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Advances in Photosynthesis and Respiration 47 Including Bioenergy and Related Processes Jian-Ren Shen Kimiyuki Satoh Suleyman I. Allakhverdiev   Editors Photosynthesis: Molecular Approaches to Solar Energy Conversion Photosynthesis: Molecular Approaches to Solar Energy Conversion Advances in Photosynthesis and Respiration Including Bioenergy and Related Processes VOLUME 47 Series Editors THOMAS D. SHARKEY Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Michigan State University,  East Lansing, MI, USA JULIAN J. EATON-RYE Department of Biochemistry, University of Otago,  Dunedin, New Zealand Founding Editor GOVINDJEE University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, USA The book series Advances in Photosynthesis and Respiration – Including Bioenergy and Related Pro- cesses provides a comprehensive and state-of-the-art account of research in photosynthesis, res- piration, bioenergy production and related processes. Virtually all life on our planet Earth ultimately depends on photosynthetic energy capture and conversion to energy-rich organic molecules. These are used for food, fuel, and fiber. Photosynthesis is the source of almost all Bioenergy on Earth. The fuel and energy uses of photosynthesized products and processes have become an important area of study and competition between food and fuel has led to resurgence in photosynthesis research. This series of books spans topics from physics to agronomy and medicine; from femtosecond processes through season-long production to evolutionary changes over the course of the history of the Earth; from the photophysics of light absorption, excitation energy transfer in the antenna to the reaction centers, where the highly-efficient primary conversion of light energy to charge separation occurs, through in- termediate electron transfer reactions, to the physiology of whole organisms and ecosystems; and from X-ray crystallography of proteins to the morphology of organelles and intact organisms. In addition to photosynthesis in natural systems, genetic engineering of photosynthesis and artificial photosynthesis is included in this series. The goal of the series is to offer beginning researchers, advanced undergradu- ate students, graduate students, and even research specialists, a comprehensive, up-to-date picture of the remarkable advances across the full scope of research on photosynthesis and related energy pro- cesses. This series is designed to improve understanding of photosynthesis and bioenergy processes at many levels both to improve basic understanding of these important processes and to enhance our ability to use photosynthesis for the improvement of the human condition. For more information, please contact the Series Editors Thomas D. Sharkey, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, U.S.A. E-mail: [email protected]; phone 1-517-353-3257 or Julian J. Eaton-Rye, Department of Biochemistry, University of Otago, New Zealand, E-mail: julian.eaton- [email protected]. A complete list of references listed per volume can be found following this link: http:// www.life.uiuc.edu/govindjee/Reference-Index.htm Founding Editor Govindjee, Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Plant Biology Advisory Editors Elizabeth Ainsworth (USA); Basanti Biswal (India); Robert E. Blankenship (USA); Ralph Bock (Germany); Wayne Frasch (USA); Johannes Messinger (Sweden); Masahiro Sugiura (Japan); Davide Zannoni (Italy); and Lixin Zhang (China) More information about this series at http://www.springer.com/series/5599 Photosynthesis: Molecular Approaches to Solar Energy Conversion Edited by Jian-Ren Shen Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Science, Okayama University, Okayama, Japan Kimiyuki Satoh Faculty of Science, Okayama University, Okayama, Japan and Suleyman I. Allakhverdiev Institute of Plant Physiology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia Editors Jian-Ren Shen Kimiyuki Satoh Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Science Faculty of Science Okayama University Okayama University Okayama, Japan Okayama, Japan Suleyman I. Allakhverdiev Institute of Plant Physiology Russian Academy of Sciences Moscow, Russia ISSN 1572-0233 ISSN 2215-0102 (electronic) Advances in Photosynthesis and Respiration ISBN 978-3-030-67406-9 ISBN 978-3-030-67407-6 (eBook) https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-67407-6 © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved by the Publisher, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. The publisher, the authors, and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authors or the editors give a warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to the material contained herein or for any errors or omissions that may have been made. The publisher remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. This Springer imprint is published by the registered company Springer Nature Switzerland AG The registered company address is: Gewerbestrasse 11, 6330 Cham, Switzerland From the Series Editors Advances in Photosynthesis and Respiration Including Bioenergy and Related Processes Volume 47: Photosynthesis: Molecular Approaches to Solar Energy Conversion Photosynthesis represents the central pro- chapters focus on photosystems in plants, cess in nature that has established the diver- algae, and cyanobacteria and their light-har- sity of life on Earth. Each year, photosynthesis vesting systems. The importance of this field is responsible for using solar energy to con- for the development of artificial photosyn- vert about 100 gigatons of carbon dioxide thesis and photosynthetic hydrogen produc- into the energy-rich carbohydrates that ulti- tion for clean energy technologies is also mately support almost all ecosystems. The emphasized in this book. key step for the conversion of solar energy into chemical energy takes place in molecu- lar machines known as photosystems. These Authors of Volume 47 are found in biological membranes in the chloroplasts of plants and algae and in simi- Reflecting the international impact of lar membranes in photosynthetic bacteria. Professor Klimov’s career and the interna- One of these photosystems, known as tional focus of the AIPH book series, this Photosystem II, uses light-energy to obtain volume has authors from 14 countries: electrons from water that are utilized in the Australia (6), China (2), Germany (2), reactions leading to fixing carbon into sugars Hungary (3), India (2), Iran (1), Israel (2), while at the same time being the source of Japan (17), Russia (10), Slovak Republic (2), the oxygen we breathe and the oxygen of the Spain (3), Ukraine (1), UK (1), and the USA protective ozone layer of our planet. (2). There are 54 authors (including the 3 In volume 47 of the Advances in editors) who are all recognized experts in Photosynthesis and Respiration (AIPH) their fields. Alphabetically (by last names), series, Jian-Ren Shen, Kimiyuki Satoh, and they are Parveen Akhtar, Seiji Akimoto, Suleyman Allakverdiev have brought Fusamichi Akita, Miguel Alfonso, Suleyman together an impressive team of experts pro- I.  Allakhverdiev, James Barber, Vinzenz viding a detailed appraisal of current knowl- Bayro-Kaiser, Marian Brestic, Min Chen, edge on the molecular systems that operate Thomas Friedrich, Vera Grechanik, Győző in biological solar energy conversion. Garab, Miguel A. Hernández-Prieto, Harvey Inspired by the outstanding career of the late J.M.  Hou, Kentaro Ifuku, Hiroshi Isobe, Professor Vyacheslav Vasilevich Klimov, Takahashi Kawakami, Andrey and as a tribute to his many contributions to A. Khorobrykh, Petar H. Lambrev, María our understanding of Photosystem II, the A.  Luján, Sai Kiran Madireddi, Mahir v vi From the Series Editors D.  Mamedov, David Mauzerall, Koichi [http://www.springer.com/gp/ Miyagawa, Ruyo Nagao, Yoshiki Nakajima, book/9783319935928] Nathan Nelson, Takumi Noguchi, Ron J. • Volume 43 (2018) Plant Respiration: Pace, Simon Petrie, Rafael Picorel, Xiao- Metabolic Fluxes and Carbon Balance, Chun Qin. Galina Riznichenko, Andrew edited by Guillaume Tcherkez from Australia Rubin, Kimiyuki Satoh, Franz-Josef Schmitt, and Jaleh Ghashghaie from France. Eighteen Alexey Yu. Semenov, Jian-Ren Shen, Rob chapters, 302 pp, Hardcover ISBN 978-3-319- Stranger, Rajagopal Subramanyam, 68701-8, eBook ISBN 978-3-319-68703-2 Michihiro Suga, Oksana Sytar, Richard [http://www.springer.com/us/ Terrett, Alexander N.  Tikhonov, Tatsuya book/9783319687018] Tomo, Peyman Mohammadzadeh • Volume 42 (2016) Canopy Photosynthesis: Toutounchi, Anatoly Tsygankov, Yoshifumi From Basics to Applications, edited by Ueno, Wen-Da Wang, Kizashi Yamaguchi, Kouki Hikosaka from Japan, Ülo Niinemets Shunsuke Yamanaka, Denis V.  Yanykin, from Estonia, and Neils P.R. Anten from the Makio Yokono, and Mareck Zivcak. We are Netherlands. Fifteen chapters, 423 pp, grateful for their efforts in making this Hardcover ISBN 978-94-017-7290-7, eBook important volume. ISBN 978-94-017-7291-4 [http://www. springer.com/book/9789401772907] • Volume 41 (2016) Cytochrome Complexes: Our Books Evolution, Structures, Energy Transduction, and Signaling, edited by We list below information on the volumes William A. Cramer and Tovio Kallas from the that have been published thus far (see USA. Thirty-five chapters, 734 pp, Hardcover http://www.springer.com/series/5599 for the ISBN 978-94-017-7479-6, eBook ISBN 978- series website). Electronic access to individ- 94-017-7481-9 [http://www.springer.com/ ual chapters depends on subscription (ask book/9789401774796] your librarian), but Springer provides free • Volume 40 (2014) Non-Photochemical downloadable front matter as well as indexes Quenching and Energy Dissipation in for all volumes. The available websites of the Plants, Algae and Cyanobacteria, edited by books in the series are listed below. Barbara Demmig-Adams, Győző Garab, William W. Adams III, and Govindjee from • Volume 45 (2020) Photosynthesis in Algae: USA and Hungary. Twenty-eight chapters, Biochemical and Physiological Mechanisms, 649 pp, Hardcover ISBN 978-94-017-9031-4, edited by Anthony W.D.  Larkum from eBook ISBN 978-94-017-9032-1 [http:// Australia, Arthur R.  Grossmann from www.springer.com/life+sciences/ the USA and John A.  Raven from the plant+sciences/book/978-94-017-9031-4] UK. Seventeen chapters, 514 pp, Hardcover • Volume 39 (2014) The Structural Basis of ISBN 978-3-030-33396-6, eBook ISBN 978- Biological Energy Generation, edited by 3-030-33397-3 [http://www.springer.com/gp/ Martin F. Hohmann-Marriott from Norway. book/9783030333966] Twenty-four chapters, 483 pp, Hardcover • Volume 44 (2018) The Leaf: A Platform for ISBN 978-94-017-8741-3, eBook ISBN 978- Performing Photosynthesis, edited by 94-017-8742-0 [http://www.springer.com/ William W. Adams III from the USA and life+sciences/book/978-94-017-8741-3] Ichiro Terashima from Japan. Fourteen chap- • Volume 38 (2014) Microbial BioEnergy: ters, 575 pp, Hardcover ISBN 978-3-319- Hydrogen Production, edited by Davide 93592-8, eBook ISBN 978-3-319-93594-2 Zannoni and Roberto De Phillipis, from Italy. From the Series Editors vii Eighteen chapters, 366 pp, Hardcover ISBN springer.com/life+sciences/ 978-94-017-8553-2, eBook ISBN 978- 94- book/978-94-007-1532-5] 017-8554-9 [http://www.springer.com/ • Volume 32 (2011): C4 Photosynthesis and life+sciences/plant+sciences/ Related CO2 Concentrating Mechanisms, book/978-94-017-8553-2] edited by Agepati S. Raghavendra and Rowan • Volume 37 (2014) Photosynthesis in Sage, from India and Canada. Nineteen chap- Bryophytes and Early Land Plants, edited ters, 425 pp, Hardcover ISBN 978-90-481- by David T. Hanson and Steven K. Rice, from 9406-3, Softcover ISBN 978-94-007-3381-7, USA.  Eighteen chapters, approx. 342 pp, eBook ISBN 978-90-481-9407-0 [http:// Hardcover ISBN 978-94-007-6987-8, eBook www.springer.com/life+sciences/ ISBN 978-94-007-6988-5 [http://www. plant+sciences/book/978-90-481-9406-3] springer.com/life+sciences/plant+sciences/ • Volume 31 (2010): The Chloroplast: Basics book/978-94-007-6987-8] and Applications, edited by Constantin • Volume 36 (2013) Plastid Development in Rebeiz, Christoph Benning, Hans J. Bohnert, Leaves during Growth and Senescence, Henry Daniell, J. Kenneth Hoober, Hartmut edited by Basanti Biswal, Karin Krupinska K.  Lichtenthaler, Archie R.  Portis, and and Udaya Biswal, from India and Germany. Baishnab C. Tripathy, from USA, Germany, Twenty-eight chapters, 837 pp, Hardcover and India. Twenty-five chapters, 451 pp, ISBN 978-94-007-5723-33, eBook ISBN Hardcover ISBN 978-90-481-8530-6, 978-94-007-5724-0 [http://www.springer. Softcover ISBN 978-94-007-3287-2, eBook com/life+sciences/plant+sciences/ ISBN 978-90-481-8531-3 [http://www. book/978-94-007-5723-3] springer.com/life+sciences/plant+sciences/ • Volume 35 (2012) Genomics of Chloroplasts book/978-90-481-8530-6] and Mitochondria, edited by Ralph Bock and • Volume 30 (2009): Lipids in Photosynthesis: Volker Knoop, from Germany. Nineteen chap- Essential and Regulatory Functions, edited ters, 475 pp, Hardcover ISBN 978-94-007- by Hajime Wada and Norio Murata, both from 2919-3 eBook ISBN 978-94-007-2920-9 Japan. Twenty chapters, 506 pp, Hardcover [http://www.springer.com/life+sciences/ ISBN 978-90-481-2862-4, Softcover ISBN plant+sciences/book/978-94-007-2919-3] 978-94-007-3073-1 eBook ISBN 978-90-481- • Volume 34 (2012) Photosynthesis - Plastid 2863-1 [http://www.springer.com/ Biology, Energy Conversion and Carbon life+sciences/plant+sciences/ Assimilation, edited by Julian J. Eaton-Rye, book/978-90-481-2862-4] Baishnab C. Tripathy, and Thomas D. Sharkey, • Volume 29 (2009): Photosynthesis in Silico: from New Zealand, India, and USA. Thirty- Understanding Complexity from Molecules, three chapters, 854 pp, Hardcover, ISBN 978- edited by Agu Laisk, Ladislav Nedbal, and 94-007-1578-3, eBook ISBN Govindjee, from Estonia, The Czech Republic, 978-94-007-1579-0 [http://www.springer. and USA. Twenty chapters, 525 pp, Hardcover com/life+sciences/plant+sciences/ ISBN 978-1-4020-9236-7, Softcover ISBN book/978-94-007-1578-3] 978-94-007-1533-2, eBook ISBN 978-1- • Volume 33 (2012): Functional Genomics 4020-9237-4 [http://www.springer.com/ and Evolution of Photosynthetic Systems, life+sciences/plant+sciences/ edited by Robert L.  Burnap and Willem book/978-1-4020-9236-7] F.J. Vermaas, from USA. Fifteen chapters, • Volume 28 (2009): The Purple Phototrophic 428 pp, Hardcover ISBN 978-94-007-1532-5, Bacteria, edited by C. Neil Hunter, Fevzi Softcover ISBN 978-94-007-3832-4, eBook Daldal, Marion C. Thurnauer and J. Thomas ISBN 978-94-007-1533-2 [http://www. Beatty, from UK, USA and Canada. viii From the Series Editors Forty-eight chapters, 1053 pp, Hardcover USA.  Twenty-seven chapters, 575 pp, ISBN 978-1-4020-8814-8, eBook ISBN 978- Softcover, ISBN: 978-1-4020-6570–6; 1-4020-8815-5 [http://www.springer.com/ Hardcover ISBN 978-1-4020-4060-3, life+sciences/plant+sciences/ Softcover ISBN 978-1-4020-6570-5, eBook book/978-1-4020-8814-8] ISBN 978-1-4020-4061-0 [http://www. • Volume 27 (2008): Sulfur Metabolism in springer.com/life+sciences/plant+sciences/ Phototrophic Organisms, edited by book/978-1-4020-4060-3] Christiane Dahl, Rüdiger Hell, David Knaff • Volume 22 (2005): Photosystem II: The and Thomas Leustek, from Germany and Light-Driven Water:Plastoquinone USA.  Twenty-four chapters, 551 pp, Oxidoreductase, edited by Thomas Hardcover ISBN 978-4020-6862-1, Softcover J.  Wydrzynski and Kimiyuki Satoh, from ISBN 978-90-481-7742-4, eBook ISBN 978- Australia and Japan. Thirty-four chapters, 786 1-4020-6863-8 [http://www.springer.com/ pp, Hardcover ISBN 978-1-4020-4249-2, life+sciences/plant+sciences/ eBook ISBN 978-1-4020-4254-6 [http:// book/978-1-4020-6862-1] www.springer.com/life+sciences/ • Volume 26 (2008): Biophysical Techniques plant+sciences/book/978-1-4020-4249-2] Photosynthesis, Volume II, edited by Thijs • Volume 21 (2006): Photoprotection, Aartsma and Jörg Matysik, both from The Photoinhibition, Gene Regulation, and Netherlands. Twenty-four chapters, 548 pp, Environment, edited by Barbara Demmig- Hardcover, ISBN 978-1-4020-8249-8, Adams, William W.  Adams III and Autar Softcover ISBN 978-90-481-7820-9, eBook K. Mattoo, from USA. Twenty-one chapters, ISBN 978-1-4020-8250-4 [http://www. 380 pp, Hardcover ISBN 978-14020-3564-7, springer.com/life+sciences/plant+sciences/ Softcover ISBN 978-1-4020-9281-7, eBook book/978-1-4020-8249-8] ISBN 978-1-4020-3579-1 [http://www. • Volume 25 (2006): Chlorophylls and springer.com/life+sciences/plant+sciences/ Bacteriochlorophylls: Biochemistry, book/978-1-4020-3564-7] Biophysics, Functions and Applications, • Volume 20 (2006): Discoveries in edited by Bernhard Grimm, Robert J. Porra, Photosynthesis, edited by Govindjee, Wolfhart Rüdiger, and Hugo Scheer, from J.  Thomas Beatty, Howard Gest and John Germany and Australia. Thirty-seven chap- F. Allen, from USA, Canada and UK. One ters, 603 pp, Hardcover, ISBN 978-1- hundred and eleven chapters, 1304 pp, 40204515-8, Softcover ISBN Hardcover ISBN 978-1-4020-3323-0, eBook 978-90-481-7140-8, eBook ISBN 978-1- ISBN 978-1-4020-3324-7 [http://www. 4020-4516-5 [http://www.springer.com/ springer.com/life+sciences/plant+sciences/ life+sciences/plant+sciences/ book/978-1-4020-3323-0] book/978-1-4020-4515-8] • Volume 19 (2004): Chlorophyll a • Volume 24 (2006): Photosystem I: The Fluorescence: A Signature of Light-Driven Plastocyanin:Ferredoxin Photosynthesis, edited by George Oxidoreductase, edited by John H. Golbeck, C. Papageorgiou and Govindjee, from Greece from USA. Forty chapters, 716 pp, Hardcover and USA.  Thirty-one chapters, 820 pp, ISBN 978-1-40204255-3, Softcover ISBN Hardcover, ISBN 978-1-4020-3217-2, 978-90-481-7088-3, eBook ISBN 978-1- Softcover ISBN 978-90-481-3882-1, eBook 4020-4256-0 [http://www.springer.com/ ISBN 978-1-4020-3218-9 [http://www. life+sciences/plant+sciences/ springer.com/life+sciences/ book/978-1-4020-4255-3] biochemistry+%26+biophysics/ • Volume 23 (2006): The Structure and book/978-1-4020-3217-2] Function of Plastids, edited by Robert • Volume 18 (2005): Plant Respiration: From R.  Wise and J.  Kenneth Hoober, from Cell to Ecosystem, edited by Hans Lambers From the Series Editors ix and Miquel Ribas-Carbo, from Australia and 544 pp, Hardcover ISBN 978-07923-6335-4, Spain. Thirteen chapters, 250 pp, Hardcover Softcover ISBN 978-90-481-5468-5, eBook ISBN978-14020-3588-3, Softcover ISBN ISBN 978-94-017-2087-8 [http://www. 978-90-481-6903-0, eBook ISBN 978-1- springer.com/life+sciences/plant+sciences/ 4020-3589-0 [http://www.springer.com/ book/978-0-7923-6335-4] life+sciences/plant+sciences/ • Volume 12 (2003): Photosynthetic Nitrogen book/978-1-4020-3588-3] Assimilation and Associated Carbon and • Volume 17 (2004): Plant Mitochondria: Respiratory Metabolism, edited by Christine From Genome to Function, edited by David H. Foyer and Graham Noctor, from UK and Day, A. Harvey Millar and James Whelan, France. Sixteen chapters, 304 pp, Hardcover from Australia. Fourteen chapters, 325 pp, ISBN 978-07923-6336-1, Softcover ISBN Hardcover, ISBN: 978-1-4020-2399-6, 978-90-481-5469-2, eBook ISBN 978-0-306- Softcover ISBN 978-90-481-6651-0, eBook 48138-3 [http://www.springer.com/ ISBN 978-1-4020-2400-9 [http://www. life+sciences/plant+sciences/ springer.com/life+sciences/cell+biology/ book/978-0-7923-6336-1] book/978-1-4020-2399-6] • Volume 11 (2001): Regulation of • Volume 16 (2004): Respiration in Archaea Photosynthesis, edited by Eva-Mari Aro and and Bacteria: Diversity of Prokaryotic Bertil Andersson, from Finland and Sweden. Respiratory Systems, edited by Davide Thirty-two chapters, 640 pp, Hardcover ISBN Zannoni, from Italy. Thirteen chapters, 310 978-0-7923-6332-3, Softcover ISBN 978-94- pp, Hardcover ISBN 978-14020-2002-5, 017-4146-0, eBook ISBN 978-0-306-48148-2 Softcover ISBN 978-90-481-6571-1, eBook [http://www.springer.com/life+sciences/ ISBN 978-1-4020-3163-2 [http://www. plant+sciences/book/978-0-7923-6332-3] springer.com/life+sciences/plant+sciences/ • Volume 10 (2001): Photosynthesis: book/978-1-4020-2002-5] Photobiochemistry and Photobiophysics, • Volume 15 (2004): Respiration in Archaea edited by Bacon Ke, from USA. Thirty-six and Bacteria: Diversity of Prokaryotic chapters, 792 pp, Hardcover ISBN 978-0- Electron Transport Carriers, edited by 7923-6334-7, Softcover ISBN 978-0-7923- Davide Zannoni, from Italy. Thirteen chap- 6791-8, eBook ISBN 978-0-306-48136-9 ters, 350 pp, Hardcover ISBN 978-1-4020- [http://www.springer.com/life+sciences/ 2001-8, Softcover ISBN 978-90-481-6570-4, plant+sciences/book/978-0-7923-6334-7] eBook ISBN 978-1-4020-3163-2 [http:// • Volume 9 (2000): Photosynthesis: www.springer.com/life+sciences/ Physiology and Metabolism, edited by biochemistry+%26+biophysics/ Richard C. Leegood, Thomas D. Sharkey and book/978-1-4020-2001-8] Susanne von Caemmerer, from UK, USA and • Volume 14 (2004): Photosynthesis in Algae, Australia. Twenty-four chapters, 644 pp, edited by Anthony W.D.  Larkum, Susan Hardcover ISBN 978-07923-6143-5, Douglas and John A. Raven, from Australia, Softcover ISBN 978-90-481-5386-2, eBook Canada and UK. Nineteen chapters, 500 pp, ISBN 978-0-306-48137-6 [http://www. Hardcover ISBN 978-0-7923-6333-0, springer.com/life+sciences/plant+sciences/ Softcover ISBN 978-94-010-3772-3, eBook book/978-0-7923-6143-5] ISBN 978-94-007-1038-2 [http://www. • Volume 8 (1999): The Photochemistry of springer.com/life+sciences/plant+sciences/ Carotenoids, edited by Harry A.  Frank, book/978-0-7923-6333-0] Andrew J. Young, George Britton and Richard • Volume 13 (2003): Light-Harvesting J. Cogdell, from USA and UK. Twenty chap- Antennas in Photosynthesis, edited by ters, 420 pp, Hardcover ISBN 978-0-7923- Beverley R. Green and William W. Parson, 5942-5, Softcover ISBN 978-90-481-5310-7, from Canada and USA. Seventeen chapters, eBook ISBN 978-0-306-48209-0 [http://

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