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Preview Physics Letters. (Part B) 1998: Vol 441 Table of Contents

PHYSICS LETTERS B Abstracted/Indexed in: Current Contents: Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences/INSPEC Volume 441, numbers 1,2,3,4 26 November 1998 Contents Instructions to authors Comments on the non-commutative descrip- tion of classical gravity G. Bimonte, R. Musto, A. Stern and Nuclei P. Vitale Gravitating dyons and dyonic black holes Y. Brihaye, B. Hartmann and J. Kunz Polarization observables in electronuclear Probing the BTZ black hole with test fields two-nucleon knockout H.W. Lee, N.J. Kim and Y.S. Myung J. Ryckebusch, W. Van Nespen and Entropy of extremal black holes in asymp- D. Debruyne totically anti-de Sitter spacetime Kaon condensation at finite temperature P. Mitra lr. Tatsumi and M. Yasuhira Black holes and sub-millimeter dimensions Production of e* e~ pairs in proton- P.C. Argyres, S. Dimopoulos and deuteron capture to *He J. March-Russell A.Yu. Korchin, D. Van Neck, The spacetime superalgebras in a massive M. Waroquier, O. Scholten and IIA background via brane probes A.E.L. Dieperink T. Sato The neutron charge form factor in helium-3 The background geometry of DLCQ super- D.H. Lu, K. Tsushima, A.W. Thomas, gravity A.G. Williams and K. Saito S. Hyun More on the similarity between D = 5 sim- ple supergravity and M theory Particles and fields S. Mizoguchi and N. Ohta Stable non-BPS D-particles Quantum collapse and the birth of a new O. Bergman and M.R. Gaberdiel universe Completeness of boundary conditions for the M.L. Fil’chenkov critical three-state Potts model Can the type-IIB axion prevent Pre-Big Bang J. Fuchs and C. Schweigert inflation? T-duality in lattice regularized o-models A. Feinstein and M.A. Vazquez-Mozo S. Jaimungal Atmospheric neutrino anomaly and super- Seiberg-Witten theory as d < 1 topological symmetric inflation strings G. Lazarides and N.D. Vlachos K. Ito, C.-S. Xiong and S.-K. Yang Global versus local cosmic strings from Pseudo-anomalous U(1) symmetry in the pseudo-anomalous U(1) strong coupling limit of the heterotic string P. Binétruy, C. Deffayet and P. Peter P. Binétruy, C. Deffayet, E. Dudas and Classical Teichmiller theory and (2 + 1) P. Ramond gravity Antisymmetric tensor field on AdS,; R. Benedetti and E. Guadagnini G.E. Arutyunov and S.A. Frolov (Continued inside) UT 370-2693 (19981126) 441:1-4;1-J PHYSICS LETTERS B Abstracted/Indexed in: Current Contents: Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences/INSPEC Volume 441, numbers 1,2,3,4 26 November 1998 Contents Instructions to authors Comments on the non-commutative descrip- tion of classical gravity G. Bimonte, R. Musto, A. Stern and Nuclei P. Vitale Gravitating dyons and dyonic black holes Y. Brihaye, B. Hartmann and J. Kunz Polarization observables in electronuclear Probing the BTZ black hole with test fields two-nucleon knockout H.W. Lee, N.J. Kim and Y.S. Myung J. Ryckebusch, W. Van Nespen and Entropy of extremal black holes in asymp- D. Debruyne totically anti-de Sitter spacetime Kaon condensation at finite temperature P. Mitra lr. Tatsumi and M. Yasuhira Black holes and sub-millimeter dimensions Production of e* e~ pairs in proton- P.C. Argyres, S. Dimopoulos and deuteron capture to *He J. March-Russell A.Yu. Korchin, D. Van Neck, The spacetime superalgebras in a massive M. Waroquier, O. Scholten and IIA background via brane probes A.E.L. Dieperink T. Sato The neutron charge form factor in helium-3 The background geometry of DLCQ super- D.H. Lu, K. Tsushima, A.W. Thomas, gravity A.G. Williams and K. Saito S. Hyun More on the similarity between D = 5 sim- ple supergravity and M theory Particles and fields S. Mizoguchi and N. Ohta Stable non-BPS D-particles Quantum collapse and the birth of a new O. Bergman and M.R. Gaberdiel universe Completeness of boundary conditions for the M.L. Fil’chenkov critical three-state Potts model Can the type-IIB axion prevent Pre-Big Bang J. Fuchs and C. Schweigert inflation? T-duality in lattice regularized o-models A. Feinstein and M.A. Vazquez-Mozo S. Jaimungal Atmospheric neutrino anomaly and super- Seiberg-Witten theory as d < 1 topological symmetric inflation strings G. Lazarides and N.D. Vlachos K. Ito, C.-S. Xiong and S.-K. Yang Global versus local cosmic strings from Pseudo-anomalous U(1) symmetry in the pseudo-anomalous U(1) strong coupling limit of the heterotic string P. Binétruy, C. Deffayet and P. Peter P. Binétruy, C. Deffayet, E. Dudas and Classical Teichmiller theory and (2 + 1) P. Ramond gravity Antisymmetric tensor field on AdS,; R. Benedetti and E. Guadagnini G.E. Arutyunov and S.A. Frolov (Continued inside) UT 370-2693 (19981126) 441:1-4;1-J PHYSICS LETTERS B Volume 441, numbers 1,2,3,4 26 November 1998 Contents (Continued from page 4 of cover) a, and gauge coupling unification in flipped Non-trivial behaviour of the scattering am- SU(5) models with gauge-mediated super- plitude of contact-interacting anyons symmetry breaking P. Giacconi, F. Maltoni and R. Soldati K.T. Mahanthappa and S. Oh Energy of the vacuum with a perfectly con- Uniqueness of Bogomol’nyi equations and ducting and infinite cylindrical surface Born-Infeld like supersymmetric theories P. Gosdzinsky and A. Romeo H.R. Christiansen, C. Naez and Magnetic monopole solutions with a massive F.A. Schaposnik dilaton Models of supersymmetric U(2) x U(1) fla- P. Forgacs and J. Gyiiriisi vor symmetry Boson-boson stars and their gravitational G. Eyal redshifts Couplings between generalized gauge fields C. Deng and C.-G. Huang J.A. Garcia and B. Knaepen Helioseismology can test the Maxwell-Boltz- The Higgs boson mass as a probe of the mann distribution minimal supersymmetric standard model S. Degl’Innocenti, G. Fiorentini, M. Lissia, M. Carena, P.H. Chankowski, S. Pokorski P. Quarati and B. Ricci and C.E.M. Wagner Gauge model for maximal neutrino mixing Higgs particle production at e *e -colliders R.N. Mohapatra and S. Nussinov and the RG-improved nonlinear supersym- Solar antineutrinos from fluctuating mag- metric standard model netic fields at Kamiokande S.W. Ham, B.R. Kim, G. Kreyerhoff and E. Torrente-Lujan S.K. Oh One-loop finite temperature effective poten- Tau lepton mixing with charginos and its tial in QED in the worldline approach effects on chargino searches at e*e~ collid- L.A. Shovkovy ers Ehrenfest theorems and charge antiscreen- A.G. Akeroyd, M.A. Diaz and J.W.F. Valle ing in Abelian projected gauge theories Infrared behaviour of softly broken SQCD G. Di Cecio, A. Hart and R.W. Haymaker and its dual Finite Size Scaling and ‘‘perfect’’ actions: A. Karch, T. Kobayashi, J. Kubo and the three dimensional Ising model G. Zoupanos H.G. Ballesteros, L.A. Fernandez, Open groups of constraints. Integrating ar- V. Martin-Mayor and A. Mufioz Sudupe bitrary involutions Non-trivial critical exponents for finite tem- I. Batalin and R. Marnelius perature chiral transitions at fixed total On forms with non-Abelian charges and fermion number their dualities F.S. Nogueira, M.B. Silva Neto and L. Baulieu N.F. Svaiter (Continued on preceding page) PHYSICS LETTERS B Volume 441, numbers 1,2,3,4 26 November 1998 Contents (Continued from following page) Compact analytical form for non-zeta terms On the invisible decays of the T and J / W in critical exponents at order 1 / N° resonances D.J. Broadhurst and A.V. Kotikov L.N. Chang, O. Lebedev and J.N. Ng The strength of the electroweak phase tran- J /W suppression and the quark-gluon sition at m, ~ 80 GeV plasma F, Csikor, Z. Fodor and J. Heitger S. Frankel and W. Frati Decays of “= 1 baryons to Ay A model of interacting partons for hadronic C.E. Carlson and C.D. Carone structure functions Model independent determination of the G.S. Krishnaswami and S.G. Rajeev light-cone wave functions for exclusive pro- Double chiral logs cesses J. Bijnens, G. Colangelo and G. Ecker U. Aglietti, M. Ciuchini, G. Corbd, Resonant states in °P channels of Charmo- E. Franco, G. Martinelli and L. Silvestrini nium A light leptophobic Z’ in polarized hadronic E. Di Salvo, M. Pallavicini and E. Robutti collisions Hard z° and y production in S + Au nu- P. Taxil and J.-M. Virey clear collisions at SPS energies and possible Higgs radiation off top quarks in e*e~ signature of quark-gluon plasma collisions Yu.A. Tarasov S. Dittmaier, M. Kramer, Y. Liao, M. Spira The quark spin distributions of the nucleon and P.M. Zerwas B.-Q. Ma, I. Schmidt and J. Soffer The Higgs boson mass and Ward-Takahashi Resonant bound state production at ee ~ identity in gauged Nambu-Jona-Lasinio colliders model D. Bowser-Chao, T.D. Imbo, B.A. King and M. Hashimoto E.C. Martell Heavy quark distribution function in QCD Bunching parameters and correlators in 400 and nonperturbative parameters in heavy GeV /c pp collisions quark expansion S. Wang, R. Liu and Z. Wang H.-W. Huang A search for 4) production in photon—pho- New bound on y from B*— 7K decays ton fusion at LEP M. Neubert and J.L. Rosner DELPHI Collaboration Exclusive B > M/ */ “(M=7,K, p, K*) decays and determinations of |V,,| (and Author index to volume 441 \Via/ Vis) T.M. Aliev, C.S. Kim and M. Saveci

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