Physics of Ultrasound Ultrasound Imaging and Artifacts รศ.นพ.เดโช จกั ราพานิชกุล สาขาหทยั วทิ ยา, ภาควชิ าอายรุ ศาสตร์ คณะแพทยศาสตรศ์ ริ ริ าชพยาบาล Diagnosis ‐TTE ‐ TEE ‐ ICE ‐3D ‐ 4D Evaluation of Hemodynamic Cardiac Anatomy Assessment Multidimensional Echocardiography Ultrasound Physics Wave Motion VS Circular Motion Ultrasound Waves • Diagnostic medical ultrasound typically uses transducers with a frequency between 1-20 MHz • Humans can hear sound waves with frequencies between 20 Hz and 20 KHz • Adult echocardiogram: 2-4 MHz • Pediatric echocardiogram: 4-8 MHz Frequency One hertz (Hz) = One cycle per second Frequency (f)time = number of cycles Frequency (f) 1 period = 1 cycle 1 cycle Period () Time 1 = Frequency (f) period Wavelength Wavelength (λ) times frequency (f) equals the propagation velocity (c): c f Propagation velocity in the heart is 1540 m/s, the wavelength for any transducer frequency can be calculated as 1.54 (mm) f (MHz) Interaction with Tissue: Speed of Sound Compressed Compressed Expanded Expanded (high pressure) (high pressure) Distance • As sound travels through tissue it compresses and expands the tissue. • Where the tissue is compressed, the speed of sound is higher. Nonlinear Propagation Compressed Compressed Expanded Expanded (high pressure) (hightpressure) Higher‐pressure portions of the wave travel faster Distance • As the wave passes through tissue, the top of the waveform gets pulled forward to be non‐sinusoidal shape. • Propagation in which speed depends on pressure and the wave shape changes is called “nonlinear propagation”. • Harmonic frequency is generated from this nonlinear propagation.