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is PHYSICA ( a ELSEVIER Physica C 309 (1998) 315-317 Author Index to Volume 309 Adhikari, S.K., see Ghosh, A., 309 (1998) 251 Danyliv, O.D., Phase transitions in the two-sublattice pseu- Agliolo Gallitto, A., M. Guccione and M. Li Vigni, Harmonic dospin--electron model of high temperature superconducting emission at microwave frequencies in Bay ,K, ,BiO, crys- systems, 309 (1998) 303 tals, 309 (1998) 8 de Arellano-Lépez, A.R., see Goretta, K.C., 309 (1998) 245 Aksu, E., see Celebi, S., 309 (1998) 131 de Groot, P.A.J., see Crisan, A., 309 (1998) 1 Aloysius, R.P., A. Sobha, P. Guruswamy, K.G.K. Warrier and de Groot, P.A.J., see Kokkaliaris, S., 309 (1998) 49 U. Syamaprasad, Optimization of tape width and powder Dubovitskii, A.V., see Sedykh, V., 309 (1998) 175 packing density in the powder-in-tube processing of (Bi,Pb)- Dukan, S. and O. Vafek, Anomalous behavior of the upper 2223 tapes, 309 (1998) 203 critical field in extreme type-II superconductors at low tem- Angst, M., see Puzniak, R., 309 (1998) 161 peratures, 309 (1998) 295 Annett, J.F., see Litak, G., 309 (1998) 257 Awan, S.A., see Friend, C.M., 309 (1998) 187 Feenstra, R., see Solovyov, V.F., 309 (1998) 269 Bagautdinov, B.S., see Sedykh, V., 309 (1998) 175 Fisher, L.M., A.V. Kalinov, S.E. Savel’ev, I.F. Voloshin and Beales, T.P., see Friend, C.M., 309 (1998) 187 V.A. Yampol’skii, Critical current anisotropy in YBCO Beduz, C., see Crisan, A., 309 (1998) 1 superconducting samples, 309 (1998) 284 Beilin, V., A. Goldgirsh, E. Yashchin, M. Roth and M. Schieber, Fisher, L.M., S.E. Savel’ev, IF. Voloshin, V.A. Yampol’skii Effects of deformation on current-limiting factors in Ag /Bi- and D.T. Shaw, Electromagnetic properties of brickwork-like SCCO tapes, 309 (1998) 56 structured hard superconductors, 309 (1998) 120 Boutboul, M.S., H. Kokabi and M. Pyée, Modeling of mi- Friend, C.M., D.M. Spiller, L. Le Lay, S.A. Awan and T.P. crostrip quasi-TEM superconducting transmission lines, Beales, Using electrical measurements to determine the comparison with experimental results, 309 (1998) 71 self-field AC losses of cable models, 309 (1998) 187 Budhani, R.C., see Patnaik, S., 309 (1998) 221 Fujita, A., Numerical study for vortex lattice transition with Buntar, V., Investigation of inter- and intragrain currents in extended Ginzburg—Landau model, 309 (1998) 65 KC, single crystals, 309 (1998) 98 Fujiyoshi, T., see Sueyoshi, T., 309 (1998) 79 Cabrera, G.G., see Lagos, R.E., 309 (1998) 170 Celebi, S., I. Karaca, E. Aksu and A. Gencer, Frequency dependence of the intergranular AC loss peak in a high-T, Gagnon, R., see Crisan, A., 309 (1998) 1 Bi—(Pb)—Sr—Ca—Cu-—O bulk superconductor, 309 (1998) 131 Gencer, A., see Celebi, S., 309 (1998) 131 Chang, H., Q.Y. Chen and W.K. Chu, Identification of chemical Ghosh, A. and S.K. Adhikari, Phase transition from a d,2_ ,2 to and structural impurities in YBa,Cu,0,_; films by Raman d.2_,2+/id,., superconductor, 309 (1998) 251 spectroscopy, 309 (1998) 215 Goldgirsh, A., see Beilin, V., 309 (1998) 56 Chen, N., see Goretta, K.C., 309 (1998) 245 Gordeev, S.N., see Crisan, A., 309 (1998) 1 Chen, Q.Y., see Chang, H., 309 (1998) 215 Gordeev, S.N., see Kokkaliaris, S., 309 (1998) 49 Chen, W.M., see Wu, X.S., 309 (1998) 25 Goretta, K.C., E.T. Park, R.E. Koritala) M.M. Cuver, E.A. Chimi, Y., see Sueyoshi, T., 309 (1998) 79 Pascual, N. Chen, A.R. de Arellano-Lopez and J.L. Rout- Chu, C.W., see Hervieu, M., 309 (1998) 275 bort, Thermomechanical response of polycrystalline BaZrO,, Chu, W.K., see Chang, H., 309 (1998) 215 309 (1998) 245 Claus, H., see Zheng, H., 309 (1998) 17 Gorlova, I.G., see Timofeev, V.N., 309 (1998) 113 Crabtree, G.W., see Zheng, H., 309 (1998) 17 Gorski, G. and J. Mizia, Electronic pairing due to interband and Crisan, A., S.N. Gordeev, S. Manton, A.P. Rassau, S. Popa, C. intraband hopping dependence on oxygen covalency in Beduz, P.A.J. de Groot, R. Gagnon and L. Taillefer, Investi- YBaCuO superconductors, 309 (1998) 138 gations of the zero-field (a,b)-plane conductivity of Guccione, M., see Agliolo Gallitto, A., 309 (1998) 8 YBa,Cu,O,_; near the critical temperature, 309 (1998) 1 Guruswamy, P., see Aloysius, R.P., 309 (1998) 203 Cuber, M.M., see Goretta, K.C., 309 (1998) 245 Gyorffy, B.L., see Litak, G., 309 (1998) 257 316 Author Index to Volume 309 Hervieu, M., S. Malo, B. Raveau, C.W. Chu, X.Y. Xue and I. Muralidhar, M. and M. Murakami, Improvement of the super- Rusakova, A layered cuprate derived from the hexagonal conducting properties in (Nd, Sm, Eu)—Ba—Cu-—O using 4H-BaCuO,,, , structure: Ba,,Ca,Cu,,0,,_, , 309 (1998) melt-quenched precursors, 309 (1998) 39 275 Muroga, T., J. Sato, H. Kitaguchi, H.K umakura, K. Togano and Hirabayashi, I., see Yamagiwa, K., 309 (1998) 231 M. Okada, Enhancement of critical current density for Bi- Hirayama, T., see Yamagiwa, K., 309 (1998) 231 2212/Ag tape conductors through microstructure control, Huang, Y.K., B. ten Haken and H.H.J. ten Kate, Critical current 309 (1998) 236 of high 7, superconducting Bi2223/Ag tapes, 309 (1998) Mustafin, R.G., see Noetzel, R., 309 (1998) 105 197 Nikolova, R., see Zheng, H., 309 (1998) 17 Ishikawa, N., see Sueyoshi, T., 309 (1998) 79 Noetzel, R., Th. Meier, K. Westerholt, R.G. Mustafin and N.M. Iwase, A., see Sueyoshi, T., 309 (1998) 79 Suleimanov, Superconducting properties of hydrogenated Bi,Sr,CaCu,O,, 5 single crystals, 309 (1998) 105 Jiang, M., see Zheng, H., 309 (1998) 17 Jiang, S.S., see Wu, X.S., 309 (1998) 25 Okada, M., see Muroga, T., 309 (1998) 236 Jin, X., see Wu, X.S., 309 (1998) 25 Park, E.T., see Goretta, K.C., 309 (1998) 245 Kalinov, A.V., see Fisher, L.M., 309 (1998) 284 Pascual, E.A., see Goretta, K.C., 309 (1998) 245 Karaca, I., see Celebi, S., 309 (1998) 131 Patnaik, S., R.C. Budhani, Y.-L. Wang and M. Suenaga, Radio Karpinski, J., see Puzniak, R., 309 (1998) 161 frequency vortex dynamics in oriented platelets of (Bi- Kiss, T., see Sueyoshi, T., 309 (1998) 79 Pb), Sr,Ca,Cu,0,,) superconductor, 309 (1998) 221 Kitaguchi, H., see Muroga, T., 309 (1998) 236 Popa, S., see Crisan, A., 309 (1998) 1 Kokabi, H., see Boutboul, M.S., 309 (1998) 71 Puzniak, R., J. Karpinski, A. Wisniewski, R. Szymczak, M. Kokkaliaris, S., S.N. Gordeev, P.A.J. de Groot, X.M. Yang and Angst, H. Schwer, R. Molinski and E.M. Kopnin, Influence M.T. Weller, Magnetization’ studies of of Re substitution on the flux pinning in Tl], ¢Pb, 4Sr, 7Bay,CaCu,O, single crystals, 309 (1998) (Hg,Re)Ba,Ca,Cu,O,, 5 single crystals, 309 (1998) 161 49 Pyée, M., see Boutboul, M.S., 309 (1998) 71 Kopnin, E.M., see Puzniak, R., 309 (1998) 161 Koritala, R.E., see Goretta, K.C., 309 (1998) 245 Qu, D., see Tent, B.A., 309 (1998) 89 Kramer, A., Entanglement of flux lines in superconductors with finite thickness, 309 (1998) 33 Rassau, A.P., see Crisan, A., 309 (1998) 1 Kumakura, H., see Muroga, T., 309 (1998) 236 Raveau, B., see Hervieu, M., 309 (1998) 275 Roth, M., see Beilin, V., 309 (1998) 56 Lagos, R.E., A.C.M. Stein-Barana and G.G. Cabrera, A model Routbort, J.L., see Goretta, K.C., 309 (1998) 245 for the Schottky anomaly in metallic Nd,_ ,Ce ,CuO,, 309 Rusakova, I., see Hervieu, M., 309 (1998) 275 (1998) 170 re Le Lay, L., see Friend, C.M., 309 (1998) 187 Sato, J., see Muroga, T., 309 (1998) 236 Lin, J., see Wu, X.S., 309 (1998) 25 Savel’ev, S.E., see Fisher, L.M., 309 (1998) 120 Litak, G., A.M. Martin, B.L. Gyorffy, J.F. Annett and K.I. Savel’ev, S.E., see Fisher, L.M., 309 (1998) 284 Wysokifski, Van Hove singularity and d-wave pairing in Schieber, M., see Beilin, V., 309 (1998) 56 disordered superconductors, 309 (1998) 257 Schwer, H., see Puzniak, R., 309 (1998) 161 Liu, J.S., see Wu, X.S., 309 (1998) 25 Sedykh, V., B.S. Bagautdinov, E.V. Suvorov, I.S. Smirnova, Li Vigni, M., see Agliolo Gallitto, A., 309 (1998) 8 A.V. Dubovitskii and V.S. Shekhtman, The effect of Pb on the behavior of structure modulation in Bi,_ ,Pb,Sr,Fe,O, Malo, S., see Hervieu, M., 309 (1998) 275 isostructural with Bi,Sr,CaCu,O,, 309 (1998) 175 , Manton, S., see Crisan, A., 309 (1998) 1 Shaw, D.T., see Fisher, L.M., 309 (1998) 120 Mao, Z., see Yan, H., 309 (1998) 263 Shekhtman, V.S., see Sedykh, V., 309 (1998) 175 Martin, A.M., see Litak, G., 309 (1998) 257 Shi, D., see Tent, B.A., 309 (1998) 89 Meier, Th., see Noetzel, R., 309 (1998) 105 Shi, L., see Yan, H., 309 (1998) 263 Miyahara, K., see Sueyoshi, T., 309 (1998) 79 Shibata, J., see Yamagiwa, K., 309 (1998) 231 Mizia, J., see Gorski, G., 309 (1998) 138 Smirnova, I.S., see Sedykh, V., 309 (1998) 175 Molinski, R., see Puzniak, R., 309 (1998) 161 Sobha, A., see Aloysius, R.P., 309 (1998) 203 Murakami, M., see Muralidhar, M., 309 (1998) 39 Solovyov, V.F., H.J. Wiesmann, M. Suenaga and R.F eenstra, Murakami, M., see Muralidhar, M., 309 (1998) 43 Thick YBa,Cu,0O, films by post annealing of the precursor Muralidhar, M. and M. Murakami, Effects of Gd,BaCuO, by high rate e-beam deposition on SrTiO, substrates, 309 addition on critical current characteristics in melt-processed (1998) 269 (Nd, Eu, Gd)—Ba—Cu-—O, 309 (1998) 43 Spiller, D.M., see Friend, C.M., 309 (1998) 187 Author Index to Volume 309 Stein-Barana, A.C.M., see Lagos, R.E., 309 (1998) 170 Westerholt, K., see Noetzel, R., 309 (1998) 105 Suenaga, M., see Patnaik, S., 309 (1998) 221 Wiesmann, H.J., see Solovyov, V.F., 309 (1998) 269 Suenaga, M., see Solovyov, V.F., 309 (1998) 269 Wisniewski, A., see Puzniak, R., 309 (1998) 161 Sueyoshi, T., N. Ishikawa, A. Iwase, Y. Chimi, T. Kiss, T. Wong, K.W., see Xin, Y., 309 (1998) 208 Fujiyoshi and K. Miyahara, Transport characteristics near Wu, X.S., S.S. Jiang, J. Lin, J.S. Liu, W.M. Chen and X. Jin, the glass—liquid transition temperature before and after Microstructural variations of YBa,Cu,O0, doped with Ca at heavy-ion irradiation in a YBa,Cu,0,_,; thin film, 309 high doping level, 309 (1998) 25 (1998) 79 Wysokifiski, K.I., see Litak, G., 309 (1998) 257 Suleimanov, N.M., see Noetzel, R., 309 (1998) 105 Suvorov, E.V., see Sedykh, V., 309 (1998) 175 Xin, Y., B.R. Xu and K.W. Wong, New TI 2201 Suzumura, Y., see Yoshioka, H., 309 (1998) 151 (TI,Cr),Sr,CuO, , 5 phase material, 309 (1998) 208 Syamaprasad, U., see Aloysius, R.P., 309 (1998) 203 Xu, B.R., see Xin, Y., 309 (1998) 208 Szymezak, R., see Puzniak, R., 309 (1998) 161 Xu, G., see Yan, H., 309 (1998) 263 Xue, X.Y., see Hervieu, M., 309 (1998) 275 Taillefer, L., see Crisan, A., 309 (1998) 1 ten Haken, B., see Huang, Y.K., 309 (1998) 197 Yamagiwa, K., J. Shibata, T. Hirayama and I. Hirabayashi, The ten Kate, H.H.J., see Huang, Y.K., 309 (1998) 197 influence of calcination processes on the superconducting Tent, B.A., D. Qu and D. Shi, Angle dependence of levitation properties of Yb123 films prepared by chemical solution force in a YBa,Cu,O, sphere, 309 (1998) 89 deposition, 309 (1998) 231 Tian, M., see Yan, H., 309 (1998) 263 Yampol’skii, V.A., see Fisher, L.M., 309 (1998) 120 Timofeev, V.N. and I.G. Gorlova, Growth defects in BSCCO Yampol’skii, V.A., see Fisher, L.M., 309 (1998) 284 (2212) single crystal whiskers, 309 (1998) 113 Yan, H., Z. Mao, G. Xu, L. Shi, M. Tian and Y. Zhang, Togano, K., see Muroga, T., 309 (1998) 236 Distortion of the microstructure in Bi, ,Pb,,5Sr,_ ,CuO, system, 309 (1998) 263 | Vafek, O., see Dukan, S., 309 (1998) 295 Yang, X.M., see Kokkaliavis, S., 309 (1998) 49 Veal, B.W., see Zheng, H., 309 (1998) 17 Yashchin, E., see Beilin, V., 309 (1998) 56 Vlasko-Vlasov, V., see Zheng, H., 309 (1998) 17 Yoshioka, H. and Y. Suzumura, Response functions of two-cou- Voloshin, I.F., see Fisher, L.M., 309 (1998) 120 pled chains of Tomonaga—Luttinger liquids, 309 (1998) 151 Voloshin, I.F., see Fisher, L.M., 309 (1998) 284 Zhang, Y., see Yan, H., 309 (1998) 263 Wang, Y.-L., see Patnaik, S., 309 (1998) 221 Zheng, H., M. Jiang, R. Nikolova, V. Vlasko-Vlasov, U. Welp, Warrier, K.G.K., see Aloysius, R.P., 309 (1998) 203 B.W. Veal, G.W. Crabtree and H. Claus, Magnetization and Weller, M.T., see Kokkaliaris, S., 309 (1998) 49 magnetic levitation of ring samples made of melt textured Welp, U., see Zheng, H., 309 (1998) 17 YBa,Cu,0,, 309 (1998) 17 PHYSICA ( ELSEVIER Physica C 309 (1998) 318-319 Analytic Subject Index to Volume 309 AC loss Critical state model 131 Flux pinning —in Bi-2223 tape 187 Critical temperature —in (Bi-Pb),Sr,Ca,Cu,O,, 221 AC losses —of (Nd, Sm, Eu)-Ba-Cu-O 39 —in (Hg, Re)Ba,Ca,Cu,O,, 5 single crys- —in Bi, g.4Pbo 34St) 9;}Caz.93C9U603) 131 Crystal misfit model 263 tals 161 AC susceptibility —in Ag/BiSCCO-2223 tapes 56 —Of Bijg 4 Pbo 3451; .9{Caz 93CU3 960 )9 131 74.25Dw, 74.60-w upper critical field H.., —in Bi2223/Ag tapes 197 AC-susceptibility -in YBCO 284 295 —of H ,Bi,Sr,CaCu,O,,,4 single crystals d .2_ 2 + id, ,-wave superconductor 251 —in YBa,Cu,O,_ ; thin film 79 105 Fullerene superconductors 98 D-wave pairing 257 —of YBCO 284 D-wave superconductor 65 Activation energy Defect structure Gd211 addition ~—in BaZrO, 245 —in BSCCO whiskers 113 —in (Nd, Eu, Gd)123 43 —in Bi;g. 4Pbo 34St) 9;Caz 93CU3 9609 131 Dip-coating Glass-liquid transition Amorphous 231 —of Bi-2212/Ag tape 236 -in YBa,Cu,0,_ ; thin film 79 Anderson Model 170 Dislocations Grain alignment Angle dependence 89 ~—in BSCCO whiskers 113 —in Bi-2212/Ag tape 236 Anisotropy Disordered superconductors 257 Granularity -of Tl ),Pb,)4Sr, 7Bay ;CaCu,O, single Distributed parameters method 71 —of K,C,, single crystals 98 crystals 49 Doping effect Annealing; 49 —on Y,_ ,Ca,Ba,Cu,0,, 25 Hubbard model 303 Application of high T. superconductors 187 Hydrogenation E-J characteristics —of H ,Bi,Sr,CaCu,O,, ,4 single crystals Cable —of YBa,Cu,O,_ ; thin film 79 105 -—of Bi-2223 tape 187 Electrical resistivity Hysteretic magnetization peak Calcination process —of (TI, Cr), Sr,CuO, , 5 208 -for Tl,4)Sr, ,BaPy b;Ca,Cu, O, single —for Yb123 films 231 -of YBa,Cu,0,_; 1 crystals 49 Chemical solution deposition —of Yb123 films 231 —of Yb123 films 231 Electromagnetic field response Impurities Conductivity -—of BaKyy ,,BiO , crystals 8 -in YBa,Cu,0,_; films 215 -of YBa,Cu,0,_; | Electron diffraction Interband hopping 138 Core density —of (Bi, Pb)-2223/Ag tapes 203 -for Bi, ,Pb,>Sr,_ ,CuO, 263 Intermediate deformation Electron pairing 151 —of Ag /BiSCCO-2223 tapes 56 Coulomb correlations 138 Critical current Electronic model 138 Intraband hopping 138 —of Bi2223/Ag tapes 197 Extended Ginzburg-Landau model 65 Irradiation effect —on YBa,Cu,0O,_ ; thin film 79 Critical current density —in (Bi, Pb)-2223/Ag tapes 203 Ferroelectric phase transition 303 Irreversibility line —of (Hg, Re)Ba,Ca,Cu,O,, 5 single crys- —of (Nd, Eu, Gd)123 43 Fluctuations 151 —of (Nd, Sm, Eu)-Ba-Cu-O 39 Flux creep tals 161 —of Ag /BiSCCO-2223 tapes 56 -in BaZrO, 245 IV characteristics —of Bi-2212/Ag tape 236 -in H,Bi,Sr,CaCu,O,, ,4 single crystals -—of Ag/BiSCCO-2223 tapes 56 —of H,Bi,Sr,CaCu,O,, ,, single crystals 105 IV-characteristics 105 —in T1p¢Pbo 4Sr,7Bay ;CaCu,0, single —of Bi-2223 tape 187 —of K,C,, single crystals 98 crystals 49 -of YBa,Cu,0,_; 1 —of YBCO 284 —in YBCO 284 —of YBa,Cu,O, films 269 Flux entanglement 33 Kostelitz-Thouless transition 33 Analytic Subject Index to Volume 309 Landau levels 295 Nonlinear effects Surface impedance Langevin equation 65 —in Bay ,K,y ,BiO, crystals 8 —of YBaCuO 71 Lattice parameters Numerical calculation 295 Susceptibility 251 —of Ba,,Ca,Cu,,Og,_ , 275 Synthesis —of Bi, ,Pb, ,Sr,_ ,CuO, 263 —of (Bi, Pb)-2223/Ag tapes 203 -of Y,_ ,Ca,Ba,Cu,0, 25 Oxide / Ag interface 236 —of (TI, Cr),Sr,CuO, , 5 208 Levitation force ; —of Ba,,Ca,Cu,,0g,_ . 275 -—of YBa,Cu,0O, sphere 89 -of H,Bi,Sr,CaCu,O,, 4 single crystals Packing density Local anharmonicity 303 105 —in (Bi, Pb)-2223/Ag tapes 203 —of K,C,, single crystals 98 Pairing potential 138 Magnetic levitation -of Y,_ ,Ca,Ba,Cu,0O, 25 Peak effect -of YBa,Cu,O, films 269 —of YBa,Cu,O, rings 17 —in (Nd, Sm, Eu)-Ba-Cu-O 39 Magnetic splitting Penetration depth ~in Nd,_ \Ce CuO, 170 —in (Bi-Pb),Sr,Ca,Cu,0,, 221 Tape width 203 Magnetization Phase diagram 1 Thermal expansion coefficient —of (Hg, Re)Ba,Ca,Cu,O,, 5 single crys- Phase transitions 303 -of BaZrO, 245 tals 161 Pinning force; 221 Thermomechanical response; 245 —of YBa,Cu,O, rings 17 Post annealing 269 Tomonaga-Luttinger liquids 151 —of YBa,Cu,O, sphere 89 Pt addition Transition temperature Magneto-optical images —in (Nd, Eu, Gd)123 43 —of (TI, Cr),Sr,CuO, , 5 208 ~of YBa,Cu,O, rings 17 Transmission electron microscopy Melt process —on BSCCO whiskers 113 —for (Nd, Sm, Eu)-Ba-Cu-O 39 Radio frequency 221 —on Bi,_ ,.Pb,Sr,Fe,O, single crystals 175 Melt processing Raman scattering Two chains 151 —of (Nd, Eu, Gd)123 43 —on Bi, Pb, 5Sr,_ CuO, 263 Melt quenching Raman spectroscopy } —of (Nd, Sm, Eu)-Ba-Cu-O 39 —on YBa,Cu,0,_; films 215 Van Hove singularity 257 Microstructure Re-doping effect ' Vortex dynamics —of (Nd, Eu, Gd)123 43 -in (Hg, Re)Ba,Ca,Cu,O,, 5 single crys- —in (Bi-Pb),Sr,Ca,Cu,;0,, 221 —of Bi-2212/Ag tape 236 tals 161 Vortex lattice structure 65 —of Bi, ,Pb,>Sr,_ ,CuO, 263 Response functions 151 Vortex liquid 33 -of Y,_ ,Ca,Ba,Cu,0O, 25 Microwave emission —by Bay ,K,4B yiO , crystals 8 Schottky Anomalies Weak links Microwave propagation —in Nd,_ ,Ce CuO, 170 -~in Ag/BiSCCO-2223 tapes 56 ~in YBaCuO 71 Solid phase epitaxy —in Bi2223/Ag tapes 197 Mixed phase 65 —of Yb123 films 231 -in YBa,Cu,O, rings 17 Modeling 71 Specific heat 251 Modulated structures Structure —in Bi,_ ,Pb,Sr,Fe,O, single crystals 175 —of (TI, Cr),Sr,CuO, , 5 208 X-ray diffraction Mossbauer spectroscopy —of Ba,,Ca,Cu,,O0O,,_ , 275 —on (TI, Cr), Sr,CuO, , 5 208 —on Bi,_ ,Pb,Sr,Fe,O,, single crystals 175 -—of YBa,Cu,0,_, films 215 —on Bi,_ ,Pb,Sr,Fe,O, single crystals 175

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