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Phylogenetic Positions of the Enigmatic Asiatic Fern Genera Diplaziopsis and Rhachidosorus from Analyses of Four Plastid Genes PDF

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Preview Phylogenetic Positions of the Enigmatic Asiatic Fern Genera Diplaziopsis and Rhachidosorus from Analyses of Four Plastid Genes

Phylogenetic Positions of the Enigmatic Asiatic Fern Genera Diplaziopsis and Rhachidosorus from Analyses Four Genes of Plastid Chunxiang Li State Key Laboratory of Palaeobiology and Stratigraphy of Nanjing Institute of Geology and Academy Palaeontology, Chinese of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, China Lu Shugang Institute of Ecology and Geobotany, Yunnan University, Kunming 650091, China Sun Xiaoyan and Yang Qun State Key Laboratory of Palaeobiology and Stratigraphy of Nanjing Institute of Geology and Academy Palaeontology, Chinese of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, China The fern family Woodsiaceae, as circumscribed in the most recent familial classification (Smith et ah, 2006), comprises about 15 genera and more than 700 species distributed mainly from America Old World temperate, tropical to which by monomorphic monomorphic and characterized or nearly leaves is vascular anatomy (Tryon and Tryon, 1982). The family exhibits an extensive chromosome dysploid series of base numbers, ranging from 31 to 42, mostly = X 40, 41, also 31 [Hemidictyum], 33, 38, 39 [Woodsia], and 42 [Cystopteris] (Smith The monophyly Woodsiaceae Smith et al, 2006). of of et (2006) al. is lacking in all broad analyses (Hasebe et al., 1995; Sano et al., 2000; Schneider 2004; Schuettpelz and Pryer, 2007). The more recent fern global et al., showed Woodsiaceae Smith phylogenetic analyses of et (2006) consists of al. and Gymnocarpium four well-supported clades: together, Cystopteris are sister eupolypods Hemidictyum and to the rest of sister to the asplenioid ferns; II; is Woodsia and sister to a large clade of onocleoid, blechnoid, athyrioid ferns is and most (Schuettpelz Pryer, 2007). This the inclusive analysis of is leptosporangiate fern relationships conducted to date, in which three plastid genes (rbcL, atpA, atpB] from 400 leptosporangiate fern species were utilized. However, Homalosorus and the taxomically problematic genera Diplaziopsis, CHUNXIANG ET PHYLOGENETICS OF AND AL.: DIPLAZIOPSIS RACHIDOSORUS Rhachidosorus were not included in this groundbreaking study, and the phylogenetic affinities of these taxa are unclear. Smith et (2006) tentatively al. placed these genera Woodsiaceae and in the suggested, "further sampling will likely shed additional on and light this subject, the recognition of several may additional families be w^arranted." Diplaziopsis a problematic genus, which has undergone many is systematic Bower changes. (1928) treated provisionally along with "Asplenoid his it while ferns", Christensen (1938) revised his opinion to give a generic status it and treats as a group of ferns with areolate veins under Diplazium Sw.. Copeland (1947) defined Diplaziopsis by pinnate leaves, thin lamina its texture, anastomosing and veins, sausage-like comprising two sori, species (D. and javanica D. cavaleriana). Ching added two new (1964a) species from China to Diplaziopsis, which were emended later into three species in the flora China of (i.e., D. javanica, D. cavaleriana, and D. brunoniana) (Chu et al, 1999). In geographical distribution, Diplaziopsis an Old World essentially is genus mainly from and Eastern Southeastern Asia (Ching, 1964a). The monotypic genus Homalosorus was by established Pichi Sermolli (1973) with H. pycnocarpos distributed only in the temperate eastern North America, but other authors have included in the genus Athyrium Roth (Kramer and it Kato, 1990) or the genus Diplazium (Tryon and Tryon, 1982; Kato and A Iwatsuki, between 1983). relationship H. pycnocarpos and Diplaziopsis (Tryon and Tryon, Kato and 1973; Iwatsuki, 1983) has been suggested from pinna their similar shape, rachis-grooving, and indusia, spores, although they have lamina different apex, venation, and chromosome numbers and (Kato Darnaedi, The 1988; Price, 1990). sister relationship between H. pycnocarpos and Diplaziopsis has been supported by rbcL (Sano and 2000) rbcL+rps4 et al., (Wei trees et al, 2010), while a previous trnL-F study support lent to the placement of Diplaziopsis cavaleriana Diplazium (Wang in et 2003). al., Previously, plants here recognized as Rhachidosorus have been included in Athyrium either (Tagawa, 1936) or Diplazium Kramer and (Kato, 1977; Kato, Ching but 1990), (1964b) later separated those plants into the genus Rhachidosorus from South-east Asia, and determined genus that the consists The of eight species. genus Rhachidosorus from both Athyrium and differs Diplazium (or rather Allantodia R. Br.; most Diplazium species in China have been placed in Allantodia] in having thick creeping rhizomes, the scales near the base of stipe and, above in the narrow semilunate and all, sori indusia of which the asplenioid type, are never diplazioid nor and athyrioid, in the spore morphology (Ching, 1964b). Based on previous rbcL (Sano and 2000) et al., (Wang frnL-F analyses Rhachidosorus et al., 2003), does not cluster with either Athyrium Diplazium or but occupies a position isolated from the other taxa in eupolypods such was the a conclusion suggested by Ching II; (1964b; 1978). DNA we more In this study, use sequence data from four plastid genes [rbcL, make atpB, atpA, rps4) to comparisons with the previous studies, to the phylogenetic investigate relationships of Diplaziopsis, Homalosorus, and Rhachidosorus other eupolypods and to ferns of specifically address to II, whether they belong within athyrioid ferns. AMERICAN VOLUME NUMBER FERN JOURNAL: 101 3 (2011) Materials and Methods — Taxon make Sampling. In order to comparisons with other studies (Sano et we and al, 2000; Schuettpelz Pryer, 2007), assembled three data matrices (Table of which included newly generated sequences and sequences all 2), A new obtained from GenBank. total of 98 sequences were generated for this study, the corresponding voucher specimens have been deposited in the Herbarium Yunnan of the University (PYU). Taxa, vouchers, and accession numbers are provided in Table The data matrix consisted of 59 rbcL 1. first sequences, of which 24 were newly generated. The second matrix comprised rhcL, atpB and atpA sequences of 59 taxa, which included 22 atpB and 20 atpA sequences newly generated in this study plus additional sequences from GenBank. The matrix comprised atpA and third rbcL, atpB, rps4 sequences of which 59 taxa, included the three sequences of 59 taxa from the second matrix and newly 32 rps4 generated in this study plus additional sequences from GenBank. Those taxa with incomplete sequences were included in the analyses of the combined data, and the unsequenced fragments were coded missing as data. In order to investigate the phylogenetic relationships of Diplaziopsis, Homalosorus, and Rhachidosorus other genera, our sampling to included 14 of 15 recognized genera in Woodsiaceae as treated by Smith et al. The two (2006). previously unincluded Asian genera in the study of and Schuettpelz Fryer Diplaziopsis and Rhachidosorus, (2007), are represent- ed by two or more species, with each species represented by one or more we specimens. examined In addition, species of Aspleniaceae, Blechnaceae, Onocleaceae, and Thelypteridaceae, which were included with the all Woodsiaceae in the eupolypods clade of Smith Following the II et al. (2006). previously published molecular systematic studies of leptosporangiate ferns and which (Schuettpelz Fryer, 2007), in well established eupolypods that is it we most eupolypods II is closely related to selected Drynaria rigidula, I, Dryopteris uniformis and Polypodium vulgare outgroups. as — DNA DNA extraction, gene amplification, and sequencing. Total genomic was CTAB from extracted 2 g of fresh or 1 g of silica gel dried leaves using the DNA procedure and The (Doyle Doyle, 1987). selected regions were amplified with standard polymerase chain reaction (FCR). The protocols used amplify to four genes were identical and followed Li et (2004). For information on al. amplification and sequencing primers, see Table 3. — Sequence The analysis. obtained sequences have been assigned GenBank numbers accession (Table Alignments of sequences were performed all 1). X (Thompson using Clustal et 1997) and subsequently edited manually in al., BioEdit There were no (Hall. 1999). insertions or deletions (indels) in the protein-coding sequence alignments. Indels were introduced into the align- ment which of rps4-trnS spacer region, in ambiguously aligned regions were excluded from all analyses. Fhylogenetic analyses were investigated by maximum maximum parsimony and (MF), likelihood (ML), Bayesian inference FAUF* FHYML methods (BI) in 4.0bl0 (Swofford, 2002), 3 (Guindon and 2. 4. MP Gascuel, 2003), and MrBayes 2 (Ronquist and Huelsenbeck, 2003). For 3. 1. CHUNXIANG ET PHYLOGENETICS OF AND AL. DIPLAZIOPSIS RACHIDOSORUS 145 : analysis, unweighted analyses were performed by heuristic searches with tree- bisection-reconnection (TBR) branch swapping, MulTrees the in effect, steepest descent off using 1000 random taxon-addition and one replicates, tree held at each step during stepwise addition. Bootstrap analyses (Felsenstein, 1985) were conducted examine to the relative level of support for individual clades on the cladograms of each search (MPBS), using 500 bootstrap and same replicates the search procedure tree as described above. ML For the and BI analyses, the model sequence best-fitting of evolution for each was data identified with the Akaike Information Criterion in Modeltest 3.07 (Posada and Crandall, The SYM+I+G model was 1998). selected for the rbcL data and the GTR+I+G model was combined set, selected for the data sets Once ML (Table the best sequence evolution model was determined, 2). the was analysis performed each for data the parameters such set, as base- composition, Gamma-shape, and were ratio of invariable sites also estimated ML ML during each analysis. Nodal robustness on the was estimated by tree the nonparametric bootstrap (500 replicates, MLBS). BI was conducted using MrBayes 3.1.2 with appropriate evolutionary models determined as described We above and two the default priors. ran concurrent analyses, each with four chains Markov Monte of the chain sampling one Carlo, every 100 tree X generations of 2 1,000,000 generations, starting with a random The tree. first 25% of the samples (5000 trees) were discarded as "burn-in". At this point, the standard deviation of split frequencies was <0.01, indicating convergence that to a stationary distribution had been achieved. The posterior probability (PP) was used estimate nodal to robustness. Results The alignment length and number the of included characters for the three data sets are presented in Table The aligned rbcL matrix contained 1308 2. ML which characters, of 417 were MP. and variable. BI analyses of rbcL matrix resulted in nearly identical topologies, with several minor differences the at genus level (results not shown). Strong support was lacking along the backbone of the rbcL tree. The 50% majority-rule consensus revealed tree that eupolypods II fall into nine hneages (Fig. athyrioids (Woodsiaceae 1): I), Blechnaceae + Onocleaceae, Woodsiaceae [Woodsia, Prowoodsia and II Cheilanthopsis), Thelypterdiaceae, Woodsiaceae [Cystopteris, Acystopteris III and Gymnocarpium], Woodsiaceae IV [Diplaziopsis and Homalosorus, in shadow V in Fig. Woodsiaceae {Rhachidosorus, shadow 1), in in Fig. 1), Aspleniaceae, and Woodsiaceae VI [Hemidictyum]. In the rbcL four tree, all Rhachidosorus specimens united two are in a single clade; species of Diplaziopsis form another monophyletic clade with Homalosorus; the three genera Woodsia, Prowoodsia and of Cheilanthopsis (Woodsiaceae are II) united and in a single clade; the three genera of Cystopteris, Acystopteris and Gymnocarpium (Woodsiaceae are united in another one. All four clades III) are isolated from other genera in the family. Hemidictyum in Woodsiaceae is sister = MPBS < to Aspleniaceae with low support (PP 0.90 and MLBS. 50%); the m m i|! I i i! I 11 ill ii! ilii i! ! i ii !i ! 1 ii ill iiii i i .1- ill ii 1 ilill !l 1! i i iiiil i ! ili liiiiiii !! !i i! iil ili ii li III ill! m illliiifllllii ii I! 51-11 ! CHUNXIANG ET PHYLOGENETICS OF DIPLAZIOPSIS AND RACHIDOSORUS AL.: Table 2. Statistics for the Three Data Sets Analyzed in This Study. SYM+I+G GTR+I+G GTR+I+G athyrioids clade resolved in rbcL but support is trees, for this relationship is = MPBS < very low (PP 0.53 and MLBS, 50%). The combined rbcL, atpB and atpA data matrix included 4092 characters, v\^ith 1045 characters that were variable. The results from the three combined showed sequences better resolved and supported and inter- intra-familial relationships than that of rbcL not shown), Woodsia- tree (results especially, ceae IV [Diplaziopsis and Homalosorus, shown shadow and in in Fig. 1) V Woodsiaceae shown shadow [Rhachidosorus, in in Fig. the focus of our 1), = MLBS=65%, MPBS = study, are united in a single clade (PP 1.00, 71%), so eupolypods the trees reveal that fall into eight lineages. II The combined four data matrix atpB, atpA and included 5227 [rbcL, rps4] ML characters, with 2127 characters were MP, and that variable. BI analyses from combined the four sequences resulted in nearly identical topologies, with most differences the support Because at statistical values. the resultant topologies for relationships of eupolypods from each of the datasets were not II with one in conflict another, the phylogenetic relationships presented here are based on analyses of the four combined data The 50% majority-rule set. ML consensus tree resulting from MP, and BI analyses of the four combined shown sequences data These set is in Fig. analyses yielded an almost robust 1. phylogeny with the exception of a few nodes. Together, Hemidictyum and Aspleniaceae are sister to the rest of eupolypods Hemidictyum sister to is II, DNA Table Primers Used Amplifying and Sequencing 3. for of This Study. ATGTCACCACAAACGGAGAC rbcLFl CCA TTC ATG CGY TGG AGA rbcLF631 G CTC TCC ARC GCA TGA ATG rbcLR631 G rbcLR1369 GGA CTC CAC TTA CWA GCT TC atpBFwood ATG AGT GCC AC A GAC GG CCA GGA AGA ATC ATT TG atpBRwood AtpARF200 GAA TCK GAT AAT GTT GGG CAG CCA CCT GTT TCA TAG AtpARll40 C ATG TCC CGT TAT CGA GGA Rps4F CC TAC CGA GGG TTC GAA TC trnSR CHUNXIANG ET AL.: PHYLOGENETICS OF DIPLAZIOPSIS AND RACHIDOSORUS 151 the asplenioid ferns; then the clade of Woodsiaceae IV and Woodsiaceae V [Rhachidosorus, Diplaziopsis and Homalosorus, shadow in in Fig. the 1); clade Woodsiaceae and of the large clade of athyrioids, Blechnaceae + III; Onocleaceae, Woodsiaceae and Thelypterdiaceae. II, Discussion Phylogenetic relationships eupolypods comparisons of with previous II, studies.— Generally, our phylogenetic results are compatible with previous on among studies the relationships fern genera in eupolypods The overall II. eupolypods shown relationships II in Fig. 1 are not in conflict with the results Sano Our of phylogenetic et al. (2000). analyses of multiple chloroplast genes confirmed those resuUs and showed and better resolved supported and inter- intra-familial relationships than that of the rbcL With more extensive tree. sampling Chinese of Woodsiaceae, a relationship between sister Diplaziopsis, Rhachidosorus and the North American Homalosorus was moderately supported by the four chloroplast gene and data, the three genera of Acystopteris, and Gymnocarpium Cystopteris, were monophy- resolved as a with letic lineage strong support. Both were statistical early diverging lineages We eupolypods and away in from mapped II, far athyrioid ferns. the three enigmatic genera [Diplaziopsis, Rhachidosorus, and Homalosorus] onto the Schuettpelz and Fryer (2007) global fern phylogenetic framework. However, there is a major point of difference between our study and theirs; their phylogeny found the clade of Cystopteris and Gymnocarpium the sister to rest we eupolypods of while found the asplenioid clade (including Hemi- II, dictyum] sister to the rest of eupolypods the most basal-most lineage of II, i.e., eupolypods II is the clade of asplenioid ferns. It is possible that the sampling of markers different or their combinations caused the topological difference. DNA Plastid is inherited as an intact unit, and differences between trees constructed from separate regions can be due and to functional constraints We evolution (Wendel and rates Doyle, 1998). can correct both by for factors combining directly these separate because combined regions, analyses confidently resolved the conflicts between the single gene analyses, enhanced phylogenetic and were resolution, supported by better morphological information (Gontcharov et 2004). al., Phylogenetic and relationships Homalosorus.— Diplaziopsis of Cladisiic analysis of four plastid gene [rbcL, atpA, atpB and rps4) sequences provided strong evidence that Diplaziopsis and Homalosorus form monophyletic a and lineage are clearly separated from Diplazium. The relationship agrees with the results of rhcL analyses (Sano and et 2000) a recent study based on al. rbcL+rps4 analyses (Wei et 2010). Diplaziopsis and Homalosorus were al., members formerly treated as of Diplazium (Christensen, 1938; Kato, 1977; Kato and Iwatsuki, 1983). with which they shared such features as linear sori, similar stipe base and frond axes (Kato, 1977). Diplaziopsis and Homalosorus differ from Diplazium by lamina simple to once-pinnate, veins anastomosing

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