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Phylogenetic studies of the subgenus Nialoe (s. lat.) (Coleoptera, Carabidae, genus Pterostichus), part 1: homology of the component parts of male genitalia and higher phylogeny PDF

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Preview Phylogenetic studies of the subgenus Nialoe (s. lat.) (Coleoptera, Carabidae, genus Pterostichus), part 1: homology of the component parts of male genitalia and higher phylogeny

TThhee ZZoooloolgiocagliSoccaielty Society ooff JJaapapnan ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE 22I t205-1216 (2005} @ 2005 Zoologica Slociet yof Japan Phylogenetic Studiesof the Subgenus Nialoe(s.Iat.()Coleoptera, Carabidae ,Genus Pterostichus) ,Part 1: Homology of the Component Parts Male Genitalia HigherPhylogeny of and K6jiSasakawa" Graduate School ofAgricultural and Liie Sciences, The Universi otfy folqxo,Ytayo i1-1-1, Bunkyo-ku, Tbkyo 1 13-865Z Japan ABSTRACT-A phylogeneti chypothesis of the subgenus Niatoe (s .Iat .o)f genus Pterostichu sis proposed based on a cladistic analysis of seventeen morphological characters. Through comparative studies of the sclerites on the endophallus of ma[e genital iia tb,ecame apparent that the arrangement of these sc[erites reflects seven differe onrtigins, The resuits show that Nialoe (s .Iat. )js monophyletic and composed of four clades, while some tradition atlaxa are para- or polyphyleti ca,nd are defined only by symplesiomorphies. Pterostichu s(Niato ten)osaicus sp. nov., which is indispensab lfeo rtracin gthe homology of sclerites in this subgenus, is described. Keywards:Niaioe (s ,[at, )s,clerite, homology, phylogeny n,ew species INTRODUCTION Kitwsotnyp e(1sp9ec9i e6dse)scPr.itbeerd eKtoirsae,nadniBaelrole ofvroamn dSoPultuht eKnokroea(, 1w9it9h7) The subgenus Nialoe Tanaka, 1958 is one of the more erected Natatianoe for P. rr]icmps of Wladiwstok, Russia, diverse subgenera ot the genus Pterostichu sBonelli ,181O, which had formerly been referred to Paralianoe (Kryzha- and is characterized by the sexual morphology of male ster- novskij et al. ,1995). num 7 in most species. This subgenus is apterous, and its Thus, seven subgenera have been proposed to contain distribut iios nprimaril ythe Sea of Japan region of the Far the 120 species fir sgtrouped int othe subgenus Nialoe. East (Jedli6 1k9a6,2; Tanaka, 1985; Kasahara, 1988; Kryzh- However, their phylogenetic relationships have never been anovskij etaL, 1995; Park and Paik, 2001; Bousquet, 2003). established on the basis of reliable evidence, and there is The subgenus include sapproximately 120 species that considerable incongruenc eamong classifications by differ- have either been united into one subgenus (Lianoe: ent authors, Jedlick a(1962 i)ncluded all Nialoe species in Jedli6ka ,1962; Niaioe :Habu, 1981; Pterostichus :Tanaka, Lianoe .Habu (1981 c)riticized the superfluous split of sub- 1985) ,or separated int oseveral subgenera (Kasahara, genera, and treated them a[ 1as one subgenus, Niatoe. 1988; Park and Paik, 2001; Bousquet, 2003). Tanaka (1 985) ignored the subgenera erected for the Japa- Niaioe was orjginally erected by Tanaka (1958 )for nese species and regarded them all as members of the sub- Pterostichu sasymmetricus Bates, 1883 as a subgenus genus Pterostichu s(s ,lat. )L.ater ,Kasahara <1988 )dMded related to Lianoe Gozis, 1882 of the Pyrenees. Tanaka 65 species into eight groups based on external structures {1958 i)ncluded in the subgenus specjes that have an aede- {sexu aclharacteristics of male $ternum 7; number of setae agus similar in shape to that of P. asymmetricus. Around the on antennal segment 2) and parts of the male genitali a(right same time, lshida(1958)established Patelianoefor P. paramere;some of thescleriteson theendophal[us). How- uenoi, and included it sallies in that subgenus. Later, ever, he did not discuss the phylogeneti crelationships Nakane (1979 )proposed EPiniatoe for P. spiculiier. In the among the eight groups. same paper ,Nakane and Straneo described a new subge- Taxonomic problem sarose in this group partl byecause nus, Daisenialoe ,to accommodate P. ftij'imu rwahiic,h has no researchers had used male endophallic structures, which some peculiariti eisn it sexternal structures, Kasahara and are known to be useful phylogeneti ccharacteristics in the lto (1987 d)escribed Sphodroleronia, with it stype species P. Pterostichi n(iAlle 1n9,80; Koch, 1986; Nemoto, 1988, 1989a, miyamai, emphasizing it sexternal peculiariti esP,ark and b; Brandmayr and Brandmayr ,1994; Bousquet ,1999; " C o r re s p on d in ga ut ho r. PFhaox ne/: ++8811--33--55884411--75525257;; Sian ssoamkeaw Nai, a2l0o0e4 ,sp e2c0i0e5sa,, t hbe; pSreasseankcaew oaf asncdle rKiutebso otna , th20e 0s5u)r,- E-mail/[email protected] face of the endophallus was known (Tanak a1,961; Nemoto, NII-Electronic Library Service TThheZeo olZoogiocalloSogciiectyal Society ooff JJaapapnan 1206 K. Sasakawa 1988, 1989a ;Park and Kwon, 1996; Morita and Kanie, 1997; group ,rather than to adhere strictly to a forma ltaxonomy. Morita ,1996a, 1998, 2001; Lafer et aL, 2001; Sugimura, 2o0n0l2y) ;i n hpoawretviecru, laa urtghrorosup su se(dT atnheamk aas1,9 d6i1a; gnKoa$staih cacrhaar,a ct1er9s88; SYSTEMATIC ACCOUNT Park and Kwon, 1996; Morita ,1998), rather than examining Subgenus Nialoe Tanaka, 1958 their homologies among taxa. Nialoe Tanaka, 1958: 82. Type species: Pterostichu sasym- The main purpose of the present study was to elucidate metricus Bates, 1883 the phylogeny of the subgenus Nialoe (s ,lat. ).First ,1 Nialoe as treated here includes East Asian species describe a new species that has proven to be useful in trac- which Jedli6ka (1962 )treated as Lianoe; Habu (1981 )as ing the homology of endophallic sclerites. Second, 1 review Nialoe ;and Kasahara (198 8as) Pterostichu s(s I.at, l)n, the the homology of the component parts of the male genitalia, presen tstudy, the presenc eof setae on the ventral side of primaril ythe sclerites on the surtace of the endophallus. the Ias ttarsa lsegment provide ssupport for monophyly of Third ,1 propose a phylogeneti chypothesis of Nialoe (s .Iat.) this subgenus (se ephylogenetic section), The species using cladistic methods and based on seventeen morpho- which 1 examined share the followin gcharacter states. logica lcharacters (10 male genitali a,1 female genitali a6, Description [,Exter nstarluctures]/ Body medium to iarge external structures}. (minimu m9,.5mm: P. (N. )ohkurai Morita ,[Mori t1a9,96b]; maximum, 24mm: P. (N. )ishikawai Nemoto [Nemoto, 1988]).Dorsalsurface of body blackand opaque toshiny MATERIALS AND METHODS without metallic ]uster .Legs reddish-brown to black ,Head Most ot the specimens used in the present study were from the normai to large ;antennal segment 3 without pubescence author's collection T.he rest of the material was loaned from the fol- except for P. ftij'irnurei iPa. nsdhotaroi, Pronotum cordate to lowing publi cor privat ecollectiens /Laboratory of Forest Zoology, almost square, with single laterobasa limpression on each DLNeiaptta eirSotcmnieaenSltncci eoest n ,TcFhoereMe usUstne Siucvmie,ernsTcie etko f,yyG oTr,oaJkdayupoaa,t nTe S{ockNhySooMo, TlJ )oaf;p NAaagntr i{icoFunZlatUlluTnrs)a ltT;anihdteute sniudme, 7E wliythtr saelxuoanlg- ocvhaarla c;tienritsetircval sinno tmo sitnt seprecriuesp.te d [M.aMlael esgteenr-- for Agro-Environment aSlciences ,Tsukuba, Japan (NIAES a)nd the italia ]A:edeagus robust; right paramere short to elongated; collection of Mr. K. Akita (Mie J,apan) ,Mr. H. Karube (Kanagawa lef tone square, Endophallus large ,with vent toward lef tlat- Prefectural Museum ef Natural History ,Kanagawa, Japan), and Mr. eroventral to ventral directio ne,xcept tor P. crpacipennis and Kgd.ie rnMeeacrttsal u yma.Troaetxo oni onm(cilKcuadeg dia nwifnoa rJ,tmahapetasineo) n . coMonlo lsettcwt oioo fni 'nts,dh ie saptneydnp se awsbeplreeec ie sspeexc aimmoiefnn essd,ub- isct[s earloltiiezs ewdi thwi tshh gorotn, osptorariag hlpt ieencdoe p.[haFlleums;al gegeonniotpaolri e aMwee]adk:liyan male P. tereti s(ty psepecies of Koreanialoe; femaie is unknown) ovjduct connected to semina- canal jus tanterior to the and temale P. microps (ty psepecies of Natalianoe )wa,s obtained vagina; apophyses of basa lpar tof median oviduct and sem- from the peer-reviewe dliterat u(rJeedii 619k6a2;, Park and Kwon, ina lcana[ weakly to distinct lsyclerotized; receptaculum 1996; Berlov and Plutenko, 1997>, Morphological characters not almost straighttostrongly bent, referred to in the literatur weere coded as missing. Four spec[es, P. (RP t(ehtryoossto i$d. c u$shtscrh)u.o) nschreims'tatus F{aDlduefromau nPrn. ),(a,Lndi aPn. o due(l)Mou. r}il a(cDuenojseusan), Pterostichus (IVia lmooseai)cus sp. nov. {Fig 1.) roubaSianus (Lutshn iwker)e, used foroutgroup comparison, Dissec- This species is unique in having a mosaic combination tjon technique$ and the terminology for female genitali afollew of external structures of some Korean and Japanese spe- Bousquet (1999 )b,ut new terminolegy is proposed here in ter most cies. The sexual condition of male sternum 7 is consldered othercharacters. Seventeen characters (10 male genitalia ,t female genitalia as an apomorphic character state also possessed by P. and 6 external structures )were observed from adults of 30 species, touzatin iand it sallies of the Korea Peninsula and the adja- and all characters were treated as unordered (Append i1x). Phylo- cent islands .On the other hand, the opaque female elytra geneti canalyses were performe dby PAUP' ver. 4.0 (Swofford, are considered as an apomorphic state shown in common 2cba0ot0te2sh) eoqwfui tahrla n daao nmdhe u tsruricesceetssis, c iswveieatrhch , TcBhR aTr ahbcetre arannac lywhs eessiwgahptpii nngbgeg a{ npFe arfrfroorrm im 1es19d0,6 9ur)se.pi lnigI-n w(itKha ssoameha r s1pae9,c8i8e)s. Hoofw etvhee rP,. tshpeh oenddropohfalolrusmis g orfo uthpi so fs pJecaiepsan successive weighting, each character was weighted by the rescaled is a combination of presumed plesiomorphic character consistency index (RC) ,but tree lengths, the consistency index (Ci}, states, whereby i tis possibi teo trace homologies between awecn[vadtathleus a.tethqe ude aClrhle yatuer snwiatenicigogtnh et a eri dcnbhadoneo gxcte h$sa(trraRca lt pew )freposr,err to hbSear tebrcaeiostnlusili ttsrctautanycltitc ecu sdltuaapritpeeo derstu s wi fenrfrgeoo rm nAcoC1adC0lecT0suR lAa rNtweeapdsli- sKo am seaDh iaKarogarn eoaansndi s a .MnTadht isJsua mpsopatenocei,se es19 s9ip0s e cseiixemtsieir an(ra Fltloiy ,gP b.s2 u-,(t4 Ne)a.. s)igloyt odeinsstiisn- optimization. guishe dfrom the latte rby the shape of the aedeagus and My series ot taxenomic studies of this group treats all species the prominence on male sternum 7. under the subgenus Niatoe (s .Iat, ,i,e ,,the subgenus Nialoe sensu Description. [Exter nstarluctures]/ Length: 8" ,18.8-18.9 Hitty apibes u n,so tp1e c9ai8els1w);a ;Nys em thpeeotrsoes,fi ob1rl9ee 8 ,t8toh, ee1x 9apm8hi9nyeal}o ,fg oaelr nlt ehstpe ei fcrcioeellsalt ioodwnisih rnirepgesca$tQ ln(psyr.ionp oFcsielrdustd,ingamnmd s(hnin=y,2 )e\x,,c e1pt9. 4f omrm fe m(an[=e 1e l)Dy.torras awhl iscuhr taacree oopfa qbuoed.y bLleagcsk may change subtly in futur eanaiyses, Second, i tis importan tto reddish-brown. Head normal, Pronotum cordate; surface enhance our understanding of the phylogenetic relationships of this smooth except for laterobasa limpressions which are slightly NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThheZeo olZoogiocalloSogciiectyal Society ooff JJaapapnan Phylogenetic Studies ofNiaioePart1 1207 gp D !x.・ -・ Fig. 1. Pterostichus <Aliat moosea)icus sp. nov. (A )Dorsal view. {B )Dorsa lview of endophallu$. (C )Ventral view of endophallus. (D )Right lat- eral view of rjght paramere .gp, gonopora [piece ;rpb, rlght pigmented band; lpb ,lef ptigmented band; bs, basal sclerite; lpl ,[ef tpreapica llobe, Scale lines :5 mm for (A) 1; mm for (B-D) T.he basal part of the aedeagus is omitted. punctate. Elytr along-oval ;three dorsal pores on interva l3. tion, Ventral side almost smooth; submentum with a pai rof setae. ParaCyoes. 1 841 9,same data as holotyp ei,n NSMT Male sternum 7 with apical prominence ;prominenc ebroad collection. and trapezoidal ;prominence narrower posteriori tyhan ante- Other specimens examined. Pterostichu sgotoensis riorly; surface of prominenc eshallowly cup-shaped from the Kasahara and Matsumoto: 1 8, Wakamatsu-goe, Wakamat- ventral view. [Male genitali aA]ed:eagus without a distinct sujima ls. ,Got6 lsls .N,agasaki, Japan, 1. v. 1988, (T ,Mat- tubercle ,and shallowly dished on the lef tventral side near sumoto), hoiotype ,(NSMT> (endophal lnouts everted); 19, ostium. Endophallus large ,moderately bent in lef tventral ditto ,18, viii, 1992, (K .Matsumoto), (NSMT), directio n;pigmented bands present on both latera lsides Notes. Shape of spermatheca could not be observed near ostium; sclerotization of the bands weak; basal sclerite because of damage during dissection. distinc tw,ith swefiljng more on the dorsal side; right surface of endophal]us swollen; sma]1 but distinc tswe[ling present on dorsai surface near gonopore; weakly hooked lobe HOMOLOGY OF THE COMPONENT PARTS present on right ventra] side near ostium; distinc tlobe OF THE MALE GENITALIA present on lef tside near ostium; apical lobe weakly but dis- ln the present study, seven sclerites of differen torigins tinct lsyclerotized; gonopore weakly sclerotized, with gonop- are recognized on the endophallus, the homology of which oral piece, Right paramere short and rounded apically. Left are considered as follows. paramere square, IFemal egenitalia ]V:agina with slightly sclerotized part around median oviduct; surface without con- Right pigmented band (rp bin Figs ,1, 2; character 2 in spicuous pigmentation ;apophyses of median oviduct and Appendix 2) seminal canal weakly sclerotized over their entirety. ln some Nialoe species (e,g .P,. (N. )mosaicus), there Locality .Fukuejima [s. ,Got6 lsls .N,agasaki, Japan. is a pigmented band on the right laterodor ssaurlface of the Holotype. 8" ,Mt. Sasadake, Fukuejima ls, ,Got6 lsls., membranous part near the ostium. The pigmentation varjes Nagasaki, Japan; 1. x. 1996, (H ,Karube), in NSMT collec- from rudimentary to distinc att the subspecific Ievel. NII-Electronic Library Service TThheZeo olZoogiocalloSogciiectyal Society ooff JJaapapnan 1208 K. Sa$akawa tgetttktex'i'tat'vv.'elt/:ttrt:z,}k Fig. 2. Homology of scierites on the endophallus. {A }Pterosnchus (tVia ttsohiezu}chiensis <B )P. <N. s)ymmetncus (C )P. (N) mosatcus (D) P. (N, m)ucronatus, (E >P. (N. a)bacilorrnis (F )P. (N. c)tandonis (G )P. (N) katashinens inasganoensts, (H )P, (Liano edu)lou" .rpb, right pig- mented band; lpb ,lef tpigmented band, bs, basal sciente; mpl, median pigmented lobe; lpl ,Pet tpreapicaHobe, as, apical sc]ente Soli dlines referto homology of the basal sc[erotizatton (bs )a,nd dotted ones to that of the lef tpreapical lobe 1ndicatio onf$ the gonoporal piece are omit- ted because ot their obvEous homo]ogy. Scale 1ines ,1 mm Left pigmented band (lp bin Figs .t-4; character 3 in Tanaka, 1961, "median macula" sensu Nemoto, 1989a, part Appendix 2) of the "pigmented pad" sensu Nemoto, 1989a, and "apical There is a pigmented band on the lef tlatero -to latero- copulatory piece" sensu Monta, 1998, ln Tanaka's (1961) dorsa lsurface of the membranous part near the ostium. The study, the endophallus was not everted, so references to pigmentation varies from rudimentary to distinc att the sub- "apicai" and "basal'' in the positio nof these sclerites are specific level .In R (N. )spicubterand it sallies (= EPiniaioe reversed Nemoto (1989a n)amed th[s character "median Nakane, 1979 sensu Kasahara, 1988), the posterio rend of macula" However, most species have the sclerite at the the pLgmented band is connected to the anterior end of the basal par tof the endophallus, so that [`median" is unique in basal sclerite. This character is synonymous with "poorly P. (N. )piesiomotphu swi,th which Nemoto <1989 ade)fined sclerotized plate "sensu Morita and Kanie, 1997 However, this structure's terminology (Nemot o1,989a: 3, Fi"g m,e3d). jaInn their observation was based on specimens where the the same paper ,Nemoto (1989a c)onsidered the endophallus was not everted (Mori tanad Kanie, 1997: 166, macula'' (bas ascllerite in the presen tstudy) of P. (N. m)ucr- Fig .3), so that only the basal part of this band was onatus and P. (N) shiibanus to be a ''pigmented pad' '(left observed. Therefore, "plate" is an inappropnate term tor th-s preapic allobe in the presen tstudy; Nemoto 1989a: 4, Figs. character 9-12) These two species do have one sclerite on the left latera lside on the endophallus; however, the position sof Basa] sclerite (bs in Figs. 1-4; character 4 in Appendix 2) the sclerites are not correctly shown in Nemoto's (1989a) There is a sclente on the let tlaterodor stao llatera lsur- illustratLons because the endophallus was not ful[ yeverted. iace of the membranous part near the ostium. It sshape and 1 examined the completely everted endophallus of P. (N.) degree of sclerotization vary at the subspecific level ,Th:s mucronatus and P. (N. i)shizuchiensis (probab al lyoca lrace character is synonymous with "apical sclerite" sensu of R {N. )shiibanus), and confirmed that these species have NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThhee ZZoooloolgiocagliSoccaielty Society oofJfap anJapan Phylogeneti Sctudie sot rwialo ePart1 t209 ' ny・ va su de w mp ge/eem eeegseetw wtee de・e'ir ee eeeeeww' ; ma.gva. ,pbeteveimtut ee ge mpseedievame ma emaeeeeee ts ee gee・wW as nt es eemaen ee ew eets t・e dwien e vavavevavam・ atgh mvae ir necdaefef$p$mivin d i eg ll:g:e: ・:rs .v gg g: :a m. e,xxkas.' #'.in/tsts t t・ fot.va/vethltt t, ve fi.t-he::: ptPl ・ntf ..: Fig. 3. Endophall oif NiaJoe (s ,lat .(>rig hlatter avliew, let ltater avliew), (A )Pterostich u(sNialo feL)ijimu r<aBi. )P. (N. )min'ficus, (C )P. (N,) yakushimanus. (D }P. (N) piesiornorphus. (E )P. {N. )miyamai. (F )P. (N. )rnacrogenys. (G )R rnicrops. (H )P. (rw y.o)shiclai .(1 R) {N. b)eOator. (J )P, (Al .op)acipennis, rpb, right pigmented band; lpb ,lef tpigmented band; bs, basal sclerit e;mpl, median pigmented lobe; lpl ,lef tpreapical bbe. Indicatio onfs the gonoperai piece are omitted because of thei robvieus homology, Scale "nes :t mm, the sclerite that Nemoto (1989 at)ermed the "pigmented Median pigmented tobe (mpl in Figs. 2, 4; character 5 in pad" (le pfrteapic allobe in the presen tstudy), but at a more Appendix 2) basal positio non the endophallus than in his illustration, There is a weakly to strongly pigmented lobe on the Thus, because Nemoto <1"m9e8d9i aamni)sidentified the homology middle dorsa lsurface of the endophallus in some Nialoe among the sclerites, the macula"' sensu Nemoto, species (e.g P.. ,(N. s)ymmetricus) and outgroup species (P. 1989a is not always "macula". Morit a(199 8i)llustra ttheids (Liano ed)ufour aind P. (Pterosti cs.h sutsr. )cristatus) .This character of" aPp. i(catlV a.ba)ciicrmis and it sallied species and character is a synonym of "median lobe'' sensu Nemoto, named i t copulatory piece ".However, as with 1989a. The detiniti oonf this character is exactly the same Tanaka' s(1961 s}tudy, "apical" i san inappropri atteerm for as that of "medjan lobe "in Nemoto (19B9 ai;n P. (N. )mucr- this character. onatus; however, i twas overlooked, presumably because of NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee ZZoooloolgiocagliSoccaielty Society oofJfap anJapan 1210 K. Sasakawa i ti tpeeva ven 't g.: ,・e s ugtef/ : "t mama E . ,g i j, f ie iieeg, .Ii:iteheeee.・thge1 iM ge・s#Q・mevae ・va ee aseee ・ fto asb esltuememile]thIajma wewe eaees ees eu etvvaa eeee・ e ee. e/・ .w.''' v a ee g --・ eee. ' tu/ ae, Iee .e deni re ee ee e efmas ee e e e e g e r e f f e e ee g ge2ees, n re・ .e ' T,.w:fgf ffiI ::・.・ ' sse /1 /las{ e.imm Fig. 4. Endophalli ot Nialoe (s .Iat.) ,Ptetostk:hus (s s.tr.} and Axlyosodus (rig hlattera lview, lef tlatera lview). (A )Pterostichus (Nialo mea)cro- cephatus. (B }P. (N. s)phodrolorrnis. (C )P. (At m.as)hidai. (D )P. (rw s.in)cerus. (E }P. <tV p.r)aedo. (F )P. (N. u)enoi. (G )P. (N. o)rnogoensis. (H) P. (N. l)atisty i(i1 sP.). (Pterost is.c shtru.) scristatus. (J )P. (dyosod ulsac)unosus roubalianus. rpb, right pigmented band; lpb ,lef tpigmented band; bs, basal sclerite; mpl, media pigmented lobe; ipl l,ef tpreapical lebe ;as, apical sclerite, lndicatio onfs the gonopora lpiece are omitted because of it sobviou$ homology. Scale lines /1 mm. insufficie nevtersion of the endophallus [p4 ,Fig, 11]) .In the i tis djstinct lscylerotized and concave (e.g P.., (N. >symme- present study, 1 propose the term median pigmented lobe for tricus) ,By tracing homologies among species, i tis reveaied this character, because the term "median lobe" means that this character is a specialized form of the lef tpreapical aedeagus or penis in the general terminology of the lobe <Fi g2,). This character is synonymous with "lobe a" Coleoptera, sensu Nemoto, 1988, part of the "pigmented pad" sensu Nemoto, 1989a, and "apical copulatory piece' 'sensu Morita, Leftpreapicallobe{lpilnFigs.1-4;characters 6and 7in 2001. Appendix 2) l nmost Nialo especie$, the dorsal surface of the left Gonoporal piece (gp in Fig. 1; character 8 in Appendix 2} preapical lobe is more-or-less sclerotized, ln some species, AII species of Niaioe have a weakly sclerotized gonop- NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThheZeo olZoogiocallogical SSoociceityety ooff JJaapapnan Phylogenetic Studie s of Nialo ePart1 1211 ore, of which the dorsal aspect is strongly sclerotized. Many was not recovered in the consensus tree (Fi g5).. authors have deseribed the dorsal scletotized portio ans a From the successive-weighting analysis, fiv etrees were "copulatory piece" or used an analogous term ("api cscalelr- obtained, Their tree lengths, Cl, and Rl were equal to those ite "[Tanak a1,961] ,"copu[atory piece "[Mori t2a0,03] "prox- of the equal-weighting analysis. Tree resolution was better, imal copulatory piece "[Mori 2t0a01,]). Only Nemoto (1988, and four lineages were emerged (Fi g5,, 6) .The monophyly 1989a) distinguishe di tfrom other sclerites on the endophal- of the Pterostichus (s .str.> + Lianoe + Nialoe (s ,lat. l)ineage lus ,and named i tthe gonopora lpiece .]n the present study, was supported by a moderate bootstrap value (78%). 1 adopt Nemoto:s (198 819,89a) term for this character. Although the bootstr aspupport is re]atively low (57%} t,he monophyly of tViaioe (s .Iat .w)as supported by the absence Apical sclerite {as in Figs .2, 4; character 9 in Appendix 2) of setae on the ventral side of the las ttarsa lsegment {char- ln some Nialoe species (e. gP.. ,(N. )katashinensis acter 14), This character state is a synapomorphy of IVialoe. naganoensis>, the ventral surface of the endophallus near Lineage A comprises the species that Kasahara < 1988) the gonopore i srudimentarily pigmented .Some outgroup referred to as the tnirificus ,ftijimu raasyimm,etricus, spiculi- species (P .(Liano deu)touriand P. (Pterosti cs.h sutrs,) cris- iec and uenoi groups .The shape of the endophallus (char- tatus )have a large sclerotized projecti oinn the correspond- acter 1O) and the presenc eof setae on antennal segment 2 ing spot, so 1 propos ethe term apical sclerite to represent <charac t1e2r) support the monophyly of this lineage ,Lin- this character. No other authors have described thi scharac- eage B includes P. (N .ma)crogenys, P. (N. b>allato rP,. (N.) ter, opacipennis, and P. (N. )tereti sa,nd it smonophyly is sup- ported by pigmentation of the innermost part of the ventral PHYLOGENY AND CHARACTER EVOLUTION s(idNe. )moifcr otphse, va gPi.n a(N (. pc)rhaeadro aan cd1t1 P)e., rL(iNn.e a)signec eCru sc.om pTrhisees mono- P. From the equal-weighting analysis, 20 trees of 70 steps phyly of this lineag ei ssupported by the opaque dorsal sur- were obtained, with Cl=O.586 and Rl=O.729, The strict con- face of the pronotum and elytra <chara c1t3)e. rThe remain- sensus tree was we]1 resolved at the species level ,except ing species are included in Lineage D, monophyly of which fo rLineage A (defin beedlow), where monophyly and some is supported by the presence of the basal sclerite (character interna lnodes were not supported. The monophyly ot Niatoe 4). In all lineages (A-D )mo,nophyly and most of the species Kasahara(IY88) 'l']iesl'minetric"sgroup(sllbgenusnotrnentioned) 60.VJ,MMets'ir''us totEalini'k),afoushinianus' Thcvakuslti}nanusgroup(s"bgenusmotmentloned) "''"'"1/....The(veaL'ipennisspccicsgroup mac'ro['ephtTiw,y piesiomony.ihu,y- r・ltThecx,5ac'ifi)Fmissp:ciesgraup 50inucT'oanhalctM'f/or.mi/s' S2・ nio,saiL'lts#v'oshiditi ・・・・-・・・・・・・ ;is'ii]7・・l:t tZThse2 sh1iiba:nrfs species group LineageD il'i"'i lTh'c's'f)lh・o'tt'i''ioft)i'misspeciesgroup sphoth't?foJ'mi・s 'i'henn/vamaispccirsgroup :2lh I.t..Ii.I.r:. .dI./ :a.-l :.C;t.su:./b.2c.]Ii.Tu.sii.Y-?hodrofb (is' o.stnr.i)a} Sin(/e/'1.iSSpJ'c)edoStnier()s.'/,ste/etiseopacipennis' LineageC ''I'he t)/t'[cJ'ogen ".'/ specics gruupThesphodrtijbrmisgroupCsubgenusnotmentielLed) M'ttioe(s.Iat.) LineHgeB hetiatoJ' macirose)1),S ・・-・・・-・・・ 5.7 .tiftisltzil-cri 1Theflijimttr"igro"pCisubge]vsDaisenittloe(s.stn)) kEtslsinensi.vnaga"oen,vis al,ha'Jt'Mimasti''iAc',lilsisdandonis,spicuTTihhieeflecaj"st',)'J,ii,TmsaieCttrysic'uusieinsssipseb'cpeicieessgrogu.proup ] he "wmmetricus group (= s.ubgeT]us vtaiee {s stn}) 7S 1Thespicuiijergrotip{=subgenusopintatoe(s.sdn)) L uenoi Thetfftnoispecicsgroup 1'i On70gOeSISisnTir(lfic'ifsc'rwfbziTi'hieCtS'simS'tCxIftgUStslcv'haoinnheasnvH'isspeciesgroup hc ltenoi group (= subgenus paraii"noe cs str,)) The mir{'fieus group (subg¢nus not mentioneti) 9S outgl'oup [ i'oifbaiitznus Fig .5.suSstric ctonsensus tree of the 5 trees obtained by the succesive-weighting method. Closed circles indicate nedes shared by the consen- trees o f t h e 2 0 t re e s re su l ti ng f r o m th e e qu a l- we i gh ti n g an al y si s The taxonemy from Kasahara ( 1988) is represented fer comparison, Spe- cies with an asterisk are not include din Kasahara' s(1988 s)tudy. NII-Electronic Library Service TThheZeo olZoogiocalloSogciiectyal Society ooff JJaapapnan 12t2 K. Sasakawa , 1 O i-2 zts tensis 1 Fig. 6. Phylogeny and possibl echaracter evolution of Nialo e(s.lat. )based on one of most parsimonious trees obtained by the $uccesive- weighting method. Numbers in the squares indicat echaracters in Appendix 2, and numbers above the squares indicate changes in character states. Character-sta ctheanges were reconstructed with ACCTRAN optimization, relationships werenot supported by high bootstrap values. eny of Nialoe was full yresolved, except for re[ationships among the four larges tclades (Linea gAe-Ds). The trees DISCUSSION obtained here suggest that some tradition atlaxa are not monophyletic. This study provides for the firs ttjme a phylogenetic In Lineage A, monophyly of each of the groups pro- hypothesis of Nialoe, based on the cladistic analysis of 17 posed by Kasahara (198 8i)s supported, except for the morphological characters. I t became apparent that asymmetricus group. The asymmetricus group is paraphyl- endophallic structures are wejl developed and diverged etic i nall trees obtained, because the tLtiimuraigrou pcon- within Niatoe, and that they can contribute significantly to the sistently occupies the most derived branch of the asymtne- reconstruction of the phylogen yof thi sgroup, The phylog- tricus group + ftijimur agiroup iineage .The characters that NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThheZeo olZoogiocallogical SSoociceityety ooff JJaapapnan Phylogeneti Sctudie soiNialoe Part1 1213 Kasahara (198 8r)egarded as diagnosti cof the asymmetri- 34/1-29 cus group, (sexu ach]aracteristics of male sternum 7, more Berlov O, Plutenko (1997 T)wo new subgenera of the genus Pteros- trhiagnht vtehnrterea ls estuarefa coen oafn ttehnen aaled esaeggumesn,t a n2d, tau bsheorrctl e too ne ltonh-e VAtekisactdhneu ims{ kiCli ori5kl: ue4t7os-pk5t o1Gey orCsaaur,daabrisdtave e)ninroo ym Stehle' sFkaor kEhaoszty aoty sRtuesvsejnan.oy gate right paramere )are a[so present in the ftijimuraigroup. Bousquet Y (199 9S)upraspecif icclassification ot the Nearctic In other words, these are symplesiomorphies of the asym- Pterostich i(niColeopt eCarraa:bidae ).Association des Ento- metricus group + ftijimuraigrou plineage. mologists Amateurs du Quebec, Quebec th e sIpnh oLdrionioeramigses B- Dg,r omounpop hywlays n ootf ssoumpeport esdpecie s(F gir go5.u)p s. Aosf B o u sqoafgua e-tAPda eYplh aa(gea2a"r0c0t3 iT) cCrEiodbl eeb oyP pt1et rLeoOrs batVli oc,Alh uiSmn meiBleotn aeinAlraic, ,h1Ao8ps1otOje,[m oal tBna o-"oCMaktaylsoxg,ueo pSht-en- stated by Kasahara <i988 )th,e sphodroicrmis group is less strup, pp 469-520 specia]ized externally, except for the two macrocephalic Bandmayr P, Brandmayr TZ (1994 >The evolu"tiCoanarryab ihdistory ot the species groups (th eopacipennis and macrogenys species genus Abax (Coleopte Craar,abidae) I.n beetles: ecol- gthreo u"simpilasrity) "t;here foof rte h,te heexit errtnaalxon cohmaryac therass. been based only on Fa r roMgi LyJs S L aun<fdt1 , 9Je6v-oP9l uAM)t aisoeuncl"cfe saEsii dvtS e,pbry iKanp pgDreoe xrspi,mepa nt1ido9en-sr2 ,4M aDpupfroraecnhe, Mto Lchoarreaac-u, The two macrocephalic species groups are both split ter weighting. Syst Zool 18/ 374385 within Lineages B-D {opacipen nspiecsies group: P. (N.) Habu A ( 1981) Female genital iofa Pterostich ispneicies mainly from opacipennis and R (N. )betlatorare in Lineage B, P. (N.) Japan (1 1()Coleopte Craar,abidae) E.nt Rev Jpn 36/ 33-53 m(acNro, cme)apchraolguesnys i n iLs iinn eLaignee aDg; em aBcr,o gRen ys(N. )mi scrpoepcsies i ng rLoiunpe:a gPe. l s h iPEdt naeHt r Roes(tv1i 9cJhp5un8 s )S9B:o o5mn-ee8l lni ew(C eorl leiotp tlkt eneCoarwranab ,jsdpaecei)es fr oomf tJhaep agne n(us1), Cb,e rasn dof P .e a(chIV y.gor)sohuipd aariei n Lsiimnielaagr et oD )e, alc htis tortuhee rt haitn thhae vmiemn- ga J e d lsiie6nk aA( (P1t9e6r 2oMo}sntog irTcarphhiiigeonn iod,teso m TirM,iybauds iP) te(rCosotlicehion piau ts-e OCrsaatraa-- large-size dhead, small eyes, and long mandibles, but the bidae), Abh Ber Staat Mus Tierk Dresden 26/ 177-346 pnorte smeonnot phrye]seutlitc stro ngalnyd stuhggaets tsthei t rhmaactr oecaecphhal iscpecies f ogrrmosu pa ries K a s atshipeacchriiaa nleS c ar(reaf1beir9den8c 8e b)De ietsto tltreh iesiibn r uJotra iipgpoiaannnt t. aen1drn n " Thasenpdec i bastepieeotcnil'a'ets i oEonfd J baoypf a Mnp, tS eawirttoOhs,- convergent. T6kai Unive rsity Press ,Tokyo, pp52-65 [i nJapanese] The evolutionary polariti esof the characters inferred Kasahara S, lt oY (1987 A) new Pterostich u(sColeopte Craar,a- from the present analysis indicat ethat the diagnosti cchar- bidae )from the upper hypogean zone of central Shikoku, aucatle rsdi moof rtphhei sspmho,d roonleorm isseta osnpec iaenstenn aglrou ps e(gmrenetdu c2t, iofaon dsnex -a K e c hs" noigur(ittdh'1w9es8t 6 <)M CoJorapip h.aCon,lro, agKbio.cn) atl,a-y cp0 oh5my5psl: eix1ol3o9 g-oif1c 4as il5bsltiundgi esspe coines P ltne ℃toasrtabiicdhus short right paramere of which the apex is rounded) are sym- beetles t,heir adaptations and dynamics' E'd by PJ den Boer, plesiomorphies of Nialoe. The polyphyly of the sphodroicr- ML Luff ,D Mossakowski ,F Weber, Gustav Fischer N,ew York, mis species group resu[ts from it sdefiniti obny only synple- pp 269-279 KryzhanovskiOjL,BelousovIA,KabakH,KataevBM, MakarovKV, siomorphies, Shilenko vVG { 1995) A Checklis ott the Ground-Beetle osf Rus- sia and Adjacent Lands (]nsec tCaoP,eoptera, Carabidae )P.en- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS seft Publishers, Sotia Lafer GS, Park JK, Paik JC (2001 A) new pterostichine beetle of the 1 thank Dr. KOhei Kubota, Assoc. Professor of The University subgenus NiaJoe Tanaka from South Korea (Coleopte Craar,a- ot Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, for his guidanc eand encouragement in the bidae). Insecta Koreana 18: 243-248 course oi thi sstudy, 1 also thank the tollewi npgeople for offering Morita S (1992 }A new subgenus and species of Pterostichus specimens or cooperaiion in various ways/ Mr. Katsumi Akita (Mie}, (Coleopte Craara,bidae) from Aomori Preiecture, north Japan. Mtro.r yH ,aKraunkaig aKwaar)u,be D r(, KRay6nsaugkeaw aIPsrheitkeacwtau r(a TlMoukseyuom )Mr, , ofT aNdaatsuhria l MaHei-s- Mo r itEal ySt r(a 2109/ 9156 -aA19 )litt lkenewn pterostichi cnaerabid, Pterostichus hara {The University ef Tekyo), Mr. Shunsaku Mano (Tokushima), hozumii lshida (Coleopte Craar,abidae), Japanese Journal of DMrr., MKuenieitcoh slMhait sMuamroutyoam a{K a(gTahwe Naa )tD,iro, nKael iSscuikeen cNeem oMtuoseu {m,Th eTUonkiyvoe)r,- Mo r itSay sSt e(ma1ti9c9 E6n btPot)meorloosgtyic h2u/s 1o3h3ku-r1a3i6 (Coleopt Cearraab,idae) ,a s[ty ot Tokyo), Dr. ShOhei Nomura (The National Science Museum, new relative of Pterostichus latisly flriosm the subalpine zone of Tokyo), Mr. Jun Ogawa (The University oi Tokyo), Mr, SOsuke the Japanese Alps, EIytra 24: 197-202 Shiokawa (Toky oD)r,. Teij iSota (Kyo tUoniversit y)M,r. Hiroshi Morita S (1998 A) new Pterostichus (Coleopte Craar,abidae )from Sugaya (Hokka iUdnoiversit yD)r,. Yasuoki Takami (Kyot Uoniver- the southern Japanese Alps ,Elytr a26/ 297-302 sity), Mr, Mitsuyukl Wakabayash[ (Chiba) ,Mr. Osamu Yamaji Morit aS (2001 )A new Pterostich u(sColeopte rfaro)m western (Okayama >D,r. KOj iYasuda (Natio nlanlstitu tfeor Agro-Environ- Kyushu, west Japan, Japanese Jeurna lof Systemati cEntomol- mentaL Sciences ,Tsukuba) and Dr. Shin-ic hYioshimatsu (National ogy 7/ 35-39 ]nstitu ftoer Agre-Environment aSlciences ,Tsukuba), Morit aS (2002 P)terostichj cnaerabid beetle sot the subgenus Cr)to- bius (Coleopt Cearraab,idae )from north Japan, Elytr a30: 73- 89Morita REFERENCES S (2003 )Two new Pterosik;h u(sColeopte rCaar,abidae) from Honshu, Japan, Japanese Journa loi Systemati cEntomol- Alle nRT ( 1980) A review of the subtribe Myadi: descripti oofn a new ogy 9: 1-8 genus and species, phylogenetic relationships, and biogeogra- Morita S, Kanie N (1997 )A new macrecephalic pterostichine phy (Coleopte rCaar/abidae /Pterestichi nCio)l,eopteris tBsull {Coieopte rCaar,abidae )from central Japan. Elytra 25: 163- NII-Electronic Library Service TThheZeo olZoogiocalloSogciiectyal Society ooff JJaapapnan 1214 K, Sasakawa 167Nakane Sasakawa K {2005b P)terostich umsacrogen)/s Bates, 1883 (Cole- T (1979 }New or little-know nColeoptera trom Japan and optera, Carabidae )and it sallie dspecies of Northern Japan, Bio- adjacent regions, XXX. Reports of the Faculty ot Science of geography 7: 69-78 Kago$hima University (Eart Shcience and Biology) 12: 51-60 Sasakawa K, Kubota K (2005 C)ryptl cspecies of the subgenus Mor- Nemoto K (1988 )Pterostichus opacipennis Jedlieka and it sailied phnosorna Lutshnik (Coleopte rCaar,abidae, genus Pterosti- species of South Korea and Japan (Coleopte Craar,abidae), chus) from Japan. Entomol Sci 8/ 389-404 Bulleti not the Biogeographical Society of Japan 43: 39-45 Sugimura A (2002 A) new subspecies of Pterostichus tocia iMerita Nemoto K (1989a )A new species ot Pterostichus from Amami- et Kanie (Coleopte Craar,abidae> from Mt. 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