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PHYSICS LETTERS B Abstracted/Indexed in: Current Contents: Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences/INSPEC Volume 408, numbers 1,2,3,4 11 September 1997 Contents Instructions to authors Ruling out a critical density baryonic uni- verse M. Birkel and S. Sarkar Nuclei Has cosmological dark matter been ob- Photodisintegration of the three-nucleon served? systems and their polarizabilities M. Salgado, D. Sudarsky and H. Quevedo V.D. Efros, W. Leidemann and Gravitational phase transition of fermionic G. Orlandini matter A deep optical potential and gross resonant N. Bilié and R.D. Viollier structures in low energy Oo +"C scatter- Cosmic string zero modes and multiple phase ing transitions C. Gao and Y. Kondo S.C. Davis, A.-C. Davis and W.B. Perkins Virtual pion scattering Can string theory avoid cosmological singu- M.A. Kagarlis and V.F. Dmitriev larities? Exchange currents in photoproduction of S. Kalyana Rama baryon resonances New theories in six dimensions and matrix description of M-theory on T° and T* /Z, U. Meyer, A.J. Buchmann and A. Faessler Narrow 7 NN resonance N. Seiberg A. Matsuyama Matrix description of M-theory on 7* and T> Charge distributions in multifragmentation indicating the nuclear liquid-gas phase- M. Berkooz, M. Rozali and N. Seiberg transition? Instantons, scale invariance and Lorentz in- A.S. Botvina and D.H.E. Gross variance in matrix theory Self-consistent description of the excited su- T. Banks, W. Fischler, N. Seiberg and perdeformed bands in He L. Susskind A. Villafranca and J.L. Egido Multidimensional Calogero systems from K-forbidden transitions from multi-quasi- matrix models particle states A.P. Polychronakos P.M. Walker et al. D-instantons, strings and M-theory M.B. Green and P. Vanhove On the equivalence of different formulations Particles and fields of the M theory five-brane Anisotropy of the cosmic background radia- I. Bandos, K. Lechner, A. Nurmagambetov, tion implies the violation of the strong en- P. Pasti, D. Sorokin and M. Tonin ergy condition in Bianchi type I universe Open supermembranes in eleven dimensions T. Chiba, S. Mukohyama and T. Nakamura Ph. Brax and J. Mourad An alternative approach to quantized fields Opening of branes in Rindler space R. Argurio, F. Englert, L. Houart and R.D. Daniels P. Windey | 151 (Continued inside) MT 0370-2693(19970911)408:1-4;1-S PHYSICS LETTERS B Volume 408, numbers 1,2,3,4 11 September 1997 Contents (Continued from page 4 of cover) Point-like structure in strings and non- Fermionic sign cancellations in the continu- commutative geometry ous renormalization group equation F. Ardalan and A.H. Fatollahi M. Salmhofer On the compactification of type IIA string Pursuing the strange stop interpretation of theory the HERA large-Q? data J. Maharana and H. Singh J. Ellis, S. Lola and K. Sridhar Phenomenology of 3-family grand unified Implications of a charged-current anomaly string models at HERA Z. Kakushadze, G. Shiu, S.-H.H. Tye and K.S. Babu, C. Kolda and J. March-Russell Y. Vtorov-Karevsky Modified parton distributions and the HERA Counting closed string states in a box high-Q? anomaly M. Laucelli Meana, M.A.R. Osorio and K.S. Babu, C. Kolda and J. March-Russell J. Puente Pefialba Enhanced production of events at large x and Q? at HERA and the meson cloud in Form-factors of exponential fields in the affine A‘)_, Toda model the nucleon S. Lukyanov A. Szczurek and A. Budzanowski e*e~ annihilation into hadrons at LEP2 in Potentials and T-duality S.F. Hewson and N.D. Lambert the presence of the anomalous DESY positron-jet event phenomenon Mass hierarchy from compositeness hierar- S. Jadach, B.F.L. Ward and Z. Was chy in supersymmetric gauge theory M. Hayakawa Contact interaction explanation of HERA events and SU(3),. x SU(2), U(), invari- Instantons, higher-derivative terms, and ance nonrenormalization theorems in supersym- N.G. Deshpande, B. Dutta and X.-G. He metric gauge theories N. Dorey, V.V. Khoze, M.P. Mattis, Coupled critical models: application to M.J. Slater and W.A. Weir Ising-Potts models P. Simon Recognizing superpartners at LEP G.L. Kane and G. Mahlon Further discussions on a possible lattice chi- ral gauge theory Chargino production at ane~e~™ collider J. Gluza and T. W6hrmann S.-S. Xue I’ spectrum from NRQCD with improved Second class constraints in a higher-order action Lagrangian formalism UKQCD Collaboration I.A. Batalin, K. Bering and P.H. Damgaard Generalized stochastic gauge fixing H. Hiiffel and G. Kelnhofer (Continued on preceding page) PHYSICS LETTERS B Volume 408, numbers 1,2,3,4 11 September 1997 Contents (Continued from following page) Field strength correlators in full QCD Strange magnetic moment and isospin sym- M. D’Elia, A. Di Giacomo and metry breaking E. Meggiolaro B.-Q. Ma Complete QCD corrections of order O(a?) Q?-evolution of g, for nucleon in the reso- to the hadronic Higgs decay nance region K.G. Chetyrkin and M. Steinhauser Y.-b. Dong Higgs boson search at photon collider for Is there anomalous J /w suppression in M,, = 140-190 GeV present-day heavy-ion collisions? R.V. Gavai and S. Gupta I.F. Ginzburg and I.P. Ivanov Renormalons in the effective potential of the Estimating the effects of Bose-Einstein cor- vectorial (7)? model relations on the W mass measurement at L. Galli and I. Scimemi LEP2 V. Kartvelishvili, R. Kvatadze and R. Moller Production associated to rare events in high energy hadron—hadron collisions On the QCD sum rule determination of the J. Dias de Deus, C. Pajares and strange quark mass C.A. Salgado P. Colangelo, F. De Fazio, G. Nardulli and N. Paver Forward—backward multiplicity correlation in e*e~ collisions at 91 GeV and 133 GeV Examination of Wandzura- Wilczek relation for g,(x,Q7) in pQCD L.K. Chen, D. Kiang and C.K. Chew Diffraction in deep inelastic scattering: the A. Harindranath and W.-M. Zhang Slope of the Isgur-Wise function in the heavy hadronic nature of quarks mass limit of quark models 4 la Bakamjian- L. Dick, V. Karapetian, R. Barni and G. Preparata Thomas V. Morénas, A. Le Yaouanc, L. Oliver, The y ‘7° y form factor O. Péne and J.-C. Raynal M.A. Ivanov and V.E. Lyubovitskij R-parity violation and semileptonic decays Search for non-paulian transitions in ~ Na and !2’] of B-meson J.-H. Jang, Y.G. Kim and J.S. Lee R. Bernabei et al. Kinematic enhancement of non-perturbative Experimental search for the decay mode corrections to quarkonium production K, > aw*am-e*e™ M. Beneke, I.Z. Rothstein and M.B. Wise T. Nomura et al. Strange vector currents and the OZ]I-rule Cross section of hadron production in yy U.-G. MeiBner, V. Mull, J. Speth and collisions at LEP J.W. Van Orden L3 Collaboration (Continued on preceding page) PHYSICS LETTERS B Volume 408, numbers 1,2,3,4 11 September 1997 Contents (Continued from following page) The thermal detection efficiency for recoils Confirmation of a soft photon signal in ex- induced by low energy nuclear reactions, cess of Q.E.D. expectations in 7 ~ p interac- neutrinos or weakly interacting massive tions at 280 GeV /c particles A. Belogianni et al. A. Alessandrello et al. Search for the flavour-changing neutral- Cumulative author index to volumes 401-— current decay D® > pt p~ 408 BEATRICE Collaboration Spin-parity analysis of the final state a *ar~a° from pp annihilation at rest in hydrogen targets at three densities OBELIX Collaboration

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