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299 Index of Authors and Papers Abd-el.Aal, M.M. and M.A. Ahmed, Effect of metal ions Bud’ko, S.L., M.B. Fontes, M.A. Continentino and E. on the dielectric properties of layer structure perov- Baggio-Saitovitch, Effect of pressure on resistivity of skites 217 (1996) 133 the Ce(Ru, _,Fe,),Ge, series 217 (1996) 111 Abd-El-Moiz, A.M., M.M. Hafiz, A.H. Oraby and M. Bihrer, W., see P.A. Alekseev 217 (1996) 241 Dongol, Optical investigations on In,.Se, _, thin films Butorin, S.M., see K. Lawniczak-Jabtonska 217 (1996) III: Effect of composition 217 (1996) 265 78 Abu El Fadl, A., see M.A. Gaffar 217 (1996) 274 Byrne, J.G., see K. Jung 217 (1996) 23 Ahmed, M.A., see M.M. Abd-el.Aal 217 (1996) 133 Aichmann, W., Pinning of charge density waves by Celli, M., see U. Bafile 217 (1996) 50 strong impurities 217 (1996) 1 Chatterjee, S.K., see L.C. Prasad 217 (1996) 285 Aichmann, W., Individual pinning of CDW phase: Be- Cheng, C.J., see H.M. Duh 217 (1996) 102 yond the Born approximation 217 (1996) 8 Chistyako, O.D., see P.A. Alekseev 217 (1996) 241 Alekseev, P.A., W. Bihrer, V.N. Lazukov, E.V. Christensen, N.E., see H.G. Bekker 217 (1996) 193 Nefeodova, I.P. Sadikov, O.D. Chistyakov and M. Ciapata, P., see R. Jakubas 217 (1996) 67 Zolliker, Low-temperature effects in magnetic spectral Ciunik, Z., see R. Jakubas 217 (1996) 67 response of CeAl;-based systems 217 (1996) 241 Continentino, M.A., see S.L. Bud’ko = 217 (1996) 111 Asano, S., see S. Ishida 217 (1996) 87 Cuevas, E., see D. Badalian 217 (1996) 127 De Andrade, M.C., see K. Jung 217 (1996) 23 Backes, W.H., F.C. de Nooji, P.A. Bobbert and W. van De Filippo, S. and C. Lubritto, Adiabatic heuristic con- Haeringen, Kronig—Penney-like description for band struction of trial wave functions for quantum Hall gap variation in SiC polytypes 217 (1996) 207 states at arbitrary fractional fillings 217 (1996) 41 Badalian, D., V. Gasparian, A. Khachatrian, M. Ortuno, De Nooji, F.C., see W.H. Backes 217 (1996) 207 J. Ruiz and E. Cuevas, On the statistics of binary alloys Decressain, R., see R. Jakubas 217 (1996) 67 in one-dimensional quasiperiodic lattices 217 (1996) Don, Y., see Y. Zhang 217 (1996) 149 127 Dongol, M., see A.M. Abd-El-Moiz 217 (1996) 265 Bafile, U., M. Zoopi, M. Celli, R. Magli, A.C. Evans and Duda, L.-C., see K. Lawniczak-Jabtonska 217 (1996) 78 J. Mayers, Density evolution of the atomic momentum Duh, H.M., I.S. Lyubutin, C.J. Cheng and M.K. Wu, distribution in liquid and solid hydrogen 217 (1996) Magnetoresistance of UPd,Ge, 217 (1996) 102 50 Bagaeva, T.Yu., see V.V. Popov 217 (1996) 118 Evans, A.C., see U. Bafile 217 (1996) 50 Baggio-Saitovitch, E., see S.L. Bud’ko 217 (1996) 111 Baran, J., see R. Jakubas 217 (1996) 67 Fantoni, R. and M.P. Tosi, Some properties of short- Barnard, R.D., Simultaneous magnetoresistance and AC range correlations for electrons in quantum wires susceptibility measurements as a function of frequency 217 (1996) 35 and bias fields in a re-entrant spin glass in ultralow Fontes, M.B., see S.L. Bud’ko = 217 (1996) 111 fields 217 (1996) 221 Fugol, I.Ya., A.M. Ratner and E.I. Tarasova, Two-site Bartolome, J., see J. Rubin 217 (1996) 227 self-trapping of bulk and surface wide band ex- Bator, G., see R. Jakubas 217 (1996) 67 citons 217 (1996) 261 Bekker, H.G., C.M.J. Wijers and N.E. Christensen, Con- Fujii, S., see S. Ishida 217 (1996) 87 finement and the CLOPW method 217 (1996) 193 Bobbert, P.A., see W.H. Backes 217 (1996) 207 Gaffar, M.A., A. Abu El Fadl and G.A. Mohamed, Speci- Borsenberger, P.M., E.H. Magin and J. Shi, Charge fic heat and electrical resistivity of pure and doped transport in vapor deposited molecular glasses 217 lithium—ammonium sulphate single crystals 217 (1996) 212 (1996) 274 300 Index of Authors and Papers Gasparian, V., see D. Badalian 217 (1996) 127 Margulis, V1.A., Intervalley noise in a quantized inver- Gmelin, E., see L. Weber 217 (1996) 181 sion channel on a silicon surface 217 (1996) 252 Guo, J., see K. Lawniczak-Jabtonska 217 (1996) 78 Matsumoto, T., see J. Tang 217 (1996) 97 Matsushita, A., see J. Tang 217 (1996) 97 Hafiz, M.M., see A.M. Abd-El-Moiz 217 (1996) 265 Mayers, J., see U. Bafile 217 (1996) 50 Hong, T.-M., see S.-J. Sun 217 (1996) 107 Mohamed, G.A., see M.A. Gaffar 217 (1996) 274 Husain, A., see A.K. Jonscher 217 (1996) 29 Mohan, H., I.A. Shaikh and R.G. Kulkarni, Magnetic properties of the mixed spinel CoFe,_,Cr,O, 217 Ishida, S., T. Takiguchi, S. Fujii and S. Asano, Magnetic (1996) 292 properties and electronic structures of CrMZ(M = Fe, Co, Ni; Z = P, As) 217 (1996) 87 Nefeodova, E.V., see P.A. Alekseev 217 (1996) 241 Nordgren, J., see K. Lawniczak-Jabtonska 217 (1996) Jakubas, R., P. Ciapata, G. Bator, Z. Ciunik, R. Decres- 78 sain, J. Lefebvre and J. Baran, Structural phase transi- tions in (n-C3H,NH;), BiBr, and (n-C3;H;NH;3)3;BiBr, Olszewski, S., Energy loss of fast particles in course of their 217 (1996) 67 transition across electron gas plates 217 (1996) 63 Jonscher, A.K. and A. Husain, Dynamic transport on Oraby, A.H., see A.M. Abd-El-Moiz 217 (1996) 265 humid silica surface I 217 (1996) 29 Ortuno, M., see D. Badalian 217 (1996) 127 Jung, K., J.G. Byrne, M.C. de Andrade and M.B. Maple, Positron annihilation measurements of Dy-doped Piekara-Sady, L., Specific heat of nickel hexammine ni- YBCO superconductors 217 (1996) 23 trate 217 (1996) 57 Popov, V.V., T.I. Solodkaya and T.Yu. Bagaeva, Monte Kang, B.S. and K.-S. Sohn, Barriers for diffusion and Carlo study of electron—plasmon scattering effect on interactions with hydrogen in palladium 217 (1996) hot electron transport in GaAs 217 (1996) 118 160 Prasad, L.C.,S.K. Chatterjee and V.N. Singh, Intermetal- Khachatrian, A., see D. Badalian 217 (1996) 127 lic associations in AlMg liquid alloys 217 (1996) 285 Kitazawa, H., see J. Tang 217 (1996) 97 Kubler, J., see L.M. Sandratskii 217 (1996) 167 Qiaogin, Y., see W. Lijun 217 (1996) 235 Kulkarni, R.G., see H. Mohan 217 (1996) 292 Kumar, M., Application of high pressure equation of Ratner, A.M., see I.Ya. Fugol 217 (1996) 261 state for different classes of solids 217 (1996) 143 Rubin, J., J. Bartolomé, M.A. Laguna and M.L. Sanjuan, Raman study of the NH{ libration—phonon coupling ~ Laguna, M.A., see J. Rubin 217 (1996) 227 in NH4MnF3_ 217 (1996) 227 Lawniczak-Jabtonska, K., L.-C. Duda, J. Guo, S.M. Ruiz, J., see D. Badalian 217 (1996) 127 Butorin and J. Nordgren, Changes in electronic struc- ture of Ni;Mo caused by modification of atomic order Sadikov, I.P., see P.A. Alekseev 217 (1996) 241 217 (1996) 78 Sandratskii, L.M. and J. Kubler, Noncollinear magnetic Lazukov, V.N., see P.A. Alekseev 217 (1996) 241 order and electronic properties of U,Pd,Sn and U3P, Lefebvre, J.. see R. Jakubas 217 (1996) 67 217 (1996) 167 Lehr, M., see L. Weber 217 (1996) 181 Sanjuan, M.L., see J. Rubin 217 (1996) 227 Lihua, Z., see W. Lijun 217 (1996) 235 Shaikh, I.A., see H. Mohan 217 (1996) 292 Lijun, W., Z. Lihua, Y. Qiaogin, L. Shaolu, C. Zhenhua Shaolu, L., see W. Lijun 217 (1996) 235 and W. Yukun, A_ study on the structure of Shi, J., see P.M. Borsenberger 217 (1996) 212 Al-Mn-Ni-Ti alloy powders 217 (1996) 235 Singh, V.N., see L.C. Prasad 217 (1996) 285 Liu, X.D., see K. Lu 217 (1996) 153 Sohn, K.-S., see B.S. Kang 217 (1996)160 Lu, K., X.D. Liu and F.H. Yuan, Synthesis of the NiZr, Solodkaya, T.I., see V.V. Popov 217 (1996) 118 intermetallic compound nanophase materials 217 Sun, S.-J., C.-Y. Tsau and T.-M. Hong, Influence of (1996) 153 electron—phonon interaction to the periodic Anderson Lubritto, C., see S. De Filippo 217 (1996) 41 lattice 217 (1996) 107 Lyubutin, I.S., see H.M. Duh 217 (1996) 102 Takiguchi, T., see S. Ishida 217 (1996) 87 Magin, E.H., see P.M. Borsenberger 217 (1996) 212 Tang, J., A.M atsushita, H. Kitazawa and T. Matsumoto, Magli, R., see U. Bafile 217 (1996) 50 High pressure effect on the magnetic transition in heavy Maple, M.B., see K. Jung 217 (1996) 23 fermion systems CePd,Al, and CePdAl 217 (1996) 97 Index of Authors and Papers 301 Tarasova, E.I., see I.Ya. Fugol 217 (1996) 261 Yuan, F.H., see K. Lu) 217 (1996) 153 Tosi, M.P., see R. Fantoni 217 (1996) 35 Yukun, W., see W. Lijun = 217 (1996) 235 Tsau, C.-Y., see S.-J. Sun 217 (1996) 107 Zhang, Y. and Y. Don, Photoacoustic spectrum of van Haeringen, W., see W.H. Backes 217 (1996) 207 BaF,:Ce** phosphor 217 (1996) 149 Zhenhua C., see W. Lijun 217 (1996) 235 Weber, L., M. Lehr and E. Gmelin, Investigation of the Zolliker, M., see P.A. Alekseev 217 (1996) 241 transport properties of gold point contacts 217 (1996) Zoopi, M., see U. Bafile 217 (1996) 50 181 Wijers, C.M.J., see H.G. Bekker 217 (1996) 193 Wu, M.K., see H.M. Duh _ 217 (1996) 102 303 Subject Index AC susceptibility 221 GaAs 118 Optical properties 265 Al;Mg, 285 Glassy solids 1 Amorphous solids 1 Perovskites 133 Anderson lattice, periodic 107 Heavy fermion systems 97, 107, 111 Phase transitions 67 Anharmonic effects 227 Hexammines 57 Phosphor 149 Atomic momentum distribution 50 High pressure 97, 111, 143 Photoacoustic spectra 149 Hole mobility 212 Positron lifetime 23 Ballistic phonons 181 Hot-electron transport 118 Binary alloys, 1-D 127 Hydrogen 50 Quantum Hall states 41 Born approximation 8 Hydrogen in Pd 160 Quantum wires 35 Quasiperiodic lattices 127 Ce3Al-based systems 241 Impurities 1, 8 Charge transport 212 In,Se,_, thin films 265 Raman spectra 227 Charge-density waves 1, 8 Interaction barriers 160 Rare-gas solids 261 CoFe,_,Cr,QO,4 292 Intermetallic compounds 153 Resistivity 111 Concentration fluctuations 285 RKKY interaction 97 Confinement 193 Kondo effect 97 CrMZ(M = Fe,Co, Ni; Z = P,As) 87 Self-trapping 261 Crystal structure 207 Layered structures 133 Semiconductors 207, 252 Liquid alloys 285 _Short-range order 285 Density evolution 50 Lithhum—Ammonium Sulphate 274 Short-range correlations 35 Density functional theory 167 Low-temperature effects 241 Silica surfaces, humid 29 Dielectric properties 133 Silicon surfaces 252 Diffusion barriers 160 Specific heat 57, 274 Magnetic order 111 Disordered structures 1 Spin glasses 102, 221 Magnetic properties 87, 292 Doppler broadening 23 Spinel systems 292 Magnetic spectral response 241 Dynamic transport 29 Spin-orbit coupling 167 Magnetic transitions 97 Statistical physics 127 Magnetoresistance 102, 221 Stopping power 63 Electric transport 181 Mechanical point contacts 181 Structure factor 285 Electrical resistivity 274 Metamagnetic transitions 102 Superconductivity 23 Electron fluids 35 Microstructure 265 Surfaces 261 Electron gas 63 Molecular glasses 212 Electronic band structure 207 Monte Carlo 118 Electronic structure 78, 87, 193 Thermodynamics 127 Electron—phonon interaction 107 Thermoelectric power 181 (n-C3H7NH3),BiBr; 67 Electron—plasmon scattering 118 Trial wave functions 41 (n-C3H,NH3)3BiBre 67 Energy levels 149 NHj 227 Equation of state 143 Nanophase materials 153 U compounds 167 Excitons 261 Nickel hexammine nitrate 57 UPd,Ge, 102 Ni,;Mo_ 78 Fast particles 63 X-ray absorption 78 NiZr, 153 Fractional fillings 41 Noise 252 X-ray diffraction 265 Frequency dependence 29 Noncollinear magnetic structures 167 X-ray emission 78

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