February 1, 2008 Photometric Evolution of Galaxies in Cosmological Scenarios Gertrud Contardo1,2, Matthias Steinmetz1,3, and Uta Fritze–von Alvensleben4 [email protected],[email protected],[email protected] 8 9 9 1 n a ABSTRACT J 8 The photometric evolution of galaxies in a hierarchically clustering universe is inves- 2 tigated. The study is based on high resolution numerical simulations which include the 1 effects of gas dynamics, shock heating, radiative cooling and a heuristic star formation v scheme. The outcome of the simulations is convolved with photometric models which 8 7 enables us to predict the appearance of galaxies in the broad band colors U, B, V, R, 2 I and K. We demonstrate the effect of the mutual interplay of the hierarchical build- 1 up of galaxies, photometric evolution, k-correction, and intervening absorption on the 0 8 appearance of forming disk galaxies at redshift one to three. We also discuss to what 9 extend the numerical resolution of current computer simulations is sufficient to make / h quantitative predictions on surface density profiles and color gradients. p - o r Subject headings: cosmology: theory – galaxies: formation, evolution – methods: nu- t s a merical : v i X r a 1Max-Planck-Institut fu¨r Astrophysik,Postfach 1523, 85740 Garching, Germany 2Present address: European Southern Observatory,Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 2, 85748 Garching, Germany 3Steward Observatory,Universityof Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA 4Universit¨atssternwarte G¨ottingen, Geismarlandstraße 11, 37083 G¨ottingen, Germany 1 1. Introduction heating and cooling, hydrodynamic shocks, ra- diative cooling and star formation (Katz 1992; Over the past few years, the advent of a new Navarro&White1993; Steinmetz&Mu¨ller1994, generation of large telescopes and the superb 1995; Evrard, Summers & Davis 1994, Tissera, imagingquality oftherefurbishedHubble-Space- Lambas & Abadi, 1997). However, the required Telescope have changed the way we can look at numerical resolution (≈ 1kpc) together with the the formation and evolution of galaxies. Galax- demandingnumerical algorithms and the limited ies are routinely identified at redshift z ≈ 1 and computationalpowerofthepresentgeneration of alsoobjectsatredshiftsz ≈ 3havebeenoptically supercomputers constrain current simulations to resolved (Steidel et al. 1996). Theoretical work small box sizes, i.e., each simulation only creates hasbeenguidedbythehierarchicalclusteringhy- very few galaxies. Thus hydrodynamical simula- pothesis. In this scenario, the Cold Dark Matter tions can deal with the details of the galaxy for- (CDM) model is probably the best known ex- mation process, but can make only limited pre- ample, structures form as halos of progressively dictions on statistical properties. larger mass merge, virialize and form new higher Numerical simulations have also helped iden- mass objects. Thus, the galaxy formation pro- tifying some of the major problems of the hi- cess can be modeled from ab-initio conditions erarchical clustering hypothesis: Since cooling and model predictions can be rigorously com- times scale inversely with density, the dissipa- pared to observational data. Two complemen- tive collapse of gas should have been more ef- tary techniques have been shown to beespecially ficient at high redshift because the dark matter powerful. halospresentatthattimeweredenser,aswasthe Inso-calledsemi-analyticalstudies(Kauffmann, universe as a whole. Thus gas cools and settles White&Guiderdoni1993; Coleetal.1994), phe- into rotationally supported disks already when nomenological recipes are used to model the ac- the first level of the hierarchy collapses. Conse- cumulation of gas at the center of dark matter quently, models predict an overabundance of low halos and its transformation into stars. The in- mass galaxies as well as disk galaxies which for volved free parameters are calibrated by match- a given circular velocity are too massive (White ing present day properties of galaxies, e.g., the & Rees 1978). A related problem is the size properties of the Milky Way or the Tully-Fisher of present day disk galaxies: Due to the fre- relation. Thesetechniques arecomparablycheap quent merging angular momentum is efficiently as far as computation is concerned and thus al- transported from thebaryons to thedark-matter low alarge coverage of theparameter space. The halo resulting in disk galaxies which are too con- major strength of the semi-analytical approach centrated compared to present day disk galax- liesinmodelingstatisticalpropertiesofthewhole ies (Navarro, Frenk & White 1995; Navarro & galaxy population as, e.g., the luminosity func- Steinmetz 1997). Feedback processes due to star tion of galaxies. Its disadvantage is that little formation, like stellar winds or supernovae, have can be said on details of the galaxy formation repeatedly been envisioned to solve this over- process or the exact structure and kinematics of cooling problem (e.g., Dekel & Silk 1986). How- galaxies. ever, a simulation which includes the effect of Numerical hydrodynamical simulations which star formation and which is consistent with ob- follow the formation of individual galaxies in de- servations has not been performed yet. tail fill in that gap. Indeed, advanced numeri- Inthispaperwemergetheapproachofnumer- cal simulations include all the relevant physical icalsimulationswithtraditionalmethodsofspec- processes: gravitation, gas dynamics, adiabatic trophotometric synthesis. This hybrid scheme 2 enablesustoperformanevenmorerealisticcom- massinputbysupernovaeandevolving starsinto parison between model predictions and actual the ISM. The supernova energy is added to the observations. The structure of the paper is the thermal energy of the surrounding gas. Input following: In section 2 details of the numerical in kinetic energy (Navarro & White 1993) is not simulations and the star formation scheme are directly implemented but is described by an effi- providedandthespectrophotometricmodelingis ciency parameter which is of the order of a few presented. In section 3 we apply these methods per cent, an assumption that is justified since we tomodeltheappearanceof highredshiftgalaxies preferably concentrate on the formation of lumi- as they form in CDM like universes. In section 4 nous galaxies like the Milky Way. we describe to what extend current simulations may even allow us to analyze the detailed struc- 2.2. Initial conditions ture of galaxies at high and low redshift. Section We use idealized initial conditions as pro- 5 summarizes the results and draws our conclu- posed by Katz (1991) and discussed in more sions. detail in SM2: We consider an isolated sphere on which small scale fluctuations according to a 2. Methods CDM power spectrum are superimposed. To in- corporate the effects of fluctuations with longer 2.1. Numerical simulations wavelengths, the density of the sphere has been The simulations were performed using Grape- enhanced and rigid rotation corresponding to a SPH (Steinmetz 1996), a hybrid scheme of a spin parameter of λ = 0.08 has been added. smoothedparticlehydrodynamics(SPH)approach The simulation is identical to that presented in with a direct summation N-body routine which SM1 and SM2 where a disk galaxy similar to the uses the hardware N-body integrator GRAPE. Milky Way forms. These idealized initial condi- The code is specially designed to follow a three tions are fairly realistic for the early formation component system of gas, stars, and dark matter epochs (z > 2) when the sphereitself has not yet and has high resolution in space and time due to collapsed. The late formation epoch, however, the useof individualsmoothinglengths and time is dominated by the collapse of the sphere and steps. It includes the effects of pressure gradi- hence proceeds more smoothly than under more ents, adiabatic heating and cooling, shocks and realistic conditions. Due to the smooth infall at radiative cooling. low redshifts the simulation does not suffer from In the simulations presented here, a star for- the angular momentum problem. Furthermore, mation scheme similar to the one in Steinmetz this model allows for very high numerical reso- & Mu¨ller (1994, 1995, henceforth SM1 and SM2; lution (spatial resolution 1kpc, mass resolution see also Katz 1992) is used: Star formation is 107M⊙) at comparably low computational cost. modeledbycreatingnewcollisionless “star parti- cles” in regions wherethegas is locally Jeans un- 2.3. Simulation outcome stable and where the cooling timescale is shorter At any redshift, the simulations provide the than the local dynamical time scale. The orbits spatial distribution of star particles. Each star of these newly formed star particles are subse- particlecorrespondstoapopulationofaboutone quently followed in a self-consistent fashion, as- million stars which have formed in a burst, i.e., suming that they are only affected by gravita- the wholegalaxy is asuperpositionof several ten tional forces. Young star particles devolve en- thousands of mini starbursts. Each of the star ergy and metal enriched mass to their surround- particlesisdescribedbyitsage(timepassedsince ing gas, an effect that mimics the energy and creation) and its metallicity. 3 an age between 3 and 4Gyr. The majority of these star particles has a metallicity of above so- lar (SM1). There is little offset between the age of the oldest stars (3.9Gyr) and the age of the universe at that redshift (4.6Gyr). This feature is common to any hierarchically clustering uni- verseinwhichthefirststarsforminsmallclumps whichcollapseathighredshifts. Theactualvalue here is only an upper limit since (i) the limited numerical resolution cannot follow star forma- tion in clumps with less then ≈ 106M⊙and (ii) the amount of substructure is underrepresented due to the idealized initial conditions. At larger radii (r > 2kpc), younger stars with an age of about 1Gyr and below are dominating which re- flects ongoing star formation in the gaseous disk. Duetothevacuumboundaryconditions,theevo- lution of the galaxy is fairly quiescent at red- Fig. 1.—Upperleft: distributionofstarparticles shifts below one. Gas in the disk is successively at redshift z = 3.5. The sidelength of the plots transformed into stars. Due to the still insuffi- corresponds to 100 pixels of the HST/WFPC2. cient numerical resolution, however, encounters Upper right: face-on view of the galaxy at red- between disk stars and dark matter particles act shift z = 1. Lower left: edge-on view of the as a kinematic heating term. While at z = 1 galaxy at redshiftz = 1. Lower right: age of star the velocity dispersion of disk stars is still small particles at z = 1 as a function of their distance (≈ 10km/sec), the stellar disk is successively to the galaxy center. heated up between z = 1 and z = 0 up to ve- locity dispersions near 100km/sec at z = 0. We therefore focus our analysis mainly on redshift The actual distribution of star particles is one, when the amount of artificial heating is still shown in figure 1. Details on the formation his- negligible. tory of themodelgalaxy, of its kinematical prop- erties as well as of its chemical evolution can be 2.4. Spectral synthesis found in SM1 and SM2. Here we concentrate on some features important for the discussion later As mentioned above, each star particle, which in this paper. At redshift 3.5, two protogalac- has a typical mass of a few million solar masses, tic clumps can be seen which are going to merge corresponds to a population of several million within the following ≈ 108 years. At lower red- stars which have been formed at the same time shifts, the stars originating in these two clumps t from a gas cloud with a metallicity of Z. A f canbefoundinthebulgeofthegalaxy. Atz = 1, star particle can thus be considered as a pop- themodelgalaxy already resembles aMilky Way ulation of stars which have formed in a burst- type galaxy with a bulge-to-disk ratio of 1:3 in like manner. The luminosity evolution of such a mass (SM2). In the lower right panel of figure burst is then followed by an evolutionary spec- 1, we plot the age of the star particles as a func- tral synthesis model (Fritze-von Alvensleben & tion of the distance to the galaxy center. The Gerhard 1995; Fritze-von Alvensleben & Burk- central 1-2kpc are dominated by old stars with ert 1995; Einsel et al. 1995): The evolution of 4 this instantaneously formed population of stars is followed in the Hertzsprung–Russell diagram (HRD) using results of stellar evolution theory. Setsofstellartracks(Maeder1990)forfivediffer- entmetallicities (Z = 10−4,10−3,4×10−4, 10−2, 4×10−2)andfor27stellar massesintherangeof 0.15M⊙ to 60M⊙ have been compiled by Einsel et al. (1995). A Miller-Scalo (1979) initial mass function (IMF) is assumed with upper and lower mass limits of 60M⊙ and 0.15M⊙, respectively. The spectrum of an individual star burst is syn- thesized from Kurucz’s (1992) library of stellar spectra, luminosities in various filter bands are obtainedbyconvolutionwithfilterresponsefunc- Fig. 2.— Luminosityevolution ofastellarpopu- tions (see also Leitherer et al. 1996, Fritze-von lationformedwithin2.5×107 yearswithmetallic- Alvensleben & Kurth 1996). ity Z = 1×10−4. The dotted line shows the evo- The discrete set of stellar masses for which lution as computed with the original code. The stellar evolution tracks are available together luminosity indicated by the dashed line is calcu- with the burst-like star formation history can lated with the averaged stellar evolution tracks cause some problems for the late time evolution and smoothed subsequently (solid line). The of the population. In the original implementa- numbersright of the peaks assign the mass m in i tion,allstarswithinamassinterval m ;m i−1/2 i+1/2 M⊙of the star that reaches the red giant branch have been assigned to the temperahture and lu- i at that time. minosity of the stellar track of a star of mass mi. For masses below 2M⊙, the lifetime on the red giant branch (a few 108yr) is, however, short the construction of isochrones. The luminosity evolution of an individual star is split into two comparedtothedifferenceinthelifetimeof stars onneighboringevolutionarytracks(109yr). This parts, main sequence and post main sequence. Ascanbeseeninfigure3,thepostmainsequence causes all stars within a given mass interval to evolution between neighboring masses is almost synchronously enter the red giant branch. Since identical, concerningthetimedependenceaswell the luminosity increases hundredfold, and since as the luminosity evolution. The main sequence every mass interval contains a substantial frac- evolution lMS(t,m)hasalsoaverysimilarshape, tionofthetotalmassofthepopulation(afewper but the evolution is faster for the higher masses cent),pronouncedspikesintheluminositycanbe and the star is also brighter. These two effects seen (figure 2, dotted line). Such a discreteness can, however, be compensated by the following dominatedbehaviorisunknownforextendedstar ansatz for the luminosity evolution of a star with formation histories (as e.g. in models of spiral mass m+∆m: galaxies), since these spikes are convolved (and thus smoothed) with the star formation history. m+∆m α ′ lMS(t,m+∆m) = lMS t,m . These discreteness effects in the luminosity m (cid:18) (cid:19) evolution of burst-like formed populations are (cid:0) (cid:1) (1) circumvented by methods which are based on In this ansatz, α is the exponent of the mass- isochrones (see, e.g., Bruzual & Charlot 1993). luminosity relation, typical values being α ≈ 3 We propose an alternative method that avoids formasseslessthanafewM⊙. Therescaledtime 5 t′ can be inferred by rescaling t with the ratio of up the luminosities according to the initial mass the life times on the main sequence τMS, i.e., function (IMF) the total luminosity of the stel- lar population is obtained as a function of time. t′ = tτMS(m+∆m) = t m+∆m β (2) The luminosity of populations which formed in a τMS(m) (cid:18) m (cid:19) singlestarburstnowevolves muchsmoother(see figure 2, dashed line). The remaining small wig- with β ≈ −2; stars with a higher mass reach a gles result from discontinuities in the evolution given evolutionary stage faster. For each mass m near the interface of two adjacent mass intervals. within the mass interval m ;m the lu- i−1/2 i+1/2 We remove these wiggles by averaging over time minosity evolution can thhus be calculateid. The intervals of 1.5×108 years, as indicated by the local value of the slope of the mass-luminosity solid line in figure 2. and mass-lifetime relation, α and β, can be TheluminosityevolutionintheU andK band drawn from neighboring masses m . In figure 3 i of a single star burst is shown for 5 different we demonstrate the success of our interpolation metallicitiesinfigure4. Dataforarbitrarymetal- scheme by comparing the evolution of a star of licities Z can then be obtained by interpolation mass M = 1.6M⊙ with the evolution as inferred in logZ. from a star with M = 1.4M⊙ and M = 1.8M⊙ using the interpolation scheme above. Differ- 2.5. k correction ences in the main sequence evolution are almost undetectable and also the post main sequence For apparent magnitudes and colors of galax- evolution differs only by a very small time shift ies at high redshifts the modifications due to the (less than 10 per cent of the lifetime on the post- redshift of the spectrum have to be taken into main-sequence). account. The cosmological redshift causes the spectral energy distribution F0(λ) of a galaxy in its rest- frame at redshift z to be detected in the ob- r servers restframe as F (λ) with: F0(λ/(1+zr)) F (λ,z ) = . (3) r (1+z ) r The apparent magnitude in some “X” filter band is thus LX0 mX = BDM(zr)−2.5log +MX⊙+k(zr). LX⊙! (4) with the luminosity LX0 in the galaxy’s rest frame, the bolometric distance modulus Fig. 3.— Comparison of the luminosity evolu- tion of three stars of mass M = 1.4M⊙, 1.6M⊙ BDM(zr) = 5log(DL(zr)/Mpc)+25, and 1.8M⊙, respectively. The dashed line has and the luminosity distance (Mattig 1958) beenobtained byinterpolating between theM = c 1.4M⊙ and1.8M⊙ trackasdescribedinthetext. DL(zr) = H0q02 {zrq0+(q0−1) By averaging these approximated stellar evo- lution tracks in each massinterval and byadding × −1+ (2q0zr +1) . (5) (cid:20) q (cid:21)(cid:27) 6 minosity in a given pass band filter can be con- verted into number of photons emitted per unit timepersolidangle. Thisnumberiscorrectedby intervening absorption due to neutral hydrogen using the models of Madau (1995). By specify- ing exposure time and pixel size, the number of photonsreceived by each pixelis calculated. The pixel map then is convolved with the numerical resolution of the simulation and the sky back- ground is added. Finally it is convolved with the point-spread function of the instrument. The re- sulting array contains the expectation value for each pixel to receive a photon. This number is then random-sampled. Together with the detec- tor characteristics (quantum efficiency, readout noise, dark current, gain) an artificial image can be created which subsequently can be analyzed in the same way as raw observational data. Fig. 4.— Luminosity evolution in the U and K band of a single age stellar population for the metallicities Z = 1×10−4,1×10−3,4×10−3,1× 10−2, and 4×10−2. The total mass of the pop- ulation is 1×107M⊙. Fig. 5.— Artificial HST images of a forming galaxy at z = 3.5. Images are 50 pixels across, The k correction is calculated from the spectral “exposure time” is 30000 sec. Top row: U-band; energy distribution F (λ) and the filter response bottom row: I-band. Left column: rest frame; function S (λ) (Lamla 1982) according to the middle column: including k-correction; right col- X following equation (Oke & Sandage 1968) umn: including k-correction and absorption due to intervening hydrogen. k = −2.5log(LXObs./LX0) (6) ∞ = 2.5log (1+zr) 0 F0(λ)SX(λ) dλ (.7) 3. Applications ∞ 0 F0(λR/(1+zr))SX(λ) dλ 3.1. Appearance of high redshift galaxies R 2.6. Creating artificial images In this paragraph we discuss the appearance Fromtheluminosityofthesetofstarparticles, of the simulated galaxies in an exposure as it artificial images can be easily generated. The lu- is typical for HST/WFPC2 observations. De- 7 Fig. 6.— Artificial HST images of a forming galaxy at z = 1. Images are 50 pixels across, “exposure time” is 30000 sec. Top row: U-band; bottom row: I-band. Left column: face on, rest frame; middle column: face on, including Fig. 7.— Evolution of the model galaxy in the k-correction; right column: edge-on, including k- U−B vs. V −R plane. Solid line: model galaxy, correction including k-correction and intervening absorp- tion; dashed line: model galaxy, k-corrected, tector characteristics and sky background have no absorption; dotted line: E galaxy; dashed- been taken from the WFPC2 handbook and a dotted: Sd galaxy (from M¨oller et al. 1997). generousexposuretimeof30000shasbeenspeci- fied. Fortheadoptedcosmologicalmodel(Ω = 1, vening neutral hydrogen suppresses the U-band H0 = 50kms−1Mpc−1) and redshift range (z = emission of the proto galaxy by further 3.5 mag 1 − 4), the formal numerical resolution of the (m = 29.2) and makes it invisible even in long U simulation surpasses the pixel resolution of the exposures. WFPC2 camera by about 50%. In the I-band, the k-correction has the oppo- In figure 5 and 6 we show a U and I-band site effect: in its restframe, the apparent magni- image of the simulated galaxy at redshifts z = tudeis m = 24.6 andalso thelessluminouspro- I 1 and z = 3.5. Each image has a side length genitor is barely visible. The luminosity of the of 100 pixels, corresponding to 70kpc (z = 3.5) galaxy is dominated by stars which have formed and82kpc(z = 1), respectively. Grayscales have within the last few 108yr and also massive stars been chosen logarithmically to cover the interval M > 8M⊙ are abundant. Thus, these lumps betweenasignal-to-noise of1to30(U band)and strongly emit in the near UV (≈ 4000˚A). The 100 (I band). cosmicredshifttranslatesthesefrequenciestothe In the restframe U-band image of the z=3.5 I-band resulting in a negative k-correction of 1.7 galaxy, only the most massive clump is visible. magnitudes (m = 22.9). The galaxy thus has I Ithasanapparentmagnitudeofm = 24.8. Ap- U a brightness compatible to the brightest galax- plying the k-correction makes the clump barely ies in the Steidel et al. (1996) sample. Since at visible (m = 25.7). At these redshifts, the U z = 3.5 the I-band corresponds to wavelengths U-band is centered at wavelengths shortward longwardof1217˚A,theluminosityisnotaffected of 912˚A in the galaxy’s restframe where stel- by intervening absorption. lar emission is depleted due to absorption in The restframe U-band image of the z = 1 the stellar atmosphere. Absorption due to inter- 8 galaxy consists of a luminous bulge of stars with a typical age of 3 − 4Gyrs (see figure 1, lower right panel) and some light from star forming re- gions in the disk. At redshift 1, however, the U-band corresponds to restframe wavelengths near 1800˚A where the emission of old stars is small. Thus the bulge component virtually dis- appears after applying the k-correction. Simi- lar to the z = 3.5 I-band, k-correction enhances the star forming regions in the disk. Young massive stars emit strongly at restframe wave- lengths near 2000˚Awhich areredshifted into the U-band. Similar effects can be seen in the I- band image: Since the I-band corresponds to a restframe wavelength of 4000˚A, also the light of the old bulge component is clearly visible, al- though slightly dimmed. For the disk popula- tion the k-correction favors shorter wavelengths at which the contribution of newly formed stars is larger. Consequently, the k-corrected I-band image looks more structured and the regions of active star formation are more pronounced. Fig. 8.— Left column: Surface density versus Infigure7theevolutionofthemodelgalaxyin radius. The solid line corresponds to the bolo- the U−B vs. B−R plane is shown and, for com- metric luminosity, the dashed, dotted, dashed- parison, the evolution of a Sa and Sd galaxy us- dotted and dashed-triple-dotted line correspond ing traditional spectrophotometric models (see, to the broadband colors U, V, I and K, respec- e.g., Bruzual & Charlot, 1993, Fritze-von Al- tively. Right column: color indices U−V(solid), vensleben, 1993) is plotted. B−V(dotted), V −I(dashed)andV −K(dashed- dotted) versus radius. From top to bottom: 3.2. Surface brightness, color gradients z = 1 including k-correction, z = 1 restframe and z = 0. In figure 8 we show surface brightness profiles and color gradients. The radial profile clearly shows an exponential behavior for r > 5kpc and dening within the inner 5 kpc, about 2 magni- a steepening (bulge) at smaller radii. The non- tudes in V −K and 1 magnitude in the other col- exponential bulge component is readily visible in ors. Except U−V, the drop is much weaker in the z = 0 plot since the surface brightness of the restframe. This reddening is consistent with the disk has dimmed by about one magnitude. thedimmingofthebulgecomponentofthez = 1 A comparison of the k-corrected (figure 8 top) galaxy duetok-correction asdescribedinsection galaxy at z = 1 with its restframe (figure 8 mid- 3.1. The bulge is dominated by old stars (see dle) exhibits a substantial (slight) enhancement figure 1, lower right panel) emitting only little of the K (I) luminosity (i.e., the k-correction near 1800˚A which corresponds to the U band at is negative), while the V and U luminosity is z ≈ 1. The k-correction enhances the K and I dimmed. luminosity while decreasing the U and V lumi- At z = 1 the galaxy exhibits very strong red- nosities and thus results in the strong reddening 9 as can be seen in figure 8. Only a slight color gradient is visible at radii r > 10kpc in the rest- frame as well as in the k-corrected profile. Also the effect of the k-correction is much more mod- erate, between 0 mag in B−V, 0.6 mag in U−V and 1.5mag in V −K. At these radii, stars are stillbeingformedresultinginamuchflatterspec- tral energy distribution and thus a much weaker k-correction. At z = 0, only very weak color gradients are visible. The bulge differs from the disk by about 0.1 mag, only in U−V a slightly stronger color gradient is visible. The change of color is cer- tainly much weaker than the observed one of about 0.2 mag in B−V and 0.5 mag in U−V as in galaxies like, e.g., Andromeda (Segalovitz 1975,Josey&Arimoto1982). Onereasonforthis discrepancy is the neglect of dust absorption. As Fig. 9.— k-corrected V −K (left) and U−V we willshow in thenext paragraph, however, the (right) as a function of radius for the model lack of significant color gradients may also be an galaxy at redshift z = 1 (top) and z = 0 (bot- artifact of our star formation scheme and of the tom). Stars correspond to the model galaxy, er- vacuum boundary conditions. ror bars are [10;90] percentile values based on a bootstrap analysis (for details, see text). The In figure 9 we investigate to what extend the dashed lines correspond to a model with con- color gradients at z = 1 and z = 0 reflect age stantmetallicity whilestellaragesaretakenfrom andmetallicity gradientsofthestellardisk. First the simulation. The dotted lines correspond to a we estimate the statistical error of the color in- model with constant stellar ages while metallici- dices. For that purpose we perform a bootstrap tiesaretakenfromthesimulation. Acomparison analysis, i.e., we draw 100 random samples from of the actual values with the dashed and dotted the distribution of stars and determine color as a lines thus demonstrates the effect of metallicity function of radius. We use the [10;90] percentile and age on the color gradient. values as the lower and upper error limits, i.e., only 10% of our bootstrapped samples have a color bluer than our lower error limit and only tains very few very young stars. The color thus 10% of our bootstrapped samples have a color strongly depends on how many of these young redwards of our upperlimit. As can beseen, col- star particles happen to be included in the boot- ors can be measured with a statistical error of strapped sample. about ±0.02 to 0.05 mag at z = 0. At z = 1, We also compare the radial color profiles with errors are at the level of about ±0.1 to ±0.2. those obtained assuming a constant metallicity These errors strongly depend on whether or not for the star particles. For the z = 1 model the stars are actively formed. While colors are fairly colornearthecenterisconsistentwithametallic- accurate for passively evolving populations, er- ity of Z ≈ Z⊙, while the color at 15kpc requires rors are much larger for regions including young a metallicity much below 0.5Z⊙. No constant stars. This can be easily seen in the z = 0 U−V metallicity model fits the entire color gradient. color at a radius of 12kpc. This radial bin con- The metallicity gradient inferred from the color 10