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Physico-Chemical Behaviour of Atmospheric Pollutants: Proceedings of the Third European Symposium held in Varese, Italy, 10–12 April 1984 PDF

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Preview Physico-Chemical Behaviour of Atmospheric Pollutants: Proceedings of the Third European Symposium held in Varese, Italy, 10–12 April 1984

PHYSICO'(:HEMICAL BEHAVIOUR OF ATMOSPHERIC POLLUTANTS Commission of the European Communities PHYSICO-CHEMICAL BEHAVIOUR OF ATMOSPHERIC POLLUTANTS Proceedings of the Third European Symposium held in Varese, Italy, 10-12 April 1984 Organized within the framework of the Concerted Action COST 61 A bis Edited by B. VERSINO and G. ANGELETTI Commission of the European Communities Directorate·General Science, Research and Development D. REIDEL PUBLISHING COMPANY A MEMBER OF THE KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS GROUP DORDRECHT/BOSTON/LANCASTER Ubrary of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Main entry under title: Physico-chemical behaviour of atmospheric pollutants. Organized by the Commission of the European Communities, Joint Research Centre Ispra, Directorate-General, Science, Research and Develop ment, Brussels. Includes index. 1. Air-Pollution-Congresses. 2. Atmospheric chemistry-Congresses. 3. Pollutants-Congresses. 4. Aerosols-Environmental aspects-Congresses. 5. Acid deposition-Environmental aspects-Congresses. I. Versino, B., 1935- II. Angeletti, G., 1943- III. Commission of the European Communities. Joint Research Centre. IV. Commission of the European Communities. Directorate-General for Science, Research and Development. TD881.P484 1984 628.5'3 84-18192 ISBN-13: 978-94-009-6507 -2 e-ISBN -13: 978-94-009-6505-8 001: 10.1007/978-94-009-6505-8 The symposium was organized by the Commission of the European Communities Joint Research Centre Ispra Directorate-General Science, Research and Development, Brussels Publication arrangements by Commission of the European Communities Directorate-General Information Market and Innovation, Luxembourg EUR 9436 © 1984, ECSE, EEC, EAEC, Brussels and Luxembourg Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 1984 LEGAL NOTICE Neither the Commission of the European Communities nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission is responsible for the use which might be made of the following information. Published by D. Reidel Publishing Company P.O. Box 17,3300 AA Dordrecht, Holland Sold and distributed in the U.S.A. and Canada by Kluwer Boston Inc., 190 Old Derby Street, Hingham, MA 02043, U.S.A. In all other countries, sold and distributed by Kluwer Academic Publishers Group, P.O. Box 322, 3300 AH Dordrecht, Holland All Rights Reserved No part of the material protected by this copyright notice may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any informational storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the copyright owner. PRE F ACE The Commission of the European Communities presents in this book the proceedings of the third European Symposium on "Physico-ChemicaL Behaviour of Atmospheric PoLLutants", heLd in Varese (ItaLy) from 10 to 12 ApriL 1984.* The symposium was organized within the framework of the Concerted Action COST 61a bis**, which has the same name and is incLuded in the third R&D Programme on Environment of the Commission of the European Communities - Indirect and Concerted Actions - 1981 to 1985. The scope of the Concerted Action is to co-ordinate aLL research in the area executed in the participating countries and to coLLect and disseminate the resuLts. The aim of the symposium was to review the progress and resuLts achieved during the past two and a haLf years, since the second symposium heLd in Varese in October 1981. The programme of the symposium consisted of papers and posters covering different areas reLated to the physico-chemistry of air poLLutants, incLuding identification and anaLysis of poLLutants, chemicaL and photochemicaL reactions, aerosoLs characterisation, poLLutant cycLes, transport and modeLLing. ParticuLar emphasis was put on the physico chemicaL aspects of acid deposition. We think the book contributes substantiaLLy to a better understanding of some of the causes which affect our ecosystems today and demonstrates the opportunity for a foLlow-up programme in this field. BrusseLs/Ispra, May 1984 B. VERSINO G. ANGELETTI *The proceedings of the first European Symposium on physico-chemical behaviour of atmospheric polLutants have been published by the Commission of the European Communities in 1980 as report EUR 6621 and may be obtained on request from the Commission of the European Communities, Directorate General for Science, Research and Development, 200, rue de la Loi, B-1049 Brussels. The proceedings of the second European Symposium held in Varese, Italy, September 29 - October 1, 1981, have been published by D. Reidel Publishing Company in 1982 as report EUR 7624. **COST 61a bis : Scientific and TechnicaL Cooperation among European Community Member Countries and Non-Member Countries (Austria, SwitzerLand, Sweden and YugosLavia)in the fieLd of "Physico-ChemicaL Behaviour of Atmospheric PoLlutants". -v- CONTENTS Preface v SESSION 1 - IDENI'IFICATION AND ANALYSIS OF POLllJI'ANl'S SUnmary by the Chainnan A. LIBERI'I 2 Field measurements of tropospheric OH by long-path W laser absorption J. WiGELE, R. PASCliKE and R. ZELlNER, Institut fUr Physika lische Chemie, Universitat GOttingen, Federal Republic of Gennany 5 Evaluation of atrrospheric acidity - Sampling and analytical techniques r. ALLEGRINI, F. DE SANI'IS, A. PEro, A. LIBERI'I and M. PalSANZINI, Istituto Inquinamento Atrrosferico del CNR, Area della Ricerca di Rara, funterotondo Staziore, Italy 12 Attempted measurement of gaseous H:i>2 in the arrbient atrrosphere H.M. TEN BRINK, Chemistry Department, Netherlands Energy Research Center &N, Petten, The Nether1ands~ T.J. KELLY, Y. N. LEE and S. E. SCHWARrZ, Envirorunenta1 Chemistry Div ision, Department of Energy and Environment, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Uptc:n, N.Y., USA 20 Properties, fornation and detection of peroxyacety1 nitrate U. SCHURATH, U. KOR'IMANN and S. GIAVAS, Institut fUr Physi kalische Chemie der UniversitM.t Bonn, Federal Republic of Gennany 27 Cryogenic sampling and analysis of peroxyacety1 nitrate in the atrrosphere H. MEYRAHN, J. HAHN, G. HELAS and P. WARNOCK, Max-P1ank Institut fUr Chemie (otto-Hahn-Institut), Mainz, Federal Republic of Gennany; S.A. PENKETI', J.ERE Har\o,ell, Environmen tal and Medical Sciences Divisicn, Oxfordshire, United Kingdon 38 Sanpling and analysis of acetaldehyde jn tropospheric air B. SCHUBERI', U. SCIf1IDl' and D.H. EHHALT, Institut fUr Cherie 3: AtrrosphM.rische Chemie der Kemforschungsan1age Jillich GTbH, Jillich, Federal Repub1 i.e of Gennany 44 ~tioo des methodes de prelevenent et d' analyse des hydrocarbures aranatiques polycycliques et de leurs derives azotes - net.enni.natioo de leur stabilite dans I' atnosphere M.A. BRESSCN, S. SEmE, P. MASCLEl' am G. KXJVIER, Univer site Paris VII, Laboratoire de Rlysico-Orimie Inst.rumentale, Paris, France 53 8arrpling, identificatioo am quantitative detennination of bio genic and anthropogenic hydrocarlxxls in forestal areas P. CICCIOLI, E. ~, M. POSSANZINI, A. BRAClIElTI and C. 01 PAID, Istituto Inquinamento Atnosferico del CNR, Area della Ricerca di Rana, M:>nterotoodo Staziooe, Italy 62 Detenninatioo of hydrogen peroxide in clood and rain water F.G. lQ!m, A.A. VELIl<AMP, P. VAN GMlN, Environmental Department, NV KI!MA, Arnhem, '!he Netherlands 74 Bestimnung von Schwefels8ure uOO SUlfaten in der lllft M• . Bu:K, I.andesanstalt fUr Imnissioosschutz, Essen, Federal Republic of Germany 83 Ia mesure en continu des sulfates par ~ie de flamne M. PAYRISSAT, B. NIOOLLIN and H. sr~, Cc:mnissioo of the European Cannunities, Joint Research Centre, Ispra Estab- lishment, Italy 90 Plants as Il1JOi.toring sanplers of airbome PAR E. BRO~IJ.JNDm' and L. sKXRBY, SWedish Environmental ResearCh Institute, Gl5teborg, SWeden 101 Preparation of diffusion denuder tubes for co11ectioo of am ncnia or acidic gases in air - Equipnent for coating and ex tractioo E.E. LI!WIN, K. FUGI:.SA&; and K.A. HANSEN, Natiooal Aqercy of Envircnnental Protectioo, Air Po11utioo Laboratory, Ros- kilde, Demark 111 '!he PIXE analytical technique and its application to environ mental prob18llS I.V. MITClfELL, Cc:mnissioo of the European Cannunities, Directorate-General Scienoe, Research and Develcpnent, Brussels, Belgiun 120 SUnmary by the Chairman R.A. a:>x 141 Kinetic study of reactioos of CB radicals with organic sulfur ~ J.L. JOURDlUN, H. ~ UDD, G. FaJLEl' and G. IE BRAS, Centre de Recherches sur 1a arimie de la carbustioo et des Hautes ~tures, CNRS, Orleans, France 143 -viii- Reactions of OH radicals with redoced sulfur carp:>unds under at.lrospheric conditions 1. BMNES, V. BASTIAN, K.H. BFXl<ER and E.H. FINK, Physikalische <llemie/FB 9, Bergische Universitlit-GH Wuppertal, Federal Republic of Gennany 149 LIF studies of formation and kinetics of primary radical produ::ts in CH-oxygenated hydrocarbon reactions K. IDRENZ, D. R!WlA and R. ZELlNER, Institut fUr Physikalische <llemie, Universit~t Gattingen, Federal Republic of Gennany 158 '!be tenqJerature dependence of the fOr\\erd-backward reactions of the addition of OH to benzene, aniline and nitrobenzene F. WI'I'l'E and e. ZETZSCH, Lehrstuhl fUr physikalische <llemie I, Ruhr-tJniversitlit Bochum, Federal Republic of Gennany 168 Absolute rate constant rreasurements of OH reactions under atmospheric conditions by laser photolysis/dye laser flwrescence V. SCEMIor, GUI-YUN ZHU, K.H. BEr:KER and E.H. FINK, Physikalische Chemie - FB 9, Bergische Universit~t - Gesamthochschule WUwertal, Federal Republic of Gennany 177 Photooxidation of acetaldehyde G.N. mGNALL and H.W. SIDEBOITCM, <llemistry Department, University College, IXlblin, Ireland 188 A Fl'IR spectroscopic stu:1y of the photooxidaticn of acetaldehyde in air G.K. MJOR'IDAT and R.D. ~QUIGG, Max-Planck-Institut fUr <llemie, Air Chemistry Divisicn, Mainz, Federal Republic of Gennany l~ Absorption spectrum and kinetics of the ID3 radical R.A. (l)X, R.A. BAR'KN, E. ~ and D.W. SIa::KER, EnYironmental and Medical Sciences Divisicn, AERE, Ha.n.lell, United Kingdan 205 Hydroxyl radical concentraticn in ambient air at a sernirural site estimated fran ella oxidaticn J. HJORl'H, G. arroBRINI, F. CAPPELIANI, G. RFSI'EILI and H. STAliGL, Carmissicn of the European Ccrnnunities, Joint Research Centre, Ispra Establishment, Italy; C. LOHSE, University of Odense, Chemistry Department, Denmark. 216 Ter!iJerature dependence of the reactions 00 + 03 (1) and 00 + 02 (2) U. SCHURA'IH and H.J. GOEDE, Institut fUr Physikalische Chemie der thiversitlit Borm, Federal Republic of Gennany 227 A stu:1y of N~ and ID3 chemistry in the photolysis of N~5 mixtures J.P. Bt.JRR:WS, G.S. 'l'YNIlUL and G.K. MJORroAT, Max-Planck- Institut fUr Chemie, Mainz, Federal Republic of Gennany 240 -ix- A study of the reacticn bet....een ClO and ~ using matrix iso latioo Fl'IR spectrosaopy and UV-visible spectrosaopy J.P. BURRDNS, G.S. ~, G.K. MOORTGAT and D.W.T. GRIFFI'lH, Max-Plank-Institut fUr Chanie, Mainz, Federal ~lic of Germany 249 Oxidatioo of methylchlorofonn L. NE:J:SE, J.J. TRFACY and H.W. SIDEBOl'OCM, Olemi.stry Department, UUversity College, Dublin, Ireland 258 Transfonnatioo of reactive PAIl 00 particles by exposure to oxidized nitrogen aanpourXIs A. LINDSIm, E. BroRS'l'lQ1-llJNDl!N and A. s.tSDIN, SWedish Environnental. Research Institute 264 nte kinetic coefficient of the C2fi4 + 0 reactioo over extended pressure and t~ature ranges V. FCEERIE, D. MAES and J. PEEl'ERS, Department of Chanis- try, Katholieke UUversiteit Leuven, Belgium 274 Kinetics of the reacticn of Cti with ethane and a series of Cl and F-substituted methanes at 300-400 K, studied by pulse radiolysis cari:>ined with kinetic spectrosaopy O.J. NIEISEN, P. PAGSBER:; and A. SILIESEN, Chanistry Depart- ment, Ria,S Natiooal Iaboratory, Roskilde, Denmark 283 '!he role of freons in the chemistry of the uf!l& atm:lsphere L. BATT, Department of Chemistry, UUversity of Aberdeen, United Kingdan 293 SESSICN 3 - AERlSOI.S SUrnnary by the Chainnan J .G. MMlEIAINE 298 Mesure de particules fines dans une zooe pollu&! M.L. PERRIN, G. M!\ImAINE, C. FR.AMBClJRI', Iaboratoire de a Physique et M8tr0logie des Aerosols, Cannissariat 1 'Ener- gie Atanique, Fontenay-aux-Roses, France 300 Design and perfoJ:mance of an aerosol reactor for photochemi.ca1 studies W. fiOl.'LXNDER, W. BEENKE, W. I<OCH and G. PCHI.MANN, Fraunhofer-Institute for 'lbxicology and Aerosol Research, MUnster-Roxe1, Federal Republic of Gennany 309 Physical and chemical characteristics of suspended particulates during SIlO9 aonditioos in Berlin(W) G.W. ISRAEL, H.~. BAUER and K. wmGENR:7IH, Fachgebiet wft reinhaltlm9 :im Institut fUr Technischen 11rmNeltschutz, Tech- nische thiversitHt Berlin, Federal Republic of Gennany 320 -x- A study of the concentratioo. of sulfates in the particulate matter J. DE IA SERNA, R. FERNANDEZ PATIER and F. PEREZ CARLES, Departamento de Sanidad Ambiental, Escuela Nacioo.al de Sani- dad, Madrid, Spain 322 Aerosol neutralization by atmospheric ammonia A.G. CIARKE, M.J. WILLISON and E.M. ZEKI, Department of Fuel and Energy, Leeds University, United Kingdon 331 Elemental carp:>sitioo. and size distribution of atnospheric aerosols during long range transport H.W. GEORGII, Institut fUr Meteorologie und Geophysik: P. MEITERNICH, id. + Institut fUr Kernphysik: K.O. GROENEVELD, Institut fUr Kernphysik, Johann l'blfgang Goethe-Universitat, Frankfurt/Main, Federal Republic of Germany 339 Olaracterizatioo. of suspended particulate matter in a lead smeltery area M. FUGAS, J. HRSl\K and K. SEnA, Institute for Medical Research and CCcupational Health, Zagreb. P. SOOVENI', Lead Mine and 9neltery Mezica, Yugoslavia 348 The concentration of sulfate in broken cloud layers H.M. TEN BRINK, Chemistry Department, Netherlands Research Center, lOCN, Petten, The Netherlands: P.H. D!U}o1 and S. E. SCHWARl'Z, Envirorltlental Chemistry Div isioo, Department of Applied Science, Brookhaven National laboratory, Upt.oo., U~ 3~ Calbined photolytic and radiolytic aerosol formation in a 802 -IDz-air mixture F. RAES and A. JANSSENS, Rijksuniversiteit Gent, Nuclear Physics Laboratory, Gent, Belgium 364 Measurement of gaseous halogenated hydrocarbcns in ani:>ient air J. MtJILER and F. RIEDEL, Urrrwel tbundesamt, pilotstatioo. Frankfurt, Federal Republic of Germany 373 SESSION 4 - POIli1I'ANl' CYCLES Surrmary by the Chairman 380 S. BEIIJ<E IDx background mixing ratios in surface air over Europe and the Atlantic Ocean A. BROIL, G. HElAS and P. WARNED<, Max-Planck-Institut fUr Chemie, otto-Hahn-Institut, Mainz: K.J. RlMPEL, T.l"mNelt- bundesamt, Messtelle Deuselbach, Federal Republic of Germany 390 -xi- Regialal. background ooncentratioos of ~2 in SWeden am A. SJODIN P. GRmNFELT" &tIedi.sh Ehvirorrnental Research Institute, G&eborg, SWeden 401 Nitrous acid in polluted air masses - Sources and fonnatien pa.1:l'wlys c. am KESSLER U. PIATT, KernforschllBJaanlage JUlich GtbH, Institut fUr Olemi.e 3: At.rIDsph&ische Chemi.e, JUlich, Federal Republic of Gennany 412 Study of the chemical characteristics of ~ and dry depositien in SWitzerland J. FUHRER, Institute of Plant Alysiology, University of Bern, SWitzerland 423 Vertical and horizcntal profiles of hydrogen chloride in the Mediterranean regien B. VIERl<DRN-RUOOLPH, J. RUOOLPH and F.X. MEIXNER, Institut fUr Oleni.e 3: Atncs~ische Oleni.e der KernforschllBJsanlage JUlich GrbH~ K. B1bMANN and B. SCBlARZ, FB 8 (Anorganische Cllemi.e und Kernchemi.e) Technische Hxhschule Immstadt, Federal Republic of Gennany 433 Bilan icnique et acidite de la precipitatien antarctique M. LEX;RAND, R.J. DEIMAS and F. ~, Iaboratoire de Glaciologie et Giqilysique de l'Enviramement, St. Martin d 'Hm-es, France 441 Etude de l'influence d'lme source locale naturelle intense de catp)Ses organosoufres sur la chimie de la troposphere en milieu non pollue P. CARLIER, C. liCE, R. GIRARD, G. foDJVIER, J. K>RELLI, am L. GlRARD-REYlET, T. MARCHAL S. CADENE, Universite Paris VII, Iaboratoire de Physioo-Orirnie inst.rmnentale et Iabora- toire de ailinie 11Ii.nerale des milieux naturels, Paris, France 451 Fl\rtUations tenp>relles fines de la catp)Sitien chimique de I' aerosol oOtier J. K>RELLI, L. GIRARD-REYlEI' and T. MARCHAL, Iaboratoire de QWni.e Min&ale des Milieux Naturels, ERA CNRS 889, Univer site Paris VII~ P. MASNIERE, Direction des Etudes et Recher ches, Electricite de France, Cllatru~ M. FEOOROFF, J.-<:. RXX:HAUD, P. CARLIER and L. DEOOVE, Iaboratoire de Physioo-Orirnie Instrumentale - ERA CNRS 889, Universite Paris VII, France 461 am 'Ibxic metals metalloids in high altitude alpine glaciers srrN and ice am F.M. BATIFOL C.F. BCX.1l'RN, Iaboratoire de Glaciologie et ~ique de l'Ehviramement du CNRS, Grenoble, France 471 Results of many years' analyses of precipitatien chemi.stIy en sanples obtained simultaneously at 3.0 kin, 1.8 kin am 0.7 kin A9L R. REITER, K. FOlZL and K. MUNZERl', Fraunhofer Institute for Atnosp1eric Ehvirorrnental Research, Gannisch Partenkirchen, Federal Republic of Germany 480 -xii-

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