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Preview Phylogeny of the genus Agama based on mitochondrial DNA sequence data

© Biodiversity Heritage Library, http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/; www.zoologicalbulletin.de; www.biologiezentrum.at Bonnerzoologische Beiträge Band 56 Heft4 Seiten 273-278 Bonn, November2009 Phylogeny of the genus Agama DNA based on mitochondrial sequence data Adam D. Leachéi -, Rebecca A. Chong', Theodore J. Papenfussi, Philipp Wagner-\ Wolfgang Böhme^, Andreas Schmitz-*, Mark-Oliver Rödel-\ Matthew LeBreton^, Ivan Ineich^, Laurent Chirio'', Aaron Bauer^ Edem A. Eniang^ & SherifBaha El Din'' ' Museum ofVertebrate Zoology, University ofCalifornia, Berkeley, CA, USA - E-Mail: aleache@,ucdavis.edu ^ Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig, Bonn, Gennany 4 Muséum d'histoire naturelle. Department ofHeipetology and Ichthyology, Geneva 6, Switzerland 5 Museum flir Naturkunde at the Humboldt University Berlin, Gemiany Ö Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Départment Systématique et Evolution (Reptiles), Paris, France ^ Department ofBiology, Villanova University, Villanova, PA, USA ^ Department ofForestiy and Wildlife, University ofUyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria 9 3 Abdala El Katib St, Dokki, Cairo, Egypt Abstract. Wepresentapreliminaryphylogeny for 19 speciesofAfricanAgama lizardsbasedona maximum likelihood phylogeneticanalysisof1,181 bpofmitochondrialDNAsequencedata.MonophyleticradiationsofspeciesinEast,South andWestAfricaaresupported,aswellasacladecontainingtwospecies(A. doiiaeandA.sankaranica)distributedacross theSahelregion.WestAfricanpopulationsoíA.agamaareparaphyleticwithrespecttoA.fiiichifromwesternmostKenya, providing further evidence for a biogeographic comdor between West and EastAfrica. Populations oíA. agama fonn fourphylogeographicgroups,whichsuggeststhat.4. agamamaybecomposedofmultipleindependentevolutionarylin- eages. Keywords.Africa, phylogeography, Systematics,biogeography,Agama agama. Introduction African lizards in the genus Agama are among the most Thesebroadlydistributedtaxaposesomedifficultspecies diverse and widespread terrestrial squamates in Africa, delimitation problems (Wagner 2007; Wagner et al. makingthemanidealgroupfortestingbiogeographichy- 2008a, Wagner et al. 2008b) and require detailed phylo- pothesesandconductingcomparativeecological andevo- geographic investigations. lutionary studies. However, the robust phylogenetic framework forAgama that is needed to meet these goals ThegoalsofourcollaborativeresearchonAgama lizards is currently lacking. Constructing a phylogeny for Aga- are to combine our sainpling efforts from separate biodi- ma requires detailed investigations ofphylogenetic rela- versity fíeldwork programs in different countries across tionships across multiple spatial and temporal scales. In Africa to 1) infer a comprehensive molecular phylogeny general, the higher-level relationships within theAgami- for the genus Agama, 2) resolve species limits in wide- daearepoorlyunderstood(Maceyetal. 2006),anddense spread, non-exclusive taxa, 3) conduct phylogeographic samplingwithinAgamaandotherAfricanandAsiantaxa investigations oftheA. agama and A. lionotus complex- isnecessaryfortestingthemonophyly ofand identifying es, and4) describe new species, where wairanted. In this the sistertaxontoAgama. Atthepopulation level, sever- paper, we present a preliminary phylogeny forthe genus alwidespreadandpolytypic species, such asAgamaaga- Agama based on an analysis ofmitochondrial DNA se- ma inWestAfricaandA. lionotusinEastAfrica, haveun- quencedata(mtDNA). hiaddition,weinvestigatethephy- clearspecieslimits(Böhmeetal. 2005)andmaybecom- logeography oíA. agama across WestAfrica. posed of multiple independent evolutionary lineages. © Biodiversity Heritage Library, http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/; www.zoologicalbulletin.de; www.biologiezentrum.at 274 Adam D. Leaché et al.: Phylogeny ofthe genusAgama Material & Methods DNAwas extracted fromtissues followingthePureGene Animal Tissue DNAIsolation Protocol (Centra Systems, Atotal of 19 species oíAgama were included in the phy- hic). Twoportionsofthemitochondrial genomewerePCR logenetic analyses (Table 1 ). We included 15 specimens amplified and sequenced, including a small fragment of ofA. agama from 10 countries across West Africa to in- the 16S rRNAgene (16S) and a portion ofthe ND4 pro- vestigate the phylogeographic relationships among pop- teincodinggene (ND4) andtheadjacenthistidine, serine, ulations. We selected four species from theAgaminae to andleucinetRNAgenes. Oligonucleotideprimersusedfor representoutgrouptaxa, mcXuámgAcanthocercusatricol- PCR and sequencing are provided in Table 2. The 16S lis, Laiidakia stellio, Trapeliis mutabilis, andXenagama rRNAgene was PCR amplified for 30 cycles (95°C 30s, tavlori. We rooted our phylogeny with Laudakia stellio. 58°C 30s, 72°C 50s) and the ND4 was amplified for 35 although we notethatthe higher-levelrelationships with- cycles (95°C 30s, 55°C 40s, 72°C 1 min). PCR products in the Agaminae are poorly understood (Macey et al. were purified using ExoSAP-IT (USB Corp.). Cycle se- 2000; 2006). quencingproductswere ethanolprecipitated, andthen se- quenced using an ABI 3730 automated sequencer. CM MCZI8456I GAZFMK73I85 GHMVZ2496I7 NEMVZ23889I lOOl"—GH LSUMZH20336 ~rMLAMNHI09799 P-/V\RZFMK76838 WestAfrica ^*-GH LSUMZH20085 Radiation Agama finchi TD 29061 Agama "agama"^ GN ULM200 CM MCZI84562 NGMVZ253099 EG CAS207958 CM ZFMK8376I —CM X3853 Agama planiceps —Agama sankaranica Agama doriae ]Sahel Radiation — 100 Agama kaimosae 91 Agama mwanzae EastAfrica 100 •Agama lionotus Radiation Agama rueppelli 54 Agama caudospinosa_ 100 Agama aculeata I 78 Agama armata 99 Agama hispida South Africa 100 •—Agama atra Radiation 100 62 Agama anchietae — 'Agama weidlioizi Agama boulengeri West/ North 100 •Agama impalearis Africa I Agama spinosa lOOj Xenagama taylori Acanthocercus atricollis Trapelus mutabilis Laudakia stellio '0.1 substitutions persite Fig. 1. Phylogenetic relationships within the genus Agama based on a maximum likelihood analysis ofmtDNA sequence data using the GTR+F model ofnucleotide substitution. Maximum likelihoodbootstrap values >50''o are shown. © Biodiversity Heritage Library, http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/; www.zoologicalbulletin.de; www.biologiezentrum.at Bonnerzoologische Beiträge 56 275 Table 1. Voucher numbers and locality data forspecimens used in the study. All sequences are deposited in GenBank (Accessi- onNos. GU128430- GU128502). Voucherabbreviations are as follows: CAS, CaliforniaAcademy ofSciences; MVZ, Museum ofVertebrateZoology; ZFMK,ZoologischesForschungsinstitutundMuseum; MCZ, Museum ofComparativeZoology; LSUMZ, Louisiana State University Museum ofNatural Science; ULM, University ofLouisiana at Monroe Museum ofNatural History; AMNH, American Museum ofNatural History; AMB,Aaron M. Bauer personal collection; specimen numbers beginning or en- dingwith"X", "I", or"TR", personal collectornumbers forauthors fromthe Muséumnational d'Histoire naturelle. Species Locality Voucher Agama aculeata Botswana, Kgalagadi District MVZ, IvMJ/o Agamaagama Cameroon ZFMK 83761 Agama agama Cameroon, Mende, montsTakamanda A OOJJ Agama agama Cameroon, Yaounde MCZ 184561 Agama agama Cameroon, Yaounde MCZ 184562 Agama agama hquatoriai Gumea, Bioko Island, Malabo CAS 207958 Agama agama Gabon, Barrage de Ichunbcle ZhMK 73 85 1 Agamaagama Ghana, GreaterAccra Region, Tesano LaUMZ, HzUjiO Agamaagama G/"IhIana, XNTorttlhern nRegion, TB")uipe LSUMZ H20085 Agama agama Ghana, Volta Region MVZ, z4yo1 / Agama agama Guinea, Diaragbela, Niger River ULM Agama agama Mali AMNH 109799 Agama agama Mauritania, Selibabi ZHMK 76838 Agama agama Niger, Niamey MVZ 238891 Agama agama Nigeria, Cross RiverNational Park MVZ, zjjuyy Agama agama Icnad, DOi zyuo 1 Agama anchietae Namibia, tvhon.xas District AMB 7582 Agama armata Tanzania Z'7Tr^\M^TK/' O84AC9\C9\(0\ Agama atra SouthAfrica, Northern Cape Province LAo 1934JJ Agama boidengeri Mauritania,Nouakchott Dist. MVZ z3J/d4 Agama caudospinosa Kenya, Nam Moni ZhMK 83662 Agama doriae Cameroon, Daré Ville 4218 A Agamafmchi Kenya, Malaba ZrMK 83653 Agama hispida SouthAtrica, Northern Cape Province A\/iR /Iviin Agama impalearis Mauritania, Nouakchott District MVZ 235766 Agama kaimosae Kenya, Nandi ZFMK 83660 Agama lionotus Kenya, Nakuru ZFMK 83646 Agama mwanzae Kenya, Mara ZFMK 82076 Agamaplaniceps Namibia, Outjo Dist., Kamanjab AMB 7638 Agama nieppelli Somalia, Awdal Region MVZ 241340 Agamasankaranica Ghana, Volta Region MVZ 249656 Agamaspinosa Djibouti, Dikhil MVZ 236458 Agama weidhohi Senegal TR481 AcanthocercusatricoUis Uganda, Rukungiri District CAS 201726 Laudakiastellio Turkey,Antalya Province MVZ 230213 Trapeliis mutabilis Egypt ZFMK 64395 Xenagama taylori Somalia, Galbed Region MVZ 241356 Contiguous DNAsequences were aligned and editedus- Results ing Sequencher v4.8, and multiple sequence alignments were generated using Muscle v3.6 (Edgar 2004). The The maximum likelihoodanalysis ofthe combined mtD- open reading frame for the ND4 gene was identified us- NAsequence data (1,181 characters) supports the mono- ingMacCladev4.08 (Maddison & Maddison2005). The phylyofthegenusAgama(bootstrap= 100%; Fig. 1). The 16S rRNAalignmentincludedindel-rich loopregionsthat outgroup taxaXenagama tayloriandAcanthocercusatri- could not be aligned unambiguously and were excluded coUisfonn astronglysupportedclade (bootstrap= 100%) fromthephylogeneticanalysis. Phylogeneticrelationships thatissisterto Trapeliismutabilis. WithinAgama, aclade were inferred using maximum likelihood using RAxML containing^, impalearis and^. spinosa is sisterto all re- V7.0.4 (Stamatakis 2008), and iinplemented the GTR+F mainingAgama, although this relationship is not accom- model ofnucleotide substitution. Support values for in- paniedby strongsupport (bootstrap <50%; Fig. 1). Some ferredrelationshipswereestimatedfrom 100non-paramet- regionalspeciesassemblagesaremonophyletic, including ric bootstrap replicates. a clade ofSouthern African species (A. aculeata, A. an- © Biodiversity Heritage Library, http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/; www.zoologicalbulletin.de; www.biologiezentrum.at 276 Adam D. Leaché etal.: Phylogeny ofthe genusAgama -10° 0° 10° 20° 30° -10° 0° 10° 20° 30° Fig. 2. Pliylogeographic structure o'i Agama agama across sub-Saharan Africa. Samples oíAgama agama are labeled by coun- try ill the unrooted phylogeny. The maximum likelihood phylogenetic analysis placesAgamaplaniceps sistertoAgamaagama. chietcie,A. atiri,A. (irnuitii andA. hispida) and a clade of graphic groups (Fig. 2). The geographic proximity be- EastAfrican species (A. kainiosae,A. imvauzae. A. Hono- tween samples is a poor predictor ofphylogenetic rela- tiis, A. caitdospinosa andA. nieppelli), each ofwhich are tionships, and three of the four clades overlap spatially strongly supported (bootstrap = 99% and 100%, respec- (Fig. 2). One ofthe most well sampled phylogeographic tively; Fig. 1). Strong support is also provided foraclade groups withinA. agama extends acrossWestAfrica from ofspecies distributed across the Sahel region ofsub-Sa- MauritaniatoGabon(Fig. 2). Twoothercladeswithbroad haran Africa, including A. doriae and A. sankaranica distributions include a group extending from Guinea to (bootstrap = 100%). Agamaplaniceps is sister to a clade Caineroonandanotherextendingfi^oinTchadtoKenya{A. containingall 15 specimensof.4. agamaandA.Jinclu,al- finchi) (Fig. 2). Finally, aclade withamorerestricteddis- though this relationship is weak (bootstrap < 50%; Fig. tribution includespopulations from southeasternNigeria, 1). The inteiTclationships among these major clades are westernCaineroon,andBioko Island(Equatoi"ialGuinea) not suppoited by bootstrap values > 50%, except for a (Fig. 2). strongly supported clade (bootstrap = 100%) containing the Sahel species (A. doriae and A. sankaranica) and A. planiceps, A. agama, andA. finchi (Fig. 1). Discussion Populations ofAgama agama in West Africa are para- This study represents the first detailed molecular phylo- phyleticwithrespecttoA.finchifromwesternmostKenya genetic investigation ofthe genusAgama. Monophyletic (Fig. 1). Populations ofA. agama form four phylogeo- radiations ofAgama lizards occur in East Africa, South © Biodiversity Heritage Library, http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/; www.zoologicalbulletin.de; www.biologiezentrum.at Bonnerzoologische Beiträge 56 277 Table2. Primersusedto amplify and sequence mitochondrial DNA. Gene Primers Reference CGCCTGTTTAACAAAAACAT 16S 16Sf: This study CCGGTCTGAACTCAGATCACGT 16sR: ND4:CACCTATGACTACCAAAAGCTCATGTAGAAGC ND4 Arévalo et al. (1994) LEU: ACCACGTTTAGGTTCATTTTCATTAC Africa, the Sahel region, and even West Africa (Fig. 1), Thephylogeographic relationshipswithintheAgamaaga- butreconstructingthebiogeographic history ofthe group ma complex exhibit a suiprising amount ofspatial over- isimpededbyseveral factors. First, theinter-relationships lapbetweenclades. PhylogeographicstudiesofotherAga- amongthemajorlineages ofAgaina inferredbythemtD- ma lizards, including A. impalearis (Brown et al. 2002) NA data are not accompanied by strong support, which and.4. afra(Matthee& Flemming 2002)recoveredmore wouldmakeanybiogeographic scenariosbasedonthecur- typical phylogeographic patterns whereby populations rent phylogeny speculative. Second, our taxonomic cov- formed geographically exclusive clades. The spatial erage is not comprehensive and lacks approximately 10 overlapofmtDNAclades intheA. agamacomplexcould speciesthataredistributedthroughoutAfrica. Finally,the be evidence ofthe presence ofmultiple distinct species, sistertaxonoiAgamaremainsunclear. Despitethesechal- which co-occurthroughout WestAfrica and are as ofyet lenges, there are strong biogeographic signals in the cur- morphologically cryptic. Conversely, this spatial pattern rent phylogeny (Fig. 1). For instance, the phylogenetic couldreflecttherecentexpansion ofdistinct lineagesthat placement ofA. Jinchi from western Kenya within the were formerly restricted to exclusive geographic areas. WestAfricanA. agama complex provides evidence for a Distinguishing among these differenthypotheses ofpop- biogeographic corridor between West and East Africa, a ulationhistoryawaittheadditionofmorespecimens from result that provides further evidence for a close biogeo- throughoutWestAfricaandthecollectionofnuclearDNA graphic affinity between these regions (Wagner et al. data. This work is currently undei"way. 2008c). Inaddition,thecloserelationshipbetweenA.plan- iceps fromNamibiaandtheWestAfricanA. agama com- The collaborative nature ofthis research project is pro- plexprovides supportforabiogeographic connectionbe- viding an opportunity to conduct detailed investigations tweenWestandSouthAfrica(Figs 1 and2). Thisrelation- ofthe phylogeny and phylogeography ofAgama lizards ship is not surprising given the close similarity in mor- than would have otherwise been impossible. Our cuirent phology and colourpattern sharedbetween these species workbenefits fromhavingexpandedtaxonomic sampling (Böhme et al. 2005). and multiple individuals ofeach species, more detailed outgroup sampling, densepopulationsamplingin^. aga- The intraspecificphylogenyíorAgamaagamahighlights ?na and A. liouotiis species, and the addition ofnuclear DNA thetaxonomic problemsthatthiswidespreadtaxon intro- sequence data. duces toAgama lizard systematics. This species is para- phyletic with respect to A. finchi (Figs 1, 2) and appears Acknowledgements. We thankreviewersforuseful comments tobecomposedofmultipledistinctclades. The argument on previous versions ofthis manuscript, and to curators at the couldbemadethaiA.finchishouldbe synonymizedwith MVZ,CAS, MCZ,FMNH,AMNH,AMCC,and LSUMNS for A. agamatoretainamonophyleticA. agama,butA. finchi tissue loans. is clearly distinct based on morphology and coloration. The majorphylogeographic groups found withinA. aga- ma based on mtDNAmay represent distinct species, and References representa good starting point fortesting species bound- Arévalo, E.,Davis, S. K. &J. W. Sites,Jr. (1994): Mitochon- aries with multiple nuclearmarkers. Detennining ifgene drial DNAsequencedivergenceandphylogeneticrelationships flow is absent among these mtDNA groups is an impor- amongeightchromosomeracesoftheSceloporusgrammiciis tant next step in resolving the systematics oftheA. aga- complex(Phiynosomatidae)incentralMexico. SystematicBi- macomplex.Theparaphylyof^. agamaalsounderscores Böohlmoeg,yW4.3,: W38a7g-n4e1r8,.P., Malonza, R, Loiters, S. & J. Köh- the need for additional detailed comparative moipholog- ler(2005):AnewspeciesofXho.Agamaagamagroup(Squa- ical investigations that do not rely solely on adult male mata:Agamidae)fromwesternKenya,EastAfrica,withcom- coloration characteristics (see Grandison 1968). ments onAgama lionotiis Boulenger, 1896. Russian Journal ofHerpetology 12: 143-150. © Biodiversity Heritage Library, http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/; www.zoologicalbulletin.de; www.biologiezentrum.at 278 Adam D. Leaché et al.: Phylogeny ofthe genusAgama Brown, R. P., Suárez, N. M. & J. Pestaño (2002) The Atlas Matthee,C.a.&A. F.Flemming(2002): Populationfragmen- mountainsasabiogeographicdivideinNorth-WestAfrica:ev- tationinthesouthernrockagama,Agamaatra: moreevidence idence from mtDNA evolution in the Agamid lizardAgama for vicariance in Southern Africa. Molecular Ecology 11: impalearis. Molecular Phylogcnetics and Evolution 24: 465-471. 324-332. Stamatakis, a. Hoover, P. & J. Rougemont (2008): Arapid Edgar, R. C. (2004): MUSCLE: multiple sequence alignment bootstrap algorithm for the RAxML web-servers. Systemat- with high accuracy and high throughput. Nucleic Acids Re- ic Biology 57: 758-771. search32: 1792-1797. Wagner, P. (2007): Studies in African Agama I. On the taxo- Grandison,a.G. C.(1968): Nigerian lizardsofthegenusAga- nomic status of Agama lionotiis usamharae Barbour & ma(Sauria:Agamidae). BulletinoftheBritishMuseum(Nat- Loveridge, 1928. Herpetozoa 20: 69-73. ural Histoiy) Zoology 17: 65-90. Wagner, R, Krause,R & W. BOhme (2008a): StudiesonAfri- Macey, J. R., Schulte II, J. A., Larson,A.,Ananjeva, N. B., canAgama III. Resuirection ofAgama agama twuensis Lo- Wang, Y., Pethiyagoda, R., Rastegar-Pouyani, N. & T. J. veridge, 1932(Squamata:Agamidae)fromsynonymyandele- Papenfuss(2000): Evaluatingtrans-Tethysmigration: anex- vation to species rank. Salamandra44: 35^2. ample using acrodont lizardphylogcnetics. Systematic Biol- Wagner, P., Burmann, A. & W. Böhme (2008b): Studies on ogy49: 233-256. AfricanAgama II. Resurrection ofAgama agama kaimosae Macey, J. R., Schulte II,J.A., Pong, J.A., Das, I. & T. J. Pa- Loveridge, 1935 (Squamata:Agamidae)fromsynonymyand penfuss (2006): The complete mitochondrial genome ofan itselevation to speciesrank. RussianJournal ofHerpetology agamid lizard from theAfro-Asian subfamilyAgaminae and 15: 1-7. thephylogencticpositionofBiijonlcep.sand.Venagamu. Mol- Wagner,R,Köhler,J., Schmitz,A.&W. Böhme(2008c):The ecular Phylogcnetics and Evolution 39: 881-886. biogeographicalassignmentofawestKenyanrainforestrem- Maddison,W. R&D. R.Maddison(2005): MacClade4:Analy- nant: furtherevidencefromanalysisofitsreptilefauna.Jour- sisofPhylogenyandCharacterEvolution. SinauerAssociates, nal ofBiogeography 35: 1349-1361. Sunderland, MA. ZOBODAT - www.zobodat.at Zoologisch-Botanische Datenbank/Zoological-Botanical Database Digitale Literatur/Digital Literature Zeitschrift/Journal: Bonn zoological Bulletin - früher Bonner Zoologische Beiträge. Jahr/Year: 2009 Band/Volume: 56 Autor(en)/Author(s): diverse Artikel/Article: Phylogeny of the genus Agama based on mitochondrial DNA sequence data 273-278

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