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PHYSICS LETTERS B Abstracted/Indexed in: Current Contents: Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences/INSPEC Volume 455, numbers 1,2,3,4 27 May 1999 Contents Instructions to authors Vv Observation of large change of "Be decay rate in Au and AI,QO, and its implications ; A. Ray, P. Das, S.K. Saha, S.K. Das, Nuclei B. Sethi, A. Mookerjee, C.B. Chaudhuri and G. Pari 69 Supersymmetry in a three-body model of : Three-pion correlations in sulphur-lead col- halo nuclei . lisions at the CERN SPS M. Hesse, D. Baye and J.-M. Sparenberg l rrr 7 Numbers of coupled nucleon pairs and the competition between J = 0 and T = 0 pairs in odd—odd nuclei N. Zeldes 7 Particles and fields Neutron rich nuclei in density dependent relativistic Hartree-Fock theory with isovec- tor mesons General relativistic effects in preheating B.Q. Chen, Z.Y. Ma, F. Grummer and B.A. Bassett, D.I. Kaiser and R. Maartens 84 S. Krewald 13 Minimal conditions for the creation of a Light front theory of nuclear matter Friedman—RobertsWaolnke—r universe G.A. Miller and R. Machleidt 19 from a ‘‘bounce”’ The Landau-Migdal parameters, g,, and C. Molina-Paris and M. Visser 90 Bna Primordial magnetic fields via spontaneous T. Suzuki and H. Sakai 25 breaking of Lorentz invariance Bethe-Salpeter approach for meson-meson QO. Bertolami and D.F. Mota 96 scattering in chiral perturbation theory Quantum cosmology from ./ = 4 super J. Nieves and E. Ruiz Arriola 30 Yang-Mills theory Pion number and correlator mixing I. Brevik and S.D. Odintsov 104 G. Chanfray, J. Delorme, M. Ericson and Black hole mass spectrum vs spectrum of M. Rosa-Clot 39 Hawking radiation Elliptic flow from a parton cascade V.A. Berezin, A.M. Boyarsky and B. Zhang, M. Gyulassy and C.M. Ko 45 A.Yu. Neronov 109 Fuzzy bag models Large extra dimensions and deep-inelastic H. Forkel 49 scattering at HERA Photoproduction of the A(1405) on the pro- P. Mathews, S. Raychaudhuri and ton and nuclei K. Sridhar 115 J.C. Nacher, E. Oset, H. Tokiand A. Ramos 55 Non-perturbative orientifolds High-precision neutron polarization analysis Z. Kakushadze 120 using Opaque spin filters Open strings in a B-field background as O. Zimmer, T.M. Miller, P. Hautle, electric dipoles W. Heil and H. Humblot 62 M.M. Sheikh-Jabbari 129 (Continued inside) LL LT 370-2693 (19990527) 455:1-4;1-9 PHYSICS LETTERS B Volume 455, numbers 1,2,3,4 27 May 1999 Contents (Continued from page 4 of cover) String derived MSSM and M-theory unifi- A study of the charged scalar in the Zee cation model G.B. Cleaver, A.E. Faraggi and G.C. McLaughlin and J.N. Ng D.V. Nanopoulos Hermitian analyticity versus Real analytic- Chern-Simons theories in the AdS /C FT ity in two-dimensional factorised S-matrix correspondence theories P. Minces and V.O. Rivelles J.L. Miramontes Subleading corrections and central charges Monopole loop distribution and confinement in the AdS / CFT correspondence in SU(2) lattice gauge theory D. Anselmi and A. Kehagias M. Grady Non-renormalization of two and three point The axial anomaly in lattice QED. A univer- correlators of .“=4 SYM in ./ = I super- sal point of view space T. Reisz and H.J. Rothe F. Gonzalez-Rey, B. Kulik and IY. Park Quark confinement and deconfinement in On the beta function in supersymmetric QCD from the viewpoint of Abelian-pro- gauge theories jected effective gauge theory G. Carlino, K. Konishi, N. Maggiore and K.-I. Kondo N. Magnoli On a deviation of the precise three flavor The mass of the lightest MSSM Higgs bo- symmetry of hadrons from SU(3),. son: A compact analytical expression at the M. Kirchbach two-loop level Calculability of quark mixing parameters S. Heinemeyer, W. Hollik and G. Weiglein from general nearest neighbor interaction A possible origin of gamma ray bursts and texture quark mass matrices axionic boson stars D. Dooling and K. Kang A. Iwazaki Rapidity veto effects in the NLO BFKL Covariant Stora—Zumino chain terms equation C. Adam J.R. Forshaw, D.A. Ross and A. Sabio Vera Bose condensation at high temperatures Semileptonic and rare B meson decays into H. Sonoda a light pseudoscalar meson A new approach for the vertical part of the M. Ladisa, G. Nardulli and P. Santorelli contour in thermal field theories Off-mass-shell Sudakov-like suppression F. Gelis factor for the fermionic four-point function Pauli’s term and fractional spin in QCD F.A.S. Nobre and C.A.S. Almeida A.I. Karanikas, C.N. Ktorides, Boundary effects in the magnetic catalysis of N.G. Stefanis and S.M.H. Wong chiral symmetry breaking E.J. Ferrer, V.P. Gusynin and V. de la Incera (Continued on preceding page) PHYSICS LETTERS B Volume 455, numbers 1,2,3,4 27 May 1999 Contents (Continued from following page) Composite photon and W *,Z° vector bosons The ingredients of cold antihydrogen: Si- from a top-condensation model at fixed v = multaneous confinement of antiprotons and 247 GeV positrons at 4 K V. DmitraSinovié 300 G. Gabrielse, D.S. Hall, T. Roach, P. Yesley, X, production in polarized pp collisions at A. Khabbaz, J. Estrada, C. Heimann and RHIC: measuring AG and testing the color H. Kalinowsky 311 octet model R.L. Jaffe and D. Kharzeev 306 Cumulative author index to volumes 451-455 CO NTE NTS This journal is part of ContentsDirect, the free alerting service which sends tables of contents by e-mail for Elsevier Science books and journals. You can register for ContentsDirect online € at: www.els/elocvatei /ecornte.ntsndilrec t

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