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Photographic Lighting PDF

214 Pages·2008·20.37 MB·English
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photographic lighting This page intentionally left blank essential skills photographic lighting fourth edition john child mark galer $067(5'$0‡%26721‡+(,'(/%(5*‡/21'21‡1(:<25.‡2;)25' 3$5,6‡6$1',(*2‡6$1)5$1&,6&2‡6,1*$325(‡6<'1(<‡72.<2 )RFDO3UHVVLVDQLPSULQWRI(OVHYLHU )RFDO3UHVV $QLPSULQWRI(OVHYLHU /LQDFUH+RXVH-RUGDQ+LOO2[IRUG2;'3 &RUSRUDWH'ULYH%XUOLQJWRQ0$ )LUVWSXEOLVKHG 5HSULQWHG 6HFRQG(GLWLRQ 5HSULQWHG 7KLUG(GLWLRQ )RXWK(GLWLRQ &RS\ULJKW¶-RKQ&KLOGDQG0DUN*DOHU$OOULJKWVUHVHUYHG 7KHULJKWRI-RKQ&KLOGDQG0DUN*DOHUWREHLGHQWL¿HGDVWKHDXWKRUVRIWKLVZRUN KDVEHHQDVVHUWHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKWKH&RS\ULJKW'HVLJQVDQG3DWHQWV$FW 1RSDUWRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQPD\EHUHSURGXFHGVWRUHGLQDUHWULHYDOV\VWHP RUWUDQVPLWWHGLQDQ\IRUPRUE\DQ\PHDQVHOHFWURQLFPHFKDQLFDOSKRWRFRS\LQJ UHFRUGLQJRURWKHUZLVHZLWKRXWWKHSULRUZULWWHQSHUPLVVLRQRIWKHSXEOLVKHU 3HUPLVVLRQVPD\EHVRXJKWGLUHFWO\IURP(OVHYLHU¶V6FLHQFH 7HFKQRORJ\5LJKWV 'HSDUWPHQWLQ2[IRUG8.SKRQHID[ HPDLOSHUPLVVLRQV#HOVHYLHUFRP$OWHUQDWLYHO\\RXFDQVXEPLW\RXUUHTXHVWRQOLQHE\ 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Essential Skills: Photographic Lighting Contents Introduction 1 Process and progress 2 Independent learning 3 Research and resources 4 Visual Diary 5 Record Book 6 Research, presentation and storage 7 Characteristics of Light 9 Introduction 10 Source 12 Intensity 14 Quality 16 Direction 18 Contrast 19 Color 21 Exposure and Light Meters 33 Introduction 34 Intensity and duration 36 Hand-held light meters 40 Taking a hand-held meter reading 41 TTL light meters 44 Interpreting the meter reading 46 Raw format exposure considerations 51 Contrast and Compensation 61 Contrast 62 Exposure compensation 67 Summary of exposure compensation 72 vi Exposure and Light Meters vii Contents Sensitivity and Image Capture 75 Introduction 76 Choosing a capture medium 78 Positive image capture 79 Image characteristics 80 Noise 81 Limitations of fi lm capture 83 Latitude 84 Pushing and pulling fi lm 85 Cross-processing effect 86 Image preview 87 Color Correction and Filtration 89 Introduction 90 Color accuracy on screen 91 Color profi les 92 Color accuracy in camera 93 Filters for lenses 98 Filter factors 104 vii viii Essential Skills: Photographic Lighting Contents Lighting on Location 109 Introduction 110 Fill 111 Refl ectors 112 Flash 113 Choice of fl ash 114 Guide numbers 116 Flash as the primary light source 118 Diffusion and bounce 119 Fill fl ash 120 Flash as a key light 121 Slow-sync fl ash 123 Double exposures 124 High dynamic range 125 The Zone System 129 Introduction 130 Zone placement 131 Contrast control 132 The zones 133 Operating the system 135 Calibration tests 138 Perfecting the system 140 A black and white digital workfl ow 141 viii Exposure and Light Meters ix Contents Studio Lighting 145 Introduction 146 Studio lighting 147 Health and safety 148 Light sources 149 Mixed light sources 152 Working with studio lights 153 Lighting ratios 157 On location 161 Creative Techniques 167 Introduction 168 Illusion of movement 171 Creative post-production 172 Changing the weather in post-production 174 Composite lighting 177 Asignments 183 Introduction 184 Glosary 187 Index 197 ix

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