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Preview Physica C: Superconductivity 1996: Vol 269 Index

PHYSICA ( ELSEVIER Physica C 269 (1996) 361-363 Author Index to Volume 269 Adachi, S., see Tokiwa-Yamamoto, A., 269, 354 DeLuca, J.A., see Mogro-Campero, A., 269, 325 Akiyoshi, M., see Hashimoto, K., 269, 139 Diko, P., I. Sargankova, M. Reissner and W. Steiner, Grain Andrikidis, C., see Choi, C.H., 269, 306 growth, microstructure and magnetic behavior of Aoki, R., see Murakami, H., 269, 83 YBa,Cu,0,_ ,(123)—-Y, BaCuO,(211) composites prepared Athanassopoulou, N., see Panagopoulos, C., 269, 157 by sol-gel, 269, 22 Aubin, M., see Ghamlouch, H., 269, 163 Ding, S.Y., see Zeng, Z.Y., 269, 297 Bach, H., see Brinkmann, M., 269, 76 Foong, F., see Vasiliev, A.L., 269, 181 Bednarczyk, P.J., see Mogro-Campero, A., 269, 325 Fukumoto, Y., HJ. Wiesmann, M. Suenaga and P. Haldar, Bhatti, G.S., see Hasanain, S.K., 269, 149 Comparison of magnetically induced and transport current ac losses in silver-sheathed (Bi,Pb), Sr,Ca,Cu,O,, tapes, 269, Blinov, E.V., R. Laiho, E. Lahderanta, A.G. Lyublinsky and 349 K.B. Traito, Relaxation of trapped magnetic moment in thin YBaCuO films at incomplete flux penetration, 269, 268 Fukuoka ,, A., see Usami, R., 269, 193 Bolon, R.B., see Mogro-Campero, A., 269, 325 Fukuoka, A., see Tokiwa-Yamamoto, A., 269, 354 Bourgeaux, B., see Nicoletti, S., 269, 255 Fukuoka, N., see Tagaya, K., 269, 339 Brinkmann, M., T. Rex, M. Stief, H. Bach and K. Westerholt, Residual resistivity and oxygen stoichiometry in Pr,_ ,Ce,- Gao, Y., see Mogro-Campero, A., 269, 325 CuO,, 5 single crystals, 269, 76 Ghamlouch, H. and M. Aubin, Additional Nernst voltage contri- bution to the Seebeck coefficient in YBCO due to guided motion by twin planes, 269, 163 Cabanel, C., see Nicoletti, S., 269, 255 Ghosh, H., Temperature-dependent gap anisotropy from modi- Cantoni, M., see Jeong, D.Y., 269, 279 fied spin-bag mechanism, 269, 55 Caplin, A.D., see Tagaya, K., 269, 339 Grover, A.K., see Mishra, P.K., 269, 71 Cardona, M., see Henn, R., 269, 99 Gurvitch, M., see Tolpygo, S.K., 269, 207 Catlow, C.R.A., see Stachiotti, M.G., 269, 273 Chakoumakos, B.C., see Khasanova, N.R., 269, 115 Chang, W.J., see Lin, C.L., 269, 291 Habermeier, H.U., see PoZek, M., 269, 61 Charnaya, E.V., C. Tien, C.S. Wur and Yu.A. Kumzerov, Haldar, P., see Fukumoto, Y., 269, 349 Superconductivity of gallium in porous glass, 269, 313 Hasanain, S.K., S. Shahzada, A. Mumtaz and G.S. Bhatti, AC Chateigner, D., see Nicoletti, S., 269, 255 susceptibility hysteresis in granular superconductors, 269, Chen, J.L. and T.Y. Tseng, The interaction between a single 149 vortex and a columnar defect in the superconducting multi- Hashimoto, K., M. Akiyoshi, A. Wisniewski, M.L. Jenkins, Y. layers, 269, 330 Toda and T. Yano, A high-resolution electron microscopy Chi, C.C., see Lin, C.L., 269, 291 study of structural defects in YBa,Cu,O, superconductor, Choi, C.H., Y. Zhao, C.C. Sorrell, M. La Robina and C. An- 269, 139 drikidis, The increase of the critical current density of Hashimoto, M., see Teshima, H., 269, 15 YBa,Cu,0,_ , by a modified melt-textured-growth method, Hattori, W., see Murakami, H., 269, 83 269, 306 He, L.L., see Jeong, D.Y., 269, 279 Christensen, N.E., see Stachiotti, M.G., 269, 273 Hegediis, Z., see Lundqvist, P., 269, 231 Chung, H., see Yoo, J., 269, 109 Henn, R., J. Kircher and M. Cardona, c-Polarized vibrational Cohen, L., see Tagaya, K., 269, 339 modes in La,CuO, and La, g7Srp ,,CuO, determined by Conder, K. and Ch. Kriger, Low temperature (< 325°C) chemi- ellipsometry, 269, 99 cal diffusion of oxygen in the orthorhombic YBa,Cu,O, , ,, Ho, J.C., see Huang, Z.J., 269, 220 269, 92 Horiuchi, S., see Jeong, D.Y., 269, 279 Cooper, J.R., see Panagopoulos, C., 269, 157 Hou, S.Y., see Tolpygo, S.K., 269, 207 362 Author Index to Volume 269 Huang, C.Y., see Huang, Z.J., 269, 220 Lin, J.-Y., see Tolpygo, S.K., 269, 207 Huang, Z.J., J.G. Lin, J.J. Lin, J.C. Ho and C.Y. Huang, Lin, J.G., see Huang, Z.J., 269, 220 Thermoelectric power and superconducting transition in Lin, J.J., see Huang, Z.J., 269, 220 high-temperature superconductors Dy,_ ,Pr,Ba,Cu,0,, Ling, X., see Zeng, Z.Y., 269, 297 269, 220 Liou, S.-H., see Vasiliev, A.L., 269, 181 Ludwig, C., Q. Jiang, J. Kuhl and J. Zegenhagen, Eiectrody- Isobe, M., J.-Q. Li, Y. Matsui, F. Izumi, Y. Kanke and E. namic properties of oxygen reduced YBa,Cu,O,_, thin Takayama-Muromachi, Synthesis, crystal structures and su- films in the THz frequency regime, 269, 249 perconductivity of new copper oxyfluorides, Sr,RCu,0,F Lundqvist, P., C. Tengroth, O. Rapp, R. Tellgren and Z. (R = Y,La,Nd,Sm,Gd,Dy,Er and Yb), 269, 5 Hegediis, Neutron-diffraction studies and interatomic dis- Itoh, M., see Tokiwa-Yamamoto, A., 269, 354 tances in Ca—Pr doped NdBa,Cu,0,_;, 269, 231 Itoh, M., see Usami, R., 269, 193 Lyublinsky, A.G., see Blinov, E.V., 269, 268 Izumi, F., see Isobe, M., 269, 5 Izumi, F., see Khasanova, N.R., 269, 115 Maier, A., see Pozek, M., 269, 61 Malakhov, A.N. and A.L. Pankratov, Influence of thermal fluc- Jenkins, M.L., see Hashimoto, K., 269, 139 tuations on time characteristics of a single Josephson ele- Jeong, D.Y., M.H. Sohn, H.S. Kim, L.L. He, M. Cantoni and S. ment with high damping. Exact solution, 269, 46 Horiuchi, Microstructures in high-J, Tl-1223/Ag tapes, Matsui, Y., see Isobe, M., 269, 5 269, 279 Matsushita, T., see Kiuchi, M., 269, 242 Jia, S.L., see Sun, J.J., 269, 343 Méchin, L., J.-C. Villégier, G. Rolland and F. Laugier, Double Jiang, Q., see Ludwig, C., 269, 249 CeO,/YSZ buffer layer for the epitaxial growth of YBa,Cu,0,_ 5 films on Si (001) substrates, 269, 124 Kanke, Y., see Isobe, M., 269, 5 Mehring, M., see Pozek, M., 269, 61 Khasanova, N.R., F. Izumi, M. Shida, B.C. Chakoumakos, E. Mishra, P.K., G. Ravikumar, V.C. Sahni, M.R. Koblischka and Ohshima, M. Kikuchi and Y. Syono, Structural disorder and A.K. Grover, Surface pinning in niobium and a high-7, charge transfer in the superconductor (Pby 5Cuy;)- superconductor, 269, 71 (Srp ;Lap5),CuO;,5, 269, 115 Mogro-Campero, A., P.J. Bednarczyk, Y. Gao, R.B. Bolon, J.E. Kheifets, A.S., see Veinger, A.I., 269, 29 Tkaczyk and J.A. DeLuca, Critical current density and mi- Kikuchi, M., see Khasanova, N.R., 269, 115 crostructure of 7-8 pm thick spray pyrolyzed films of Kikuchi, M., see Ohshima, E., 269, 225 TIBa,Ca,Cu,0,, 269, 325 Kim, H., see Yoo, J., 269, 109 Moriceau, H., see Nicoletti, S., 269, 255 Kim, H.S., see Jeong, D.Y., 269, 279 Morita, M., see Teshima, H., 269, 15 Kircher, J., see Henn, R., 269, 99 Mumtaz, A., see Hasanain, S.K., 269, 149 Kiuchi, M., H. Yamato and T. Matsushita, Longitudinal elastic Murakami, H., W. Hattori and R. Aoki, Superconductivity and correlation length of flux lines along the c-axis in supercon- transport properties of narrow-gap semiconductor Pb(T1)Te ducting Bi-2212 single crystal, 269, 242 film by HWE growth, 269, 83 Ko, J., see Yoo, J., 269, 109 Koblischka, M.R., see Mishra, P.K., 269, 71 Nicoletti, S., H. Moriceau, J.C. Villegier, D. Chateigner, B. Kriiger, Ch., see Conder, K., 269, 92 Bourgeaux, C. Cabanel and J.Y. Laval, Bi-epitaxial YBCO Kuhl, J., see Ludwig, C., 269, 249 grain boundary Josephson junctions on SrTiO, and sapphire Kihle, A., see Verbist, K., 269, 131 substrates, 269, 255 Kumzerov, Yu.A., see Charnaya, E.V., 269, 313 Kundrotas, P.J., see Tornau, E.E., 269, 198 Ohshima, E., M. Kikuchi and Y. Syono, Superconductivity in Kvam, E.P., see Vasiliev, A.L., 269, 181 TISr,_. ,Ca,YbCu,O, by isovalent cation substitution, 269, 225 Lahderanta, E., see Blinov, E.V., 269, 268 Laiho, R., see Blinov, E.V., 269, 268 Ohshima, E., see Khasanova, N.R., 269, 115 La Robina, M., see Choi, C.H., 269, 306 Ono, A., Large critical-temperature depression in Ga-1212 Laugier, F., see Méchin, L., 269, 124 cuprate Ba,YCu, 3;Gay ,;;O, by annealing at high pressures Laval, J.Y., see Nicoletti, S., 269, 255 of oxygen, 269, 301 Li, C.H., see Lin, C.L., 269, 291 Li, J.-Q., see Isobe, M., 269, 5 Panagopoulos, C., W. Zhou, N. Athanassopoulou and J.R. Li, J.W., see Sun, J.J., 269, 343 Cooper, Surface-quality dependence of the low temperature Li, L., see Sun, J.J., 269, 343 magnetisation of YBa,Cu,0,, 269, 157 Li, M.Y., see Lin, C.L., 269, 291 Pankratov, A.L., see Malakhov, A.N., 269, 46 Lin, C.L., W.J. Chang, M.Y. Li, C.H. Li, C.C. Chi and M.K. Phillips, J.M., see Tolpygo, S.K., 269, 207 Wu, Josephson coupling behavior of YBa,Cu,0,_ , bicrys- Pozek, M., H.U. Habermeier, A. Maier and M. Mehring, Local tal grain-boundary junctions, 269, 291 field distribution of the vortex lattice near the surface of Author Index to Volume 269 type-II superconductors. Magnetic resonance lineshapes, Traito, K.B., see Blinov, E.V., 269, 268 269, 61 Tsabba, Y. and S. Reich, Giant mass anisotropy and high critical current in Hg-1223 superconducting films, 269, | Rapp, O., see Lundqvist, P., 269, 231 Tseng, T.Y., see Chen, J.L., 269, 330 Ravikumar, G., see Mishra, P.K., 269, 71 Reich, S., see Tsabba, Y., 269, 1 Usami, R., M. Itoh, A. Fukuoka ,, X.-J. Wu and K. Tanabe, Reissner, M., see Diko, P., 269, 22 Microstructure of proton-irradiated HgBa,Ca,,,_ ,,Cu,O, (n Ren, H.T., see Zeng, Z.Y., 269, 297 = 2,3), 269, 193 Rex, T., see Brinkmann, M., 269, 76 Rodriguez, C.O., see Stachiotti, M.G., 269, 273 Vasiliev, A.L., E.P. Kvam, F. Foong and S.-H. Liou, The Rolland, G., see Méchin, L., 269, 124 microstructure of (Hg,T1)-based high temperature supercon- Rosengren, A., see Tornau, E.E., 269, 198 ducting films on LaAlO, substrates, 269, 181 Vasiliev, A.L., see Verbist, K., 269, 131 Sahni, V.C., see Mishra, P.K., 269, 71 Veinger, A.I. and A.S. Kheifets, Magnetic field dependent mi- Sargankova, I., see Diko, P., 269, 22 crowave absorption in pure superconducting tin near 7,, Shahzada, S., see Hasanain, S.K., 269, 149 269, 29 Shibayama, T., see Tagaya, K., 269, 339 Verbist, K., A. Kihle and A.L. Vasiliev, Microstructructural Shida, M., see Khasanova, N.R., 269, 115 comparison of YBa,Cu,O,_, thin films laser deposited in Sohn, M.H., see Jeong, D.Y., 269, 279 O, and O,/Ar ambient, 269, 131 Sorrell, C.C., see Choi, C.H., 269, 306 Villégier, J.-C., see Méchin, L., 269, 124 Stachiotti, M.G., C.R.A. Catlow, C.O. Rodriguez and N.E. Villegier, J.C., see Nicoletti, S., 269, 255 Christensen, Electronic structure and phonon behaviour un- der pressure in YBa,Cu,O,, 269, 273 Westerholt, K., see Brinkmann, M., 269, 76 Steiner, W., see Diko, P., 269, 22 Wiecko, C., The isotope effect in the infinite-range hopping Stief, M., see Brinkmann, M., 269, 76 approximation to the negative-U Hubbard model, 269, 286 Suenaga, M., see Fukumoto, Y., 269, 349 Wiesmann, H.J., see Fukumoto, Y., 269, 349 Sun, A.M., see Zeng, Z.Y., 269, 297 Wisniewski, A., see Hashimoto, K., 269, 139 Sun, J.J., B.R. Zhao, L.Z. Zheng, B. Xu, L. Li, J.W. Li, B. Yin, Wu, M.K., see Lin, C.L., 269, 291 S.L. Jia and Z.X. Zhao, The morphology and interfacial Wu, X.-J., see Usami, R., 269, 193 effects on the R-T curve of two unit-cell thick ultrathin Wur, C.S., see Charnaya, E.V., 269, 313 YBa,Cu,0,_, film, 269, 343 Syono, Y., see Khasanova, N.R., 269, 115 Xu, B., see Sun, J.J., 269, 343 Syono, Y., see Ohshima, E., 269, 225 Xu, X.N., see Zeng, Z.Y., 269, 297 Tagaya, K., T. Yokoo, T. Shibayama, N. Fukuoka, L. Cohen and A.D. Caplin, Microwave magnetoabsorptions of Yamato, H., see Kiuchi, M., 269, 242 ErBa,Cu,O, and HoBa,Cu,O, single crystals, 269, 339 Yamauchi, H., see Tokiwa-Yamamoto, A., 269, 354 Takayama-Muromachi, E., see Isobe, M., 269, 5 Yano, T., see Hashimoto, K., 269, 139 Tanabe, K., see Tokiwa-Yamamoto, A., 269, 354 Yao, X.X., see Zeng, Z.Y., 269, 297 Tanabe, K., see Usami, R., 269, 193 Yin, B., see Sun, J.J., 269, 343 Tellgren, R., see Lundqvist, P., 269, 231 Yokoo, T., see Tagaya, K., 269, 339 Tengroth, C., see Lundqvist, P., 269, 231 Yoo, J., H. Chung, J. Ko and H. Kim, Effect of Au and Mg Teshima, H., M. Morita and M. Hashimoto, Comparison of the addition to Ag sheath on microstructure and superconducting levitation forces of melt-processed YBaCuO superconduc- properties of BSCCO-2223 tapes, 269, 109 tors for different magnets, 269, 15 Yu, Y., see Zeng, Z.Y., 269, 297 Tien, C., see Charnaya, E.V., 269, 313 Tkaczyk, J.E., see Mogro-Campero, A., 269, 325 Zegenhagen, J., see Ludwig, C., 269, 249 Toda, Y., see Hashimoto, K., 269, 139 Zeng, Z.Y., Y. Yu, A.M. Sun, X.N. Xu, S.Y. Ding, X.X. Yao, Tokiwa-Yamamoto, A., A. Fukuoka, M. Itoh, S. Adachi, H. H.T. Ren and X. Ling, Surface pinning and influence of Yamauchi and K. Tanabe, Thermogravimetric study on field reduction on magnetic relaxation in YBa,Cu,O, bulk HgBa,Ca,,_ ,Cu,Oxn+1)+8 ("= 1, 2, 3) superconductors at sample, 269, 297 various oxygen partial pressures, 269, 354 Zhao, B.R., see Sun, J.J., 269, 343 Tolpygo, S.K., J.-Y. Lin, M. Gurvitch, S.Y. Hou and J.M. Zhao, Y., see Choi, C.H., 269, 306 Phillips, 7, enhancement by low energy electron irradiation Zhao, Z.X., see Sun, J.J., 269, 343 and the influence of chain disorder on resistivity and Hall Zheng, L.Z., see Sun, J.J., 269, 343 coefficient in YBa,Cu,O, thin films, 269, 207 Zhou, W., see Panagopoulos, C., 269, 157 Tornau, E.E., P.J. Kundrotas and A. Rosengren, Holes amount Ziese, M., Vortex motion in inhomogeneous superconductors. and aging of quenched samples of YBa,Cu,0,, ,, 269, 198 Linear response, 269, 35 PHYSICA ( Physica C 269 (1996) 364-365 Analytic Subject Index to Volume 269 Ac susceptibility Electronic structure Image simulation 139 -of YBCO 149 -—of YBa,Cu,O, 273 Irradiation effect Annealling effect Energy gap —on HgBa,Ca,,,_ ,,Cu,O0, 193 -on Ba, YCu, g5Gag ;506. 301 -at YBa,Cu,0,_, grain-boundary junc- -on YBa,Cu,0,_, thin films 207 Applications of high-7, superconductors tions 291 Irreversibility line 325, 349 Epitaxial growth —of Ga 313 -—of YBa,Cu,0,_; films 124 -of HgBa,Ca,Cu,O,, 5 films l -of YBa,Cu,0,_, 306 Columnar defect 330 Isotope effect 286 Far infrared spectra Critical current density —of La, g7Srpo ,,CuO, 99 —of (Bi,Pb),Sr,Ca,Cu,0,, tapes 349 -of La,CuO, 99 Josephson effect 46 -of HgBa,Ca,Cu,0,,; films 1 Field distribution —in YBCO grain boundary 255 -of TIBa,Ca,Cu,O, thick films 325 -of YBa,Cu,0,_ ,(123)-Y, BaCuO,(211) -in YBa,Cu,O,_, thin films 61 Josephson junction 46 Fluctuation effects 46 22 Flux creep 35 -of YBa,Cu,0,_, 306 Laser deposition Flux lattice 61 Crystal structure —of YBa,Cu,0,_, thin films 131 -of (Pbp ;Cug sXSrp.5Lag 5),CuOs;,5 115 Flux motion 163 Levitation force Flux pinning 35 Cu-O bond length 225 -in YBaCuO 15 —in (Bi,Pb), Sr,Ca,Cu,O,, tapes 349 Cu-O chains 198 London penetration depth 61, 330 —in Tl-1223/Ag tape 279 Lower critical field H,, -in YBa,Cu,0, 297 -of HoBa,Cu,0, 339 d-wave superconductor 157 Dynamical conductivity Gap anisotropy 55 Magnetic relaxation -in YBa,Cu,0,_, films 249 Grain growth —in Bi-2212 single crystal 242 -in YBa,Cu,0,_ ,(123)-Y, BaCuO, (211) -in YBa,Cu,0, 297 22 EDS -in YBaCuO films 268 -—of HgBa,Ca,Cu,0,, , thin films 181 Granular superconductivity 149 Magnetic susceptibility ESR of Sn 29 -—of Ba,Y2,CGaug ;,50 ¢. 301 ESR 61 HREM -of Sr,Nd,_ ,Ca,Cu,O,F 5 -of ErBa,Cu,0, 339 —of YBa,Cu,0, 157 —of TISr,_ ,Ca,YbCu,O0, 225 -of HoBa,Cu,0, 339 -of YBa,Cu,0,_, thin films 131 Magnetization Elastic correlation length 242 -—of YBa,Cu,O, 139 —of Bi,Sr,CaCu,O, single crystal 71 Electrical resistivity HRTEM —of Ga in porous glass 313 -—of BSCCO-2223 tapes 109 -of Tl-1223/Ag tape 279 -of HgBa,Ca,,,_ ,,Cu,0, 193 -of Nd,_ ,,Ca,Pr,Ba,Cu,0,_; 231 Hall effect -of N6 71 —of Pr,C,e ,_CuO ,, 5-single crystals 76 —in YBa,Cu,0,_,; thin films 207 —of YBa,Cu,0O, 157 -of TISr,_ ,Ca,YbCu,0, 225 High-pressure synthesis Magnetoresistance 35 -of YBa,Cu,0,_, thin films 207 -—of Sr,RCu,0;F 5 Mass anisotropy -of YBa,Cu,0,_, ultrathin film 343 Hole concentration -in HgBa,Ca,Cu,O,,; films -of YBa,Cu,0,_, grain-boundary junc- -in Dy,_ ,Pr,Ba,Cu,0,_ , 220 Melt texturing tions 291 —in Nd,_,,Ca,Pr,Ba,Cu,0,_; 231 -of YBa,Cu,0,_, 306 Electrical transport properties —in Pb(TDTe films 83 Microstructure -of Pb(TI)Te films 83 —in YBa,Cu,0,, , 198 —of BSCCO-2223 tapes 109 Electron-doped superconductors 76 Hubbard model 286 -of HgBa,Ca,,,_ ,,Cu,O, 193 Analytic Subject Index to Volume 269 -of HgBa,Ca,Cu,O,, , thin films 181 Pair breaking 76 -—of YBCO film 255 -of Tl-1223/Ag tape 279 Penetration depth -of YBa,Cu,0,_, ultrathin film 343 -of TIBa,Ca,Cu,O, thick films 325 -in YBa,Cu,0, 157 -of YBa,Cu,O, 139 -of YBa,Cu,0,_, thin films 131 -in YBa,Cu,0,_, films 249 Subgrain boundary 279 -of YBa,Cu,0,_ ,(123)-Y, BaCuO,(211) Percolation 35 Substitution effects 22 Phase diagram -in Ba, YCu, g5Gao ;506.9 301 Microwave absorption in Sn 29 -of Ga 313 Superconducting levitation 15 Microwave absortion Phonon behaviour Surface pinning -of ErBa,Cu,0, 339 -in YBa,Cu,O, 273 —in Bi,Sr,CaCu,Og, single crystal 71 -of HoBa,Cu,0, 339 Phonon spectra -in N6 71 Multilayers 330 —of La, g7Srp ,,CuO, 99 -in YBa,Cu,0, 297 -of La,CuO, 99 Synthesis Neutron diffraction Pinning potential -of HgBa,Ca,Cu,0,,,5 films 1 —in Bi-2212 single crystal 242 -of Pb(TI)Te films 83 —of (Pbo sCulg sXStos Lag 5)2CuOs,5 115 Normal-state properties Planar stacking faults 139 -of YBa,Cu,0,_, ultrathin film 343 -of YBa,Cu,0,_, thin films 207 Raman scattering TEM Oxygen deficiency 291 -of YBa,Cu,O, 273 -of HgBa,Ca,Cu,O,, , thin films 181 Oxygen depletion -in YBa,Cu,0,_, films 249 TGA —of HgBa,Ca,,_ ;Cu,Oon + 1)48 354 Oxygen difusion Seebeck coefficient -in YBa,Cu,0,,, 92 ~-in YBa,Cu,QO, single crystals 163 Thermoelectric power -in Dy,_ ,Pr,Ba,Cu,0,_, 220 Oxygen stoichiometry Sheath materials 109 -in Pr,_ ,Ce CuO, 5-single crystals 76 Spin bag mechanism 55 Thickness of buffer layers 124 -in YBa,Cu,0,,, 92 Structure Thin films 330 -in YBa,Cu,0,, , 198 -of Nd,_,,Ca,Pr,Ba,Cu,0,_; 231 -of (Pho sCug sXSto sLag 5),CuOs 5 115 -of Sr,RCu,O0;F 5 -of HgBa,Ca,,_ ,Cu,03(74 1)45 354 —of TISr,_ ,Ca,YbCu,0, 225 Weak links 255 PHYSICA ( Physica C 269 (1996) 366-367 Materials Index to Volume 269 (Bi,Pb), Sr,Ca,Cu,0,, tapes —mass anisotropy | TIBa,Ca,Cu,O,, thick films —critical current density 349 —synthesis | —critical current density 325 —flux pinning 349 HoBa,Cu,0, —microstructure 325 BSCCO-2223 tapes -eSR 339 TISr,_ ,Ca,YbCu,0, —electrical resistivity 109 —lower critical field H,, 339 —electrical resistivity 225 —microstructure 109 —microwave absortion 339 —magnetic susceptibility 225 Ba, YCuy gsGao 1506.9 —structure 225 —annealling effect 301 La, g7Sto,;3CuO, —magnetic susceptibility 301 —far infrared spectra 99 —substitution effects 301 —phonon spectra 99 YBCO film Bi-2212 single crystal La,CuO, —structure 255 —magnetic relaxation 242 —far infrared spectra 99 YBCO grain boundary —pinning potential 242 —phonon spectra 99 —josephson effect 255 Bi,Sr,CaCu,O, single crystal YBCO —magnetization 71 N6 —ac susceptibility 149 —surface pinning 71 —magnetization 71 YBa,Cu,0,, , —surface pinning 71 —hole concentration 198 Dy, ,Pr,Ba,Cu,0,_ 4 Nd,_ ,,Ca,Pr,Ba,Cu,0,_; —oxygen difusion 92 —hole concentration 220 —electrical resistivity 231 —oxygen stoichiometry 92 —thermoelectric power 220 —hole concentration 231 —oxygen stoichiometry 198 —structure 231 YBa,Cu,0, single crystals ErBa,Cu ,0, —seebeck coefficient 163 —eSR 339 YBa,Cu,0, (Pbo sCug.sXSto sLao 5),CuOs , —microwave absortion 339 —flux pinning 297 —crystal structure 115 —hREM 157 —neutron diffraction 115 Ga in porous glass —magnetic relaxation 297 —oxygen stoichiometry 115 —magnetization 313 —magnetization 157 Pb(T)Te films Ga —penetration depth 157 —electrical transport properties 83 —irreversibility line 313 —surface pinning 297 —hole concentration 83 —phase diagram 313 YBa,Cu,0,_, films —synthesis 83 —epitaxial growth 124 Pr,_ ,Ce CuO, , 5-single crystals HgBa,Ca,,,_ ,Cu,O, YBa,Cu,0,_, thin films —electrical resistivity 76 —irradiation effect 193 —electrical resistivity 207 —oxygen stoichiometry 76 —magnetization 193 —field distribution 61 —microstructure 193 —hall effect 207 Sr,Nd,_ ,Ca,Cu,O;F HgBa,Ca,,_ \Cu,Orn+1)+8 —irradiation effect 207 —magnetic susceptibility 5 —oxygen stoichiometry 354 —normal-state properties 207 Sr,RCu,0;F -tGA 354 YBa,Cu,0,_ ultrathin film HgBa,Ca,Cu,O,, , thin films —high-pressure synthesis 5 —electrical resistivity 343 —structure 5 -eDS 181 —structure 343 —microstructure 181 —synthesis 343 —-tEM 181 TI-1223 /Ag tape YBa,Cu,0,_, films HgBa,Ca,Cu,O,, 5 films —flux pinning 279 —dynamical conductivity 249 —critical current density | —hRTEM 279 —oxygen depletion 249 —irreversibility line | —microstructure 279 —penetration depth 249 Materials Index to Volume 269 YBa,Cu,0,_, grain-boundary junctions —grain growth 22 —phonon behaviour 273 —electrical resistivity 291 —microstructure 22 —raman scattering 273 —energy gap 291 YBa,Cu,0,_, —structure 139 YBa,Cu,O;,_, thin films —critical current density 306 YBaCuO films —-hREM 131 —irreversibility line 306 —magnetic relaxation 268 —laser deposition 131 —melt texturing 306 YBaCuO —microstructure 131 YBa,Cu,O, —levitation force 15 YBa,Cu,0,_ ,(123)—Y, BaCuO,(21 1) —electronic structure 273 —critical current density 22 —-hREM 139

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