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Phylogenetics of the fruit-eating bats (Phyllostomidae: Artibeina) inferred from mitochondrial DNA sequences PDF

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Preview Phylogenetics of the fruit-eating bats (Phyllostomidae: Artibeina) inferred from mitochondrial DNA sequences

TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY Natural Science Research Laboratory Occasional Papers Museum of Texas Tech University Number 277 2 October 2008 Phylogenetics of the Fruit-eating Bats (Phyllostomidae: Artibeina) Inferred from Mitochondrial DNA Sequences Steven R. Hoofer, Sergio Solari, Peter A. Larsen, Robert D. Bradley, and Robert J. Baker Abstract Approximately 24 species classified in three groups (Artibeus, Dermanura, and Koopma¬ nia) compose Subtribe Artibeina, an assemblage of New World leaf-nosed bats (Phyllostomidae) for which evolutionary relationships have proven difficult to resolve. We examined artibeine systematics through broad taxonomic sampling and phylogenetic analysis of DNA sequences for two mitochondrial genes. Analysis of 16S rRNA sequences offered an additional test of previous genealogical hypotheses, and facilitated knowledge about the congruence in variation between the well studied cytochrome-6 gene and the evolutionary history of this complex of bats. Our results illustrate a high degree of congruence between these linked mitochondrial loci that in combination offers a well resolved gene tree and robust predictions to all but a few of the examined relationships. Highlights include: monophyly of Artibeina in contrast to previous hypotheses of polyphyly; two main lineages within Artibeina in accordance with monophyly of the smaller Dermanura species and larger Artibeus species; sister relationship between A. concolor and other Artibeus species rather than with Dermanura, contrasting the argument for recognizing A. concolor as a separate genus (Koopmania); reconfirmation of several species formerly considered subspecies (A. planirostris, A. schwartzi, D. bogotensis, D. rava, and D. rosenbergi)-, and further indication that A. intermedins and A. lituratus are conspecific. Key words: 16S rRNA, Artibeus, cytochrome-6, Dermanura, DNAsequence, Koopmania, phyllostomid bats, systematics Resumen Aproximadamente 24 especies pertenecientes a tres grupos (Artibeus, Dermanura, y Koopmania) componen la subtribu Artibeina, un ensamblaje de murcielagos de hoja nasal del Nuevo Mundo (Phyllostomidae), cuyas relaciones evolutivas han sido dificiles de resolver. Ex- aminamos la sistematica de los artibeinos a traves de un amplio muestreo taxonomico y analisis filogeneticos de secuencias del ADN para dos genes mitocondriales. Analisis de secuencias del gen 16S rARN ofrecen una prueba novedosa de hipotesis genealogicas previas, facilitando el conocimiento sobre la congruencia en variacion respecto al mejor conocido citocromo b y la 2 Occasional Papers, Museum of Texas Tech University historia evolutiva de este complejo de especies. Nuestros resultados ilustran un alto grado de congruencia entre estos loci mitocondriales, que en combinacion ofrecen predicciones robustas para casi todas las relaciones examinadas. Resultados relevantes incluyen: monofilia de los Ar- tibeina en contraste a hipotesis previas de parafilia; dos linajes mayores dentro de los Artibeina, correspondiendo con la monofilia de especies pequenas de Dermanura y grandes de Artibeus', la relacion cercana entre A. concolor y otras especies de Artibeus antes que con Dermanura, en contraste con la propuesta de reconocer A. concolor como un genero distinto (Koopmania); el reconocimiento de varias especies previamente consideradas subespecies (A. planirostris, A. schwartzi, D. bogotensis, D. rava, y D. rosenbergi)', y el reconocimiento deA. intermedius como un sinonimo menor de A. lituratus. Palabras clave: 16S rARN, Artibeus', citocromo-#; Dermanura', filostomidos; Koopmania', murcielagos; secuancias de ADN; sistematica Introduction Artibeine bats compose a large and diverse group In contrast, analyses of cytochrome-# DNA sequences of fruit-eating specialists within the New World family and EcoRI-defined satellite DNA demonstrated a most Phyllostomidae (subfamily Stenodermatinae: subtribe recent common ancestry for Artibeus, Dermanura, and Artibeina — Baker et al. 2003). From 18 to 24 species Koopmania (monophyly of Artibeina; Van Den Bussche are recognized (Simmons 2005; Larsen et al. 2007; et al. 1993, 1998). Based on anagenic and cladogenic Solari et al. in prep.) and classified into three groups: interpretations of their results, coupled with morpho¬ the medium- to large-sized species of Artibeus (amplus, logical and karyotypic evidence (Andersen 1906; Baker fimbriatus, fraterculus, hirsutus, inopinatus, interme¬ 1973; Straney et al. 1979), Van Den Bussche et al. dius, jamaicensis, lituratus, obscurus, planirostris, (1993, 1998) recognized Artibeus and Dermanura as and schwartzi), the small-sized species of Dermanura separate, closely related genera, and Koopmania con¬ (ianderseni, azteca, bogotensis, cinerea, glauca, gnoma, color as A. concolor. The monotypic Enchisthenes was incomitata,phaeotis, rctva, rosenbergi, tolteca, and wat- regarded as genus distinct from Artibeina, which has soni); and the medium-sized Koopmania {concolor). been affirmed in additional studies of morphological Morphologically, Enchisthenes hartii shares affinities and molecular data (Baker et al. 2000, 2003; Wetterer with Artibeus and also has been recognized as part of et al. 2000). the artibeines (e.g., Koopman 1993, 1994). Although the Van Den Bussche etal. (1993,1998) Relationships among artibeine bats have proven studies are the most important and comprehensive mo¬ difficult to resolve with the characters that have lecular assessments of Artibeine relationships to date, been examined so far (morphology, karyotypes, and their taxonomic sampling was limited at that time by cytochrome-# DNA sequences). As a result, there are the lack of available tissue samples for Artibeus and disagreements over rank status of Dermanura and Arti¬ Dermanura and lack of efficient methods of automated beus and over monophyly of the group as a whole. For DNA sequencing. Tissue samples of numerous addi¬ example, Owen’s (1987, 1991) analyses of mensural tional individuals for the taxa they examined, as well as and discrete-state morphological characters indicated several newly recognized species (A. schwartzi [Larsen a polyphyletic origin for Artibeina: Artibeus shared et al. 2007] and D. rava and D. rosenbergi [Solari et a most recent common ancestry with Ectophylla and al. in prep.]), are now available for molecular study. Uroderma (his subtribe Artibeini) whereas Dermanura Also available (and feasible) now are contemporary and Koopmania shared a most recent common ancestry phylogenetic methods that utilize objective systems for with Enchisthenes and the white-shouldered stenoder- character weighting and efficient systems with which to matine genera {Ametrida, Ardops, Ariteus, Stenoderma, reconcile important biological phenomena for molecu¬ Centurio, Phyllops, Pygoderma, and Sphaeronycteris). lar data (e.g., among-site rate variation, unequal base Hoofer et al.—mtDNA Phylogeny of Artibeine Bats 3 frequencies, and nonindependence of substitutions). cytochrome-# sequences along with a complementary Therefore, our purpose in this study was to re-assess dataset of complete 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) se¬ monophyly of Artibeus, Dermanura, and Artibeina, as quences. These linked genes together should increase well as the validity of Koopmania, through broad taxo¬ the probability of detecting supported resolution to the nomic sampling and phylogenetic analysis of complete gene tree (Moore 1995). Materials and Methods Specimens examined.—Specimens examined are for costs of opening and extending gaps. We viewed listed in the Appendix, including information associ¬ alignments in MacClade software (version 4.05; Mad- ated with museum vouchers. We generated complete dison and Maddison 2002) to ensure there were no cytochrome-# sequences for 37 individuals and com¬ insertions, deletions, or stop codons in the cytochrome- plete 16S rRNA sequences for 50 individuals. From # sequences and to inspect gap placement in the 16S GenBank, we retrieved 41 cytochrome-# sequences rRNA sequences. We delimited ambiguously aligned that were originally generated by Van Den Bussche et sites in the 16S rRNA alignment by using criteria and al. (1993), Lim et al. (2004), Porter and Baker (2004), justification in Hoofer and Van Den Bussche (2003), Hoofer and Baker (2006), and Larsen et al. (2007), and and performed data analysis without those sites. We six 16S rRNA sequences that were originally generated coded nucleotides as unordered, discrete characters, by Van Den Bussche and Hoofer (2000) and Baker et gaps as missing data, and multiple states as polymor¬ al. (2003). Lists of specimens examined including phisms. In PAUP* software (test version 4.0bl0; Swof- voucher information are accessible in each of those ford 2002), we examined level of phylogenetic signal publications and in the Appendix. We used sequences via the ^-statistic (Hillis and Huelsenbeck 1992) for representing Chiroderma, Ectophylla, and Uroderma 100,000 randomly drawn trees. as outgroups (Baker et al. 2000, 2003; Wetterer et al. 2000) and inferred relationships among ingroup taxa We inferred phylogenetic relationships by Bayes¬ representing Enchisthenes and all recognized species of ian analysis implemented in MrBayes 2.01 software Artibeina excepting D. incomitata, for which samples (Huelsenbeck and Ronquist 2001) and by Maximum were unavailable. Likelihood and Parsimony analyses implemented in PAUP* software (test version 4.0b 10; Swofford Molecular methods.—We extracted genomic 2002). The general time reversible (GTR) model with DNAfrom skeletal muscle or organ tissue samples with allowance for gamma distribution of rate variation (T) standard phenol methods (Longmire et al. 1997). We and for proportion of invariant sites (I) best fit both followed previous methods to amplify and sequence cytochrome-# and 16S rRNA data based on Akaike the entire cytochrome-# (Larsen et al. 2007) and 16S Information Criterion tests implemented in Modeltest rRNA (Van Den Bussche and Hoofer 2000) genes. We 3.06 software (Posada and Crandall 1998). sequenced both strands by using Big-Dye version 3.1 chain terminators, followed by electrophoresis on a For Bayesian analysis, we ran two X 106 gen¬ 3100-Avant Genetic Analyzer (Applied Biosystems, erations with one cold and three incrementally heated Foster, City, California). We assembled resulting, over¬ Markov chains, random starting trees for each chain, lapping fragments in AssemblyLIGN(cid:8482) 1.0.9 software and trees sampled (saved) every 100 generations. We (Oxford Molecular Group PLC, Oxford, United King¬ treated model parameters as unknown variables (with dom) and Sequencing Analysis 3.4.1 software (Applied uniform priors) to be estimated in each Bayesian analy¬ Bio systems, Inc., Foster City, California). sis (Leache and Reeder 2002). We ran three indepen¬ dent analyses with burn-in values based on empirical Phylogenetic analysis.—We performed multiple evaluation of likelihoods converging on stable values. sequence alignment for both data sets in Clustal X soft¬ We calculated a 50% majority-rule consensus tree from ware (Thompson et al. 1997) with default parameters the sample of stabilized trees in PAUP* software (test 4 Occasional Papers, Museum of Texas Tech University version 4.0bl0; Swofford 2002) and obtained branch trees by simple addition, tree-bisection-reconnection lengths via the “sumt” option in MrBayes software branch swapping, and allowance for negative branch (Huelsenbeck and Ronquist 2001). We assessed clade lengths. For Parsimony analysis, we treated all char¬ reliability via posterior probabilities and regarded acters and substitution types with equal probability values > 0.95 as significant. and conducted full heuristic searches with 10 random additions, starting trees by simple addition, and tree- For Maximum Likelihood analyses, we used the bisection-reconnection branch swapping. We assessed GTR + T +1 model and parameters given by Modeltest clade reliability via bootstrapping with 250 iterations (cytochrome-#, rAC = 2.42, rAG = 19.70, rAT = 2.99, rCG for Parsimony analyses (Felsenstein 1985) and regarded 0.69. rCT = 41.75, nA= 0.31, jtC = 0.30, jtG = 0.12, a = values > 70 as support. Due to computation time, we 1.27, and P = 0.55; 16S rRNA, rAr = 3.99, rAP = 15.62, performed Maximum Likelihood bootstrapping only rAT = 4.45, r = 0.76, rrT = 80.08, jtA= 0.37, jtC = 0.20, on the combined mitochondrial dataset and utilized jtG = 0.18, a = 0.76, and Pinv = 0.58), performed full a “fast” stepwise-addition approach to tree searching heuristic searches with 10 random additions, starting rather than a full-heuristic search. Results Cytochrome-b and 16S rRNA.—Sequence posterior probabilities for nodes and model parameters alignment of the complete cytochrome-# gene for 37 for all sets of runs (three mns each) within data sets specimens generated in this study (GenBank accession agreed regardless of choice of outgroup. Maximum nos. FJ179223-FJ179259) and the 41 retrieved from Likelihood analysis resulted in a single best tree for GenBank was unequivocal and without internal stop both cytochrome-# (Lnl = -10,611.03) and 16S rRNA codons. Of the 1,140 characters, 697 were constant (Lnl = -8,986.50) data sets. Parsimony analysis re¬ and 380 parsimony-informative, with nucleotide varia¬ sulted in 240 most-parsimonious trees (length = 2,077, tion distributed across codon positions as expected for Cl = 0.28, RI = 0.74) and 108 most-parsimonious trees protein coding genes (Simon et al. 1994): 84 at first (length = 1,125, Cl = 0.46, RI = 0.77) for cytochrome-# positions, 34 at second positions, and 325 at third and 16S rRNA data sets, respectively. For both datasets, positions. Complete sequences of the 16S rRNA gene differences among most-parsimonious trees primarily averaged 1,559 base pairs for the 56 taxa examined involved alternative arrangements of terminal branches (GenBank accession nos. FJ179173-FJ179222), within species and, in a few instances, involved alter¬ ranging from 1,557 (A. fraterculus, A. inopinatus, native inter-specific relationships within Artibeus and A. schwartzi, D. anderseni, and D. cinerea) to 1,562 Dermanura. Overall, there were some topological (D. watsoni). Sequence alignment resulted in 1,578 differences within and between data sets and between characters, corresponding in length and similarity to the three optimality criteria; however, none of the other 16S rRNA sequences in GenBank. We excluded differences were supported. Statistically supported 83 characters in nine regions of the alignment (rang¬ topologies (i.e., > 70% bootstrap value, > 0.95 Bayes¬ ing from two base pairs to 46 base pairs) because of ian posterior probability) obtained from all optimality ambiguity in assessment of positional homology. This criteria agreed within and between each data set (Figs. left 1,495 characters for analysis, of which 1,110 were 1 and 2). constant and 289 parsimony-informative. Levels of phylogenetic signal were significant based on the gT Combined cytochrome-b and 16S rRNA.—We statistic (P < 0.01—Hillis and Huelsenbeck 1992) for combined the data sets because there was high degree cytochrome-# (-0.3335) and 16S rRNA (-0.3428). of congruence and no supported conflicts between them (Wiens 1998). The combined data set (2,635 For cytochrome-# and 16S rRNA data sets, base pairs) included the 49 specimens shared between Bayesian likelihoods reached stationarity before data sets. It also consists of three chimeric taxa that, 100,000 generations (i.e., bum-in = 1,000), thinning the in both cases, included cytochrome-# data from one data points to 19,000 for each data set. Topology and specimen and 16S rRNA data from another speci- Hoofer et al.—mtDNA Phylogeny of Artibeine Bats 5 TK15013 (DQ869424) TK143051 (DQ869398) TK104410 (DQ869410) A. planirostris TK17073 (U66503) TK18788 (U66504) TK16633 (U66508) ROM 107904 (AY642924) A. amplus ROM107847 (AY642923) A intermedius TK101996 — 0.01 substitutions/site A intermedius TK31924 (U66502) A lituratus TK104525 (DQ869393) A. intermedius/ A lituratus TK104112 A. lituratus A lituratus JKt 28642 A intermedius TK101993 A lituratus TK25029 (U66505) TK17308 (U66506) TK18787 (U66507) A. obscurus 1 00 1 TK86531 100 | TK82839 (DQ869524) A. schwartzi 100 TK82842 (DQ869525) TK27682 (DQ869480) A. jamaicensis TK135290 TK18991 (U66498) TK99588 (DQ869391) A. fimbriatus TK56670 (DQ869390) " TK135408 (DQ869388) ' TK135760 A. fraterculus ' TK134686 (DQ869389) 97 100 L -TK16631 (U66499) 78 ioo i- [1 TTKK115500559885 A. hirsutus 100 L — NK11128 (U66500) J TK101201 ioo r J TK101202 A. inopinatus TK101203 “ TK40184 (U66501) -TK11240 (U66519) TK10378 (U66518) A. concolor 100 TK145271 100 j"l TTKK1199338810 (DQ869386) D. bogotensis 99 100 1 TK19379 100 98 100 cE (cid:9632) T(cid:9632) KT1K81708491 (1U66 6513) D. gnoma 92 TK104117 100 TK104136 100 TK16636 (U66512) D. glauca 100 TK104203 93 TK104592 100 TK134526 D. rava TK134611 TK104590 - NK14319 (U66509) D. anderseni - TK18790(U66511) D. cinerea 100 i*I- TTKK8822899071 D. azteca 100 TK82898 TK82895 TK82896 100 TK136188 (DQ869387) D. phaeotis 89 100 TK136234 TK82894 79 100 TK5411 (U66514) 100 TK82900 P TK136023 TK82899 D. tolteca TTKK1133I6 035 TK22579 (U66515) 100 110000 iS TK136988 TK4723 (U66510) D. watsoni TK7877 (U66516) 97 100 r TK135691 D. rosenbergi 100 tv4 r\A cnn 100 _i TK16395 (AY157033) Ectophylla 100 ~ TK125311 (DQ312404) (cid:9632) TK22690 (U66517) Enchisthenes (cid:9632) TK25052 (DQ312414) Chiroderma TK46006 (DQ312405) Uroderma Figure 1. Maximum likelihood phylogram (Lnl = -10,611.03) from analysis of complete cytochrome-6 sequences (1,140 base pairs) using best-fit model (GTR + T + I; rAC = 2.42, rAG = 19.70, rAT = 2.99, rCG = 0.69, rCT = 41.75, jtA = 0.31, jtC = 0.30, jtG = 0.12, a = 1.27, and Pmv = 0.55). We designated Chiroderma, Ectophylla, and Uroderma as outgroups. Numbers above branches are Bayesian posterior probabilities, whereas those below are bootstrap percentages from Parsimony. Values are shown only for nodes supported by P > 0.95 or bootstrap percentage > 50, or both. “A ” = Artibeus, “D. ” = Dermanura. 6 Occasional Papers, Museum of Texas Tech University A. lituratus TK104112 A. lituratus TK128642 A. intermedius/ lituratus TK104525 A. lituratus A. intermedius TK101993 A. intermedius TK101996 100 I— TK135290 -0.01 substitutions/site TK135905 A. jamaicensis TK27682 TK86531 | A. obscurus TK17080 | TK82842 A. schwartzi TK82839 AMNH267998 (AF263225) AMNH267999 (AF263226) TK15013 A. planirostris *- TK143051 TK104410 TK101201 TK101202 A. inopinatus TK101203 TK150585 | A. hirsutus A. fraterculus — A. concoior D. bogotensis | D. gnoma | 100 D. glauca 97 TK104203 TK82899 TK136035 D. tolteca “ TK136023 (cid:9632) TK82900 | TK136188 D. phaeotis TK82894 - TK134526 100 - TK134611 D. rava 100 TK104592 TK18790 — D. cinerea | D. anderseni 100 r- TK135691 100 nL ^ TK104509 D. rosenbergi 100 100 ioo TK104501 90 100 TK136988 — D. watsoni I TK82898 ioo r1 t (cid:9632) TK82901 D. azteca 100 TK82897 — Enchisthenes (cid:9632) TK16395 (AY395811) — Ectophylla - TK70524 (AY395837) — Chiroderma TK46006 (AY395831) — Uroderma Figure 2. Maximum likelihood phylogram (Lnl = -8,986.50) from analysis of complete 16S rRNA sequences (1,495 base pairs) using best-fit model (GTR + r +1; rAC = 3.99, rAG = 15.62, rAT = 4.45, rCG = 0.76, rCT = 80.08, jtA = 0.37, jtC = 0.20, jtG = 0.18, a = 0.76, and Pinv = 0.58). We designated Chiroderma, Ectophylla, and Uroderma as outgroups. Numbers above branches are Bayesian posterior probabilities, whereas those below are bootstrap percentages from Parsimony. Values are shown only for nodes supported by P > 0.95 or bootstrap percentage > 50, or both. “A.” = Artibeus, “D= Dermanura. Hoofer et al.—mtDNA Phylogeny of Artibeine Bats 7 men; Artibeus obscurus comprised two individuals, of outgroup choice. Maximum Likelihood analysis Enchisthenes hartii comprised two individuals, and resulted in a single best tree (Lnl= -15,882.18) and Chiroderma comprised two species (C. salvini and C. Parsimony analysis resulted in two most-parsimonious villosum). Bayesian likelihoods reached stationarity trees (length = 2,769, Cl = 0.38, RI = 0.71). Topolo¬ before 100,000 generations as above, and topology and gies and levels of nodal support obtained from all three posterior probabilities for nodes and model parameters optimality criteria were nearly identical (Fig. 3). for all sets of runs (three runs each) agreed regardless Discussion Higher-level relationships.—Few assessments of Enchisthenes (Figs. 1-3). This study therefore affirms artibeine relationships have been undertaken that in¬ previous cladistic analyses for supporting a recent cluded explicit phylogenetic analysis of Enchisthenes, common ancestry and monophyly of Artibeina (sensu A. concolor (= Koopmania), and multiple representa¬ Baker et al. 2003) in contrast to Owen’s (1987, 1991) tives of Artibeus and Dermanura. Morphological hypothesis of polyphyly. If our analyses supported the studies by Owen (1987, 1991) and molecular studies latter hypothesis, then Artibeus would be depicted as by Van Den Bussche et al. (1993, 1998) are the most sharing a most recent common ancestry with Ectophylla comprehensive and reveal competing hypotheses of and the other vampyressine genera (Chiroderma, and relationship. Whereas Owen’s analyses of essentially Uroderma), and Dermanura and Koopmania would all stenodermatine taxa indicate independent origins be depicted as sharing a most recent common ances¬ for the small- and large-sized artibeine bats, those of try with Enchisthenes. All of our results exclude that Van Den Bussche et al. support a recent common an¬ hypothesis. cestry for these taxa after diverging from Enchisthenes and other stenodermatine genera. Resolving these Although the phylogenetic position of Enchis¬ differences is key to the higher-level systematics and thenes is not fully resolved, our analyses demonstrate taxonomy of artibeine bats. its anagenic and cladogenic distinction relative to the artibeine bats. Thus, our results affirm previous studies Without Owen’s hypothesis of polyphyly, which of morphological, karyotypic, allozymic, and molecular led to him to recognize genus Artibeus (mid- to large¬ data supporting the generic distinction of Enchisthenes sized species), elevate Dermanura (small-sized species) (Andersen 1906,1908; Miller 1907; Baker et ah 1979, to generic rank, and describe a new genus Koopmania 2000,2003; Koop and Baker 1983; Owen 1987,1991; (mid-sized A. concolor), rank status of the three lin¬ Van Den Bussche 1992; Van Den Bussche et ah 1993, eages within Artibeina are arbitrary. This situation has 1998; Pumo et ah 1996; Tandler et al. 1997; Wetterer been acknowledged by several authors, as exemplified et al. 2000) and disagree with suggestions of recogniz¬ in the most recent classificatory synthesis recognizing ing E. hartii as a congener of Artibeus (e.g., Koopman monophyly of the group as a whole and classifying all 1985,1993,1994; Jones etal. 2002). We follow Baker three lineages within genus Artibeus (Simmons 2005). et ah (2003) in recognizing E. hartii in its own subtribe Further, the distinction of Enchisthenes and its distant Enchisthenina separate from subtribes Artibeina, Ecto- relationship to the artibeine bats is well documented phyllina, and Stenodermatina. (e.g., Andersen 1906; Van Den Bussche et al. 1993; Baker et al. 2000; Wetterer et al. 2000). Within Artibeina, our analyses indicate two main lineages in accordance with monophyly of the smaller Our separate and combined analyses of cyto¬ Dermanura species and larger Artibeus species. Arti¬ chrome-^ and 16S rRNA sequences strongly support beus concolor is sister to the large species of Artibeus a clade containing all sampled individuals referable to rather than sister to Dermanura (Figs. 1-3). Although Artibeus, Dermanura, and Koopmania to the exclusion these relationships received different levels of statistical of other sampled stenodermatine genera, including support in the separate analyses of cytochrome-# and 8 Occasional Papers, Museum of Texas Tech University A. intermedius TK101996 A. lituratus TK104525 A. intermedius/ A. lituratus TK104112 100 A. lituratus 100 " A. lituratus TK128642 100 “ A. intermedius TK101993 0.01 substitutions/site £ TK15013 100 TK143051 A. planirostris 100 TK104410 100 100 1001 TK82842 | A. schwartzi 10011 TK82839 100 100 100 L TK86531 | A. obscurus 95 100 - TK17080/TK17308 99 ,100 100 — TK135290 | A. jamaicensis 97 100 - TK27682 97 100 90 (cid:9632)TK134686 57 100 TK135760 A. fraterculus 100 (cid:9632) TK135408 H ioo 100 _| TK150585 | A. hirsutus 100 100 100 ""(cid:9632)tKI 50598 77 94 100 i TK101201 69 86 100 - TK101202 A. inopinatus 100 1 TK101203 100 -TK145271 — A. concolor I TK19380 100 1 TK19381 D. bogotensis 100 100 ' TK19379 100 96 100 -TK104116 | 100 97 D. gnoma 100 - TK104117 100 99 100 100 TK104136 | -C D. glauca 100 TK104203 100 100 TK134526 100 100 TK134611 D. rava 99 10C 100 TK104592 100 94 - NK14319 — D. anderseni 78 - TK18790 — D. cinerea ,_|TThK 82899 (P TThK 136035 D. tolteca 100 I__ TK136023 100 100 9988 - TK82900 100 100 r TK136188 | 100 D. phaeotis 100 TK82894 100 (cid:9632) TK82897 100 100 - TK82901 D. azteca 89 100 100 98 100 TK82898 98 100 _r TK135691 | 90 100 100 = TK104509 D. rosenbergi 100 -TK136988 — D. watsoni - TK16395 - Ectophylla - TK22690 / TK55331 — Enchisthenes -TK46006 - Uroderma TK25052 / TK70524 — Chiroderma Figure 3. Maximum likelihood phylogram (Lnl = -15,882.18) from analysis of combined cytochrome-# and 16S rRNA sequences (2,635 base pairs) using best-fit model (GTR + T + I). We designated Chiroderma, Ectophylla, and Uroderma as outgroups. Numbers above branches are Bayesian posterior probabilities, whereas those below are bootstrap percentages from Maximum Likelihood and Parsimony, respectively. Values are shown only for nodes supported by P > 0.95 or bootstrap percentage > 50, or both. “A” =Artibeus, “D.” = Dermanura. Hoofer et al.—mtDNA Phylogeny of Artibeine Bats 9 16s rRNA sequences, they were depicted in all analy¬ terms of a molecular timescale of divergence of steno- ses and highly supported in the combined sequence dermatine genera. According to Baker et al. (in litt.), analysis (Fig. 3). As with previous morphological, Artibeus and Dermanura diverged in the Late Miocene karyotypic, allozymic, and molecular evidence (Baker (6.3 mya) along with most of the vampyressine genera 1973; Straney etal. 1979; Van Den Busscheetal. 1993, (Chiroderma, Mesophylla, Platyrrhinus, Uroderma, 1998; Wetterer et al. 2000), our results provide no sup¬ Vampyressa, Vampyriscus, and Vampyrodes), predat¬ port to the objective argument of polyphyly that Owen ing the Pliocene divergence of the white-shouldered (1991) used to justify recognizing A. concolor in the stenodermatine genera (Ametrida, Ardops, Ariteus, genus Koopmania. We therefore follow the suggestion Stenoderma, Centurio, Pygoderma, and Sphaeronyc- of Van Den Bussche et al. (1998) and the classifica¬ teris). This divergence estimate fits the criteria for tion of Baker et al. (2003) in recognizing Koopmania genus ranking in the Age Related Classification system concolor as Artibeus concolor. proposed for Euprimate taxa (Goodman et al. 1998). Although the genetic distinction and sister-taxon Relationships within Artibeus and Dermanura.— relationship between Artibeus and Dermanura is dem¬ Sister group relationships and alpha taxonomy within onstrated in this and other studies, taxonomic status Artibeus and Dermanura continue to be conjectural, for the two lineages as subgenera within Artibeus or and full revisions incorporating morphological and as distinct genera is a matter of subjective ranking. molecular data are warranted for both genera. Although Several authors have discussed this issue and ranked the not a primary focus of this study, the 16S rRNA data lineages differently (e.g., Van Den Bussche et al. 1998; set offers robust resolution to and new insight into Baker et al. 2000,2003; Wetterer et al. 2000; Lim et al. sister group relationships and questions of alpha tax¬ 2004). Lim et al. (2004) noted that the smaller Der¬ onomy that have been debated in the morphological manura species and larger Artibeus species cannot be and cytochrome-# literature. We briefly discuss some diagnosed 100% on the basis of size alone because there of them. is overlap in forearm length measurements between D. aztecus (41-49 mm) and two species of Artibeus (con¬ Results from new cladistic analyses of morphol¬ color, 45-51 mm; inopinatus, 48-53 mm). Lacking any ogy and cytochrome-# sequences, focusing on species diagnostic morphological characters, they recognized diversity within the enigmatic A.jamaicensis complex, the two lineages as subgenera within Artibeus. Wet¬ have recommended species recognition for three of the terer et al. (2000) also recognized them as subgenera 13 subspecies within A.jamaicensis (Simmons 2005): (and Koopmania) within Artibeus because at that time planirostris (Patten 1971; Lim 1997; Guerrero et al. there was no convenient way to refer to these taxa as a 2004; Lim et al. 2004; Larsen et al. 2007), schwartzi monophyletic group if generic status was applied. On (Larsen et al. 2007); and triomylus (Guerrero et al. the other hand, Solari et al. (2007) noted that Artibeus 2004; see also Larsen et al. 2007). Our analyses include and Dermanura could be diagnosed on the basis of specimens referable to planirostris and schwartzi (but wing coloration and dental features. not triomylus). In both cases, results from 16S rRNA analysis mirror those from cytochrome-# in this and We treat Artibeus and Dermanura as separate other studies, yet they provide even more robust sup¬ genera within the subtribe Artibeina following the port to the branching order. Our 16S rRNA results are classification of Baker et al. (2003). This nomencla- best interpreted as evidence for species recognition of tural arrangement facilitates convenient reference to A. planirostris and A. schwartzi as opposed to subspe¬ monophyly of the group as whole, recognition of both cies within A. jamaicensis. In avoiding paraphyletic similarities and differences within it, and additional taxa, the latter would require the synonymy of at least subgeneric classification within Artibeus and Derma¬ three other species within A. jamaicensis (amplus, nura if warranted by future studies (see also Solari et lituratus, and obscurus). Thus, our 16S rRNA results al. in prep, for additional arguments). Based on our affirm several studies of cytochrome-# for recognizing results, the latter situation seems likely after contem¬ A. planirostris (Guerrero et al. 2004; Lim et al. 2004; porary revisions are made of each genus with more Larsen et al. 2007), and affirm the suggestion by Larsen data and taxa. Our arrangement also makes sense in et al. (2007) for recognizing A. schwartzi. 10 Occasional Papers, Museum of Texas Tech University Our mtDNA data, along with those of Larsen graphic sampling, recommended species recognition et al. (2007) and Lim et al. (2004), document a well for D. bogotensis and D. rosenbergi, former junior supported sister relationship between the clade com¬ synonyms of D. glauca, and species recognition for posed of A. fraterculus, A. inopinatus, and A. hirsutus D. rava, a former junior synonym of D. phaeotis. Our and that of A. jamaicensis, A. lituratus, A. obscurus, analyses include specimens referable to all of these A. planirostris, and A. schwartzi (Figs. 1, 2, 3). This taxa. In each case, our results from 16S rRNA analysis observation has biogeographic significance, supporting mirror those from cytochrome-6 in this study and Solari the hypothesis of Patterson et al. (1992) for an histori¬ et al. (in prep.), supporting a sister relationship between cal connection between the biota of Middle America D. bogotensis and D. gnoma, another between D. rosen¬ and Western Andean Slope. Artibeus inopinatus and bergi and D. watsoni, and a clade containing D. rava, A. hirsutus are distributed in xeric regions along the D. anderseni, and D. cinerea. Our 16S rRNA results western and southern coasts of Middle America and are best interpreted as evidence for species recognition their closest South American relative, A. fraterculus, of D. bogotensis and D. rosenbergi, rather than junior is distributed in dry regions of southern Ecuador and synonyms oLD. glauca, and species recognition forD. northern Peru west of the Andes Mountains. The rava, rather than a junior synonym of D. phaeotis. To remaining species of Artibeus are sister to these xeric avoid paraphyletic taxa, the alternative classification adapted species, and represent a South American radia¬ (Simmons 2005) would require synonymizing from tion within the genus. one to nine other species and major taxonomic rear¬ rangement. Thus, we follow Solari et al. (in prep.) in Results from 16S rRNA analysis also affirm recognizing 12 species within Dermanura, the nine previous morphological (Marques-Aguiar 1994) and listed in Simmons (2005; we did not sample incomitata) cytochrome-6 (Van Den Bussche et al. 1998; Lim et al. plus D. bogotensis, D. rava, and D. rosenbergi. 2004) analyses that suggested recognizing A. interme- dius as a junior synonym of A. lituratus. Average 16S Our hypotheses of relationship for species di¬ rRNA sequence distance between A. intermedius and versity and species groups within Dermanura depart A. lituratus (0.81%) is nearly equivalent to the average significantly from previous hypotheses for the genus, distance within other Artibeus species (0.78%) and including Handley (1987). Like cytochrome-6, our much less than that observed between species (4.62%). 16S rRNA results correspond with geographic origin These results are of course provisional given the fact of Dermanura species better than with morphological that we examined 16S rRNA sequences from just two similarity. Accordingly, we conclude that our system¬ individuals of intermedius (from Copan, Honduras) and atic and taxonomic hypotheses better reflect actual three individuals of lituratus (from western Ecuador phyletic relationships rather than adaptive similar¬ and Union Island, St. Vincent and the Grenadines). ity. This is evidenced by biogeographic patterns in However, they agree with the cytochrome-6 results the Dermanura phylogeny that correspond well with from this and other studies that included more indi¬ diversification patterns hypothesized for Artibeus as viduals. Therefore, we follow Marques-Aguiar (1994) well as other vertebrates (see Solari et al. in prep, for in recognizing A. intermedius as a junior synonym of discussion of Dermanura phylogeography). A. lituratus pending further study of combined mor¬ phological and molecular characters for populations In summary, our phylogenetic analysis of of intermedius and lituratus, including those from the cytochrome-6 data includes fairly dense and complete hypothesized region of sympatry in Middle America taxonomic sampling for both genera and most recog¬ (Davis 1984; Marques-Aguiar 1994). nized species within them. More importantly, analysis of 16S rRNA sequences offers a new test of previous Even fewer cladistic analyses have been under¬ hypotheses about shared common ancestry, sister group taken examining species diversity within Dermanura relationships, and alpha taxonomy, thereby facilitating (morphology, Owen 1991; cytochrome-6, Van Den knowledge about the congruence in variation between Bussche et al. 1998). A new study by Solari et al. the well studied cytochrome-6 gene and the evolution¬ (in prep.), incorporating both morphological and ary history of bats within Artibeus and Dermanura. Our cytochrome-6 analyses and dense taxonomic and geo¬ results illustrate a high degree of congruence between

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