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in the modern world @ ACADEMIC PRESS • New York and London A Subsidiary of Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers COPYRIGHT © 1974, BY ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NO PART OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE REPRODUCED OR TRANSMITTED IN ANY FORM OR BY ANY MEANS, ELECTRONIC OR MECHANICAL, INCLUDING PHOTOCOPY, RECORDING, OR ANY INFORMATION STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL SYSTEM, WITHOUT PERMISSION IN WRITING FROM THE PUBLISHER. ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. Ill Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10003 United Kingdom Edition published by ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. (LONDON) LTD. 24/28 Oval Road, London NW1 Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Marion, Jerry B Physical science in the modern world. 1. Science. I. Title. Q161.2.M37 500.2 73-5310 ISBN 0-12-472260-1 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA In addition to the acknowledgments expressed in the credit lines accompanying photographs in the text, permis- sion to reproduce illustrations on the following pages from the sources listed is gratefully acknowledged: 25, Harbrace; 55, C. F. Powell, P. H. Fowler, D. H. Perkins (eds.), The Study of Elementary Particles by the Pho- tographic Method (Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1959); 73, British Crown Copyright, Science Museum London; 80, Lawrence H. Aller, Atoms, Stars, and Nebulae, Rev. Ed. (Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1971); 84, A. C. van Heel and C. H. F. Velzel, What Is Light (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1968); 98, 199, Gordon Newkirk, High Altitude Observatory, Boulder Colorado; 152, M. R. Cambell, USGS; 159, West Virginia Cham- ber of Commerce; 170, R. H. Dott and R. L. Batten, Evolution of the Earth (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1971); 203, High Altitude Observatory; 271, (1) AIP, E. C. Goddard, (2) Tass, Sovfoto, (3) NASA; 318, Pacific Gas and Electric; 328, J. N. Pitts and R. L. Metcalf, Advances in Environmental Sciences, Vol. I (Wiley, New York, 1969); 357, The University of Maryland, Richard Farkas; 376, General Electric; 405, Winchester-Western; 393, 410, 411, J. B. Marion, Physics and the Physical Universe (Wiley, New York, 1971) and EDC; 460, 472, AEC, Lotte Jacobi; 481, F. W. Sears, Optics (Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 1949); 483, Harbrace; 508, lent to Science Museum London by Sir Lawrence Bragg, F. R. S; 519, Hughes Aircraft; 547, G. L. Lee, H. O. Van Orden, and R. O. Ragsdale, General and Inorganic Chemistry (Saunders, Philadelphia, 1971); 544, Pratt and Whitney; 632, UKAEA. Figures 6-2 (121) and 19-18 (438) are adapted from A. N. Strahler, Physical Geography (Wiley, New York, 1969). Preface Science is a fascinating subject. Surely, almost everyone has wondered, at one time or another, about the origin of the Universe, about the nature of life, about the way electricity works, or why the weather behaves the way it does. Behind the complex and varied facade of Nature we find a beau- tifully ordered design. From the tiniest bits of matter to the enormity of the Universe there exists a structure that is based on a surprisingly small number of far-reaching fundamental principles. The physical effect that acts to maintain the Earth in its orbit around the Sun is the same that causes a dropped coin to fall to the floor. The surge of electricity that results in a gigantic stroke of lightning is the same (on a much vaster scale) as the flow of electricity that operates a transistor radio. And the molecules of life within every living thing are held together by the same force that causes a shock when you shuffle across a carpet and touch a door knob. In this book we will survey the whole range of the physical (or non- biological) sciences. We will discuss some of the crucial ideas and concepts in physics, chemistry, astronomy, geology, and meteorology. We will see how these sciences bear strongly upon one another and how the basic physical principles are applied to each. In so doing, we will not neglect the way in which science most directly affects our everyday lives —namely, through modern technology. Scattered throughout the following pages will be found numerous sections devoted to explanations of devices that im- pinge directly or indirectly on the way we live. The physical sciences at one time stood distinct and apart from the life sciences. This is no longer true. Although in this book we do not deal specifically with the biological aspects of Nature, we shall from time to time point out important biological effects that stem from the basic physical Xlll laws. Probably the most important single impression that the reader can carry away from a study of the material in this book is an appreciation for the unity of science. This book is divided into three roughly equal parts. Part I presents a description of the grand sweep of Nature —from atoms to the cosmos. We begin by looking at the fundamental building blocks of matter and how they are assembled to form molecules, minerals, rocks, and finally the Earth it- self. We describe the important features of light and how we use this tool to examine the planets, the Sun, the stars, and the distant galaxies. Some of the readers of this book may never have felt particularly comfortable with science. Especially for them, Part I represents a nonmathematical look at the Universe as a whole. Some appreciation for the physical sciences can therefore be gained before we launch into more-detailed examinations of physical subjects. In Part II we take a closer look at the basic concepts of physical science. Here we learn about the fundamental principles that govern all physical processes and we see how they relate to many everyday occurrences. One of the key ideas in science is that of energy. We will see how widely useful this concept really is. We also examine the way in which energy affects our day-to-day life in the form of the "energy crisis." In this discussion we see the impact of geology upon modern society and how many facets of our fu- ture depend upon the way in which the Earth's crust is put together. In Part III we concern ourselves with the contemporary ideas of science and technology. We will learn about the way in which Albert Einstein forced us to change our notions about space and time. We will look at how modern chemistry affects the world we live in and how the development of semiconductor materials has ushered in a new age of miniature electronics. We will discuss the operation of nuclear power reactors and we will exam- ine the ways in which nuclear radiations are used by and how they affect mankind. Finally, we draw upon many topics we have developed to under- stand something about the formation and evolution of stars and the history of the Universe. An effort has been made to present each subject clearly and carefully. But even more important, the aim in preparing this book has been to show that science is a human activity whose goal is to understand the wonder and the mystery and the magnificence of the Universe around us. College Park, Maryland JERRY B. MARION o Introduction to physical science From his home on the Earth, Man can look through a telescope into the vast reaches of space. Or he can look through a microscope into the minia- ture world of cells and molecules. The scale of things that Man has been able to observe and study truly staggers the imagination. Roughly speaking, the Universe is as many times larger than the Earth as the Earth is larger than an atom. Thus, Man stands in a middle position, privileged to view the immensely large Universe populated with an incalculable number of stars and galaxies as well as the microscopic domain of incredibly tiny atoms and molecules. As wonderful as this accomplishment is, it becomes even more remarkable when we realize that, despite the fact that Man can neither touch the stars nor handle individual atoms, he has been able to learn the behavior of both the large and the small of the Universe. Some of the most fascinating discoveries made in this century have con- cerned the structure and the evolution of the Universe and the structure and behavior of molecules, atoms, and nuclei, the ultimate pieces of matter. As we have plumbed the depths of space, we have come to realize how insignificant a speck of dust our Earth actually is. We have long ago ceased to consider the Earth as the center of the Universe. And now we know that the Sun and its collection of planets is not even a central feature of the local collection of stars, the Milky Way. Nor does our home galaxy inhabit any special part of the Universe. Indeed, the Earth is quite unremark- able—an average planet revolving around an average star located in the periphery of an average galaxy that is lost among the uncounted galaxies of the Universe. While Man has looked outward at the stars, he has also looked inward at the constituents of the matter that makes up his world. He has discovered the way in which atoms bind together to form molecules and the way in which clusters of molecules form bulk matter. He has discovered the elec- trical nature of matter and he has probed deep within the atom to study the 1 behavior of the nuclear core. He has even vestigations of the interrelationships among found a way to tap the nuclear energy supply people. The social sciences are distinguished and apply it to his own needs. from the physical and biological sciences in Man has reached out from his position that only very general explanations can be of- between the large and the small of the Uni- fered for human group behavior, whereas the verse and he has uncovered at least some of functioning of physical and (at least the more the rules by which Nature governs the micro- elementary) biological systems takes place in scopic (or small-scale) world of atoms and the an orderly fashion subject to precise natural macroscopic (or large-scale) realm of the laws. Moreover, it is difficult to perform con- stars. In this book we will examine some of trolled experiments in the social fields be- the physical features of the Universe and we cause the situations are extremely complex, whereas this technique is at the heart of phys- will see the way in which the laws of Nature ical and biological investigations. These facts influence physical phenomena in various do- do not imply that the social sciences are less mains. important than the physical and biological sciences (indeed, they are perhaps more im- /-/ Studying the world around us portant), but only that the social sciences cannot yet be discussed in the same scientific PHYSICAL SCIENCE terms as can the natural sciences. Scientific studies can be divided into two Within the general area of the physical sci- ences we can identify a number of separate large and general categories: the biological disciplines such as physics, astronomy, chem- sciences (dealing with living things and pro- istry, geology, and meteorology. These sub- cesses) and the physical sciences (dealing jects were once isolated fields of study but, with inanimate things and processes). These more and more, attention is being focused on categories are not completely separate and areas in which two or more of these fields distinct, and although we will be concerned in overlap. We thus find the relatively new sub- this book primarily with the physical aspects ject areas of biophysics, geochemistry, and of the Universe, from time to time we will exobiology (the study of life in space). Some discuss the relationship between some physi- of the disciplines of modern science and their cal phenomenon and a biological process. All interrelationships are shown in Fig. 1-1. matter — living as well as nonliving — is com- Physics is placed in the central position in posed of the same basic ingredients, namely, this diagram because it deals with the basic atoms and molecules. The natural laws that laws governing the most fundamental natural govern the behavior of atoms and molecules processes. Physics therefore has a direct link in inanimate objects also regulate the actions to most of the other physical sciences that of atoms and molecules in living things. deal with more complex systems. Modern Therefore, on the most fundamental level, the technology, engineering, and computer sci- distinction between physical and biological ences provide the technical back-up without processes disappears. Most of our discus- which many investigations in these various sions of biological processes will be con- fields could not be carried out. cerned with the molecular aspects of the sub- ject so that we can draw upon our knowledge WHAT GOOD IS SCIENCE? of physical phenomena for their interpreta- tion. We live in a technological society. Almost Another broad category of study and re- every aspect of life in the modern world is search is that of the social sciences. In this influenced (for better or for worse) by our field, scientific techniques are applied to in- technological surroundings. Communications, 2 / Introduction to physical science transportation, manufacturing, mining and we can appreciate the role that technology exploration, the service industries, medicine, plays in modern society. For without some agriculture —all are dominated by methods knowledge of the scientific principles by and apparatus which are the result of tech- which technology operates, one can neither nological advances. The basis of technology cope with technology nor assist in directing it is science. Without the fundamental discover- into the proper channels. ies and understanding provided by science, In recent times, we have had the general technology would be a hit-or-miss affair, attitude that whatever is technologically pos- lacking direction and making little progress. sible should be done. It is now becoming One can argue that our society is beginning increasingly apparent that our scientific and to suffer from too much technology, but we technological progress has outstripped our will never (short of a nuclear holocaust) re- capacity to perform or absorb everything that turn to the primitive life of our forefa- is possible. More and more, we will have thers—technology is with us and it will re- decisions to make: in what directions should main with us. the thrust of our new discoveries be made? Just as it is important to study history so The situation requires that we make in- that we can appreciate how the world came telligent decisions —decisions based on a to its present state, it is important to learn knowledge and an understanding of what can some of the basic concepts of science so that be done, what will be the benefits, and what Hale Observatories The large and the small of the Universe. On the left is a telescopic pho- tograph of the Andromeda galaxy and on the right is a microscopic pho- tograph of a paramecium, a one-celled animal. The diameter of Androm- eda is approximately 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 m (1021 m) whereas the size of the paramecium is approximately 0,0001 m (10~4 m). 1-1 Studying the world around us 3 Figure 1-1 The interrelationships among some of the more prominent areas of modern science. Only the major linkages are shown. will be the consequences. Scientists do not To understand the basis of technology is make these decisions— people make them. It not the only reason for learning about sci- is therefore incumbent on every individual to ence. We study art and music and philosophy acquire the basic knowledge that will permit so that we can appreciate a great painting or a him to participate intelligently in directing the majestic symphony or a particular view of course of our technological advancement. life. There is intellectual satisfaction in these 4 1 Introduction to physical science pursuits and they enrich our lives. Science meaning of terms such as one quart or one too is beautiful and enriching. How dull life acre or one hour, it will be impossible to give would be if we were to cease to wonder about a precise interpretation to any measurement. the world around us and to try to understand The necessity for standards of various kinds the way in which Nature behaves. has given rise to an enormous number of measuring units, many of which apply to the same physical quantity. (See, for example, the list of volume units below.) Many of 1-2 Describing and measuring things these measuring units have very specialized applications —for example, the tablespoon in THE BASIC CONCEPTS cooking or the rod in surveying or the caret Progress is made in understanding our physi- in gemmology. Fortunately, in scientific cal surroundings through observation and matters a restricted set of measuring units is measurement coupled with logic and reason. used. In order to describe our observations and to record our measurements, we must agree on the language and the terms that we will use. Some units of volume in common Our intuitive ideas concerning physical con- American usage cepts will serve as the starting points for most Pint Gill of our discussions of the world around us. Quart Peck One of the important aspects of measure- Gallon Bushel ments of any type is the existence of a set of Fluid Ounce Barrel standards. Unless we all agree on the Dram Acre-foot Cup Fifth Teaspoon Magnum It will require many years for the United Tablespoon Jeroboam States to change to the metric system, but Hogshead evidence that the conversion is underway is beginning to appear. (Plus the cube of any of the units of length: ft3, yd3, mi3, and so on.) UPI The fundamental units of measure in sci- ence are those of length, time, and mass. These are familiar concepts, but because they are so basic to the description of phys- ical events and phenomena, we will briefly discuss each of these units in turn. LENGTH Most Americans are accustomed to mea- suring distance in terms of inches, feet, yards, and miles —the so-called British system of units. These length units are derived from a variety of sources, dating back hundreds or thousands of years to periods when there 1-2 Describing and measuring things 5 Table 1-1 Metric Units of Length 100 000 000, almost a hundred times better than was previously possible. 10 mm = 1 cm The metric system has the advantage (not 100 cm = 1 m shared by the British system) that the various 1000 m= 1 km units of a physical quantity are related by factors of 10, thus considerably simplifying any manipulations that are necessary. For ex- ample, were only the crudest of standards for the measurement of length. Today, the scientific 1 m =100 centimeters (cm), or 102 cm community universally uses the metric 1 cm = 0.01 m, or 10"2 m system of measure. Indeed, even for every- day matters, most of the world (with the pri- 1 m =0.001 kilometer (km), or 10"3 km mary exception of the United States) uses 1 km= 1000 m, or 103 m metric measure. In order to preserve our po- sition in world trade, the United States will The metric units of length are summarized in eventually change over from its archaic Table 1-1. system to metric units. But it will probably be Here we use a shorthand notation for ex- many years until we will have foregone com- pressing large and small numbers —the pletely our present system. powers-of-ten notation. For example, The standard of length in the metric system is the meter (m). Compared to the length 100= 102 1 = 0.01 = 10"2 100 units in the British system, the meter has the 1000= 103 following values: 1 1 000 000= 106 = 0.001 = 103 1000 1 m = 39.37 in. = 3.281 ft = 1.094 yd 1 That is, a meter is about 10 percent longer = 0.000001 = 10~6 1000 000 than a yard. Until 1961 the meter was defined as the We can use this notation to express distance between two finely drawn lines on a numbers in the following ways: certain metal bar housed in the International 3 260 = 3.26xl03 Bureau of Weights and Measures, near Paris. Copies of this bar were distributed to national 4 100 000 = 4.1 X 106 standards laboratories throughout the world. However, in 1961 an international agreement 98 000 000 = 0.98 X 108 was made to define the meter in terms of the 0.023 = 2.3 x 10-2 wavelength of the orange light emitted by krypton gas. Thus, we now have an atomic 0.000 017= 1.7 x 10"5 standard for length. Because all atoms of 0.000 009 = 0.9 x 10"5 krypton are exactly alike, a length standard can be established in any laboratory where it Occasionally, we will need to convert from is required, and it is guaranteed that all such krypton standards will be absolutely iden- tical. Not only does the adoption of an atomic Table 1-2 Length Conversion Factors standard for length eliminate the necessity of relying on the inconvenient standard me- 2.54 cm = 1 in. ter bar, but now it is possible to intercom- 39.37 in. = 1 m pare lengths to a precision of 1 part in 1.609 km = 1 mi 6 / Introduction to physical science

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