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Phylogeny and biogeography of Chamaecyparis (Cupressaceae) inferred from DNA sequences of the nuclear ribosomal ITS region PDF

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by  J H Li
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Preview Phylogeny and biogeography of Chamaecyparis (Cupressaceae) inferred from DNA sequences of the nuclear ribosomal ITS region

RHODORA, Vol. 105, No. 922, pp. 106-117, 2003 PHYLOGENY AND BIOGEOGRAPHY OF CHAMAECYPARIS FROM DNA (CUPRESSACEAE) INFERRED SEQUENCES OF THE NUCLEAR RIBOSOMAL REGION ITS JiANHUA Ll Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University, 125 Arborway, MA Jamaica 02130-3500 Plain, [email protected] e-mail: DoNGLiN Zhang Department of Plant, Soil, and Environmental Sciences, ME University of Maine, 5722 Deering Orono, 04469-5722 Hall, Michael Donoghue J. Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, New CT Yale Haven, 06520 University, ABSTRACT. Phylogenctic analyses of the five extant species of Chamaecyparis nrDNA (Cupressaceae) based on ITS sequences yield a single most parsimonious tree in which C. pisifera (Japan) and C. formosensis (Taiwan) form a clade that sister is to a clade including C. tawsoniana (western North America) and C. obtiisa (Japan and Taiwan) plus C. thyoides (eastern North America). Dispersal-vicariance analyses (DIVA) minimum suggest a of two dispersal events between eastern Asia and North America. Key Words: phylogeny, biogeography, Chamaecyparis, Asian-North eastern nrDNA American ITS disjunct, The between floristic similarities eastern Asia and North America (EA-NA) have attracted the attention of systematists and biogeographers since the nineteenth century (Axelrod et 1998; Boufford 1998; al. and Wen Wu Our 1983). current understanding homogeneous mesophytic "boreotropical flora" in the early to middle modem Tertiary around the Northern Hemisphere. The biogeographic pattern resulted from differential loss of species in different geographic regions in response to orogenic and cHmatic changes in the late Tertiary (Axelrod 1960; Axelrod Chaney Guo et al. 1998; 1947; 1999; Manchester Qian and 1999; Ricklefs 1999: Stewart and 2001; Lister Wolfe migration and diversification of plant lineages around the Northern Hemisphere. 106 — 2003] Li Chamaecyparis et al. Phylogenetics 107 Recently, molecular analyses have shed on light phylogenetic patterns in plant clades that are disjunctly distributed between eastern Asia and North America (Wen Xiang 1999). (1998) summarized et al. results from phylogenetic of seven studies plant genera with such a disjunction, and concluded was that there a congruent pattern wherein species of western and eastern North America fomi a clade Asian relative to spe- However, when cies. a molecular clock was used to estimate divergence times in these and other lineages, a wide range of divergence times was inferred, indicating that multiple vicariant events, at different times, might have resulted in a similar phylogenetic pattern (Xiang 2000). et al. known This as ''pseudocongruence" (Cunningham and is Collins 1994). With more the analysis of clades, additional phylogenetic have patterns come to light, and the range in disjunction times has likewise expanded Donoghue (e.g., et al. 2001; also see Li et al. 2001a, b). Nonetheless, the number of clades have been that investigated very limited. is still Chamaecyparis Spach is a disjunct genus between eastern Asia and North America (Li 1952). Plants of Chamaecyparis are small to large evergreen with trees branchlets in flat sprays bearing scale-like leaves in four rows. Their cone scales are peltate, subglobose, and bear two seeds. Recent phylogenetic analyses Chamaecyparis indicate that belongs to a well-supported clade, the Cupressoideae of Cupressaceae the (Bruns- Gadek feld et 1994; 2000). Chamaecyparis al. et contains al. five (F; & Steams Poseenb. from Maine in the east Florida and westward and to Mississippi, C. lawsoniana (A. Murray) m Pari, the western States including southwestern Oregon and northern California (Vidakivic There 1991). are three species in eastern Asia: & C. formosensis Matsum. endemic Taiwan, to C. pisifera (Siebold Zucc.) Endl endemic to Honshu and Kvushu of Jaoan. and C. ohtusa and northern Taiv [wans 2001 et al. The Taiwan et 1995). plants been al. Masam fc The and We ITS successfully in resolving phylogenetic relationships of other conifer (Gemandt and lineages Liston 1999; Li et al. 2001a, b; Liston et al. 1999). 1 1 108 Rhodora [Vol. 105 AA = Table Specimens used Arnold Arboretum. in this study. 1. & DNA & Taxon JLI number Voucher Locale GenBank # AY2 Chamaecyparis formosensis 275 Hwang, Taiwan 11257 S.-Y. s.n., AY2 C. formosensis 2752 Hwang, Taiwan 11258 S.'Y. s.n., AA AY2 C. lawsoniana 2702 1164-71B, Ore., U.S.A. 11253 AA AY2 C. lawsoniana 2753 1625-83B, U.S.A. 11254 Ore., AA C. obtitsa 2705 13038 A, Japan AY211251 AA AY2 C. ohtusa 2706 447-38A, Japan 250 1 1 AA AY2 C. ohtusa var. formosana 270 833-69B, Taiwan 11252 AA C. pisifera 2707 22799A, Japan AY211256 AA C. pisifera 2708 1067-38A, Japan AY211255 AA A C. thyoides 2709 13047A, Ala., U.S.A. Y2 11248 AA C. thyoides 27 13047C, AY211249 Ala., U.S.A. 1 AA Fokienia 2730 AY21 hodginsii 1562-80A, Fujian, China 1260 AY2 F. hodginsii 2749 Guangdong, China 11259 Li, J., AND MATERIALS METHODS Thirteen sami Henry Thomas Chamaecyparis sister relationship with (Brunsfeld Gadek 1994; et al. m ^^ ^~~^ X"V ^^ \ ^^^^ 4 * sam and fi We DNAs extracted from siHca-gel dried or fresh leaf material using a Qiagen DNeasy Mini # Plant Kit 69104, Gennantown, MD). (cat. Polymerase Chain (PCR) Reactions were conducted to amplify the nrDNA ITS region Perkin-Ehner in a thermocycler using primers ITS4 (White and ITS-LEU (Baum PCR et 1990) The Qiagen al. et 1998). al. CA) PCR purification kit (Santa Clarita, was used to clean products for direct cycle sequencing using an ABI DigDye Terminator Cycle Sequencing Ready Reaction Kit (Foster City, CA). For each sample the ITS was region sequenced using three primers including ITS4, ITS- LEU, and 5.8Sgym (Listen et 1996). Sequences were read using al. an and Arbor determined comparing (AF287245 were analyses carried version 4.0 blO) using branch and bound tree search with default — 2003] Li Chamaecyparis et al. Phylogenetics 109 options. Characters were equally weighted and were their states un- Gaps ordered. were treated as missing data. Bootstrap analyses using 500 were replicates conducted to evaluate support for individual clades (Felsenstein 1985). Three biogeographic processes^-dispersal, vicanance — modem tion are responsible for the formation of geographic and and areas are inferred for ancestral mmimize Th hie patterns of families and genera of angiosperms in the [emisphere (Manos and Donoghue To 2001). infer ancestral and migration pathways Chamaecyparis we in implemented the dispersal-vicariance analysis using the computer program DIVA (Ronquist using 1.1 1996), the default event costs (0 for vicariance, 1 for both dispersal and Three endemism extinction). areas of were recognized in these analyses: eastern North America (ENA), westem North America (WNA), and eastern Asia (EA), the including latter Mainland China, Taiwan, and Jaoan. RESULTS The parsimony The informative. fc pair as the ITS-2. Sequence divergences between Fokienia hodginsii and species of Chamaecyparis ranged from 6-12.6%, while those within Chamaecyparis were from 4,3-12.8%. an = = CI RI The 0.88, 0.9). Taiwan with one of the Japanese specimens to the exclusion of the The other. Chamaecyparis basal within split separated a C.pisifera-CJormosensis - clade (bootstrap 91%) from a clade containing C. lawsoniana, C. and thyoides, C. ohtusa (bootstrap -- 77%). Chamaecyparis and thyoides another 73%) than either to C. lawsoniana. is and vicariance an ancestral WNA no Rhodora [Vol. 105 2709 thyoides C. 100 ENA 16 27 thyoides C. A 73 2706 obtusa C. 16 74 1 obtusa C. var. EA 100 formosana 270^ 59 77 36 obtusa 2705 C. lawsoniana 2702 C. 100 WNA 52 100 lawsoniana 2753 C. 4 2708 C. pisifera 100 16 2707 C. pisifera 91 52 formosensis 2751 C. EA 100 31 formosensis 2752 C. Fokienia hodginsil273Q Fokienia hodginsii2749 Figure The 1. DNA = = sequences of nuclear ribosomal ITS region (134 CI RI steps; 0.88, 0.9). Fokienia was hodginsii included for rooting purposes. Numbers above and below the branches are bootstrap percentages and number of base substitutions, respectively. Acronyms ENA ^ = denote geographic EA distribution. eastern North America, WNA = eastern Asia, western North America. — HI 2003] Li Chamaecyparis Phylogenetics et al. EA obtusa C. EA I ENA WNA ENA, thyoides C. ' 1 WNA lawsoniana WNA 1 C. EA fonnosensis C. EA f E^ 1 C. pisifera ENA ENA WNA v2 d2 ^M ^h ^^B W^ WNA EA a EA obtusa C. WNA ENA, C. thyoides lawsoniana C. EA Cformosensis C. pisifera b DIVA Figure 2. Alternative scenarios from analyses, showing inferred ancestral areas and vicariance and dispersal events (see text for discussion). Dispersal events v3. Areas America), i WNA two (EA). In both cases dispersal events were inferred to explain the modem When maximum number distribution pattern. the of areas EA assigned to an ancestral node was constrained to two, was inferred to be the ancestral area. Again, two dispersal events were required (Figure 2b), Rhodora 112 [Vol. 105 DISCUSSION In Chamaecyparis the ITS-1 more than three tunes as long as the is ITS-2. This appears to be true for other conifer lineages (Li et 2001a, al. b), but not the case in most angiosperms where ITS-1, whose length is ranges from 187-298 bp, equal or only shghtly longer than rrS-2, is to, which is from 187-252 bp long (Baldwin et 1995). The reason for al. this remains unclear, but the longer ITS region in conifers provides more informative sites for resolving relationships. As noted above, Chamaecyparis Taiwan has been obtiisa in treated as C. ohtusa \ds,fonnosana (Cheng and Fu sometimes 978), or as a separate 1 species, C. taiwanensis (Liu 1966). In our ITS tree the three accessions C of obtusa form a clade within which the Taiwan accession more is closely related to one of the Japanese accessions than to the other. it is Glands are conspicuous on the upper side of the leaves in species all of Chamaecyparis except Our for C. obtusa. imply results that leaf glands are a plesiomorphy, and were probably lost in C. ohtusa. number In a of disjunctly distributed plant genera, the Asian species form species separate c Xiang 2000). This et al. richness between diversification eastern Asia and North America (Guo and Ricklefs 2000; Qian and Ricklefs 2000). However, pattem not this is (Donoghue universal et al. 2001). For example, the Japanese species Hamamelis japonica (Hamamelidaceae) more closely is related to the North American species virginiana, H. venialis, and H. mexicana) (//. than it is to another Asian species, the Chinese H. mollis (Li et 2000; al. Wen and The Shi North American 1999). species of Taxus (Taxaceae) form a clade with the exception of T. canadensis, which appears to more be closely related to the Eurasian species (Li et al 2001a). In Chamaecyparis, appears that the eastern North American it species, than American C. lawsoniana. Therefore where the group more originated, than one biogeographic event was formation an tw Chameacyparis became widespread in eastern Asia (EA), western, and eastem North America (WNA, ENA) via dispersal This was (dl). followed by EA a vicariance event (vl) that created an containing line modem NA C. formosensis and C. and an pisifera, Subsequently, line. al.—Chamaecyparis 2003] Li Phylogenetics 113 et within North America the western and eastern populations were ENA separated (v2). Finally, the species spread to Asia (d2), followed by vicariance (v3). In the second alternative, which preferred when the is number of occupied by areas ancestral species limited to two, the is first WNA Chamaecypahs EA. species of lived This species spread in to WNA (dl) and a subsequent vicariance event (vl) resulted in a and an EA ENA species. This Asian species spread and another later to (d2), modem vicariance (v2) then resulted in C. thyoidcs and C. obtiisa. we At no present see strong reason to prefer one scenario over the However, other. additional data could potentially sort this out. First, additional sampling within species could reveal a pattern that favors one scenario over the other. For example, analyses including additional samples within Chamaecyparis thyoides might indicate that some of its more populations are closely related to C. obtiisa, suggesting dispersal ENA from EA, some Figure to as in 2a. Alternatively, finding C. ohtiisa more populations closely related to C. thyoides would suggest dispersal EA ENA, from to favoring the Figure 2b scenario. Second, evidence on the distributions and ages of fossils could help. For example, the scenario depicted in Figure 2a implies that Chamaecyparis was present ENA ENA in early in the evolution of the group, whereas was occupied only later in the Figure 2b scenario. There have been reports of fossil leaves and seed cones of both Chamaecyparis and Fokienia from the upper Cretaceous and early Paleocene (Bell 1957; Mclver and Basinger Tao However, 1989, 1990; 1992). is difficult to reliably relate these it fossils to extant species of Chamaecyparis, and hence they have not DIVA been included our Edwards examined in analyses. (1984, 1992) modem among morphological Chamaecyparis differences the species of and used interspecific differences to assign fossils to the extant species. According to his analysis both C. thyoides and C. lawsoniana were present in western North America by the early to middle Eocene (43-58 MY A; Edwards 1984). This seems to support the scenario. first may However, this explanation be erroneous for the following two much Chamaecyparis more reasons. First, has a ancient history than the Eocene (Bell 1957; Mclver and Basinger 1989, 1990; Tao 1992) and North American there exists the possibility that species are derivatives we from EA. Second, so have not found widespread far fossils that are common and represent the ancestor of species of Chamaecyparis, Edwards' Nevertheless, (1984) findings at least suggest the extinction of C much thyoides in western North America. Clearly, more attention is needed for precise phylogenetic placement of fossils of Chamaecyparis NA from both and EA. 114 Rhodora [Vol. 105 DIVA Our analyses, albeit inconclusive, indicate that the geographic history of Chamaecyparis has been complex, involving several inter- continental migration events at different times. In general, this con- is movement sistent with previous findings of in both directions and at Donoghue several times 2001; Xiang and 2001; Xiang (e.g., et Soltis al. 2000; Schuhheis and Donoghue, et unpubl. Additional al. data). DNA molecular data (such as chloroplast sequences) would the test phylogenetic hypothesis, and, together with placement of the the fossil would material, provide the possibility of inferring divergence times. We ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. thank Hwang and sistance Dr. Shiying for providing leaf material of Chamae- cyparis formosensis. LFIERATURE CITED The eve Darwin Raven China and Diversity of East Asian China Higher Plants. Educ. Press, Beijing. 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