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Physical Touch in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy: Transforming Trauma through Embodied Practice PDF

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‘Ed Novak is one of the most exciting contributors to the field of transactional analysisintheworldtoday.Thislatestoffering–anintegrationofembodiedther- apy with psychoanalysis and transactional analysis is a wonderful, courageous, provocativeinvitationtoextendthemethodologyoftalkingtherapyintoworkthat directlyengageswithembodiedtrauma.Novakdescribesthelife-limitingembodied effects of trauma and introduces five categories of therapeutic touch, designed to helpclientsreclaimtheir‘stolenbody’.Thebookiswrittenwithenormouscareand thought,includingaccountingforeverytypeofprofessionalorpersonalresistance to the idea of touch in therapy, and the style of writing mirrors the evident care, thoughtandgenerosityforclientsthatshinethroughinthemanyrichcasestudies.’ Professor Charlotte Sills, Integrative Psychotherapist; Teaching and Supervising Transactional Analyst ‘Ever since the mid-1950’s, when psychoanalysts began to discuss the “wideningscopeofpsychoanalysis,”thefieldhasbeenbesetbythechallenges of doing deep and effective treatment with those whose core issues come out of unrepresented and unformulated experience, generally traumatic, with its dissociated or split-off content, often unavailable to memory, but inscribed into the body. Novakoffers here a fresh and fearless contribution to the field with his clear, disciplined, and clinically focused approach to psychoanalytic work with the body-mind in which touch can be an essential component.’ David V. Orbison, Ph.D., Clinical Psychoanalyst in Pittsburgh; Founding Member, KOWA ‘Massage therapists interact with the powerful, undeniable subject of transfer- ence and countertransference connections with our clients. Given trauma informed care is the new standard, we are instinctively aware of these connec- tions, but have little information available on how to address them when they surface during a massage. In his book Novak shares hiswisdom gathered over decadestoexpandourcuriosityandgivevitalinsighttoasubjectoftenviewedin arepressive,dismissivewayinmassagetherapyeducation.Novak’sworkopensa newhorizontoengagethelinkbetweentraumaandtouchinmassagetherapy.’ Dorothy Adams, LMT, Akron, Ohio ‘I became aware of the healing power of touch for severely traumatized and dyingpatientsduringtheAIDScrisisinNewYork.Ilearnedthatahandresting onashoulderorheldforafewmomentsinpartingorwrappingayoungmanin ablanket who is shivering with illness comforts but also evokes memories and feelings that are essential to good therapeutic work. Novakoffers us, finally, a safe, systematic and developmentally grounded theory that integrates physical touchwithpsychoanalytictherapy.Richwithclinicalprocess,thebookisamust readforanyoneinthementalhealthfieldsandeveryoneinterestedinhowbodies thathavebeen“stolen”canactuallyberecovered.’ Sandra Kiersky, Ph.D., Faculty and supervisor, Institute for the Psychoanalytic Study of Subjectivity, New York Physical Touch in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Thisgroundbreakingbookpresentsanewmodelforincorporatingthehuman body, and specifically physical touch, into psychoanalysis and psychotherapy, particularly for patients who have experienced trauma. Novak’smodelofinformedanddisciplinedtoucharticulatesfivecategoriesof touchandthreephasesoftherapeuticbodywork,allofwhichcanhelpmovethe patient and therapist directly into bodily experiences that enable trauma mem- ories tobeprocessed, and thenanalyzed and transformed.Thistransformation leads to patients experiencing their bodies in fundamentally new ways, both relationallyandintrapsychically.Thebookalsograppleswiththerisksandethics of working directly with patients’ bodies, outlining theoretical and clinical ele- ments that help create a safe and sacred therapeutic structure. Novak’s model offers a continuumoftouch from everyday physicalinteractions, suchashand- shakes or hugs, to more complex and completewaysofworking with thebody that are safe and meaningful and that create an integrated experience of the patient’smindandbody. PhysicalTouchinPsychoanalyticPsychotherapyisofinteresttotherapistsat all levels of experience in the fields of counseling, social work, psychotherapy, andpsychoanalysis.Practitionersinotherhelpingprofessionssuchashealthcare, massage therapy, and physical therapy, as well as providers of wholistic medi- cine,willalsobeabletomakeuseofthecomprehensiveclinicalmodelandcase studiesdetailedinthebook. Edward T. Novak is a psychoanalyst in private practice in Akron, Ohio, who trained at the National Institute for the Psychotherapies in their National Training Program in New York. He has presented at international conferences andpublishednumerousarticles,includinganumberontouchinpsychotherapy andpsychoanalysis.HeisthebookrevieweditorfortheTransactionalAnalysis Journalandamemberoftheeditorialreviewboard. Physical Touch in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Transforming Trauma through Embodied Practice Edward T. Novak Coverimage:GettyImages Firstpublished2023 byRoutledge 4ParkSquare,MiltonPark,Abingdon,OxonOX144RN andbyRoutledge 605ThirdAvenue,NewYork,NY10158 RoutledgeisanimprintoftheTaylor&FrancisGroup,aninformabusiness ©2023EdwardT.Novak TherightofEdwardT.Novaktobeidentifiedasauthorofthisworkhasbeen assertedinaccordancewithsections77and78oftheCopyright,Designsand PatentsAct1988. Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthisbookmaybereprintedorreproducedor utilisedinanyformorbyanyelectronic,mechanical,orothermeans,now knownorhereafterinvented,includingphotocopyingandrecording,orinany informationstorageorretrievalsystem,withoutpermissioninwritingfromthe publishers. Trademarknotice:Productorcorporatenamesmaybetrademarksorregistered trademarks,andareusedonlyforidentificationandexplanationwithoutintent toinfringe. BritishLibraryCataloguing-in-PublicationData AcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Names:Novak,EdwardT.,author. Title:Physicaltouchinpsychoanalyticpsychotherapy:transformingtrauma throughembodiedpractice/EdwardT.Novak. Description:Abingdon,Oxon;NewYork,NY:Routledge,2022.|Includes bibliographicalreferencesandindex.| Identifiers:LCCN2022005574|ISBN9781032105291(hardback)| ISBN9781032105284(paperback)|ISBN9781003215745(ebook) Subjects:LCSH:Touch--Therapeuticuse.|Touch--Psychologicalaspects.| Psychotherapy.|Psychoanalysis. Classification:LCCRC489.T69N682022|DDC616.89/14--dc23/eng/ 20220505 LCrecordavailableathttps://lccn.loc.gov/2022005574 ISBN:978-1-032-10529-1(hbk) ISBN:978-1-032-10528-4(pbk) ISBN:978-1-003-21574-5(ebk) DOI:10.4324/9781003215745 TypesetinTimesNewRoman byTaylor&FrancisBooks To Laura and Thomas Contents Acknowledgments x Introduction 1 1 Stolen Bodies and Sacred Spaces 6 2 A Model of Informed Physical Contact 19 3 My Experience of Embodied Therapy 31 4 Training, Study, and the Art of Embodied Therapy 44 5 Brief Embodied Therapy 54 6 Embodied Misattunements and Mistakes that Are Part of Treatment and Boundary Violations that Are Not 65 7 Mike: An Integration of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy and Embodied Therapy 75 8 Jodie: Childhood Trauma 86 9 Jodie: Adult Trauma 97 10 Jodie: Mind and Body Integration 108 11 Embodied Work in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy without Touch 118 12 Further Considerations and Ongoing Discussions about Embodied Therapy 128 Index 139

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