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ecophysiology 271 Halymeniaceac effective quantum yield 603 Hapalidiacea Elachista endarachnae 329 haptonema . Elachistaceae 3 2? harmfu Elachistiella endarachnae comb. nov Hawaii Elachistiella gen. nov 329 He Elachistiella leptonematoides sp 2 Herpr endemism 427 Herposipl riab 563 endocytobiosis 614 Heterocapsa pseudotriquetra s energy dispersive X-ray analysis 35 Heterokontophyta 658 Enteromorpha 364 histochemistry <1) epiconal furrows 166 Hydrolithon pachydermum comb. no Epulo gen. nov. 288 hypnozvgote 53 Epulo multipedes sp 2 Hyp , 563 Eugomontia sacculata } eukaryotic microalgae Europe 225 explant culture 596 expressed sequence tag F-actin 693 Favites 768 field cultivation 596 filamentous callus 596 fish-kills 166, 552 Florenciella gen. nov 658 Florenciella parvula sp. nov. 658 freeze-fracture 543 Karenia asterichroma sp 171.427 Karenia concordia sp. no treshwater + Fucaceae 204 Karenia umbella sp 9< Fucales 204. 703 fucoxanthin 603 Galaxauraceae 445 gametophyte 121 Ganonema farinosunp 2906 Ganonema norrisiae comb. nov. 296 Ganonema papenfussii comb. nov 296 Ganonema pinnatum 296 Ganonema samaense 296 Ganonema yoshizakii sp. nov. 296 Gelidiales 596 Gelidiella acerosa 596 ry, genetics 27] marine TA, Gigartinales 68, 493 Martensia formosana sp Glenodinium sanguineum Vartensia lewisiae sp glutamylation 635 Martensieae Gomontia polyrhiza 41 Varvania coccoides Gomphonema 427 Mastophoroid Gomphonema aciforme sp. nov. 427 matins Gomphonema imprime sp. nov $27 ieaiineniiiain Gomphonema lindsayi sp. nov 427 Ma Gomphonema lowei sp. nov. 4429 7 Mediophyceae sta 245 Gomphonema manifestum sp. nov 427 Mediterranean Se; 5. 404 Gomphonema multiforme sp. nov 2 Melobesioideac 126. 501 Gomphonema perdurans sp. nov 427 Mesophyllum aleuticum sp. nov Gomphonema periintricatum sp. nov soph wm conchatun 6 Gomphonema pertusum sp. nov 427 -sophyllum crassiusculum comb. nov Gomphonema ravidum sp. nov 427 oialiadiiens tocarpideum 501 Gomphonema trulliforme sp. nov Gractlaria coronopitfolia 493 grain-size 744 Grenada 75 Griffithsia heteromorpha mi Griffithsia schousboei 563 Vv ‘ paar vg roup , I ii ntron molecula'r phyloge growth 03 222 590 growth chamber 603 bee Sea growth rates 271 morphology 2 Gymnodiniales 166, 552, 624 morphometric analysis 459 multiporate 288 Halimeda cuneata 50 multivariate analyses 311 Halochlorococcum moorei 41 Halymenia mirabilis sp. nov 7 mochlori 641 782 Phycologia, Vol. 43 (6), 2004 Nanochlorum 641 protoplasts 693 necrosis 768 Prymnesiophyceae 635 Nemaliales 296, 445 PS Il activity 521 neutral conchosporangia 176 Pyramimonas aurea sp. nov 682 new taxa 3, 13, 58, 68, 75, 79, 91, 1 2¢ », 166, 204, 245, 288, 296, Pyrodinium bahamense 653 329, 394, 427, 445, 455, 459, 501, 529, 552, 563, 579, 624, 641, Pyrrhophyta 416 58, 682, 711 New Zealand 552 rapid ecological assessment 68, 445 Nitella 91 rbcl 13. 91. 105. 364. 672. 682, 711 Nitella megaspora comb. nov. 91 red algae 288, 296, 346, 543 Nitella subgenus Tieffallenia 72 red water 7 nitrogen 483 rehydration Nitzschia beyeri sp. nov. 57 reproduction Nitzschia buschbeckii sp. nov reproductive isolation Nitzschia ligowskii sp. nov reproductive phases Nitzschia parvula 579 resource 722 Nitzschia schweikertii sp. nov Rhaphoneidac eae 58 Nitzschia sect Tryblionella Rhodomelaceae 79 Nostoc flag lliforme 521 hodophyta 3, 13, 68, 75, Nova Scotia 311 346, 383, 404, 445, 493, 5 nuclear capsule 66 Rosenvingiella 225 nuclear DNA 672 rRNA 245 nutrients 311 Rubisco 364 Rubisco spacer 383 Oedogoniales 669 Oedogonium pakistanense 669 Sarcophyton 768 ontogeny 3 Sargassum horneri 703 oospores 91, 672 Scinaia 445 overgrown germlings 346 Scinaia huismanii sp. nov 445 scleractinian coral 768 Pacific Ocean 416 seasonality 176, 311, 703 Pandorina morum 422 secondary structure 422, 529 672, 72 Parachlorella beijerinckii sp. nov 529 Sellaphora auldreekie sp. nov. 459 Parachlorella gen. nov. 529 Sellaphora blackfordensis sp. nov. 459 Parachlorella kessleri comb nov 52 9 Sellaphora capitata sp. nov. 459 parthenospore 727 Sellaphora lanceolata sp. nov 459 Pelvetia 204 Sellaphora obesa sp. nov. 459 perennation 42? Sellaphora pupula 459 Peridiniales 394 SEM 58, 91, 166, 245, 271 34] Phaeophyceae 204, 236, 329, 404, 6( )3, 693. 703 653. 737 phenology 176 Seto Inland Sea 703 phosphorus 483, 493 sex ratios 176 phosphorus deficiency 493 siderophore 632 photosynthesis 521 silicoflagellates 658 photosyntheti¢ rate 483 Silvetia compressa subsp. deliquescens subsp phycobilisomes 543 Sinularia 768 phylogenetic significance 669 Siphonocladales 189 phytoplankton 311, 416, 653 speciation 3K3 Picochlorum atomus comb nov 641 species concept Picochlorum eukaryotum comb nov 641 spherical nucleus Picochlorum gen nov 641 Spirotaenia 105 Picochlorum maculatus comb nov 641 SSU rDNA 58, 105, 658 Picochlorum oculata comb nov 641 SSU rRNA 41 Picochlorum oklahomensis sp. nov 641 Streptophyta 105 pigmented callus 596 subaerial algae 225 pigments 166 supramolecular structure 543 Plagiogrammaceae 58 survivorship 236 plant growth regulators 596 Symbiodinium 768 plant regeneration 596 Synarthrophyton chejuensis sp. nov Plocamiales 383 systematics 3, 13, 364, 459, 682 Plocamium 383 Podolampas bipes 614 Taiwan 13 polarity 693 Talaroneis furcigerum comb. nov 58 Polysiphonia funebris 79 Talaroneis gen. nov. 58 Polysiphonia tenerrima 79 Talaroneis posidoniae sp. nov 58 Porites 768 Tasmania 166, 271, Porphyra dioica 176. 756 taxonomy 91, 126, 341, 416, 459 Porphyra linearis 282 672, 711, 737 post translational modifications 635 TEM 50, 58, 245, 394, 529, 543, 614, 641, 658, 682, 7 Prasinophyceae 682 temperature 26, 282 Prasiola 95 temperature tolerance Prorocentrum foveolata 271 tetrasporophyte 121 Prorocentrum playfairii 271 Thorea ramosissima protein crystals 189 thylakoid membranes tissue damage 603 vegetative anatomy 215 toxic algae 653 Veleroa complanata sp. nov toxicity 271 Volvocaceac 42. Irebouxiophyceae 529, 641 trichogyne 176 waves 7 36 tubulin 635 Web databas western Ulotrichales 4] Windmil ultrastructure 50, 353, 614. 658, 682 Wolo ultraviolet radiation 603 Ulva 364 Xenia Ulva pertusa 483 Ulvaceae 364 young sporophy Ulvales 364 l lvophyceae 4] unicellular green alg urban ecology UV-B radiation BOOK REVIEWS Biologie et phylogénie des algues. BRUNO DE REviERS. (Reviewed by William J. Woelkerl SOCIETY NEWS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS lyge Christensen Prize 2003 Instructions for Authors Application form for membership Application form for membership List of reviewers 2003 Phycologia (2004) Volume 43 (6), 784—785 Published 30 December 2004 AUTHOR INDEX Abbott LA. 68, 296, 445 Fukuzawa H 79292 Liu G. 669 Adey W.H 126 Fumanti B 455 Liu Z.1 521 Afonso-Carrillo J 79 Furuya K 416 Loke R.I 459 Aguilar Rosas L.E 204 Aguilar-Rosas R. 204 Gabel J.I 3 Mann D.G 459 Alfinito S. 455 Galatis B. 693 Mari M. 215 Arai S 383, 672, Ganesan M 596 Matsuda Y 722 Asamizu F Gao K.S 521 Matsui M. 632 Athanasiadis A Garbary D.J 311, 483 McDonald S.M 459 Gomez I 416 McLachlan J.1 311 Badylak S 653 Gontcharov A.A 105 McMinn A Baez J.C. 404 Guillou | 641 Medlin I K Bailey J.C. 3 Guiry M.D. 225, 282 Melkonian M 105 Bak M 579 Milligan K.L.D. 236 Ballantine D.1I 75 Hallegraeff G.M. 166, 271, Minagawa J. 722 Bandeira-Pedrosa M.I 50 Han T. 483 Miura K. 722 Barreto Pereira S.M 50 Hanelt D 603 Moestrup © Basso D 215 Hansen G 394, 73 Motomura T Bayer M.M. 459 Hara Y. 91, 672 Murase N Beardall J 26 Hayden H.S. 364 Bellows W.K. 41 Hegewald E.H 529 Nagahama Y. 416 Bolch C.J.S 166. 624 Hendrayanti D. 727 Naito K. 632 Borghi B 737 Henley W.J 641 Nakamura Y Bouzon Z.1 50 Hepperle D. 529 Nakazawa A Bravo-Sierra | 341 Hernandez-Becerril D.l Nozaki H Brodie J 176 Hiroishi S 394 Brzezinska A Hironaka J.1 641 O'Kelly C.J Buchheim J.A. 641 Hirono M 722 Oliveira E.€ Buchheim M.A. 641 Holmes M.J 176 Hommersand M.H 13 Pearce | 271 ‘assano V 329 Hormazabal M 346 Pedroche FI 204 ‘hacana M.t 204 Hu Z. 669 Pereira R ‘hang FH. 552 Huisman J.M 288, 296 Philips E.J ‘hepurnov V.A. 459 Huss V.A.R. 529 Piva T.J ‘hoi D.S. 501 ‘hoi T.S 483 Ichimura T Qiu B.S “hung H 501 Imai l. 632 iobanu A 459 Iwamoto K 799 Rajakrishna Kumar G 596 ‘oleman A.W. 422 Iwataki M 394 Raum J 204 ‘oppejans f 189 Raven J.A. 26 ‘orradini EF 737 Jha B 596 Real R. 404 “orrea J 346 Reddy is R K 596 ‘unningham | 744 Kaczmarska I. 245 Reiss H.-D 543 Kamiya M 383 Rindi fF 225 de Salas M.I 166, 624 Katsaros C 693 Rodondi G. 215 De Stefano M 58 Kawai H 383 Rohr T 529 Delivopoulos S.G. 543 Kelley K. 653 Rojas Gonzalez B Denboh T. 727 Kennaway G.M Roleda M.Y. 603 DeWreede R.E 236 Kim J.H Romari K. 658 Dipakkore S. 596 Kim K.Y Ruiz H. 75 Droop S.J.M 459 Kociolek J.P. Ruppel M du Buf J.M.H. 459 Kooistra W.H.C.F Ryan K.G Kriibs G. 603 Eikrem W 658 Krienitz | 529 Sabbe K. 427 Elbrichter M. 614 Sakayama H Eswaran K. 596 Lange-Bertalot H. 579 Sammarco P.W Lanker M.D 12] Santelices B 346 Fawley K.P. 641 Latasa M 658 Sato H. 672 Fawley M.W. 641 Le Gall F 658 Sawaguchi T. 394 Flaim G. 737 Lebednik PA 126 Schneider C.W 563 Flores V 346 Lechtreck K.-I 635 Schweikert M. 614 Flores-Moya A Lee IL.K 501 Sherwood A.R 296 Forlani G. 58 Lee T.-M 493 Shimogawara K. 722 Fredericq S 13 Leliaert F Shin H.W. 483 Freshwater D.W Lewis J.M Silva PC. 204 Fujiwara S. 722 Lewis R.J Sousa-Pinto I 4 56 Fukuyo Y. 394, 416 Lin S.-M Spaulding S.A. 427 784 Stenge! D.B. 282 Townsend R.A Wiencke ( Sterrenburg FA.S. 58 Tsekos | 543 Witkowski A Strychar K.B. 768 Wolf M §29 Subba Rao P.V 596 Wynne MJ Varela-Alvarez f Suda S. 682 Vargas J.M 404 Wysor B Suzuki M Varvarigos V 693 Vaulot D 658 Yamada T Tabata S Vroom PS 68, 445 Takahashi Y Vyverman W ] Yoneshigue Terawaki 7 Yoshida G Thiruppathi S. 596 Waaland J.R Throndsen J 658 Wawrzyniak-Wydrowska B

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