HANDBOOK OF VACUUM PHYSICS VOLUME 2 PHYSICAL ELECTRONICS EDITED BY A. H. BECK Engineering Laboratory, Cambridge Part 1 C. GREY MORGAN—Fundamentals of Electric Discharges in Gases PERGAMON PRESS OXFORD · LONDON · EDINBURGH · NEW YORK PARIS · FRANKFURT Pergamon Press Ltd., Headington Hill Hall, Oxford 4 & 5 Fitzroy Square, London W.l Pergamon Press (Scotland) Ltd., 2 & 3 Teviot Place, Edinburgh 1 Pergamon Press Inc., 122 East 55th St., New York 22, N.Y. Gauthier-Villars, 55 Quai des Grands-Augustins, Paris 6 Pergamon Press GmbH, Kaiserstrasse 75, Frankfurt-am-Main Copyright © 1965 Pergamon Press Ltd First edition 1965 Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 63-21443 Set in Monotype Times 10 on 12 pt. and printed in Great Britain by Bell and Bain Ltd., Glasgow ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I am much indebted to my many colleagues in the Department of Physics, University College of Swansea, who, under the stimulating guidance of Professor F. Llewellyn-Jones, are enthusiastically en gaged in research on various aspects of electric discharges in gases. My colleagues have given me helpful advice and have constructively criticised the manuscript. In particular I wish to thank Professor P. M. Davidson for invaluable discussions concerning sections 4.17 et seq on non-steady state ionization growth, and also Dr. A. J. Davies and Mr. C. J. Evans for advice concerning section 4.14. My thanks are also due to numerous authors for permission to reproduce illustrations from their publications; to the American Institute of Physics for permission to use Figs. 4-15 and 24, 25, 30, 37, 41, 42, 45; to the Institute of Physics and The Physical Society for Figs. 18-22, 26-29, 33, 34, 35, 38, 39, 40, 44, 49 and 50; to the John Wiley Publishing Co. Ltd. for Fig. 17; to the North Holland Publishing Co. for Figs. 46-48 and to the Editors of Nature for Figs. 23, 31, 32 and 36. C. GREY MORGAN vu 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Dark, glow and arc discharges The term Electrical Discharges in Gases is used generically to denote the passage of electricity through a gas and implicitly em braces the wide variety of physical phenomena which accompany such a discharge of electricity. The discharge currents may be as small as 10~16A in certain ionization growth studies, or be as large as megamperes in thermonuclear and plasma physics studies. The electric fields encountered in discharge phenomena also cover a remarkably wide scale. The range of technological application of electrical discharges is enormous and ever widening: for many years several discharge phenomena have been used to reduce and measure residual gas pressures in vacuum equipment. An interesting example is the pumping action of an arc discharge used in the experimental thermo nuclear device known as DCX-1, in which an effective pumping speed of 104 1. sec-1 at approximately 10~6 mm Hg is obtained with a 300A arc. Recently, a low power electrical discharge in a helium- neon mixture has been used as an optical laser in order to produce an infrared beam with a very small spread and a spectral line width some 105 times narrower than that obtainable by any other means. The possibilities offered by gas discharges for the propulsion of space vehicles (plasma propulsion), and the direct conversion of thermal to electrical energy are now the subject of serious and intensive research. More familiar applications of electrical discharges include fluorescent lighting, mercury-arc rectifiers, hydrogen thyratrons, trigatron switches and similar gaseous electronic devices, all of which depend for their action upon the changes that may be brought about in the electrical conductivity of a gas. The electrical conductivity of a gas in its normal state is extremely low and controlled largely by the rate of electron and positive ion production in the gas by the incidence of cosmic rays and the presence of local radioactivity. However, when a sufficiently large electric field is established in the gas, the conductivity can increase by many orders of magnitude in an extremely short time : the gas, initially an insulator, becomes an almost perfect conductor. This transition is 3 4 HANDBOOK OF VACUUM PHYSICS known as the breakdown of the electrical insulating properties of the gas, or, briefly, electrical breakdown. During the transition several distinct phases or types of electrical discharges may be observed, each having its own particular set of basic electrical and optical characteristics. The visible characteristics of these phases have given rise to a number of names, for example, dark discharge, glow discharge, and arc discharge, which typify their physical appearance. These phases form the three fundamental types of continuous, self-regenerating electrical discharge. Once established they require only a suitable source of electromotive force for their maintenance. They differ from each other in respect of their current-voltage characteristics and intensity and distribution of emitted radiation. A broad classification of the three types may be made on this basis. Thus in dark discharges the ionization currents and current densities are generally very small, < 10~7A and the inter-electrode voltages may be as high as 105 to 106V at high gas pressures( > several atmospheres) for electrode separations of some centimetres. There is negligible visible radiation. In glow discharges, on the other hand, the currents may lie between 10~6 and 10-1A and the maintaining voltage may be either considerably less than that existing in the dark discharge, or greater if the product of the gas pressure and electrode separation is suffi ciently small. As the name glow implies the discharge is clearly visible. The arc discharge is characterized by large currents, generally greater than 10_1A with current densities > 102A cm-2 and low inter-electrode voltages of the order of some tens of volts. It is accompanied by intense visible radiation and high gas temperatures (103 to 105 °K). An experimentally measured current-voltage characteristic of dark and glow discharges is illustrated in Fig. 1 for low pressure helium between plane parallel silver electrodes in series with a resistance and a source of steady (static) voltage. (Davies, Llewellyn-Jones and Morgan, 1962.) The curve AB represents the occurrence of transient dark discharges intitiated by electrons liberated in the gas by the fortuitous passage of cosmic rays and the presence of radioactive material or by very weak illumination of the cathode by ultraviolet light. Illumination of the cathode by stronger ultraviolet light yields enhanced photo-electric 300 / \ 280 m 2601 o 240 H Ξ 220 o 200 180 160 Gas:Pure helium, p=38-71orr -.y o 140 E Electrodes : Silver, d = 0-8cm 120 > -o-o-o : Measured points 100 : Schematic o 80 60 vO__ w 40 20 ιοΗΖ ισ" ιοΗΟ io-9 io-8 io7 io-6 io-5 i i ininoi—-4i i i ιnσini 3 τ ι ι nini ι ι ι nini ' ' ' "■"'IO » ' 4, ""■I'O > 1(A) w FIG. 1. Experimentally measured current-voltage characteristic of dark and glow discharges. L* 6 HANDBOOK OF VACUUM PHYSICS emission and results in a steady, larger, current represented by the curve A'B'. The magnitude of these transient and steady currents increases with inter-electrode voltage V. For values of V less than a critical value, denoted by V in Fig. 1, these currents are not self-sustaining, i.e. s they require for their maintenance a specific source of initiatory electrons, e.g. irradiation by ultraviolet light or a radioactive source. In the absence of such sources only random quenched transient currents are observable. However, when V is made equal to V a discharge current once s initiated, albeit fortuitously, can continue to flow in the absence of any further supply of initiatory electrons. This then constitutes a self-maintained dark discharge. The voltage V at which self- s maintenance occurs is known as the static sparking potential or static breakdown voltage. By suitably controlling the circuit it is found that the current can be allowed to increase to values of about 10~6A without any signi ficant changes in the value of the inter-electrode voltage, i.e. it remains constant at V = V. For larger values of current the voltage drops s considerably. Thus the critical voltage at which self-maintenance first occurs is found to be independent of the value of the current, provided that the current is not too large. The breakdown voltage or sparking potential is thus defined as the minimum voltage which is able to maintain a very small current in the gas. This non-dependence of V upon current is illustrated by the region s B'C and it represents the onset of breakdown. The physical signi ficance of (and the fundamental mechanisms responsible for) these measurable characteristics were first examined quantitatively by Townsend (1903) and the self-maintained dark discharge is often called a " Townsend discharge ". If the current is allowed to increase further to values > 10~4A the discharge becomes faintly visible and the maintaining voltage continues to fall until a further region DE of constant voltage (denoted by F ) is reached. This is the normal glow maintenance glow potential and is independent of the magnitude of the discharge current up to values ~ IO"1 A. In this region the current density remains practically constant; the discharge spreads over the cathode surface as the current increases until finally the whole surface is covered. Further increase of current can be obtained only by increasing the inter-electrode voltage and this regime is known as the abnormal ELECTRIC DISCHARGES IN GASES 7 glow. A maximum voltage is reached when the current may be ~ 1A. Larger currents are accompanied by a fall of voltage to a very low value and a considerable increase in the intensity of visible radiation. This is the arc regime and the current may then be limited only by the ability of the source of electromotive force to supply it. In any combination of gas and electrode configuration the value of the static sparking potential V is found to be a function of the s product of the gas pressure p and electrode separation d. This 0-8cm Gas: Pure helium Electrodes: Silver, d*0-8cm _L Pd (mmHgxcm) FIG. 2. Paschen curve. dependence of V upon pd was first established by de la Rue and s Müller, and later confirmed by Paschen (1889). Paschen concluded from studies made with H , C0 and air over a wide range of 2 2 values of pd, that V was a function of the product/?*/ only. This is s known as Paschen's Law and the characteristic curve V = φ(ρά) s for a given electrode arrangement and gas is called a Paschen Curve. For very small and very large values of pd, deviations occur from Paschen's Law. These are due to the occurrence of field dependent ionization processes. At low values of pd the presence of a relatively weak magnetic field can produce considerable deviations. Figure 2 shows the form of a Paschen curve. 8 HANDBOOK OF VACUUM PHYSICS For any particular system V is found to depend upon the nature s and state of the electrode surfaces and upon the nature and purity of the gas. Figures 1 and 2 refer to the steady state, i.e. time as a parameter does not enter into the considerations. However, there are many cases when impulsive voltages in excess of V are applied between s electrodes. The current is then observed to increase in time and it is common knowledge that breakdown (sometimes called sparking or a spark discharge) accompanied by the collapse of the applied voltage may occur in a very short time. This is illustrated in Fig. 3a which shows an oscillogram of a step function voltage in excess of -*J 100 m sec h*— —*J 3/i.sec U— , Y *w Vglow Overshoot *■%-» »glow 1 (circuit effect) Key Key KEY TO FIG. 3a. KEY TO FIG. 3b. V and its subsequent collapse to the glow maintenance potential si K as breakdown develops. The horizontal portion between the glow instant of application and the collapse to K is known as the total glow time lag of spark breakdown. It comprises an initiatory or statistical time lag, which is spent awaiting the arrival of an initiatory electron, and a formative time lag, which is the subsequent time taken for the current to grow sufficiently to cause the collapse of the applied voltage. Figure 3a refers to breakdown in hydrogen at a low pressure between copper electrodes. The applied voltage impulse exceeded V by only 2 per cent and the time lag of 3/isec consisted principally s of the formative lag, since the statistical component was eliminated by X-irradiation of the cathode. (Morgan, 1955, 1956.) Figure 3b, in contrast, shows a long formative time lag (100 msec) obtained in the study of breakdown in helium between silver elec trodes, referred to above. FIG. 3a, Formative time lags in FIG. 3b. Formative time lags in FIG. 3C. Initiatory time lags in low pressure hydrogen (constant). low pressure helium (constant). hydrogen (statistically distributed).