UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff SSoouutthh FFlloorriiddaa DDiiggiittaall CCoommmmoonnss @@ UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff SSoouutthh FFlloorriiddaa USF Tampa Graduate Theses and Dissertations USF Graduate Theses and Dissertations 5-27-2004 PPhhoottoossyynntthheessiiss aanndd RReessppiirraattiioonn iinn FFiivvee SSppeecciieess ooff BBeenntthhiicc FFoorraammiinniiffeerraa tthhaatt HHoosstt AAllggaall SSyymmbbiioonnttss Robert A. Walker University of South Florida Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.usf.edu/etd Part of the American Studies Commons SScchhoollaarr CCoommmmoonnss CCiittaattiioonn Walker, Robert A., "Photosynthesis and Respiration in Five Species of Benthic Foraminifera that Host Algal Symbionts" (2004). USF Tampa Graduate Theses and Dissertations. https://digitalcommons.usf.edu/etd/1287 This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by the USF Graduate Theses and Dissertations at Digital Commons @ University of South Florida. It has been accepted for inclusion in USF Tampa Graduate Theses and Dissertations by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ University of South Florida. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Photosynthesis and Respiration in Five Species of Benthic Foraminifera that Host Algal Symbionts by Robert A. Walker A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science College of Marine Science University of South Florida Major Professor: Pamela Hallock Muller Ph.D. Gabriel Vargo Ph.D. Joseph Torres Ph.D. Date of Approval: May 27, 2004 Keywords: Archaias, Cyclorbiculina, Amphistegina, metabolism, irradiance © Copyright 2004, Robert A. Walker Acknowledgements Aspects of this research were supported by grants from the National Science Foundation OCE-92-3278 and CHE-0221834, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Undersea Research Program Subcontracts No. 9120, 9204.4, 9221, 9322, 9515, 9609, 9703.66 and 9922, by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency-ORD-STAR- GAD-R825869; and by South Carolina Sea Grant Consortium Project No. R/MB-2. Table of Contents List of Tables iii List of Figures vi Abstract viii Introduction 1 Taxa Studied 2 Estimating Photosynthesis and Respiration 6 Thesis Objectives 9 Methods 11 Collection and Storage of Specimens 11 Photosynthesis and Respiration Trials 14 Chlorophyll Extraction 17 Data Analysis 17 Results 21 Archaias angulatus 21 Cyclorbiculina compressa 26 Amphistegina gibbosa 32 Amphistegina lessonii 37 Amphistegina radiata 40 Discussion 45 Photosynthesis in Symbiotic relationships 47 Photosynthetic Efficiency 52 Irradiance Measures 55 Photosynthesis and Irradiance Raw Data 59 Photoinhibition 62 Respiration 63 Symbiont Bearing Foraminifers as Primary Producers 65 Recommendations for Future Research 68 Conclusion 70 References 72 i Appendices 79 Appendix A 80 Appendix B 83 Appendix C 87 Appendix D 93 Appendix E 97 ii List of Tables Table 1. Dates, locations, and depths of collection of foraminifers used in this study. 12 Table 2. Physical parameters of Archaias angulatus 21 Table 3. Derived photosynthetic parameters normalized to Chl a for Archaias angulatus 24 Table 4. Derived photosynthetic parameters normalized to surface area for Archaias angulatus 24 Table 5. Physical parameters of Cyclorbiculina compressa 27 Table 6. Derived photosynthetic parameters normalized to Chl a for Cyclorbiculina compressa 30 Table 7. Derived photosynthetic parameters normalized to surface area for Cyclorbiculina compressa 30 Table 8. Physical parameters of Amphistegina gibbosa 33 Table 9. Derived photosynthetic parameters normalized to Chl a for Amphistegina gibbosa 34 Table 10. Derived photosynthetic parameters normalized to surface area for Amphistegina gibbosa 35 Table 11. Physical parameters of Amphistegina lessonii 37 Table 12. Derived photosynthetic parameters normalized to Chl a for Amphistegina lessonii 39 Table 13. Derived photosynthetic parameters normalized to surface area for Amphistegina lessonii 39 Table 14. Physical parameters of Amphistegina radiata 41 iii Table 15. Derived photosynthetic parameters normalized to Chl a for Amphistegina radiata 43 Table 16. Derived photosynthetic parameters normalized to surface area for Amphistegina radiata 43 Table 17. Annual primary production of A. angulatus, C. compressa and Amphistegina lessonii 67 Table A-1. Physical characteristics of Archaias angulatus 78 Table A-2. Chlorophyll a extraction Archaias angulatus 78 Table A-3. Oxygen Production at experimental light intensities Archaias angulatus (nmoles hr-1 ug Chl a-1 ) 79 Table A-4. Oxygen Production at experimental light intensities Archaias angulatus (nmoles hr-1 mm-2) 80 Table A-5. Metabolic scope and factorial metabolic scope for Archaias angulatus 81 Table A-6. Derived parameters from Photosynthesis/Irradiance curves for Archaias angulatus 81 Table B-1. Physical characteristics of Cyclorbiculina compressa 82 Table B-2. Chlorophyll a extraction Cyclorbiculina compressa 82 Table B-3. Oxygen Production at experimental light intensities Cyclorbiculina compressa (nmoles hr-1 ug Chl a-1 ) 83 Table B-4. Oxygen Production at experimental light intensities Cyclorbiculina compressa (nmoles hr-1 mm-2) 84 Table B-5. Metabolic scope and factorial metabolic scope for Cyclorbiculina compressa 85 Table B-6. Derived parameters from Photosynthesis/Irradiance curves for Cyclorbiculina compressa 85 Table C-1. Physical characteristics of Amphistegina gibbosa 86 Table C-2. Chlorophyll a extraction Amphistegina gibbosa 87 iv Table C-3. Oxygen Production at experimental light intensities Amphistegina gibbosa (nmoles hr-1 ug Chl a-1 ) 89 Table C-4. Oxygen Production at experimental light intensities Amphistegina gibbosa (nmoles hr-1 mm-2) 90 Table C-5. Metabolic scope and factorial metabolic scope for Amphistegina gibbosa 91 Table C-6. Derived parameters from Photosynthesis/Irradiance curves for Amphistegina gibbosa 91 Table D-1. Physical characteristics of Amphistegina lessonii 92 Table D-2. Chlorophyll a extraction Amphistegina lessonii 92 Table D-3. Oxygen Production at experimental light intensities Amphistegina lessonii (nmoles hr-1 ug Chl a-1 ) 94 Table D-4. Oxygen Production at experimental light intensities Amphistegina lessonii (nmoles hr-1 mm-2) 94 Table D-5. Metabolic scope and factorial metabolic scope for Amphistegina lessonii 95 Table D-6. Derived parameters from Photosynthesis/Irradiance curves for Amphistegina lessonii 95 Table E-1. Physical characteristics of Amphistegina radiata 96 Table E-2. Chlorophyll a extraction Amphistegina radiata 96 Table E-3. Oxygen Production at experimental light intensities Amphistegina radiata (nmoles hr-1 ug Chl a-1 ) 97 Table E-4. Oxygen Production at experimental light intensities Amphistegina radiata (nmoles hr-1 mm-2) 98 Table E-5. Metabolic scope and factorial metabolic scope for Amphistegina radiata 99 Table E-6. Derived parameters from Photosynthesis/Irradiance curves for Amphistegina radiata 99 v List of Figures Figure 1. Photographs of all species studied 3 Figure 2. Collection sites of Archaias angulatus (KML), Cyclorbiculina compressa (Conch Reef) and Amphistegina gibbosa (Tennessee Reef). 13 Figure 3. Location of Ambitle Island, Papua New Guinea 13 Figure 4. Sample photosynthesis/irradiance curve showing P , α, max and I parameters 18 k Figure 5. Correlation of mass (a) and surface area (b) to Chl a extracted from individual Archaias angulatus 22 Figure 6. Photosynthesis vs Irradiance normalized to Chl a (Archaias angulatus) 25 Figure 7. Photosynthesis vs Irradiance normalized to surface area (Archaias angulatus) 26 Figure 8. Correlation of Mass and Surface Area to Chl a extracted 27 Figure 9. Mean Oxygen production/consumption normalized to Chl a showing initial increase in oxygen consumption at lowest light intensity in Cyclorbiculina compressa. 28 Figure 10. Mean Oxygen production/consumption normalized to surface area showing initial increase in oxygen consumption at lowest light intensity in Cyclorbiculina compressa. 29 Figure 11. Photosynthesis vs irradiance normalized to Chl a for Cyclorbiculina compressa 31 Figure 12. Photosynthesis vs irradiance normalized to surface area for Cyclorbiculina compressa 32 vi Figure 13. Correlation of mass (a) and surface area (b) to Chl a extracted for Amphistegina gibbossa 33 Figure 14. Photosynthesis vs irradiance normalized to Chl a for the amphisteginid species 35 Figure 15. Photosynthesis vs irradiance normalized to surface area for the Amphisteginid species 36 Figure 16. Correlation of mass (a) and surface area (b) to Chl a extracted for A. lessonii 38 Figure 17. Correlation of mass (a) and surface area (b) to Chl a extracted for A. radiata 41 Figure 18. Photosynthesis vs irradiance normalized to Chl a for all species 48 Figure 19. Photosynthesis vs irradiance normalized to surface area for all species 49 Figure 20. Maximum photosynthesis (P ) normalized to Chl a 50 max Figure 21. Maximum photosynthesis (P ) normalized to surface area 51 max Figure 22. Chlorophyll a concentration for each species 51 Figure 23. Alpha values for all species normalized to Chl a 54 Figure 24. Alpha values for all species normalized to surface area 54 Figure 25. Irradiance values (I ) at maximum photosynthesis for all k species 56 Figure 26. Factorial scope (ratio of post-trial respiration rate to pre- trial respiration rate) for all species 64 vii