InternationalJournalofSystematicandEvolutionaryMicrobiology(2014),64,3821–3832 DOI10.1099/ijs.0.063966-0 Phylogeny of the class Actinobacteria revisited in the light of complete genomes. The orders ‘Frankiales’ and Micrococcales should be split into coherent entities: proposal of Frankiales ord. nov., Geodermatophilales ord. nov., Acidothermales ord. nov. and Nakamurellales ord. nov. Arnab Sen,1 Vincent Daubin,2 Danis Abrouk,3 Isaac Gifford,4 Alison M. Berry4 and Philippe Normand3 Correspondence 1NBU Bioinformatics Facility, Department ofBotany, University ofNorth Bengal, Siliguri, 734013, PhilippeNormand India [email protected]. 2Biome´trie etBiologie Evolutive, Centre Nationalde la RechercheScientifique UMR 5558, Universite´ LyonI,Universite´ Lyon, Villeurbanne, France 3EcologieMicrobienne,CentreNationaldelaRechercheScientifiqueUMR5557,Universite´ LyonI, Universite´ Lyon,Villeurbanne, France 4DepartmentofPlantSciences,UniversityofCalifornia,OneShieldsAvenue,Davis,CA95616,USA The phylogeny oftheclass Actinobacteria remainscontroversial, essentiallybecause it isvery sensitivetothechoiceofdatasetandphylogeneticmethods.Weusedatestproposedrecently, based on complete genome data,which chooses amongcandidate species phylogenies based onthenumberoflateralgenetransfers(LGT)neededtoexplainthediversityofhistoriesamong genetreesforasetofgenomes.Weused100completelysequencedgenomesrepresenting35 familiesand 17ordersofthe classActinobacteria andevaluated eight different hypotheses for theirphylogeny,includingonebasedonaconcatenateof54conservedproteinspresentinsingle copy inall thesegenomes, trees based on 16Sand23S rRNA genesequences ortheir concatenation, anda treebased on the concatenation ofMLSA genes (encoding AtpI,GyrA, FtsZ,SecAandDnaK).WeusedPruniertoinferthenumberofLGTin579proteins(differentfrom those usedto buildthe concatenated tree) present inatleast 70species,using the different hypothetical species trees as references. The best tree, with thelowest number oflateral transfers, wastheone based on the concatenation of54proteins. Inthat tree, theorders Bifidobacteriales,Coriobacteriales,‘Corynebacteriales’,‘Micromonosporales’, ‘Propionibacteriales’,‘Pseudonocardiales’,Streptomycetales and‘Streptosporangiales’were recoveredwhiletheorders‘Frankiales’andMicrococcaleswerenot.Itisthusproposedthatthe order‘Frankiales’,whichhasaneffectivelybutnotvalidlypublishedname,besplitintoFrankiales ord. nov.(type familyFrankiaceae),Geodermatophilales ord.nov. (Geodermatophilaceae), Acidothermales ord.nov. (Acidothermaceae) andNakamurellalesord. nov.(Nakamurellaceae). The order Micrococcalesshould alsobesplit intoMicrococcales (genera Kocuria,Rothia, Micrococcus, Arthrobacter, Tropheryma, Microbacterium, Leifsonia andClavibacter), Cellulomonales (Beutenbergia, Cellulomonas,Xylanimonas, Jonesia andSanguibacter) and Brachybacteriales(Brachybacterium)buttheformalproposalforthiswillhavetowaituntilmore genomes become available fora significant proportion ofstrains inthisorder. Abbreviations: DPG, diphosphatidylglycerol; LGT, lateral gene transfer; LL-DAP, LL-diaminopimelic acid; MLSA, multi-locus sequence analysis; MN, multicopy non-universal;MU, multicopyuniversal;PE,phosphatidylethanolamine; PG, phosphatidylglycerol;PI, phosphatidylinositol;PIM, phosphatidyl- inositolmannoside;UN,unicopynon-universal;UU,universalunicopy. Threesupplementarytablesandfivesupplementaryfiguresareavailablewiththeonlineversionofthispaper. 063966G2014CNRS PrintedinGreatBritain 3821 A.Senandothers INTRODUCTION filaments with the exception of what are called the deeper branches, namely the members of the order Ray fungi, called Strahlenpilze by Lieske (1921), or Bifidobacteriales (Woese, 1987). This treatment was actinobacteriaastheyarenowdesignated,werehistorically retained in many successive editions of Bergey’s Manual considered as ‘intermediary’ between fungi and bacteria and the class name was published in 1997 (Stackebrandt with a difficult taxonomy (Krassilnikov, 1941). The name et al., 1997) although invalidly because no type order had itself comes from their colony morphology on agar that been proposed at the time (Euze´by & Tindall, 2001). exhibits radial growth, a characteristic shared with fungi. They also share with fungi their mycelial shape and musty However, 16S rRNA genes and the resulting phylogenetic smell, and with bacteria physiological traits such as a cell- reconstructions cannot be considered the golden standard wall structure based on peptidoglycan, in common with of bacterial taxonomy for several reasons. First, there are membersofthephylumFirmicutesasrevealedbytheGram instancesofspecieswhosegenomescontainmorethanone stain.Thefirsttaxonomicaltreatmentofactinobacteriawas copyofthe16SrRNAgenedifferingbyasmuchas6%,as that of Buchanan (1917) who had proposed to name an in Thermomonospora chromogena (Yap et al., 1999), which order Actinomycetales, although with features of debatable wasinterpretedasevidenceoflateraltransfer.Secondly,the validity(‘Moldlike,nottypicallywaterforms,norwiththe 16S rRNA gene has also been shown to be plasmid-borne sheath impregnated with iron, true branching often in Bacillus megaterium (Kunnimalaiyaan et al., 2001), evident...’). A few taxonomical works have been based on furthersupportingtheideaitcouldbetransferredlaterally. aperceived evolutionary trendfromsimpleformsto more Finally, the 16S rRNA gene is a single marker that thus complexfeaturessuchashyphaeandsporangia(Kluyver& contravenes one basic tenet of biology, that any analysis van Niel, 1936). However many authors have argued shouldbeassessedforreproducibility.Thislimitationledto that the search for a reliable taxonomy was vain given multi-locus sequence analysis (MLSA) developed initially the numerous instances of loss of a function or of a for the genus Neisseria (Maiden et al., 1998), where morphologicalfeaturethatwouldresultinfaultyposition- typically five conserved genes or more are sequenced. This ing, especially in classifications essentially based on a approach is now frequently used, mostly to characterize dichotomous scheme. specieswithinagenus. Ithasledtothere-characterization of the genera Nocardia (McTaggart et al., 2010) and Chemical criteria were initially too few to provide a solid Streptomyces(Doroghazi&Buckley,2010),withsignificant taxonomy,yettheyhaveaccumulated,providingeventually deviations from the topology yielded by 16S rRNA gene a solid set of data that could compensate for a few lost sequences, indicative of widespread recombination. functions.Nowadays,todescribeaspecies,itisrequiredto provide a measure of the DNA G+C content that is a The most recent taxonomical treatment of the phylum characteristic of the genome; an analysis of the phospho- Actinobacteria (Ludwig et al., 2012a, b), based essentially lipidsthatarecharacteristicofthemembrane;thediamino on the 16S rRNA gene phylogeny, has considerably modi- acids that are a characteristic of the cell wall; or the fied all levels of their taxonomy. There are now six classes quinones that are a characteristic of the respiratory chain. comprising five basal ones (Acidimicrobiia, Coriobacteriia, None of these elements taken individually is sufficient to Nitriliruptoria, Rubrobacteria and Thermoleophilia) each identify a microbe; however, taken as a whole they can having only one or two orders, and the main class yield a solid taxonomic basis in combination with Actinobacteriathatcomprises15orders(Actinomycetaleswith morphology and growth characteristics. Sokal & Sneath 1 family-5 genera, ‘Actinopolysporales’ 1-1, Bifidobacteriales (1963) used a combination of such characters as the basis 1-7,‘Catenulisporales’2-2,‘Corynebacteriales’6-13,‘Frankiales’ of numerical taxonomical treatments. These approaches 6-11, ‘Glycomycetales’ 1-3, ‘Jiangellales’ 1-2, ‘Kineosporales’ have permitted the classification of many actinobacterial 1-3,Micrococcales15-92,‘Micromonosporales’1-23,‘Propioni- lineages starting in 1967 (Goodfellow, 1967), in particular bacteriales’2-18,‘Pseudonocardiales’1-22,Streptomycetales1-3 the genera Streptomyces (Williams et al., 1983) and and‘Streptosporangiales’3-22). Mycobacterium (Tsukamura et al., 1969). Complete genomes were initially obtained to gain a The advent of molecular phylogenetic tools, 16S rRNA comprehensive understanding of the functioning of cells. gene cataloguing (Stackebrandt & Woese, 1981) and later The first bacterial genome was published in 1995 16S rRNA gene sequencing crowned the search for a (Fleischmann et al., 1995) and the rapid increase since molecular clock that needed to be present in all lineages, then of sequencing capabilities has resulted in the present retainedthesamefunctionandtickedatcomparablespeed (December 2013) tally of 4536 published finished bacte- in all these lineages. These techniques resulted in the rialgenomes( actinobacteria emerging as a coherent subdivision in the bacteria), of which 16% or about 731 are classified in the phylum ‘Gram-Positive bacteria’, that also contained the class Actinobacteria. The first study that aimed to usethese low G+C firmicutes with the genera Bacillus and completegenomestorevisitbacterialphylogenyresultedin Clostridium (Woese, 1987). This confirmation buttressed marked changes relative to the 16S rRNA gene-based the class Actinobacteria as coherent, with short genetic phylogeny,especiallyintheclassActinobacteriawheremany distances, a generally aerobic metabolism and branched orderswereshowntobeunsupportedbyaconcatenateof31 3822 InternationalJournalofSystematicandEvolutionaryMicrobiology64 PhylogenyofActinobacteriabasedoncompletegenomes universal proteins. Gao and Gupta (2012) used a similar genomes were clustered into one file on which reciprocal BLAST was approach with a concatenate of 35 proteins to re-examine performed with BLASTP of blastall version 2.2.25, with Block SubstitutionMatrix(BLOSUM62)andwherecostandgapextension actinobacterial phylogeny, adding a study of indels to values [G & E] were set to 11 and 1, respectively with an e-value of confirm the main lines of that topology (Wu et al., 2009), 1e204. The number of database sequences to show one-line an approach also followed specifically for the class descriptions [-v] was kept at 10000 and the number of database Actinobacteria that showed the orders ‘Frankiales’ and sequencestoshowalignments[-b]wassetat10000. Micrococcales were in need of reassessment (Verma et al., The output of BLAST was subjected to clustering of homologous 2013).Beyondsubsamplingsuchasthebootstrapapproach sequences using the SiLiX software (; (Felsenstein, 1985), it is nevertheless what the Prunier Mieleetal.,2011)withtheminimumpercentidentitytoacceptBLAST approachisdesignedtodo,usingalargenumberofproteins hits for building families [–ident] set at 35, the minimum per cent toassessthereliabilityofnodesoftopologiesobtainedwith overlaptoacceptBLASThitsforbuildingfamilies[–overlap]setat80, otherproteins(Abbyetal.,2010).Itwasdecidedtousethis theminimumlengthtoacceptpartialsequencesinfamilies[-l]setat approach on 100 actinobacterial genomes representing the 100andtheminimumpercentoverlaptoacceptpartialsequencesin families[-m]setat50. mainactinobacteriallineages. In this process several gene families were generated, which were classified into four groups: 1) UU families (unicopy universal METHODS families, containing genes present in one copy in each genome and present in all the 100 genomes); 2) UN families (unicopy non- Selectionofgenomes.Aminoacidsequencesofallprotein-coding universalfamilies,sameasabovebutnotpresentinallgenomes);3) genes as well as DNA sequences of 16S and 23S rRNA genes were MUfamilies(multicopyuniversalfamilies,presentinallgenomesbut downloaded from the JGI-IMG ( as more than one copy), and 4) MN families (multicopy non- main.cgi) and Genoscope ( data- universal families, more than one copy and not present in all bases. One hundred actinobacterial genomes were chosen for the genomes). An in-house python (this study) program was developed study and care was taken to include most of the orders of the class whichshort-listedthegenefamiliesintovariousgroups. Actinobacteria.Alistofallgenomesusedinthepresentstudyandthe Therewereultimately54UUfamiliesandaround5000UNfamilies resulting statistics are presented in Table S1 (available in the online recovered. Since the number of UN families was fairly large, the SupplementaryMaterial). numberoffamilieswasdeterminedbytakingonlythosefamiliesthat were present in more than 70 genomes but not in all 100 studied Species biotopes. Actinobacteria can thrive under various genomes. This permitted the selection of 579 UN families. The 54 environmental conditions and ecological niches. Based on the gene UU families were concatenated with Seaview version 4.3.1 and predominant lifestyle for a given taxon, the selected actinobacterial aligned with software CLUSTAL Omega version 1.1.0 (Sievers et al., genera were assigned to seven different biotopes. These are water, 2011) with default options. A tree was reconstructed with RAxML plant, thermal, mammal, soil, arthropods and extremophiles (other usingthisalignedfilewiththeparametersdescribedabovebutwitha than thermal). A letter code was assigned for each biotope that was substitution model [m] of PROTCAT_GAMMAIWAG -f a (Fig. 1). laterusedinthephylogenetictrees. Wealsoreconstructedtreesusinganotherwidelyusedprogram,MEGA with default parameters (Tamura et al., 2013), except the WAG Reconstructionofphylogenetictrees.Eightdifferentphylogenetic substitution model and Gamma Distributed as in the RAxML tree trees were used as reference to infer lateral gene transfer (LGT): 1) (Fig. S4); and MrBayes (Bayesian Analysis of Phylogeny) with the based on the 16S rRNA genes, 2) based on the 23S rRNA genes, 3) GTRmodelandgamma-distributed ratevariationacrosssitesanda based on concatenation of 16S and 23S rRNA genes, 4) based on proportionofinvariablesites(Ronquistetal.,2012)(Fig.S5). concatenationoffiveMLSAgenes(encodingAtpI,GyrA,FtsZ,SecA andDnaK)and5)anartificialtreebasedonthepresentclassification To make an MLSA amino acids tree (Margos et al., 2009), ofBergey’sManual.AllthesetreeswerereconstructedusingRAxML housekeepinggenesindifferentgenefamiliesweresearched:onegene (Randomized Axelerated Maximum-likelihood; see below). Finally, (encodingmembrane-boundATPsynthase,F1sector,AtpI)wasfound three trees based on concatenation of 54 proteins universal in inUUfamiliesandfourgenesinMUfamilies(encodingDNAgyrase, members of the class Actinobacteria were reconstructed, 6) with GyrA, tubulin-like GTP-binding protein, FtsZ ATPase secretory maximum-likelihood in MEGA software with a distance-based initial preprotein translocase, SecA and chaperone Hsp70 in DNA biosyn- treeinMEGA,7)withMrBayes,and8)withRAxML. thesis, DnaK). TochooseagenefromeachstrainfromMUfamilies (genesofthesetypeoffamiliespresentinallgenomesbutasmorethan Maximum-likelihood phylogenetic analyses were performed with onecopy),thegeneofAtopobiumparvulum (DSM20469)wastakenas RAxML 7.2.8 to reconstruct 16S and 23S rRNA gene trees (Figs S1 and S2, respectively) keeping the number of bootstraps [N] at 1000 reference and blasted with the rest of the genes of the same family. and using the substitution model [m] GTRGAMMAI [General Time Ultimately, five MLSA gene families were used to make a tree in a mannersimilartothatdescribedforthe‘concatenated’tree(Fig.2). ReversiblemodelofnucleotidesubstitutionwiththeCmodelofrate heterogeneity (Yang, 1993)and estimate ofproportion ofinvariable The last tree, which was called ‘artificial’, was reconstructed on the sites]. basis of 16S rRNA genes and conventional knowledge that corresponds to the latest taxonomical treatment in Bergey’s Manual The 16S and 23S rRNA genes were concatenated using Seaview of Systematic Bacteriology (2nd edition). There were actually some version 4.3.1. (Gouy et al., 2010). The concatenated sequences were deviations in the 16S rRNA gene tree (Fig. S1) generated in the thenalignedwithsoftwarepackageMUSCLE(Edgar,2004a,b).RAxML present study from Bergey’s taxonomy and those changes were 7.2.8 was then used to reconstruct the tree (henceforth to be artificiallycorrectedinthe‘artificial’tree. designated ‘16S–23S’ tree) (Fig. S3) with the above-mentioned parameters. Prunier.To identify and quantify putative LGTs among the strains To make the multi-protein-coding-gene concatenated tree (hence- and their evolutionary role, and to determine the robustness of forth called ‘concatenated-RAxML’ tree), all the genes of all studied varioustrees,aprogramcalled‘Prunier’(Abbyetal.,2010)wasused. 3823 A.Senandothers Frankia Datisca[P] 100 100 Frankia Eul1c[P] 100 100FFrraannkkiaia a ClnNi[3P[]P] (‘Frankiales’-I) 100 Frankia Ccl3[P] Frankia EAN1pec[P] Stackebrandtia nassauensis[S] (‘Glycomycetales’) 100 Actinoplanes missouriensis[S] 100 100Micromonospora aurantiaca[S] (‘Micromonosporales’) 96 Salinispora tropica[W] Verrucosispora maris[W] Pseudonocardia dioxanivorans[W] 100 Actinosynnema mirum[S] 100100 100 SAamccyhcaorloaptooplyssisp omrae deirteytrhraraneeai[[SS]] (‘Pseudonocardiales’) Saccharomonospora viridis[M] 100 Segniliparus rotundus[M] Mycobacterium massiliense[M] 100 100Mycobacterium gilvum[S] 100 100 100 100MMycyocboabcatcetreiurimum va innbtraaacleelnluiil[aSre][M] 100 Mycobacterium tuberculosis[M] Mycobacterium leprae[M] 75 100 NoAcamrdyicao flaicriccionciccau[sM s]ubflavus[S] 100 100 100100100R1h0o0dRoRhcohodocodccouccsoc ecoqccuucisu[ Mse r]oyptharcoupso[Slis][S] (‘Corynebacteriales’) Rhodoccoccus sp.[S] 58 100 Corynebacterium jeikeium[M] 100 Corynebacterium resistens[M] 100 100 CCooryrnyneebbaaccteteriruiumm a vuarirmiaubciloes[Pu]m[M] 76 83 100 100CoCroynryenbeabcatecrteiurmiu mg luutlcaemriacnusm[M[M]] Corynebacterium diphtheriae[M] 100 Tsukamurella paurometabola[A] Gordonia polyisoprenivorans[W] 100100 MoGdeeosdtoeNbrmaackatateomrp umhriaelurllisan uomsbu[sElct]iupraursti[tEa[]W] ((‘‘FFrraannkkiiaalleess’’--IIII)I) Blastococcus saxobsidens[E] 100 10K0ocurRiao rthhiiazo dpehniltao[cSa]riosa[M] 100 Rothia mucilaginosa[M] Micrococcus luteus[W] 84 100Arthrobacter aurescens[S] 100 99 100 AArrtthhrroobbaacctteerr cphhleonroanpthherneonliivcoursa[nSs][S] (Micrococcales-I) Arthrobacter arilaitensis[S] 93 ‘Tropheryma whipplei’[M] I 100 100 100 MicrCoblaavcibtearciutemr mteiscthaicgeaunmen[Psi]s[P] 100 100 CelluBloemutoennabse rfglaiavi Lgceeainvfseaor[nSnai]ae [xSy]li[P] 101000 100 XylanimonaJso cneelsluialo dseilnytiticriafi[cPa]ns[M] (Micrococcales-II) Sanguibacter keddieii[M] Bifidobacterium asteroides[A] 100 100 Gardnerella vaginalis[M] 100 Bifidobacterium animalis[M] 100 100 Bifidobacterium dentium[M] (Bifidobacteriales) 100 99 100Bifidobacterium longum[M] 100 Bifidobacterium breve[M] 100 52 95 AMrcoabniolubnaccutesr icuBumritf iihsdaioie[bMma]cotleytriicuumm b[Mifi]dum[M] (Actinomycetales) Brachybacterium faecium[M] (Micrococcales-III) 54 100 lKntirnaesopcooracncKugysituo rmcaod ccioacltuvosule msrea[Snds]e[nEt]arius[W] ((M‘Kiicnreoocsopcocraialeless-’I)V) 100 Nocardioides sp.[S] 100 100 100 KribbellaM fliacvriodlau[nSa]tus phosphovorus[W] (‘Propionibacteriales’) 100 Propionibacterium acnes[M] Propionibacterium freudenreichii[S] Catenulispora acidiphila[S] (‘Catenulisporales’) Streptomyces cattleya[S] 100 100 100 Streptomyces griseus[S] 91 100 10809SStrterepptotommyycceess c socealibcioelio[Pr[]S] (‘Streptomycetales’) 100 Streptomyces avermitilis[S] ‘Streptomyces bingchenggensis’[S] Kitasatospora setae[S] Acidothermus cellulolyticus[T] (‘Frankiales’-IV) 91 100 100NNooccaardrdioioppssisis d aalsbsao[Anv]illei[M] 100 100 TThheerrmmoobbiisfipdoa rfau sbcisap[To]ra[T] (Streptosporangiales) 100 Streptosporangium roseum[S] Thermomonospora curvata[T] Acidimicrobium ferrooxidans[T] (Acidimicrobiales) II 100 100 Conexibacter woesei[S] – (Solirubrobacterales) VI Rubrobacter xylanophilus[T] – (Rubrobacterales) V 100 100 Olsenella uli[M] Atopobium parvulum[M] 0.3 100 100 Cryptobacterium curtum[M] (‘Coriobacteriales’) III 100 Eggerthella lenta[M] Slackia heliotrinireducens[M] Biotopes of various strains of actinobacteria Plant Water Soil Thermal Mammal Extreme Arthropods [P] [W] [S] [T] [M] [E] [A] 3824 InternationalJournalofSystematicandEvolutionaryMicrobiology64 PhylogenyofActinobacteriabasedoncompletegenomes Fig.1.Phylogenetictreereconstructedwith54UUgenefamiliesandtheRAxMLprogramforall100actinobacterialstrains. The colour code indicates the biotopes of the sequenced genome. Numbers at nodes are the bootstrap results for 1000 subsamplingsexpressedasapercentage.Bar,0.3substitutionspersitedistance. Prunieressentiallyreconcilesagenetreewithareference(species)tree othertheordersMicrococcales,Bifidobacteriales,Actinomyce- and searches for a maximum statistical agreement forest (MSAF) tales, ‘Propionibacteriales’, ‘Catenulisporales’, Streptomyce- betweenthem.The‘fast’PrunierusedinthepresentstudyusesLR- tales, ‘Streptosporangiales’ and families Dermabacteraceae, ELW edge support values (Strimmer & Rambaut, 2002) to identify Kineosporiaceae, Dermacoccaceae, Intrasporangiaceae and discrepancies between gene and species trees. Prunier infers LGT Acidothermaceae. The genus Acidothermus was found to eventswhenitfindssignificanttopologicalconflictsbetweenthetwo trees.ThefollowingsettingswereusedforPrunier:boot.thresh.con- groupcloselytothermophilesintheorder‘Streptosporangi- flict590 (i.e. support value threshold for topological conflict); ales’,supportedbyagood(91%)bootstrapresult(Fig.1). fwd.depth52 (i.e. maximal depth at which Prunier looks forward AllordersdescribedinthelatestversionofBergey’sManual to find a significant LGT when the current LGT is not significant). Multi_root.bool [5true] (this indicates Prunier should compute an (Ludwig et al., 2012b), were recovered with the exceptions LGT scenario for each possible root and was used because the real of the orders ‘Frankiales’ and Micrococcales. rootsofthetreeswerenotcertain). In the order ‘Corynebacteriales’, the genera Corynebac- The ‘boot.thresh.conflict’ denotes the lowest LR-ELW edge support terium,RhodococcusandMycobacteriumwereallrecovered. value for a given node in the gene tree used for recognizing its In the order Bifidobacteriales, the genus Gardnerella was topologicalconflictspeciestree,whereasthe‘fwd.depth’standsforthe not outside the genus Bifidobacterium but within it. All maximal depth at which the Prunier (fast) looks forward to find a other genera with more than one genome studied were significantLGTwhenthecurrenteventisnotsignificant.Thedepth value was set at 2, which means that if significantly supported recovered as coherent. disagreementcannotberemovedwithoneLGTevent,Prunierwillgo two steps (one at a time) ‘forward’ to determine whether the next Topology of the MLSA tree LGT in the list will remove a significant conflict. If Prunier finds a bettersolutionwithadepthvalueof2or3,itprovidesthatsolution ThetopologyoftheMLSAtree(Fig.2)issimilartothatof intheoutput.ForfurtherdetailsaboutPrunierpleaserefertohttp:// the concatenated tree with the order Coriobacteriales clustered with the genera Conexibacter, Rubrobacter and Acidimicrobium, then the family Frankiaceae at the root. The position of the genus Acidothermus is different, being RESULTS here close to the root. Eight trees were generated using different genes or gene The two sets seen with the concatenated tree (I: concatenates with contrasted topologies, two of which will ‘Glycomycetales’, ‘Micromonosporales’, ‘Pseudonocardiales’, be discussed in detail. ‘Corynebacteriales’ Nakamurellaceae, Geodermatophilaceae; II:Micrococcales,Bifidobacteriales,Actinomycetales,‘Propioni- Topology of the concatenated-RAxML tree bacteriales’, ‘Catenulisporales’, Streptomycetales, ‘Streptospor- angiales’,Dermabacteraceae,Kineosporiaceae,Dermacoccaceae, AllthetreesgeneratedwererootedfollowingGao&Gupta Intrasporangiaceae) were recovered in the MLSA tree except (2012) and Embley & Stackebrandt (1994) with the order for the family Acidothermaceae that was at the root Coriobacteriales including Atopobium parvulum (DSM immediatelyaftertheFrankiaceaebranch. 20469) that has an obligately anaerobic metabolism, as doallmembersoftheclade(Fig.1).Thebranchleadingto All genera with more than one genome analysed (Arthro- Conexibacter woesei and Rubrobacter xylanophilus, both of bacter, Bifidobacterium, Corynebacterium, Frankia, Mycobac- which are aerobic, emerges next. terium, Nocardiopsis, Propionibacterium, Rhodococcus, Rothia, Streptomyces) were recovered as coherent with the excep- ThenextbranchtoemergeisthatofthegenusFrankiawith tion of the genus Bifidobacterium that contained the genus cluster 2 at the root, followed by cluster 4, cluster 3 and Gardnerella. then clusters 1a and 1b as most derived. The other genera traditionally grouped with the genus Frankia within the ‘Frankiales’-Geodermatophilus,Modestobacter,Blastococcus, Quantification of LGT Acidothermus and Nakamurella were not anywhere close Revision of phylogeny of organisms, especially bacteria to the genus Frankia. Bootstraps were high that posi- using complete genome sequences reveals a degree of tionedthesefamiliesingroupsawayfromthegenusFrankia incongruence due to biological or methodological differ- (Figs1&2). ences(Boussau&Daubin,2010).Thereforeitisimportant Thenemergesadichotomywiththeorders‘Glycomycetales’, to verify any phylogenetic tree generated. One relatively ‘Micromonosporales’, ‘Pseudonocardiales’, ‘Corynebacteriales’ reliable method of verification is the detection of LGT and the families Nakamurellaceae and Geodermatophilaceae based on the search for a maximum statistical agreement formerly in the ‘Frankiales’ on the one hand and on the forestbetweenagenetreeandareferencetree(Abbyetal., 3825 A.Senandothers 10045626F2raFFnrarkaniank kiDaia aa tElinsAci NaA[1CPp]Ne1cF4[rPaan][Pki]a Ccl3[P] (‘Frankiales’) 100 FFrraannkkiiaa CENul31[cP[P]] 100AcidothermusK cietallCsualaottoleysntpiucoluirsasp [sToe]rtaa eac[Sid]iphila[S] ((‘‘FCraatnekniualleissp’)orales’) 100 10010S100tr0e1p0S6t0o0trmeSSSpyttttcrrroeeeempppstt tyoococmmametyytsylcc ecgeeyerssasis [ caSesovcu]eeasrlb[imScieo]itili[olPisr][[SS]] (‘Streptomycetales’) 100 100 ‘Streptomyces bNinogccahredniogidgeesn ssips’. [[SS]] 100 100 100 100 Microlunatus PprhPoorposipophniooibnviaobcratucestre[iuWrmiu]m fr eaucdneensr[eMic]hii[S] (‘Propionibacteriales’) Kribbella flavida[S] 100 100 IntrasKpyotroacnogciucums csaeldvuemnt[aSri]us[W] (Micrococcales) Kineococcus radiotolerans[E] (‘Kineosporiales’) Bifidobacterium asteroides[A] 100 Bifidobacterium animalis[M] 100 60 Gardnerella vaginalis[M] 82 Bifidobacterium dentium[M] (Bifidobacteriales) 40 100 2140 1B00ifidBBobiiffaiiddcootebbraaiuccmttee rrbiiuuifmmid ulbomrne[gvMeu][mM[]M] 32 83 921007040 71100 BXSeyluaatnneginmubioebnraJgacoistane cecr esaklivelaued ldrodnesiaenileiyiit[[trSMiicf]i]ac[aMPn]osAb[Mriclu]anncoubsa ccuterrtiiusimi[M h]aemolyticum[M] (Acidimicrobiales) Cellulomonas flavigena[S] 100 100 100100 100 LeMifiscoKCronolabicavau ixcbryitaaelic [rrPithue]imrz om tpeichshitlaai‘gcT[Saeronu]pemnh[sePirs]y[mP]a whipplei’[M] (Micrococcales) 100 100 Rothia mucilaginosa[M] 100 Rothia dentocariosa[M] Arthrobacter arilaitensis[S] 33 61 100 100100 AABrrttrhharrcoohbbyaabcca1tteec0rrt0 ecprhhiuleAomnrro atfhnparethohcebrineuaoncmlitive[cMoru_r]saa[nuSsr]e[Ss]cens[MS]icrococcus luteus[W] 10080 101000TheTrhmeormm1oo0nb0oisspNNpoooorccraaaa b rrcddiusiiooprvppoassrStaiiass[t[Tr Tdae]]lpabstaos[soApn]ovriallenig[Miu]m roseum[S] (Streptosporangiales) I Thermobifida fusca[T] 100 10400MVSeiacrlrirnouimcsoposonirsoaps toprrooapr amic aaau[rWirsa[n]Wtia]ca[W] (‘Micromonosporales’) 100 Actinoplanes missouriensis[S] Stackebrandtia nassauensis[M] (‘Glycomycetales’) 90 10060 MBodlGaesNestootaodckbeoaarmcmccutuaertsero lmslpaaha xmirloiunubsulst sioipd[bEaesr]ntcistua[rE[uW]s[]E] (‘Frankiales’) 83 100100107M00yMcMo1ycb0yoMa0cbcoytaMcbecoarytibceuctramoeicubr tmimaeucrm aittusue smibrniieult irlremeacnpcu svrelaeaolle[nsuM[iblMsa]a[rM]ael[]eMn]ii[S] Mycobacterium gilvum[S] Segniliparus rotundus[M] 100 100 77 10010046 100 CCCoCorroyoyrnrnyyeennbbeeaabbccaattcecetrtreieiuurrimimuum m du i lgpaclhueutrrthiaamenmrusiia[ccMeou[s]mMu[]mM[]M] (‘Corynebacteriales’) 86 79 100 100 CCoroCyrnyoenrybenabecabtceatreciurtiemurmi ur emjes iivskateeriiunamsb[iM[lMe][]P] 69 88 80 NocarAdmiaGy fcoaTorrsdcliucionkinciacioamac [pucMorue]lsyll iass uopbpafrulearnvoiumvsoe[rStaa]nbso[Wla[A]] 78 90100 1R10h00o0RdohcoRRodhhcoooccdduooosc ccceoouqccsucc ieuu[Mrssy ]tsohppro.a[pScou]lsis[S[S]] 48 Saccharopolyspora_erythraea[S] 98 100 AScactinchoasryonmneomnoas mpoirruam v[iSrid]is[M] (‘Pseudonocardiales’) Amycolatopsis mediterranei[S] 100 Pseudonocardia dioxaniv1o0ra0nsA[Wcid]imicrobium ferro1o0x0idans[TC]ryptobAOatcoltspeeornibuemilulam c uu plria[tuMrvm]u[lMum][M] ((A‘Ccoidriiombiaccrotebriiaalleess)’) IIIII 0.2 100 90 100 80ConexibacEtegr gweSorltaehcsekelliiaa[S lhe]enltioa[tMrin]ireducens[M] (Solirubrobacterales) VI Rubrobacter xylanophilus[T] (Rubrobacterales) V Biotopes of various strains of actinobacteria Plant Water Soil Thermal Mammal Extreme Arthropods [P] [W] [S] [T] [M] [E] [A] Fig.2.PhylogenetictreereconstructedwithfiveMLSAgenefamiliesandtheRAxMLprogramforall100actinobacterialstrains. The colour code indicates the biotopes of the sequenced genomes. Numbers at nodes are the bootstrap results for 1000 subsamplingsexpressedasapercentage.Bar,0.2substitutionspersitedistance. 3826 InternationalJournalofSystematicandEvolutionaryMicrobiology64 PhylogenyofActinobacteriabasedoncompletegenomes 2012). As described above, two sets of gene trees were themostreliableone.Concerningthepositionoftheroot, generated, one set of 54 gene trees with UU families and statistically negligible differences of transfer were found anothersetof579gene treeswithUMfamilieswithLGTs. among various roots within the trees. It was therefore Gene trees were then simulated from various reference decided to continue to consider the genus Atopobium in trees by using the subtree pruning and regrafting opera- the Coriobacteriales clade as root for interpretation of the tions as described by Abby et al. (2010). Precisely, eight trees. different reference trees were used, the concatenated- RAxML tree, the concatenated-MEGA tree, the concate- nated-Bayesian tree, the MLSA tree, the 23S tree, the 16S– DISCUSSION 23S tree, the 16S tree and the tree based on conventional knowledge [an artificial tree that corresponds to the latest Actinobacteria constitute a major group of bacteria, exceeded only by the phyla Proteobacteria and Firmicutes taxonomical treatment in Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology (2nd edition)]. inthenumberofavailable completegenomes (http://www. ThehighestnumberoftransfersinvariousUUgenefamily cgi; Pagani et al., 2012). The taxonomic treatment of the trees ranged from 69 to 375 whereas in MU gene family actinobacteria has fluctuated considerably due to technical trees, it ranged from 19 to 39 (for details see Table 1). developments, the most recent being the phylogenetic analysis based on complete genomes (Wu et al., 2009), It was found that the concatenated tree (RAxML) had the which has yielded a topology markedly different from that lowest number of transfers (69 and 1130) across all the obtained previously with the 16S rRNA gene. There is rootsinbothtypesoftreefollowedbytheBayesiantree(71 thus a major need to assess the reliability of the different and 1136), the MLSA tree (125 and 1490), 23S (123 and trees. The Prunier method (Abby et al., 2010) can provide 1554), 16S–23S (150 and 1870), artificial (346 and 3633) andfinallythe16Stree(375and4039).Thereforeitmaybe such an independent measure, and we have thus applied inferred that among the eight trees analysed, the con- it to actinobacterial phylogeny. catenated-sequence trees are the most reliable ones. The concatenated-RAxML tree with 1130 lateral transfers We also sought to detect the most reliable root. Though was the one with the lowest number of predicted LGTs, conventionally the order Coriobacteriales including the and thus may be regarded as the most reliable. This tree genus Atopobium is considered as the root, the default represents 54 gene families with 17642 amino acids in parameters were used where Prunier proposes a scenario total. The major difference that emerged compared with foreverypossiblerootofthespeciestree(Abbyetal.,2010) previous treatments in Bergey’s Manual (Ludwig et al., and the root where least transfer took place would be the 2012a, b) is in the topology of the order ‘Frankiales’. This actualroot.Theresultoftransferinvariousrootsisshown order was previously described as artificial, comprising inTablesS2andS3(forUUgenefamilytreesandMUgene families with considerable differences in morphology, family trees, respectively). It was found that the con- physiology or genome features (Barabote et al., 2009; catenated-RAxML tree had the minimum transfer (69–73 Gtari et al., 2012; Normand et al., 2007). The use of and 1140–1265) across all the roots in both type of trees, complete genomes thus permits resolution of that troub- followed by the Bayesian tree (72–75 and 1132–1243), the ling aspect by splitting the paraphyletic order, yielding concatenated-MEGA tree (103–122 and 1261–1376), the at least five orders, each with a single family: Frankiales MLSA tree (125–130 and 1501–1622), 23S (124–131 and ord. nov. (family Frankiaceae), Geodermatophilales 1583–1682), 16S-23S (151–163 and 1897–1982), artificial ord. nov. (Geodermatophilaceae), Nakamurellales ord. (347–367and3665–3793)andfinallythe16Stree(380–395 nov. (Nakamurellaceae) and Acidothermales ord. nov. and 4106–4329). Therefore it may be inferred that among (Acidothermaceae) as well as the order ‘Kineosporiales’ the eight trees analysed, the concatenated-RAxML tree is alreadyproposedin2012(Normand&Benson,2012a). Table1.Characteristics of theeight genegroups analysed Characteristic* 16S 23S 16S-23S Concatenated ConcatenatedMEGA MLSA Bayes Artificial RAxML LGT(max)from579MU 39 26 27 22 22 19 22 27 LGT(sum)from579MU 4039 1554 1870 1130 1238 1490 1136 3633 LGTfrom54UU 375 123 150 69 103 125 71 346 Meanno.ofpositions(AA/NA) 1525 3069 4594 17642 17642 2624 17642 n.a. Lengthofline-ups(AA/NA) 3066 3487 6553 25589 25589 2630 25589 n.a. *LGT,lateralgenetransfer;AA,aminoacids;NA,nucleicacids;n.a.,notapplicable. 3827 A.Senandothers An order for the ‘Frankiales’/Frankiaceae is the easiest to environment may have contributed to exchange of genes defend, given that it is positioned at the root of the whole in their shared biotopes. class Actinobacteria in the RAxML-based tree (Fig. 1). Theorder‘Glycomycetales’isasmallordercomprisingonlyone Additionally, the genus Frankia occupies a unique family,threegeneraandonlyoneavailablegenomeatpresent. ecological niche in the symbiotic root tissues of plants Itisthushardtodiscerngeneralcharacteristicsofthegroup. and a unique physiological function, that of biological Conversely,theorder‘Micromonosporales’isalargeorderwith nitrogen-fixation.MembersofthegenusFrankiacontaina 23generaandseveralavailablegenomes,isolatedmostlyfrom cluster of nif genes, plasmid-borne in at least one strain soilandoceanicwaters.Stackebrandtianassauensis,whichhas (Simonet et al., 1986), but not in all other lineages theonlycharacterizedgenomeoftheorder‘Glycomycetales’,is (Normand et al., 2007), the phylogeny of which positions asoilmicrobe,non-motileandproducessubstrateandaerial the genus Frankia away from all other lineages (Normand myceliabutnospores.Itisaerobic,withafattyacidpattern & Bousquet, 1989; Normand et al., 1992). All strains dominated by saturated branched-chain acids, anteiso-C analysed also have a rare sugar, 2-O-methyl-D-mannose 17:0 (26.8%), iso-C (8.7%), iso-C (8.7%) and iso-C (Mortetal.,1983).Manymorestrainscanbehypothesized 15:0 16:0 17:0 (9.0%). The identified polar lipids are phosphatidylglycerol to exist in nodules but are so far only known by direct (PG) and diphosphatidylglycerol (DPG), and the predom- characterizationinvariousspecies(Nazaretetal.,1989).It inant menaquinones are MK-10(H4), MK-10(H6), MK- is thus proposed to create the order Frankiales ord. nov. 11(H4) and MK-11(H6) (Munk et al., 2009). Members of with a single family, Frankiaceae. This order may be theorder ‘Micromonosporales’ aresoil and marinemicrobes, augmented in the coming years to include additional withseverallineagesrecentlyisolatedfromavarietyofplant micro-organisms identifiedfrom soil, in a manner, similar tissues(Carroetal.,2013).Theyaremotilewithsubstrateand to the finding of 16S rRNA gene sequences recovered scantaerialhyphae,carryspores,andhaveafattyacidpattern from the rhizosphere of Alnus (Normand and Chapelon, dominated by saturated branched-chain acids, iso-C , 1997). 15:0 anteiso-C andanteiso-C .Theidentifiedpolarlipidis 15:0 17:0 The family Geodermatophilaceae forms a coherent cluster phosphatidylethanolamine(PE),andpredominantmenaqui- with the orders ‘Corynebacteriales’, ‘Micromonosporales’ nones are all types of the MK-9 and MK-10 series. There is and‘Pseudonocardiales’, away from the family Frankiaceae. thereforelittleincommonbetweenthetwoorders.However, Members of the order Geodermatophilales ord. nov. also theapparentphylogeneticproximitybetweenthetwoorders occupy unique ecological niches, such as stone walls and mayneedtowaitforfurtherchemicalandgenomicdatabefore desert soils, and possess unusual resistance to oxidative thetwoordersarefusedandanincertaesedisstatusintheclass stress (Gtari et al., 2012). They share generic genomic Actinobacteriaisproposed. featuressuchasmultiplecopiesofthetrwCgene(Chouaia The order ‘Catenulisporales’, which contains only two et al., 2012; Normand et al., 2012). The family genera (Actinospica with two species and Catenulispora Geodermatophilaceae is evolving rapidly with several novel withfivespecies)issystematicallyassociatedwiththeorder species proposed recently (Montero-Calasanz et al., 2013) Streptomycetales (three genera, 561 species), in the 16S with isolates from desert soils and plant rhizospheres rRNA gene tree, the MLSA tree and the concatenated tree. (Normand &Benson,2012b).Itisthusproposedtocreate At the same time, the order ‘Catenulisporales’ is character- theorderGeodermatophilalesord.nov.withasinglefamily, ized by the presence of LL-diaminopimelic acid (LL-DAP), Geodermatophilaceae. the predominance of iso-C and anteiso-C fatty acids, 16 17 The remaining two families, Nakamurellaceae and MK9-(H ), -(H ) and -(H ) isoprenoids, PG, DPG, 6 8 4 Acidothermaceae, are some distance from the family phosphatidylinositol (PI) and phosphatidylinositol man- Frankiaceae in the concatenated-sequence trees with the nosides (PIM) as predominant phospholipids, aerial best Prunier score, and thus could be taken out of the hyphae and chains of cylindrical arthrospores (Donadio current order ‘Frankiales’. However, the presence of a et al., 2012) while the order Streptomycetales is character- single genome in each of the two cases, contrary to izedbythepresence ofLL-DAP andmeso-DAP, MK9-(H6) Frankialesord.nov.andGeodermatophilalesord.nov.with and -(H ) isoprenoids, DPG, PE, PI and PIM as 8 several genomes published, prevents defining generic predominant phospholipids, aerial hyphae and chains of features for the moment. Nevertheless, the two genomes arthrospores (Ka¨mpfer, 2012a, b). On balance, the inclu- have long branches and no specific association with any sion of ‘Catenulisporales’ within the order Streptomycetales other lineagesanditisthusproposedtocreate neworders is thus to be contemplated. forthem:Nakamurellalesord.nov.andAcidothermalesord. The order Micrococcales is not recovered intact in the nov. in the class Actinobacteria. concatenated tree, rather it is found with three anomalous The cluster comprising Acidothermales ord. nov. and the groups: order Bifidobacteriales, order Actinomycetales and order ‘Streptosporangiales’ is quite solid with 91% boot- order ‘Kineosporiales’. Since the physiology and ecology of strap. In this cluster there are a majority of genomes that the anaerobic bifidobacteriales are quite distinct from belong to thermophiles, a fact that given the strong those of the micrococcales beyond a preponderance of biochemical pressures present in a high-temperature mammal-inhabitingstrains,reunitingtheorderMicrococcales 3828 InternationalJournalofSystematicandEvolutionaryMicrobiology64 PhylogenyofActinobacteriabasedoncompletegenomes with the other three orders should be avoided. Instead, Prunierdata.ItmaythereforebeconcludedthattheRAxML thisordershouldbesplitintoseveralmonophyleticorders: treeismostaccurateamongalltreesstudiedatleastfromthe onethatwouldkeepthenameMicrococcaleswiththegenera Pruniertest. Micrococcus, Kocuria, Rothia, Arthrobacter, Tropheryma, The status of the families Cryptosporangiaceae and Microbacterium, Clavibacter and Leifsonia; one that could Sporichthyaceaeintheabsenceofgenomedataisuncertain be designated Cellulomonales and would contain the withintheclassActinobacteriaandwillhavetowait.There genera Beutenbergia, Cellulomonas, Xylanimonas, Jonesia is little doubt that the rate of acquisition of genome and Sanguibacter; and finally the orders Brachybacteriales sequences from isolates and of metagenomes from various (Brachybacterium) and Dermacoccales (Kytococcus and biotopes will continue unabated in the coming years, and Intrasporangium); these latter two orders being difficult to given the diminishing costs of sequence acquisition and defendatthistime,becauseonlyoneortwogenomeshave ease of use of computer analytical tools, all described beenanalysedsofar. species will soon have a genome sequence available in the Actinobacteria have colonized several ecological niches databases. This should result in a generalization of beyond the soil, where they are known to be enriched. approaches such as the Prunier (Abby et al., 2010) to Amongthe100genomesanalysedhere,lessthanathird(28) buttress phylogeny and identify the details of genes’ areconsideredassoildwellers,whileanotherthird(33)have evolution. Actinobacteria have been postulated to have been isolated from mammalian hosts. There is certainly a been the originators of innovations such as synthesis of biasinthesedataduetotheeconomicandsocialimportance cholesterol (Lamb et al., 1998), the ability to recycle of disease-causing microbes, but this can modify the proteins through a proteasome (De Mot, 2007), and the perspective on soil as the emblematic biotope of actino- presence of suspended metabolism structures such as bacteria. Soil actinobacteria can nevertheless be credited as exospores, which together have led to the suggestion that possessing relatively large genomes, slow growth rates, rich actinobacteria were both more ancient than generally secondarymetabolismandhighratesofgeneexchanges. considered and possible ancestors of archaea and eukar- yotes (Cavalier-Smith, 2002).If thepresent studydoes not In the concatenated-RAxML tree, it was found that touch on these aspects, it nevertheless supports a position many of the species sharing the same biotope were for the phylum Actinobacteria as ancient, diversified and grouped. For instance, all Frankia species which were prone to frequent gene exchange. considered plant-related were together. In case of the order ‘Micromonosporales’, two water-inhabiting species, Salinispora tropica and Verrucosispora maris, were phylo- Description of Frankiales ord. nov. genetically close together with two other soil-inhabiting Frankiales [Frank.i.a9les. N.L. masc. n. Frank a German species,i.e. Actinoplanes missouriensis andMicromonospora botanist (1839–1900) who studied root symbioses; suff. aurantiaca. Similarly, in case of the order ‘Pseudono- -alesendingtodenoteorder; cardiales’, out of five species studied, one water-inhabiting Frankia order]. (Pseudonocardia dioxanivorans) and one mammal-inhab- iting(Saccharomonosporaviridis)weredistantly positioned Cells are Gram-positive, non-motile, form multi-locular in two parts of the branch. In the case of the sporangia, most form thick-walled vesicles, fix nitrogen order‘Corynebacteriales’, out of seven Corynebacterium and establish root nodules on actinorhizal plants. A species, except Corynebacterium variabile (which is a plant member of the class Actinobacteria. Contains a single inhabitant), all species were mammal-inhabiting and family, Frankiaceae (Stackebrandt et al., 1997). The type Corynebacterium variabile clearly appears as a side branch. genus is Frankia. Phylogenetic analyses have been pub- Likewise, in case of the order Micrococcales I, ‘Tropheryma lished previously (Normand & Bousquet, 1989; Normand whipplei’, which is a mammal-inhabiting species, appears et al., 1996). The name of the order including families clearly asadistantspecieswhereasplant-inhabiting Micro- Frankiaceae, Geodermatophilaceae, Nakamurellaceae, bacterium testaceum, Clavibacter michiganensis and Sporichthyaceae, Acidothermaceae and Cryptosporangiaceae Leifsoniaxyli wereclustered. Lastly inthecaseoftheorder was effectively published in the latest Bergey’s Manual Bifidobacteriales, out of six Bifidobacterium species, five (Normand & Benson, 2012b). were mammal-inhabiting along with Gardnerella vaginalis, and Bifidobacterium asteroides was arthropod-related. In Description of Geodermatophilales ord. nov. the concatenated tree, all the mammal-inhabiting Bifidobacterium species grouped along with Gardnerella Geodermatophilales( vaginalis, and clearly positioned at the root of the order. n. Geodermatophilus type genus of the order; suff. -ales ending to denote order; N.L. fem. n. Geodermatophilales Fromatechnicalpointofview,itmaybementionedthatout the Geodermatophilus order). oftwomulti-geneconcatenatedtrees(concatenated-RAxML treeandconcatenated-MEGAtree),theconcatenated-RAxML Cells are Gram-positive, aerobic, have motile and non- tree reconstruction approach has been found to perform motile forms, inhabit stone surfaces and interiors, and are better in terms of LGT as evident from analysis of the pigmented.AmemberoftheclassActinobacteria.Contains 3829 A.Senandothers asinglefamily,Geodermatophilaceae(Normand,2006).The Acidothermus cellulolyticus 11B provides insights into its ecophysio- typegenusisGeodermatophilus;therearetwoothergenera, logicalandevolutionaryadaptations.GenomeRes19,1033–1043. ModestobacterandBlastococcus.Aphylogeneticanalysishas Boussau, B. & Daubin, V. (2010). Genomes as documents of beenpublishedpreviously(Normandetal.,1996). evolutionaryhistory.TrendsEcolEvol25,224–232. Buchanan, R. E. (1917). 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ISME J 4, (Stackebrandtetal., 1997).Thetypegenus isNakamurella; 1136–1143. there are two other genera, Humicoccus and Saxeibacter. A Edgar,R.C.(2004a).MUSCLE:multiplesequencealignmentwithhigh phylogenetic analysis has been published previously (Kim accuracyandhighthroughput.NucleicAcidsRes32,1792–1797. etal.,2012). Edgar,R.C.(2004b).MUSCLE:amultiplesequencealignmentmethod withreducedtimeandspacecomplexity.BMCBioinformatics5,113. Embley,T.M.&Stackebrandt,E.(1994). The molecular phylogeny ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS and systematics of the actinomycetes. Annu Rev Microbiol 48, 257– 289. A.S.acknowledgesthereceiptoftheDBT-CRESTaward.Thanksare Euze´by, J. P. & Tindall, B. J. (2001). Nomenclatural type of orders: expressed to the French Research Agency ANR (Sesam, ANR-10- corrections necessary according to Rules 15 and 21a of the BLAN-1708)andtotheFrance-Berkeley-Fund(collaborativegrantto BacteriologicalCode(1990Revision),anddesignationofappropriate A.M.B.andP.N.).ThisworkwaspartiallyfundedbyaUGCproject nomenclaturaltypesofclassesandsubclasses.Requestforanopinion. on Frankia and actinorhizal plants. The authors gratefully acknow- IntJSystEvolMicrobiol51,725–727. ledge support from the CNRS/IN2P3 Computing Center (Lyon/ Villeurbanne, France), for providing a significant amount of the Felsenstein,J.(1985).Confidencelimitsonphylogenies:anapproach computing resources needed for this work. V.D. acknowledges usingthebootstrap.Evolution39,783–791. support from the ANCESTROME project (ANR-10-BINF-01-01). A Fleischmann,R.D.,Adams,M.D.,White,O.,Clayton,R.A.,Kirkness, portion of the work was also done at NBU Bioinformatics Facility. 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