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Photo-Induced Topological Phase Transition and a Single Dirac-Cone State in Silicene PDF

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Preview Photo-Induced Topological Phase Transition and a Single Dirac-Cone State in Silicene

Photo-Induced Topological Phase Transition and Single Dirac-Cone State in Silicene Motohiko Ezawa Department of Applied Physics, University of Tokyo, Hongo 7-3-1, 113-8656, Japan Silicene(amonolayer ofsiliconatoms) isaquantum spinHallinsulator(QSHI),whichundergoes atopo- logical phase transition to a band insulator under external electric field Ez. We investigate a photo-induced topologicalphasetransitionbyirradiatingcircularpolarizedlightatfixedEz. Thebandstructureandalsothe 2 topologicalpropertyaremodifiedbyphotondressing. ByincreasingtheintensityoflightatEz = 0,aphoto- 1 induced quantum Hall insulator (P-QHI)isrealized, where thequantum Hall effect occurswithout magnetic 0 field. Itsedgemodesareanisotropicchiral,inwhichthevelocitiesofupanddownspinsaredifferent. There 2 appearsaspinpolarizedmetalcharactrizedbytopologicalflatbandsatthecriticalpointbetweentheQSHIand P-QHI.AtEz > Ecr withacertaincriticalfieldEcr, aphoto-induced spin-polarizedquantum Hallinsulator l u emerge.Thisisanewstateofmatter,possessingoneChernnumberandonehalfspin-Chernnumbers.Theedge J modesupportsaperfectlyspin-polarizedcurrent,whicharedifferentfromthechiralorhelicaledgemodes.We newlydiscoveredasingleDirac-conestatealongaphaseboundary. Adistinctivehallmarkofthestateisthat 8 2 oneofthetwoDiracvalleysisclosedwithalineardispersionandtheotheropenwithaparabolicdispersion. ] l Introduction: Topological insulator (TI) is a distinctive inducedquantum Hall insulator (P-QHI). Here, PS-QHI is a l a state of matter indexed by topological numbers, and char- newstate ofmatterindexedbyoneChernandonehalfspin- h acterized by an insulating gap in the bulk and topologically Chern numbers, where the edge state supports a perfectly - s protectedgaplessedges1,2. Thetopologicalclassificationhas spin-polarizedcurrenttransportingbothchargesandspins. e beenappliedtostaticsystems3,butrecentlyextendedtotime- The phase diagram in the (E , 2/Ω) plane shows a rich m periodic systems4–9. A powerful method to drive quantum structure. There are QSHI, BI,zPA-QHI and PS-QHI, as we . systems periodicallyis to apply electromagneticradiation to have stated. There appear spin polarized metal (SPM) and t a them. It can change material properties. It has been argued spinvalley-polarizedmetal16 (SVPM) onthecrossingpoints m that TIs are obtained from a semimetal5 and from a band ofthetwophaseboundaries.Theyhavedifferentspinconfig- - insulator8 (BI) in this way. Topologicalbandstructuresmay urations.Aparticularlyintriguingstateappearsalongaphase d well be engineeredby application of coherent laser beam in boundary,whichhasonlyoneclosedgapwithalineardisper- n grapheneandsemiconductors. sion.WecallitthesingleDirac-cone(SDC)state. Itisutterly o c anewstateasfarasweareawareof.Theelectricfieldbreaks In this paper we propose a new type of topologicalphase [ inversionsymmetry,whilethelightbreakstime-reversalsym- transitioninsilicene,aphoto-inducedtransitionfromaTIto metry.Whentheyarebothbroken,thegapcanbedifferentat 1 anotherTIbychangingitstopologicalclass. Siliceneconsists KandK’points. v ofa honeycomblatticeofsilicon atomswithbuckledsublat- 4 Tightbindingmodel: Thesilicenesystemisdescribedby tices made of A sites and B sites. The states near the Fermi 9 thefour-bandsecond-nearest-neighbortightbindingmodel16, energyareπorbitalsresidingneartheKandK’pointsatop- 6 posite cornersof thehexagonalBrillouinzone. Silicene, be- 6 07. ipnhgysrieccse1n3–t1ly8.sTynhteheloswiz-eedn1e0–r1g2y, disyngaifmteidcswiinththeenKormanodusKly’rviaclh- H =−t X c†iαcjα+i3λ√SO3 X νijc†iασαzβcjβ leysisdescribedbytheDiractheoryasingraphene.However, i,j α i,j αβ 2 h i hh ii :1 (DSiOra)cgealepctorfon1s.5a5remmeVassinivesidliuceentoe.arIetliastivreemlyalrakragbelesptihna-otrtbhiet +iλR1(Ez) X c†iα(σ×dˆij)zαβcjβ v i,j αβ masscanbecontrolled15byapplyingtheelectricfieldE per- h i i z 2 X pendiculartothesilicenesheet. −i3λR2 X µic†iα(σ×dˆij)zαβcjβ r Silicene is a particular type of TI, that is a quantum spin i,j αβ a hh ii Hall insulator14 (QSHI). It undergoes a topological phase +ℓXµiEzc†iαciα, (1) transition15fromaQSHItoaBIas E increasesandcrosses z iα | | the critical field E . In this paper, we investigate photo- cr induced topological phase transition at fixed Ez. The off- where c†iα creates an electron with spin polarization α at resonance coherentlaser beam rearrangesthe band structure site i, and i,j / i,j runover all the nearest/next-nearest h i hh ii byphotondressing:Berrycurvaturesinthemomentumspace, neighbor hopping sites. We explain each term. (i) The first originatingfromtheSOcoupling,aremodifiedinthephoton- term represents the usual nearest-neighborhopping with the dressed bands so that the occupied electronic states change transfer energy t = 1.6eV. (ii) The second term19 repre- topologicalproperties4. Weshowthat,byapplyingstrongcir- sents the effective SO coupling with λ = 3.9meV, where SO cularpolorizedlightwithfrequencyΩ,siliceneistransformed σ = (σ ,σ ,σ ) isthe Paulimatrixofspin, withν = +1 x y z ij from a QSHI or a BI into a photo-induced spin-polarized if the next-nearest-neighboringhoppingis anticlockwiseand quantumHallinsulator(PS-QHI)andeventuallyintoaphoto- ν = 1ifitisclockwisewithrespecttothepositivez axis. ij − 2 (iii)Thethirdterm16 representsthefirstRashbaSOcoupling associated with the nearest neighbor hopping, which is in- duced by external electric field. It satisfies λ (0) = 0 and R1 becomes of the order of 10µeV at the critical electric field E = λ /ℓ = 17meVÅ 1. (iv)Theforthterm20 represents c SO − the second Rashba SO coupling with λ = 0.7meV asso- R2 ciated with the next-nearest neighbor hopping term, where µ = 1 for the A (B) site, and dˆ = d / d with the i ij ij ij vector±dij connectingtwositesiandjinthesa|mes|ublattice. FIG.1: (Coloronline)Theband structureofasiliceneintheSDC (v)Thefifthterm16 isthestaggeredsublatticepotentialterm. state. ThegapisopenattheKpointwithaparabolicdispersionbut Duetothebuckledstructurethetwosublatticeplanesaresep- closedattheK’pointwithalineardispersion. aratedbyadistance,whichwedenoteby2ℓwithℓ = 0.23Å. Itgeneratesastaggeredsublatticepotential∝ 2ℓE between z where is typically less than 1 for intensity of lasers and siliconatomsatAsitesandBsitesinelectricfieldEz. pulsesaAvailableinthefrequencyregimeofourinterests. The Low-energyDiractheory:Weanalyzethephysicsofelec- gauge potential satisfies the time-periodicity, A(t + T) = tronsneartheFermienergy,whichisdescribedbyDiracelec- A(t), with T = 2π/Ω. The electromagnetic potential is trons near the K and K’ points. We also call them the Kη introduced into the Ha|m|iltonian (2) by way of the minimal points with η = . The effective Dirac Hamiltonian in the momentumspace±reads16 substitution,thatis,replacingthemomentum~kiwiththeco- variantmomentumP ~k +eA . i i i ≡ H =~v (ηk τ +k τ )+λ σ ητ ℓE τ A question arises whether a topological classification is η F x x y y SO z z z z − possibleinnon-equilibriumsituation,thatis,whentheHamil- +aητ λ (k σ k σ ) z R2 y x− x y tonian has an explicit time dependence. The answer is yes, +λR1(Ez)(ητxσy τyσx)/2, (2) providedthepotentialistime-periodic. Aconvenientmethod − istousetheFloquettheory5–9. Thetopologicalclassification whereσ andτ arethePaulimatricesofthespinandthesub- a a ispossiblewiththeaidofthestaticeffectiveHamiltonianap- latticepseudospin,respectively.Thefirsttermarisesfromthe propriatelyconstructed. nearest-neighborhopping,wherev = √3at=5.5 105m/s F 2 × We summarize the result of the floquet theory. When is the Fermi velocity with the lattice constant a = 3.86Å. the light frequency is off-resonant for any electron transi- There is no recognizable effect from the term λR1(Ez) as tions, light does not directly excite electrons and instead ef- far as we have numerically checked. Although we include fectively modifies the electron band structures through vir- all terms in numerical calculations, in order to simplify the tual photonabsorptionprocesses. Such an off-resonantcon- formulas and to make the physical picture clear, we set dition is satisfied for the frequency ~Ω t in our model λR1(Ez)=0inallanalyticformulas. with π bands. The influence of suc|h |of≫f-resonant light is There are four bands in the energy spectrum of Hη. The summarized7 in the static effective Hamiltonian defined by band gap is located at the K and K’ points, and given by ∆H =(i~/T)logU,whereU = exp[ i/~ T H(t)dt] 2∆(E ),where16 eff T − R0 z isthetimeevolutionoperatorwith thetime-orderingoper- | | T ator. Inthelimitof 1,∆H isparticularlysimplenear ∆(Ez)=−sztzλSO+ℓEz, (3) the Dirac points: ∆AH≪eff = (~Ωef)f−1[H 1,H+1] + O(cid:0) 4(cid:1), wThitehythareesgpoinodszq=uan±tu1manndutmhebesursbalatttthiceeKpsaenuddoKs’pipnotiznt=s. T±h1e. wis,heHre 1H±=1 Ti1sRt0hTeHFo(Tur)ieer±cito|Ωm|dpto.neTnhte−ofmHodaimfiiclatotinoinano,Aftthhaet spin s is an almost good quantum number even away from Hami±ltonian due to the time-periodic perturbation is under- z the K and K’ pointsbecauseλ is a smallquantity. On the stoodasthe sumoftwosecond-orderprocesses, whereelec- R2 other hand, the pseudospin t is strongly broken away from tronsabsorbandthenemitaphoton,andviceversa. z theKandK’pointsforE =0. Byexplicitlycalculatingthecommutation,wehavetheef- z As E increases,thega6pdecreaseslinearly,andclosesat fectiveHamiltonian,Hη =H +∆H ,with | z| eff η eff thecriticalpoint E = E withE = λ /ℓ = 17meV/Å, | z| cr cr SO 2 and then increases linearly. Silicene is a semimetal due to ∆H = A [(~v )2ητ (aλ )2σ gapless modes at E = E , while it is an insulator for eff −~Ω F z − R2 z z cr |Ez|6=Ecr. | | −aλR2~vF(ητxσy −τyσx)]. (5) Photo-inducedtopologicalinsulator:Weconsiderabeam The modification of the band structure is remarkable, which ofcircularlypolarizedlightirradiatedontothesilicenesheet. wedemonstratebasedonanalyticformulasbyneglectingthe Thecorrespondingelectromagneticpotentialisgivenby second Rashba terms (∝ λ ) since λ is a small constant. R2 R2 A(t)=(AsinΩt,AcosΩt), (4) Thegapisgivenby2|mD|withtheDiracmass m = s t λ +ℓE η~v2 2Ω 1. (6) whereΩisthefrequencyoflightwithΩ>0fortherightcir- D − z z SO z− FA − culationandΩ<0fortheleftcirculation.Thelightintensity HencewecancontroltheDiracmassbyapplyingelectricfield is characterized by the dimensionless number = eAa/~, E and/orcoherentlaser beam∝ 2/Ω. Note thatthe band z A A 3 FIG.2: (Coloronline) Phasediagraminthe(Ez,A2/Ω)plane. A circle shows a point where the energy spectrum is calculated and showninFig.3. Heavylinesrepresentphaseboundariesindexedby Kη and sz =↑↓. There appear a SDC state along the line, which ischaracterizedbyasinglegaplessDiracconeattheK pointwith η spinsz.Thetopologicalcharges(C,Cs)arealsoindicated. gapsat the K andK’ pointsare differentin general. We can makeoneDiracconegaplessandtheotherDiracconegapped. ThisistheSDCstate. Therealizationofdifferentbandgaps FIG.3: (Color online) The photon-dressed band structure of a sil- icenenanoribbonatmarkedpointsinthephasediagram(Fig.2).The atthetwovalleysisanentirelynewphenomenon. verticalaxisistheenergyinuitoft,andthehorizontalaxisisthemo- We are able to write down the tight-binding Hamiltonian mentum.WecanclearlyseetheDiracconesrepresentingtheenergy yielding ∆H as the low-energy theory near the K and K’ eff spectrumofthebulk.LinesconnectingthetwoDiracconesareedge points.TheleadingtermisgivenbytheHaldanemodel24, modes.Thespinszispracticallyagoodquantumnumber,whichwe haveassignedtotheDiraccones. ∆Heff =iη~vF2A2/(3√3Ω) X νijc†iαcjβ+O(λR2). (7) i,j αβ hh ii boundariesare given by m = 0 with (6). The topological InFig.1wehaveillustratedthebandstructureoftheSDCstate D numbersare (C,C ) = (0,0) in the BI, (0,1) in the QSHI, calculatedbasedonthetight-bindingHamiltonian. s ( 2,0) in the P-QHI, and ( 1,1) in the PS-QHI for E > Spin-Chern number: The topological quantum numbers − − 2 0 and Ω > 0 in Fig.2. In all these states the band gap is aisreatghoeoCdhqeurnanntuummbneurmCbearn,dthteheZZ2indinedxexis. idIefntthiceaslptionthsze open,wheretheFermilevelispresent,andtheyareinsulators. 2 WehavederivedtheseresultswithouttheRashbainteractions. spin-Chernnumber modulo2. Theyaredefinedwhenthe stateisisthgeapspuemdm,Cati=oCnCso+f+thCe−BaenrrdyCcsur=vat12u(rCe+in−thCe−)m,owmheenre- ThTeyhereHmaallincotrnudeuwcthiveintythiesygiavreenswfoirtcehaecdhosnpiandciaobmaptiocnalelny.tby tCTu±hmeyspaarceewoevlelrdaellfioncecdupevieednsitfattehseosfpeilnecitsronnostwaitghosozd=qu±an1-. uchsianrgget-hHeaTllKaNndNsfpoinrm-Hualall23c,oσnxsdzyuc=tivei2ti/e(s2aπr~e)σPxyη==±σCx↑ysηz+. Tσhx↓ye tumnumber21,22. Inthepresentmodelthespinisnotagood andσs =σ σ . TheyareequaltotheChernandspin- xy x↑y − x↓y quantum number because of spin mixing due to the Rashba Chernnumbersuptothenormalizatione2/2π~. couplingsλR1andλR2. Aconvenientwayistocalculatethem Photo-inducededgemodes:Wehavediscoveredaclassof inthesystemwithouttheRashbacouplingsandthenadiabat- newphasesbyapplyingcircularpolorizedlighttosilicenein icallyswitchingonthesecouplings21,22. thepresenceofelectricfieldE , assummarizedinthephase z WhenwesetλR1 =λR2 =0,theHamiltonian(2)becomes diagram(Fig.2). TheTIischaracterizedalsobygaplessedge blockdiagonal. Foreachspinsz = 1andvalleyη = ,it modes. We have calculated the band structure of a silicene describesa two-bandsystem in the f±orm,H = τ d, w±here nanoribbonwithzigzagedges,whichwegiveinFig.3fortyp- dx = η~vFkx, dy = ~vFky, dz = mD. The sum·mation of ical points in the phase diagram (Fig.2). Let us summarize theBerrycurvatureisreducedtothePontryaginindexinthe typicalfeaturesoftheP-QHI,PS-QHI,SDCandSPMstates, two-bandsystem2. Weexplicitlyhave17 whichhaveneverbeendiscussedinliterature. TheP-QHIexhibitsquantumHalleffectswithoutmagnet- 1 η = sgn(m ) (8) ics field. They have anisotropic chiral edge modes. It is re- Csz 2 D markable that the velocities of up and down spins in chiral for the K valley. The Chern and spin-Chern numbers are edge states are different, as found by the different slopes of η givenby = ( η+ η)and = 1( η η), the edge modes in Fig.4. This is not the case in graphene5. which arCe shoPwnη=i±n tCh+e phCa−se diagCrsam (PFiηg=.2±).2TCh+e−pCh−ase Similarly,thevelocitiesofupanddownspinsinhelicaledge 4 states are different in QSHI. The difference increases as the intensityoflightincreases. The edge mode of the PS-QHI is peculiar such that, e.g., only down spins propagate. Namely, a perfectly spin- polarized edge mode is realized. Note that helical or chiral edge modes consist of two modes per edge, while the per- fectly spin-polarized edge mode contain only one mode per edge,asinFig.4. Similaredgemodesarerealizedinquantum Hall effectsunderstrong magneticfield, where spin are per- fectly polarized in each Landau level. However, the present edgemodeis realizedwithoutmagneticfield. We also point outthattopologicalstateswithbothnonzeroChernandspin- Chernnumbershaveneverbeenknown. The SPM appears at the critical point between the QSHI andtheP-QHI.Itisinterestingtocomparethestate withthe SVPMstateappearingatthecriticalpointbetweentheQSHI andtheBI.DuetotheidenticalspinconfigurationattheKand K’points, thereemergespin polarizedtopologicalflatbands intheSPMstate(Fig.4). Finally, a particularly intriguing state is the SDC state emerging along the phase boundary, where, e.g., the gap is open at the K point but closed at the K’ point. The spin is uppolarizedatKpointanddownpolarizedatK’point. 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