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Preview Physics Reports 1994 - 1995: Vol 241-250 Index

PHYSICS REPORTS ELSEVIER Physics Reports 250 (1995) 367-371 Author index to volumes 241—250 Akhiezer, A.I., V.V. Krasil’nikov, S.V. Peletminskii and A.A. Yatsenko, Research on superfluidity and superconductivity on the basis of the Fermi liquid concept 245 (1994) 1 Akkermans, J.M. see R. Bonetti 247 (1994) 1 Als-Nielsen, J., D. Jacquemain, K. Kjaer, F. Leveiller, M. Lahav and L. Leiserowitz, Principles and applications of grazing incidence X-ray and neutron scattering from ordered molecular monolayers at the air-water interface 246 (1994) 251 Arrigoni, E., C. Castellani, M. Grilli, R. Raimondi and G.C. Strinati, Functional- integral formulation of the slave-boson approach: Beyond the mean-fieid treatment 241 (19942)9 1 with the correct continuum limit Babin, S.A. and D.A. Shapiro, Spectral line broadening due to the Coulomb interac- tion in plasma 241 (1994) 119 Baldo, M., U. Lombardo, I. Bombaci and P. Schuck, Pairing correlations in nuclear matter with realistic interactions 242 (1994) 159 Baldo, M. and L.S. Ferreira, The potential in nuclear matter from a realistic interaction 242 (1994) 423 Barrett, B.R., P. Halse, L.M. Jaqua and J.P. Vary, Effective interaction calculations: 242 (1994) 85 Where do we go from here? Bass, F.G. and L.B. Vatova, Large-amplitude electromagnetic waves in conductors 241 (19942)1 9 with a nonparabolic charge carrier dispersion law Beigman, I.L. and V.S. Lebedev, Collision theory of Rydberg atoms with neutral and 250 (1995) 95 charged particles Bernard, V., N. Kaiser, T.-S.H. Lee and U.-G. Meiner, Threshold pion electroproduc- 246 (19943)1 5 tion in chiral perturbation theory Blanter, Ya.M., M.I. Kaganov, A.V. Pantsulaya and A.A. Varlamov, The theory of 245 (19941)5 9 electronic topological transitions 242 (19941)5 9 Bombaci, I. see M. Baldo Bombaci, I., T.T.S. Kuo and U. Lombardo, Temperature and asymmetry dependence 242 (19941)6 5 of nuclear incompressibility and supernova explosions Bonasera, A., F. Gulminelli and J. Molitoris, The Boltzmann equation at the border- 243 (1994) 1 line. A decade of Monte Carlo simulations of a quantum kinetic equation Bonetti, R., A.J. Koning, J.M. Akkermans and P.E. Hodgson, The Feshbach—-Kerman-— 247 (1994) 1 Koonin multistep direct reaction theory 242 (19942)6 1 Brown, G.E., The hadron to quarkgluon transition Bruno, E., B. Ginatempo, E.S. Giuliano, A.V. Ruban and Yu.K. Vekilov, Fermi 249 (19943)5 3 surfaces and electronic topological transitions in metallic solid solutions Elsevier Science B.V. 368 Author index / Physics Reports 250 (1995) 367-371 Castellani, C. see E. Arrigoni 241 (1994) 291 Charlton, M., J. Eades, D. Horvath, R.J. Hughes and C. Zimmermann, Antihydrogen physics 241 (1994) 65 Chen, H.-T. see C.-L. Wu 242 (1994) 433 Cheng-rui, C. see M. Hirsch 242 (1994) 403 Chernov, A.S. and V.G. Skobov, Doppler-shifted cyclotron resonance in metals 244 (1994) 1 Deering, W. see B.J. West 246 (1994) 1 Dewangan, D.P. and J. Eichler, Charge exchange in energetic ion—atom collisions 247 (1994) 59 Dickhoff, W.H., A nucleon in the nuclear medium: A tale of all energies 242 (1994) 119 Eades, J. see M. Charlton 241 (1994) 65 Eichler, J. see D.P. Dewangan 247 (1994) 59 Ellis, P.J., E.K. Heide, S. Rudaz and M. Prakash, Anharmonicity of the nuclear matter 242 (19943)7 9 ground state and the RHA 242 (1994) 37 Engeland, T. see M. Hjorth-Jensen Fedorov, A.V., V.A. Kremerman and A.I. Ryskin, Multi-mode aspects of vibronic 248 (19943)6 9 interaction in optical spectra of impurity crystals Feng, D.H. and R.-P. Wang, Nuclear structure from the FDSM and its astrophysical 242 (19943)3 3 implications 242 (19944)3 3 Feng, D.H. see C.-L. Wu 242 (19944)2 3 Ferreira, L.S. see M. Baldo 242 (19944)8 9 Gatoff, G. see C.-Y. Wong 249 (19943)5 3 Ginatempo, B. see E. Bruno 249 (19943)5 3 Giuliano, E.S. see E. Bruno 244 (1994) 77 Giveon, A., M. Porrati and E. Rabinovici, Target space duality in string theory 243 (19942)1 5 Gordeev, A.V., A.S. Kingsep and L.I. Rudakov, Electron magnetohydrodynamics 241 (19942)9 1 Grilli, M. see E. Arrigoni 243 (1994) 1 Gulminelli, F. see A. Bonasera 242 (1994) 85 Halse, P. see B.R. Barrett 242 (19941)3 9 Hasan, M.A. see J.P. Vary Hatsuda, T. and T. Kunihiro, QCD phenomenology based on a chiral effective 247 (19942)2 1 Lagrangian 242 (19943)7 9 Heide, E.K. see P.J. Ellis 242 (19944)4 3 Heiss, W.D., Phase transitions of finite Fermi systems and quantum chaos Hirsch, M., X.R. Wu, H.V. Klapdor-Kleingrothaus, C. Cheng-rui and H. Tso-hsiu, 242 (19944)0 3 Operator expansion method and nuclear decay Hjorth-Jensen, M., T. Engeland, A. Holt and E. Osnes, Perturbative many-body approaches to finite nuclei 242 (1994) 37 Hoch, T., D. Madland, P. Manakos, T. Mannel, B.A. Nikolaus and D. Strottman, 242 (19942)5 3 Relativistic interactions and realistic applications 247 (1994) 1 Hodgson, P.E. see R. Bonetti 245 (19941)1 1 Hoheisel, C., Transport properties of molecular liquids 242 (1994) 37 Holt, A. see M. Hjorth-Jensen 241 (1994) 65 Horvath, D. see M. Charlton 241 (1994) 65 Hughes, R.J. see M. Charlton Author index / Physics Reports 250 (1995) 367-371 369 Iben Jr., I., Planetary nebulae and their central stars — origin and evolution 250 (1995) 1 Ichiyanagi, M., Variational principles of irreversible processes 243 (1994) 125 Jacquemain, D. see J. Als-Nielsen 246 (19942)5 1 Jaminon, M. see G. Ripka 242 (19943)5 5 242 (1994) 85 Jaqua, L.M. see B.R. Barrett 242 (19944)7 9 Jiang, M.F., Pion meson exchange contribution to K *—nucleus scattering 245 (19941)5 9 Kaganov, M.I. see Ya.M. Blanter 246 (19943)1 5 Kaiser, N. see V. Bernard 244 (19942)8 7 Kaloyerou, P.N., The causal interpretation of the electromagnetic field 249 (19942)1 9 Kampf, A.P., Magnetic correlations in high temperature superconductivity Khodel, V.A., V.R. Shaginyan and V.V. Khodel, New approach in the microscopic Fermi systems theory 249 (1994) 1 Khodel, V.V. see V.A. Khodel 249 (1994) 1 Kingsep, A.S. see A.V. Gordeev 243 (19942)1 5 Kjaer, K. see J. Als-Nielsen 246 (19942)5 1 Klapdor-Kleingrothaus, H.V. see M. Hirsch 242 (19944)0 3 Ko, C.M., Rho meson spectral function in dense matter 242 (19944)5 3 Koning, A.J. see R. Bonetti 247 (1994) 1 Krasil’nikov, V.V. see A.I. Akhiezer 245 (1994) 1 Kremerman, V.A. see A.V. Fedorov 248 (19943)6 9 242 (19941)8 1 Kumagai, H. see K. Suzuki Kumar, A. see T. Narayanan 249 (19941)3 5 Kunihiro, T. see T. Hatsuda 247 (19942)2 1 Kuo, T.K., Neutrino oscillations in matter 242 (19943)6 3 242 (19941)6 5 Kuo, T.T.S. see I. Bombaci Kuz’min, V.L., V.P. Romanov and L.A. Zubkov, Propagation and scattering of light in fluctuating media 248 (1994) 71 246 (19942)5 1 Lahav, M. see J. Als-Nielsen 250 (1995) 95 Lebedev, V.S. see I.L. Beigman 246 (19943)1 5 Lee, T.-S.H: see V. Bernard 242 (19943)7 1 Leinaas, J.M., Identical particles and fractional statistics 246 (19942)5 1 Leiserowitz, L. see J. Als-Nielsen 246 (19942)5 1 Leveiller, F. see J. Als-Nielsen Li, G.L., J.P. Shen, J.J. Yang and H.Q. Shen, Parton evolution model and its 242 (19945)0 5 explanation of the EMC effect and the nuclear Drell-Yan process 242 (1994) 5 Li, G.Q. see R. Machleidt 242 (19942)6 9 Lindgren, I., Relativistic many-body calculations on atomic systems 242 (19944)6 3 Liu, K.-F., Many body theory and lattice gauge theory 242 (19941)5 9 Lombardo, U. see M. Baldo 242 (19941)6 5 Lombardo, U. see I. Bombaci Machleidt, R. and G.Q. Li, Nucleon—nucleon potentials in comparison: Physics or 242 (1994) 5 polemics? 242 (19942)5 3 Madland, D. see T. Hoch 248 (1994) 1 Malvetti, M. and H. Pilkuhn, Equal-time relativistic two-body equations 242 (19942)5 3 Manakos, P. see T. Hoch 370 Author index / Physics Reports 250 (1995) 367-371 Mannel, T. see T. Hoch 242 (1994) 253 Mavromatis, H.A., Some interaction and inverse scattering research inspired by the 242 (1994) 71 Kuo-—Brown matrix elements 246 (19943)1 5 Meiner, U.-G. see V. Bernard 244 (19942)0 3 Metcalf, H. and P. van der Straten, Cooling and trapping of neutral atoms 243 (19941)8 3 Milstein, A.I. and M. Schumacher, Present status of Delbriick scattering 242 (19944)7 1 Mishra, V.K., The neutron matter in a nonlocal hadronic model 243 (1994) 1 Molitoris, J. see A. Bonasera 246 (19941)0 1 Miller-Nehler, U. and G. Soff, Electron excitations in superheavy quasimolecules 242 (1994) 93 Mither, H., Finite nuclei: Just a droplet of nuclear matter? Nakel, W., The elementary process of bremsstrahlung 243 (1994) 317 Narayanan, T. and A. Kumar, Reentrant phase transitions in multicomponent liquid 249 (19941)3 5 mixtures 245 (19942)5 9 Neubert, M., Heavy-quark symmetry 242 (19942)5 3 Nikolaus, B.A. see T. Hoch Okamoto, R. see K. Suzuki 242 (1994) 181 Ostgaard, E., Compact stars: Neutron stars or quark stars or hybrid stars? 242 (1994) 313 Osnes, E. see M. Hjorth-Jensen 242 (1994) 37 Pantis, G. and J.D. Vergados, Neutrinoless double-decay: A symbiosis of nuclear and particles physics 242 (1994) 285 Pantsulaya, A.V. see Ya.M. Blanter 245 (1994) 159 Pearce, B.C., J. Speth and A. Szczurek, Importance of the meson cloud to hadron structure 242 (1994) 193 Peletminskii, S.V. see A.I. Akhiezer 245 (1994) 1 Pilkuhn, H. see M. Malvetti 248 (1994) 1 Porrati, M. see A. Giveon 244 (1994) 77 Prakash, M., Rapid cooling of neutron stars 242 (1994) 297 Prakash, M. see P.J. Ellis 242 (1994) 379 244 (1994) 77 Rabinovici, E. see A. Giveon 241 (19942)9 1 Raimondi, R. see E. Arrigoni 242 (19943)5 5 Ripka, G. and M. Jaminon, Universal scaling laws and the QCD scale anomaly Riska, D.O., Renormalization of the nucleon currents in the nuclear medium and the nucleon—nucleon interaction 242 (19943)4 5 Romanov, V.P. see V.L. Kuz’min 248 (1994) 71 Ruban, A.V. see E. Bruno 249 (19943)5 3 Rudakov, L.I. see A.V. Gordeev 243 (19942)1 5 Rudaz, S. see P.J. Ellis 242 (19943)7 9 Ryskin, A.I. see A.V. Fedorov 248 (19943)6 9 250 (19953)2 9 Scalapino, D.J., The case for d,2_,2 pairing in the cuprate superconductors 242 (19941)5 9 Schuck, P. see M. Baldo 243 (19941)8 3 Schumacher, M. see A.I. Milstein 249 (1994) 1 Shaginyan, V.R. see V.A. Khodel 241 (19941)1 9 Shapiro, D.A. see S.A. Babin 242 (19945)0 5 Shen, H.Q. see G.L. Li Author index / Physics Reports 250 (1995) 367-371 371 Shen, J.P. see G.L. Li 242 (19945)0 5 Skobov, V.G. see A.S. Chernov 244 (1994) 1 Soff, G. see U. Miller-Nehler 246 (19941)0 1 Song, C.L. see H.F. Wu 242 (19944)9 5 Song, H.Q. see H.F. Wu 242 (19944)9 5 Speth, J. see B.C. Pearce 242 (19941)9 3 Strinati, G.C. see E. Arrigoni 241 (19942)9 1 Strottman, D. see T. Hoch 242 (19942)5 3 Suzuki, K., R. Okamoto and H. Kumagai, Unitary-model-operator approach to nuclear many-body theory 242 (1994) 181 Szczurek, A. see B.C. Pearce 242 (1994) 193 242 (19941)0 3 Towner, I.S. see E.K. Warburton 242 (19944)0 3 Tso-hsiu, H. see M. Hirsch 241 (1994) 1 Tsytovich, V.N. see S.V. Vladimirov 244 (19942)0 3 van der Straten, P. see H. Metcalf 245 (19941)5 9 Varlamov, A.A. see Ya.M. Blanter 242 (1994) 85 Vary, J.P. see B.R. Barrett Vary, J.P. and M.A. Hasan, Microscopic theory of thermodynamic properties of finite 242 (19941)3 9 nuclei Vatova, L.B. see F.G. Bass 241 (19942)1 9 Vekilov, Yu.K. see E. Bruno 249 (19943)5 3 Vergados, J.D. see G. Pantis 242 (19942)8 5 Vladimirov, S.V., M.Y. Yu and V.N. Tsytovich, Recent advances in the theory of nonlinear surface waves 241 (1994) 1 Wambach, J., Quasiparticle interaction in neutron matter for application in neutron 242 (19943)8 7 stars 242 (19943)3 3 Wang, R.-P. see D.H. Feng Warburton, E.K. and I.S. Towner, Nuclear medium effects in first forbidden beta 242 (19941)0 3 decay 246 (1994) 1 West, B.J. and W. Deering, Fractal physiology for physicists: Lévy statistics 242 (19944)8 9 Wong, C.-Y. and G. Gatoff, The transverse profile of a color flux tube 242 (19941)4 9 Wong, C.W., Effective nuclear forces in free space Wu, C.-L., H.-T. Chen and D.H. Feng, Optimum pairs: a novel way to portray collective motions within the shell model 242 (1994) 433 Wu, H.F., C.L. Song and H.Q. Song, Neutrinoless double beta decays and nuclear 242 (19944)9 5 matrix elements of ’°Ge and °*Se 242 (19944)0 3 Wu, X.R. see M. Hirsch 242 (19945)0 5 Yang, J.J. see G.L. Li 245 (1994) 1 Yatsenko, A.A. see A.I. Akhiezer 241 (1994) 1 Yu, M.Y. see S.V. Vladimirov 242 (19942)3 3 Zamick, L. and D.C. Zheng, Nuclear structure with Dirac phenomenology 242 (19942)3 3 Zheng, D.C. see L. Zamick 241 (1994) 65 Zimmermann, C. see M. Charlton 248 (1994) 71 Zubkov, L.A. see V.L. Kuz’min PHYSICS REPORTS ELSEVIER Physics Reports 250 (1995) 372—375 Subject index to volumes 241—250 General The Boltzmann equation at the borderline. A decade of Monte Carlo simulations of 243 (1994) 1 a quantum kinetic equation, A. Bonasera, F. Gulminelli and J. Molitoris 243 (19941)2 5 Variational principles of irreversible processes, M. Ichiyanagi 244 (19942)8 7 The causal interpretation of the electromagnetic field, P.N. Kaloyerou 245 (19941)1 1 Transport properties of molecular liquids, C. Hoheisel The physics of elementary particles and fields Functional-integral formulation of the slave-boson approach: Beyond the mean-field treatment with the correct continuum limit, E. Arrigoni, C. Castellani, M. Grilli, 241 (19942)9 1 R. Raimondi and G.C. Strinati 244 (1994) 77 Target space duality in string theory, A. Giveon, M. Porrati and E. Rabinovici 245 (19942)5 9 Heavy-quark symmetry, M. Neubert QCD phenomenology based on a chiral effective Lagrangian, T. Hatsuda and 247 (19942)2 1 T. Kunihiro Nuclear physics Nucleon—nucleon potentials in comparison: Physics or polemics? R. Machleidt and 242 (1994) 5 G.Q. Li Perturbative many-body approaches to finite nuclei, M. Hjorth-Jensen, T. Engeland, 242 (1994) 37 A. Holt and E. Osnes Some interaction and inverse scattering research inspired by the Kuo—Brown matrix 242 (1994) 71 elements, H.A. Mavromatis Effective interaction calculations: Where do we go from here? B.R. Barrett, P. Halse, L.M. Jaqua and J.P. Vary 242 (1994) 85 Finite nuclei: Just a droplet of nuclear matter? H. Mither 242 (1994) 93 Nuclear medium effects in first forbidden beta decay, E.K. Warburton and LS. 242 (19941)0 3 Towner 242 (19941)1 9 A nucleon in the nuclear medium: A tale of all energies, W.H. Dickhoff Microscopic theory of thermodynamic properties of finite nuclei, J.P. Vary and 242 (19941)3 9 M.A. Hasan 242 (19941)4 9 Effective nuclear forces in free space, C.W. Wong Elsevier Science B.V. Subject index / Physics Reports 250 (1995) 372-375 Pairing correlations in nuclear matter with realistic interactions, M. Baldo, U. Lom bardo, I. Bombaci and P. Schuck 242 (1994) 159 Temperature and asymmetry dependence of nuclear incompressibility and supernova explosions, I. Bombaci, T.T.S. Kuo and U. Lombardo 242 (1994) 165 Unitary-model-operator approach to nuclear many-body theory, K. Suzuki, R. Okamoto and H. Kumagai 242 (1994) 181 Importance of the meson cloud to hadron structure, B.C. Pearce, J. Speth and A. Szczurek 242 (1994) 193 Nuclear structure with Dirac phenomenology, L. Zamick and D.C. Zheng 242 (1994) 233 Relativistic interactions and realistic applications, T. Hoch, D. Madland, P. Manakos, T. Mannel, B.A. Nikolaus and D. Strottman 242 (1994) 253 The hadron to quarkgluon transition, G.E. Brown 242 (1994) 261 Relativistic many-body calculations on atomic systems, I. Lindgren 242 (1994) 269 Neutrinoless double-decay: A symbiosis of nuclear and particles physics, G. Pantis and J.D. Vergados 242 (19942)8 5 Rapid cooling of neutron stars, M. Prakash 242 (19942)9 7 Compact stars: Neutron stars or quark stars or hybrid stars? E. stgaard 242 (19943)1 3 Nuclear structure from the FDSM and its astrophysical implications, D.H. Feng and 242 (19943)3 3 R.-P. Wang Renormalization of the nucleon currents in the nuclear medium and the nucleon— nucleon interaction, D.O. Riska 242 (19943)4 5 242 (19943)5 5 Universal scaling laws and the QCD scale anomaly, G. Ripka and M. Jaminon 242 (19943)6 3 Neutrino oscillations in matter, T.K. Kuo 242 (19943)7 1 Identical particles and fractional statistics, J.M. Leinaas Anharmonicity of the nuclear matter ground state and the RHA, P-.J. Ellis, E.K. 242 (19943)7 9 Heide, S. Rudaz and M. Prakash Quasiparticle interaction in neutron matter for application in neutron stars, 242 (19943)8 7 J. Wambach Operator expansion method and nuclear decay, M. Hirsch, X.R. Wu, H.V. Klapdor- 242 (19944)0 3 Kleingrothaus, C. Cheng-rui and H. Tso-hsiu The poiential in nuclear matter from a realistic interaction, M. Baldo and LS. 242 (19944)2 3 Ferreira Optimum pairs: a novel way to portray collective motions within the shell model, 242 (19944)3 3 C.-L. Wu, H.-T. Chen and D.H. Feng 242 (19944)4 3 Phase transitions of finite Fermi systems and quantum chaos, W.D. Heiss 242 (19944)5 3 Rho meson spectral function in dense matter, C.-M. Ko 242 (19944)6 3 Many body theory and lattice gauge theory, K.-F. Liu 242 (19944)7 1 The neutron matter in a nonlocal hadronic model, V.K. Mishra 242 (19944)7 9 Pion meson exchange contribution to K *—nucleus scattering, M.F. Jiang 242 (19944)8 9 The transverse profile of a color flux tube, C.-Y. Wong and G. Gatoff Neutrinoless double beta decays and nuclear matrix elements of 7°Ge and °7Se, 242 (19944)9 5 H.F. Wu, C.L. Song and H.Q. Song Parton evolution model and its explanation of the EMC effect and the nuclear 242 (19945)0 5 Drell-Yan process, G.L. Li, J.P. Shen, J.J. Yang and H.Q. Shen The Boltzmann equation at the borderline. A decade of Monte Carlo simulations of a quantum kinetic equation, A. Bonasera, F. Gulminelli and J. Molitoris 243 (1994) 1 374 Subject index /P hysics Reports 250 (1995) 372-375 Threshold pion electroproduction in chiral perturbation theory, V. Bernard, N. Kaiser, T.-S.H. Lee and U.-G. Meiner 246 (1994) 315 The Feshbach-Kerman—Koonin multistep direct reaction theory, R. Bonetti, A.J. Koning, J.M. Akkermans and P.E. Hodgson 247 (1994) 1 New approach in the microscopic Fermi systems theory, V.A. Khodel, V.R. Shaginyan and V.V. Khodel 249 (1994) 1 Atomic and molecular physics Antihydrogen physics, M. Charlton, J. Eades, D. Horvath, R.J. Hughes and C. Zimmermann 241 (1994) 65 Present status of Delbriick scattering, A.I. Milstein and M. Schumacher 243 (19941)8 3 The elementary process of bremsstrahlung, W. Nakel 243 (19943)1 7 Cooling and trapping of neutral atoms, H. Metcalf and P. van der Straten 244 (19942)0 3 Electron excitations in superheavy quasimolecules, U. Miiller-Nehler and G. Soff 246 (19941)0 1 Charge exchange in energetic ion—atom collisions, D.P. Dewangan and J. Eichler 247 (1994) 59 Equal-time relativistic two-body equations, M. Malvetti and H. Pilkuhn 248 (1994) 1 Collision theory of Rydberg atoms with neutral and charged particles, I.L. Beigman and V.S. Lebedev 250 (1995) 95 Classical areas of phenomenology (including applications) Large-amplitude electromagnetic waves in conductors with a nonparabolic charge 241 (19942)1 9 carrier dispersion law, F.G. Bass and L.B. Vatova Fluids, plasmas and electric discharges Recent advances in the theory of nonlinear surface waves, S.V. Vladimirov, M.Y. Yu and V.N. Tsytovich 241 (1994) 1 Spectral line broadening due to the Coulomb interaction in plasma, S.A. Babin and D.A. Shapiro 241 (1994) 119 Electron magnetohydrodynamics, A.V. Gordeev, A.S. Kingsep and L.I. Rudakov 243 (1994) 215 Condensed matter: structure, thermal and mechanical properties Research on superfluidity and superconductivity on the basis of the Fermi liquid 245 (1994) 1 concept, A.I. Akhiezer, V.V. Krasil’nikov, S.V. Peletminskii and A.A. Yatsenko 245 (19941)1 1 Transport properties of molecular liquids, C. Hoheisel Principles and applications of grazing incidence X-ray and neutron scattering from ordered molecular monolayers at the air-water interface, J. Als-Nielsen, D. Jacque- main, K. Kjaer, F. Leveiller, M. Lahav and L. Leiserowitz 246 (1994) 251 Reentrant phase transitions in multicomponent liquid mixtures, T. Narayanan and A. Kumar 249 (1994) 135 Condensed matter: electronic structure, electrical, magnetic and optical properties Doppler-shifted cyclotron resonance in metals, A.S. Chernov and V.G. Skobov 244 (1994) 1 Subject index / Physics Reports 250 (1995) 372-375 The theory of electronic topological transitions, Ya.M. Blanter, M.I. Kaganov, A.V. Pantsulaya and A.A. Varlamov 245 (1994) 159 Propagation and scattering of light in fluctuating media, V.L. Kuzmin, V.P. Romanov and L.A. Zubkov 248 (1994) 71 Multi-mode aspects of vibronic interaction in optical spectra of impurity crystals, 248 (19943)6 9 A.V. Fedorov, V.A. Kremerman and A.I. Ryskin Magnetic correlations in high temperature superconductivity, A.P. Kampf 249 (19942)1 9 Fermi surfaces and electronic topological transitions in metallic solid solutions, E. Bruno, B. Ginatempo, E.S. Giuliano, A.V. Ruban and Yu.K. Vekilov 249 (1994) 353 The case for d,2_,2 pairing in the cuprate superconductors, D.J. Scalapino 250 (1995) 329 Cross-disciplinary physics and related areas of science and technology Fractal physiology for physicists: Lévy statistics, B.J. West and W. Deering 246 (1994) 1 Principles and applications of grazing incidence X-ray and neutron scattering from ordered molecular monolayers at the air-water interface, J. Als-Nielsen, D. Jacquemain, K. Kjaer, F. Leveiller, M. Lahav and L. Leiserowitz 246 (1994) 251 Geophysics, astronomy and astrophysics 250 (1995) 1 Planetary nebulae and their central stars — origin and evolution, I. Iben Jr.

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