Physical Layer Network Coding for Two-Way Relaying with QAM Vishnu Namboodiri†, Kiran Venugopal‡ and B. Sundar Rajan‡ †Qualcomm India Private Limited, Hyderabad, India- 500081∗ ‡Dept. of ECE, Indian Institute of Science Bangalore 560012, India [email protected], kiran.v, bsrajan { } Abstract—The design of modulation schemes for the physical 3 layer network-coded two way relaying scenario was studied in 1 [1],[3],[4]and[5].In[7]itwasshownthateverynetworkcoding 0 map that satisfies the exclusive law is representable by a Latin 2 Square and conversely, and this relationship can be used to get n the network coding maps satisfying the exclusive law. But, only a the scenario in which the end nodes use M-PSK signal sets is (a) MAPhase J addressed in [7] and [8]. In this paper, we address the case in 0 whichtheendnodesuseM-QAMsignalsets.Inafadingscenario, 2 for certain channel conditions γejθ, termed singular fade states, theMAphaseperformanceisgreatlyreduced.Byformulatinga ] procedureforfindingtheexactnumberofsingularfadestatesfor T QAM, we show that square QAM signal sets give lesser number I of singular fade states compared to PSK signal sets. This results . s in superior performance of M-QAM over M-PSK. It is shown c that the criterion for partitioning the complex plane, for the (b) BCPhase [ purposeofusingaparticularnetworkcodeforaparticularfade Fig.1. TheTwoWayRelayChannel state, is different from that used for M-PSK. Using a modified 1 criterion, we describe a procedure to analytically partition the v 6 complexplanerepresentingthechannelcondition.Weshowthat workcodingforthetwowayrelaychannelwasfirstintroduced whenM-QAM(M >4)signalsetisused,theconventionalXOR 4 in [1], where the multiple access interference occurring at the networkmappingfailstoremovetheilleffectsofγejθ =1,which 6 relay was exploited so that the communication between the is a singular fade state for all signal sets of arbitrary size. We 4 show that a doubly block circulant Latin Square removes this endnodescanbedoneusingatwostageprotocol.Information . 1 singular fade state for M-QAM. theoreticstudiesforthephysicallayernetworkcodingscenario 0 were reported in [2], [3]. The design principles governing the 3 I. PRELIMINARIESANDBACKGROUND choice of modulation schemes to be used at the nodes for 1 We consider the two-way wireless relaying scenario shown uncoded transmission were studied in [4]. An extension for : v inFig.1,wherebi-directionaldatatransfertakesplacebetween the case when the nodes use convolutional codes was done i the nodes A and B with the help of the relay R. It is X in [5]. A multi-level coding scheme for the two-way relaying assumed that all the three nodes operate in half-duplex mode. scenario was proposed in [6]. r The relaying protocol consists of the following two phases: a It was observed in [4] that for uncoded transmission, the the multiple access (MA) phase, during which A and B network coding map used at the relay needs to be changed simultaneously transmit to R using identical square M-QAM adaptively according to the channel fade coefficients, in order signal sets and the broadcast (BC) phase during which R to minimize the impact of the multiple access interference. transmits to A and B using either a square M-QAM signal The Latin Square scheme was studied in [7], [8] for two way set or a constellation of size more than M. Network coding relaying using M-PSK signal sets at the end nodes. is employed at R in such a way that A (B) can decode the message of B (A), given that A (B) knows its own message. B. Signal Model A. Background Multiple Access (MA) Phase: Let denote the square M- S Theconceptofphysicallayernetworkcodinghasattracteda QAM constellation used at A and B, where M = 22λ, λ lotofattentioninrecenttimes.Theideaofphysicallayernet- being a positive integer. Assume that A (B) wants to transmit a 2λ-bit binary tuple to B (A). Let ν : F denote the 22λ ∗The work was done when the first author was with Indian Institute of mapping from bits to complex symbols used→at AS and B. Let Science,Bangalore. ν(s ) = x , ν(s ) = x denote the complex symbols catPioanrtsoCfotnhfeerceonnctee(nGtLoOfBthEisCOpaMpe2r0a1p2p)e,aCreAd,iUnSIAEE,E3-7GlDoebca.l2T0e1le2c.ommuni- tranAsmittedAby ABand BBres∈peSctively, where sA,sB F22λ. ∈ The received signal at R is given by, The cluster distance between a pair of clusters and i j L L is the minimum among all the distances calculated between y =h x +h x +z , R A A B B R the points x + γejθx ,x(cid:48) + γejθx(cid:48) (γ,θ) where A B A B ∈ SR where h and h are the fading coefficients associated with (x ,x ) and (x(cid:48) ,x(cid:48) ) [7]. The minimum cluster A B A B ∈ Li A B ∈ Lj the A-R and B-R links respectively. The additive noise z distance of the clustering is the minimum among all the R C is assumed to be (0,σ2), which denotes the circularly cluster distances, i.e., CN symmetric complex Gaussian random variable with variance σde2n.oWteedaasssuzme=aγbelojθc,kwfahdeirnegγscenaRri+o,awnidth thπe ratiθo<hBπ/,hiAs dCmin(γejθ)=(xA,xBm),i(nx(cid:48)A,x(cid:48)B)|(cid:0)xA−x(cid:48)A(cid:1)+γejθ(cid:0)xB−x(cid:48)B(cid:1)|. ∈ − ≤ ∈S2, referred as the fade state and for simplicity, also denoted by Mγ,θ(xA,xB)(cid:54)=Mγ,θ(x(cid:48)A,x(cid:48)B) (γ,θ). The minimum cluster distance determines the performance Let R(γ,θ) denote the effective constellation at the relay duringtheMAphaseofrelaying.Theperformanceduringthe S during the MA Phase and dmin(γejθ) denote the minimum BCphaseisdeterminedbytheminimumdistanceofthesignal distance between the points in R(γ,θ), i.e., set (cid:48).Forvaluesofγejθ intheneighbourhoodofthesingular S S (γ,θ)=(cid:8)x +γejθx x ,x (cid:9), fade states, the value of dmin(γejθ) is greatly reduced, a R i j i j S | ∈S phenomenonreferredasdistanceshortening.Toavoiddistance d (γejθ)= min (x x(cid:48) )+γejθ(x x(cid:48) ) . shortening,foreachsingularfadestate,aclusteringneedstobe min (xA,xB),(x(cid:48)A,x(cid:48)B)∈|S2A− A B − B | chosen such that the minimum cluster distance at the singular (xA,xB)(cid:54)=(x(cid:48)A,x(cid:48)B) fade state is non-zero and is also maximized. (1) A clustering is said to remove a singular fade state h C ∈ From (1), it is clear that there exists values of γejθ for H, if dCmin(h) > 0. For a singular fade state h ∈ H, let which d (γejθ)=0. Let = γejθ Cd (γ,θ)=0 . {h} denoteaclusteringwhichremovesthesingularfadestate min min C H { ∈ | } h (if there are multiple clusterings which remove the same The elements of are said to be the singular fade states [7]. H singular fade state h, consider a clustering which maximizes The set depends on the signal set used. For example when γejθ =(H1+j)/2,theeffectiveconstellation (γ,θ)hasonly the minimum cluster distance). Let H = (cid:8) {h} :h (cid:9) R C C ∈H 12 (<16) points when 4-QAM signal set isSused at nodes A denote the set of all such clusterings. Let dmin( {h},γ(cid:48),θ(cid:48)) C and B. Hence (1+j)/2 for 4-QAM. be defined as, ∈H Let (xˆ ,xˆ ) 2 denote the Maximum Likelihood (ML) A B nesutmimbaetreyoRf, i(.xe.A,∈,xSB) at R based on the received complex dmin(C{h},γ(cid:48),θ(cid:48))=(xA,xB∈m)S,i(2nx,(cid:48)A,x(cid:48)B)|(cid:0)xA−x(cid:48)A(cid:1)+γ(cid:48)ejθ(cid:48)(cid:0)xB−x(cid:48)B(cid:1)|. (xˆ ,xˆ )=argmin y h x(cid:48) h x(cid:48) . (2) M{h}(xA,xB)(cid:54)=M{h}(x(cid:48)A,x(cid:48)B) A B (x(cid:48)A,x(cid:48)B)∈S2| R− A A− B B| The quantity dmin( {h},γ,(cid:48)θ(cid:48)) is referred to as the mini- Broadcast (BC) Phase: Depending on the value of γejθ, R mumclusterdistanceoCftheclustering {h}evaluatedatγ(cid:48)ejθ(cid:48). C choosesamap γ,θ : 2 (cid:48),where (cid:48) isthesignalset(of In practice, the channel fade state need not be a singular size between MMand MS2)→useSd by R dSuring BC phase. The fadestate.Insuchascenario,amongalltheclusteringswhich elements in 2 which are mapped on to the same complex remove the singular fade states, the one which maximizes number in S(cid:48) by the map γ,θ are said to form a cluster. the minimum cluster distance is chosen. In other words, for Let , S,..., denoteMthe set of all such clusters. The γ(cid:48)ejθ(cid:48) / , the clustering γ(cid:48),θ(cid:48) is chosen to be {h}, which form{aLtio1nLo2f cluLstle}rs is called clustering, and the set of all satisfie∈s dHmin( {h},γ(cid:48),θ(cid:48))C dmin( {h(cid:48)},γ(cid:48),θ(cid:48)),Ch = h(cid:48) C ≥ C ∀ (cid:54) ∈ clusters is denoted by γ,θ to indicate that it is a function of .Sincetheclusteringswhichremovethesingularfadestates γejθ. The received sigCnals at A and B during the BC phase Hare known to all the three nodes and are finite in number, the are respectively given by, clusteringusedforaparticularrealizationofthefadestatecan be indicated by R to A and B using overhead bits. y =h(cid:48) x +z , y =h(cid:48) x +z , (3) A A R A B B R B Example 1: In the case of BPSK, if channel condition is where x = γ,θ(xˆ ,xˆ ) (cid:48) is the complex number γ = 1 and θ = 0 the distance between the pairs (0,1)(1,0) R A B transmittedbyMR.Thefadingco∈effiScientscorrespondingtothe is zero as in Fig.2(a). The following clustering removes this R-A and R-B links are denoted by h(cid:48) and h(cid:48) respectively singular fade state. A B and the additive noises zA and zB are (0,σ2). (0,1)(1,0) , (1,1)(0,0) CN In order to ensure that A (B) is able to decode B’s (A’s) {{ } { }} message, the clustering γ,θ should satisfy the exclusive law The minimum cluster distance is non zero for this clustering. [4], i.e., C Thecontributionsandorganizationofthepaperareasfollows: • A procedure to obtain the number of singular fade states Mγ,θ(xA,xB)(cid:54)=Mγ,θ(x(cid:48)A,xB), forxA(cid:54)=x(cid:48)A,∀xB ∈S, (cid:27) for PAM and QAM signal sets is presented. Mγ,θ(xA,xB)(cid:54)=Mγ,θ(xA,x(cid:48)B), forxB (cid:54)=x(cid:48)B ,∀xA∈S. • It is shown that for the same number of signal points M, (4) the number of singular fade states for square M-QAM n= 0 1 2 3 BPSKConstellationusedatthenodeA BPSKConstellationusedatthenodeB 1 0 1 0 = (√M 1)+2n -3 -1 1 3 S − − √ (a) M PAMconstellation (0,1)(1,0) (1,1) (0,0) ∆S+ (a)EffectiveConstellationattherelayforγ=1andθ=0 n= 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 (1,0) (1,1)(0,0) (0,1) ∆ = 2(√M 1)+2n -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 S − − (0,3) (0,2),(1,3) (0,1)(1,2)(2,3) (1,1)(2,2)(3,3)(0,0) (1,0)(2,1)(3,2) (2,0)(3,1) (3,0) (b)EffectiveConstellationattherelayforγ=1andθ=π (b) DifferenceConstellation √ √ Fig.2. EffectiveConstellationattherelayforsingularfadestates,whenthe Fig.3. M PAMconstellationanddifferenceconstellationfor M =4 endnodesuseBPSKconstellation. scheme for QAM over XOR network coding scheme as well as Latin Square scheme for PSK signal sets under Rayleigh is lesser than the number of singular fade states for M- and Rician fading channel assumptions. PSK. The advantages of this are two fold - QAM offers better distance performance in the MA Phase and QAM II. SINGULARFADESTATESANDDIFFERENCE requires lesser number of Latin squares (i.e., a reduction CONSTELLATIONS in number of overhead bits). The location of singular fade states in the complex plane • Itisknownfrom[15]thattheremovalofthesingularfade for any constellation used at end nodes can be characterised state z=1 assumes greater significance in a Rician fading inthefollowingway.IfnodeAusesaconstellation ofsize 1 S scenario. The bit-wise XOR map removes this singular M and node B, a constellation of size M , the singular 1 2 2 S fade state when M-PSK signal set is used at nodes A fade states z =γejθ are of the form and B for any M. It is shown that XOR mapping cannot x x(cid:48) remove this singular fade state for any M-QAM and a z =γejθ = A− A (5) x(cid:48) x differentmappingisobtainedtoremovethissingularfade B − B state for M-QAM. and is obtained by equating xA+γejθxB and x(cid:48)A+γejθx(cid:48)B • Inspired from [8], the problem of partitioning the entire for xA,x(cid:48)A ∈ S1 and xB,x(cid:48)B ∈ S2. Henceforth, throughout complex plane intoclustering independent region aswell the paper, we assume both the end nodes use the same asclusteringdependentregionisaddressed.Theapproach constellation, . S followed for M-QAM signal set needs to be different A. Singular Fade States of PAM signal sets from that used for M-PSK in [8]. Consider the symmetric √M-PAM signal set given by • The region associated with each singular fade state in (cid:110) (cid:111) the complex plane is obtained analytically for M-QAM = (√M 1)+2n , n (0, ,√M 1). signalsetusedatnodesAandB.Thishelpsinassociating S − − ∈ ··· − The difference constellation of is aLatinSquarecorrespondingtothatsingularfadestateto S thesaidregionlikeinM-PSK.Bysimulationitisshown ∆ = x x(cid:48) :x,x(cid:48) that the choice of 16-QAM leads to better performance S { − ∈S} and can be written in the form for both the Rayleigh and the Rician fading scenario, (cid:110) (cid:111) compared to 16-PSK. ∆ = 2(√M 1)+2n , n (0, ,2(√M 1)). S − − ∈ ··· − The remaining content is organized as follows: Forexample, the4-PAMsignal setandit’s differenceconstel- In Section II, we discuss the relationship between singular lationaregiveninFig.3(a)andFig.3(b)respectively.Foreach fade states and difference constellation of the signal sets used of the difference constellation points, the pair in the signal bytheendnodes.Wepresentexpressionstogetthenumberof set which corresponds to this point is also shown. We will singular fade states for PAM and square QAM signal sets in oftenconsideronlythefirstquadrantof∆S,denotedas∆S+, Subsections II-A and II-B respectively. In Subsection II-C, it which for a general complex signal set is given by is proved that the number of singular fade states for M-QAM is always lesser than that of M-PSK signal sets. In Section ∆S+ = α:real(α)>0,imaginary(α) 0 . { ≥ } III, the clustering for singular fade states is obtained through The following lemma gives the number of singular fade states completing Latin Squares and a Latin Square for removing for PAM signal sets. the singular fade state z =1 is analytically obtained for PAM Lemma 1: Thenumberofsingularfadestates,foraregular and QAM signal sets. In Section IV, channel quantization for √M-PAM signal set, denoted by N √ is given by M-QAM signal set is discussed. In particular, the channel ( M−PAM) √ quantizationfortheentirecomplexplanewhennodesAandB M−1 (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:88) (cid:89) 1 use 16-QAM signal set is obtained. In Section V, simulation N √ =2+4 n 1 , (6) ( M−PAM) − p results are provided to show the advantage of Latin Square n=1 p|n where pn stands for prime number p dividing n. 1 3 | Proof: See Appendix A. Example 2: Consider the case of 4-PAM (M = 16) signal setasgiveninFig.3.Thereare2(√M 1)=6non-zerosignal − pointsinthedifferenceconstellation.Scaled∆S+ has(√M 1)=3 signal points- 1,2,3 . And there are 14 singular fad−e 0 2 { } states- (cid:26) (cid:27) (a) 4−QAMconstellation 1 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 1, , , ,2,3, , 1,− ,− ,− , 2, 3,− . 2 3 3 2 − 2 3 3 − − 2 ∆S+ Calculating (6) also gives N = 14. Calculating (4−PAM) similarly, we find that for 8-PAM signal set, there exists 70 singular fade states. B. Singular Fade States for QAM signal sets We consider square M-QAM signal set = A + mI S { jA ,whereA andA takevaluesfromthe√M-PAM mQ mI mQ } signal set (√M 1)+2n, n (0, ,√M 1). We use the bije−ctive m−apping µ: Z∈ =···0,1, −,M 1 M given by S → { ··· − } 1 AmI+jAmQ [(√M 1+AmI)√M+(√M 1+AmQ)] (7) → 2 − − for concreteness, even though our analysis and results hold (b) TheDifferenceConstellation for any map. The difference constellation ∆ of square M- S QAM signal set forms a part of scaled integer lattice with (2√M 1)2 points. The 4-QAM signal set with the above − mappinganditsdifferenceconstellationareshowninFig.4(a) and in Fig.4(b). In a practical scenario, there can be an average energy constraint E to be satisfied at nodes A and B. In such a case, we use a scaled version of the M-QAM signal set given by √1ρ{AmI + jAmQ}, where ρ is chosen so as to meet the constraint E. As a special case, for E = 1 (unit normalisation), ρ = 2 . It may be noted here that the 3(M−1) values of the singular fade states (for a particular choice of ) are unaffected by the energy constraint E. However, the (c) Singularfadestates S minimum distances of the constellation and the effective S Fig.4. 4−QAMconstellation,itsdifferenceconstellationandsingularfade constellation (γ,θ) are dependent on the choice of E. In SR states particular, for unit normalisation, (cid:114) 2 6 d (M-QAM)= = . (8) are called units in Z[j] and they are 1 and j. Let α,β min √ρ M −1 Z[j]. If the only common divisors of±α and β±are units, w∈e Compare this to the case with M-PSK whose say α and β are relatively primes. (cid:113) d =2sin(π/M). For M =16, d (16-QAM)= 2 Lemma 2: Thenumberofsingularfadestatesforthesquare min min 5 M-QAM signal set, denoted by N is given by >d (16-PSK)=2sin(π/16).Thishasadetrimentaleffect M−QAM min in the performance during the MAC phase. N =4+8φ(∆S+) M−QAM ThesignalpointsinthedifferenceconstellationofM-QAM are Gaussian integers scaled by √ρ. To get the number of whereφ(∆S+)isthenumberofrelativeprimepairsin∆S+. singular fade states for square QAM signal sets, the notion of Proof: All the possible ratios of elements from ∆S give primes and relatively primes in the set of Gaussian integers is singular fade states. We consider only ratios in ∆S+ and useful. multiply the number of such possible ratios by a factor of 4 Definition 1: [13] The Gaussian integers are the elements to account the ratios with points in all the other quadrants. To of the set Z[j]= a+bj :a,b Z , where Z denotes the set avoid multiplicity while counting, we take only relative prime { ∈ } ofintegers.AGaussianintegerαiscalledaGaussianprimeif pairsin∆S+andeverysuchpair(a,b)givestwosingularfade theGaussianintegersthatdivideαare:1, 1,j, j,α, α,αj states a/b and b/a. Because of this, the multiplication factor and αj. The Gaussian integers which a−re inve−rtible−in Z[j] becomes 8. Finally, the constant term 4 is added to count the − units. In[7],itisshownthatwhentheendnodesusesignalsetsof Example 3: For 4-QAM signal set shown in Fig.4(a), the thesamesize,alltherelayclusteringswhichsatisfyexclusive- number of singular fade states, N is 12. Scaled ∆S+ law are equivalently representable by Latin Squares, with the 4−QAM has only two elements 1,1+j in this case, as shown in rows(columns)indexedbytheconstellationpointindicesused { } Fig.4(b). They form a relatively prime pair. The singular fade bynodeA(B)andtheclusteringsareobtainedbyplacinginto states 1, j, 1 j, 1 are shown in Fig. 4(c). the same cluster all the row-column pairs which are mapped ± ± ± ± ±1±j Example 4: Considerthecaseof16-QAMsignalset.Itcan to the same symbol in the Latin Square. be verified that there are 48 distinct pairs of relative primes, and from Lemma 2, N turns out to be 388. 16−QAM A. Removing Singular fade states and Constrained Latin TABLEI COMPARISONBETWEENM-PSKANDM-QAMONNUMBEROF Squares SINGULARFADESTATES M M-PSK M-QAM The minimum size of the constellations needed in the BC 4 12 12 phase is M, but it is observed that in some cases relay may 16 912 388 not be able to remove the singular fade states with t = M 64 63,552 8388 and t > M results in severe performance degradation in the MA phase [4]. Let (k,l) and (k(cid:48),l(cid:48)) be the pairs which give the same point in the effective constellation at the relay C. Singular fade states of M-PSK and M-QAM signal sets R S for a singular fade state, where k,k(cid:48),l,l(cid:48) 0,1,....,M 1 In this section we show that the number of singular fade and k,k(cid:48) are the constellation points us∈ed{by node A−an}d states for M-QAM signal sets is lesser than that of M- l,l(cid:48) are the corresponding constellation points used by node PSK signal sets. The advantages of this are two fold- QAM B. If these are not clustered together, the minimum cluster offersbetterdistanceperformanceduringtheMAphaseandit distance will be zero. To avoid this, such pairs should be in requires lesser number of overhead bits during the BC phase, the same cluster. This requirement is termed as singularity- since the required number of relay clusterings is lesser in the removal constraint [7]. So, we need to obtain Latin Squares case of QAM compared to PSK. which can remove singular fade states and with minimum Lemma 3: ThenumberofsingularfadestatesforM-QAM value for t. Towards this end, for a given singular fade state signal set is upper bounded by 4(n2 n+1), where n = z , initially we fill the M M array in such a way that 1[(2√M 1)2 1],whichissameas4−M2 (2M 1)√M+ the∈sHlots corresponding to a sin×gularity-removal constraint are 4 − − − − 1). filledusingthesameelement.Similarly,wefillinelementsfor Proof:Thereare[(2√M 1)2 1]nonzerosignalpoints theothersingularityremovalconstraintsforthegivensingular − − in ∆S which are distributed equally in each quadrant, i.e., fade state. This removes that particular singular fade state. the number of signal points in ∆S+ is 1[(2√M 1)2 1] Such a partially filled Latin Square is called a Constrained 4 − − which we denote by n. The maximum number of relatively Partially-filled Latin Square (CPLS). After this, to make this prime pairs in a set of n Gaussian integers is n(n−1). Since a Latin Square, we try to fill the other slots of the CPLS with 2 an upper bound is of interest we substitute this in Lemma 2 minimum number of symbols. instead of φ(∆S+). This completes the proof. From [7] it is known that if the Latin square L removes In [8], it is shown that the number of singular fade states the singular fade state z then the Latin Square LT removes for M-PSK signal set is M(M42 − M2 +1), of O(M3). From the singular fade state z−1, where LT is the transpose of Lemma 3, an upper bound on the number of singular fade the Latin Square L, i.e. LT(i,j) = L(j,i) for all i,j states for M-QAM is of (M2). Hence, the number of ∈ 0,1,2,..,M 1 . This observation, in fact, holds for any O singular fade states for M-QAM signal set is lesser than that { − } choice of constellation used at nodes A and B. of M-PSK signal sets. S Fromthis,itisclearthatweneedtogetLatinSquaresonly The advantage of using square QAM constellation is more for those singular fade states with z 1 or z 1. significant in higher order constellations as shown in Table I. | |≤ | |≥ Forinstance,64-QAMhas8,388singularfadestateswhereas The square QAM signal set has a symmetry which is π/2 64-PSK has 63,552 singular fade states and the relay has to degreesofrotation.Thisresultsinareductionofthenumberof adaptively use 63,552 clusterings. So, with the use of square requiredLatinSquaresbyafactor4asshowninthefollowing QAM constellations the complexity is enormously reduced. lemma. Lemma 4: If L is a Latin Square that removes a singular III. EXCLUSIVELAWANDLATINSQUARES fadestatez,thenthereexistsacolumnpermutationofLsuch Definition 2: [10] A Latin Square L of order M with the that the permuted Latin Square L(cid:48) removes the singular fade symbols from the set Z = 0,1, ,t 1 is an M M state zejπ/2. t { ··· − } × array,inwhicheachcellcontainsonesymbolandeachsymbol Proof: For the singular fade state z as given in (5) with occurs at most once in each row and column. constraint (x ,x ),(x(cid:48) ,x(cid:48) ) ,thesingularfadestatezejπ/2 { A B A B } is given by Proof: See Appendix C. [x x(cid:48) ] Example 5: Considerthereceivedconstellationattherelay zejπ/2 = A− A ejπ/2 when the end nodes use 4-PAM constellation and let the [x(cid:48) x ] B − B channel condition be z =1 as given in Fig.5. The singularity [x x(cid:48) ] = zejπ/2 = A− A . removal constraints are ⇒ [x(cid:48) e−jπ/2 x e−jπ/2] B − B (0,1)(1,0) , (0,2)(1,1)(2,0) , (0,3)(1,2)(2,1)(3,0) , { } { } { } (1,3)(2,2)(3,1) , and (2,3)(3,2) . SinceinthesquareQAMconstellationthereexistsignalpoints { } { } with x(cid:48) e−jπ/2 and x e−jπ/2, though all the constraints are The Latin Square which removes this singular fade state is B B changed, the new constraints are obtainable by a permutation given in Fig.6. of signal points in the constellation used by node B. The columns of the Latin Squares are indexed by the signal points (0,1)(1,0) (0,3)(1,2)(2,1)(3,0) (2,3)(3,2) used by B and the effected permutation in the constellation is (0,0) (0,2)(1,1)(2,0) (1,3)(2,2)(3,1) (3,3) representable by column permutation in the Latin Square. Fig.5. ReceivedConstellationattherelayforz=1. Lemma 5: If a Latin Square, L removes a singular fade state (γ, θ) then the Latin Square to remove (γ, (90 θ)) is − obtainable from L by appropriate row and column permuta- 0 1 2 3 tions. 1 2 3 0 Proof: See Appendix B. 2 3 0 1 Notethatthefadestatez =1or(γ =1,θ =0)isasingular 3 0 1 2 fade state for any signal set. Definition 3: A Latin Square which removes the singular Fig.6. Left-cyclicLatinSquaretoremovethesingularfadestatez=1 fade state z =1 for a signal set is said to be a standard Latin Square for that signal set. C. Standard Latin Square for M QAM It is known that the removal of the singular fade state z=1 − In this subsection standard Latin Square for a square M- hasveryhighsignificanceinaRicianfadingscenariowhenthe RicianfactorK =0.Thereadersmayreferto[15]forfurther QAM constellation is obtained from that of √M-PAM con- (cid:54) stellation. details regarding the influence of the values of singular fade states on the overall performance of the bi-directional relay Let PAM(i), for i = 1,2, ,√M, denote the symbol ··· network. set consisting of √M symbols (i 1)√M,((i 1)√M)+ { − − When nodes A and B use a 2λ-PSK signal set, it has been 1,((i 1)√M) + 2, ,((i 1)√M) + (√M 1) . Let − ··· − − } shown in [7] that the Latin Square obtained by Exclusive-OR LPAM(i) denote the standard Latin Square for √M-PAM, (XOR) is a standard Latin Square for any integer λ. It turns with symbol set PAM(i) and also let LQAM denote the out that for M-QAM signal sets the Latin Square given by standard Latin Square for M-QAM. Then, LQAM is given bitwise Exclusive-OR (XOR) is not a standard Latin Square in terms of LPAM(i), i = 1,2, ,√M, as the block left- ··· for any M > 4. This can be easily seen as follows: Any cyclic Latin Square shown in Fig. 7. This is formally shown square M-QAM signal set (M > 4) has points of the form in the following Lemma. a+jc,a+j(c+b),a+j(c b),forsomeintegersa,bandc.For Lemma 7: Let PAM(i) for i=1,2, ,√M, denote the z = 1, the effective cons−tellation at R during the MA phase symbol set consisting of √M symbols···(i 1)√M,((i { − − contains the point 2(a+jc) and can be resulted in at least 1)√M)+1,((i 1)√M)+2, ,((i 1)√M)+(√M 1) − ··· − − } two different ways, since 2(a+jc)=(a+jc)+z(a+jc)= and let LPAM(i) stand for the Latin Square that removes the a+j(c+b)+z(a+j(c b))forz =1.Letl ,l andl denote singular fade state z = 1 with the symbol set PAM(i) for 1 2 3 thelabelsfora+jc,a+−j(c+b),anda+j(c b)respectively. √M-PAM. Then arranging the cyclic Latin Squares LPAM(i) Forthesingularfadestatez =1,wehave (l−,l ),(l ,l ) as as shown Fig.7 where each row is a block wise left-cyclically 1 1 2 3 asingularityremovalconstraint.ButtheLa{tinSquareobtai}ned shifted version of the previous row results in a Latin Square bybitwiseXORmappingdoesnotsatisfythisconstraintsince which removes the singular fade state z =1 for M-QAM. l l =0=l l . Proof: See Appendix D. 1 1 2 3 ⊕ (cid:54) ⊕ The standard Latin Square for 16-QAM is shown in Fig.8. B. Standard Latin Square for √M PAM − In this subsection, we obtain standard Latin Squares for IV. CHANNELQUANTIZATIONFORM-QAMSIGNALSETS √M PAM signal sets. In Section III, we saw how the relay R chooses a complex − Definition 4: An M M Latin square in which each row number for transmission during the broadcast phase if the × is obtained by a left cyclic shift of the previous row is called channel fade coefficients result in a singular fade state. This a left-cyclic Latin Square. was done essentially by associating a Latin Square to each Lemma 6: For a √M-PAM signal set a left-cyclic Latin singular fade state. However, γejθ being a ratio of two Square removes the singular fade state z =1. complexnumbers(h /h ),cantakeanyvalueinthecomplex B A 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 2 3 0 5 6 7 4 9 10 11 8 13 14 15 12 2 3 0 1 6 7 4 5 10 11 8 9 14 15 12 13 3 0 1 2 7 4 5 6 11 8 9 10 15 12 13 14 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 1 2 3 5 6 7 4 9 10 11 8 13 14 15 12 1 2 3 0 6 7 4 5 10 11 8 9 14 15 12 13 2 3 0 1 7 4 5 6 11 8 9 10 15 12 13 14 3 0 1 2 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 8 13 14 15 12 1 2 3 0 5 6 7 4 10 11 8 9 14 15 12 13 2 3 0 1 6 7 4 5 11 8 9 10 15 12 13 14 3 0 1 2 7 4 5 6 12 13 14 15 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 12 1 2 3 0 5 6 7 4 9 10 11 8 14 15 12 13 2 3 0 1 6 7 4 5 10 11 8 9 15 12 13 14 3 0 1 2 7 4 5 6 11 8 9 10 Fig.8. StandardLatinSquareLQAM for16-QAM. d = d ,canhavethesameratiowhen isM-PSKsignal | l1|(cid:54) | l2| S LPAM(1) LPAM(2) LPAM(√M) set, i.e., d d z = k1 = k2, d =d ,d =d ∆ (9) −d −d k1 (cid:54) l1 k2 (cid:54) l2 ∈ S LPAM(2) LPAM(3) LPAM(1) l1 l2 if and only if d = d and d = d . | k1| | k2| | l1| | l2| Inotherwords,allz =z(cid:48) =1 ,arisefromdistinctpairs (cid:54) (cid:54) ∈H differing in their magnitudes in ∆ for M-PSK. This is not S thecasewhentheendnodesAandBuseM-QAMsignalset. This is shown in the following example. First, notice that for LPAM(√M) LPAM(1) LPAM(√M−1) M-QAMsignalsetusedatnodesAandB,anypointdk ∈∆S can be written in the form 2 (cid:110) (cid:16) (cid:17) Fig.7. ConstructionofLQAM forz=1. dk = √ρ(nk+jmk),for some nk,mk ∈ − √M −1 , (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17)(cid:111) √M 2 ,..., √M 2 , √M 1 − − − − plane(infact,ittakesavalueequaltoasingularfadestatewith (10) probability zero). This demands the partition of the complex plane into regions and associating a Latin Square to each Example 6: Consider 16-QAM signal set used at nodes A rucehsgeaidnonnaetsloqthuaeasntrtoeizloaayptitoidmnuifrzoienrgMtottha-PleSnbKurmosabigdencraaoslftsenptehtfawosroetr.wkToch-ouedsiesnrtgufdamydainpogsf adnl1d=B.√2Fρo(r1t+he0fjo)l,lodwki2n=g 4√2pρo(i1nt+s i3nj)∆(cid:54)=S,ddl2k1==√2√ρ2ρ(1(2++jj)), (cid:54)= MAC channel is described in [14] and that for bi-directional d d relaynetworkisaddressedin[8].While[14]usesthenotionof 1= k1 = k2 (cid:54) d d distance classes for partitioning the complex plane, in [8] the l1 l2 regions associated with each singular fade state are obtained However, d = d and d = d . | k1|(cid:54) | k2| | l1|(cid:54) | l2| byplottingthepair-wisetransitionboundariesofrelevantpairs So the procedure used for channel quantization in [8] for of singular fade states. M-PSK does not directly apply for M-QAM. However, as in In this section we describe how to partition the set of all case with M-PSK described in [8], we show that for certain possible γejθ when the end nods A and B use a square M- valuesofγejθ anychoiceofclusteringsatisfyingtheexclusive QAM signal set. The salient difference while using M-QAM law gives the same minimum cluster distance so that any one constellation when compared to M-PSK signal sets at nodes of the Latin Squares may be chosen. Subsequently, channel A and B is as follows. It is shown in Lemma 1 of [9] that quantization for those values of γejθ for which the choice of no two distinct pairs of points (d ,d ) and (d ,d ) in the Latin Square does play a role in the overall performance k1 l1 k2 l2 the difference constellation ∆ , such that d = d and is taken up. S | k1| (cid:54) | k2| A. Clustering Independent Region Proof: Proof follows directly from the complex in- (cid:16) (cid:17) Definition 5: The set of values of γejθ for which any clus- version of the 8 √M 1 circles used for obtaining − tering satisfying the exclusive law gives the same minimum Γext(M QAM) in Theorem 1. CI − clusterdistanceisreferredtoastheclusteringindependentre- Define gion.Theregioninthecomplexplaneotherthantheclustering independent region is called the clustering dependent region. γejθ (cid:44)max(cid:8) (γejθ), (γejθ)(cid:9), γejθ C (16) ∞ Itisshownin[14]thatwithanarbitrarysignalset usedat || || |(cid:60) | |(cid:61) | ∀ ∈ S A and B for the MA phase, for any clustering γ,θ satisfying where (z) and (z) stand for the real and imaginary parts C (cid:60) (cid:61) the exclusive law, we have respectively of the complex number z. FromTheorem1,itcanbenotedthatfor γejθ √M, ∞ dmin( γ,θ) min dmin( ),γdmin( ) (11) γejθ belongs to Γext and for γejθ √|| 1|| √≥, γejθ C ≤ { S S } CI | | ≤ 2M+1− 2 Observation 1: Using (11), for values of γejθ belongs to ΓiCnIt. In the complex plane, the locus of the points for which d (γejθ) min d ( ),γd ( ) , satisfying γejθ ∞ = a is a square centered at origin and min min min || || since d (γejθ) d ≥( γ,θ),{ Swe hSav}e having sides of length a. So, if γejθ lies outside the square min min d ( γ,θ)=min d ≤( ),γd C ( ) for all clusterings centeredatoriginandhavingsidesoflength√M orinsidethe mγ,iθnsCatisfying the{exmcliunsiSve lawm.iSnucSh}γejθ therefore belong circle centered at the origin with radius √ 1 √ the relay 2M+1− 2 C can choose to use a fixed predetermined clustering satisfying to the clustering independent region. the mutual exclusive law. In particular, that clustering whose Define corresponding Latin Square has only M symbols can be ΓCI( )= γejθ :(cid:12)(cid:12)dk+γejθdl(cid:12)(cid:12) min(dmin( ),γdmin( )) used. This observation helps in significantly reducing the S { ≥ S S (d ,d )=(0,0) (∆ )2,γ R+, π θ <π computational complexity at the relay. The relay needs to k l ∀ (cid:54) ∈ S ∈ − ≤ } adaptively switch between network coding maps only if the (12) abovetwoconditionsarenotsatisfied.Thefollowingexample =Γext( ) Γint( ) (13) CI S ∪ CI S illustrates Theorem 1 and the above observation. where Example 7: ConsiderthecasewhenthenodesAandBuse 16-QAM signal set. For this scenario, according to Theorem ΓeCxIt(S)=ΓCI(S)∩{γ >1}, (14) 1,the24unitcirclescenteredatthesingularstateslyinginthe outermost square are shown in Fig. 9(a). The region Γext is CI ΓiCnIt(S)=ΓCI(S)∩{γ ≤1}. (15) trhegeioshnaidnedFirge.g9io(bn).inTFheigc.i9rc(lae)s.iTnhFeigre.g9i(obn)ΓariCenItthiossteheobsthaaidneedd Ithasbeenshownin[8]thattheregionΓint( )isobtainedby by the complex inversion of the unit circles shown in Fig. CI S thecomplexinversionoftheregionΓext( )sothatbyfinding 9(a). The clustering independent region Γ is the union of CI S CI out one the other can be obtained easily. the shaded regions in Fig. 9(a) and Fig. 9(b). Additionally, Theorem 1: For M-QAM signal set the region as an approximation, if γejθ falls in the region between the Γext(M-QAM) is the outer envelope region formed by squarewithsidelength4(B1inFig.10)andcirclewithradius C(cid:16)I (cid:17) 8 √M 1 unit circles with centers (α+jβ) belonging to √1 (B2inFig.10),therelayusesadaptivenetworkcoding (cid:110)− (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17)(cid:111) m3a2p+s.1This is shown in Fig. 10. the set √M 1 +jx,x j √M 1 , where x ± − ± − ∈ (cid:110) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17)(cid:111) B. Clustering Dependent Region √M 1 , √M 2 ,..., √M 2 , √M 1 − − − − − − Inthissectionwepartitionthatregionofthecomplexplane Proof: See Appendix E (cid:16) (cid:17) where the choice of Latin Square significantly determines the It can be verified that the centers of the 8 √M 1 circles performance of the bi-directional relay during the broadcast − in Theorem 1 are the singular fade states which lie on the phase. It follows from Observation 1 that values of γejθ for outermost square. whichd (γejθ)<min d ( ),γd ( ) constitutethe min min min ForM >4theregionΓint( )isdescribedinthefollowing clustering dependent regio{n. As tShe criterionSd}escribed in [8] CI S lemma. Here, it may be noted that, for normalized signal sets for partitioning the channel fade state complex plane when used at nodes A and B, 4-PSK and 4-QAM are the same, and nodes A and B use M-PSK depends on (9) which no longer M-PSK (for all M) has already been addressed in [8]. holds for M-QAM as illustrated in Example (6), we develop Lemma 8: For M > 4, Γint(M-QAM) is the analternativecriterionforperformingthechannelpartitioning CI outer envelope region formed by the 8(√M 1) in the clustering dependent region. (cid:16) (cid:17) − circles with centers α j β and With (γ,θ,dk,dl) defined as α2+β2−1 − α2+β2−1 D radii 1/(cid:0)α2+β2 1(cid:1) where (α+jβ) belongs to (γ,θ,d ,d )= d +γejθd , (d ,d )=(0,0) (∆ )2, (cid:110) (cid:16) − (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17)(cid:111) D k l | k l| k l (cid:54) ∈ S the set √M 1 +jx,x j √M 1 , x (17) ± − ± − ∈ (cid:110) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17)(cid:111) √M 1 , √M 2 ,..., √M 2 , √M 1 we have the following lemma. − − − − − − Lemma 9: If γejθ is such that argmax min (γ,θ,d ,d ) = z(cid:48), then z∈H (dk,dl):−ddlk=zD k l theclustering z(cid:48) maximizestheminimumclusterdistance, { } C among all the clusterings which belong to the set H C Proof: For d and d ∆ k l ∈ S min (γ,θ,d ,d )=d ( {z},γ,θ), (18) k l min (dk,dl):−ddlk=zD C the minimum cluster distance of the clustering {z} evaluated C at γejθ. If the maximum in (18) is achieved for z(cid:48) , then d ( z(cid:48) ,γ,θ) d ( {z},γ,θ) z = z(cid:48) ∈H. Then min { } min z(cid:48) Cis the best ≥clusteringCfor the ch∀ann(cid:54)el fade∈coHefficient { } C γejθ. Therefore, associated with each singular fade state z ∈ H we have a region in the γejθ plane in which the {z} (a) ΓeCxIt (shadedregion)for16-QAM clustering {z} maximRizestheminimumclusterdistance.This C region is given by {z} R = γejθ : min d +γejθd {z} k l R { (dk,dl)∈(∆S)2:−ddlk=z| | ≥ min d +γejθd , z(cid:48) =z . k l (dk,dl)∈(∆S)2:−ddlk=z(cid:48)| | ∀ (cid:54) ∈H} The boundaries of these regions for each singular fade state are explicitly derived next. It is shown that like with M-PSK signal set considered in [7], the boundaries of the region areeithercirclesorstraightlinesandasystematic {z} R procedure to obtain these regions for each singular state is given.Asimpleformulationtofindoutthepairwisetransition boundary corresponding to a pair of clusterings {z1} and C {z2} is stated next. C The curve c(z ,z ) which denotes the pair-wise transition 1 2 (b) ΓiCnIt (shadedregion)for16-QAM boundaryformedbythesingularfadestatez1withthesingular fade state z is the set of γejθ for which 2 Fig.9. ClusterIndependentregionsfor16QAM min d +γejθd = min d +γejθd . k l k l (dk,dl)∈(∆S)2:| | (dk,dl)∈(∆S)2:| | −ddlk=z1 −ddlk=z2 Theorem 2: With the notations dˇ =arg min (cid:8)d +γejθd (cid:9), l 1 2 d2∈∆S : −dd21=z1 | | dˇl(cid:48) =arg min (cid:8)d1+γejθd2 (cid:9), d2∈∆S : −dd12=z2 | | the pair wise transition curve c(z ,z ), z =z is any one of 1 2 1 2 (cid:54) the following • if dˇl = dˇl(cid:48) , a circle with center (x,y) and radius r, | | (cid:54) | | where (z ) (z ) (z ) (z ) x= (cid:60) 1 + (cid:60) 2 , y = (cid:61) 1 + (cid:61) 2 1 dˇl(cid:48) 2 1 dˇl 2 1 dˇl(cid:48) 2 1 dˇl 2 −|dˇl | −|dˇl(cid:48)| −|dˇl | −|dˇl(cid:48)| (cid:115) (cid:18) z 2 dˇ 2 z 2 dˇ 2(cid:19) and r = x2+y2+ | 2| | l(cid:48)| −| 1| | l| dˇ 2 dˇ 2 l l(cid:48) Fig.10. Theunshadedregionshowstheregioninthecomplexplanewhere | | −| | adaptiveswitchingneedstobedonefor16-QAMsignalset • if dˇl = dˇl(cid:48) , a straight line of the form ax+by = c, | | | | where a=(cid:0) (z1) dˇl 2 (z2) dˇl(cid:48) 2(cid:1), (cid:60) | | −(cid:60) | | b=(cid:0) (z1) dˇl 2 (z2) dˇl(cid:48) 2(cid:1), (cid:61) | | −(cid:61) | | c= 1(cid:0)z2 2 dˇl(cid:48) 2 z1 2 dˇl 2(cid:1). −2 | | | | −| | | | Proof: See Appendix F Observation 2: From [8] it is known that the region is the region obtained by the complex inversion R{−dl/dk} of the region . Also the distribution of the sin- R{−dk/dl} gular fade state in the γejθ complex plane is periodic with periodicity π/2 for M-QAM. Moreover, within an interval [a,a+π/2],a 0,π/2,π,3π/2 , the singular fade states ∈ { } are symmetric with respect to the line θ =a+π/4. Channel Quantization of 16-QAM Signal Set: We consider the case when nodes A and B both use 16-QAM signal set. From Observation 2, it follows that we need to consider only (a) Pairwisetransitionboundariescorrespondingto2+j those singular fade states which lie outside the unit circle and within the angular interval θ [0,π/4]. The pair wise ∈ transitionboundariesasgivenbyTheorem2foradjacentpairs ofsingularfadestatesinthisregiongivetheregion , d > d and (cid:93)( d /d ) [0,π/4]. Using theRs{y−mdmk/edtlr}y k l k l | | | | − ∈ property and periodicity as mentioned in Observation 2 we get the region corresponding to all singular fade R{−dk/dl} states lying outside the unit circle centered at the origin. Again, from Observation 2, the regions corresponding to the singular fade states lying inside the unit circle is obtained by complex inversion of those obtained for singular fade states lying outside the unit circle. The regions corresponding to singular fade states lying on the unit circle are the remaining regions in the complex plane after the regions corresponding to all the other singular fade states are obtained. For 16-QAM signal set used at nodes A and B, there are 27 singular fade states in the region outside the unit circle (b) RegionR for16-QAM {2+j} and in the angular interval θ [0,π/4]. To illustrate Theorem ∈ 2 consider the singular fade state 2+j in the said interval. Fig.11. Diagramexplainingtheproceduretogetregionforasingularfade It shares pairwise transition boundaries with 8 neighbouring state singularfadestatesviz. 1.5+1.5j, 1.5+j, 1.4+0.8j, 1.8+ of symbols 16, but for 16-QAM some singular fade states { 0.6j, 2+2j, 3+j,2.5+0.5j, 2 . The pairwise transition cannot be removed with Latin Squares of 16 symbols, we } boundarybetween2+j and1.5+1.5j isthecircleC1shown used Latin Squares consisting 20 symbols for some singular in Fig. 11(a). Similarly, circles C2, C3, C4 and C5 form the fadestates.Since16-QAMhasonly388singularfadestates,in pairwise boundaries with 1.5+j, 1.4+0.8j, 1.8+0.6j and comparisonwith912singularfadestatesof16-PSK,andsince 2.5+0.5jrespectively,forthesingularfadestate2+jasshown 16-QAMoffersbetterdistancedistributionintheMAstage16- in Fig. 11(a). The pairwise transition boundary between 2+j QAM gives better performance. For a given average energy, and2+2j isthestraightlineL1showninFig.11(a).Further, the end to end BER is a function of distance distribution of from Fig. 11(a), lines L2 and L3 are the pairwise transition theconstellationsusedattheendnodesaswellasattherelay. boundaries with 3+j and 2 respectively for the singular fade The simulation results for the end to end BER as a function state 2+j. Finally, the region {2+j} is the shaded region of SNR is presented for different fading scenarios. R shown in Fig. 11(b). Consider the case when h ,h ,h(cid:48) and h(cid:48) are distributed A B A B Proceeding likewise for all the singular fade states lying accordingtoRayleighdistribution,withthevariancesofallthe outside the unit circle, we get the channel quantization for fadinglinksareassumedtobe0dB.TheendtoendBERasa 16-QAM signal set as shown in Fig. 12. functionofSNRindBwhentheendnodesuse16-QAMsignal sets as well as 16-PSK signal sets with same average energy V. SIMULATIONRESULTS is given in Fig.13. The end to end BER for XOR network The Latin Square (LS) scheme [7] is based on removing code for 16-QAM is also given. It can be observed that the the singular fade states. For 16-PSK all the 912 singular LS Scheme for 16-QAM outperforms LS Scheme for 16-PSK fade states can be removed with Latin Squares with number as well as XOR network code.