording from the muscle it appears that depression is a presynaptic phenomenon. The use of 5-HT gave insight to vesicular dynamics within the nerve terminal, by delaying depression and increasing maximum EPSP amplitude. TEM of phasic nerve terminals reveals no change in numbers of dock or RRP vesicles. Short term facilitation and vesicular dynamics were studied with the use of 5-HT and a neurotoxin TBOA, which blocks the glutamate transporter. In this study I showed differential mechanisms that control RRP and RP vesicles. By blocking glutamate reuptake, the RRP is depleted as shown by reduced EPSPs, but recovered with 5-HT application. The understanding of vesicle dynamics in any system has relevance for all chemical synapses. KEY WORDS: Active zones, quantal analysis, synaptic ultrastructure, synaptic plasticity. Andrew F. M. Johnstone Dr. Robin L. Cooper (Advisor) Dr. Brian C. Rymond (Director of Graduate Studies) PHYSIOLOGICAL AND ANATOMICAL ASSESSMENT OF SYNAPSES AT THE CRAYFISH NEUROMUSCULAR JUNCTION By Andrew Fredericks Moser Johnstone Dr. Robin L. Cooper Director or Dissertation Dr. Brian C. Rymond Director of Graduate Studies November 30, 2006 RULES FOR THE USE OF DISSERTATIONS Unpublished dissertations submitted for the Doctor's degree and deposited in the University of Kentucky Library are as a rule open for inspection, but are to be used only with due regard to the rights of the authors. Bibliographical references may be noted, but quotations or summaries of parts may be published only with the permission of the author, and with the usual scholarly acknowledgments. Extensive copying or publication of the dissertation in whole or in part also requires the consent of the Dean of the Graduate School of the University of Kentucky. A library that borrows this dissertation for use by its patrons is expected to secure the signature of each user. DISSERTATION Andrew Fredericks Moser Johnstone The Graduate School University of Kentucky 2006 PHYSIOLOGICAL AND ANATOMICAL ASSESSMENT OF SYNAPSES AT THE CRAYFISH NEUROMUSCULAR JUNCTION __________________________________________ DISSERTATION __________________________________________ A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Kentucky By Andrew Fredericks Moser Johnstone Lexington, Kentucky Director: Dr. Robin Lewis Cooper, Associate Professor Lexington, Kentucky 2006 Copyright © Andrew Fredericks Moser Johnstone 2006 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I acknowledge all those that helped in making this dissertation possible. First and foremost I thank my family for their love and support through this process, especially my wife Jessica, for her love and making sure I stayed on track. My parents, Sandy and John, who were nothing but encouraging and to my grandmother, Mary Ann (Pete), who was caring enough to edit my work. In addition, I would like to thank my advisor, Robin L. Cooper, for his guidance and patience for the last four years. Without him, my skills and knowledge of this field would not be possible. Also, thanks to my committee members who were willing to give their time to help guide me to the completion of this dissertation. Also, I am grateful for the guidance that Mary-Gayle Engle gave me through my electron microscopy training, her constant help allowed me to have the skills to make the projects possible. I also, must acknowledge and thank my graduate lab mates, Sameera Dasari, Mohati Desai and Sonya Bierbower, who were always available for advice and/or moral support for which I am indebted to. Thanks also to the numerous undergraduates in the lab who were a constant source of entertainment for the last four years. Special thanks to an undergraduate at the time, Stephanie Logsdon, who I assisted in her Beckman scholar project, which is part of this dissertation. Also, to all the co investigators to these projects, Dr. Kert Viele and Mark Lancaster, whose statistical advice and work were invaluable to these projects. iii

PHYSIOLOGICAL AND ANATOMICAL ASSESSMENT OF change in numbers of dock or RRP vesicles Influence of 5-HT on Docked Vesicles thought to play a major role in memory and behavior, one can hope that knowing.
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