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Photoperiodic response of two newly established populations of the great mormon butterfly, Papilio memnon L. (Lepidoptera, Papilionidae), in Shizuoka and Kanagawa Prefectures, central Japan PDF

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Preview Photoperiodic response of two newly established populations of the great mormon butterfly, Papilio memnon L. (Lepidoptera, Papilionidae), in Shizuoka and Kanagawa Prefectures, central Japan

TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan scLwt 7}-ans.Iepid.Soc.Jltpan55 (4):301-306,September2004 Photoperiodi cresponse of two newly established population sof the great butterflIy),kepilio L.(LepidoptPearpai,lionidaei)n,Shizuoka mormon memnon Kanagawa Prefectures, Japan and central Masanobu YosHio' Minoru Ismi and Entomological Laboratory, Graduate School of Agriculture and Biological Scicnces, Osaka PrefectureUniversity,Sakai,Osaka,599-853lJapan Abstract The photoperiodic response was inyestigate din two ncwly cstablished populatio nosf Papiiio memnon in Shizueka and Kanagawa Prefectures ,central Japan. Critica lphotoperiod fsor inducin gpupal diapaus ewere about 13 hr and 13 hr 15 min in the Shizuoka (35'02 'aNnd) Kanagawa (35016' Np)opulation sr,espectively, and thesc wcre not difilere ntfrom those of temperate populations in western Japan .Results show that the distribut ioofn this species has been from into Japan in expanding western central without any remarkable changes such a physiological trait as the critical photoperio fdor inducing pupal diapause, Key words Pupal diapause, critical photoperio dd,istributio nc,limatic warming, Papilio memnon. Introduction The distributi oonf the great mormon butterfl yI,lapil iomemnon L. (Lepidoptera, Papilionidae )wh,ich is widely distribut eidn Southeast Asia, has been expanding into the northeastern area of western Japan (Fukuda et al., 1982; Shir6zu ,1985; Ybshio, 1994, 1995; Ybshio & Ishii ,1998; Kitahar aet al,, 2001). The northern limit ,which had lain in the westernmost part of Honshu and the southern part of Shikoku in the early 1940s, advanced to the eastern coast of Kii Peninsula by the early 1990s (Fig .1) .The recent expansion of distributi oins rapid so that this species was found in Saitama Prefectur ein 2000 (Makibayash 2i0,0e) and in downtown Tokyo in 2001 (Sait o2,001) after establishing new population son the Pacifi cCoast in Shizuoka and Kanagawa Prefecture sce,ntral Japan from the late1990ste 20eO(Morishi2t0a0,0;Kishi,2001;Suwa, 2003). It may be true that orange farms and citrus trees includin gCitrus spp,, I]bncirus trijbliata and thrtunetta .iaponica in gardens and parks have supported the expansion of the distributi oofn this species by the providin glarva ewith a food source (Ish i1i9,98; Ishi i& Ybshio, 2004), However, it is not possibl eto explain the recent northward invasion of this species only by the extension of availability of food plants ,because they have long been grown in western Japan. Ybshio and Ishii (1998 2,001) suggested that the recent climatic warming is a major facto rinfiuencin gthe rapid northward invasio nof this species, since there was no substantial change in physiologic atlraits such as the critical photoperio dfor inducing pupal diapause ,intensit yof diapause and cold tolerance of diapausin gpupae among three temperate populations in westem Japan. In this study, we carried out a simple experiment to investiga ttehe critical photoperiod for inducing pupal diapause (CP )in the Shizuoka and Kanagawa population sof thig species to confirm the above hypothesis. 'i:Pr¢scnt address: Diyisie nof Radiebiolog yand Environmenta lScience ,Research Institu tfcor Advanced Scienc eand Techllology, Osaka Prefecture University, Sakai, Osaka, 599-8570 Japan. NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic LMbirabrryary Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 302 Masanobu YosHio and Minoru IsHii i 1 di, Ps-l-・.v`' if/di Fig.1 .Changes in the northeastern boundary ef distribut ioofn Papiiio memnon in Japan ,Closed circles indieate Iocalitie swhere females of this species were collected for this study, The distribut iboonundary in 1940 was drawn from Shir6z u(1985 )t,hose in 1945, 1950 and 1981 from Fukuda et aL (1982 )1,995 from Yoshio (1995). Materials and methods Eggs of P. memnon were obtained from a single female collected in Shimizu City (35002N i)n Shizuoka Prefectur eT,bkai distric otn, 17 August 2001, and one in Miura City (3Se16'iNn)Kanagawa PrefectureK,antodistrict,29August2001, Newiy on respectively. hatched larva ewere reared on an artificial diet (YOshi o& Ishii ,1996) under various temperature and photoperiodic conditions, 12L-12D at 18±0.5"C, 12,5L-11.5D at 17±O.5 OC, 13L-llD at 18±050C, 135L-10.5D at 18±05DC and 14L-10D at 19±050C, Pupae were kept under the same conditions as the larva lstage until adult eclosion, and individuals whose pupal stage laste dmore than 30 days were regarded as diapausin gin this study. This definiti oins longer than that of Ybshio & Ishi i(1998 )by 5 days because temperature conditions were slightly lower in this experiment. Durations of 1arva land pupal periods were recorded, Results discussion and The mean larva lstages were about 40 days and were not remarkably variable between photoperiodj cconditions in either the Shizuoka or Kanagawa population s([[bb l1e). However, means under 12,5L-11.5D were slightly longer than those under other photoperiodsinbothpopulations(byTukey test,P<O.05,[Ilatb1l)e.Lower temperatures NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan Pupal Diapause of Newly Establishe dPopulation sof Pcrpil imeemnon 303 Table 1 , Mean larval and pupal stages (mean±S. D. days) of the Shizuoka and Kanagawa population osf P. memnon reared under various photoperiod ast 17-190C. Ph o t op e r io d Temperature Larva ]stage (rnea±nSD) P u pianl dsitavgied oufa nlosn-(dimapeaau±sniSnDg) (oC) Shizuoka Kanagawa Shizuoka Kanagawa 12L-12D 1817181819 42.22.3ab (24) ± 12,5L-11,SD 45.2 3,5a (21)43.3 3.8a (29) 26.7 O.6 (3) 26 (1) ± ± ± 13L-11D 42,43.9 b (25)42,12,3ab (31) 25,7],3(11) 25 (2) ± ± ± 13,5L-10.5D 40,42,8 b (21)41.13,5 b (30) 24.8e.9(19) 23.4 O.8(22) ± ± ± ± 14L-10D 40,4±3.5ab (8) 23.5±O.5 (8) Means followed by the same lette rin the same column in larva lstage are not significantly differe nbyt Tukey test (P > O.05) .Numbers in parenthese sshow sample size. might extend larva ldevelopment. The results show that larva ldevelopment is not affected by the photoperiod and not differe nbtetween the two populations. Both population sshowed a long-day response with the short day inducing pupal diapause. The mean pupal stages of non-diapausing pupae were about 25 days and net remarkably variable between photoperiod sand population s(Tabl e1) . The photoperiodi cresponse curve showed that the CPs were about 13 hr and 13 hr 15 min in the Shizuoka and Kanagawa populations ,respectively (Fi g.2). The CPs of both populatio nwsere not remarkably ditfere ntfrom those of other temperate population sin Kagoshima City (31036' NK)y,ushu clistrict ,and Wakayama (34011' Na)nd, Mino (34054' NC)ities ,Kinki 100 75 $gk'a- 50 * 25 8 o 12 12.5 13 13.5 14 Photoperiod(hr) Fig.2. Incidence of pupal diapuus ein the Shizuoka (e) and Kanagawa (O) populations of Papitio memnon reared under differe npthotoperiod sat 17-19'C .Sample sizes are given in the figure, NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 304 Masanobu YosH[e and Minoru IsHll distric(tYbshi&oIshii1,998). It is known that insect sinhabitin gtemperate regions show geographjca lvariation in CP (e. g. Danilevsky ,1965; Tletub eetr al., 1986; Danks, 1987), and it is roughly estimated that a differenc oef fiv edegrees in latitud ies reflected as about one hour in CP (Masak &i Yata, 1988) . Latitudin alvariations in CP between population sfrom the Kyushu and Kanto distric twesre reported in several insect ssuch as Pieris melete M6n6tries (Yat eat al., 1979; Hashimoto, 1993), Pieris rapae crucivora Boisduval (Yat aet al,, 1979; Hashimoto, 1996), and Locusta migratoria L. (Tanak a1,994). In contrast, Papili omemnon shows no remarkable difference in CP between population sfrom the Kyushu and Kanto distric tsT.he results show that the distributi oonf P. memnon has been expanding from the Kyushu distri citnto the Kanto distri cwtithout any remarkable change in CR which supports the hypothesis that the recent climatic warming may be influencing the northward invasion of this species (Ybsh i&o Ishii 1,998, 2001; Kitahara et aL, 2001). It is interesti ntghat CP of the Kanagawa populatio nof P. memnon was shorter than that of theTokyo (35041'N) Ripilio demetriusCramer (13hr47 population of protenor min, lchinose & Negishi ,1979) ,Considerin gthat the critical photoperiod for inducing winter diapause is generall yshorter at high temperatures (e .g. Danks, 1987), the difference between the twe species may be 1arge rthan 30 minutes at the same temperature. Hence it is possibl ethat P. memnon enters diapause much late rthan P, pivtenor in the southem Kanto distric t.The recent climatic warming might help R nzemnon to estab]ish new populations in the southern Kante distri cbty increasin gthe autumnal temperature to ensure pupation before the coming of winter cold. Acknowledgment We are gratefu 1to Prof, T. Yagi, Dr T. Hjrowatari and Mr N. Hirai of Osaka Prefecture University for their invaluable comments and assistance. Thanks are also due to Dr M, Takakuwa of the Kanagawa Prefectur aMluseum of Natural History and Mr H. [[bnikaw aof the LepidopteroJogic aSlociety of Japan for thejr he]pfu 1informatio nabout the cellection of samples. We also express our thanks to Mr K. Kishi of the Lepidopterologic aS]ociety of Japari for his helpfu 1comments. References Danilevsky, A. S. .1965. Photoperiodis mand seasonal Developnien tof insect s(Engli Esdhn). Olive r& Boyd, Edinburgh and London (Transla tfreodm Russian by J. Johnston assisted by N. Waloff), Danlcs H,. V., 1987. kzsect Derinancy: an ecological Perspeetive .Biological Survey ofCanada, Ottawa. Fukuda,H.,Hama, E.,Kuzuya,T.,Takahashi,A.,Takahashi,M.,Tanaka,B.,Tanaka, H,,Wakabayashi, M, & Y. Watanabe, 1982. Papilio memnon Linnaeus .71F iB.uettect7 iqefs Jcrpa n1: 114-117 ,pls 18-19, Hoikusha, Osaka. (I nJapanese). Hashimoto ,K,, 1993. Phutoperiod iicnductio nand termination of diapaus ein the fragran twhite, Pieris melete melete Menetries (Lepidepte Priaer,idae) .Jap. J. Ent, 61: 165-173 (i Jnapanese). , 1996. 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Ent.2節oJ.33:281−288. ,     P api,li2o0 0me1mn,onRel aLt.i(oLnespih diboppcttewrcae:nP caoplidl ihoanriddaie)neins  saJnadp annor.thw’a顔rd4.36 i:n3v2a9s−i3o3 5ni.n the grea1 mormon  buttern,y 摘 要 ・ ナガサキアゲハ の静岡お よび神奈川における新規個休群の 光周反応 (吉尾政信 石井 実) ナガサキ ア ゲハ Pαρ1伽 耀 }ππoη L.は,近年,日本国内にお い て分布を北方あるい は東方へ 拡大してい る.1940 年代の北限は本州お よび四国の一部で あっ たが,1990年代前半には紀伊半島に侵入 した.そ の後も太平洋沿い に分布を拡大し,1990年代後半から2000年にかけて静岡県や神奈川県で 定着が確 認されるようになっ た (岸,2001;諏訪編著,2003). 本種の寄主植物である柑橘類は西日本で は古 くか ら広 く栽培されてお り,近年における分布拡大は 相橘類の 栽培地域の 拡大では説明で きない .YoshiQ & Ishii(1998,2001)は,本種の西日本の 3個体群 . 問で は休眠性と耐寒性は 明瞭な差がない こ とを示 し,近年における本種の 分布拡大 には気候温暖化 が関与してい ると報告してい る.本研究で は,この仮説を確認するため に,侵人 ・定着直後の静岡県 “’ ° ’ (3502 N)と神奈川県 (35 16N)の本種個体群 につ い て その 光周反応を調べ た. , その結果,静岡 ・神奈川個体群ともに長日型の光周反応を示 し,短日で 蛹休眠が誘起 された、蛹休眠 を誘起する臨界 日長 (CP)は,静岡個体群で約 13時間,神奈川個体群で は約 13時間15分であ り,これ ° ’ ° ’ らはYoshio & Ishii(1998)が報告した鹿児島 (3. 136N),和歌山 (34 llN ),箕面 (34M54N )の 各個体群 と変わ りなか っ た.温帯で は,多くの 昆虫で 休眠性に地理的変異が存在する こ とが知 られ,冬休眠の 場合,生息地の 緯度が約 5度違えば,CP には約1時間の 差がみ られ る傾向が ある (1ピ木 ・矢田,1988). しか しなが ら,本種で は鹿児島と神奈川個体群問で もCP に差は認め られなかっ た.こ の結果はすな わち 本種の分布拡大が気候温暖化による とする上述の仮説を支持してい る. , 本種の神奈川個体群のCP は,東京産の クロ アゲハ の もの (23℃ で約 13時間47分, lchinos6& Negishi. 一 NNI工I工-EElleoetcrotniroonic  LLiibrbarryary  Service TThhee  LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegiroaollogical  SSoooiceityety  ooff  JJaapapnan 306 Masanobu Yos田o and  Minoru lsmi 1979)よ りも約 30分短か っ た.一般に冬休眠 を誘起する臨界日長は高温で は短 くなる こ とを考慮す れば,本種 は関東地方南部で はクロ ァゲバ よ りも秋遅 くに休眠に入る と考えられる.近年の 気候温暖 化によっ て秋の気温が上昇し,冬の 到来が遅 くなっ てい る ことも.本種の関東地方での定着に有利に はたらい てい るの かもしれない . (Accepted June l5 2004) , Published by the Lepidopterologi cSaolciet yof Japa皿, 5−20,Motoyokoyama 2,Hachioji,Tokyo ,192−0063Japan       一 NNI工I工-EElleoetcrotniroonic  LLiibrbarryary  Service

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